Spelling suggestions: "subject:"screw"" "subject:"crew""
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Dynamic behaviour of dowel-type connections under in-service vibrationReynolds, Thomas Peter Shillito January 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the vibration serviceability of timber structures with dowel-type connections. It addressed the use of such connections in cutting-edge timber structures such as multi-storey buildings and long-span bridges, in which the light weight and flexibility of the structure make it possible that vibration induced by dynamic forces such as wind or footfall may cause discomfort to occupants or users of the structure, or otherwise impair its intended use. The nature of the oscillating force imposed on connections by this form of vibration was defined based on literature review and the use of established mathematical models. This allowed the appropriate cyclic load to be applied in experimental work on the most basic component of a dowel-type connection: a steel dowel embedding into a block of timber. A model for the stiffness of the timber in embedment under this cyclic load was developed based on an elastic stress function, which could then be used as the basis of a model for a complete connector. Nonlinear and time-dependent behaviour was also observed in embedment, and a simple rheological model incorporating elastic, viscoelastic and plastic elements was fitted to the measured response to cyclic load. Observations of the embedment response of the timber were then used to explain features of the behaviour of complete single- and multiple-dowel connections under cyclic load representative of in-service vibration. Complete portal frames and cantilever beams were tested under cyclic load, and a design method was derived for predicting the stiffness of such structures, using analytical equations based on the model for embedment behaviour. In each cyclic load test the energy dissipation in the specimen, which contributes to the damping in a complete structure, was measured. The analytical model was used to predict frictional energy dissipation in embedment, which was shown to make a significant contribution to damping in single-dowel connections. Based on the experimental results and analysis, several defining aspects of the dynamic response of the complete structures, such as a reduction of natural frequency with increased amplitude of applied load, were related to the observed and modelled embedment behaviour of the connections.
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Uso de DHS - dynamic hip screw - em fraturas instáveis do fêmur proximal : uma abordagem comparativa entre as deformações no fêmur normal e no fêmur com DHSRibeiro, Rita Elise Vaghetti January 2017 (has links)
O estudo fez comparações entre a intensidade e a distribuição das deformações a que fica submetido o fêmur proximal intacto e o fêmur proximal fraturado e implantado com o sistema parafuso deslizante Dynamic Hip Screw – DHS, em fraturas transtrocantéricas do tipo 31 - A2 – 2. Para isso, foram produzidas deformações, mediante carregamentos cíclicos, em fadiga. As amostras constituíram-se de ossos de fêmur sintéticos, intactos, e de ossos de fêmur sintéticos onde foram feitos cortes em laboratório produzindo situações de fratura do tipo 31 –A2.2. Nas amostras fraturadas foram colocadas as placas DHS simulando situações reais de osteossíntese. Os conjuntos de ossos mais placas foram então submetidos a ensaios de fadiga. Os resultados demonstraram que as presenças da fratura e do implante DHS alteraram a amplitude das deformações em todas as regiões do fêmur. Houve absorção da carga pelo implante DHS em todas as regiões de medição. Na região do colo femoral, o DHS absorveu 98% da carga, na região lateral 97%, no centro medial transversal 48%, no centro medial longitudinal 92%, no centro medial a 45 graus 94%, no calcar, antes da linha da fratura, 80%, na região do calcar, depois da linha da fratura, 81%, na região do segundo parafuso cortical transversal 81%, na região do segundo parafuso cortical longitudinal 73% e na região do segundo parafuso cortical a 45 graus 92%. A região do centro do pino guia e a região do segundo parafuso cortical foram as regiões de maior instabilidade mecânica. Para as condições de fratura do tipo 31 – A2.2 o implante do tipo DHS não absorve totalmente as deformações geradas, apresentando mobilidade do foco da fratura. Pequenas oscilações entre os ensaios causaram modificações importantes nos resultados, indicando que a relação ponto de medição ou a posição exata do implante podem implicar num desgaste ou afrouxamento prematuro do mesmo devido a uma sobrecarga. / The study compared the intensity and distribution of the deformations to the intact proximal femur and the proximal femur fractured and implanted with the slide screw system, Dynamic