Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eeking bvehavior"" "subject:"eeking cobehavior""
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Essays on Prospect Theory and Cost StructuresLiu, Xiaosi 06 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the search functionalities on a website designed for children / Utforskning av sökfunktionen för en webbplats designad för barnJohansson Sjöwall, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The usage of Internet has increased among children. Much of that use comes from watching videos and playing games. There are a few services that cater to this need and Barnkanalen is one of them. However, in order for the service to be usable to children it needs to be adapted for them and content needs to be easily available. Children with no or little reading ability and writing skills need extra attention since they simply can not type correctly what they are searching for into a search field. This paper explores children’s preferred search strategies and what problems they experience on one of the major websites designed for children by conducting a user study. The user study was based upon a usability evaluation method called Constructive Interaction, where the children collaborated in pairs to solve search related tasks given to them. It was conducted at an after-school center in Bromma, Stockholm. 19 children aged 6-8 participated. The results indicate that the computer user interface and search functionalities of Barnkanalen need some improvements. The children with more developed spelling skills often have no problems, finding what they are supposed to find, when they know the title of the show. When the children did not have the knowledge of the titles or could not spell them they experienced some difficulties in finding what they were looking for. Most would browse the page, scrolling through the content being presented in horizontal lists. Some children got stuck in repetitive search loops; some were not paying enough attention and missed what they were looking for when it showed up on the screen. The children also had a hard time clicking on what they wanted to click at. Only four children had prior experience of visiting Barnkanalen on a computer but almost all of the children had experience using Barnkanalen on tablets or smartphones. The results led to recommendations on how to improve the site. For example, show titles in English should be allowed to be spelled phonetically, certain buttons need to be bigger, making Barnplay the start page of Barnkanalen and a virtual assistant is proposed. / Barns användande av internet ökar. En stor del av användningen består av att titta på videos och spela spel. Det finns ett par tjänster som uppfyller det här behovet och Barnkanalen är en av dem. För att tjänsten ska vara användbar för barn så måste den vara anpassad för dem och innehållet måste vara lättillgängligt. Barn med lite eller som helt saknar läs och skriv-färdigheter behöver extra hjälp eftersom de inte utan problem kan skriva in vad de söker efter i ett sökfält. Den här uppsatsen undersöker barns föredragna sökstrategier och de problem de upplever på en av de största webbsidorna som är designad för barn genom att genomföra en användarstudie. Användarstudien var baserad på en användbarhetsutvärderingsmetod som heter konstruktiv interaktion (Constructive Interaction), där barnen samarbetar i par med att lösa sökrelaterade uppgifter. Studien utfördes på ett fritidshem i Bromma, Stockholm. 19 barn i åldrarna 6-8 år deltog. Resultaten indikerar att datorgränssnittet och sökfunktionerna på Barnkanalen behöver vissa förbättringar. Barn med bättre utvecklad skrivkunnighet hade oftast inga problem med att söka rätt på vad de skulle hitta, när de visste vad programmet de letade efter hette. När barnen saknade kunskap om vad programmet hette eller inte kunde stava till det så hade de problem med att finna vad de letade efter. De flesta undersökte sidan, skrollade genom innehållet som var placerat i horisontella listor. Vissa barn fastnade i ett repetitivt sökbeteende; vissa var inte uppmärksamma nog och missade det de letade efter när det dök upp på skärmen. Barnen hade också en del problem att klicka på det de ville klicka på. Bara fyra barn hade tidigare erfarenhet av att använda Barnkanalen på en dator medan nästan alla hade använt Barnkanalen på en pekplatta eller smarttelefon. Resultaten från studien ledde fram till ett par rekommendationer kring hur sidan kan förbättras. Till exempel, program med engelsk titel bör kunna sökas med fonetisk stavning, vissa knappar bör förstoras, göra Barnplay till startsida för Barnkanalen och en virtuell assistent föreslås.
