Spelling suggestions: "subject:"secure"" "subject:"recure""
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Využití klíčenky Gnome v projektu FreeIPA / GNOME Keyring Storage in FreeIPAŽidek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis gives introduction to FreeIPA project and GNOME Keyring project. It discusses benefits of possible integration of GNOME Keyring into FreeIPA using FreeIPA's component called Password Vault. Designs of possible implementations are provided. Prototype of one of these designs is implemented.
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Contributions à l'évaluation de systèmes biométriques embarqués / Contributions to the evaluation of embedded biometric systemsVibert, Benoît 04 May 2017 (has links)
La biométrie suscite de plus en plus d’intérêt de la part des industriels car nous avons besoin de nouvelles méthodes d’authentification d’un individu : pour du contrôle d’accès physique, du contrôle aux frontières ou pour du paiement. Ces données non révocables et sensibles sont très souvent stockées sur des systèmes embarqués de type élément sécurisé (SE), comme par exemple une carte à puce. Ces SE embarquent aussi un module de comparaison nommé On-Card-Comparison (OCC), permettant de déterminer si le template présenté correspond bien à celui stocké sur l’élément sécurisé. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux empreintes digitales car c’est une modalité biométrique bien perçue par les usagers. Nous proposons dans cette thèse différentes contributions permettant d’évaluer des systèmes biométriques embarqués. La première est une plateforme d’évaluation de systèmes biométriques nommée EVABIO. La seconde contribution, permet d’évaluer l’incidence sur les performances lors de la réduction de templates biométriques lorsqu’ils doivent être stockés sur un SE. Nous proposons des méthodes permettant de réduire la taille du template biométrique tout en gardant un taux de reconnaissance élevé, garantissant ainsi un bon niveau de performance du système biométrique complet. La dernière contribution étudie les attaques d’un système biométrique embarqué sur SE. Nous regardons quels a priori sont importants pour un imposteur : nous avons montré que le type de l’empreinte digitale est une information importante pour un attaquant. Nous avons également proposé une contre-mesure pour les systèmes embarqués. / Biometrics is sparking the interest of manufacturers and industrial compagniesbecause we are in need of new methods of authenticating individuals: for physicalaccess control, border control or for payments. Non-revocable and sensitive data isvery often stored on embedded systems of the secure element type (SE), such as asmart card. SEs include a comparison module called On-Card-Comparison (OCC),which determines whether the template presented corresponds to the template storedwithin it. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in fingerprints because it is abiometric modality that is very well perceived by the population.We propose in this thesis different contributions to evaluate embedded biometricsystems. The first is a biometric evaluation platform called EVABIO. The secondcontribution evaluates the impact on performance when reducing biometric templatesthat are to be stored on an SE. We propose methods to reduce the size of biometrictemplates while maintaining a high recognition rate thus, guaranteeing a good level ofperformance of the global biometric system. The last contribution studies attacks ona biometric system that is embedded on a SE. We look at what a priori are importantfor an impostor: we have shown that the type of fingerprint is an important a prioriand the reason why we have also proposed a countermeasure for embedded systems.
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Usable Security and Privacy for Secure Messaging ApplicationsVaziripour, Elham 01 December 2018 (has links)
The threat of government and corporate surveillance around the world, as well as the publicity surrounding major cybersecurity attacks, have increased interest in secure and private end-to-end communications. In response to this demand, numerous secure messaging applications have been developed in recent years. These applications have been welcomed and publically used not just by political activists and journalists but by everyday users as well. Most of these popular secure messaging applications are usable because they hide many of the details of how encryption is provided. The strength of the security properties of these applications relies on the authentication ceremony, wherein users validate the keys being used for encryption that is exchanged through the service providers. The validation process typically involves verifying the fingerprints of encryption keys to protect the communication from being intercepted.In this dissertation, we explore how to help users enhance the privacy of their communica- tions, with a particular focus on secure messaging applications. First, we explore whether secure messaging applications are meeting the security and privacy needs of their users, especially in countries that practice censorship and restrict civil liberties, including blocking access to social media and communication applications. Second, we studied existing popular secure messaging applications to explore how users interact with these applications and how well they are using the authentication ceremony during lab studies. Third, we applied design principles to improve the interfaces for the authentication ceremony, and also to help users find and perform the authentication ceremony faster. Forth, we applied the lessons from our interviews with participants in our user studies to help users comprehend the importance of authentication. As part of the effort, we developed an authentication ceremony using social media accounts to map key fingerprints to social features, pushing the ceremony to a more natural domain for users. We modified the Signal secure messaging application to include this social authentication ceremony and used a user study to compare this method to other common methods. We found that social authentication has some promising features, but that social media companies are too distrusted by users. Based on our results, we make several recommendations to improve the use of security and privacy features in secure messaging applications and outline areas for future work.
