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Investigation of the structural response of pavements in cold region using instrumented test site dataSaliko, Denis January 2021 (has links)
The structural behaviour of pavement structures is known to be affected by the traffic-related loading and by the ambient factors to which the structure is subjected. A new mechanistic-empirical (M-E) pavement design method is under development in Sweden with the main purpose to adequately predict pavement structural response and performance. An M-E design method for a flexible pavement means application of the principles of engineering mechanics to evaluate the response of pavement structure to traffic loading and much improved design methods to carry out distress prediction or how performance changes with time. This would ensure a fundamental understanding of how the pavement structure responds to a certain action or loading conditions. The mechanistic-empirical approach is more flexible as it is able to adapt to new situations such as new pavement materials and loading situations. It is important to take into account the real loading and climatic conditions and predict the resulting changes in material properties and structural behaviour at the time of loading as well as in the long-term. New models are therefore required for the further development of pavement design method, and it needs to be validated through reliable data obtained through realistic measurements. In this licentiate thesis, the effects of the environmental factors and loading by heavy vehicles in pavements are investigated. The results of the study are based on environmental data from multiple locations in Sweden and on measurements from two instrumented road sections located near the village of Långträsk in the northern part of Sweden. Both roads consist of thin flexible pavements, the behaviour of which is highly dependent on the variation of the temperature of the asphalt layer, the moisture content in the unbound granular layers, and frost depth conditions. The licentiate report consists of three scientific publications. Paper 1 presents a country-specific case study in which the frost penetration depth in various Swedish roads is predicted by a statistically derived empirical model that uses the air freezing index calculated from the air temperature as an input. The model correlation is based on meteorological data from 44 meteorological stations and pavement cross-sectional temperature distribution data from 49 road weather information system (RWIS) stations over all five climatic zones throughout all of Sweden. Paper 2 focuses on the response of an instrumented test section subjected to loading by falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and heavy vehicles. The mechanical response instrumentation consisted of asphalt strain gauges (ASG), strain measuring units (εMU), and soil pressure cells (SPC) installed at different locations in the structure. The layer stiffness values were obtained via backcalculation based on the FWD surface deflections bowls. The recorded values of the mechanical response were compared against calculated values by multilayer elastic theory (MLET) based software. Three different heavy vehicles weighing from ~64 tons to ~74 tons were compared in terms of damage caused to the pavement structure. It was found that if the number of axles was increased and dual tyres were used, longer heavier vehicles were not more destructive to the pavement structure than shorter vehicles with fewer axles and higher axial load and tyre pressure. In paper 3, the effect of the seasonal variation of the environmental factors on the behaviour of an instrumented road test section was investigated. The same loading configuration described in paper 2 was used on four different measurement campaigns in different seasons over the span of 1 year. The environmental variables were monitored throughout the year by asphalt thermocouples, a frost rod, and time-domain reflectometer (TDR) probes. The mechanical response sensors and the environmental sensors were found to be a reliable data collection method throughout the entire year. By comparing the recorded response values to the MLET calculated values, it was shown that it is possible to model the mechanical behaviour of pavement structures using linear-elastic MLET if the temperature variations in the asphalt layer and the moisture variations in the granular layers are taken into account. / Utvecklingen av det strukturella tillståndet av vägbyggnader är beroende av trafikmängd samt vägkonstruktionens omgivningsfaktorer. En mekanistisk-empiriskdimensioneringsmetod för vägkonstruktioner är under utveckling i Sverige med huvudsyftet att på realistiskt sätt kunna förutsäga vägens respons och tillståndsutveckling. En M-E dimensionering betyder att man applicerar mekanistiska grundprinciper för att bestämma vägkonstruktionens respons under trafikbelastning och tillämpar sedan överföringsfunktioner för att förutsäga nedbrytningsförloppet. Att använda en mekanistiskt baserad metod innebär att man får en grundläggande förståelse av hur vägkonstruktionen svarar på en specifik påverkan eller belastning. Detta mera realistiska tillvägagångsätt ger dessutom ökad flexibilitet och gör att metoden kan appliceras vid nya belastningsfall eller under nya klimatförhållanden. Det blir därför möjligt att ta hänsyn till det riktiga belastningsfallet under de rätta klimatförhållandena. Detta gör att nyamodeller för vägkonstruktionens respons behövs och att dessa måste valideras för realistiska trafikbelastningsfall. I denna licentiatavhandling undersöks hur omgivningsvariabler och trafikbelastning från tunga lastbilar påverkar vägkonstruktioner. Resultat