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Návrh silničního ocelobetonového mostu v Trenčíně / Design of steel-concrete composite structure of road bridge in TrenčínDoležal, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis was to design alternative of composite road bridge in Trenčín. The bridge beam is designed as continuous with theoretical span of 65 m + 106 m + 65 m. Permanent load, climatic load (uniform and nonuniform temperature variation, windload), shrinkage, differential settlement and traffic load were taken into consideration according to Eurocodes. Technical report, static report, drawings, bill of quantities are included. Computational model for evaluation of internal forces was carried out in SCIA Engineer software.
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Ocenění výstavby budov v Rusku / Valuation of building construction in RussiaZlobina, Daria January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this master’s thesis is to find out the extent of costs for construction in CZ and Russia. Costs for the construction were calculated according to the conditions in CZ an according to the conditions in Russia. There were made analysis of differences in construction works, which shows the biggest difference. Costs were determined in crowns for particular line of construction works calculation according to the ordinary calculation pattern which is using in CZ. Conversion of costs from Russian currency (RUB) to CZK was made with an actual currency course. The consequence of the work is analysis and evaluation of difference of construction costs.
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Most přes řeku Svratku / Bridge over the Svratka riverHyrš, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design pre-stressed road bridge over the river Svratka. There are designed 3 studies, from which variation of bridge from pre-stressed girders and coupled plate. Thesis solves construction process and static calculation includes time analysis. It is elaborated a detailed structural analysis and bridge is considered a proposal to limit states for temporary and permanent design situations according to European standards - Eurocodes. It is developed drawings and visualization of the bridge.
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Řešení problematiky ohýbání dílců z tenkostěnných profilů / Solution of bendig technology problems of thinn walled profilesMatoušek, Karel January 2010 (has links)
Reconnaissance of problems and parameters of square hollow profile bend. Finding (identification) of deformation of cross-section. Finding of suitability of unannealed material for component part. Finding of mechanical characteristics of welds and influence of their bend position. This finding was done on the basis of comparison of tensile tests and consequently aplicated to specific part where the suitability for use of unannealed material were proved.
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Analýza a hodnocení rizik využití automatizovaných systémů pro navrhování stavebních konstrukcí / Risk analysis and evaluation of using automated systems in building construction designKoza, Josef January 2015 (has links)
This thesis in its first part deals with the complexity of the legislation, which is related to design activities and also trying to explain the basic rules for the creation of project documentation. In the main section then analyzes and evaluates the selected drawing software in defined categories. Based on the selection chooses the best drawing software and compared with the hand-crafted version of the design documentation in terms of time and cost. The final time for the creation of project documentation will be converted to a built-up area of the building and found the relationship between time constraints and the size of the built-up area of the new building. It will also be evaluating the return on investment to drawing software and assessing cost-effectiveness of various options drawing. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the risks in the use of software products for structural design and evaluate their use based on the value of work.
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Klopení nosníku - analýza specifických případů / Lateral-torsional buckling of beams - analysis of specific casesPiják, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Thesis deals with flexural-lateral buckling of asymmetric cross sections, especially assessment according to ČSN EN 1993-1-1. Models are based on bar, shell and solid finite element method. Assessment of software Scia Engineer and RFEM are analysed in bar model. Plate and volume model uses shell and solid elements and initial imperfections. Computing is geometrically nonlinear. Correspondence of bar and plate model is studied. Optimal amplitude is suggested. Simple beam loaded with continuous line loading is taken as an example.
