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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beyond the screen. : Exploring the usability of non-visual modalities in cross-device systems.

Wierzba, Weronika January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores how non-visual modalities, especially gestures, can be utilized to enhance User Experience, taking as a probe an existing multi-screen, cross-device system.  In the first Chapters of the thesis a theory on cross-device systems is  being reviewed for the existing design frameworks, principles and practices, and a case study to further investigation of challenges and issues occurring in a chosen cross-device system is conducted.  As a conclusion of both theoretical and empirical research, the pivotal change in the design approach is made. The design opportunity focuses on exploring non-visual modalities in the context of the above-mentioned cross-device system.  As a result of design activities, especially the co-creation session, gesture taxonomy is proposed. Gestures are described and documented in order to contribute to the field of HCI and to become an inspiration for designers aiming to design for cross-device systems beyond the screens.

Barns grundläggande behov har fått konkurrens : En litteraturstudie om hur barns hälsa påverkas av skärmtid

Fagerlund, Zara January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Då ett barn får uppleva uppmuntran, bekräftelse, positiva och kärleksfulla känslor från sina föräldrar lägger det grunden för utveckling av en god interaktion mellan barn och förälder. Barns skärmanvändning har under de senaste åren ökat och tiden för familjens interaktioner får ge vika.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa skärmtidens påverkan på barns interaktion med sina föräldrar. Samt frågeställningarna: Vilken betydelse har interaktionen för barns mående och utveckling? Hur kan skärmtid formas till långsiktigt hållbara vanor med stöd av barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan? Metod: Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteratur  har sökts i databasen Cinahl. Tretton artiklar från de tio senaste åren inkluderades i syntesen. Resultat: Analysen av det insamlade materialet gav de tre kategorierna; Påverkan på den sociala interaktionen, Negativ påverkan på barnets utveckling samt Barnhälsovårdens roll. Inom dessa kategorier identifierades subkategorierna; Barns skärmtid påverkar interaktionen, Föräldrars skärmtid påverkar barnet, Sömnbrist och stress, Försenad språkutveckling, Stöd till hållbar skärmtid samt Intervention till hållbara vanor. Slutsats: Denna studie visar vikten av föräldrars ansvar gentemot sitt barn. Ansvar för att ge sitt barn de bästa grunder och förutsättningarna till långsiktigt, hälsosamt mående. Skärmtiden i sig kan ses som mindre farlig, under förutsättning att den inte blir för lång och ensidig utan att föräldrarna deltar i aktiviteten. Det väsentliga är hur barnet mår, hur matintaget ser ut, tid för utomhuslek, läxläsning, sociala kontakter och sömnvanor. / Background: When a child receives encouragement, confirmation and positive, loving feelings from his parents, it provides the basis for the development of good interaction, between child and parent. Children's screen use has increased in recent years and the time for family interactions has decreased. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to shed light on the impact of screen time on children's interaction with their parents. And the questions: What significance does the interaction have for children's mood? How can screen time be shaped into long-term sustainable habits with the support of the child health care nurse’s? Method: The study was conducted using a systematic literature study. Results: The analysis of the collected material yielded the three categories; Impact on social interaction, Negative impact on the child's development and the role of child health care. Within these categories, the subcategories were identified; Children's screen time affects the interaction, Parents' screen time affects the child, Sleep deprivation and stress, Delayed language development, Support for sustainable screen time and Intervention for sustainable habits. Conclusion: This study shows the importance of parents' responsibility for their child. Specifically, responsibility for giving your child the best foundations and conditions for a long-term, healthy mood. The screen time itself can be seen as harmless, as long as the child's mood is monitored.

Screen-Printed Soft-Nitrided Carbon Electrodes for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide

Ogbu, Chidiebere I., Feng, Xu, Dada, Samson N., Bishop, Gregory W. 01 September 2019 (has links)
Nitrogen-doped carbon materials have garnered much interest due to their electrocatalytic activity towards important reactions such as the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. N-doped carbon materials are typically prepared and deposited on solid conductive supports, which can sometimes involve time-consuming, complex, and/or costly procedures. Here, nitrogen-doped screen-printed carbon electrodes (N-SPCEs) were fabricated directly from a lab-formulated ink composed of graphite that was modified with surface nitrogen groups by a simple soft nitriding technique. N-SPCEs prepared from inexpensive starting materials (graphite powder and urea) demonstrated good electrocatalytic activity towards hydrogen peroxide reduction. Amperometric detection of H2O2 using N-SPCEs with an applied potential of −0.4 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) exhibited good reproducibility and stability as well as a reasonable limit of detection (2.5 µM) and wide linear range (0.020 to 5.3 mM).

