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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Befrämja stillhet och lugn : intensivvårdssjuksköterskors reflektioner kring möten med närstående efter dödsfall / Promoting stillness : intensive care unit nurses’ reflections about encounters with family after the patient’s death

Karlsson, Johan, Svensson, Sara January 2010 (has links)
Mötet med närstående till patienter som avlidit är ett stressfyllt möte, både för närstående och sjuksköterskan. Tidigare forskning visade att närstående önskade få tydlig information och söker trygghet hos varandra. Närstående upplevde sjuksköterskan som en stor källa för trygghet och stöd i sorgprocessen. Den professionalitet och säkerhet hon förmedlar var av stor vikt för närståendes upplevelse av hela vårdtiden. Syftet med studien var att beskriva erfarna intensivvårdssjuksköterskors reflektioner från möten med närstående till patienter som avlidit. En intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats gjordes. Informanterna i denna studie kunde alla klassificeras som skickliga och expertsjuksköterskor enligt Benners utvecklingsstadier för sjuksköterskan. Informanterna beskrev möten som kunde delas in i följande huvudteman för att ge stöd till de närstående som, trygghet, lyhördhet, stillhet och lugn. Med hjälp av dessa huvudteman upplevde informanterna att de kunde skapa optimala förutsättningar för att skapa stillhet och lugn. / Meeting patient’s next of kin after decease is a stressful meeting for both the next of kin and the advanced practice nurse. Preceding research showed that the next of kin sought to receive information that was easy to understand and that they seek solace from each other. The advanced practice nurse was experienced as a great source of comfort and support in the grieving process by next of kin. Professionalism and support mediated by the advanced practice nurse was of great importance for the next of kin’s experience of the hospitalization period. The aim of this study was to describe experienced intensive care unit nurses reflections of meeting next of kin to patients who are diseased. An interview study with a qualitative approach was done. The informants in this study could all be classified as the skilful and the expert nurse according to Benners stages of progression for the nurse. The informants described main themes to support and comfort the next of kin, they were; feeling secure, attentiveness, stillness. With the aid of these categories the informants experienced that they could create the optimal conditions in creating stillness in the storm that the next of kin are in after death has occurred.

