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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de método para determinação de nitrosaminas em águas de interesse à saúde pública / Method development for the determination of nitrosamines in water of interest to public health

Heliara Dalva Lopes do Nascimento 05 December 2003 (has links)
Entre os compostos orgânicos tóxicos possíveis de serem encontrados em águas de consumo humano, estão as nitrosaminas, substâncias nitrogenadas originárias da reação de aminas com compostos nitrosantes e de dificil detecção pelos métodos convencIOnaIs. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma metodologia de rotina alternativa para a determinação de nitrosaminas em águas e a aplicação deste procedimento em algumas amostras de interesse à Saúde Pública. Um minucioso estudo e otimização dos parâmetros envolvidos na detecção e separação cromatográfica empregando o detector de quimiluminescência induzida por ozônio ou Thermo Energy Analyser (TEA), permitiram melhorar em 10 vezes a sensibilidade deste equipamento, permitindo assim a análise de traços de nitrosaminas, com o auxílio de uma pré-concentração da amostra e sem a necessidade do dessorvedor térmico. Comparativamente a outros detectores, o uso do GCffEA elimina as várias etapas necessárias para a descontaminação de material, requisitadas no uso do NPD e apresenta sensibilidade compatível com as técnicas de espectrometria de massas empregadas (High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy (HRMS) e Positive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectroscopy (PCI MS)), com a vantagem de uma operação mais simples e de menor custo. Para o alcance do objetivo, a utilização do planejamento de experimentos foi uma ferramenta fundamental. Por intermédio dela, os parâmetros críticos, como o fluxo de gases, temperatura de pirólise, etc. das principais etapas envolvidas no processo analítico, puderam ser estudados e otimizados. A metodologia proposta para a análise de traços de nitrosaminas em águas empregando GC/TEA mostrou boa especificidade, linearidade e precisão adequada com coeficientes de variação, na análise cromatográfica, na faixa entre 6 a 12% para as nitrosaminas voláteis analisadas. Considerando o propósito das análises, os limites de detecção alcançados foram adequados, como por exemplo, 0,2 ngL-l para a N-nitrosopiperidina e 2,0 ngL-I para a N-nitrosopropilamina levando em conta a recuperação obtida na etapa de pré-concentração. O método foi aplicado em amostras de água tratada, água bruta de reservatório e de rio, água de poço artesiano e extratos orgânicos provenientes de amostras de águas bruta e tratada. Algumas nitrosaminas voláteis de interesse toxicológico foram detectadas, como por exemplo, a N-nitrosodimetilamina (NUMA), que foi encontrada, dependendo da amostra, em concentrações menores que 0,3 ngL-1, limite de detecção, até 5,0 ngL-1. / Among the poisonous organic compounds liable to be found in waters of human consumption, are the nitrosamines, nitrogenous substances originated from amine reaction with nitrousing compounds, and of difficult detection by the conventional methods. The scope of this study was to develop an altemative routine methodology for the nitrosamine determination in waters and the application of this procedure in some samples of interest to the Public Health. A meticulous study and optimization of the parameters involved in the detection and chromatographic separation using a chemiluminescense detector induced by ozone or Thermo Energy Analyser (TEA), allowed a 10 times improvement in the sensibility of this equipment, allowing trace analysis of nitrosamines, with the aid of a pre-concentration of the sample and without the need of the thermal desorber. Comparing to other detectors, the use of GC/TEA eliminates several necessary stages for material decontamination, required in the use of NPD and it comparable presents sensibility with such Mass Spectrometric techniques as High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy (HRMS) and Positive Chemical Ionization Mass Spectroscopy (PCI MS), with the advantage of simpler operation at lower cost. To achieve the objective, the use of statistical of experimental design was a fundamental tool. By means of it, the criticall parameters, such as the gas flow rate, pyrolysis temperature, among others involved in the analytical process, could be studied and optimized. The methodology proposed for the analysis of nitrosamine traces in waters using GC/TEA showed good specificity, linearity and appropriate precision with a coefficient variation, in the chromatographic analysis, in the range between 6 and 12% for the analyzed volatile nitrosamines. Considering the purpose of the analyses, the detection limits reached were appropriate, as for instance, 0,2 ngL-1 for N-nitrosopyperidine and 2,0 ngL-1 for N-nitrosopropylamine taking into account the recovery obtained in the pre-concentration stage. The method was applied to samples of treated water, raw water of reservoirs and rivers, water of artesian wells and organic extracts coming from samples of treated and raw waters. Some volatile nitrosamines of toxicological interest were detected, as for instance, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), that was found, depending on the sample, in concentrations below the 0,3 ngL-1 (detection limit) till up to 5,0 ngL-1.