Nitrogen Doping of Electrochemically Activate Carbon Screen-Printed Electrodes

Galloway, Ethan 01 May 2022 (has links)
Screen printed electrodes (SPEs), which are prepared by patterning conductive inks or pastes onto an insulating support (e.g., plastic film), are widely employed as sensing and biosensing platforms due to their ease of fabrication and relatively low cost. This is especially applicable to electrodes of this nature prepared with carbon-based inks (SPCEs). To date, the most successful and significant commercial application of SPEs has been as test strips for glucose meters. Despite the maturity of this technology, SPE research remains very active as improvements in sensitivity and selectivity, which often involve modifying the electrode surface, hold the key to advancing their utility in routine applications and extending their benefits to other target analytes. Recent studies in the Bishop research group have demonstrated that nitrogen-doped SPCEs (N-SPCEs) exhibit enhanced electrochemical response towards hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a product of oxidase enzyme (e.g., glucose oxidase, lactate oxidase, etc.) reactions and a common target in biosensing strategies. The presence of nitrogen heteroatoms on the carbon surface facilitates breakage of oxygen-oxygen bonds, a key step in reduction of H2O2. Since previous studies showed only modest incorporation of nitrogen species on SPCEs prepared from commercial ink, these studies aim to investigate the possibility of enhancing N-doping by performing a simple pre-treatment strategy that reportedly increases surface oxygen content of SPCEs prior to N-doping. Since surface oxygen sites have been previously reported to be preferentially modified with nitrogen during N doping strategies, this seems like a promising technique for improving sensitivity of N-SPCEs for H2O2 reduction. To quantify the actuality of these claims, experimental groups were fabricated having undergone no enhancement, pretreatment enhancement only, nitrogen-doping enhancement only, and a combination of the pretreatment and nitrogen-doping enhancements. Here the electrochemical behaviors of pretreated SPCEs, N-SPCEs, and pretreated N-SPCEs for the detection of H2O2 by completing comparative cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments with and without the presence of H2O2 and with it present in varying concentrations is compared. It is projected that, if successful, the fabricated electrodes that have undergone both the pretreatment protocol and the nitrogen-doping process will have an increased sensitivity and detection limit towards H2O2.

Diseño y caracterización de sensores para la medida de parámetros químicos y biológicos mediante Organic Thin-film transistors