från denna studie bygger på omgivningsdata från ett stort antal mätstationer i Sverige och från mätningar från två instrumenterade vägsträckor nära byn Långträski Norrland. Båda vägkonstruktionerna består av tunna vägöverbyggnader och därför är responsen starkt beroende av beläggningstemperaturen och fuktinnehållet i vägbyggnadens obundna lager samt frostdjupet.Rapporten bygger på tre publikationer.Första artikeln presenterar hur frostdjup i svenska vägar kan förutsägas utifrån en statistisk modell som använder ett frostindex beräknat från lufttemperaturen. Modellen bygger på en anpassning av data från 44 meteorologiska väderstationer och 49 av Trafikverkets väderinformationsstationer distribuerade över alla fem klimatzoner i Sverige. Den andra artikeln fokuserar på responsmätningar från en instrumenterad vägtestplats där både fallvikt samt tunga lastbilar har använts för lastgenerering. Den vägtekniska instrumenteringen bestod av asfalttöjningsgivare (ASG), trycktöjningsgivare (MU), och jordtyckceller (SPC) installerade på olika djup. Styvhet av de olika lagren bakberäknades baserat på data från fallviktsmätningarna. De registrerade värdena från de vägtekniska givarna jämfördes med desom beräknades med hjälp av beräkningsverktyget ERAPave. Tre lastbilar med den totala tyngden mellan ~64 –~74 ton användes sedan för att jämföra deras relativa nedbrytningseffekt. Slutsatsen är att om antal axlar ökas med ökad tyngdoch om parmonterade däck användes är nedbrytningseffekten från 74 ton lastbil inte större än från en lättare lastbil med färre axlar. I artikel tre fokuseras det på effekten av hur klimatfaktorer påverkar vägkonstruktionens respons. Samma lastbilar som iden andra artikeln användes under fyra mätkampanjer vid olika tidpunkter på året. Omgivningsparametrarna registrerades i form av beläggningstemperatur och fukt i de obundna lagren samt frostdjupet. Vägens mekaniska respons beräknades genom att uppdatera styvhetsmodulerna utifrån beläggningens temperatur och de obundna lagrens med fuktkvoter och jämföra med de uppmätta responsvärdena. Beräkningsmetodiken visar sig ge bra överensstämmelse med det om uppmättes.
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Thermal Analysis of Multi-Cylinder Drying Section with variant GeometryRoonprasang, Kiattisak 25 November 2008 (has links)
This specific-purpose mathematical model was developed for the drying process in a multi-cylinder drying section. The unsteady state of one-dimensional heat conduction equation has been applied to mathematical model of both, cylinder shell and paper web. The internal mass transfer of the paper web has not been included in this work. The calculations of the simulation program use an implicit numerical method. The drying path length along the machine direction has been divided into 4 drying phases for each drying cylinder. Each drying phase has been divided in small sub-elements. In each sub-element, the heat and mass transfer across boundary conditions have been solved simultaneously in the simulation program, which runs with MatLAB®.
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[pt] Nesta dissertação, foi desenvolvido um estudo teórico-experimental de um sistema pré-fabricado de vigamentos mistos de pisos de edificações. O modelo estrutural consiste em vigas mistas do tipo duplo T, onde as nervuras são constituídas por uma viga celular formada a partir de um perfil I laminado, parcialmente embutido na laje de concreto. Após a montagem das vigas-mistas na obra, é feito um capeamento de concreto armado para solidarização do conjunto. Uma grande vantagem deste sistema é proporcionar a integração do piso com o sistema de instalações prediais, por meio da passagem de dutos pelas aberturas do perfil metálico. São apresentados os detalhes do sistema construtivo, bem como as recomendações de projeto. Foi executada uma análise paramétrica para avaliação do comportamento estrutural em termos de eficiência estrutural, visando-se principalmente a redução de custos de fabricação e velocidade de montagem. Com base neste estudo, foi desenvolvido um programa experimental no Laboratório de Estruturas e Materiais da PUC-Rio, para análise do comportamento carga/deformação e da resistência última à flexão dos protótipos submetidos a um carregamento estático. Com os dados obtidos, fez-se uma comparação com os resultados previstos. Os resultados experimentais confirmaram as previsões de resistência fornecidas pelas recomendações de projeto. / [en] In this research, is present a theoretical and experimental study of the prefabricated composite beams system. The structural model consists of composite beams of double T type where the ribs are constituted by an asymmetric I-section cellular beam, partially embedded in the concrete slab. After installation of the beams in the work, it is made a reinforced concrete capping for solidarity assembly. A great advantage of this system is integrate the floor with the building installations system, by passing ducts through the openings of the metal profile. This dissertation presents the system with the general details of construction and design. A parametric analysis was performed to assess the structural behavior in terms of structural efficiency. It is mainly aimed at reducing manufacturing costs and speed of assembly. Based on this study, was developed an experimental program in the Structure and Materials Laboratory at PUC-Rio, to analyze the behavior load / deformation and ultimate flexural strength of prototypes subjected to a static loading. With the obtained data, a comparison is made with the expected results analytically. The experimental results confirmed the estimated strength given by the design recommendations.
