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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers' perceptions of the work of school counsellors in ACT government schools

Yates, Jennifer M., n/a January 1995 (has links)
This study examines teachers' perceptions of the work of School Counsellors within government schools in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Data were drawn from questionnaires returned by a representative sample of 279 teachers and principals, from 16 primary and 8 high schools. The purpose of the study was to: (i) partially replicate a study by Leach (1989) of Western Australian teachers' perceptions; and (ii) investigate whether or not teachers could be considered to be supportive of a general trend towards a broadening role for school psychologists which is evident in the literature. This trend suggests that practitioners of applied psychology in schools may prefer an expanded role which encompasses indirect service delivery in addition to the more traditional, child centred role. Respondents were asked to indicate their perceptions of the frequency of 65 tasks performed by School Counsellors, the competence with which those tasks were performed and the usefulness of those tasks. Also examined were perceptions of the process and quality of service delivery, and of actual and preferred qualifications and experience of School Counsellors. These results were compared with those of Leach (1989). Respondents were invited to prioritise service delivery in light of their professional needs. A factor analysis of respondents' perceptions of School Counsellors was undertaken. The results were similar to Leach's (1989) findings and indicated a general endorsement of the current work of School Counsellors, with traditional, direct service delivery tasks generally perceived as being performed more frequently and with more competence than the more innovative, indirect types of service delivery. There was a strong indication that respondents would like more of both types of service delivery, particularly indirect services, made possible through increased resourcing. Increases in respondents' classification level positively correlated with increased perceptions of task frequency and competence with which tasks were performed. A positive correlation was also found between the frequency of professional contact that respondents perceived they had with School Counsellors and their perceptions of the process and quality of service delivered by these practitioners. In relation to the process and quality of service delivery, few teachers perceived that School Counsellors communicated clearly about the services they offer, procedures used or results gained. This concern with communication was reinforced through examination of the factors underlying teachers' perceptions of both the frequency and usefulness of tasks. This study suggests that ACT teachers and principals are, to some extent, already experiencing and valuing some aspects of the trend in service delivery reflected in the literature. Discussion highlights the important role communication plays in indirect service delivery, and links it with the findings of this study, particularly as it relates to teachers' and administrators' apparent lack of knowledge of the qualifications and experience of School Counsellors.

"Det viktigaste är att barnen ska bli sedda" : en kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers ansvar angående barnmisshandel