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Predictors of Online Health Information Seeking Behavior and Health Information Seeking Experience of Elderly Cancer Survivors Using the InternetOh, Young Sam 27 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of a Brief, Mass-Media Intervention on Attitude and Intention to Seek Professional Psychological TreatmentDemyan, Amy L. 24 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Lost & Found Videothek Non-Ubiquitous Video Library for Serendipitous Retrieval of Movies. A Design Exploration for the Introduction of Folksonomy in the Physical SpaceDi Giovanni, Bianca January 2017 (has links)
Lost&Found Videothek is the concept for an interactive video library thought for users engaged in an exploratory research mode, in which content is organized according to a collaborative, subjective and implicit indexing system for the enhancement of serendipity. This idea was the result of a design-based research with a user-centered approach in the field of information retrieval. With the use of design methods such as heuristic UX evaluation, co-sketching, and other original design experiments, the project aimed at identifying the most valuable qualities of physical and digital libraries in order to integrate them within one retrieval system.
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A study of help-seeking characteristics and psychological well-being of young heroin abusers in Hong Kong.January 1998 (has links)
by Chung Yee-ha, Ida. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 313-326). / Abstract and questionnaire also in Chinese. / Acknowledgments --- p.i / Abstract (English version) --- p.ii-iii / Abstract (Chinese version) --- p.iv / Chapter Chapter 1: --- Introduction --- p.1-9 / Chapter Chapter 2: --- The Addiction Profile in Hong Kong --- p.10-28 / Chapter Chapter 3: --- Literature Review --- p.29-94 / Chapter Chapter 4: --- Research Questions and Hypotheses --- p.95-104 / Chapter Chapter 5: --- Methodology --- p.105-119 / Chapter Chapter 6: --- Results --- p.120-185 / Chapter Chapter 7: --- Discussion --- p.186-238 / Chapter Chapter 8: --- Summary and Conclusions --- p.239-250 / Appendix A: A Summary of the Local Studies on Adolescent Drug Abuse 251 - --- p.268 / Appendix B: Questionnaire (Chinese version) --- p.269-289 / Appendix C: Revised Reasons Scale (Chinese version) --- p.290-292 / Appendix D: Questionnaire (English version) --- p.293-310 / Appendix E: Revised Reasons Scale (English version) --- p.311-312 / References --- p.313-326
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Mental Illness Stigma, Parent-Child Communication, and Help-Seeking of Young American Adults with Immigrant ParentsBismar, Danna 08 1900 (has links)
This study examined a mediational model of mental illness stigma, parent-child communication about mental health concerns, and help seeking attitudes/behaviors among young adults with at least one immigrant parent while considering the possible moderating effect of acculturation gap. The primary goal of this study was to examine whether the acculturation gap changed the relation between mental illness stigma and communication about personal mental health concerns with immigrant parents, which in turn could become a significant predictor of their help-seeking attitudes, as well as a barrier to seeking professional mental health services. Findings provided support to the direct and indirect effects of mental illness stigma through communication about mental health concerns on attitudes about help-seeking. The acculturation gap hypothesized to be a possible moderator for the stigma-communication about mental health concerns relationship among young adult ABCI was found to be significant for ABCI with a low mainstream culture acculturation gap. Discussion on the findings, limitations of the study, future research directions, and counseling implications are addressed.
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土地使用分區管制制度之執行與制度變遷--財產權觀點之分析 / The Enforcement and Change of Zoning Institution in The Perspective of Property Rights張剛維, Chang,Kangwei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究除了進行以上所述的議題,亦同時關注制度選擇、容積移轉的問題,以及違規使用的行為,並將從一系列的行為分析中,進一步探究尋租行為對分區管制制度及經濟發展的影響。研究的結果,除了對分區管制制度提出具體的建議外,亦對制度變遷的行為及政府角色,提供更多的認知面向,值得作為都市研究的參考。 / Zoning institution is regarded as an important instrument for enforcing urban policy in Taiwan. Zoning not only control the quality of urban environment, but affect the price of real estate. However, the reasons of zoning institution changed and the factors influenced the assignment of property rights are very rarely investigated. The decision of zoning will directly influence the scope of landowners’ property rights. Thus, based upon the viewpoint of property rights, incorporated with institutional and enforcing dimension to conduct a dynamic analysis can deeply investigate the process of policy operation and the problems of institutional design so as to provide better institutional environment for zoning.