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Internet of Things : Exploring and Securing a Future ConceptBude, Cristian, Kervefors Bergstrand, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that encompasses various objects and methods of communication to exchange information. Today IoT is more a descriptive term of a vision that everything should be connected to the internet. IoT will be fundamental in the future because the concept opens up opportunities for new services and new innovations. All objects will be connected and able to communicate with each other, while they operate in unprotected environments. This later aspect leads to major security challenges. Today, IoT is in great need of standardization and clear architectures that describe how this technology should be implemented and how IoT devices interact with each other in a secure manner. The security challenges are rooted in the technology and how information is acquired and manipulated by this technology. This thesis provides an introduction to what the IoT is and how it can be used as well as some of the threats that IoT may face in regards to information security. In addition, the thesis provides the reader with some suggestions about how to potentially solve the fundamental need for authentication and secure communications. The solutions presented are based on both contemporary solutions and technologies that are under development for the future. Contemporary solutions are based on security protocols such as IPSec and DTLS. These protocols are being used in an environment that extends across the Internet and into a 6LoWPAN network. The proposed authentication solution has been developed based on a public key infrastructure and trust models for certificate management. As future work, the thesis presents several research areas where this thesis can be used as a basis. These specialization areas include further analysis of vulnerabilities and an implementation of the proposed solutions. / Internet of Things (IoT) är ett koncept som omfattar olika objekt och kommunikationsmetoder för utbyte av information. Idag är IoT mer en beskrivande term av den framtidsvision som finns att allting ska vara uppkopplat på internet. IoT kommer vara fundamentalt i framtiden eftersom konceptet öppnar upp möjligheter för nya tjänster samt nya innovationer. Då alla objekt ska vara uppkopplade och kunna kommunicera med varandra samtidigt som de skall kunna operera i oskyddade miljöer, bidrar detta till stora säkerhetsutmaningar. Dagens IoT är i stort behov av standardisering och klara strukturer för hur tekniken ska implementeras samt samverka med varandra på ett säkert sätt. Utmaningarna ligger i att säkra tekniken samt informationen som tekinken bidrar med. Denna rapport ger en introduktion till vad IoT är och hur det kan användas samt vilka hot som IoT kan möta i avseende till informationssäkerhet. Utöver detta så förser rapporten läsaren med förslag om hur man eventuellt kan lösa de fundamentala behoven av autentisering och säker kommunikation. Lösningarna som läggs fram är baserade på både nutida lösningar och teknik som är under utveckling inför framtiden. Nutida lösningar är baserade på säkerhetsprotokoll som IPsec och DTLS som används i en miljö som sträcker över internet och in i ett 6LoWPAN nätverk. Den autentiseringslösning som tagits fram grundar sig på PKI och förtroendemodeller för certifikathantering. För framtida arbete presenteras flertalet vidare fördjupningsområden där denna rapport kan användas som grund. Dessa fördjupningsområden inkluderar vidare analys av sårbarheter och implementation av de lösningar som tagits fram.