Metodología para hipervisores seguros utilizando técnicas de validación formal

Peiró Frasquet, Salvador 29 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The availability of new processors with more processing power for embedded systems has raised the development of applications that tackle problems of greater complexity. Currently, the embedded applications have more features, and as a consequence, more complexity. For this reason, there exists a growing interest in allowing the secure execution of multiple applications that share a single processor and memory. In this context, partitioned system architectures based on hypervisors have evolved as an adequate solution to build secure systems. One of the main challenges in the construction of secure partitioned systems is the verification of the correct operation of the hypervisor, since, the hypervisor is the critical component on which rests the security of the partitioned system. Traditional approaches for Validation and Verification (V&V), such as testing, inspection and analysis, present limitations for the exhaustive validation and verification of the system operation, due to the fact that the input space to validate grows exponentially with respect to the number of inputs to validate. Given this limitations, verification techniques based in formal methods arise as an alternative to complement the traditional validation techniques. This dissertation focuses on the application of formal methods to validate the correctness of the partitioned system, with a special focus on the XtratuM hypervisor. The proposed methodology is evaluated through its application to the hypervisor validation. To this end, we propose a formal model of the hypervisor based in Finite State Machines (FSM), this model enables the definition of the correctness properties that the hypervisor design must fulfill. In addition, this dissertation studies how to ensure the functional correctness of the hypervisor implementation by means of deductive code verification techniques. Last, we study the vulnerabilities that result of the loss of confidentiality (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) of the information managed by the partitioned system. In this context, the vulnerabilities (infoleaks) are modeled, static code analysis techniques are applied to the detection of the vulnerabilities, and last the proposed techniques are validated by means of a practical case study on the Linux kernel that is a component of the partitioned system. / [ES] La disponibilidad de nuevos procesadores más potentes para aplicaciones empotradas ha permitido el desarrollo de aplicaciones que abordan problemas de mayor complejidad. Debido a esto, las aplicaciones empotradas actualmente tienen más funciones y prestaciones, y como consecuencia de esto, una mayor complejidad. Por este motivo, existe un interés creciente en permitir la ejecución de múltiples aplicaciones de forma segura y sin interferencias en un mismo procesador y memoria. En este marco surgen las arquitecturas de sistemas particionados basados en hipervisores como una solución apropiada para construir sistemas seguros. Uno de los principales retos en la construcción de sistemas particionados, es la verificación del correcto funcionamiento del hipervisor, dado que es el componente crítico sobre el que descansa la seguridad de todo el sistema particionado. Las técnicas tradicionales de V&V, como testing, inspección y análisis, presentan limitaciones para la verificación exhaustiva del comportamiento del sistema, debido a que el espacio de entradas a verificar crece de forma exponencial con respecto al número de entradas a verificar. Ante estas limitaciones las técnicas de verificación basadas en métodos formales surgen como una alternativa para completar las técnicas de validación tradicional. Esta disertación se centra en la aplicación de métodos formales para validar la corrección del sistema particionado, en especial del hipervisor XtratuM. La validación de la metodología se realiza aplicando las técnicas propuestas a la validación del hipervisor. Para ello, se propone un modelo formal del hipervisor basado en máquinas de autómatas finitos, este modelo formal permite la definición de las propiedades que el diseño hipervisor debe cumplir para asegurar su corrección. Adicionalmente, esta disertación analiza cómo asegurar la corrección funcional de la implementación del hipervisor por medio de técnicas de verificación deductiva de código. Por último, se estudian las vulnerabilidades de tipo information leak (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) debidas a la perdida de la confidencialidad de la información manejada en el sistema particionado. En este ámbito se modelan las vulnerabilidades, se aplican técnicas de análisis de código para la detección de vulnerabilidades en base al modelo definido y por último se valida la técnica propuesta por medio de un caso práctico sobre el núcleo del sistema operativo Linux que forma parte del sistema particionado. / [CAT] La disponibilitat de nous processadors amb major potencia de còmput per a aplicacions empotrades ha permès el desenvolupament de aplicacions que aborden problemes de major complexitat. Degut a açò, les aplicacions empotrades actualment tenen més funcions i prestacions, i com a conseqüència, una major complexitat. Per aquest motiu, existeix un interès creixent en per permetre la execució de múltiples aplicacions de forma segura i sense interferències en un mateix processador i memòria. En aquest marc sorgeixen les arquitectures de sistemes particionats basats en hipervisors com una solució apropiada per a la construcció de sistemes segurs Un dels principals reptes en la construcció de sistemes particionats, es la verificació del correcte funcionament del hipervisor, donat que aquest es el component crític sobre el que descansa la seguretat del sistema particionat complet. Les tècniques tradicionals de V&V, com són el testing, inspecció i anàlisi, presenten limitacions que fan impracticable la seva aplicació per a la verificació exhaustiva del comportament del sistema, degut a que el espai de entrades a verificar creix de forma exponencial amb el nombre de entrades a verificar. Front a aquestes limitacions les tècniques de verificació basades en mètodes formals sorgeixen com una alternativa per a completar les tècniques de validació tradicional. Aquesta dissertació es centra en la aplicació de mètodes formals per a validar la correcció del sistema particionat, en especial d del hipervisor XtratuM. La validació de la metodología es realitza aplicant les tècniques proposades a la validació del hipervisor. Per a aquest fi, es proposa un model formal del hipervisor basat en màquines de estats finits (FSM), aquest model formal permet la definició de les propietats que el disseny del hipervisor deu de complir per assegurar la seva correcció. Addicionalment, aquesta dissertació analitza com assegurar la correcció funcional de la implementació del hipervisor mitjançant tècniques de verificació deductiva de codi. Per últim, s'estudien les vulnerabilitats de tipus information leak (CWE-200 [CWE08b]) degudes a la pèrdua de la confidencialitat de la informació gestionada per el sistema particionat. En aquest àmbit, es modelen les vulnerabilitats, s'apliquen tècniques de anàlisis de codi per a la detecció de les vulnerabilitats en base al model definit, per últim es valida la tècnica proposada mitjançant un cas pràctic sobre el nucli del sistema operatiu Linux que forma part de l'arquitectura particionada. / Peiró Frasquet, S. (2016). Metodología para hipervisores seguros utilizando técnicas de validación formal [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63152 / TESIS