This research, based on the property rights perspective and the approach of property rights analysis of New Institutional Economics, intend to investigate the change of zoning institution and its enforcement. The study pays special attention to the bargaining among private landowners, interest groups and government authority. In order to improve the institutional environment, this paper will also try to find the institutional problems in the process of enforcement through cases study.
Cases study is used for further analysis the interaction among the actors participated so as to understand the processes of bargaining, re-assignment of property rights and the reasons of zoning institution changed. After the cases study, the research will address some suggestions of institutional design of zoning and try to review the policy of urban development and land use control in Taipei city. A promise suggestion on the institutional design of zoning will be provided for the reference of understanding and research on zoning institution and behaviors.
In addition, the impact of the rent-seeking patterns and the production paths on the zoning behaviors resulting in the change of zoning institution are explored. The results of the research will make further suggestions to the issues of institutional design of zoning, and to the avoidance of the negative effects of rent-seeking behavior. Moreover, the source and process of institutional change of zoning related to rent-seeking behavior, and the ways government responds to the rent-seeking behaviors are provided for the reference of further study of urban planning.
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台北市公立幼稚園教師利用資訊資源之研究 / A Study on the use of information resources of kindergarten teachers in Taipei許修嬋, Hsu, Hsiu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,我國出生率逐年遞減,少子化的現象普遍存在,家長及社會對於幼兒的教育十分重視,幼教老師在教學實施上備受壓力;而網路與科技媒體的蓬勃發展,更促使幼教老師必須重新思考教學的方式。教師如要運用教學媒體教授幼兒知識,須具備一定的資訊素養,懂得從各種管道尋獲教學資源。 / 本研究針對台北市公立幼稚園教師進行研究,期瞭解幼兒教師的資訊尋求行為概況;探討教師如何利用圖書館和網路資源準備教學;分析教師如何運用資訊資源進行專業成長;並瞭解幼教老師利用Blog的經驗。透過問卷調查和深度訪談來瞭解幼教老師利用資訊資源於教學上之概況。 / 研究發現,台北市公立幼稚園教師仍以女性教師為主,大部分教育程度在大學以上,年齡則以41~50歲居多,教師教學經驗豐富,六成的教師已從事教學達15年以上。高達92.5%的教師會使用網際網路,教師具有中上的資訊素養能力,且學歷較高和新進教師的教師具有較高的資訊素養。教師使用多種管道找尋合適的資源與媒體以支援教學,並將其評估、處理成為教材。在找尋資源時會考量資訊的正確性與方便性。 / 關於利用圖書館資源準備教學方面:教師至圖書館的目的為找尋教學相關資源;使用校內圖書室和台北市立圖書館找尋教學資源;使用繪本和影音資料為主。在利用網路資源協助教學上:教師利用網路資源準備教學;應用網路多媒體協助教學實施;參與網路社群分享教學資源及經驗;藉由網路平台紀錄教學活動;與家長進行親師溝通。而利用資訊資源進行專業成長上教師透過閱讀獲取專業知識;利用網路資源自我學習,並進行個人知識管理。此外,教師亦會運用Blog搜尋教學資源、分享教學經驗、整理學生學習歷程檔案、建置幼稚園網頁、記錄教學與整理教師教學檔案及建置個人Blog。 / 最後建議:(1)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與線上讀書會與成長團體,精進個人之專業知識;辦理各式資訊素養研習以提昇教師的資訊素養能力;委託相關單位編製資源示意圖協助教師準備教學;建置幼教專業知識共享平台,便於教師找尋及取得資源、整理個人教學知識,持續進行個人專業成長。(2)幼稚園圖書室應與鄰近圖書館合作並共享資源;協助教師充分利用圖書館資源準備教學。(3)幼稚園教師應充分利用資訊資源支援教學活動、進行終身學習;積極參與網路社群,利用Blog等網路平台與家長共同指導幼兒。
關鍵字:幼稚園教師;資訊尋求行為;教師專業成長;部落格 / This research focused on the utilization of information resources of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei. The purpose is to reveal the information seeking behaviors of kindergarten teachers, such as how the teachers use the library and internet resources to prepare for teaching; how teachers use the information resources to upgrade teachers' professional development; and the use of Blog. The study applies the questionnaire and in-depth interview to find out how the kindergarten teachers use the information resources. / According to this study, most of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei are female, hold bachelor degree, and the majority of them are about forties to fifties. Teachers are well experienced. Ninety two point percent teachers are able to use internet, most teachers are well equipped with information literacy. / Finally, suggestion were made as follows: (1) The Department of Education, Taipei City Government should encourage teachers to participate the online reading club and growth group for enhancing professional development; conducting all kinds