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Measurements of Neutron-induced Nuclear Reactions for More Precise Standard Cross Sections and Correlated Fission PropertiesJansson, Kaj January 2017 (has links)
It is difficult to underestimate the importance of neutron cross section standards in the nuclear data field. Accurate and precise standards are prerequisites for measuring neutron cross sections. Two different projects are presented here with the aim of improving on neutron standards. A simulation study was performed for an experiment intended to measure the cross sections of H(n,n), 235U(n,f), and 238U(n,f) relative to each other. It gave the first estimates of the performance of the experimental setup. Its results have aided the development of the experimental setup by setting limits on the target and detector design. A second neutron-standard project resulted in three measurements of 6Li(n,α)t relative to 235U(n,f). Each subsequent measurement improved upon the previous one and changed the experimental setup accordingly. Although, preliminary cross sections were agreeing well with evaluated data files in some energy intervals, the main goal to measure the cross section up to 3 MeV was not reached. Mass yields and energy spectra are important outcomes of many fission experiments, but in low yield regions the uncertainties are still high even for recurrently studied nuclei. In order to understand the fission dynamics, one also needs correlated fission data. One particular important property is the distribution of excitation energy between the two nascent fission fragments. It is closely connected to the prompt emission of neutrons and γ’s and reveals information about how nucleons and energy are transferred within the fissioning nucleus. By measuring both the pre and post neutron-emission fragment masses, the cumbrance of detecting neutrons directly is overcome. This is done using the fission spectrometer VERDI and the 2E-2v method. In this work I describe how both the spectrometer, the analysis method, and the calibration procedures have been further developed. Preliminary experimental data show the great potential of VERDI, but also areas that call for more attention. A previously overlooked consequence of a central assumption was found and a correction method is proposed that can correct previously obtained data as well. The last part of this thesis concerns the efficiencies of the fission product extraction at the IGISOL facility. The methodology of the fission yield measurements at IGISOL are reliant on assumptions that have not been systematically investigated. The presented work is a first step of such an investigation that can also be used as a tool for optimising the setup for measurements of exotic nuclei. A simulation framework connecting three different simulation codes was developed to investigate the produced yield of fission products in a buffer gas. Several different variants of the setup were simulated and the findings were generally accordant with previous estimates. A reasonable agreement between experimental data and the simulation results is demonstrated.
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Mesure de la section efficace d'interaction des neutrinos muoniques par courant chargé sur du carbone, sans production de pions dans l'état final et en fonction de la multiplicité et de la cinématique des particules produites, en utilisant le détecteur proche de T2K / Cross-section measurement of muon neutrino charged current interactions on Carbon, with no pions in the final state and as a function of the outgoing particles multiplicity and kinematics, using the T2K near detectorBartet--Friburg, Pierre 20 October 2016 (has links)
Depuis la confirmation de l’existence du boson de Higgs et avec l’absence de signes de nouvelle physique au LHC, les oscillations des neutrinos sont parmi les seules à offrir des perspectivesd’observation et de mesure de phénomènes de nouvelle physique au delà du modèle standard.Le premier chapitre de cette thèse introduit le concept d’oscillation de saveur des neutrinospuis décrit l’état de l’art des connaissances ainsi que les perspectives expérimentales pour mesurer ou observer les pièces manquantes.Pour obtenir des résultats significatifs, ces futures expériences auront besoin de pouvoir profiter d’une meilleure compréhension des processus d’interaction des neutrinos. Le second chapitre décrit ces interactions d’un point de vu théorique.Le troisième chapitre présente l’expérience T2K ainsi que ses résultats sur les oscillationsdes neutrinos. Le quatrième décrit plus précisément le détecteur proche de T2K (ND280) etl’usage qu’on en fait dans les analyses d’oscillations.La couverture angulaire de la sélection des interactions dans le détecteur proche de T2K estlimitée par rapport à celle, complète, du détecteur lointain. Le chapitre 5 décrit deux sélections visant à améliorer cette couverture, ainsi que celle utilisée pour réaliser, dans le cadre de cette thèse, la mesure de la section efficace d’interaction