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Discount and Premium to NAV in Swedish Listed Property Companies / Substansrabatt och substanspremie i börsnoterade svenska fastighetsföretag - En studie om de underliggande faktorer som påverkarGustafsson, Joacim, Peng, Zhuquan January 2016 (has links)
Listed property companies trading at a discount or premium to their Net Asset Value (NAV) is a widely recognized phenomenon. Previous research within this field has primarily applied OLS-regressions and is mainly focused on U.K. and U.S. markets. This study is the first to empirically assess discounts and premiums in Swedish-listed property companies. By applying a fixed effect model controlling for panel data, this study also expands previous work and contributes to more knowledge about company-specific effects. The study covers 14 Swedish-listed property companies between the years of 2008 to 2015. Two OLS regression models and one fixed effect model were applied on cross-sectional data. Overall, the results show that the size, reputation, portfolio concentration and debt to asset ratio of a firm are negatively correlated with discount to NAV. The overall market sentiment and stock volatility are positively correlated with discount to NAV. Moreover, the overall market sentiment in tandem with firm-specific factors is believed to significantly impact discounts and premiums. Board size, insider ownership, administration costs and cross-border investments were found to not have a significant impact on discounts and premiums. Last it was also found that discounts and premiums are not determined by within variations in the subject companies, rather it is determined by across variations in the firm-specific variables. / Noterade fastighetsbolag som handlas till rabatt eller premium av sitt substansvärde är ett känt fenomen. Tidigare studier har huvudsakligen fokuserat på data från Storbritannien och USA. De studier som gjorts har primärt varit regressionsmodeller av typen OLS. Den här studien är den första som kvantitativt undersöker substansrabatt och substanspremier i svenska fastighetsbolag. Vi applicerar också en regressionsmodell av typen fixed effect, där vi kontrollerar för paneldata. Därför kan denna studie ses som en utökning gentemot tidigare studier. Denna studie omfattas av 14 noterade fastighetsbolag. Datan som används sträcker sig mellan perioden 2008 till 2015. Generellt kan sägas att storlek, rykte, portföljfokus och skulder i förhållande till totala tillgångar hos ett företag är negativt korrelerade med substansrabatt. Vidare så visar resultaten tydligt på att aktuellt marknadsförhållande tillsammans med bolagsspecifika faktorer, spelar en stor roll för skillnaden mellan aktiekurs och substansvärde. Volatilititen i en aktie och det aktuella marknadsförhållandet är båda positivt korrelerade med substansrabatt. Styrelsens storlek, insiderägande, kostnad för administration och internationella investeringar har däremot inte någon statistiskt signifikant påverkan på rabatter och premier i svenska noterade fastighetsbolag. Slutligen kan sägas att nästan inga företagsspecifika effekter hittades. De faktorer vi konstaterar ha en påverkan på substansrabatter och substanspremier varierar över hela datasetet.
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Investigation of the structural response of pavements in cold region using instrumented test site dataSaliko, Denis January 2021 (has links)
The structural behaviour of pavement structures is known to be affected by the traffic-related loading and by the ambient factors to which the structure is subjected. A new mechanistic-empirical (M-E) pavement design method is under development in Sweden with the main purpose to adequately predict pavement structural response and performance. An M-E design method for a flexible pavement means application of the principles of engineering mechanics to evaluate the response of pavement structure to traffic loading and much improved design methods to carry out distress prediction or how performance changes with time. This would ensure a fundamental understanding of how the pavement structure responds to a certain action or loading conditions. The mechanistic-empirical approach is more flexible as it is able to adapt to new situations such as new pavement materials and loading situations. It is important to take into account the real loading and climatic conditions and predict the resulting changes in material properties and structural behaviour at the time of loading as well as in the long-term. New models are therefore required for the further development of pavement design method, and it needs to be validated through reliable data obtained through realistic measurements. In this licentiate thesis, the effects of the environmental factors and loading by heavy vehicles in pavements are investigated. The results of the study are based on environmental data from multiple locations in Sweden and on measurements from two instrumented road sections located near the village of Långträsk in the northern part of Sweden. Both roads consist of thin flexible pavements, the behaviour of which is highly dependent on the variation of the temperature of the asphalt layer, the moisture content in the unbound granular layers, and frost depth conditions. The licentiate report consists of three scientific publications. Paper 1 presents a country-specific case study in which the frost penetration depth in various Swedish roads is predicted by a statistically derived