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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A liberdade de organização religiosa como expressão de cidadania numa ordem constitucional inclusiva

Santos Junior, Aloisio Cristovam dos 25 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aloisio Cristovam dos Santos Junior.pdf: 947276 bytes, checksum: 5a68fead7ff1c7c0d3cf10e0260af5d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-25 / Among the different forms of religious freedom of expression, the right to free religious organization is one the most frequently misunderstood, either because scholars do not regard it as important as the question of freedom of creed and worship or because of the difficulty in determining under what circumstances the State may interfere in the organizational development of religious groups. According to Brazilian Law, the right to free religious organization is an ample concept, based on the notion of a secular State favoring religious manifestations while ensuring equal treatment for all religious groups regardless of their size and origin. Thus, the right to free religious organization includes freedom of establishment, rule, internal structure and functioning of religious groups. The judicial nature of such groups derives directly from the constitutional principle of non-interference by the State in their establishment and development; in fact, when religious organizations adopt a legal personality, it is under private law rather than civil law, such as the Catholic Church, which is publicly recognized as a political organization ― the Holy See ― in the Vatican State, but is not extensive to the religious organization representing it in Brazil and subject to the Brazilian Constitution. The right to free religious organization protects religious organizations as long as their institutional objectives, particularly worship, are those recognized by the Brazilian Constitution. It does not, however, protect organizations which in spite of their outward religious character do not primarily pursue such objectives but engage in economic activities and the commercialization of faith. The limits of the right to free religious organization are determined by the public interest and by the interest of the members of such groups. / Dentre as formas de expressão da liberdade religiosa, o direito à liberdade de organização religiosa suscita as maiores incompreensões, seja porque os estudiosos não lhe dedicam a mesma atenção conferida às liberdades de crença e de culto, seja porque são enormes as dificuldades para distinguir com nitidez até onde o Estado deve abster-se de interferir no desenvolvimento organizacional dos grupos religiosos. A liberdade de organização religiosa, no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, tem uma considerável amplitude, por se fundar num modelo de laicidade estatal que favorece o fenômeno religioso e, ao mesmo tempo, prima pela igualdade de tratamento dos diferentes grupos religiosos, independentemente do número de adeptos ou de sua origem. No direito pátrio, a liberdade de organização religiosa compreende a livre criação, a livre ordenação, a livre estruturação interna e o livre funcionamento das organizações religiosas. Estas têm sua existência jurídica derivada diretamente do preceito constitucional que afasta a interferência estatal no seu processo de criação e de desenvolvimento, daí porque não estão obrigadas a adquirir a personalidade jurídica de direito civil, que se trata de um direito que podem ou não exercitar. Quando adquirem personalidade jurídica de direito civil, as organizações religiosas têm a natureza de pessoas jurídicas de direito privado, incluindo-se a Igreja Católica, pois o reconhecimento da personalidade pública da Santa Sé está limitado à organização política sediada no Estado do Vaticano e não se confunde com a organização religiosa em atuação no país, cujo ordenamento situa-se abaixo do ordenamento estatal brasileiro. A liberdade de organização religiosa protege as organizações religiosas em atenção ao fato de que as finalidades institucionais religiosas, dentre as quais se destaca o culto, têm o seu valor reconhecido pelo ordenamento constitucional. Por isso, não protege as organizações que, sob a identificação de religiosas, estejam desviadas de sua finalidade, exercitando atividades econômicas ou mercadejando a fé. Os limites da liberdade de organização religiosa encontram-se no interesse público e no interesse dos próprios integrantes dos grupos religiosos organizados.