Secure Attachment to Friends and its Association with Body Appreciation

Erixon, My, Joyce, Alma January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, researchers have become interested in the concept of a positive body image. Interpersonal relationships influence the acceptance and appreciation of the body. However, prior studies on positive body image has almost exclusively focused on studying general instead of specific relationships. The present study sought to investigate whether the association between secure attachment to friends and body appreciation is moderated by the personality trait Extraversion in young adults. The participants were 194 men and women aged 18 to 25 years (M = 22, SD = 1.78) who completed a questionnaire measuring body appreciation, secure attachment to friends and Extraversion. The results of a hierarchal regression showed that secure attachment to friends did not predict body appreciation and that Extraversion did not have a moderating effect. Extraversion was, however, positively associated with body appreciation, above and beyond the effect of sex, BMI and parental socioeconomic status. These findings contribute to a richer understanding of the potential advantages of including Extraversion when studying body image in young adults. / Begreppet positiv kroppsbild har under den senaste tiden börjat att fånga forskares intresse. Acceptans och uppskattning av sin kropp påverkas av interpersonella relationer. Tidigare studier på positiv kroppsbild har dock nästan uteslutande fokuserat på att studera generella istället för specifika relationer. Denna studie syftade till att utforska huruvida trygg anknytning till vänner hos unga vuxna påverkar kroppsuppskattningen och om sambandet modereras av personlighetsdraget Extraversion. Deltagarna var 194 kvinnor och män i åldrarna 18 till 25 år (M = 22, SD = 1.78) som besvarade en enkät gällande kroppsuppskattning, trygg anknytning till vänner och extraversion. Resultatet av en hierarkisk regression visade att trygg anknytning till vänner inte förutspådde kroppsuppskattning och att extraversion inte hade en modererande effekt. Extraversion var dock positivt korrelerat med kroppsuppskattning, även efter det att kön, BMI och föräldrars socioekonomiska status kontrollerats för. Dessa fynd bidrar till en större förståelse för de potentiella fördelarna med att inkludera extraversion vid studier av positiv kroppsbild bland unga vuxna.

Usable Secure Email Through Short-Lived Keys

Monson, Tyler Jay 01 October 2017 (has links)
Participants from recent secure email user studies have expressed a need to use secure email tools only a few times a year. At the same time, Internet users are expressing concerns over the permanence of personal information on the Internet. Support for short-lived keys has the potential to address both of these problems. However, the short-lived keys usability and security space is underdeveloped and unexplored. In this thesis, we present an exploration of the short-lived keys usability and security design space. We implement both a short-lived keys and a long-term keys secure email prototype. With these two prototypes, we conduct a within-subjects user study. Results from our study show that participants believe the short-lived keys prototype is more secure and more trusted. Participants also provide feedback on what they want in a system supporting short-lived keys. They also discuss how concerned they are about the permanence of their information on the Internet and on their devices.

Secure introduction for enterprise secrets : An evaluation framework

Weltman, Ulf January 2021 (has links)
A dependency on secrets is inherent in most IT systems, especially as they become increasingly complex and interdependent. Vast amounts of research have explored how to protect the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of secrets through means such as encryption and authentication. These means are in themselves supported by secrets, and introducing those secrets is an area that has seen less exploration. Secrets are protected by secrets, and the secret at the top needs to be provided by one of the numerous methods with various advantages and disadvantages. This work follows a design science research approach to design a framework for comparing those methods of secure introduction, demonstrated through scenarios and practical exercises.

Mobilní aplikace pro šifrované volání / Mobile Application for Encrypted Calls

Jonáš, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on implementation of aplication for secure telephone communication on data network. Application is developed for operating system Android. For call management is responsible signaling protocol SIP and for transfer of voice data is used protocol RTP. For security of call is first created cryptografic key for symetric cryptography. After generating key is established call, which is encrypted by symetric cipher AES. Encrypting between communicating sides is provided in application or on microSD card. Part of solution is measurement of speed of cryptographic primitives, which are used for secure call.