empirical model that uses the air freezing index calculated from the air temperature as an input. The model correlation is based on meteorological data from 44 meteorological stations and pavement cross-sectional temperature distribution data from 49 road weather information system (RWIS) stations over all five climatic zones throughout all of Sweden. Paper 2 focuses on the response of an instrumented test section subjected to loading by falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and heavy vehicles. The mechanical response instrumentation consisted of asphalt strain gauges (ASG), strain measuring units (εMU), and soil pressure cells (SPC) installed at different locations in the structure. The layer stiffness values were obtained via backcalculation based on the FWD surface deflections bowls. The recorded values of the mechanical response were compared against calculated values by multilayer elastic theory (MLET) based software. Three different heavy vehicles weighing from ~64 tons to ~74 tons were compared in terms of damage caused to the pavement structure. It was found that if the number of axles was increased and dual tyres were used, longer heavier vehicles were not more destructive to the pavement structure than shorter vehicles with fewer axles and higher axial load and tyre pressure. In paper 3, the effect of the seasonal variation of the environmental factors on the behaviour of an instrumented road test section was investigated. The same loading configuration described in paper 2 was used on four different measurement campaigns in different seasons over the span of 1 year. The environmental variables were monitored throughout the year by asphalt thermocouples, a frost rod, and time-domain reflectometer (TDR) probes. The mechanical response sensors and the environmental sensors were found to be a reliable data collection method throughout the entire year. By comparing the recorded response values to the MLET calculated values, it was shown that it is possible to model the mechanical behaviour of pavement structures using linear-elastic MLET if the temperature variations in the asphalt layer and the moisture variations in the granular layers are taken into account. / Utvecklingen av det strukturella tillståndet av vägbyggnader är beroende av trafikmängd samt vägkonstruktionens omgivningsfaktorer. En mekanistisk-empiriskdimensioneringsmetod för vägkonstruktioner är under utveckling i Sverige med huvudsyftet att på realistiskt sätt kunna förutsäga vägens respons och tillståndsutveckling. En M-E dimensionering betyder att man applicerar mekanistiska grundprinciper för att bestämma vägkonstruktionens respons under trafikbelastning och tillämpar sedan överföringsfunktioner för att förutsäga nedbrytningsförloppet. Att använda en mekanistiskt baserad metod innebär att man får en grundläggande förståelse av hur vägkonstruktionen svarar på en specifik påverkan eller belastning. Detta mera realistiska tillvägagångsätt ger dessutom ökad flexibilitet och gör att metoden kan appliceras vid nya belastningsfall eller under nya klimatförhållanden. Det blir därför möjligt att ta hänsyn till det riktiga belastningsfallet under de rätta klimatförhållandena. Detta gör att nyamodeller för vägkonstruktionens respons behövs och att dessa måste valideras för realistiska trafikbelastningsfall. I denna licentiatavhandling undersöks hur omgivningsvariabler och trafikbelastning från tunga lastbilar påverkar vägkonstruktioner. Resultat från denna studie bygger på omgivningsdata från ett stort antal mätstationer i Sverige och från mätningar från två instrumenterade vägsträckor nära byn Långträski Norrland. Båda vägkonstruktionerna består av tunna vägöverbyggnader och därför är responsen starkt beroende av beläggningstemperaturen och fuktinnehållet i vägbyggnadens obundna lager samt frostdjupet.Rapporten bygger på tre publikationer.Första artikeln presenterar hur frostdjup i svenska vägar kan förutsägas utifrån en statistisk modell som använder ett frostindex beräknat från lufttemperaturen. Modellen bygger på en anpassning av data från 44 meteorologiska väderstationer och 49 av Trafikverkets väderinformationsstationer distribuerade över alla fem klimatzoner i Sverige. Den andra artikeln fokuserar på responsmätningar från en instrumenterad vägtestplats där både fallvikt samt tunga lastbilar har använts för lastgenerering. Den vägtekniska instrumenteringen bestod av asfalttöjningsgivare (ASG), trycktöjningsgivare (MU), och jordtyckceller (SPC) installerade på olika djup. Styvhet av de olika lagren bakberäknades baserat på data från fallviktsmätningarna. De registrerade värdena från de vägtekniska givarna jämfördes med desom beräknades med hjälp av beräkningsverktyget ERAPave. Tre lastbilar med den totala tyngden mellan ~64 –~74 ton användes sedan för att jämföra deras relativa nedbrytningseffekt. Slutsatsen är att om antal axlar ökas med ökad tyngdoch om parmonterade däck användes är nedbrytningseffekten från 74 ton lastbil inte större än från en lättare lastbil med färre axlar. I artikel tre fokuseras det på effekten av hur klimatfaktorer påverkar vägkonstruktionens respons. Samma lastbilar som iden andra artikeln användes under fyra mätkampanjer vid olika tidpunkter på året. Omgivningsparametrarna registrerades i form av beläggningstemperatur och fukt i de obundna lagren samt frostdjupet. Vägens mekaniska respons beräknades genom att uppdatera styvhetsmodulerna utifrån beläggningens temperatur och de obundna lagrens med fuktkvoter och jämföra med de uppmätta responsvärdena. Beräkningsmetodiken visar sig ge bra överensstämmelse med det om uppmättes. / <p>QC 210303</p>