A técnica de Blue rayon in situ associada ao teste Salmonella/microssoma como estratégia para o monitoramento de águas estuarinas quanto à presença de compostos policíclicos genotóxicos / The Blue rayon technique in situ associated with the Salmonella / microsome test as a strategy for monitoring estuarine waters for the presence of genotoxic polycyclic compounds

Fábio Kummrow 07 March 2006 (has links)
O estuário de Santos abriga o maior porto da América Latina e um dos maiores complexos industriais do Brasil. Na década de 1970 foi considerado um dos maiores exemplos de degradação ambiental em ambientes costeiros, e apesar da melhora na qualidade ambiental observada nos últimos anos algumas áreas deste estuário apresentam sedimentos ainda altamente contaminados com compostos tóxicos e genotóxicos, especialmente os Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPA). Operações de dragagem para manutenção das atividades portuárias são necessárias e consequentemente durante este processo pode ocorrer a ressuspensão de contaminantes presentes nesses sedimentos, tornando-os disponíveis novamente na coluna d\'água. Desta forma é interessante ter uma estratégia eficiente e aplicável no monitoramento da qualidade dessas águas. O Blue rayon (BR) é um adsorvente seletivo para compostos policíclicos com três ou mais anéis fundidos em sua molécula e tem sido utilizado com sucesso no monitoramento de HPA e atividade mutagênica em ambientes aquáticos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo padronizar o uso da técnica de Blue rayon in situ ancorado, onde as fibras são fixas a uma distância padronizada dos sedimentos, associada ao teste de Salmonella/microssoma em microssuspensão a ser aplicada no monitoramento das águas desse estuário. Foram selecionados três pontos de amostragem com diferentes características e sedimentos com variados níveis de contaminação. As duas campanhas iniciais foram realizadas com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência do BR e de escolher a linhagem de Salmonella mais sensível aos compostos mutagênicos possivelmente presentes nos extratos obtidos bem como verificar a presença de HPA. As cinco campanhas posteriores foram realizadas para verificar o comportamento e a eficiência da estratégia previamente definida no monitoramento das águas desse estuário utilizando experimentos de dose resposta. Os resultados obtidos nas duas primeiras campanhas mostraram que as águas do ponto 1, que contém os sedimentos mais contaminados e recebe os efluentes da COSIPA, apresentam maior contaminação por HPA e atividade genotóxica mais elevada que o ponto 2. Também foi possível determinar que a linhagem de Salmonella YG1041 foi a mais sensível para detectar atividade mutagênica tanto no ponto 1 quanto no ponto 2. Nas cinco campanhas subsequentes as maiores potências mutagênicas foram também observadas no ponto 1 com valores máximos de 5.100 e 36.000 revertentes/g de BR para a linhagem YG1041 na ausência e na presença de ativação metabólica (S9) respectivamente. Nos pontos 2 e 3 as potências observadas foram similares entre si, com valores em torno de 1.000 revertentes/g de BR. Com base nos resultados obtidos nas duas etapas deste trabalho pode-se concluir que a o Blue rayon utilizado in situ a uma distância padronizada dos sedimento associado ao teste de Salmonella/microssoma em microssuspensão com a linhagem YG1041 na presença e na ausência de ativação metabólica (S9) é uma ferramenta que pode ser aplicada no monitoramento da qualidade do estuário de Santos. / Santos estuary is the major Latin American harbor and one of the largest industrial complex of Brazil. In the 1970s, it was considered one of the major examples of coastal degradation. Due to enforcement actions the quality of the environment has improved in the last years in relation to the chemical parameters and toxicity but unfortunately the sediment is still contaminated with toxic and genotoxic compounds especially Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). For the maintenance of the port activities sediment dredging is needed and during this process contaminants resuspension can occur, leading to the contamination of the water column. Therefore it is interesting to have an efficient strategy that can be used for the water quality monitoring of this area. The Blue rayon is a selective adsorbent to polycyclic compounds containing three or more fused rings and has been successfully used in the monitoring of PAHs and mutagenic activity in aquatic environments. The objective of this work was to evaluate a modified blue rayon hanging technique, denominated in this work \"Blue rayon anchored technique\", where the fibers are placed at a fixed distance from the sediment, associated with the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension assay in order to monitor the water quality of Santos estuary. Three sites with different sources and sediment contamination levels were selected in this study. Two initial samplings were performed in order to evaluate the efficiency of the BR modified technique and find the most sensitive strain of Salmonella typhimurium to the mutagens possibly present in the those waters as well as verify the presence of PAHs. Five subsequent samplings were performed to verify the performance and efficiency of the defined strategy in the estuary water quality monitoring using dose response experiments. In the two initial samplings, the water from the site containing the most contaminated sediment and under influence of COSIPA (site 1) presented higher mutagenic activity and higher levels of PAHs. It was also possible to verify the highest sensitivity of the YG1041 strain in the detection of the mutagenic activity in both sites analyzed. In the subsequent five samplings, higher mutagenic potencies were again observed for site 1, reaching 5,100 and 36,000 revertants per gram of BR for the YG1 041 strain in the absence and presence of S9 respectively. Sites 2 and: presented similar potencies, around 1000 revertants per gram of BR. Based on the obtained results we can conclude that the Blue rayon anchored technique associated with the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension assay with the YG1041 strain in the presence and absence of S9 is an suitable tool to monito Santos estuarine waters.

