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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Appropriations of the Gothic by Romantic-era women writers

Alshatti, Aishah. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Glasgow, 2008. / Ph.D. thesis submitted to the Department of English Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Glasgow, 2008. Includes bibliographical references. Print version also available.

Revival types : a look at the leaders of the Great Awakening through the lens of psychological type and temperament

Garcia, Yvette D. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.

Sarah Goldblatt : letterkundige administratrise van C.J. Langenhoven

Van Zyl, Leonie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1932 the well-known Afrikaans writer and politician, C.J. Langenhoven, died in Oudtshoorn in his home, Arbeidsgenot. In his testament he appointed Sarah Goldblatt as the person responsible for the administration of his literary works. Sarah, a Jewish woman, immigrated to the Cape together with her family in 1897. The aim of this research was to find the possible reasons why Langenhoven chose an English speaking Jewish woman as his administrator. Jews were not accepted with open arms into the South African community, especially not Jews from Eastern Europe, the area where Sarah and her family came from. Anti-semitic feelings amongst the Afriaans population were especially strong during the thirties and forties. It was during this time, in 1932, that Sarah received the job as administrator. The period of research stretches from 1889 to 1975, from Sarah's birth to her death. A look is taken at the changing South African attitude towards Jews during Sarah's life. The role and position of the Afrikanerwomen during this time is also investigated. Oudtshoorn, the town in which Langenhoven lived and where the friendship between him and Sarah started, will also be put under the spotlight. Many Jews settled in this town and played an active part in the Oudtshoorn community. Not only the South African attitude towards Jews and women will be discussed, but also Langenhoven's and Sarah's personal perspectives on these subjects. Both their friendship and work relationship will be discussed. Their philosophy of life and their relationship will cast light on the reasons why Langenhoven finally decided to appoint Sarah as the administrator of his literary works. Sarah's greatest achievements were directly involved with Langenhoven. Opinions differ about the influence Sarah had on the way the South African community saw Langenhoven. The work as administrator for the literary works was not all Sarah did. Therefore a review on Sarah's contribution to the Afrikaans language and culture is also provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 1932 is die bekende Afrikaanse skrywer en politikus, C.J. Langenhoven, op Oudtshoorn in sy huis Arbeidsgenot oorlewe. In sy testament het hy vir Sarah Goldblatt as administratrise van sy letterkundige nalatenskap aangewys. Sarah, 'n Joodse vrou, het in 1897 saam met haar gesin na die Kaap geïmmigreer en die in die studie word ondersoek ingestel na die redes waarom Langenhoven hierdie vrou as sy administratrise aangewys het. Suid-Afrika het nie altyd die Jode met ope arms ontvang nie, veral nie Jode vanuit Oos-Europa, die gebied waarvan Sarah en haar gesin afkomstig was, nie. Spesifiek gedurende die dertiger- en veertigerjare was daar 'n sterk antisemitiese gevoelonder Afrikanergeledere teenwoordig. Dit was juis in 1932 wat Sarah die taak as administratrise opgelê is. Die tydperk waarna daar gekyk word is breedweg vanaf 1889 tot 1975, Sarah se lewensjare. Op hierdie manier word daar na die veranderende Suid- Afrikaanse houding teenoor Jode gekyk gedurende Sarah se lewe. Daar word ook na die rol en posisie van die Afrikanervrou gekyk om dieselfde rede gekyk. Oudtshoorn, die dorp waarop Langenhoven homself gevestig het en waar sy en Sarah se vriendskap begin het word onder die soeklik geplaas. 'n Groot getal Jode het hulleself in die dorp gevestig en hulle het 'n daadwerklike impak op die Oudtshoornse gemeenskap uitgeoefen. Hierdie ondersoek is nodig om te sien waarom dit so vreemd was vir In Joodse vrou en In Afrikaner man, om so In spesiale vriendskap te kon deel. Nie alleen die Suid-Afrikaanse houding teenoor die Jood en die vrou word ondersoek nie, maar daar word ook na Langenhoven en Sarah se onderskeie houdings teenoor die sake gekyk. Beide hulle werks- en vriendskapsverhouding word ondersoek. Altwee se lewensuitkyk en hulle verhouding werp lig op die redes waarom Langenhoven uiteindelik sou besluit om Sarah as sy administratrise aan te stel. Sarah se grootste werk hou verband met Langenhoven. Opinies verskiloor die uitwerking wat sy op sy nagedagtenis gehad het. Haar werk as administratrise was egter nie al wat Sarah verrig het nie. 'n Oorsig oor Sarah se bydraes tot die Afrikaner taal en kultuur word dus ook blootgelê.

