Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanitary"" "subject:"anitary""
1351 |
Efectos de la implementación de medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias en la exportación del grano de cacao a Países Bajos en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Perú y la Unión Europea, durante el periodo 2009 y 2019 / Effects of the implementation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures on the export of cocoa beans to the Netherlands in the framework of the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the European Union, during the period 2009 and 2019Lizarbe López , Mayra Sofia, Sandoval Jimenez, Karina Gabriela 16 October 2020 (has links)
El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de la implementación de medidas sanitarias en las exportaciones del grano de cacao hacia Países bajos, según el acuerdo comercial vigente entre Perú – Unión Europea, durante el periodo 2009 - 2019. Se resaltan aspectos como, la importancia del cumplimiento de los estándares establecidos por las instituciones autorizadas para la exportación de cacao. Dentro de los aspectos metodológicos el enfoque usado fue mixto, es decir cualitativo y cuantitativo. De acuerdo con el enfoque cualitativo, se seleccionaron para la muestra seis actores claves y para el enfoque cuantitativo, se trabajó con datos de exportación en toneladas, precio FOB, centrados en la Dummy variable; se elaboró un instrumento con cinco preguntas por variable; para el análisis de datos cualitativos se utilizó el programa Atlas Ti y para datos cuantitativos el Programa SPSS versión 25. Los resultados indican que el control de contaminantes y residuos tiene un efecto positivo en la calidad de los productos y el modelo es viable; asimismo se comprobó que la legislación internacional no afecta drásticamente la exportación del grano de cacao peruano; la protección a la salud humana de los contaminantes y residuos en la exportación del grano de cacao muestra la prevención en las constantes actualizaciones de los contenidos permitidos en los alimentos. Se concluye que, el efecto de la implementación de medidas sanitarias en las exportaciones del grano de cacao hacia Países bajos puede considerarse positivo, debido a los cambios positivos generados en el país productor. / The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the implementation of sanitary measures on exports of cocoa beans to the Netherlands, according to the current trade agreement between Peru - European Union, during the period 2009 - 2019. Aspects such as, the importance of compliance with the standards established by the institutions authorized for the export of cocoa. In the methodological aspects, the approach used was mixed, that is, qualitative and quantitative. According to the qualitative approach, six key players were selected for the sample and for the quantitative approach, we worked with export data in tons, FOB price, centered on the variable dummy; An instrument was developed with five questions per variable; The Atlas Ti program was used for the analysis of qualitative data and the SPSS version 25 program for quantitative data. The results indicate that the control of contaminants and residues has a positive effect on the quality of the products and the model is viable; In the other hand, it was found that international legislation does not drastically affect the export of Peruvian cocoa beans; The protection of human health from the contaminates and residues in the export of cocoa beans shows prevention in the constant updates of the contents allowed in food. It is concluded that the effect of the implementation of sanitary measures on cocoa bean exports to the Netherlands can be considered positive, for the positive changes generated in the producing country. / Tesis
1352 |
Factores externos que intervinieron en la caída de las exportaciones de langostinos enteros congelados del departamento de tumbes hacia el mercado español en el periodo 2014 - 2019Bayona Palma, Carla Alejandra, Dios Navas , Jimena Alejandra 18 October 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se busca analizar cuáles han sido los principales factores externos que han influido en la caída de las exportaciones de langostinos enteros congelados del departamento de Tumbes hacia el mercado español, en el periodo 2014-2019.
Durante los años 2014 al 2016 las exportaciones de la partida 03.06.1711.00 mantuvieron una leve disminución en FOB. Para el año 2017, éstas llegaron a su pico máximo de exportaciones; y, posterior a este, en los años 2018 y 2019 cayeron nuevamente. Sin embargo, el comercio de los langostinos enteros congelados hacia el mundo, experimentaron ligeras fluctuaciones entre estos años, mas se mantuvieron en positivo; con excepción del año 2016, donde se presentó una caída en baja proporción.