des neutrinos muoniques par courant chargé sur le carbone sans production de pions dans l’état final.Le chapitre 6 décrit cette mesure, conçue pour ne pas dépendre de modèles théoriques d’interaction, et réalisée pour la première fois en fonction du nombre de protons éjectés et de leur cinématique. Les résultats sont montrés dans le chapitre 7. / Since the Higgs boson discovery and the absence of hints pointing to new physics at the LHC, neutrinos oscillations are one of the only perspectives to observe new physics phenomenon beyond the standard model. The first chapter of this thesis introduces the concept of neutrino flavour oscillation before describing the state of the art knowledges as well as the experimental perspectives of observing or measuring the missing parts.To obtain significant results, those future experiments will need a better understanding of neutrino interactions. The second chapter describes these interactions from a theoretical point of view. The third one describes the T2K experiment and its main results on neutrino oscillations. Chapter four focus on the T2K near detector (ND280) and on how it is used within neutrino oscillations analysis. The angular acceptance of the current ND280 selection is limited compared to the far detector one. Chapter 5 describes two selections developed in order to improve this angular acceptance. This chapter also describes the selection used to carry out this thesis main work : the cross-section measurement of muon neutrino charged current interactions on Carbon, with no pions in the final state and as a function of the outgoing particles multiplicity and kinematics. Chapter six describes this measurement, designed to be as model independent as possible, and made for the first time as a function of the protons multiplicity and of their kinematic. The results are shown in chapter seven.
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Clinical outcomes and costs : a comparison between spinal anaesthesia and intra-venous general anaesthesia for emergency caesarean sections at a regional hospital in SwazilandMajirija, Edgar T January 2013 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the dissertation. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Clinical Epidemiology / unrestricted
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Constitutional exclusion under section 35(5) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996Ally, Dave Ashley Vincent 28 January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the interpretation of section 35(5) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, which empowers the courts to exclude unconstitutionally obtained evidence in criminal trials. A generous and purposive interpretation should be at the heart of the admissibility assessment. This work explores the threshold requirements and the substantive phase of the interpretation of section 35(5). Given that this provision is manifestly modelled on the terms contained in section 24(2) of the Canadian Charter, the manner in which the courts of that country have grappled with the interpretation of section 24(2) has been accorded particular importance. As a preliminary issue, the courts must consider whether the threshold requirements of section 35(5) have been satisfied. It is concluded that the courts of South Africa have interpreted the threshold requirements of section 35(5) in a broad manner, thereby making it less onerous to satisfy, compared to the threshold requirements contained in section 24(2) The substantive phase of the admissibility assessment should consist of two legs that must be clearly separated from each other, for the reason that the assessment in each leg of the analysis serve to enhance different societal interests. The public interest in protecting the rights of the accused should be the central consideration during the first leg, while the societal interest in convicting the guilty should be contemplated during the second leg. The first leg of the analysis is concerned with the effect that admission of the evidence would have on the fairness of the trial. It is suggested that the trial fairness requirement should be determined by means of a conscription analysis. The prosecution may rely on the ‘discoverability’ doctrine or on the ‘independent source’ exception. The admission of evidence based on these exceptions would not render the trial unfair. Such an infringement would, accordingly, not add to the seriousness of the violation. Conversely, although admission would tend to render the trial unfair, the evidence should not ‘automatically’ be excluded. However, such an infringement should be regarded as a serious violation, since section 35(5) was designed to prevent unfair trials. The second leg is focused on the effect that either the admission or exclusion of the evidence would have on the integrity of the criminal justice system. It is concluded that the ‘current mood’ of society should not be determinative of the admissibility assessment. The following overall admissibility framework is recommended: Despite the fact that admission would render the trial unfair, the courts should be allowed to consider police ‘good faith’ and other factors ordinarily considered during the second leg, in order to make an admissibility ruling. Differently put, a balancing exercise should be performed, in which the factors identified in the seminal case of Collins are considered and weighed at the end of the analysis. More importantly, the seriousness of the violation should be a significant factor in the overall admissibility assessment, since judicial condonation of serious infringements would generally impact negatively on the repute of the criminal justice system. