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Srovnání sportovních rubrik českých deníků (Blesk, Lidové noviny, Deník) / The Comparison of Sports Sections of the Czech Daily Newspapers (Blesk, Lidové noviny, Deník)Kotrla, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis treats sports journalism in the Czech press. It aims to compare sports sections of three Czech daily newspapers - Blesk, Lidové noviny, and Deník (represented by Moravskoslezský deník as a suitable regional variant) by quantitative content analysis according to eight criteria: percentual representation of genres, sports, topics, number of photos, representation of sportsmen and journalists based on their gender, forms of authorship and proportion of sport-oriented articles outside the sports sections and compare it with results from 2011 a 2015 data set and a global project The International Sports Press Survey 2011. In the opening part, the diploma thesis attends to the critical reception of sports journalism coverage and introduce Czech sports journalism after 1989, then briefly characterize chosen daily newspapers. The last chapter of the theoretical part describes data collection and its analysis. The practical part of the diploma thesis fills the gap of lacking quantitative data completed with interpretation and authentic examples from research. This constitutes a framework of future periodic researches and challenges other researchers to serious progress of this neglected discipline in the Czech Republic which could lead to international survey participation of this country...
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Kvinnors önskan om kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation / Womens' requests for ceasarean section without medical indicationBroström, Monika, Philipson, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Trots att det i sjukvården betraktas som normalt att föda barn vaginalt väljer en del kvinnor att föda sina barn med hjälp av kejsarsnitt utan att det föreligger någon medicinsk indikation, varken för mor eller barn (elektivt sectio). Den medicinska vetenskapen visar att det både är säkrare och bättre i de flesta fall att föda vaginalt, men antalet elektiva kejsarsnitt ökar årligen. Kunskap om vad som driver kvinnor att önska elektivt kejsarsnitt kan öka möjligheten att minska kejsarsnitt som görs utan medicinsk indikation. Kunskapen är viktig för barnmorskor som kan hjälpa gravida kvinnor att i högre grad välja att föda sitt barn vaginalt då det inte föreligger indikation för kejsarsnitt. Syftet med arbetet var att beskriva kvinnors önskan om att föda sitt barn med hjälp av elektivt kejsarsnitt utan att det föreligger någon medicinsk indikation för kejsarsnitt. En litteraturstudie har genomförts där sökningar efter artiklar gjorts i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och APA PsychInfo. Till studiens resultat har 20 vetenskapliga artiklar, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar använts. De publicerade studierna är genomförda i olika länder, en del i höginkomstländer och en del i medelinkomstländer enligt måttet bruttonationalprodukt per person och år, vilken beskriver ett lands produktion utifrån dess befolkningsutveckling (BNP per capita). Samtliga artiklar är publicerade mellan åren 2009-2019, och är etiskt godkända. Kvinnors anledning att önska elektivt kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation sammanfattas i detta arbete med två övergripande teman: Vaginal förlossning ett hot och Kejsarsnitt garanterar hälsa och trygghet. Kvinnornas rädsla för vaginal förlossning var en framträdande anledning till att önska kejsarsnitt. Rädslan hade sitt ursprung i egna eller andras negativa erfarenheter av vaginal förlossning. Rädslan grundades också i en oro för att kvinnans utseende och hennes relation skulle påverkas av en vaginal förlossning. Önskan om kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation grundades i en tro om att ingreppet skulle garantera hälsa och trygghet för mor och barn, något som vaginal förlossning inte kunde erbjuda. Den mest framträdande anledningen till att kvinnor önskade kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation var en intensiv rädsla för en vaginal förlossning. Kvinnorna hade uppfattningen att ett kejsarsnitt skulle garantera säkerhet för mor och barn. Det kan inte uteslutas att önskan om elektivt kejsarsnitt kan bero på brist på kunskap. Det finns ytterligare behov av forskning på ämnet, förslagsvis på interventioner från sjukvården som fokuserar på att utbilda födande kvinnor om vinsterna med vaginal förlossning.
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Weight reduction of reachstackerJönsson, Hugo, Wallman, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
This thesis has been carried out together with Kalmar Global’s Innovation Center and covers a concept study about weight reduction of the telescopic boom of the Reachstacker DRG 450.The reason for this weight reduction is to ease Kalmar’s transition from fossil fueled to electric driven vehicles since less weight reduces energy consumption and leaves more room for batteries. The main focus of the study is to test a wide array of cross sections for the boom with the aim of weight saving. During the thesis both meshless and traditional finite element calculations are used when utilising simulation-driven design to optimise the boom. The study concludes that using a narrower octagonal cross section, improved material quality and adapting the positions of the mounts can decrease the weight by 23% with also decreasing the material cost by 13%.