Hip Screw – DHS, in transtrochanteric fractures, 31 – A2 – 2 type. In this way, deformations were produced, by means of cyclic loads, in fatigue. The samples consisted of synthetic femoral bones intact and synthetic femoral bones that were cut in the laboratory producing fracture situations of type 31 – A2.2 type. In the fractured samples the DHS plates were placed simulating real osteosynthesis situations. The bone sets and plaques were then subjected to fatigue testing. The results showed that the presence of fracture and DHS implant altered the amplitude of deformations in all regions of the femur. The load was absorbed by the DHS implant in all measurement regions. In the femoral neck region, DHS absorbed 98% of the load, in the lateral region 97%, in the medial center – transverse – 48%, in the medial center – longitudinal – 92%, in the medial center – 45 degrees – 94%, in the calcar region, before the fracture line 80%, in the calcar region, after the fracture line, 81%, in the region of the second cortical screw – transverse – 81%, in the region of the second cortical screw – longitudinal – 73% and in the region of the second cortical screw – 45 degrees – 92% . The region of the center of the guide pin and the region of the second cortical screw were the regions of greater mechanical instability. For fracture conditions of type 31 - A2.2, the DHS type implant does not totally absorb the generated deformations, presenting mobility of the fracture focus. Small oscillations between the tests caused significant changes in the results, indicating that the relationship between the point of measurement and the exact position of the implant may lead to premature wear or loosening of the implant due to an overload.
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<div>The purpose of this research is to analyze the overall energy consumption of an industrial compressed air system, and identify the impact of various energy saving of individual subsystem on the overall system. Two parameters are introduced for energy consumption evaluation and potential energy saving: energy efficiency (e) and process effectiveness (n). An analytical energy model for air compression of the overall system was created taking into consideration the modeling of individual sub-system components: air compressor, after-cooler, filter, dryer and receiver. The analytical energy model for each subsystem included energy consumption evolution using the</div><div>theoretical thermodynamic approach. Furthermore, pressure loss models of individual components along with pipe friction loss were included in the system overall efficiency calculation.</div><div>The efficiency analysis methods and effectiveness approach discussed in this study were used to optimize energy consumption and quantify energy savings. The method</div><div>was tested through a case study on a plant of a die-casting manufacturing company. The experimental system efficiency was 76.2% vs. 89.3% theoretical efficiency. This showed model uncertainty at ~15%. The effectiveness of reducing the set pressure increases as the difference in pressure increase. The effectiveness of using outside air for</div><div>compressors intake is close to the compressors work reduction percentage. However, it becomes more effective when the temperature difference increase. This is mainly due to extra heat loss. There is potential room of improvement of the various component using the efficiency and effectiveness methods. These components include compressor, intercooler and dryer. Temperature is a crucial parameter that determines the energy consumption applied by these components. If optimum temperature can be determined, plenty of energy savings will be realized.</div>
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Modelo de comportamento termodinâmico de uma bomba multifásica do tipo duplo parafuso. / Thermodynamic model of a twin-screw multiphase pump.Celso Yukio Nakashima 04 December 2000 (has links)
Esse trabalho apresenta um modelo termodinâmico de uma bomba multifásica do tipo duplo parafuso. Para uma dada condição de operação, o modelo calcula a potência consumida, as condições do fluido na descarga e o perfil de pressão ao longo da bomba. Ao invés de simular diretamente o escoamento dentro da bomba, simulou-se os processos que ocorrem dentro das suas câmaras. Para tanto, dividiu-se o processo de bombeamento multifásico em uma seqüência de processos simples, facilitando-se a construção do modelo no simulador de processos Hysys.Process v2.1. Os resultados de potência e temperatura de descarga obtidos com a simulação mostram uma boa concordância com valores experimentais, principalmente para FVGs baixos. Para FVGs elevados, o modelo passa a superestimar a potência consumida indicando que as fendas, nesses casos, já não se encontram totalmente preenchidas com líqüido. Dos resultados