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Mýty české hudební alternativy osmdesátých let / Myths of the czech music alternative in the 1980sJonssonová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
Dissertation "Myths of the Czech Music Alternative in the 1980s" presents an anthropological view of the phenomenon of a parallel culture in a limiting situation. On the basis of biographical narratives, additional interviews and data gained from other types of sources, "myths" are constructed for seven major figures of the Czech alternative scene. This is an insider's ethnomusicological interpretation, based on Mircea Eliade's and Bronislaw Malinowski's concepts of myth as recurrent and exemplary models of behavior. The described personalities, Jazz Section (Prometheus), Miroslav Wanek ("hero's journey") Karel Babuljak ("search for paradise lost"), Pavel Zajíček (Odysseus), Mikoláš Chadima ("Rebel"), Oldřich Janota (Hermes), and Marka Míková (Psyche), represent some of the main trends in creative processes of the Czech music alternative scene with myth being used as a metaphor. The metaphor is understood here in the terms of Timothy Rice, i.e. as an organization principle of our thinking, as well as an illuminating image.
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Digitálně obrazové zpracování vzorků v příčném řezu / Digital Image Processing of Cross-section SamplesBeneš, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on the digital analysis and processing of micro- scopic image data with a focus on cross-section samples from the artworks which fall into cultural heritage domain. It contributes to solution of two different problems of image processing - image seg- mentation and image retrieval. The performance evaluation of differ- ent image segmentation methods on a data set of cross-section images is carried out in order to study the behavior of individual approaches and to propose guidelines how to choose suitable method for segmen- tation of microscopic images. Moreover, the benefit of segmenta- tion combination approach is studied and several distinct combination schemes are proposed. The evaluation is backed up by a large number of experiments where image segmentation algorithms are assessed by several segmentation quality measures. Applicability of achieved re- sults is shown on image data of different origin. In the second part, content-based image retrieval of cross-section samples is addressed and functional solution is presented. Its implementation is included in Nephele system, an expert system for processing and archiving the material research reports with image processing features, designed and implemented for the cultural heritage application area. 1
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Development of advanced methods for safety assessment of sodium cooled fast reactorsBousquet, Jeremy 11 April 2022 (has links)
In the past years, more concerns are focused on the nuclear waste management due to the very long half-lives of various actinides produced in Light Water Reactors (LWRs). Sodium Fast Reactors (SFRs) are thus becoming more attractive since they are known to be very efficient to transmute long-lived radionuclides present in spent fuel. However, the current simulation tools (thermal-hydraulics code with point kinetics) and safety assessment methods are not as mature as for LWR applications and need to be enhanced.
This thesis aims at filling the gap in safety analysis of SFR cores to reach a standard similar to LWR applications by applying multi-physics modelling. In contrast to LWRs, the reactivity in SFRs is affected by three main feedback: the Doppler broadening reactivity effect, the sodium density change reactivity effect and the thermal expansion of several mechanical components of the reactor.
In this thesis, the thermal-hydraulic system code ATHLET is coupled with the three-dimensional neutron-physics code PARCS for transient analysis. Developed at GRS, ATHLET was recently upgraded for sodium coolant properties. The nodal diffusion codes PARCS, developed at the University of Michigan, can solve the multi-group diffusion equation in hexagonal geometry. While both codes already have the main features to simulate SFRs, the development of models dedicated to the thermal expansion effect of reactivity is necessary. The latter has three main origins i.e. the core axial thermal expansion effect (caused by the fuel and the cladding axial thermal expansion), the core radial thermal expansion effect (caused by the diagrid thermal expansion), the control rod displacement due to the thermal expansion of the Control Rod Drive Lines (CRDLs), the strongback and the reactor vessel. Thus, the three main new developments achieved in the scope of this work are:
- Development of a method to generate homogenized multi-energy-group neutron macroscopic cross sections (needed by PARCS) for SFR applications which consider not only the Doppler temperature and sodium density but also the core axial and radial thermal expansion.
- Development of a three-dimensional core radial thermal expansion model and its implementation in PARCS. A core axial thermal expansion model has already been developed for PARCS prior to this work.
- Development of a module in ATHLET for modelling the control rod displacement as a result of the influence of the reactor structures thermal expansion.