Pérez Fuster, Clara 22 March 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] RESUMEN La Electrónica Orgánica ha experimentado un gran avance en las últimas décadas, desde que en los años 70 se descubrieran los polímeros conductores. Las características únicas de los semiconductores orgánicos, han permitido el desarrollo de dispositivos electrónicos flexibles y con múltiple funcionalidad, mediante técnicas de fabricación a temperatura ambiente y bajo coste. Uno de los campos en los que estos dispositivos orgánicos han despertado mayor interés es el de su aplicación como sensores. En particular, los sensores basados en los denominados Transistores Orgánicos de película delgada (OTFT's) han experimentado un gran desarrollo debido a sus múltiples ventajas, como simplicidad, elevada sensibilidad, y posibilidad de miniaturización. Existen dos tipos principales de OTFT's: Transistor Orgánico de Efecto de Campo (OFET) y Transistor Electroquímico Orgánico (OECT). Los OECT's constan de tres electrodos (surtidor, drenador y puerta), un semiconductor orgánico (OSC), y un electrolito en contacto con el semiconductor. El funcionamiento de los sensores basados en OECT's se basa en la modulación de la corriente del canal por dopaje o de-dopaje electroquímico desde el electrolito, cuando se aplican tensiones de puerta. Los OECT's resultan especialmente adecuados como sensores químicos debido a su capacidad de operar en medios acuosos. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado OECT's basados en el OSC PEDOT:PSS mediante tecnología Screen-printing. Los transistores se han diseñado variando su geometría, parámetro del que depende la sensibilidad del sensor. Mediante la caracterización eléctrica de los OECT's, se ha podido determinar la geometría óptima en función del analito a detectar. Finalmente, se ha comprobado experimentalmente la validez de estos OECT's como sensores de cationes de diferentes tamaños y de ácido ascórbico, obteniéndose resultados muy satisfactorios. Los OFET's, se han preparado depositando el OSC sobre el dieléctrico y para obtener el canal cuya corriente se modula con la tensión aplicada al electrodo de puerta. En la mayoría de los sensores basados en OFET's, el semiconductor está expuesto al analito. Su funcionamiento se basa en la modificación de la corriente del canal por dopaje o captura de cargas en presencia del analito. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado OFET's basados en TIPS-Pentacene mediante las tecnologías Drop-casting y Spin-coating. Tras establecer la mejor técnica de deposición del semiconductor orgánico se han caracterizado eléctricamente los OFET's. La caracterización eléctrica de estos transistores orgánicos es fundamental para optimizar su uso como sensores químicos. No obstante, las propiedades únicas de los OSC's dificultan la caracterización eléctrica de estos dispositivos con los equipos comerciales actuales, diseñados todos ellos para la caracterización de transistores de Silicio. Para suplir esta necesidad, se ha diseñado un equipo para la caracterización de transistores orgánicos, utilizando componentes comerciales de bajo coste y un software desarrollado específicamente para la determinación de los parámetros característicos de OECT's y OFET's fijados en la norma estándar IEEE 1620-2008. / [CA] RESUM La Electrònica Orgànica ha experimentat un gran avanç en les últimes dècades, des que en els anys 70 es descobrissin els polímers conductors. Les característiques úniques dels semiconductors orgànics, han permès el desenvolupament de dispositius electrònics flexibles i amb múltiple funcionalitat, mitjançant tècniques de fabricació a temperatura ambient i baix cost. Un dels camps en què aquests dispositius orgànics han despertat més interès és el de la seva aplicació com a sensors. En particular, els sensors basats en els denominats Transistors Orgànics de pel·lícula prima (OTFT s) han experimentat un gran desenvolupament a causa dels seus múltiples avantatges, com simplicitat, elevada sensibilitat, i possibilitat de miniaturització. Hi ha dos tipus principals de OTFT s: Transistor Orgànics d'Efecte de Camp (OFET) i Transistor Electroquímic Orgànic (OECT). Els OECT's consten de tres elèctrodes (sortidor, drenador i porta), un semiconductor orgànic (OSC), i un electròlit en contacte amb el semiconductor. El funcionament dels sensors basats en OECT's es basa en la modulació del corrent del canal per dopatge o de-dopatge electroquímic des del electròlit, quan s'apliquen tensions de porta. Els OECT's resulten especialment adequats com a sensors químics per la seva capacitat d'operar en mitjans aquosos. En aquest treball, s'han desenvolupat OECT's basats en el OSC PEDOT: PSS mitjançant tecnologia Screen-printing. Els transistors s'han dissenyat variant la seua geometria, paràmetre del qual depèn la sensibilitat del sensor. Mitjançant la caracterització elèctrica dels OECT's, s'ha pogut determinar la geometria òptima en funció de l'analit a detectar. Finalment, s'ha comprovat experimentalment la validesa d'aquests OECT's com a sensors de cations de diferents mides i d'àcid ascòrbic, obtenint-se