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Centre for Human Rights / unrestricted
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"Thanks, but I´m not too hot." : an observational study of the nurse anesthetists practice, during cesarean sections in GhanaLarsson, Della, Evensen, Renate January 2011 (has links)
Background: Emergency Cesarean section is the most common major surgical procedure in Africa and anesthesia is required for Cesarean sections. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the actions of the perioperative team, with the main objective on the nurse anesthetist during a Cesarean section in Ghana. Methods: An ethnographic design with unstructed participant observations was carried out for this qualitative study. This overt descriptive study was carried out during 2 weeks in January 2011 at the Oda Government Hospital in Akim-Oda in Ghana. The content was analyzed through thematic content analysis based on field notes. Results: During 7 observations the writers found that the nurse anesthetists at the work alone without an anesthesiologist. The content analysis identified 5 different categories of the nurse anesthetists practice and the surgical team during a Cesarean section: Work environment, Care and treatment of the patient, Resources, Hygiene, Safety and security. Conclusion: The different treatment of the patient in Ghana and in Sweden was substantial. However; the writers found the working environment for the nurse anesthetist to be functioning, with limited means and resources. / Bakgrund: Akut Kejsarsnitt är det vanligaste större kirurgiska ingrepp i Afrika och anestesi krävs för Kejsarsnitt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva åtgärderna av ett perioperativ team, med huvudfokus på anestesisjuksköterskan, under ett Kejsarsnitt i Ghana. Metod: En etnografisk design med ostrukturerade deltagande observationer utfördes för denna kvalitativa studie. Studien genomfördes under 2 veckor i januari 2011 på Oda regions sjukhus i Akim-Oda i Ghana. Innehållet analyserades genom tematiska innehållsanalyser av field notes. Resultat: Vid 7 observationer fann författarna att anestesisjuksköterskan arbetade ensam utan en anestesiolog. Innehållsanalysen uppvisade 5 olika kategorier av anestesisjuksköterskans praxis och det kirurgiska teamet under ett Kejsarsnitt. Arbetsmiljö, vård och behandling av patienten, resurser, hygien, säkerhet och trygghet. Slutsats: Behandlingen av patienten jämfört med vården som ges till patienter i Sverige var märkbart annorlunda . Trots detta fann författarna att arbetsmiljön för anestesisjuksköterskan fungerade, med begränsade medel och resurser.
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Dynamics of conflict in lesbian intimate unions : an exploratory studyOchse, Angela 23 February 2010 (has links)
The pre-1996 anti-gay/lesbian laws have been repealed and today South Africa’s constitution recognizes and protects the rights of homosexual people. The adoption of a new constitution in 1996 included a Bill of rights prohibiting discrimination on sexual orientation and opened up the space for the recognition and protection of the rights of homosexual people. The Equality Clause, Section 9 in the Bill of Rights, prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation by the state and all other persons. The Civil Union Act, passed in November 2006, is the fruition of LGBTI peoples'lobbying for protection and recognition which was made possible by the new constitution. Although Parliament has passed more than 30 progressive laws that include the protection and recognition of LGBTI people, since 1994 there is still a great amount of stigmatization of the homosexual way of life. Not only is the homosexual couple made invisible in many instances, but the couple must also face prejudice from all sectors of society. The dominant hetero-normative narrative of relationships, has led to an “othering” of same-sex couples and families. Thus, despite equality in terms of the law, lesbian relationships are assumed to be inferior to heterosexual relationships because they are not conventional and are plagued by stereotypes and misconceptions. Unlike heterosexual women, lesbian women must contend with a society in which their lifestyle is not the norm. The impact of this oppressive cultural context on the individual