The parametrized homogenized multi-energy-group neutron macroscopic cross section libraries for PARCS applications are generated with the Monte Carlo reactor-physics code Serpent. For all materials contained in fuel assemblies, a three-dimensional model is used while the SPH method is applied to materials contained in non-fuel assemblies (e.g. control rods, etc.). The cross section libraries are collapsed into a 12-energy-group structure. Furthermore, a dedicated module was successfully developed and implemented within the core simulator KMACS (developed at GRS).
The core radial thermal expansion effect is implemented in PARCS using a coordinate transformation of the diffusion equation from the expanded state to the nominal geometry. The core radial thermal expansion depends on the diagrid temperature. It is calculated by ATHLET and transferred to PARCS by the extended interface between both codes.
The modelling of the control rod displacement as a result of the reactor structures thermal expansion is performed by a module linked to ATHLET. The strongback, the reactor vessel and the CRDLs are modelled as heated structures in ATHLET, which calculates their respective temperature. The module can compute the thermal expansion of each structure as well as the total control rod banks displacement.
The new techniques are verfied on a selected case study, the ASTRID core design. First, full core criticality simulations are performed with the Monte Carlo reactor-physics code Serpent (considered as reference calculations) and with PARCS. Good agreement between the two codes is achieved in terms of multiplication factors and power distribution. This allows to conclude that the developed method for neutron cross section libraries can be used for SFR applications.
The newly implemented core radial expansion model in PARCS is successfully verified on the ASTRID core with the standalone version of PARCS. Then, various transient simulations are performed in order to separately analyse the different contributions to the reactivity by: the Doppler broadening effects, the sodium density change effect, the core radial and axial thermal expansion effect and the control rod displacement effect. It is demonstrated that the core power responses are plausible which allows the conclusion that all the different thermal expansion models are properly implemented.
Furthermore, the presented simulations show very different core power responses. It appears that the effect of the sodium density change on reactivity is a parameter that is strongly heterogeneous (depending on the core location). This shows the importance of using a three-dimensional neutron kinetics model rather than a point-kinetic model for transient simulations with thermal-hydraulic codes. Moreover, the time-scale of the various effects are ranging from few seconds to several hundred seconds. While the Doppler broadening, the sodium density change, as well as the core axial and radial thermal expansion effects on reactivity are fast, the thermal expansion of the strongback and the vessel only appears after several hundred seconds. This emphasizes the importance of considering all thermal expansion effects in addition to the usual thermal-hydraulic feedback parameters (e.g. fuel temperature, coolant density etc.) to be able to compute the core behavior realistically.:Contents
Abstract II
List of Figures VII
List of Tables X
List of Acronyms XI
Acknowledgments XIII
1 Introduction
1.1 Sodium cooled fast reactors
1.1.1 Fast reactor development
1.1.2 Comparison of sodium fast reactor and pressurized water reactor designs Neutron spectrum Breeding Partitioning and Transmutation Control of the reactivity in the core Coolant properties Reactivity feedback Comparison summary
1.2 Objectives and structure of the thesis
1.2.1 Objectives
1.2.2 Structure of the thesis
2 State of the art of Sodium Fast Reactor safety assessment
2.1 Relevant safety events to consider for Sodium Fast Reactors
2.2 Major reactivity feedback mechanisms
2.3 State of the art of safety analysis methods for Sodium Fast Reactor
3 Methods and codes for safety assessment of sodium cooled fast reactors
3.1 Neutronics core calculations
3.1.1 Core calculations with the diffusion code PARCS
3.1.2 Generation of nodal few-group cross sections with the Monte Carlo code Serpent
3.1.3 Core simulator KMACS
3.2 Thermal-hydraulics simulations with the system code ATHLET
3.3 Coupled three-dimensional thermal-hydraulics / neutronics calculations
4 Development of three-dimensional thermal expansion models
4.1 General calculation approach proposed for safety assessment
4.2 Thermal expansion in solids
4.3 Model for generating nodal few-energy-group cross sections for deterministic core analysis
4.3.1 Energy group structure
4.3.2 Full-scale three-dimensional fuel assembly models in Serpent
4.3.3 Two-dimensional non-fuel assembly models in Serpent
4.3.4 Super homogenization method for non-multiplying media
4.3.5 Automated creation of Serpent models for parametrized cross section generation with KMACS
4.4 Core radial thermal expansion effect
4.4.1 Description of the core radial thermal expansion phenomenon
4.4.2 Coordinate transformation of the diffusion equation
4.4.3 Implementation of the coordinates transformation in PARCS
4.4.4 Adapted cross section parametrization scheme for the core radial expansion model