La Shoah, Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de l'homme : une lecture théologico-politique du XXe siècle

Poëti, Martin 09 1900 (has links)
Centrée sur une réflexion des droits de l’homme à partir de l’expérience historique de la Shoah, la thèse porte sur l’enjeu fondamental du statut du religieux en modernité. Trois parties la composent, correspondant au génocide, à la modernité politique et à l’histoire du Salut : la première propose une interprétation de l’Holocauste en ayant recours aux catégories empruntées à l’historiographie, à la réflexion philosophique et à la tradition théologique. Elle rend compte de deux lectures concurrentes des Lumières, du renversement de la théologie chrétienne du judaïsme au XXe siècle, de la généalogie idéologique du nazisme ainsi que du contexte explosif de l’entre-deux-guerres. La seconde partie de la thèse avance une théorie des trois modernités, selon laquelle les États-Unis, la France et Vatican II représenteraient des interprétations divergentes et rivales des droits. Enfin, la troisième partie reprend les deux précédentes thématiques de la Shoah et de la modernité, mais à la lumière de la Révélation, notamment de l’Incarnation et de la Croix. La Révélation est présentée comme un double dévoilement simultané de l’identité de Dieu et de la dignité humaine – comme un jeu de miroir où la définition de l’homme est indissociable de celle de la divinité. En provoquant l’effondrement de la Chrétienté, la sécularisation aurait créé un vide existentiel dans lequel se serait engouffré le nazisme comme religion politique et idéologie néo-païenne de substitution. Négation de l'élection d'Israël, du Décalogue et de l’anthropologie biblique, l’entreprise nazie d’anéantissement est comprise comme la volonté d’éradication de la Transcendance et du patrimoine spirituel judéo-chrétien, la liquidation du Dieu juif par l’élimination du peuple juif. Le judéocide pourrait dès lors être qualifié de «moment dans l’histoire du Salut» en ce sens qu’il serait porteur d’un message moral en lien avec le contenu de la Révélation qui interpellerait avec force et urgence la conscience moderne. L’Holocauste constituerait ainsi un kairos, une occasion à saisir pour une critique lucide des apories de la modernité issue des Lumières et pour un renouvellement de la pensée théologico-politique, une invitation à une refondation transcendante des droits fondamentaux, dont la liberté religieuse ferait figure de matrice fondationnelle. La Shoah apporterait alors une réponse au rôle que la Transcendance pourrait jouer dans les sociétés modernes. Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de la personne, l'Holocauste rendrait témoignage, il lancerait une mise en garde et poserait les conditions nécessaires d'un enracinement biblique à la préservation de la dignité de l’être humain. Aux Six Millions de Défigurés correspondrait la Création de l'Homme du Sixième Jour. En conclusion, un triangle synergique nourricier est soutenu par l’extermination hitlérienne (1941-1945), la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (1948) et le Concile Vatican II (1962-1965) comme les trois piliers d’une nouvelle modernité, située au-delà des paradigmes américain (1776) et français (1789). La Shoah inaugurerait et poserait ainsi les fondements d'un nouvel horizon civilisationnel; elle pointerait vers un nouveau départ possible pour le projet de la modernité. L'expérience génocidaire n'invaliderait pas la modernité, elle ne la discréditerait pas, mais la relancerait sur des bases spirituelles nouvelles. Cette refondation des droits fondamentaux offrirait alors une voie de sortie et de conciliation à la crise historique qui opposait depuis près de deux siècles en Europe les droits de l'homme et la Transcendance, Dieu et la liberté – modèle susceptible d’inspirer des civilisations non occidentales en quête d’une modernité respectueuse de leur altérité culturelle et compatible avec la foi religieuse. / As a reflection on human rights focused on the historical experience of the Holocaust, the dissertation looks at the status of religion in modernity. It is made up of three parts; genocide, the politics of modernity, and the history of salvation. The first suggests an interpretation of the Holocaust based upon categories borrowed from historiography, philosophical reflection, and theological tradition. It takes into account two readings of the Enlightment: the inversion of Christian theology towards Judaism in the twentieth century, the ideological sources of Nazism and the explosive time of the inter-war years. The second part of the thesis advances a theory of three ways of seeing modernity: those of France, America, and Vatican II, representing rival and divergent understandings of human rights. The third and final part takes the premises of the previous