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Surficial Geologic Mapping of the Vicksburg National Military Park and Surrounding Areas in Vicksburg, MississippiSmith, Taryn Elizabeth 12 August 2016 (has links)
This research has been conducted in Vicksburg Mississippi within the Vicksburg National Military Park and surrounding areas, to produce four 7.5 minute geologic maps of the area. The park service prioritized the delineation of geologic resources within the Military Park, which was achieved throughout geologic mapping. This project provides new geologic mapping to the Park by updating and integrating existing floodplain maps with new bedrock and surficial mapping within the four 7.5 min quadrangles. The objectives were to meet the mandates of the National Park Service and provide new geologic mapping to Vicksburg National Military Park as well as verify existing maps of the floodplain, within the time line of August 2014-May 2016. The resulting maps contribute to improve the understating of the geology within the Military Park, as well as provide insight to historical understanding, and engineering purposes such mining and mitigation of slope failure.
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This study introduces a multi-objective optimization framework for the re-dimensioning of the cross-section elements of rural horizontal curves with limited sight distance. The optimization aims at minimizing both the risk of collision associated with the limited sight distance and the expected collision frequency corresponding to the cross-section elements’ dimensions. The risk component was assessed using an index known as (Pnc), which is developed based on the reliability theory. The change in collision frequency corresponding to the change of the cross-section elements was extracted from the literature. The risk and the safety components were then combined into one measure (CMFcombined) to develop a direct measure of the safety impacts of the optimization. The proposed framework was applied to five restricted curves in British Columbia, Canada, considering various scenarios. The results showed a considerable reduction in the Pnc value (ranging from 12% to 73%) and the expected collision frequency (ranging from 10% to 31%) after optimization. The estimated combined reduction in collision frequency (CMFcombined) was estimated to vary between 48% and 76%. The results showed that the optimization of cross-section elements can improve the safety of horizontal curves significantly. The framework presented in this study would support transportation engineers in selecting optimal dimensions of cross-section elements of restricted horizontal curves, understanding the safety consequences of selecting a specific cross-section configuration, and assessing the economic viability of different design options. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Mýty české hudební alternativy osmdesátých let / Myths of the czech music alternative in the 1980sJonssonová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
Dissertation "Myths of the Czech Music Alternative in the 1980s" presents an anthropological view of the phenomenon of a parallel culture in a limiting situation. On the basis of biographical narratives, additional interviews and data gained from other types of sources, "myths" are constructed for seven major figures of the Czech alternative scene. This is an insider's ethnomusicological interpretation, based on Mircea Eliade's and Bronislaw Malinowski's concepts of myth as recurrent and exemplary models of behavior. The described personalities, Jazz Section (Prometheus), Miroslav Wanek ("hero's journey") Karel Babuljak ("search for paradise lost"), Pavel Zajíček (Odysseus), Mikoláš Chadima ("Rebel"), Oldřich Janota (Hermes), and Marka Míková (Psyche), represent some of the main trends in creative processes of the Czech music alternative scene with myth being used as a metaphor. The metaphor is understood here in the terms of Timothy Rice, i.e. as an organization principle of our thinking, as well as an illuminating image.
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Estimating the Dynamic Sensitive Cross Section of an FPGA Design through Fault injectionJohnson, Darrel E. 15 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A fault injection tool has been created to emulate single event upset (SEU) behavior within the configuration memory of an FPGA. This tool is able to rapidly and accurately determine the dynamic sensitive cross section of the configuration memory for a given FPGA design. This tool enables the reliability of FPGA designs and fault tolerance schemes to be quickly and accurately tested. The validity of testing performed with this fault injection tool has been confirmed through radiation testing. A radiation test was conducted at Crocker Nuclear Laboratory using a proton accelerator in order to determine the actual dynamic sensitive cross section for specific FPGA designs. The results of this radiation testing were then analyzed and compared with similar fault injection tests, with results suggesting that the fault injection tool behavior is indeed accurate and valid. The fault injection tool can be used to determine the sensitivity of an FPGA design to configuration memory upsets. Additionally, fault mitigation techniques designed to increase the reliability of an FPGA design in spite of upsets within the configuration memory, can be thoroughly tested through fault injection. Fault injection testing should help to increase the feasibility of reconfigurable computing in space. FPGAs are well suited to the computational demands of space based signal processing applications; however, without appropriate mitigation or redundancy techniques, FPGAs are unreliable in a radiation environment. Because the fault injection tool has been shown to reliably model the effects of single event upsets within the configuration memory, it can be used to accurately evaluate the effectiveness of fault tolerance techniques in FPGAs.