Escape artists : adventure and isolation in women's writing at the fin de siècle

Nicol, Jennifer January 2017 (has links)
Recent scholarship has examined the lived experience of unmarried women in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain, both in cities and in the countryside. Typically, scholarship in this field has focussed on women's social identity whether spinster, widow or lesbian and addressed how these types of women were variously used in fiction and the press to contest or uphold the gendered status quo. This thesis problematises the distinct characterisation of these social identities by examining works which seek to unify female social identity at the fin de siècle through a common modern experience: the conflict between individual and collective life. All of the female subjects examined in this thesis whether author, artist, or fictional character, and whether married, separated, unmarried, widowed, homosexual, or not easily identifiable either way are solitary figures. Their movement within and interaction with their environments reveal the uneasy combination of separation and exposure experienced by working women of all classes at the fin de siècle. This thesis examines the solitary female figure in works of British fiction produced between 1880 and 1922. It considers the pressures and implications of separation and exposure in relation to female celebrity and creative practices at the fin de siècle. My methodology involves examining the biography and auto/biographical works of Amy Levy (1861-1889), George Egerton (pseud. of Mary Chavelita Dunne Bright; 1859-1945), Sarah Grand (pseud. of Frances Elizabeth Bellenden McFall; 1854-1943) and Charlotte Mew (1869-1923), and drawing out aspects that speak to the desires for privacy and, conversely, publicity and/or companionship. I identify how their lived experience of this conflict broadly, between society and solitude affected the depiction of modern female consciousness in their literary works by examining their female characters subjective interaction with three environments: the foreign landscape, the home, and the city. My aim is to identify how Levy, Egerton, Grand and Mew used their literary works to acknowledge and retaliate against the restrictions which continued to limit urban women's physical, social and psychological autonomy.

Etické aspekty v knize Tobijáš / Ethical aspects in the Book of Tobit

CHMELOVÁ, Miroslava January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of selected ethical aspects in the book of Tobit. In the first part of the thesis explains the concept of ethics. In its second part individual ethical aspects of the book are explained. The third part tries to answer, what selected church documents and theological texts focused on ethics say about particular aspects analysed in the second part. At the end, particular events of the book of Tobit as ethical example for our lives and impact of Old Testament texts on present ethics are propounded to consider.