of information literacy courses, compiling the pathfinders and setting up professional portal for professional growth. (2) The kindergarten library should cooperate with the neighboring libraries to share resources, and play the important role in assisting teachers using information resources. (3) Kindergarten teachers should learn how to utilize the information resources widely for supporting the teaching and achieve the life-long learning; participating in internet communities to upgrade their professional knowledge and core competences; and use the Blog and other social software to instruct kids with their parents together.
Keywords:Kindergarten Teachers;Information Seeking Behavior;Teachers' professional development;Blog
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Even though the United States (U.S.) spends, on average, more money per student than most Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, it continues to lag behind its international peers in mathematics achievement. This study, which responded to the call for educational reforms that improve the mathematics achievement of U.S. students, aimed to examine the issue of student help-seeking behaviors and teacher instructional practices as they interact to affect student mathematics achievement. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) defines student help-seeking behaviors as the ways in which students have a propensity to depend on the knowledge and intellect of others, including both their peers and teachers, when attempting to solve problems.
Because mathematics is perhaps the most difficult school subject, student help-seeking behaviors should be a critical component of mathematics learning and teaching. Unfortunately, the research literature is barren concerning this important educational issue. This study attempted to produce the first wave of empirical evidence and open up an avenue for future research in this less-charted academic field, with the ultimate goal being to use students’ help-seeking behaviors to improve their mathematics achievement.
Using the U.S. sample of 15-year-old students from PISA 2012 (the most recent PISA assessment in which the main area of focus was mathematical literacy), this study intended to determine whether students’ help-seeking behaviors play a significant role in their mathematics achievement, whether this relationship varies from school to school, and whether teacher instructional practices contribute to the school-level variation. Due to the multilevel structure of the data, with students being nested within schools, a two-level hierarchical linear model (HLM) was employed in the analysis of the data. Multiple measures of mathematics achievement were used as the dependent variables for separate analyses. Student help-seeking behavior was used as the key student-level independent variable, while three teacher instructional practices were used as the key school-level independent variables. In addition, several student and school background characteristics were used as control variables.
The findings from this study indicate that student help-seeking behavior has a statistically significant effect on all measures of student mathematics achievement, even after controlling for various student background characteristics. On the other hand, the study did not find statistically significant evidence that the effects of student help-seeking behavior on any measure of student mathematics achievement vary from school to school. Overall, the issue of student help-seeking behaviors should be considered a worthy topic to pursue in future educational research. From a practical standpoint, since students’ mathematics achievement is positively associated with their help-seeking behaviors, efforts should be made to educate mathematics teachers on how to encourage their students to be more proactive in seeking help in the learning of mathematics.
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