parts, but in the light of the Revelation, especially that of the Incarnation of the Cross. The Revelation is presented as a simultaneous revealing of God’s identity and human dignity – as an image in a mirror or as the definition of man being inseperable from that of God. In causing the collapse of Christendom, secularization has created an existential vacuum which could be filled by Nazism as a political religion and a neo-pagan ideology of substitution. Negating the election of Israel, the Ten Commandments and biblical anthropology, the Nazi project of destruction is understood as the willingness to eradicate the Transcendence and the Judeo-Christian Tradition, the liquidation of the Jewish God by the elimination of the Jewish people. Judeocide can thus be described as a “Moment in the History of Salvation” in that it conveys a moral message connected with the content of the Revelation which strongly and urgently calls out to modern consciousness. The Holocaust is thus a Kairos, an opportunity for clear reviews of the aporias of a kind of modernity generated by the Age of Enlightment, for an invitation to a transcendent rooting-anchoring of human rights, and for a renewal of theological-political thought, where religious freedom appears as the foundation. As a Memorial of Blood reengaging human rights, the witness of the Holocaust represents a warning and shows the need for of a biblical understanding of the person to preserve human dignity. The six million victims correspond to the creation of man on the sixth day. As a conclusion, a synergy is claimed between Hitler’s extermination (1941-1945), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as the three pillars of a new modernity, beyond the American (1776) and French paradigms (1789). The Shoah ushers in and lays the foundation of a new understanding of civilization. It points towards a new point of departure for the journey of modernity. The experience of genocide does not invalidate nor discredit modernity, but offers it up towards a new spiritual understanding. This understanding of fundamental rights offers a way of leaving behind and reconciling the historical crisis between God and liberty, human rights and Transcendence in Europe for the last two hundred years – which may equally be of use to non-western civilizations in their quest for a respectful modernity for their own cultures, compatible with their own faiths.

La Shoah, Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de l'homme : une lecture théologico-politique du XXe siècle

Poëti, Martin 09 1900 (has links)
Centrée sur une réflexion des droits de l’homme à partir de l’expérience historique de la Shoah, la thèse porte sur l’enjeu fondamental du statut du religieux en modernité. Trois parties la composent, correspondant au génocide, à la modernité politique et à l’histoire du Salut : la première propose une interprétation de l’Holocauste en ayant recours aux catégories empruntées à l’historiographie, à la réflexion philosophique et à la tradition théologique. Elle rend compte de deux lectures concurrentes des Lumières, du renversement de la théologie chrétienne du judaïsme au XXe siècle, de la généalogie idéologique du nazisme ainsi que du contexte explosif de l’entre-deux-guerres. La seconde partie de la thèse avance une théorie des trois modernités, selon laquelle les États-Unis, la France et Vatican II représenteraient des interprétations divergentes et rivales des droits. Enfin, la troisième partie reprend les deux précédentes thématiques de la Shoah et de la modernité, mais à la lumière de la Révélation, notamment de l’Incarnation et de la Croix. La Révélation est présentée comme un double dévoilement simultané de l’identité de Dieu et de la dignité humaine – comme un jeu de miroir où la définition de l’homme est indissociable de celle de la divinité. En provoquant l’effondrement de la Chrétienté, la sécularisation aurait créé un vide existentiel dans lequel se serait engouffré le nazisme comme religion politique et idéologie néo-païenne de substitution. Négation de l'élection d'Israël, du Décalogue et de l’anthropologie biblique, l’entreprise nazie d’anéantissement est comprise comme la volonté d’éradication de la Transcendance et du patrimoine spirituel judéo-chrétien, la liquidation du Dieu juif par l’élimination du peuple juif. Le judéocide pourrait dès lors être qualifié de «moment dans l’histoire du Salut» en ce sens qu’il serait porteur d’un message moral en lien avec le contenu de la Révélation qui interpellerait avec force et urgence la conscience moderne. L’Holocauste constituerait ainsi un kairos, une occasion à saisir pour une critique lucide des apories de la modernité issue des Lumières et pour un renouvellement de la pensée théologico-politique, une invitation à une refondation transcendante des droits