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[pt] Há um interesse crescente na aplicação de vigas e colunas de paredes finas
de materiais compostos em vários campos da engenharia. No entanto, pouco se
sabe sobre seu comportamento não linear local e global sob cargas estáticas e
dinâmicas. Aqui se apresenta a análise local e global de um perfil com seção canal
de polímero reforçado com fibras. Na análise global, as equações não lineares de
movimento da coluna de parede fina são derivadas em termos dos dois
deslocamentos de flexão e do ângulo de torção, levando em consideração grandes
deslocamentos, efeitos de empenamento e encurtamento. As equações de
movimento não lineares governantes são discretizadas no espaço usando o método
de Galerkin. Para a análise local, a seção do canal é discretizada em três placas,
que são modeladas usando duas teorias não lineares de placas: a teoria clássica e a
teoria de deformação por cisalhamento de primeira ordem. O sistema contínuo é
discretizado usando o método de Ritz. Inicialmente são determinados
analiticamente, através da resolução dos respectivos problemas de autovalor, a
carga e modo crítico, as frequências naturais de vibração, bem como a relação
carga-frequência do perfil em função da sua geometria e das propriedades do
material. A seguir são obtidos, usando o método de Newton-Raphson e técnicas de
continuação, os caminhos pós-críticos da estrutura perfeita e os caminhos não
lineares de equilíbrio da estrutura imperfeita e investiga-se a sensibilidade a imperfeições, considerando diversos tipos de imperfeições geométricas.
Finalmente, investigam-se as oscilações não lineares e a instabilidade paramétrica
da coluna sob cargas axiais harmônicas. As equações de movimento não lineares
são resolvidas numericamente pelo método de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem. As
regiões de instabilidade paramétrica são determinadas como uma função dos
parâmetros do material ortotrópico, amortecimento e geometria da seção
transversal. Os diagramas de bifurcação são obtidos empregando técnicas de
continuação e o método da força bruta, e a estabilidade das soluções é
posteriormente investigada usando a teoria de Floquet. A análise de bifurcação
permite a identificação das bifurcações associadas às fronteiras de instabilidade
paramétrica, bem como a existência de soluções coexistentes. Em seguida, a
evolução das bacias de atração das soluções coexistentes em função da magnitude da excitação é investigada, a fim de avaliar a integridade dinâmica das soluções. Os resultados demonstram que a coluna pode perder estabilidade em níveis de carga bem abaixo da carga de flambagem estática e, portanto, o projetista deve ter cuidado ao lidar com essas estruturas sujeitas a cargas axiais variáveis no tempo. / [en] The continuous system is discretized using the Ritz method. Initially, the load and
critical mode of the profile, its natural frequencies, as well as the load-frequency
relation are determined analytically as a function of the column geometry and
material properties by solving the respective eigenvalue problems. Next, using the
Newton-Raphson method and continuation techniques, the post-critical paths of
the perfect structure and the non-linear equilibrium paths of the imperfect structure are obtained and the imperfection sensitivity is investigated, considering several types of geometric imperfections. Finally, the nonlinear oscillations and parametric instability of the column under harmonic axial loads are investigated. Non-linear equations of motion are solved numerically by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta
method. The regions of parametric instability are determined as a function of the parameters of the orthotropic material, damping ratio and cross-sectional geometry. The bifurcation diagrams are obtained using continuation techniques and the brute force method, and the stability of the solutions is further investigated using Floquet s theory. The bifurcation analysis allows the identification of the bifurcations associated with the boundaries of parametric instability, as well as the
existence of coexisting solutions. Then, the evolution of the basins of attraction of the coexisting solutions as a function of the forcing magnitude is investigated, in order to evaluate the dynamic integrity of the solutions. The results demonstrate
that the column can lose stability at load levels well below the static buckling load
and, therefore, the designer must be careful when dealing with these structures
subject to time-varying axial loads.