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Radar Characteristics Study for the Development of Surrogate Roadside ObjectsJun Lin (5931089) 16 January 2020 (has links)
<div>Driving safety is a very important topic in vehicle development. One of the biggest threat of driving safety is road departure. Many vehicle active safety technologies have been developed to warn and mitigate road departure in recent years. In order to evaluate the performance of road departure warning and mitigation technologies, the standard testing environment need to be developed. The testing environment shall be standardized to provide consistent and repeatable features in various locations worldwide and in various seasons. The testing environment should also be safe to the vehicle under test in case the safety features do not function well. Therefore, soft, durable and reusable surrogates of roadside objects need to be used. Meanwhile, all surrogates should have the same representative characteristics of real roadside objects to different automotive sensors (e.g. radar, LIDAR and camera). This thesis describes the study on identifying the radar characteristics of common roadside objects, metal guardrail, grass, and concrete divider, and the development of the required radar characteristics of surrogate objects. The whole process is divided into two steps. The first step is to find the proper methods to measure the radar properties of those three roadside objects. The measurement result of each roadside object will be used as the requirement for making its surrogate. The second step is to create the material for developing the surrogate of each roadside object. In the experimental results demonstrate that all three surrogates satisfy their radar characteristics requirements.</div>
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L’article 5 de la CEDEF : l’obligation d’éliminer les stéréotypes de genre néfastes et injustifiésForget, Frédérik 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Biometry and visual function of a healthy cohort in Leipzig, GermanyZocher, Maria Teresa, Rozema, Jos J., Oertel, Nicole, Dawczynski, Jens, Wiedemann, Peter, Rauscher, Franziska G. January 2016 (has links)
Background: Cross-sectional survey of ocular biometry and visual function in healthy eyes across the life span of a German population aged 20 to 69 years (n = 218). Subject number in percent per age category reflected the percentage within the respective age band of the population of Leipzig, Germany. Methods: Measurements obtained: subjective and objective refraction, best-corrected visual acuity, accommodation, contrast sensitivity, topography and pachymetry with Scheimpflug camera, axial length with non-contact partial coherence interferometry, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography of the retina. Pearson correlation coefficients with corresponding p-values were given to present interrelationships between stature, biometric and
refractive parameters or their associations with age. Two-sample T-tests were used to calculate gender differences. The area under the logarithmic contrast sensitivity function (AULCSF) was calculated for the analysis of contrast sensitivity as a single figure across a range of spatial frequencies. Results: The results of axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and anterior chamber volume (ACV) differed as a function of the age of the participants (rho (p value): AL −0.19 (0.006), ACD −0.56 (< 0.001), ACV-0.52 (< 0.001)). Longer eyes had deeper ACD (AL:ACD 0.62 (< 0.001), greater ACV (AL:ACV 0.65 (< 0.001) and steeper corneal radii (AL:R1ant; R2ant; R1post; R2post 0.40; 0.35; 0.36; 0.36 (all with (< 0.001)). Spherical equivalent was associated with age (towards hyperopia: 0.34 (< 0.001)), AL (−0.66 (< 0.001)), ACD (−0.52 (< 0.001)) and ACV (−0.46 (< 0.001)). Accommodation was found lower for older subjects (negative association with age, r = −0.82 (< 0.001)) and contrast sensitivity presented with smaller values for older ages (AULCSF −0.38, (< 0.001)), no change of retinal thickness with age. 58 % of the study cohort presented with a change of refractive correction above ±0.50 D in one or both eyes (64 % of these were habitual spectacle wearers), need for improvement was present in the young age-group and for older subjects with increasing age. Conclusion: Biometrical data of healthy German eyes, stratified by age, gender and refractive status, enabled cross-comparison of all parameters, providing an important reference database for future patient-based research and specific in-depth investigations of biometric data in epidemiological research. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov # NCT01173614 July 28, 2010