fondamentaux, dont la liberté religieuse ferait figure de matrice fondationnelle. La Shoah apporterait alors une réponse au rôle que la Transcendance pourrait jouer dans les sociétés modernes. Mémorial de Sang refondateur des droits de la personne, l'Holocauste rendrait témoignage, il lancerait une mise en garde et poserait les conditions nécessaires d'un enracinement biblique à la préservation de la dignité de l’être humain. Aux Six Millions de Défigurés correspondrait la Création de l'Homme du Sixième Jour. En conclusion, un triangle synergique nourricier est soutenu par l’extermination hitlérienne (1941-1945), la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme (1948) et le Concile Vatican II (1962-1965) comme les trois piliers d’une nouvelle modernité, située au-delà des paradigmes américain (1776) et français (1789). La Shoah inaugurerait et poserait ainsi les fondements d'un nouvel horizon civilisationnel; elle pointerait vers un nouveau départ possible pour le projet de la modernité. L'expérience génocidaire n'invaliderait pas la modernité, elle ne la discréditerait pas, mais la relancerait sur des bases spirituelles nouvelles. Cette refondation des droits fondamentaux offrirait alors une voie de sortie et de conciliation à la crise historique qui opposait depuis près de deux siècles en Europe les droits de l'homme et la Transcendance, Dieu et la liberté – modèle susceptible d’inspirer des civilisations non occidentales en quête d’une modernité respectueuse de leur altérité culturelle et compatible avec la foi religieuse. / As a reflection on human rights focused on the historical experience of the Holocaust, the dissertation looks at the status of religion in modernity. It is made up of three parts; genocide, the politics of modernity, and the history of salvation. The first suggests an interpretation of the Holocaust based upon categories borrowed from historiography, philosophical reflection, and theological tradition. It takes into account two readings of the Enlightment: the inversion of Christian theology towards Judaism in the twentieth century, the ideological sources of Nazism and the explosive time of the inter-war years. The second part of the thesis advances a theory of three ways of seeing modernity: those of France, America, and Vatican II, representing rival and divergent understandings of human rights. The third and final part takes the premises of the previous parts, but in the light of the Revelation, especially that of the Incarnation of the Cross. The Revelation is presented as a simultaneous revealing of God’s identity and human dignity – as an image in a mirror or as the definition of man being inseperable from that of God. In causing the collapse of Christendom, secularization has created an existential vacuum which could be filled by Nazism as a political religion and a neo-pagan ideology of substitution. Negating the election of Israel, the Ten Commandments and biblical anthropology, the Nazi project of destruction is understood as the willingness to eradicate the Transcendence and the Judeo-Christian Tradition, the liquidation of the Jewish God by the elimination of the Jewish people. Judeocide can thus be described as a “Moment in the History of Salvation” in that it conveys a moral message connected with the content of the Revelation which strongly and urgently calls out to modern consciousness. The Holocaust is thus a Kairos, an opportunity for clear reviews of the aporias of a kind of modernity generated by the Age of Enlightment, for an invitation to a transcendent rooting-anchoring of human rights, and for a renewal of theological-political thought, where religious freedom appears as the foundation. As a Memorial of Blood reengaging human rights, the witness of the Holocaust represents a warning and shows the need for of a biblical understanding of the person to preserve human dignity. The six million victims correspond to the creation of man on the sixth day. As a conclusion, a synergy is claimed between Hitler’s extermination (1941-1945), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as the three pillars of a new modernity, beyond the American (1776) and French paradigms (1789). The Shoah ushers in and lays the foundation of a new understanding of civilization. It points towards a new point of departure for the journey of modernity. The experience of genocide does not invalidate nor discredit modernity, but offers it up towards a new spiritual understanding. This understanding of fundamental rights offers a way of leaving behind and reconciling the historical crisis between God and liberty, human rights and Transcendence in Europe for the last two hundred years – which may equally be of use to non-western civilizations in their quest for a respectful modernity for their own cultures, compatible with their own faiths.