obtidos para o refluxo, conclui-se que, das equações sugeridas na literatura, aquelas para escoamento turbulento liso são mais adequadas para os números de Reynolds envolvidos. O perfil de pressão e a vazão de refluxo quando o escoamento é multifásico aproxima-se qualitativamente das medições experimentais. Estudou-se a influência de diversos parâmetros na eficiência exergética da bomba. Os resultados mostram que a otimização da eficiência depende das condições de operação da bomba: FVG, tipo de líqüido, diferença de pressão, entre outros. / The goal of this project was to develop a thermodynamic model of a twin-screw multiphase pump. With given operation conditions the model can determine the absorbed power, discharge conditions and the pressure profile along the screw. An alternative approach was suggested to overcome the complex flow problem and the processes inside the pump were simulated instead of direct simulation of the flow. For this purpose, the multiphase pumping process was divided in a sequence of simple processes so the model could be developed in an easier way. The power and temperature values calculated by the model are in good agreement with experimental data, mainly when the gas fraction is low. With higher gas fractions, the model overestimates the absorbed power indicating that screw gaps are not completely filled with liquid anymore. Concerning about the backflow rate, the results show that the equations for turbulent flow in smooth ducts fits better the Reynolds number range in the gaps. The pressure profile and backflow rate for multiphase flow agree qualitatively with experimental results. The influence of several parameters in the exergetic eficiency of the pump were analysed and results show that the efficiency optimization depends on pump operation conditions: gas fraction, liquid type, pressure difference and others.
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Modelo de comportamento termodinâmico de uma bomba multifásica do tipo duplo parafuso. / Thermodynamic model of a twin-screw multiphase pump.Nakashima, Celso Yukio 04 December 2000 (has links)
Esse trabalho apresenta um modelo termodinâmico de uma bomba multifásica do tipo duplo parafuso. Para uma dada condição de operação, o modelo calcula a potência consumida, as condições do fluido na descarga e o perfil de pressão ao longo da bomba. Ao invés de simular diretamente o escoamento dentro da bomba, simulou-se os processos que ocorrem dentro das suas câmaras. Para tanto, dividiu-se o processo de bombeamento multifásico em uma seqüência de processos simples, facilitando-se a construção do modelo no simulador de processos Hysys.Process v2.1. Os resultados de potência e temperatura de descarga obtidos com a simulação mostram uma boa concordância com valores experimentais, principalmente para FVGs baixos. Para FVGs elevados, o modelo passa a superestimar a potência consumida indicando que as fendas, nesses casos, já não se encontram totalmente preenchidas com líqüido. Dos resultados obtidos para o refluxo, conclui-se que, das equações sugeridas na literatura, aquelas para escoamento turbulento liso são mais adequadas para os números de Reynolds envolvidos. O perfil de pressão e a vazão de refluxo quando o escoamento é multifásico aproxima-se qualitativamente das medições experimentais. Estudou-se a influência de diversos parâmetros na eficiência exergética da bomba. Os resultados mostram que a otimização da eficiência depende das condições de operação da bomba: FVG, tipo de líqüido, diferença de pressão, entre outros. / The goal of this project was to develop a thermodynamic model of a twin-screw multiphase pump. With given operation conditions the model can determine the absorbed power, discharge conditions and the pressure profile along the screw. An alternative approach was suggested to overcome the complex flow problem and the processes inside the pump were simulated instead of direct simulation of the flow. For this purpose, the multiphase pumping process was divided in a sequence of simple processes so the model could be developed in an easier way. The power and temperature values calculated by the model are in good agreement with experimental data, mainly when the gas fraction is low. With higher gas fractions, the model overestimates the absorbed power indicating that screw gaps are not completely filled with liquid anymore. Concerning about the backflow rate, the results show that the equations for turbulent flow in smooth ducts fits better the Reynolds number range in the gaps. The pressure profile and backflow rate for multiphase flow agree qualitatively with experimental results. The influence of several parameters in the exergetic eficiency of the pump were analysed and results show that the efficiency optimization depends on pump operation conditions: gas fraction, liquid type, pressure difference and others.