Influência do lançamento do efluente da estação de tratamento de esgoto doméstico no igarapé Grande em Boa Vista/RR

José Lopes Satelles 15 February 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O corpo hídrico, objeto deste estudo, o igarapé Grande, localiza-se no Município de Boa Vista, Estado de Roraima, na região Norte do Brasil. O igarapé Grande possui como afluente à sua margem direita, o igarapé da Paca, tendo sua foz no rio Branco. O presente estudo visa avaliar, através da determinação de parâmetros físico-químicos e biológico (clorofila-a) o nível de contaminação do Igarapé Grande após receber efluente da ETE/Boa Vista-RR e o impacto ambiental causado pelo aporte de substâncias no igarapé e possivelmente no rio Branco. Na realização deste estudo foram selecionados seis pontos de coletas considerados estratégicos para o alcance dos objetivos propostos. Foram analisados os parâmetros: cor, turbidez, condutividade, pH, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, nitrito, amônia, fósforo total, cloreto, DBO5, DQO, clorofila-a, cobre, manganês, zinco, ferro e níquel. As técnicas de coleta, transporte e preservação e análises das amostras obedeceram às recomendações da NBR n 9898 de junho de 1987 e os métodos padrões descritos no Standart Methods for Examination of Water and Wasterwater. Através das observações realizadas pode-se verificar que o igarapé sofre o impacto humano através da retirada da cobertura vegetal, impermeabilização do solo pela ocupação das imediações e lançamentos de agentes poluidores. Através dos resultados, com exceção das espécies metálicas, foi possível confirmar o impacto do lançamento do efluente sobre igarapé Grande. Parâmetros como fósforo, amônia, nitrito e clorofila-a demonstraram que o igarapé Grande não possui capacidade de assimilação, em especial nos períodos de seca, dos nutrientes e espécies contaminantes durante o percurso até a sua foz no rio Branco. / The water body, the object of this study, the creek Grande, located in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima, in northern Brazil. The river has as large tributary to the right bank of the creek Paca, and his mouth in the rio Branco. This study aims to evaluate, through the determination of physico-chemical and biological (chlorophyll-a) the level of contamination of the igarapé Grande after receiving STP effluent/Boa Vista-RR and the environmental impact caused by the injection of substances into the creek and possibly in rio Branco. In this study we selected six collection points considered strategic to the achievement of objectives. Parameters were assessed: color, turbidity, conductivity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, ammonia, total phosphorus, chloride, BOD5, COD, chlorophyll-a, copper, manganese, zinc, iron and nickel. The techniques of collection, transportation and preservation of samples and analysis followed the recommendations of the NBR N. 9898 of June 1987 and the standard methods described in Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wasterwater. Through the observations can be verified that the stream is impacted by human removal of vegetation, soil sealing by the occupation of the surroundings and releases of pollutants. Through the results, with the exception of metal species, it was possible to confirm the impact of effluent discharge on igarapé Grande. Parameters such as phosphorus, ammonia, nitrite and chlorophyll-a showed that the creek does not have great capacity to assimilate, especially in periods of drought, nutrient and contaminant species en route to its mouth on the rio Branco.