AS PARCERIAS PÚBLICO-PRIVADAS NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: UM ESTUDO SOBRE A LAICIDADE DO ESTADO E A RELIGIOSIDADE DE INSTITUIÇÕES CONVENIADAS / Public private partnerships in early childhood education: study on the secular nature of the state and the religiosity of partner isntitutions

Almeida, Volnei Bispo de 30 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:15:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VolneiAlmeida.pdf: 693595 bytes, checksum: 297eb1438887407b5a07b52ddd8e96f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / One of the policies most used by the municipal public power to guarantee educational services to children 0-3 years and increasing the number of vacancies in kindergartens has been the adoption of partnerships through agreements with private institutions. Many questions emerge from this public policy, for example, the relationship between the secular state and the religiosity of many of these institutions. This study arose from the need to provide greater transparency and broaden the debate on the agreements between the municipal government and aid agencies, especially regarding the conflict between the public and the private, between the secular and the religious. This study aimed to investigate public-private partnerships and the possible impacts on the secular state and the right to education. The research problem posed was what the CME Paper 12/2011 revealed about the secular state and the religiosity of partner institutions in the care of early childhood education in São Bernardo do Campo. There was the assumption that the representation of a convening authority to the Municipal Board of Education on spiritual education express a possible religious education projection in public kindergarten. The theoretical discussion involved as authors FISCHMANN (2009), ARELARO (2008), SARMENTO (2006), ADRIÃO (2009), OLIVEIRA (2005) and ideas that dealt with the deformations of public and private interests, the supply of places following daycare, religious instruction in public schools. The methodology used was to analyze literature and documents. The literature shows a historical subordination of public early childhood education to private welfare and disputes over implementation of religious education in public basic education. The documents analyzed revealed that there may be some degree of involvement of the secular state when it formalizes partnerships with charities of religious origin, especially when evaluating the shortcomings and trends of management and supervision of agreements made by the government. It is believed that this study opens the doors to investigate policies and practices that are facing or stimulating religious education in public schools and covenanted day cares. / Uma das políticas mais utilizadas pelo poder publico municipal para garantir o atendimento educacional às crianças de 0 a 3 anos e a ampliação do número de vagas em creches, tem sido a adoção de parcerias por meio de convênios com instituições privadas. Muitas questões emergem desta política pública como, por exemplo, a relação entre a laicidade do Estado e a religiosidade de grande parte destas instituições. Este estudo surgiu da necessidade de se dar maior transparência e ampliar o debate sobre os convênios entre o poder público municipal e entidades assistenciais, principalmente, no que tange o embate entre o público e o privado, entre o laico e o religioso. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as parcerias público-privadas e os possíveis impactos sobre a laicidade do Estado e o direito à Educação. O problema de pesquisa posto foi o que o Parecer CME 12/2011 revela sobre a laicidade do Estado e a religiosidade das instituições conveniadas no atendimento a educação infantil do município de São Bernardo do Campo? Havia a hipótese de que a representação de uma entidade conveniada ao Conselho Municipal de Educação sobre educação espiritual expressasse uma possível projeção de ensino religioso na educação infantil pública. A discussão teórica envolveu autores como FISCHMANN (2009), ARELARO (2008), SARMENTO (2006), ADRIÂO (2009), OLIVEIRA (2005) e ideias que tratavam das deformações dos interesses públicos e privados, da oferta de vagas no seguimento de creche, do ensino religioso em escola pública. A metodologia empregada foi analise bibliográfica e documental. A literatura aponta uma histórica subordinação da educação infantil pública à assistência social privada e as disputas pela implantação do ensino religioso na educação básica pública. Os documentos analisados revelaram que é possível haver certo grau de comprometimento da laicidade do Estado quando se formaliza parcerias com entidades assistenciais de origem religiosa, principalmente, quando se avalia as deficiências e tendências de gestão e supervisão dos convênios realizados pelo poder público. Acredita-se que este estudo abre portas para novas investigações sobre políticas e práticas que enfrentam ou estimulam o ensino religioso em escolas públicas e creches conveniadas.

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