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A influência da forma e da cor sobre os aspectos perceptivos da usabilidade e interação biomecânica em embalagens de água mineral /Bonfim, Gabriel Henrique Cruz. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Luis Carlos Paschoarelli / Resumo: A interação ‘homem-objeto’ é um tema de grande interesse para a prática do Design e da Ergonomia, visto que trata tanto de aspectos físicos quanto de aspectos de percepção. O presente estudo teve por objetivo realizar uma avaliação com atividades simuladas para verificar se a forma e a cor das embalagens influenciam os aspectos perceptivos da usabilidade e a transmissão de força de preensão manual. Foram realizados seis experimentos envolvendo 120 sujeitos brasileiros e 120 sujeitos portugueses, igualmente divididos entre jovens, adultos e idosos; e entre homens e mulheres. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram fundamentados em raciocínio indutivo, caracterizados por um estudo transversal com experimentação laboratorial. Foram avaliadas 5 embalagens de água mineral 500ml no Brasil e outras 5 embalagens com características semelhantes em Portugal. Os resultados apontam que o dispêndio de maior tempo para realização de uma tarefa, nem sempre, implica em menor satisfação dos usuários. Os materiais mais rígidos foram relacionados a uma melhor qualidade dos produtos. A presença de cintura nas embalagens foi um fator positivo, no entanto ela não pode estar abaixo do centro. A tampa muito baixa esteve relacionada à maior dificuldade de uso. A eficiência dos idosos foi significativamente menor em todos os casos. Diferentes diâmetros não influenciam o ato de despejo, porém influenciam diretamente a percepção quanto à facilidade de realização da tarefa. Os fatores determinantes para o p... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The 'man-object' interaction is a subject of great interest for the practice of Design and Ergonomics, as it deals with both physical and perceptual aspects. The main objective of the present study was to carry out an evaluation with simulated activities to verify if the shape and color of the packages influence the perceptual aspects of the usability and the transmission of manual gripping force. Six experiments were carried out involving 120 Brazilian and 120 Portuguese subjects, equally divided among youth, adults and elderly; and between men and women. The methodological procedures were based on inductive reasoning, characterized by a cross-sectional study with laboratory experimentation. Five packages were selected for the test in Brazil and another 5 packages with similar features for the test in Portugal. The results indicate that the expenditure of more time to perform a task, not always, implies a lower user satisfaction. The more rigid materials were related to a better product quality. The presence of a curved area in the packaging was a positive factor, however it cannot be below the center. The very low cap was related to the greater difficulty of use. The efficiency of the elderly was significantly lower in all cases. Different diameters do not influence the pouring act, but directly influence the perception regarding the ease of accomplishment of the task. The determining factors for the positioning of the hands were the center of mass and the shape of the prod... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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The Influence of Processing Conditions on the Thermo-physical Properties and Morphology of Polycarbonate / Poly (butylene terephthalate) BlendsRogalsky, Allan January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this work is to determine the effect of four process variables on the properties of blends composed of bisphenol-A polycarbonate (PC) and poly (butylene terephthalate) (PBT) polymers which are compounded using a large scale commercial extruder. The four variables studied are blend composition, specific energy consumption, residence time and shear rate. The last three factors were varied using the extruder screw speed and feed rate. The PC/PBT blends, commercially known as XENOY, were compounded using a WP ZSK 58 mm co-rotating twin screw extruder at the facility of SABIC Innovative Plastics in Cobourg Ontario. The extruder was instrumented to measure online the die pressure, specific energy consumption and blend temperature.