Edfast, Fanny, Forsgren, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka grundskolekuratorers ansvarsområde gällande barnmisshandel utövad av förälder. För att uppfylla syftet har vi i vår studie utgått från en abduktiv ansats och genomfört sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer. Materialet har därefter analyserats genom professionsteori samt med stöd av våldsteori för att analysera hur vi kan förstå oss på barnmisshandel. Utifrån analysen har vi fått fram fem begreppspar, eller spänningsförhållanden, vilka utgör kärnan i resultatet. Resultatet bygger därför på följande begrepp; (1) Strukturellt eller individuellt fokus; (2) Barn- eller vuxenperspektiv; (3) Proaktivt eller reaktivt arbetssätt; (4) Generalist eller specialist; (5) Uppdelad eller sammanhållen förståelse av barnmisshandel. Utifrån resultatet kan vi konstatera att skolkuratorernas ansvarsområden varierar från skola till skola. Anledningen är dels att det saknas tydliga arbetsbeskrivningar vilket gör att de själva får forma sitt arbete. Denna valfrihet gör att vissa arbetar mer strukturellt på en mer övergripande förebyggande nivå, och andra individuellt, alltså mer med enskilda samtal. Vi såg även en skillnad i om de arbetar proaktivt eller reaktivt, det vill säga om de aktivt arbetar för att upptäcka våldet eller om de enbart hanterar det när en elev berättar. Respondenterna lägger oavsett förhållningssätt till arbetet tid på att se och lyssna på barnen, vilket vi tolkat som att de har ett barnperspektiv. Överlag visar resultatet att de flesta respondenter strävar efter att vara generalister där de inte specialiserat sig på barnmisshandel, och att de uppvisar en uppdelad förståelse för vad barnmisshandel är. Genom att enbart förstå vissa typer av våld som barnmisshandel gör de också skillnad på hur de arbetar och utbildar sig inom skolan. Slutligen visar resultatet att det finns en avsaknad av respondenter som arbetar både individuellt och proaktivt, vilket betyder att samtliga av de skolkuratorer vi intervjuat i praktiken lägger ett ansvar på att eleverna ska berätta om våldet. / The purpose with this study was to investigate school counsellors area of responsibility when it comes to child abuse by parents. To fulfil or purpose we have had an abductive approach and conducted seven qualitative semistructured interviews with school counsellors. The empirical material has thenceforth been analysed through theories about professions, and with support of theories about violence to help us analyse how we can understand child abuse. Through the analysis we identified five pairs of concepts or tensions between different approaches, which constitute the core of our results. Therefore, our results build on the following concepts: (1) Structural or individual focus; (2) Child or adult perspective; (3) Proactive or reactive approach; (4) Generalist or specialist; (5) Divided or connected understanding of child abuse. Through our results section we can establish that the school counsellors area of responsibility varies from school to school. This is partly because there are no clear job descriptions, which means that school counsellors themselves shape the work. This liberty of choice means that some counsellors focus their work on structural tasks on a more general and preventively level, and other on individual with more individual counselling. Furthermore, we saw a difference in if they work more proactively or reactively, that is, to what extent they actively work to discover violence towards children or if they only handle it when a child tells the adults. Regardless of their focus we can see that the respondents take their time to see and listen to the pupils, which we interpret as that them having a child perspective. The result shows that the respondents mainly aim to be generalists where they do not specialise in child abuse, and that they indicate a divided understanding about the subject. Because they regard only some types of violence as included in child abuse, they also make a difference in how they work and educate themselves within the school. Lastly, the result show that there is an absence of respondents who work both individually and proactively, which means that in practice all of the respondents place the responsibility on the pupils to speak up about the violence.

Pupil teacher and counsellor perceptions of the school counsellor : implications for counselling services and secondary schools in the Australian Capital Territory

McGlynn, Margaret Jean, n/a January 1979 (has links)
Research has suggested that the identity of the school counsellor is inevitably determined by what they do or are perceived to do, rather than by what they would like to do or ought to do. Thus the perception held by students, counsellors and teachers are of paramount importance in attempting to define the role and function of the counsellors. This study attempts, by a descriptive approach to determine what their perceptions are, and in addition to determine what effect, if any, the administration of a school can have on the perception held by the counsellor of that school. A questionnaire was distributed to a randomly selected sample (N-223) of students from a secondary school within the ACT, whose total population was 750. The results were shown in their-raw score form, percentage form and in years and sex. The same method was used to ascertain the perceptions held by stuff and administration of this school, and results were shown in raw score and percentage form. Similarly counsellors' perception of their role and function were obtained, although counsellors themselves were able to comment upon the design of the questionnaire before the final format was given to them. The results tend to show that counsellors within the ACT system were similar to those in the USA, in that their identity was determined by what they were perceived to do. The second part of the study used a causal - comparative approach to determine the effect of school administration on counsellors. The results of this showed that this body can potentially exert an extremely powerful influence upon the role and function of counsellors. The implications of the study for the ACT system are great. If the counsellors are to be used to their maximum, greater support must be given to them, and teachers at all levels should undergo some training to aid them in understanding and thus utilizing the counsellors to their fullest potential.