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Die Kaiserschnittentbindung erhöht das Risiko für eine gestörte pulmonale Adaptation bei gesunden späten Frühgeborenen und reifen NeugeborenenSchweers, Hannah Katharina 18 January 2017 (has links)
Die Kaiserschnittrate erhöhte sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in zahlreichen geburtshilflichen Kliniken. Diese Entwicklung ist problematisch, weil damit eine erhöhte pulmonale Morbidität der Neugeborenen verbunden sein kann. Die vor liegende Arbeit untersucht die Anpassung von späten Frühgeborenen (34,0–36,6 SSW) und 2 Gruppen von reifen Neugeborenen (37,0–37,6 und 40,6–40,6 SSW) in einem Level 1 Zentrum in Abhängigkeit vom Geburtsmodus. Eingeschlos sen wurden primär gesunde Kinder, die im Verlauf eines Jahres geboren wurden. Ausge schlossen wurden Kinder mit nachgewiesener angeborener Anomalie und Kinder mit einer schweren Anpassungsstörung (Apgar 5‘<6). Die Kaiserschnittrate lag bei 22% und war am höch sten bei späten Frühgeborenen (39%) im Ver gleich zu Kindern der 37. (30 %) und der 40. SSW (11%). Die Rate der Kinder, die mit CPAP behan delt werden mussten fiel von 88 % in der 34. SSW auf 17% in der 37. und 8% in der 40. SSW. Kinder nach Kaiserschnitt mussten im Vergleich zur spontan geborenen Kindern signifikant häufiger mit CPAP therapiert werden (50 vs. 12%). Dieser Unterschied war für späte Frühgeborene deutlich (82 vs. 36 %) und lag niedriger bei in der 37. (33 vs. 9 %) und 40. (26 vs. 6 %) SSW geborenen Kindern. Der deutlichste Unterschied fiel bei in der 36. SSW geborenen Kindern auf (66 vs. 9%). Die Ergebnisse der Analyse dokumentieren, dass ein Kaiserschnitt bei primär gesunden Kindern zu einer schlechteren respiratorischen Anpassung führt. Dies gilt besonders, jedoch nicht nur, für späte Frühgeborene und dort besonders für Kinder, die in der 36. SSW geboren werden. Die weltweit wachsende Rate von Kaiserschnittent bindungen sollte immer wieder kritisch hinter fragt werden. Eine Kaiserschnittentbindung ohne klare Indikation führt zu einer erhöhten Rate an respiratorischen Anpassungsstörungen, zur neo natologischen Aufnahme der Kinder und damit verbunden zu einer Störung der MutterKindBindung, sowie zu einer unnötigen finanziellen Belastung des Gesundheitssystems. Es ist zu wünschen, dass die Daten der Studie benutzt werden, um in der Diskussion zwischen Eltern, Geburtshelfern und Neo natologen immer den besten Geburtsweg für das Kind zu finden. / The rates of delivery by Cesarean section (CS) have been trending upwards in recent decades, perhaps leading to higher rates of dysfunction in respiratory adaptation in newborns. We present epidemiological data for pulmonary adaptation by mode of delivery for healthy late preterm and term infants born at a regional tertiary care center. The overall CS rate was 22 % with the lar gest proportion of these in late preterms (39%). This drops to 30% in infants born after 37 weeks gestation and to 11% for those born after 40 weeks. Infants needing respiratory support de creased significantly as gestational age increased: 88% at 34 weeks, 67% at 35 weeks, 28% at 36 weeks, 17% at 37 weeks and 8% at 40 weeks. The risk of respiratory morbidity following CS as compared to vaginal delivery (VD) was substan tially higher. 50% of infants born by CS needed respiratory support compared to only 12% fol lowing VD. 82% of all late preterm infants born by CS developed respiratory morbidity compared to 36 % following VD. Comparable data for infants born after 37 and 40 weeks gestation were 33% compared to 9 % and 26 % compared to 6 % respec tively. Late preterm infants born after 36 weeks gestation showed the most marked difference by mode of birth with 66 % needing respiratory sup port following CS as compared to only 9 % follow ing VD. Our data could be useful in counselling parents about risk associated with delivery by Cesarean section. A critical view should be taken of increasing CS rates worldwide because of a clear correlation in increased morbidity in infants, especially late preterm infants.
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