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Trygg på fotboll : - Supportrars upplevda trygghet på Eleda Stadion / Secure at Football : - Supporters' Sense of Security at Eleda StadionPersson, Viktor, Sernbo, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar supportrars upplevda trygghet på Eleda Stadion i Malmö under fotbollsmatcher. Kunskapen om supportrars trygghet på allsvenska arenor är begränsad, men samtidigt så har ämnet fått ett stort utrymme i media de senaste åren. Syftet med den här studien är därmed att undersöka trygghetsupplevelsen vid fotbollsmatcher på Eleda Stadion, vad som påverkar den och hur den skiljer sig mellan olika grupper. Frågeställningarna som studien ämnar besvara är följande: “Hur upplever supportrar tryggheten vid fotbollsmatch på Eleda Stadion?”, “Hur påverkar bakgrundsfaktorer, ordningsstörningar, aktörer, förtroende samt tidsliga faktorer trygghetsupplevelsen på Eleda Stadion?” och “Hur varierar trygghetsupplevelsen mellan sittplats och ståplats, samt mellan män och kvinnor?”. Studien har använt sig av både en kvantitativ respektive kvalitativ metod för att besvara frågeställningarna i form av en enkätundersökning samt intervjuer. Urvalet bestod av personer över 15 år gamla som varit på en Malmö FF-match på Eleda Stadion de senaste 12 månaderna. Datainsamlingen skedde genom att dela ut enkäter i samband med matcher samt digitalt på Facebook och forumet Svenska Fans. Personer som intervjuades hade själva önskat om att få delta via enkäten. Datamaterialet analyserades utifrån flera metoder i form av bivariat-, univariat-, och regressionsanalys för enkäten samt tematisk analys för intervjumaterialet. I resultatet framkom det att den upplevda tryggheten var stor samtidigt som den påverkades av ett antal faktorer och skilde sig mellan olika grupper. Pyroteknik var den faktorn som påverkade tryggheten mest samtidigt som flera ansåg det som stämningshöjande. Motståndarsupportrar var även det en faktor som påverkade tryggheten negativt. Den aktuella studien ämnar bidra till en aktuell bild och förbättrad kunskap om den upplevda tryggheten i samband med fotbollsmatcher i framför allt Malmö, men kan även ge en bild för tryggheten på övriga allsvenska arenor runt om i Sverige. / This study deals with the subject of supporters’ sense of security at Eleda Stadion in Malmö during football matches. The knowledge of supporters’ sense of security is limited, but at the same time the subject has been given a lot of room in media the last years. The aim of this study is thus to examine the sense of security during football matches at Eleda Stadion, what affects it and how it differs between groups. The study intends to answer the following questions: “What is supporters’ sense of security during football matches at Eleda Stadion?”, “How do the background factors, disturbances, actors, trust and temporal factors affect the sense of security at Eleda Stadion?” and “How does the sense of security vary between the sitting and standing crowd as well as between men and women?”. Both a quantitative and qualitative method has been used to answers the questions in form of a questionnaire survey as well as interviews. The selection consisted of people over the age of 15 who have been to a Malmö FF match in the last 12 months. The collection of data was acquired by handing out the survey in conjunction with the matches as well as digital on Facebook and the forum Svenska Fans. Individuals who were interviewed had themselves wished to participate via the survey. The data was analysed using different methods in form of bivariate-, univariate-, and regression analysis for the survey and thematic analysis for the interviews. The result showed that the perceived sense of security was high while being affected by several factors and differed between groups. Pyrotechnics was the factor that affected the sense of security the most, while many still considered it to contribute to the atmosphere. The opposing supporters was also a factor that impacted the sense of security negatively. This study intends to contribute to a current depiction and improved knowledge of the sense of security in conjunction football matches, especially in Malmö, but can also provide a picture of the sense of security in other arenas in Allsvenskan around Sweden.