The Narrabundah College cross-age companionship programme

Pearce, Robert F., n/a January 1981 (has links)
The aim of the Narrabundah Companionship programme was to provide young children ("Kids") from deprived cultural backgrounds with opportunities to learn appropriate social behaviours by pairing them with older students ("Companions") for activities involving social interactions. Unlike the typical work of the School Counsellor, which tends to be problem centered and crisis oriented, the Companionship programme is seen as a preventive activity which uses "peer helpers" as a means of extending the outreach services of the School Counsellor. The effects of this programme on the Companions, rather than on the Kids, was the focus of this study. The purposes of the present investigation were: a) to identify characteristics of A.C.T. secondary college students who volunteered to be Companions; b) to identify appropriate Companion selection procedures; c) to assess the effects of communications skills training on an initial group of Companions in comparison to late-entering Companions who did not receive such training; d) to assess the drives and sentiments which motivated college students to volunteer for the programme and to ascertain any changes in those drives and sentiments which might occur during the programme; e) to determine whether the Companionship experience influenced a change in vocational preference toward a career in social service; and, although not the major thrust of the study, f) to assess the effects of the Companionship experience on the Kids' social adjustment. After pilot programmes in 1978 and 1979, the present study was undertaken during Terms One and Two, 1980. Thirteen A.C.T. secondary college students volunteered to become Companions. Eleven A.C.T. primary school students and one junior secondary school student were selected to participate as Kids in the programme. Prior to active participation, volunteers completed the Kuder Preference Record - Vocational (Kuder) and the Motivation Analysis Test (MAT). The teachers of the Kids assessed them using the Bristol Social Adjustment Guide (BSAG) and completed a brief questionnaire to aid the Researcher in his pairing of Kids with Companions. The Companions attended six (1 1/2 hour) sessions of a communications skills training programme adapted from the Peer Counselling Student Training Course (Varenhorst & Hamburg, 1972). Based on perceptions formed during the training period, the Companions then rated each other using the Group Assessment of Interpersonal Traits (GAIT) developed by Goodman (1972). The Researcher also made a subjective ranking of each participant in relation to his perception of the individual's potential to be an effective Companion. Contrary to expectation, only two new Companions joined the programme at the beginning of Second Term. The Companionship activities terminated after two school terms, at which time all Kids were reassessed by their teachers on the BSAG and post-measures on the Kuder and MAT were completed for those Companions remaining in the programme. Four Companions who had left the programme before the termination of activities had completed these measures at the time of their withdrawal . The results of the present investigation included: a) Significantly more females than males volunteered to become Companions, and their family birth-order position as last-born was highly significant. b) The results of the ratings for potential effectiveness as a Companion on the GAIT and on subjective ranking by the Researcher produced a highly significant correlation (.01 level), indicating that either method of selection is appropriate. c) Because only two new Companions joined the programme at the start of Term Two, it was not possible to adequately compare the effects of training versus no training. d) As a group, there were two significant changes in the motivations of the older students. There were increases in MAT scores measuring the drive "Narcism-Comfort" and the sentiment "Sweetheart- Spouse," significant at the .05 level. e) The results of the initial administration of the Kuder revealed that volunteers already had a high preference for careers in social service areas. There was no significant change in this orientation following participation in the Companionship programme. f) The second administration of the B3AG revealed no significant changes in the teachers' perceptions of the Kids' social adjustment. The Companionship programme is considered to have been beneficial to both Kids and Companions. Although there were no statistically significant changes in the Kids in the short term of this study, it appears likely that there is potential for long term benefits. Several of the relationships are continuing on an informal basis. Companions spontaneously expressd the enjoyment and personal growth they had derived and their willingness to participate in the next programme. Some parents of Kids were enthusiastic in their evaluations and have sought to keep in touch with the Companion. The Companionship programme is seen to have been a valuable preventive programme in community mental health.

A comparison of the knowledge and attitudes of school counselors trained in the prevention and awareness in schools of HIV/AIDS project and untrained counselors in Tanga Region, Tanzania.

Coppard, Dorothea. January 2008 (has links)
<p>&nbsp / </p> <p align="left">This study aimed to establish the effect of the training that was provided by <i><font face="Times New Roman">PASHA </font></i><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3"><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman">on the knowledge and attitudes of school counsellors regarding </font>HIV/AIDS. The research was conducted as a quantitative, observational KA(knowledge, attitude) study in 57 schools (37 or 32 % of the intervention schools,20 non-intervention schools) in Tanga region, using questionnaires to compare the knowledge and attitudes of trained counsellors with those of untrained counsellors towards HIV/AIDS, sexuality and reproductive rights of their students. Questionnaires were pre-tested and then administered face-to-face over a four week period in 2007. Eighty five counsellors were interviewed, 56 of these had received in-service training as counsellors, while 29 had not received any training by </font></font><i><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">PASHA</font></font><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3"><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3">.</font></font></i></p>

A comparison of the knowledge and attitudes of school counselors trained in the prevention and awareness in schools of HIV/AIDS project and untrained counselors in Tanga Region, Tanzania.