1269 |
Behaviour of inclined, tapered and STS square CFST stub columns subjected to axial loadLam, Dennis, Dai, Xianghe, Han, L-H., Ren, Q-X., Li, W. January 2012 (has links)
This paper describes the finite element method using ABAQUS to model the axial compressive behaviour of inclined, tapered and straight-tapered-straight (STS) concrete filled steel tubular stub (CFST) columns with square hollow sections. The accuracy of the numerical model was verified by comparing the numerical predictions with experimental study of the 200×200×3.75 RHS filled with C60 concrete with inclined angle of 0-9° and tapered angle of 0-4°. The results show that the compressive behaviours, load vs. strain relationship and failure mode predicted by the numerical simulations were agreeable with experimental results. After the validation, a parametric study was performed with 3 typical steel hollow sections (200×200×3.75 RHS, 300×300×6.3 RHS and 400×400×8.0 RHS) and extended the inclined angle and tapered angle to 0-15° and 0-12° respectively. The parametric study highlights some of the behaviour observed in test and extends the application range. In addition, reduction factor for calculating the axial capacity of this form of CFST columns are proposed.
1270 |
”Det handlar om att rädda liv. Varje sekund räknas.” : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om operationssjuksköterskans erfarenhet vid urakut kejsarsnitt / ”It is all about saving lives. Every second counts.” : - A qualitative interview study about the operating room nurse´s experience in emergency caesarean sectionolsson, micaela, Banga, Luca January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Var sjätte barn föds idag med hjälp av kejsarsnitt i Sverige. Ett urakut kejsarsnitt genomförs när situationen är mycket kritisk och barnet måste ut så fort som möjligt för att rädda barnets eller mammans hälsa och liv. Det finns många risker med kejsarsnitt, men vid ett urakut kejsarsnitt övervägs dess fördelar. Patientsäkerhet såsom sterilitet är operationssjuksköterskans främsta kompetensområde under ett operativt ingrepp. Det höga arbetstempot som förekommer under mycket akuta operationer gör att omständigheter och prioriteringar ändras vilket påverkar rutinerna och patientsäkerheten. Att arbeta under dessa förhållanden påverkar även operationspersonalen. Motiv: Få studier tar upp operationssjuksköterskans perspektiv av ett urakut kejsarsnitt. Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelser, tankar och känslor är viktiga då dessa faktorer kan drabba patientsäkerheten under operation. Kunskap om faktorerna kan hjälpa till att utveckla strategier för att förebygga och hantera komplikationer som dessa kan medföra. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva operationssjuksköterskans erfarenhet vid urakut kejsarsnitt. Metod: Semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer genomfördes med operationssjuksköterskor (n=12) som har erfarenhet av urakut kejsarsnitt. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Majoriteten av de intervjuade operationssjuksköterskorna hade liknande erfarenheter i relation till urakut kejsarsnitt. Fyra kategorier identifierades: tidspress, teamarbete, egen erfarenhet och förbättringsarbete. Kategorierna hade ett gemensamt övergripande tema där livet prioriteras. Konklusion: Studien ger ökad kunskap om operationssjuksköterskans erfarenheter vid ett urakut kejsarsnitt där både svårigheter och möjligheter lyfts. Tid, teamarbete och kompetens identifieras som faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen. Utbildning och postoperativt stöd lyftes som möjliga förbättringar men vidare forskning inom ämnet är nödvändigt för att hitta fungerande strategier. / Background: Every sixth child is born with a caesarean section today in Sweden. An emergency caesarean section is performed as the situation is very critical and the child has to be born as soon as possible to save the child’s or the mother’s health and life. There are many risks with a caesarean section, but in care of an emergency caesarean section, the benefits are greater. During an operation, patient security such as sterility is the operating room nurse’s main area of competence. The high pace of work that occurs during an emergency surgery means that the circumstances and the priorities change, which affect the routines and the patient safety. Working during these conditions also affect the surgical team. Motive: There are few studies that address the operating room nurse’s perspective of an emergency caesarean section. The operating room nurse’s experiences, thoughts and feelings are important as these factors can affect the patient safety during surgery. This knowledge can help to develop strategies to prevent and manage complications that these can cause. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe the operating room nurse’s experience in emergency caesarean section. Methods: Semi-structured individual interviews have been conducted with operating room nurses (n=12) with experience in emergency caesarean section. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Result: The majority of the interviewed operating room nurses had similar experiences and opinions in relation to emergency caesarean section. Four categories were identified: time pressure, teamwork, individual experience and improvements. The categories had a theme in common: life is a priority. Conclusion: The study provides increased knowledge about the operating room nurse’s experiences in an emergency caesarean section where both difficulties and opportunities are highlighted. Time, teamwork and competence are identified as factors that affect the experience. Education and postoperative support were highlighted as possible improvements but futher reseach in the subject is necessary to find useful strategies.
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