The blends were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry, (DSC), scanning electron microscopy, (SEM), gel permeation chromatography, (GPC), and melt volume flow rate, (MVR). After processing, the blend properties determined were melting temperature, glass transition temperature, crystallinity, amorphous phase weight fraction, amorphous phase composition, phase morphology, PBT-rich-phase size, blend molecular weight distribution, and MVR. Using principles available in the literature, a linear regression model was developed to relate the process variables with the online measured properties and output blend properties. Fitting this model allowed the relative importance of each process variable to be estimated for each property. An attempt was also made to identify the general type of PC/PBT blend studied and how it compares with published PC/PBT blend data.
It was found that the blends studied were well stabilized since there was no evidence of significant co-polymer formation during processing. Small decreases in molecular weight were attributed to mechanical degradation. Blending increased the crystallization and melting temperatures, as well as blend crystallinity. No practically significant difference in melting temperatures was observed between the different processing conditions. Analysis of glass transitions indicated that the blend components were partially miscible. The amorphous phase compositions were unaffected by blend composition or processing; however, the weight fraction PC-rich-phase present in the blend was strongly influenced by the screw speed. The phase structure of as-extruded blends could not be resolved using the SEM. Therefore, the blends were annealed to coarsen the phases. After annealing, a continuous PC-rich-phase and a
discrete PBT-rich-phase were observed. The PBT phase size increased with increasing PBT
content. No other statistically significant effects on phase size were observed but this is not conclusive due to the large scatter in the measurements. MVR was primarily influenced by blend composition and specific energy consumption, with the effects of composition being dominant.
Further study using higher imaging resolution is required if the phase structures of as received blend pellets are to be characterized. Contrary to current practice, it is recommended that the Utracki-Jukes equation be used rather than the Fox equation for determining amorphous phase composition from glass transition data in PC/PBT blends.
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The Influence of Processing Conditions on the Thermo-physical Properties and Morphology of Polycarbonate / Poly (butylene terephthalate) BlendsRogalsky, Allan January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this work is to determine the effect of four process variables on the properties of blends composed of bisphenol-A polycarbonate (PC) and poly (butylene terephthalate) (PBT) polymers which are compounded using a large scale commercial extruder. The four variables studied are blend composition, specific energy consumption, residence time and shear rate. The last three factors were varied using the extruder screw speed and feed rate. The PC/PBT blends, commercially known as XENOY, were compounded using a WP ZSK 58 mm co-rotating twin screw extruder at the facility of SABIC Innovative Plastics in Cobourg Ontario. The extruder was instrumented to measure online the die pressure, specific energy consumption and blend temperature.
The blends were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry, (DSC), scanning electron microscopy, (SEM), gel permeation chromatography, (GPC), and melt volume flow rate, (MVR). After processing, the blend properties determined were melting temperature, glass transition temperature, crystallinity, amorphous phase weight fraction, amorphous phase composition, phase morphology, PBT-rich-phase size, blend molecular weight distribution, and MVR. Using principles available in the literature, a linear regression model was developed to relate the process variables with the online measured properties and output blend properties. Fitting this model allowed the relative importance of each process variable to be estimated for each property. An attempt was also made to identify the general type of PC/PBT blend studied and how it compares with published PC/PBT blend data.
It was found that the blends studied were well stabilized since there was no evidence of significant co-polymer formation during processing. Small decreases in molecular weight were attributed to mechanical degradation. Blending increased the crystallization and melting temperatures, as well as blend crystallinity. No practically significant difference in melting temperatures was observed between the different processing conditions. Analysis of glass transitions indicated that the blend components were partially miscible. The amorphous phase compositions were unaffected by blend composition or processing; however, the weight fraction PC-rich-phase present in the blend was strongly influenced by the screw speed. The phase structure of as-extruded blends could not be resolved using the SEM. Therefore, the blends were annealed to coarsen the phases. After annealing, a continuous PC-rich-phase and a
discrete PBT-rich-phase were observed. The PBT phase size increased with increasing PBT
content. No other statistically significant effects on phase size were observed but this is not conclusive due to the large scatter in the measurements. MVR was primarily influenced by blend composition and specific energy consumption, with the effects of composition being dominant.