Coppard, Dorothea. January 2008 (has links)
<p>&nbsp / </p> <p align="left">This study aimed to establish the effect of the training that was provided by <i><font face="Times New Roman">PASHA </font></i><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3"><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman">on the knowledge and attitudes of school counsellors regarding </font>HIV/AIDS. The research was conducted as a quantitative, observational KA(knowledge, attitude) study in 57 schools (37 or 32 % of the intervention schools,20 non-intervention schools) in Tanga region, using questionnaires to compare the knowledge and attitudes of trained counsellors with those of untrained counsellors towards HIV/AIDS, sexuality and reproductive rights of their students. Questionnaires were pre-tested and then administered face-to-face over a four week period in 2007. Eighty five counsellors were interviewed, 56 of these had received in-service training as counsellors, while 29 had not received any training by </font></font><i><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">PASHA</font></font><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3"><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT" size="3">.</font></font></i></p>

Skolkuratorns känslor i samband med hantering av mobbning : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorns perspektiv och problematiken de upplever / The feelings of the school counsellor in conncection with bullying management : A qualitative study of the school counsellors’ perspective and the problems they experience

Hussaini, Inas, Marigona, Bytyqi January 2018 (has links)
I dagens Sverige är mobbning ett samhällsproblem då allt fler barn och ungdomar utsätts för det i skolmiljön. Denna studie har sin utgångspunkt i skolkuratorns perspektiv på hanteringen av mobbning som fokuserar på deras tankar, känslor och tolkningar. Studien utgår från skolkuratorns perspektiv och syftet är att få en djupare förståelse för hur de hanterar mobbningsärenden samtidigt som de reglerar sina känslor och vilken problematik de upplever i samband med detta. Det teoretiska ramverket består av emotionellt arbete och mobbning, med hjälp av begreppen känsloregler, åtgärdsprogram och känslomässig börda förklaras hur skolkuratorns känslor påverkas i samband med hanteringen av mobbning. Denna studie har en kvalitativ ansats där semi-strukturerade intervjuer användes som redskap. Urvalet består av 10 skolkuratorer som är yrkesverksamma vid högstadieskolor i Göteborg. Resultaten visar att skolkuratorns känsloreglering och emotionella arbete kan komma att påverka hanteringen av mobbning och skolans elever både negativt och positivt. Enligt respondenterna så upplevdes hanteringen av mobbning som en hög känslomässig belastning och som bidrog till stark oro som kunde vara svår att släppa. Samtidigt tyckte de intervjuade skolkuratorerna att de handskades med viktiga uppgifter som kändes väldigt meningsfulla och givande. / Bullying in today's Sweden is a societal problem since the number of children and teenagers who are exposed to it in the school environment is increasing. This study is focused on the school counsellors’ perspective on bullying, focusing on their thoughts, feelings, and interpretations. The focus of this study is the perspective of the school counsellor, and the purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of how they handle bullying issues while regulating their feelings and the problems they experience in connection with this. The theoretical framework consists of emotional work and bullying, using the concepts of feeling rules, action programs against bullying and emotional burden, explaining how the feelings of the school counsellor are influenced in dealing with bullying. This study has a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews were used as a tool. The selection consists of 10 high-school counsellors in Gothenburg. The results show that the school counsellors’ emotional regulation and emotional work can affect how he or she handles the bullying and even affect the school students in a positive or a negative 3 way. The respondents described the management of bullying as a high emotional burden that contributed to strong concerns that could be difficult to release. At the same time, the school counsellors thought that they were dealing with important tasks that felt very meaningful and rewarding.