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Secure remote access to a work environmentBergvall, Ricardo January 2021 (has links)
This project is about how free, open-source tools can create reasonable, secure and flexible remote access solutions for smaller companies with a limited budget. Secure remote access to a working environment is a solution for its time, as last year Covid-19 change the working environment for millions of employers and employees. The importance of secure remote access to a working environment became noticeable as offices closed down and employers started working from home. Still, the need for secure access to the company's infrastructure remains. This is where Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) enter the picture, as it has a broad application scope and is particularly useful for secure remote access. My project was subdivided into three parts: How to implement secure remote access to a working environment within the requirements of the chosen company, which are an inexpensive solution with high-security features. Automate the creation and distribution of all the necessary parts that their employees will need in a VPN structure. Research about the future direction regarding VPN and the importance of cybersecurity to help ensure security preparedness for the company. The chosen solution was OpenVPN and Google authenticator, together with a written bash script. It became a solution that was free, flexible, secure and scalable. But why the need and what about the future? Research shows that a high percentage of small and medium-sized enterprises are vulnerable to cyberattacks. It also shows that these companies have the lowest cybersecurity. "It wouldn't happen to us" is dangerous but, sadly, a typical mindset throughout the S&M companies. It's primarily because of this S&M's are more exposed than larger companies. The future of VPN's has become more important than ever before, and it's something that during Covid-19 has risen in use all over the world, the research and development of VPNs has accelerated. The research objectives of this project are of high interest to many other organizations in the same position, and the presented work has helped answer the question: "Where will we stand in a few years regarding secure remote work, cybersecurity andencrypted networks?"
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Safety, Security, and Semantic Aspects of Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and EnvironmentsBroman, David January 2007 (has links)
During the last two decades, the interest for computer aided modeling and simulation of complex physical systems has witnessed a significant growth. The recent possibility to create acausal models, using components from different domains (e.g., electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic) enables new opportunities. Modelica is one of the most prominent equation-based object-oriented (EOO) languages that support such capabilities, including the ability to simulate both continuous- and discrete-time models, as well as mixed hybrid models. However, there are still many remaining challenges when it comes to language safety and simulation security. The problem area concerns detecting modeling errors at an early stage, so that faults can be isolated and resolved. Furthermore, to give guarantees for the absence of faults in models, the need for precise language specifications is vital, both regarding type systems and dynamic semantics. This thesis includes five papers related to these topics. The first paper describes the informal concept of types in the Modelica language, and proposes a new concrete syntax for more precise type definitions. The second paper provides a new approach for detecting over- and under-constrained systems of equations in EOO languages, based on a concept called structural constraint delta. That approach makes use of type checking and a type inference algorithm. The third paper outlines a strategy for using abstract syntax as a middle-way between a formal and informal language specification. The fourth paper suggests and evaluates an approach for secure distributed co-simulation over wide area networks. The final paper outlines a new formal operational semantics for describing physical connections, which is based on the untyped lambda calculus. A kernel language is defined, in which real physical models are constructed and simulated. / <p>Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2007:46. On the day of the defence date the status of article IV was: In Progress; The status of article V was: Manuscript.</p>
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Handel på Facebook och Instagram : Och faktorer som kan påverka benägenheten till det / Commerce on Facebook and Instagram : And factors that can affect that tendencySöderbergh, Veronica, Mahdizadeh, Zainab January 2021 (has links)