and her intimate union is the subject of this study. Fifteen South African lesbians were interviewed in order to gain in-depth understanding of the potential stressors that intervene to shape their relationships, and their coping mechanisms, within the prevailing social and political milieu. The study outlines a variety of stressors as potential sources of conflict for lesbian couples thus contributing to building understanding of the dynamics of lesbian intimate unions. Additionally, in response to homophobic conceptions which are still dominant in society, the women reveal particular ways of representing themselves and their relationships. Different discourses are appropriated in an effort to present themselves in a more ‘favourable’ light. They valorise their relationships, adopt strategies to guard themselves and withstand stigmatisation. These actions however, also present certain stressors for their relationships. This exploratory study contributes to the growing body of literature on homosexuality, serving to counteract stereotypes and shed light on the dynamics specific to lesbian relationships. It highlights systemic, contextual, familial and intimate issues and the ways in which gay women contend with them. Copyright / Dissertation (MSocSci)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Sociology / unrestricted
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Kejsarsnitt : Komplikationer, riskfaktorer och kvinnors upplevelser - en litteraturstudieQvarford, Moa, Østby, Siw January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kejsarsnitt, en kirurgisk metod då barnet blir förlöst via ett snitt i bukväggen, medför risker vare sig det är elektivt eller akut. Sjuksköterskans roll i omvårdnaden av patienten postoperativt blir central för att främja egenvård och stärka patientens delaktighet. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka komplikationer som uppstår, hur många som drabbas av dessa samt att kartlägga eventuella riskfaktorer för komplikationer hos kvinnorna som genomgått kejsarsnitt. Studien syftar också till att undersöka vilken upplevelse dessa kvinnor har angående proceduren pre-, intra - och postoperativt. Metod: Litteraturstudie av vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ design. Sökningen skedde på databaserna Statens Beredning för medicinsk och social Utvärdering (SBU), Cochrane, Cinahl, PsychINFO och Pubmed. Sammanlagt 15 artiklar inkluderades efter kvalitetsgranskning. Resultat: Risken för att få en postoperativ komplikation, exempelvis sårinfektion, var liten. Förekomsten var cirka 10 %, men detta varierade kraftigt mellan artiklarna. Risken var dock större vid högt BMI, tobaksanvändning, högre ålder och hypertoni. Smärta var den mest frekvent förekommande komplikationen. För kvinnorna var det viktigt att vara välinformerade och att känna sig inkluderade under proceduren. Slutsats: Kvinnornas upplevelse av kejsarsnitten var främst förknippad med tiden innan kejsarsnittet. Rädslan för smärtan preoperativt var problematisk för kvinnorna som genomgick kejsarsnitt. Majoriteten av de postoperativa komplikationerna var smärta och sårinfektioner. Att ge patienten trygghet och strategier för coping inför kejsarsnittet var det som efterfrågas för att stärka patientens delaktighet och autonomi. / Background: Caesarean section, a surgical procedure whereas the child is delivered by an incision through the abdominal wall. The procedure entails some risks whether it is done electively or by emergency. The nurse’s part in the care of the patient becomes essential in the postoperative stage to support in the self-care and to make the patient participate in his/her own treatment. Purpose: The purpose was to look into which complications may occur, and to identify possible risk factors causing complications in the women undergoing a caesarian section. The purpose of this study was also to find out what kind of perception these women have of the procedure before, during and after the caesarean surgery. Method: A literature review of scientific studies and articles of both quantitative and qualitative design. The search was preformed on the databases: SBU, Cochrane, Cinahl, PsychINFO and Pubmed, after assessing the quailty, 15 articles were selected for inclusion. Results: The risk of having a postoperative infection was small, circa 10 % occurence, although varying a lot between articles. The risk was increased with high BMI, age, tobacco use and hypertension. Physical pain was the most experienced postoperative complication. Women felt that it was very important to be well-informed and for them to feel included in the caesarean procedure. Conclusion: Women’s experiences of a caesarean section were mostly influenced by the time before surgery. The fear of pain before surgery was problematic for women undergoing caesarean section. The majority of complications were postoperaitve pain and wound infections. Giving the patient strategies for coping and security was important to strengthen her participation and autonomy.