resultats molt satisfactoris. Els OFET's, s'han preparat dipositant el OSC sobre el dielèctric per obtenir el canal i la corrent es modula amb la tensió aplicada a l'elèctrode de porta. En la majoria dels sensors basats en OFET's, el semiconductor està exposat al analit. El seu funcionament es basa en la modificació del corrent del canal per dopatge o captura de càrregues en presència de l'analit. En aquest treball, s'han desenvolupat OFET's basats en TIPS-Pentacene mitjançant les tecnologies "Drop-càsting" i "Spin-coating". Després d'establir la millor tècnica de deposició del semiconductor orgànic s'han caracteritzat elèctricament els OFET's La caracterització elèctrica d'aquests transistors orgànics és fonamental per optimitzar el seu ús com a sensors químics. No obstant això, les propietats úniques dels OSC's dificulten la caracterització elèctrica d'aquests dispositius amb els equips comercials actuals, dissenyats tots ells per a la caracterització de transistors de silici. Per suplir aquesta necessitat, s'ha dissenyat un equip per a la caracterització de transistors orgànics, utilitzant components comercials de baix cost i un programari desenvolupat específicament per a la determinació dels paràmetres característics de OECT's i OFET's fixats en la norma estàndard IEEE 1620-2008. / [EN] ABSTRACT Organic Electronics has been extensively developed along these past decades, since the discovery of conducting polymers in the 1970s. The unique features that these organic semiconductors can offer have allowed the development of many electronic devices with mechanical flexibility and multiple functionalities, using low-temperature and low-cost fabrication technologies. These organic devices have attracted considerable interest for their use in many fields, especially for sensing applications. In particular, Organic Thin-Film Transistors (OTFTs) have paved the way towards the fabrication of efficient sensors due to their many advantages, such as simplicity, high sensitivity, and facile miniaturization. OTFTs can be classified into two types of transistors: Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFET) and Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECT). The essential components of an OECT are an organic semiconductor film, three electrodes (source, drain and gate), and an electrolyte bridging the semiconductor and the gate electrode. The operation of an OECT-based sensor lies on the modulation of the channel current by electrochemical doping or de-doping from the electrolyte, when gate voltages are applied. OECTs have attracted considerable interest for their application as chemical sensors due to their ability to operate in aqueous environments. In this work, PEDOT: PSS-based OECTs have been prepared by Screen-printing. The effect of the geometry on the sensor sensitivity has been investigated by comparing OECTs with different channel and gate areas ratio. The electrical characteristics of the OECTs have been used to determine the geometry that optimizes their performance for sensing different analytes. Finally, the use of these OECTs for the detection of cations and ascorbic acid has been experimentally assessed, with satisfactory and promising results. The OFET's have been prepared by depositing the organic semiconductor on the dielectric and thus obtain the chanel whose current is modulated by the voltage applied to the gate electrode. In most of the OFET-based sensors, the semiconductor is exposed to the analyte. Their operation is based on the modification of the channel current by charge doping or trapping due to the analyte. In this work, OFETs based on TIPS-pentacene have been prepared by Drop-casting and Spin-coating. The best technique for deposition of this organic semiconductor has been initially identified. Then, the electrical characteristics of these OFETs have been determined. The electrical characterization of these organic transistors is essential for their optimization as chemical sensors. However, the unique properties of organic semiconductors render difficult the electrical characterization of these transistors with current commercial devices, since these have been all designed for characterizing Si-based transistors. A device which allows for systematic characterization of organic transistors has been designed therefore, using low-cost commercial components and a software that has been specifically developed for the determination of the reporting parameters for OFETs and OECTs, as specified in the IEEE 1620-2008 standard. / El trabajo desarrollado en los artículos ha sido posible gracias a los distintos proyectos de investigación de financiación pública dentro del marco de proyectos del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia del Gobierno de España/Fondos FEDER (grant number MAT2015-64139-C4-3-R (MINECO/FEDER)) y Fondos de la Generalitat Valenciana (grant number AICO/2015/103). / Pérez Fuster, C. (2019). Diseño y caracterización de sensores para la medida de parámetros químicos y biológicos mediante Organic Thin-film transistors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118793 / TESIS / Compendio