Further study using higher imaging resolution is required if the phase structures of as received blend pellets are to be characterized. Contrary to current practice, it is recommended that the Utracki-Jukes equation be used rather than the Fox equation for determining amorphous phase composition from glass transition data in PC/PBT blends.
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High temperature superconducting thin films and quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) for gradiometersGraf zu Eulenburg, Alexander January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of Complications after Reconstruction of Bone Defects Involving Complete Mandibular Resection Using Finite Element ModellingMarkwardt, Jutta, Pfeifer, Günther, Eckelt, Uwe, Reitemeier, Bernd 24 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: In a retrospective study, risk factors for complications after the bridging of mandibular defects using reconstruction plates were reviewed. Especially the loosening of the plate-screw-mandible complex should be analyzed with a finite element model in order to reduce plate complications in future. Patients and Methods: We examined 60 patients who underwent a treatment with reconstruction plates after tumor resection during a period of 10 years. The problem of screw loosening was additionally reviewed by means of a finite element study, and a model for the loosening process was developed. Results: Our postoperative examination showed that 26 patients suffered from complications that required an early removal of the plate. These complications were oral or extraoral plate exposures, the looseness of screws with or without plate displacement, and plate fractures. Thereby, we noticed that maxillary and mandibular areas of opposing teeth, the size of the mandible defect, and the crossing of the orofacial midline are all risk factors for plate complications. On the basis of the finite element model, a modified arrangement of the screws was derived. Hence, a new type of resection plate was established. Conclusions: By repositioning the screw holes along the long axis of the plate, the transition from tensile force to torque force of the screws in the screw-plate-bone complex can be minimized. Thereby, the complication of screw loosening will be considerably reduced. / Hintergrund: In einer retrospektiven Studie wurden Risikofaktoren für Komplikationen nach Überbrückung von Unterkieferdefekten mit Rekonstruktionsplatten geprüft. Insbesondere die Lockerungsvorgänge des Schrauben- Platten-Unterkiefer-Verbundes sollten mit einer Finite- Elemente-Modellierung analysiert werden, um in Zukunft eine Reduzierung der Plattenkomplikationen erreichen zu können. Patienten und Methoden: Es wurden 60 Patienten untersucht, welche im Zeitraum von 10 Jahren im Rahmen von Tumoroperationen mit Rekonstruktionsplatten versorgt wurden. Das Problem der Lockerung der Plattenschrauben wurde zusätzlich mittels einer Finite-Elemente-Studie überprüft und ein Modell für den Lockerungsvorgang erarbeitet. Ergebnisse: Die Nachuntersuchungen ergaben, dass bei 26 Patienten die Platte wegen Komplikationen vorzeitig entfernt werden musste. Die Komplikationen traten als orale und extraorale Plattenfreilage, als Schraubenlockerung ohne oder mit Plattendislokationen und als Plattenbrüche auf. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass bestehende Stützzonen des körpereigenen Restgebisses, die Größe des Unterkieferdefektes und dessen Mittellinienüberschreitung Risikofaktoren für Plattenkomplikationen darstellen. Anhand der Finite-Elemente-Modellierung wurde eine veränderte Schraubenanordnung abgeleitet. Daraus resultiert eine neue Form der Resektionsplatte. Schlussfolgerungen: Durch die Verschiebung der Schraubenlöcher aus der Längsachse der Platte kann der Übergang von der Zugbelastung zur Drehmomentbelastung der Schrauben im Schrauben-Platten-Knochen-Verbund der Platte minimiert werden. Dadurch werden Schraubenlockerungen als Komplikationen wesentlich seltener auftreten. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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