LUCIANA FELIPPE CARDOSO 24 March 2017 (has links)
[pt] Situada no campo da História da Educação a presente pesquisa adotou como objetivo geral analisar aspectos ligados à elaboração da Identidade Social do atual Instituto de Educação Sarah Kubitscheck (IESK) procurando também se debruçar sobre o processo de construção de uma memória coletiva acerca da mesma principalmente na região na qual a instituição se encontra a Zona Oeste Carioca. A escolha do recorte temporal adotado: os anos compreendidos entre 1957 e 1978, foi orientada pela concepção de que naquele período o atual IESK viveu 6 (seis) momentos fulcrais, citados a seguir: A criação da Escola Normal Sarah Kubitscheck (1957?) e sua instalação na escola municipal Venezuela, a transferência para sua primeira sede própria (1960), a mudança para o prédio no qual ainda se encontra (1970), sua transformação em colégio estadual (1973), a criação do Instituto de Educação de Campo Grande (1974) e 1978 quando passa a se chamar Instituto de Educação Sarah Kubitscheck. Adotei como principais referenciais teóricos as noções de estratégia identitária de Dubar (1997) e memória coletiva (Halbwachs). O fio condutor da metodologia deste trabalho foi a análise do Histórico do Instituto de Educação Sarah Kubitscheck documento elaborado pela Secretaria Estadual de Educação e que foi orientando a busca e consequente análise de outras fontes: leis publicadas pelo Diário Oficial do antigo Estado da Guanabara, artigos de jornal e entrevistas. Acredito que as análises realizadas ao longo desta pesquisa permitiram evidenciar que a história do Sarah foi permeada por questões que contribuíram para consagrar uma imagem bastante específica acerca da mesma: a de uma instituição com longa tradição, notoriedade e excelência e que por isso teria contribuído para o reconhecimento e progresso de uma região que por décadas foi conhecida pelo significativo nome de Sertão Carioca. / [en] Inserted in the field of History of Education this research adopted as a general objective to analyze aspects related to the preparation of the Social Identity of the current Institute of Education Sarah Kubitschek (IESK) also trying to take a look into the process of building a Collective Memory about the same institution especially in region in which the institution is located the West Zone Carioca. The choice of the adopted time frame: the years between 1957 and 1978 was driven by the view that in that period the current IESK lived six (6) key moments, mentioned below: The creation of Normal Sarah Kubitschek School (?1957) and its installation in the municipal school Venezuela, transfer to your first own place (1960), the move to the building in which is still (1970), its transformation into a state college (1973), the creation of Campo Grande Institute of Education (1974) and 1978 when passes to be called the Institute of Education Sarah Kubitschek. Adopted as its main theoretical references the identity strategy notions of Dubar (1997) and collective memory (Halbwachs). The thread of the methodology of this study was the analysis of the History of the Institute of Education Sarah Kubitschek document prepared by the State Department of Education and has been guiding the search and subsequent analysis of other sources laws published by the Official Gazette of the former state of Guanabara, newspaper articles and interviews. I believe that the analyzes carried out during this research tried to highlighted the story Sarah was permeated by issues that contributed to consecrate a very specific image about the same: that of an institution with a long tradition, notoriety and excellence and for this would have contributed to the recognition and progress of a region that for decades has been known by the significant name of Sertão Carioca.

“It’s not a compliment! It’s a crime” : How young women in the UKare talking about street harassment

Nicole, Mullane January 2021 (has links)
This study explores experiences of public sexual harassment among young women in the UKin light of a renewed focus on violence against women after Sarah Everard was raped andmurdered while walking home during lockdown. Thirteen young women were interviewed while this case dominated British media and public debate. The paper’s focuses is on how this cohort problematise street based harassment - how they encounter, negotiate and contextualise it at this time. The study uses qualitative methods of feminist phenomenology and narrative analysis. Participants describe everyday street harassments as a serious problem that regularly impactson their daily life and freedoms, while being sidelined and trivialised by wider society. They reject that it is a minor problem or a compliment, and push back about the onus being on them to problem solve and do safety work to avoid men’s violence and intrusions in public.They challenge the idea this is not worth talking about by telling their stories, particularly online. Collective storytelling is a form of agency and activism that empowers women to reframe social issues according to their own lived realities and terms. Two principle narratives emerge from the storytelling: resistance to mainstream ‘givens’, and positioning street harassment as a form of gender based violence that targets women as an entity. Participants situate VAW as men’s issue - men need to engage and address this social problem.

Voicing Oppositional Conformity: Sarah Winnemucca and the Politics of Rape, Colonialism, and "Citizenship": 1870-1890