Sunny with a chance: coming of age as coming out and coming into one's own

Maharaj, Upasna 22 February 2022 (has links)
The screenplay (creative production component) follows Sunny, a young South African Indian woman, who relocates to Cape Town to study fine art. She sets her eyes on a significant award, but makes the critical mistake of falling for her greatest rival. Despite facing crippling cultural expectations and biases, Sunny discovers that being different - and loving who she wants to love - is not a crime, but an imperfect truth. The screenplay explores the protagonist's first year at university, complicated by questions of identity, race, gender, sexuality and their intersection with tradition and culture in contemporary South Africa. Taking the form of a coming-of-age Indie drama (with an artistic twist), the main character embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learning, as she confronts these challenges. The reflective creative explication serves as an accompaniment to the screenplay. It is used to expound upon the creative process of writing the screenplay: highlighting key scenes, beats and decisions whilst interrogating the theoretical frameworks surrounding representations of ‘othered' groups - specifically queer womxn of colour - and their perception in society, aided by the lens of personal lived experience. This is followed by a review of the Indie and coming-of-age genres, in which the screenplay operates. The piece acts as a critical reflection intended to contextualise and justify the creative decisions made in the screenplay, so as to provide a means of accessing the larger themes and concerns at hand.

Nitrogen Doping of Electrochemically Activated Carbon Screen Printed Electrodes

Galloway, Ethaniel L, Bishop, Gregory W, Ph.D. 06 April 2022 (has links)
Screen printed electrodes (SPEs), which are prepared by patterning conductive inks or pastes onto an insulating support (e.g., plastic film), are widely employed as sensing and biosensing platforms due to their ease of fabrication and relatively low cost. This is especially applicable to electrodes of this nature prepared with carbon-based inks (SPCEs). To date, the most successful and significant commercial application of SPEs has been as test strips for glucose meters. Despite the maturity of this technology, SPE research remains very active as improvements in sensitivity and selectivity, which often involve modifying the electrode surface, hold the key to advancing their utility in routine applications and extending their benefits to other target analytes. Recent studies in the Bishop research group have demonstrated that nitrogen-doped SPCEs (N-SPCEs) exhibit enhanced electrochemical response towards hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a product of oxidase enzyme (e.g., glucose oxidase, lactate oxidase, etc.) reactions and a common target in biosensing strategies. The presence of nitrogen heteroatoms on the carbon surface facilitates breakage of oxygen-oxygen bonds, a key step in reduction of H2O2. Since previous studies showed only modest incorporation of nitrogen species on SPCEs prepared from commercial ink, these studies aim to investigate the possibility of enhancing N-doping by performing a simple pre-treatment strategy that reportedly increases surface oxygen content of SPCEs prior to N-doping. Since surface oxygen sites have been previously reported to be preferentially modified with nitrogen during N-doping strategies, this seems like a promising technique for improving sensitivity of N-SPCEs for H2O2 reduction. To quantify the actuality of these claims, experimental groups were fabricated having undergone no enhancement, pretreatment enhancement only, nitrogen-doping enhancement only, and a combination of the pretreatment and nitrogen-doping enhancements. Here the electrochemical behaviors of pretreated SPCEs, N-SPCEs, and pretreated N-SPCEs for the detection of H2O2 by completing comparative cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments with and with out the presence of H2O2 and with it present in varying concentrations is compared. It is projected that, if successful, the fabricated electrodes that have undergone both the pretreatment protocol and the nitrogen-doping process will have an increased sensitivity and detection limit towards H2O2.