Para obtener resultados a esta investigación se empleó la metodología de enfoque cualitativo de teoría fundamentada con diseño sistemático. Es por ello que se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas tanto a expertos como a las principales empresas de Tumbes exportadoras del producto en estudio, durante los años 2014-2019 hacia España.
Se analizó la información rescatada de las entrevistas con las variables definidas en la investigación, a fin de compararlas con lo expresado en el presente trabajo. / This research work seeks to analyze the main external factors that have influenced the fall in exports of frozen whole shrimp from the department of Tumbes to the Spanish market in the period 2014-2019.
During the years 2014 to 2016, exports of heading 03.06.1711.00 continued with a slight decrease. For the year 2017, these reached their maximum peak of exports; and, after this, in the years 2018 and 2019 they fell again. However, the trade of frozen whole shrimp to the world, experienced slight fluctuations between these years, but remained positive, with the exception of 2016, where there was a drop in low proportion.
In order to obtain results for this research, the qualitative approach methodology of grounded theory with systematic design was used. Therefore, semi-structured interviews were conducted with both experts and the main Tumbes companies exporting the product under study, during the years 2014-2019 to Spain.
The information obtained from the interviews was analyzed with the variables defined in the research, in order to compare them with what was expressed in this paper. / Tesis
1353 |
Análisis de la influencia comercial de las medidas no arancelarias en las exportaciones de uva fresca peruana a Ecuador durante el período 2009-2019 / Analysis of the commercial influence of non-tariff measures on Peruvian fresh grape exports to Ecuador during the period 2009-2019Horny Chiabra, Lucienne Marian, Sánchez Valencia, Adriana Midory 24 November 2021 (has links)
En los últimos años, se ha evidenciado la aplicación de una serie de medidas comerciales por parte de Ecuador, que han restringido y perjudicado la importación de uvas peruanas a su territorio, llegando incluso a prohibirlas desde el 2016. A partir de una metodología mixta, y el desarrollo de un modelo de gravitación comercial, la presente investigación profundiza la influencia que ha tenido la aplicación de las salvaguardias por balanza de pagos del 2009 y el 2015, la salvaguardia cambiaria de enero del 2015, y las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias del 2016 impuestas por Ecuador en las exportaciones de uva fresca peruana. Por un lado, en relación con las salvaguardias, se encontró que, a pesar de mantener una figura restrictiva, los parámetros de las cuotas y sobretasas propuestas por Ecuador no limitaron el crecimiento de la exportación de uva; sin embargo, produjeron un aumento del contrabando, junto a un impacto negativo para su mercado interno. Por otro lado, respecto a las medidas MSF, se encontró que estas repercutieron de manera negativa en las exportaciones de uva fresca peruana, manteniéndose bloqueado el mercado hasta el día de hoy. La aplicación de medidas injustificadas, la falta de cooperación y mala coordinación entre SENASA y AGROCALIDAD, y la falta de transparencia y armonización de la normativa MSF entre los países andinos, han influido negativamente en la búsqueda de una solución. Frente a ello, salta a la luz las posibles falencias de la Comunidad Andina para asistir a sus países miembro como órgano integrador y promotor del comercio, y servir como primera instancia para la solución de diferencias en comparación a otros foros como la OMC. / In recent years, the application of a series of trade measures by Ecuador has been evidenced, which have restricted and harmed the import of Peruvian grapes into its country, even going as far as banning them since 2016. Based on a mixed methodology, and the development of a commercial gravitation model, this research deepens into the influence that the application of the balance of payments safeguards of 2009 and 2015, the exchange safeguard of January 2015, and the sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures of 2016 imposed by Ecuador have had on the exports of fresh Peruvian grapes. On the one hand, in relation to safeguards, it was found that, despite maintaining a restrictive figure, the parameters of quotas and surcharges proposed by Ecuador did not limit the growth of grape exports; however, they produced an increase in smuggling, along with a negative impact on its domestic market. On the other hand, regarding the SPS measures, it was found that these had a negative impact on the exports of fresh Peruvian grapes, keeping the market blocked until today. The application of unjustified measures, the lack of cooperation and poor coordination between SENASA and AGROCALIDAD, and the lack of transparency and harmonization of SPS regulations among the Andean countries, have negatively influenced the search for a solution. Thus, the possible shortcomings of the Andean Community come to light in assisting its member countries as an integrating and promoting trade body, and serving as the first instance for dispute settlement compared to other forums such as the WTO. / Tesis