The sustainability of rural sanitation facilities in municipalities

Maxwele, Zukani January 2013 (has links)
Progress has been made in eradicating the backlog in sanitation. This is reflected by the 2011 Census results that reflect a 21 percent increase in the provision of sanitation between the 2001 Census and the 2011 Census. In the rural areas of O.R. Tambo District Municipality, the eradication of sanitation backlogs is done through the provision of VIPs for sanitation. Even with this progress, there are still challenges resulting from the previously constructed sanitation facilities. Some of the challenges relate to the poor quality of these facilities. Community members – via the IDP road shows have voiced their unhappiness with regard to some of the sustainability factors of these structures. Community members feel they were not involved in decisions related to the sanitation projects. It has also been observed that the municipality and its agents do not conduct environmental management studies; and some pits of these structures were not lined, and the health and hygiene training, together with post-construction assessment was not done. In this study, an assessment of the provision of sanitation facilities, in order to identify some of the key factors that are critical to the sustainability of rural sanitation facilities, was done. The research findings should be helpful in assisting local government to improve the provision of sanitation facilities, with the aim of ensuring sustainability, improving community satisfaction, and improving the quality of life for the people living in these villages. For the purpose of the study, a quantitative research approach was used. A research questionnaire was used to collect the data; and it was distributed through email to a sample of respondents that understood sanitation issues. The data were collected from municipal officials, consultants working on sanitation projects, as well as other stakeholders with influence and an interest in sanitation. The results were analysed to establish the findings and to propose recommendations, in order to improve the sustainability of rural sanitation facilities. From the research findings, the recommendations highlighted the need for an improved participatory approach in implementing sanitation projects. To ensure sustainability, the following issues are key: monitoring and supervision; community participation and adherence to design guidelines; a review of the sanitation provision policy; as well as the promotion of health and hygiene.

L'épreuve : La « prison-pharmakon » : remède et poison

Lécu, Anne 02 October 2010 (has links)
Ce qui arrive à l’homme du XXIe siècle en prison est en partie analogue à ce qui arrive àl’homme tout court. Nous avons perdu l’innocence (seuls les enfants ne l’ont pas encore perdue), ettentons de la récupérer en nous revendiquant victimes. Présumés coupables, isolés, observés, voilà ceque nous sommes devenus. L’homo carceralus est une sorte de type qui hante notre cultureoccidentale. Fruit du nihilisme et de la gnose. C’est pourquoi il est pertinent de chercher à penser sonépreuve, non de l’extérieur, mais comme ce qui peut nous arriver à chacun, et d’en repérer ce quil’empoisonne ou ce qui la libère. Car la gnose, qui est peut-être sophisme ou nihilisme, est menteuselorsqu’elle fait croire que l’on sort de l’épreuve par “en haut”, par la fuite hors des conditions de viehumaines, dans le scientisme naturaliste, le savoir statistique ou la technique. La résignation et la fuiteen avant ont le même visage, celui de la fatalité : ni l’une et ni l’autre n’aiment ce monde, ni ce temps.Or, ce n’est pas ailleurs que du sens peut advenir. Si la prison est un pharmakon, remède etpoison, c’est qu’elle reste une institution humaine. La grandeur de l’homme est d’être puissance descontraires, capacité de surmonter tout déterminisme, capacité de ne pas se résigner à la fatalité, aucoeur même de sa misère. Encore faut-il ne pas être abandonné seul dans l’épreuve, tant il est vrai quec’est l’autre, et particulièrement l’autre ébranlé, grâce à qui la traversée est possible, par “en bas”. Lesoin en prison s’enracine dans cette « solidarité des ébranlés ». Pour naviguer entre les différentsdispositifs pénitentiaires et sanitaires qui visent à contrôler et à prévoir le comportement des captifs, lemédecin doit faire preuve de mêtis, cette intelligence des interstices, au service de son patient. Et enmême temps, il doit garder de façon catégorique le secret médical, au nom de ce que l’homme restetoujours opaque à toutes les sciences et les techniques, plus grand que lui-même, en sa fragilité. Cesavoir « de nuit » n’est autre que le savoir socratique : « je sais que je ne sais pas ». / That which is happening to XXIst century man in prison is, in part, similar to what ishappening to all of us. Our innocence lost, (innocence is retained only by the child), we try to regain itby claiming to be the victim. We are presumed guilty, isolated, observed. Homo carceralus hauntsour Western culture; fruit of nihilism and gnosis. It is the reason we should reflect on his ordeal, notfrom the outside, but as something that could happen to each and every one of us, and in which todiscover where the poison lies and what the remedy could be. For gnosis, (either sophism ornihilism), is false when we are led to believe that we exit an ordeal by escaping our human conditionin the ‘upward’ direction of the natural sciences, statistical knowledge or technique. Resignation andheadlong pursuit share a characteristic, that of a predestined tendency towards disaster. Neither theone nor the other sits comfortably in this world or our times.But meaning does not have to come from elsewhere. If prison is pharmakon, both remedy andpoison, it is because it is a human institution. Man’s greatness is his conflicting authority : having thecapacity to overcome determinism, the ability not to resign himself to his fate, even at his lowestpoint. But it is imperative not to be left alone through this ordeal, for it is true that it is the other,particularly the ‘weakened other’, thanks to whom the crossing is possible from ‘below’. Care inprison is rooted in this ‘solidarity of the weak’. To navigate the different penitentiary and healthsystems, which seek to control and foresee the captives’ behaviour, the medical doctor must exertmêtis, become complicit with the patient in order to serve the patient. And at the same timecategorical medical confidentiality must be maintained, in the name of which the patient in his or herfragility, remains invisible to all sciences and techniques which are yet greater than he or she is. This‘secret’ knowledge is none other than Socratic knowledge: ‘I know that I do not know’.