Bailey, Jennifer 01 January 2012 (has links)
Sarah Winnemucca, a Paiute Indian born around the year 1844, crossed cultural boundaries and became an influential voice within both white and Indian societies. This thesis employs a settler colonial framework that places the sexuality and rape of native women at the center of colonial relations in the settlement of the Americas. Viewed through this lens I perform an in-depth analysis of Winnemucca's gendered critique of colonialism that focused on sexual violence. Rather than the unstable, mixed messages of native resistance and assimilation emphasized by earlier scholars, I argue that Winnemucca purposefully employed a strategy of oppositional conformity to publicize an unwavering political message that championed Paiute sovereignty, exposed white cruelty, and re-wrote the dominant gendered, racial, political and cultural constructs that bound Native American women's identity. The introduction begins with a brief history of Winnemucca's life and accomplishments. In the introduction I also address the authenticity of Winnemucca's published narrative, Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims (1883) and identify the constraints of the settler colonial lens through which I view Winnemucca's public voice. In chapter one I argue that Winnemucca's narrative employs the gendered moral rhetoric of the colonizer to cultivate white audience receptiveness, while simultaneously criticizing whites for their brutality against Indians. In chapter two I assert that Winnemucca employed multiple political strategies to cut away at Euro-American settlers' moral justifications for colonialism, and that she articulated a unique vision of Paiute citizenship that rejected complete Indian assimilation. In chapter three I highlight the ways in which Winnemucca used her public voice to articulate rape and the sexuality of Indian women as a foundational part of colonialism hidden from view in the media coverage of the Indian wars of the late nineteenth century. Unlike her biographers, who mostly overlook Winnemucca's public challenge to the negative sexual stereotypes that plagued Indian women during Winnemucca's lifetime, I argue that Indian women's sexuality was a foundational theme in Winnemucca's public discourse. Winnemucca grasped and resisted the gendered dimensions of colonialism and her consistent focus on this theme echoed in her lived reality. Finally, I conclude that ultimately personal accusations as well as her inability to escape the heathen identity forced on Indians by Christian reformers thwarted the success of Winnemucca's political message.

En intersektionell maktanalys av Feyre i Sarah J Maas fantasyserie Ett hov av taggar och rosor / An intersectional power analysis of Feyre in Sarah J Maas fantasyseries A court of thorns and roses

Möller, Terese January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats genomförs en intersektionell analys av Sarah J Maas bokserie Ett hov av taggar och rosor. Syftet är att analysera de två första böckerna, Ett hov av taggar och rosor och Ett hov av dimma och vrede utifrån ett intersektionellt perspektiv för att komma fram till hur tillgången till makt ser ut för Feyre. Jag undersöker hennes utveckling för att se hur hennes makt förändras från första till andra boken och för att komma fram till vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan alvernas rike och människornas land är ett intersektionellt utgångsläge relevant. För att komma fram till hur Feyres makt påverkas är det genus, klass- och rasperspektiv som kommer vara i fokus men ålder kommer också att diskuteras.  Det är intressant att studera Feyre som karaktär utifrån detta utgångsläge eftersom hon inte besitter de traditionella dragen hos kvinnan utan kan uppfattas vara normbrytande. Det är därför intressant att se hur hennes makt förändras mellan människorna och alvernas världar. Även att likställa förhållandet mellan alver och människor med rasism kan leda till intressanta reflektioner.  För att besvara mina frågeställningar utgår jag från en kvalitativ textanalys och har kommit fram till att Feyres makt förändras från första till andra boken. I första boken är hennes tillgång till makt begränsad från ett ras- och klassperspektiv medan hennes maktposition förändras förändras i andra boken både från ett genus, ras och klassperspektiv. I första boken är Feyres tillgång till makt begränsad som människa och fattig person men som kvinna finns inga begränsningar för henne. Det är inte förrän i andra boken som Feyres tillgång till makt ökar eftersom hon då förvandlas till en högalv. Feyre får då ett övertag som människor inte har och är starkare och snabbare samt besitter magiska krafter. I andra boken blir hon däremot begränsad som kvinna och individ och det är inte förrän hon lämnar vårhovet och kommer till natthovet som hennes makt förändras. I natthovet får Feyre chansen att anpassa sig efter sin kropp som högalv och lär sig att bemästra sina förmågor. Feyre intar dessutom rollen som höglady och styr natthovet tillsammans med höglorden. Feyres makt ökar således från flera aspekter.

Lexicons in Lace: The Language of Dress in the New Woman Novel

Moody, Kathryn Irene January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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