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Zdravotně technické instalace v domě pro seniory / The Sanitary Instalation in Retirement HomeMinář, Lukáš January 2022 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is the design of the sanitary installations and gas main in the pension for pensioners. The building has three floors above ground and one underground floor. The building will be covered with a hiped roof. On the first floor there is the technical background of the building, Reception and kitchen with dining room. The basement is located just below the kitchen and serves as a cloakroom for kitchen staff. The building will be designed to use as much non-potable water as possible in the form of rainwater, which will be collected from the roofs. The theoretical part deals with the use of non-potable water as operating water in buildings. The calculation and project part deals with the gravity sewer system, plumbing and gas main in the building.
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Zdravotně technické instalace a plynovod v penzionu pro seniory / Sanitary installations and gas pipeline in the pension for seniorsPolách, Petr Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of sanitary and gas installations in a boarding house for seniors and their connection to existing utilities. For the whole object there will be designed operating water supply with the use of rainwater. The diploma thesis also includes the design of a sewage pumping station, grease trap, light liquid separator, infiltration equipment and rainwater tank. The theoretical part is focused on the issues of gray water and rainwater and subsequent use as operating water. Computational part and project part solves sewerage distribution, water supply and gas pipeline in the specified object. It is a partially basement object with five floors. The object includes a surgery, a cafe and a shopping place.
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Utveckling av textila återanvändningsbara trosskydd : En studie av komfort och passform ur ett användarperspektiv / Development of textile reusable panty liners : A study of comfort and fit from a user perspectiveWesterberg, Julia, Ali, Samira January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att utveckla och analysera en prototyp av ett återanvändningsbart trosskydd för kvinnor. Genom att undersöka passform, komfort och hanterbarhet ur ett användarperspektiv, samt jämföra två olika designmodeller (i polyamidspets och polyamidtrikå) med konventionella trosskydd, strävar studien efter att identifiera framgångsfaktorer för återanvändningsbara trosskydd. Marknadsundersökningar och forskningsgenomgångar användes för att skapa en grundläggande förståelse för forskningsområdet samt underlag för konstruktionsarbetet. Prototyper utvecklades och producerades. En testgrupp av sex deltagare genomförde en veckas avprovning av prototyperna och utvärderades med hjälp av kvalitativa frågor. Resultaten visade att trosskydden generellt ansågs ha bra längd och bredd oavsett designmodell. Dock rapporterade flera respondenter skav, oavsett vilken modell de använde. Åsikterna om estetik varierade och ingen generell slutsats kunde dras. Resultaten ger insikter i respondenternas upplevelser av passform, komfort och hanterbarhet hos trosskyddet. Trots viss variation i åsikterna finns det mönster och konsensus som kan vägleda framtida produktutveckling och förbättringar. Sammantaget kan detta examensarbete verka som en förstudie för vidare studier om textila återanvändningsbara trosskydd. / This study aims to develop and analyze a prototype of a reusable panty liner for women. By examining fit, comfort and manageability from a user perspective, as well as comparing two different design models (in polyamide lace and polyamide tricot) with conventional panty liners, the study aims to identify success factors for reusable panty liners. Market surveys and research briefings were used to create a basic understanding of the research area as well as a basis for the design work. Prototypes were developed and produced. A test group of six participants completed a one-week trial of the prototypes and was evaluated using qualitative questions. The results showed that the panty liners were generally considered to have a good length and width regardless of the design model. However, several respondents reported chafing, regardless of the model they used. Opinions about aesthetics varied and no general conclusion could be drawn. The results provide insights into the respondents' experiences of fit, comfort and manageability of the panty liner. Despite some variation in opinion, there are patterns and consensus that can guide future product development and improvements. Overall, this thesis can be used as a preliminary study for further studies on textile reusable panty liners.