Spojovací systémy založené na IP telefonii / Communication systems based on IP telephony

Zimek, Josef January 2008 (has links)
My master’s thesis is focused on designing and creating communication network, which provides communication between two independent networks through encrypted tunnel. My solution is based on routers formed by older personal computers with FreeBSD like a operating system. Between routers is created static encrypted tunnel by using IPSec protocol. Voice services provides packet oriented exchange Asterisk with support of signaling protocol SIP. This solution can be used eg. for connecting remote branch to headquarters of company and then can branch utilize shrared resources. To headquarters can connect also remote workers from their home. In this case are used SSL certificates to authentication of user. This scenario is very required today.

Realizace certifikační autority a digitálního podpisu / Implementation of certification authority and digital signature

Troják, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with problems of certification authorities and digital signature. There are analyzed principles of digital certificates and certification authorities. It describes the the most widely used cryptosystems and hash functions, which are used in communications with certificates and digital signature. Analysis is focused on Public key infrastructure standard, which describes rules of creating of certification authority and digital signature. There is also described detailed principle of digital signature. Next chapters deals with studying of protocol SSL, principles of functions and usage of SSL. Practical part of this thesis realizes certification authority and information system. There is shown used software and configuration of it. Last part describes procedures during using aplication and her realization.

Využití klíčenky Gnome v projektu FreeIPA / GNOME Keyring Storage in FreeIPA

Židek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis gives introduction to FreeIPA project and GNOME Keyring project. It discusses benefits of possible integration of GNOME Keyring into FreeIPA using FreeIPA's component called Password Vault. Designs of possible implementations are provided. Prototype of one of these designs is implemented.

Contributions à l'évaluation de systèmes biométriques embarqués / Contributions to the evaluation of embedded biometric systems

Vibert, Benoît 04 May 2017 (has links)
La biométrie suscite de plus en plus d’intérêt de la part des industriels car nous avons besoin de nouvelles méthodes d’authentification d’un individu : pour du contrôle d’accès physique, du contrôle aux frontières ou pour du paiement. Ces données non révocables et sensibles sont très souvent stockées sur des systèmes embarqués de type élément sécurisé (SE), comme par exemple une carte à puce. Ces SE embarquent aussi un module de comparaison nommé On-Card-Comparison (OCC), permettant de déterminer si le template présenté correspond bien à celui stocké sur l’élément sécurisé. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux empreintes digitales car c’est une modalité biométrique bien perçue par les usagers. Nous proposons dans cette thèse différentes contributions permettant d’évaluer des systèmes biométriques embarqués. La première est une plateforme d’évaluation de systèmes biométriques nommée EVABIO. La seconde contribution, permet d’évaluer l’incidence sur les performances lors de la réduction de templates biométriques lorsqu’ils doivent être stockés sur un SE. Nous proposons des méthodes permettant de réduire la taille du template biométrique tout en gardant un taux de reconnaissance élevé, garantissant ainsi un bon niveau de performance du système biométrique complet. La dernière contribution étudie les attaques d’un système biométrique embarqué sur SE. Nous regardons quels a priori sont importants pour un imposteur : nous avons montré que le type de l’empreinte digitale est une information importante pour un attaquant. Nous avons également proposé une contre-mesure pour les systèmes embarqués. / Biometrics is sparking the interest of manufacturers and industrial compagniesbecause we are in need of new methods of authenticating individuals: for physicalaccess control, border control or for payments. Non-revocable and sensitive data isvery often stored on embedded systems of the secure element type (SE), such as asmart card. SEs include a comparison module called On-Card-Comparison (OCC),which determines whether the template presented corresponds to the template storedwithin it. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in fingerprints because it is abiometric modality that is very well perceived by the population.We propose in this thesis different contributions to evaluate embedded biometricsystems. The first is a biometric evaluation platform called EVABIO. The secondcontribution evaluates the impact on performance when reducing biometric templatesthat are to be stored on an SE. We propose methods to reduce the size of biometrictemplates while maintaining a high recognition rate thus, guaranteeing a good level ofperformance of the global biometric system. The last contribution studies attacks ona biometric system that is embedded on a SE. We look at what a priori are importantfor an impostor: we have shown that the type of fingerprint is an important a prioriand the reason why we have also proposed a countermeasure for embedded systems.

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