4.4.5 Diagrid model in ATHLET and temperature transfer
4.5 Core axial thermal expansion effect
4.5.1 Description of the core axial thermal expansion phenomenon
4.5.2 Implementation of a core axial thermal expansion model in PARCS
4.5.3 Appropriate cross section parametrization scheme
4.6 Control rod displacement due to reactor structures thermal expansion effects
4.6.1 Modelling scheme
4.6.2 Strongback model in ATHLET
4.6.3 Vessel model in ATHLET
4.6.4 Control rods drive lines ATHLET model
5 Verification on a case study
5.1 Description of the ASTRID reactor
5.2 Full core models
5.2.1 Full core Serpent reference models of the ASTRID core
5.2.2 Three-dimensional neutron kinetics model of ASTRID core in PARCS
5.2.3 Generation of appropriate few-group cross sections
5.2.4 Thermal-hydraulic model in ATHLET and ATHLET-PARCS feedback mapping
5.3 Verfications of the radial core expansion model
5.4 Assessment of the Doppler and sodium density effects
5.4.1 Assessment of the Doppler effect
5.4.2 Assessment of the sodium density effect
6 Coupled three-dimensional thermal-hydraulics/neutron-physics transient simulations with ATHLET-PARCS
6.1 Description of the models and transient simulations
6.2 Simulation 1: Doppler effect
6.2.1 Description
6.2.2 Results
6.3 Simulation 2: Sodium density effect
6.3.1 Description
6.3.2 Results
6.4 Simulation 3: Doppler and sodium density effects
6.4.1 Description
6.4.2 Results
6.5 Simulation 4: Core radial thermal expansion effect
6.5.1 Description
6.5.2 Results
6.6 Simulation 5: Doppler, Sodium density and core radial thermal expansion effects
6.6.1 Description
6.6.2 Results
6.7 Simulation 6: Core axial thermal expansion effect
6.7.1 Description
6.7.2 Results
6.8 Simulation 7: Doppler, Sodium density and core axial thermal expansion effects
6.8.1 Description
6.8.2 Results
6.9 Simulation 8: Doppler effect, Sodium density effect, core radial thermal expansion effect and core axial thermal expansion effect
6.9.1 Description
6.9.2 Results
6.10 Simulation 9: Doppler effect, Sodium density effect, core radial thermal expansion effect, core axial thermal expansion effect and control rod displacement due to reactor structures thermal expansion effect
6.10.1 Description
6.10.2 Results
6.11 Preliminary conclusions of the test calculations
7 Conclusion and outlook for future developments
7.1 Summary and conclusions
7.2 Suggestions for future work
A The Boltzmann equation
B Macro-group structure
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Tamaño de mercado, crecimiento del pbi per cápita y políticas públicas como factores internos del perú que influenciaron las estrategias y modalidades de ingreso de las marcas chinas del sector automotriz de vehículos livianos en el mercado peruano en el período 2006 - 2019Núñez del Prado Anzardo, María José, Sayan Bernal, Renzo Enrique 28 March 2022 (has links)
El proceso de internacionalización es complejo y demanda el análisis de abundantes variables que pueden evaluarse desde una perspectiva externa o interna, sin embargo, existen algunas variables que por su importancia deben ser estudiadas cuidadosamente. La presente investigación pretende contribuir en ese sentido teniendo como objetivo, comprender cómo ciertos factores internos del Perú han influenciado en las estrategias y modalidades de ingreso de las marcas chinas del Sector Automotriz de vehículos livianos en el mercado peruano en el periodo 2006 - 2019, lo que nos permitirá entender, cómo ha evolucionado las relaciones comerciales en el sector automotriz con la República China y la importancia que dichos factores internos propuestos en la investigación tales como: El tamaño de mercado, el crecimiento del PBI per cápita y las políticas públicas, han contribuido con la evolución de las relaciones comerciales entre ambos países, a partir de la cual podremos hacer inferencias sobre el futuro de la evolución de las relaciones comerciales. Su importancia radica, entre otras, en que, una vez verificadas las hipótesis, y finalmente definidas las conclusiones, el estudio se configure en un material de consulta que establezca una ruta adecuada para consolidar objetivos a través de la simbiosis que se debe lograr en los términos de intercambio. Por un lado, el estudio pretende ayudar a los analistas en la toma de decisiones específicamente en el proceso de internacionalización de las marcas chinas al momento de ingresar al país de una forma más rápida, eficaz y eficiente, y por el otro, al entender este mecanismo; que el Estado pueda desarrollar políticas públicas que permitan modernizar el mercado automotriz peruano y, a su vez, se cumplan con los compromisos internacionales relacionados con la reducción de emisiones, entre otros.
De la revisión de los antecedentes se ha hecho evidente que el tema materia de investigación tiene mayor número de antecedentes internacionales, lo que nos permite evidenciar que en el ámbito nacional es un tema poco estudiado, y en la mayoría de los casos se han estudiado variables dispersas, sin embargo, los factores internos considerados en el presente estudio siempre han estado presentes; por esa razón, el problema central de la investigación es determinar cómo esos factores internos que han venido apareciendo de manera recurrente en los antecedentes, han influenciado en el proceso de internacionalización de las empresas chinas de vehículos ligeros.