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Sample Frequency, Duration, and Spatial Representation Considerations of Great Lakes Beach Sanitary Survey Data at Three Beaches in Racine, WisconsinWright, Sarah E. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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A study of high school biology students engaged in a Science-Technology-Society (STS) landfill restoration projectTaylor, Beatrice Dietering 26 February 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to observe high school students as they progressed through a Science-Technology-Society (STS) project that involved the closing of a landfill. In this STS project, students investigated the best vegetation for reseeding a closed landfill. This project was initiated because a highway was to be built across the landfill to Explore Park. The director of Explore Park requested an experimental vegetation instead of the standard vegetation mixture. He wanted a vegetation that was aesthetically pleasing and environmentally acceptable.
The study investigated the involvement of students in the construction of knowledge of local environmental issues. Students shared their perceptions about the STS process through interviews, journal entries, a questionnaire, field notes, and written artifacts. All data were transcribed and coded for themes. Ethnographic methods were used to tell this story in twelve vignettes.
The results of this study are important because they show how educators can use local issues to build classroom curriculum. Students became actively involved in the learning process as they advanced through identified STS instructional goals. The first goal was the Foundations Level. Basic content associated with landfill management and revegetation issues were introduced. Facts about garbage and the need for reducing, reusing, and recycling were investigated. The second goal was the Issue Awareness Level. This goal included becoming involved, identifying the players, and investigating values and beliefs. The third goal was the Investigation and Evaluation Level. Students were exposed to concepts and strategies necessary to investigate and analyze the issues and evaluate alternative solutions. This level encompassed designing plant experiments. The fourth goal was the Citizenship Responsibility Level. Students were introduced to strategies necessary for making responsible decisions concerning solutions to the issues.
The conclusions of this study suggest that for many students, the teaching of science through local technological and societal issues allowed them to become actively engaged in the learning process. Students who took ownership of their investigations created opportunities to enhance self-esteem, made connections, and enhanced their knowledge of scientific investigations and scientific content in the context of real life issues. / Ph. D.
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Оптимизация контрольно-надзорной деятельности в сфере санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения субъекта Российской Федерации : магистерская диссертация / Optimizing control and supervisory activities in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the subject of the Russian Federation populationБендорш, Р. Ю., Bendersh, R. Yu. January 2024 (has links)
В работе рассматривается деятельность контрольно-надзорных органов в сфере санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия населения по Свердловской области в свете реализации риск-ориентированного подхода. Выявлены практические механизмы и управленческо-нормативные ресурсы реализации данного подхода. / The study deals with supervisory activities in sanitary and epidemiological well-being of Sverdlovsk oblast population, according to realization of risk-oriented approach; some practical mechanisms and administrative normative resources to support the approach are elucidated.