A comparison of the knowledge and attitudes of school counselors trained in the prevention and awareness in schools of HIV/AIDS project and untrained counselors in Tanga Region, Tanzania

Coppard, Dorothea January 2008 (has links)
Master in Public Health -MPH / In secondary schools in Tanzania, teachers are selected to take on the role of guidance and counselling in addition to their teaching duties. They are expected to be key players in supporting school youth to develop responsible sexual behaviour to avoid HIV/AIDS infections. However, it was unknown to what extent they fulfil this role or are willing and able to do so. The PASHA (Prevention and Awareness in Schools of HIV/AIDS) project has trained counsellors in the Tanga region of Tanzania on sexual reproductive health (SRH) and counselling skills. This study aimed to establish the effect of the training that was provided by PASHA on the knowledge and attitudes of school counsellors regarding HIV/AIDS. The research was conducted as a quantitative, observational KA (knowledge, attitude) study in 57 schools (37 or 32 % of the intervention schools, 20 non-intervention schools) in Tanga region, using questionnaires to compare the knowledge and attitudes of trained counsellors with those of untrained counsellorstowards HIV/AIDS, sexuality and reproductive rights of their students. Questionnaires were pre-tested and then administered face-to-face over a four week period in 2007. Eighty five counsellors were interviewed, 56 of these had received in-service training as counsellors, while 29 had not received any training by PASHA. / South Africa

Skolkuratorers arbete med barn och ungdomar som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, i relation till Barnkonventionen : -En kvalitativ studie

Arnaout, Elinor, Johansson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Abstract    Title        School counsellors work with children and youths who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression, in relation to the Convention on the Rights of the Child- A qualitative study.   Authors          Elinor Arnaout and Julia Johansson   Honor-related violence and oppression (HrvaO) is a phenomenon that has received increasing attention in the media, among others. This is especially so after the case of Fadime, who in 2002 was murdered by his father as a result of violating his family's code of honor. The starting point in HrvaO is that women's sexuality is something that must be controlled in order to preserve the family's honor (Länsstyrelsen, 2018). In an interview study, the aim was to investigate what tools and knowledge school counsellors perceive they have to work with HrvaO among high school students. Furthermore, the purpose was to investigate how the parties identify the vulnerability among the students. In addition, the authors have examined how the school counsellors work with HrvaO mainly in relation to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It imposes requirements on all relevant professionals, including counsellors, taking into account the best interests of the child in all decisions taken with a view to protecting the child. Consequently, it was of interest to examine whether school counselors’ work with HrvaO has changed since the Convention on the Rights of the Child became law in Sweden in 2020.   The results of the study have shown that the Convention on the Rights of the Child has not made it easier for the counsellors, which they explain is due to the fact that the Convention on the Rights of the Child does not provide any practical application in the work with vulnerable students. Furthermore, the study has shown that the school counsellors have tools for working with students who are exposed to HrvaO in the form of conversation methodology, contact with social services, honor-groups and relationship building. The conclusion is that HrvaO is a complex subject that needs to be researched to a greater extent in order to promote the professional's acquisition of knowledge. This is especially apparent when various dilemmas arise in the workplace where the professional experiences difficulties in prioritizing "the right solution". Keywords  Honor-related violence and oppression, school counsellors, Convention on the rights of the child, work methods.

Skolkuratorers upplevelser och kunskaper gällande ångest hos unga kvinnor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / School counsellors’ experiences and knowledge regarding anxiety in young women : A qualitative interview study

Janzon Ljung, Rebecca, Svensson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine the knowledge that school counsellors in Swedish schools have about young women with anxiety disorders. The study also examines how the counsellors act when there is a suspicion or a case of anxiety in a female student. With a qualitative approach eight school counsellors were interviewed. The theoretical approach that was used is the sociology of knowledge. Some of the study’s conclusions are that anxiety disorders are frequent among young girls. School counsellors have different types of education and work experiences which can affect their understanding of anxiety disorders. There are similar opinions among the school counsellors regarding the definition of anxiety and that it is a serious condition where the affected needs some sort of support or help to handle it. The results and conclusions confirm and extend the previous research made on the subject.

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