Coagulação/precipitação de efluentes de reator anaeróbio de leito expandido e de sistema de lodo ativado precedido de reator UASB, com remoção de partículas por sedimentação ou flotação / Coagulation/precipitation of effluents from anaerobic expanded bed reactor and activated sludge system preceded by UASB reactor, with particle removal by sedimentation or flotation

Hélio Rodrigues dos Santos 08 June 2006 (has links)
Os reatores anaeróbios de concepção mais moderna (e.g., UASB e RALEx) possibilitam a remoção de 65 a 75% de matéria orgânica do esgoto sanitário, com custos de implantação e operação relativamente baixos, em comparação com os processos aeróbios convencionais. Entretanto, esses reatores geralmente são pouco eficientes na remoção de nutrientes e seus efluentes podem apresentar concentrações relativamente elevadas de material orgânico e de sólidos suspensos. Para melhorar a qualidade dos efluentes desses reatores, algumas configurações de pós-tratamento têm sido empregadas no Brasil, dentre as quais os sistemas de lodo ativado e a coagulação/precipitação com sais metálicos, geralmente seguida de flotação por ar dissolvido. Nesta pesquisa, foi avaliada a aplicabilidade da coagulação/precipitação com cloreto férrico, a partir de testes em unidades de coagulação em escala de bancada (jar test e flotateste), para três sistemas de pós-tratamento de efluentes de reatores anaeróbios, a saber: coagulação/precipitação do efluente de um reator anaeróbio (RALEx); co-precipitação em um sistema de lodo ativado; e pós-precipitação do efluente do sistema de lodo ativado. Cada um desses sistemas foi testado com separação de sólidos por sedimentação ou por flotação por ar dissolvido, constituindo seis distintas configurações de pós-tratamento. O pós-tratamento do efluente do reator anaeróbio por coagulação/precipitação se mostrou uma alternativa viável técnica e economicamente, tanto para a sedimentação quanto para a flotação por ar dissolvido. Os diagramas de coagulação obtidos tanto nos ensaios de sedimentação quanto nos de flotação demonstraram que a coagulação/precipitação do efluente do RALEx ocorria de modo mais eficiente para valores de pH entre 5 e 7. A coagulação/precipitação do licor misto com cloreto férrico também se mostrou uma opção atrativa, propiciando a obtenção de efluente bastante clarificado, com possibilidades de reúso. Nessa opção, obtiveram-se eficiências adicionais (i.e., em relação ao sobrenadante do licor misto) de remoção de turbidez, DQO e fósforo de, respectivamente, 80%, 72% e 85%, com dosagem de 80 mg de \'FE\'\'CL IND.3\'.6\'H IND.2\'O/L (48 mg de \'FE\'\'CL IND.3\'/L). Para a coagulação com cloreto férrico, a flotação não apresentou bons resultados na remoção de turbidez, DQO e fósforo para separação de sólidos do licor misto. O mesmo ocorreu para o efluente final da ETE quando a etapa de separação de sólidos foi a sedimentação. Quando a separação de sólidos foi feita por flotação, obtiveram-se eficiências de remoção de turbidez, DQO e fósforo de, respectivamente, 68%, 53% e 83%, com dosagem de 80 mg de \'FE\'\'CL IND.3\'.6\'H IND.2\'O/L / The anaerobic reactors of modern conception (e.g., UASB and RALEx) remove from 65 to 75% of sanitary wastewater organic matter with relatively low construction, operation, and maintenance costs, in comparison with conventional aerobic processes. Nevertheless, that reactors are usually little efficient in nutrient removal and their effluents may present relatively high organic matter and suspended solid concentrations. In order to improve the quality of effluents from anaerobic reactors, some post-treatment concepts have been employed in Brazil, among which activated sludge systems and coagulation/precipitation with metallic salts, generally followed by dissolved air flotation. In this research, coagulation/precipitation with ferric chloride was assessed using sedimentation and flotation lab-scale test units (jar test and flotateste, respectively) to three post-treatment systems, namely: coagulation/precipitation of effluent from anaerobic reactor; co-precipitation (in the mixed liquor from activated sludge system); and post-precipitation of effluent from activated sludge system. Each system was assessed with solids separation with sedimentation and dissolved air flotation, constituting six different post-treatment scenarios. Coagulation/precipitation of the effluent from the anaerobic reactor showed to be technical and economically attractive, not only for sedimentation but also for dissolved air flotation. Coagulation diagrams obtained in sedimentation and flotation essays showed that coagulation/precipitation of the effluent from RALEX was more efficient when pH values were between 5 and 7. The mixed liquor coagulation/flocculation with ferric chloride were also an attractive option, resulting in a low turbidity effluent suitable for reuse. In this option, additional removals (i.e., in relation to decanted mixed liquor) of turbidity, COD e phosphorus were obtained: 80%, 72% and 85%, respectively, with the dosage of 80 mg \'FE\'\'CL IND.3\'.6\'H IND.2\'O/L (48 mg \'FE\'\'CL IND.3\'/L). Flotation did not presented good results in the removal of turbidity, COD and phosphorus in mixed liquor coagulation/precipitation with ferric chloride. The same was to the effluent from the WWTP when sedimentation was employed in the solids separation step. When solids separation was made using flotation, the removal efficiencies of turbidity, COD and phosphorus were, respectively, 68%, 53%, and 83% for the dosage of 80 mg \'FE\'\'CL IND.3\'.6\'H IND.2\'O/L

Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace v supermarketu / Sanitation installations and gas installations in the supermarket

Boček, Milan January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the overall sanitary and gas pipeline installation in a supermarket. The theoretical part deals with equipment and requirements for large kitchens with regard to the food preparation in this building. The computing and design part deals with the sewerage, water supply and gas distribution in the supermarket. The property counts over six thousand square meters and is partly two-storeyed. There are also several smaller sales units in addition to the sales areas, facility for staff and warehouses. The diploma thesis is based on current Czech and European regulations.

Nakládání s odpadními vodami v obci Sudice / Wastewater management in the village Sudice

Hoferková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is written due to the poor quality of the stream Sudický potok and the fish kills in nearby ponds supplied by the stream. The goal is evaluating the results of the water samples obtained from the four local spots. Polluted quality in the stream in the Sudice town then proceed to design three various solutions of the sewage collection systems. The first option is designing the municipal wastewater treatment plant and the draining wastewater by single sewerage or sanitary sewerage. The second choice designs the domestic waste water treatment plants. The third solution is designing the sanitary sewerage and effluent sewerage to the nearby waste water treatment plant in Šebetov town. All variants are economically evaluated. In conclusion the first solution, municipal waste water treatment plant with the single sewerage, is recommended.

Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace ve škole / Sanitation installation and gas installation at school

Pecháček, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with design of sanitary instalation and gas instalation in high school. It is high school with four floor and a basement. The teoretical part is focused on water supply from own source. The Computational part and project includes a porposal of sanitary and storm sewer, water supply system, pipeline and their connection to current pipes.

Zdravotně technické instalace s nízkou spotřebou vody a energie / Plumbing Systems with Low Water and Energy Consumption

Nikrmajer, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with energy-saving plumbing systems. It is divided into three parts: task analysis, applications theme on the building and experiment. In the first part are described the possibilities of saving water and energy in the plumbing systems. The second part contains a comparison of some variants of saving solution water supply system and sanitary drainage system at the hotel. Part of the experiment investigates the water consumption for washing hands in addiction: the pressure in the water supply system and the type of mixing valves.

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