Internet är ett ständigt växande fenomen med nya innovationer. Som en följd av utvecklandet av Internet har e-handel uppkommit och då även handel via de sociala mediesidorna Facebook och Instagram. Genom att en stor del av internetanvändare befinner sig på de båda plattformarna kan företag dra nytta av att befinna sig där samt att möjliggöra för konsumenter att kunna handla från dem där för att nå fler människor. Konsumenter kan handel på plattformarna bidra till en ökad smidighet då en produkt kan köpas direkt när den ses i Instagram flödet. Syftet med studien är studera handel på Facebook respektive Instagram och att bidra med mer information kring ämnet. Vidare ska studien ge en inblick i agerandet kring köp på kanalerna och hur de tänker kring viljan till att genomföra köp. Det finns ett intresse för företag att få en ökad inblick i ämnet då det är två olika kanaler som företag kan utveckla handel på, och därmed satsa både tid och pengar på kanalerna. Det finns olika begrepp som dyker upp som viktiga för respondenter och som används i studien för att studeras närmare vilka är upplevd säkerhet, erfarenhet, humör, reklam och produkt samt trovärdighet. Resultatet indikerar att de flesta konsumenter idag helst vill använda sig utav företagets hemsida vid handel på Internet. Det finns dock en stor andel av konsumenter som kan tänka sig att någon gång genomföra köp på plattformarna Facebook respektive Instagram. De konsumenter som ännu inte genomfört köp via Facebook och Instagram angav att de inte gjort det på grund av att de inte har det behovet och att de hellre besöker företagets hemsida. När faktorer som kan påverka att ett köp kommer eller har genomförts undersöktes angav flertalet konsumenter att det behövde vara enkelt, smidigt, smidigt, säkert, anpassad reklam och finnas en trovärdighet för företaget. / The Internet is a growing phenomenon with new innovations. The development of the Internet caused e-commerce and shopping via social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, to emerge. Since a large proportion of the Internet users are using both platforms, companies can benefit from having a presence and enabling for consumers to shop from there in ordr to reach more consumers. For the consumers shopping on the platforms can make it easier for people to buy products when they a purchase can be done as soon as a product is seen in the Instagram feed. The purpose of this essay is to study commerce on Facebook and Instagram in order to contribute with more information about the subject. Furthermore, the study will provide an insight into the actions and thoughts the consumers have about what makes them willing to make purchases on these platforms. Companies have a self-interest to gain an increased insight into the subject as there are two different channels on which companies can develop trade, and thus invest both time and money in them. There are various concepts that emerge as important for respondents which are used in this paper and are going to be studied in more detail which are, perceived security, experience, mood, advertisement, and product as well as credibility. The results indicate that most consumers prefer to use the company's website when shopping on the Internet. However, there are a large proportion of consumers who consider making purchases on Facebook and Instagram sometimes. The consumers who have not yet made a purchase via these channels stated that they do not have the need to do so and that they would rather visit the company's website. When it comes to factors that influence a purchase, the majority of consumers stated that it needed to be simple, flexible and secure, in addition to customized advertising and the company’ s credibility. The company’s credibility is also the defining factor. The essay is written in Swedish.
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Partners, Parents, and Children: Examining the Roles of Secure Base Script Knowledge Within the Family ContextOlsavsky, Anna Lorraine 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Pedestrian to Vehicle Communication: A Safe and Private Solution ProposalSanchez Carmona, Pablo January 2020 (has links)
Vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V) has become one of the most risingtechnologies in recent years, and due to the implementation of 5G different solutionshave begun to be designed that allow communication between vehiclesand pedestrians (V2P). V2P communication is a challenge for two reasons:the incompatibility of technologies, as well as the need to have a real-timecommunication (crucial when sending and receiving road hazard messages).This document presents a solution for pedestrian-to-vehicle communication,detecting pedestrian risk situations using the mobile phone sensors and messagesby the vehicles. An architecture and communication protocol is presented,to send warning messages with low delay in a secure and private waywithout harming efficiency. Two algorithms are used, one implemented in anAndroid application and another one in a server, with the purpose of detectingpedestrian misbehavior in the road and reducing the amount of direct messagesbetween the nodes of the system. / Kommunikation mellan fordonen (V2V) har blivit en av de mest stigande teknikernaunder de senaste åren, och på grund av implementeringen av 5G harolika lösningar börjat utformas som möjliggör kommunikation mellan fordonoch fotgängare (V2P). V2P-kommunikation är en utmaning av två skäl: teknikensinkompatibilitet, liksom behovet av att ha en kommunikation i realtid(avgörande när du skickar och tar emot meddelanden om vägfara). Detta dokumentpresenterar en lösning för kommunikation mellan fotgängare och fordon,från upptäckten av fotgängarsrisksituationer på vägen använder mobiltelefonsensorertill fordonen mottagande meddelanden. Ett fullständigt arkitekturochkommunikationsprotokoll presenteras för att skicka flera varningsmeddelandenmed minsta möjliga fördröjning och på ett säkert och privat sätt, utan attförlora systemets effektivitet. Dessutom används två algoritmer, en implementeradi en Android-applikation och en annan på en server, i syfte att upptäckauppförande av fotgängare på vägen och minska mängden direktmeddelandenmellan systemets noder.
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