Barns påverkan av skärmtid - ur ett hälsoperspektiv

Salminen, Matilda, Axelsson, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Axelsson C & Salminen M. Barns påverkan av skärmtid. En systematisk litteraturstudie. Magisteruppsats i pediatrisk omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2019.Bakgrund: Skärmtid har ökat explosionsartat den senaste tiden och kan ses som en naturlig del av vardagen i alla åldrar. Barnsjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården träffar flera olika barn och föräldrar, och numera ingår även skärmtid som en del av det hälsofrämjande arbetet. Barn som går på BVC befinner sig i en känslig utvecklingsfas där många olika funktioner, fysiska som psykiska formas. Av den anledningen är det viktigt att kunskapen kring skärmtids påverkan på barn i denna ålder ökar.Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka hur barns hälsa påverkas av skärmtid.Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie som baserades på 15 artiklar med kvantitativ ansats. Databassökningen gjordes i Cinahl, PubMed och PsycInfo genom olika sökblock. Studierna granskades med SBU:s granskningsmall för observationsstudier. Resultaten analyserades och presenterades i tabellform samt deskriptiv form.Resultat: Resultatet som framkom kunde ses utifrån olika hälsoperspektiv relaterat till barns skärmtid vilka var sömn, beteende och kognitiv utveckling samt BMI och kardiometabolisk påverkan. En negativ påverkan identifierades på barns sömn, beteende och kognitiva funktion samt även ett förhöjt BMI. Däremot sågs ingen kardiometabolisk påverkan.Konklusion: Det finns flera samband mellan barns skärmtid och hälsa vilket är en viktig aspekt att förhålla sig till som barnsjuksköterska inom barnhälsovården. Genom att samtala med föräldrar och barn om skärmtid kan hälsan förbättras.Nyckelord: Barnhälsa, hälsa, förskolebarn, media, spädbarn, tv / Axelsson C & Salminen M. Children's influence of screen time. A systematic literature study. Master's thesis in pediatric nursing 15 credits. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Health Care Sciences, 2019.Background: Screen time has increased explosively lately and can be seen as a natural part of the everyday life of all ages. Pediatric nurses in child health care meet several different children and parents, and nowdays screen time is as part of the health promotion work. Children who attend the BVC are in a sensitive development phase where many different functions, physical and mental, are formed. For this reason, it is important that the knowledge of screen time affects children of this age increases.Aim: The aim of the literature study was to investigate how children's health is affected by screen time.Method: A systematic literature study based on 15 articles with a quantitative approach. The database search was done in Cinahl, PubMed and PsycInfo through various search blocks. The studies were examined with SBU's review template for observation studies. The results were analyzed and presented in tabular and in descriptive form.Result: Three different themes in relation to children's screen time were reported in the result which were sleep, behaviour and cognitive development as well as BMI and cardiometabolic influence. A negative impact was identified on children's sleep, behaviour and cognitive function as well as an elevated BMI. However, no cardiometabolic effect was seen.Conclusion: There are several connections between children's screen time and health, which is an important aspect to relate to as a pediatric nurse in child health care. By talking to parents and children about screens, health can be improved.Keywords: child health, health, infants, preschool children, television, media.

PEELING GARMENTS : Flat garment construction between fabric layers using the printing process as a construction method and the reference of a peeling wallpaper to create expressive dress

Colja, Monika January 2020 (has links)
This work is a proposal for an alternative approach to working with print, making the printing process a key element within designing. It is an investigation into flat garment construction between fabric layers, as this enables for the printing to be used in place of sewing. Additionally, working with multiple textile layers connects with the reference of the peeling wallpaper, which is used as a base for material and form developments. The aim of the work is to develop a more holistic approach and new expressions in garment-making in relation to the application of printing processes within textile layers. The main objective is to present a new perspective of the relationship between garment pattern and print, bringing the later forward. Not only does the surface print, through the interaction of colour and texture provide an important element in terms of creating expression, but it additionally acts as a construction element. Moreover, by using the process of printing to create form the element of print becomes integrated into the process of garment-making.

Peroxide Sensing Using Nitrogen-Doped and Platinum Nanoparticle-modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes

Ogbu, Chidiebere 01 August 2019 (has links)
Nitrogen-doped carbon materials have garnered much interest due to their abilities to behave as electrocatalysts for reactions important in energy production (oxygen reduction) and biosensing (hydrogen peroxide reduction). Here, we demonstrate fabrication methods and determine electrocatalytic properties of nitrogen-doped screen-printed carbon (N-SPCE) electrodes. Nitrogen doping of graphite was achieved through a simple soft-nitriding technique which was then used in lab-formulated screen-printing inks to prepare N-SPCEs. N-SPCEs displayed good electrocatalytic activity, reproducibility and long term stability towards the electrochemical reduction of hydrogen peroxide. N-SPCEs exhibited a wide linear range (20 µM to 5.3 mM), reasonable limit of detection of 2.5 µM, with an applied potential of -0.4 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). We also demonstrate that nitrided-graphite can similarly be used as a platform for the deposition of electrocatalytic platinum nanoparticles, resulting in Pt-N-SPCEs with a lower limit of detection (0.4 µM) and better sensitivity (0.52 µA cm-2 µM-1) towards H2O2 reduction.

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