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Modelagem numérica e análise probabilística da pluma de contaminação do lixão de São Pedro da Aldeia / Numerical model and analysis probabilistic of propagation of contamination plume from landfill of São Pedro da AldeiaMaria Georgina Muniz Washington 14 February 2008 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é aplicar um modelo numérico que simule a propagação da pluma de contaminação derivada de chorume, como ferramenta numérica que permita uma análise dos parâmetros envolvidos no sistema, tendo como caso de estudo o lixão de São Pedro da Aldeia, levando em conta: o mecanismo de perda de massa durante o transporte e a variabilidade estatística dos principais parâmetros de entrada (input) no modelo numérico. A perda de massa durante o fluxo pode ocorrer tanto por sorção, como por decaimento microbiológico, será estimada através da interpretação probabilística de dados experimentais obtidos no lixão de São Pedro da Aldeia. Os resultados obtidos pela modelagem numérica serão comparados com os resultados experimentais de concentração do íon cloreto obtidos por medições em campo. Os resultados experimentais foram obtidos considerando distâncias crescentes em relação ao lixão, para oito intervalos de tempo distintos, permitindo, assim, comparar os resultados alcançados pela modelagem numérica com dados experimentais reais, obtidos em função do tempo e da distância ao lixão. Para a modelagem numérica, foi utilizada a equação diferencial do transporte advectivo-dispersivo, levando em conta um termo de perda de massa estimado a partir de interpretações estatísticas dos resultados experimentais obtidos. A solução da equação diferencial do fluxo advectivo dispersivo foi analisada pelo método dos volumes finitos, que se mostra adequado para problemas de avanço de frentes de saturação e/ou de contaminação. Para a modelagem probabilística, foi utilizado o Método de Rosenblueth (ou método das estimativas pontuais), considerando-se, como variáveis aleatórias mais relevantes: a condutividade hidráulica k, a concentração iônica inicial Co e o decaimento da concentração iônica em função da distância (x) ao lixão expresso por um termo bo em (mg/l/m). A interpretação estatística das concentrações medidas experimentalmente mostrou uma faixa de variabilidade muito bem representada pela faixa de variação obtida pela conjugação da solução da equação de transporte de contaminantes (pelo método dos volumes finitos) com análise de variabilidade por formulação FOSM (pelo método das estimativas pontuais de Rosenblueth). Os resultados obtidos indicam que, embora com a contaminação crescente, podemos avaliar com poucos dados a contaminação ao longo do tempo. As simulações indicaram coerência com o resultado obtido experimentalmente, validando assim o modelo utilizado. Entende-se que o trabalho conseguiu demonstrar a aplicabilidade e relativa praticidade no que diz respeito ao estudo do fluxo de contaminantes em meios saturados. Os resultados se mostraram satisfatórios no que tange ao entendimento das questões abordadas. / The objective of this work is to apply a numerical model that simulates the propagation of the contamination plume stemmed from leachate as a numerical tool that allows an analysis of the parameters involved in the system, having the landfill of São Pedro da Aldeia as study case. The model takes into account the loss of contaminant mass mechanism during transport and the statistical variability, in the numerical model, of the main input variables. The loss of mass during the flow, which can occur either in the form of sorption or as a microbiological decay, will be assed by probabilistic interpretation of experimental data. The results obtained by the numerical modeling will be compared to the experimental results of the ionic chloride concentration obtained by field mediations. The experimental results were obtained taking into account the growing distances in relation to the landfill, for eight different time intervals, allowing, this way, the comparison of the results reached by the numerical modeling with the real experimental data results, obtained due to the time and the distance of the landfill. For the numerical modeling, the differential equation of the advective-dispersive transport was used, taking into account a term of loss of mass estimated from statistical interpretations of the experimental results. The differential equation solution of the advective-dispersive flow was obtained by the finite volumes method, which was proved adequate to problems concerning the propagation of contaminating plumes in saturated soils. For the probabilistic modeling, the Rosenblueth Method (or point estimate method) was used, considering, as more relevant aleatory variables, the hydraulic conductivity k, the initial ionic concentration and the rate of concentration decay. The statistical interpretation of the concentrations experimentally measured showed one variability band well represented by the variation band obtained by the conjunction of the contaminant transport equation solution (finite volumes method) with the variability analysis of the FOSM formularization (Rosenblueths point estimate method). The obtained results indicate that even with the increasing contamination it is possible, with little data, to evaluate the contamination throughout time. The simulations indicated coherence with the experimentally obtained results validating, this way, the used model. The work demonstrates the applicability and the relative practicity concerning the study of the contaminant flow in saturated environments. Considering the understanding of the boarded questions, the results seemed satisfactory.
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