Así mismo, esta investigación pretende servir como referencia para futuras investigaciones, tanto de enfoque cualitativo como cuantitativo, orientadas a las estrategias y modalidades de ingreso de las marcas chinas al mercado peruano. En la presente investigación se empleó la metodología cualitativa; además un alcance descriptivo – exploratorio, con un método de recolección de datos de entrevistas a profundidad. Las conclusiones obtenidas en esta investigación servirán de guía para profundizar en otros estudios que coadyuven a orientar a los estrategas, sobre las estrategias y modalidades de ingreso teniendo en cuenta las oportunidades de mercado, en contraste con la realidad específica de su empresa. / The process of internationalization is complex and requires the analysis of many variables that can be evaluated from an external or internal perspective. However, there are some variables that, because of their importance, must be studied carefully. The aim of this research is to understand how certain internal factors in Peru have influenced the strategies and modalities of entry of Chinese brands in the Automotive Sector of light vehicles in the Peruvian market in the period 2006 – 2019, which will allow us to understand how the commercial relations in the automotive sector with the Republic of China have evolved and the importance that these internal factors proposed in the Market size, per capita GDP growth and public policies have all contributed to the development of trade relations between the two countries, from which we can draw inferences about the future development of trade relations. Its importance lies, among other things, in the fact that once the hypotheses have been verified and the conclusions finally defined, the study is configured as a reference material that establishes an appropriate path for consolidating objectives through the symbiosis that must be achieved in the terms of trade. On the one hand, the study aims to help analysts make decisions specifically in the process of internationalization of Chinese brands when entering the country more quickly, effectively and efficiently, and on the other hand, to understand this mechanism; on the other hand, to enable the State to develop public policies to modernize the Peruvian automotive market and, at the same time, to comply with international commitments related to the reduction of emissions, among others.
From the review of the background, it has become clear that the subject of research has a greater number of international backgrounds, which allows us to show that at the national level it is a subject little studied, and in most cases scattered variables have been studied. However, the internal factors considered in this study have always been present; for this reason, the central problem of the research is to determine how these internal factors, which have been recurring in the background, have influenced the process of internationalization of Chinese light vehicle companies.
Likewise, this research aims to serve as a reference for future research, both qualitative and quantitative, oriented to the strategies and modalities of entry of Chinese brands to the Peruvian market. In this research, qualitative methodology was used with a descriptive and exploratory scope and in-depth interviews were used as a method of data collection. The findings of this research will serve as a guide to further studies that help to guide strategists on the strategies and modalities of income considering market opportunities, as opposed to the specific reality of their company. / Tesis
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Indigenous practices of women during pregnancy, labour, and puerperium amongst cultural groupings at selected hospitals in Limpopo Province, South AfricaSeopa, Anikie Motlatso January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Nursing)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Indigenous practices are performances that occur naturally in a region or a growing living environment. Most women believe in indigenous practices because of their cultures and social structure. In South Africa regardless of the availability and accessibility of maternal and child health services, 50% of women were found that they still consult traditional birth attendants as their first choice during pregnancy, labour, delivery, and postnatal care. The purpose of the study was to determine the indigenous practices of women during pregnancy, labour and puerperium amongst cultural groupings at selected hospitals in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
A Convergent parallel mixed method design was used in the study to collect both qualitative and quantitative data at the same time. Non-probability purposive sampling was used to select 15 participants and Probability simple random sampling was used to select 125 women who were pregnant, in labour and puerperium using slovin’s formula. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview with a guide for qualitative strand and a self-administered structured questionnaire for quantitative srtand. Data were analysed qualitatively using tech’s open coding method and quantitatively using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25 with the assistance of the University of Limpopo’s Bio-statistician.
The results of the study showed that most women use indigeneous practices for protection against witchcraft, fear of giving birth in caesarian section and many other reasons.THPs and church leaders are regarded as the most principled people in their community. Indigenous women are aware of the sign and symptoms during pregnancy, labour, and puerperium which may determine consultation to healthcare practitioners, but they choose THPs and church leaders. Most women still rely on their religious beliefs to assist during their labour. Pregnant women, those in labour and puerperium should be supported to practice their religious beliefs and practices. THPs and church leaders are obliged to teach their clients and ensure that they know the names and components of the traditional medicines and church rituals they use.The nursing education should include indigenous practices in the curriculum so, that healthcare practitioners know about the indigenous practices and can serve as assistance in the training and development of health practitioners who continuously care for women during pregnancy, labour, and puerperium and as a result, may reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
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