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Upplevelsen av postoperativ smärta efter kejsarsnitt : En beskrivande litteraturstudie om patientens upplevelse av postoperativ smärta / The experience of postoperative pain after a caesarean section : A descriptive review of the patient's experience of postoperative painMarklind, Linnéa, Rolf, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Sverige och resterande länder av världen har upplevt och fortsätter uppleva ett ökande antal utförda kejsarsnitt. I Sverige har antalet utförda kejsarsnitt ökat med elva procent de senaste fyra decennierna och kejsarsnittet har blivit ett fokus för kvinnans egen vilja och barnets rättigheter. Innebörden av ökningen är att samhället får fler patienter med pågående eller tidigare smärtupplevelser. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva den postoperativa smärtupplevelsen i samband med kejsarsnitt. Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie med analysmetoden innehållsanalys. Vetenskapliga artiklar erhölls genom strukturerade sökningar i tre olika databaser. Artiklarna granskades och bearbetades för att sedan sammanställas och struktureras till fem beskrivande teman: (1) Upplevda smärtförväntningar, (2) Smärtupplevelsens lokalisation & beskrivning, (3) Faktorer som förhöjer respektive sänker postoperativ smärtupplevelse, (4) Smärtupplevelsen i förhållande till kronisk smärta och (5) Helhetsintrycket av den postoperativa smärtupplevelsen. Studiens slutsats är att patienten upplever fysisk- och emotionell smärta som påverkar aktivitet och mammarollen. Smärtan upplevs både som nociceptiv och neuropatisk oavsett postoperativt skede och akut smärta är den bidragande faktor till uppkomsten av kronisk smärta. Sjuksköterskan bör vara stödjande, inneha god förståelse för patientens smärtupplevelse och ge patienten tillräckligt med information gällande ingreppet. Optimal smärtlindring är även av vikt för att ge en god vård. / Sweden and the rest of the countries in the world have experienced and still are experiencing an increase of the caesarean section numbers. In four decenniums the number of caesarean sections has risen eleven percent in Sweden and the caesarean section have become a focus for the woman’s own choice as well as the rights of the child. The effect of the increase is that the numbers of individuals with ongoing experience of pain or previous experience of pain, are becoming greater. The aim of the study was to describe the postoperative experience of pain in connection with the performance of a caesarean section. The study was executed with the method content analysis. Scientific articles were collected through searches in three databases. Through examination and processing the articles, findings were found and made into five themes: (1) Perceived pain expectations, (2) The experienced location and description of pain, (3) Factors that enhance and reduces postoperative pain perception, (4) The experience of pain in relation to chronic pain and (5) The overall impression of the postoperative pain experience. The conclusion is that the patient is experiencing both physical- and emotional pain which affects activity and the function of being a mother. The pain is experienced in both a nociceptive and a neuropathic way, regardless of the postoperative stage. Acute pain is the contributive factor to the emergence of chronic pain. The nurse ought to be supportive, to possess good understanding of the patient’s pain experience and give the patient enough of information about the procedure. Optimal pain relief is also important in the context of being able to give a good care to the patient.
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An investigation into the management of allocated funds in schools: a case study of two selected schools in Fort Beaufort District in the Eastern Cape ProvinceCakwebe, Pindiwe Theodora January 2013 (has links)
The South African Schools Act (No. 84 of 1996) mandates the government to make financial allocations to needy schools. Section 21 of the Act read together with the National Norms and Standards for School Funding, stipulates that schools falling into certain categories (quintiles) receive given amount of funds per each and every learner. The funds are meant to help promote the equal and unparalleled access to education for all citizens as set-out in Section 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996). The study focused on investigating the manner in which two selected Section 21 primary schools are managing their allocated funds. The empirical study made use of a qualitative paradigm through which data was collected using interviews and focus group discussions to collect data from a sample comprising of thirty-five respondents. In terms of data analysis, the study used a qualitative analysis approach to interpret data into readable information for the various categories of audiences in the study. The findings of the study were, inter alia, that financial management skills are low in the schools, the amounts appropriated to schools needs to be revised upwards because schools need more funding for renovations and property development in schools, sanctions for those guilty of school financial misconduct are too soft and auditing of financial record is not being constantly done. The study recommends that the following be considered in order to help improve school financial management; the training of financial officers in school on how to best manage funds, imposition of stiffer penalties for offenders of financial misconduct and increase in allocation aimed at school property development.
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Experimental And Theoretical Investigation Of Supersonic Flow Past Bodies With Elliptical Cross SectionSharma, Rakesh Kumar 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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