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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

一位明星高中成績低落學生自我認同歷程的敘事研究 / Narrative Research: An Underachiever's Self-identity Process In A Prestigious High School In Taiwan

楊貴雯, Yang, Quei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用敘說研究方法,探討一位明星高中成績低落學生形成自我認同的心理歷程。以後現代的觀點,來瞭解受訪者如何看待自己在耀眼的明星高中裡,所經驗到的課業問題以及對自我形象的認定。本研究採立意取樣方式,邀請正就讀於北部某明星高中,且高一至高二其間學業成績明顯低落的受訪者KK,進行半結構式的訪談。經過文本的分析詮釋後整理出KK的自我認同歷程階段表,來描述受訪者在進入明星高中前後,所經歷不同時期的自我認同樣貌;此外,研究者亦參考各心理學家所提出自我認同的相關理論來檢視受訪者的自我認同程度,並以質性的方式來描述;最後,研究者歸納出受訪者如何重新賦予自我新形象的心理模式。本研究亦針對教育工作者、質性研究者與諮商員提出反思與建議。 / The main purpose of this study is to inquiry what an underachiever expe¬riences his academically lagging behind in a prestigious high school in north Taiwan and how he establishes his self-image in the process of self-identity. By taking a post-modern perspective, I tried to understand the participator’s experiential world through his narrative language in a semi-structured interview. The method of text analysis is the holistic-content model by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach(1998). After a narrative interpretation, I concluded the participator’s self-identity process describing his different self-image before and after entering the prestigious high school, assessed the participator’s degree of self identity by relevant theories in a qualitative method and discussed the way he established self-images. Finally, I proposed some educational suggestions for practical educators, qualitative researchers and counselors.

The search for character: servant-leadership in an Australian organisation

WHITMORE, Margaret, whittys2002@yahoo.com.au January 2004 (has links)
This study is in response to globalisation, changing world values and the call in modern literature for leaders of good character. Servant-leadership is offered to fill this requirement because its effectiveness is said to be reliant on the good character of the leader. In the literature this type of leadership is said to represent a new paradigm. The work of servant-leadership's proponent, Robert Greenleaf, is thoroughly examined to explain how his understanding of trust as faith is linked to spirituality and this is the key to understanding the character of servant-leaders. Greenleaf's work is compared with the modern servant-leadership literature and identifies a gap in the literature explaining Greenleaf's spirituality.This is a qualitative analysis using classical Grounded Theory and uses the work of Anthony Giddens to give it a modern sociological grounding. Classical Grounded Theory uses typologies or

Management trainee - möten med förhinder

Porsfelt, Dan January 2001 (has links)
Abstract Porsfelt, Dan (2001) Management trainee – Möten med förhinder. Written in Swedish with an English summary. ISSN: 1402 – 1544, ISRN: LTU - DT - - 01/24 - - SE, Institutionen för Arbetsveten-skap, Luleå Tekniska Universitet 2001:24. This doctoral thesis in Human Work Science is a study of the participants in a management trainee program, carried out in a large Swedish company in 1997-1998. The aim of the thesis is to formulate theory around the complexity of a secondary socialisation process where organ-isational culture is externalised and internalised and individual self-identities of leaders-to-be in organisations are developed. The thesis is based on an ethnographic description of the entry of six newly graduated economists into an organisation, called ‘Distro’, and their encounters with existing organisational cultures. The data material has mainly been gathered through par-ticipant observation in the everyday life in the organisation, but also in events outside the or-ganisational frame. An official pan-organisational culture with its related stories, cultures of the shop-floor and a managerial culture in the regional organisation are described, as well as the development of the self-identities of the management trainees in relation to these cultures. The partiality of the internalisation of the different organisational cultures and the conscious acting in contrast to aspects of the internalised managerial culture is emphasised and the great complexity of the transition- and socialisation processes in the specific case is pointed at. This complexity is most likely to exist also in similar cases. The complexity is understood as a room of differences or room of relations. A number of circumstances, demands, structures, possi-bilities, values and practices in relation to one another constructs a sort of zone for reflection and as a consequence also development, movement and action. This zone is labelled interspace. Interspace is thus, a theme that, in different forms, can be found in the previous descriptive chapters of the thesis. The interspace simultaneously makes learning and development of both individual and, in the end, the organisation, possible as it may hinder the individual objective career or that of a group. It is, as a consequence, important for individual or groups finding themselves in the interspace to try to manage the impression that the interspace does not exist. Management trainee programs as a social phenomenon is, finally, seen as an aspect of a pro-fessionalisation process on the work place level, and as a modern institution colliding with post-modern values in the elite groups normally recruited to such programs. Keywords: socialisation, internalisation, organisational culture, micro culture, subculture, leadership, management, trainee, management training, management learning, transition, self-identity, pro-fessionalisation Dan Porsfelt, School of Social Sciences, Växjö University, SE-351 95 VÄXJÖ, Sweden. E-mail: Dan.Porsfelt@svi.vxu.se

Doing graduate school in a second language : resituating the self through language socialization in computer-mediated classroom discussions

Ha, Myung Jeong 27 April 2015 (has links)
This dissertation adds to the growing body of research on L2 academic discourse socialization in classroom contexts. Although the importance of students' writing in socializing them into their target discourse communities has been well documented, much less has been made of how students learn through online activities when the division between more and less knowledgeable individuals are blurred. Addressing this gap, this qualitative extended case study explored the experiences and perspectives of novice L2 graduate students in academic literacy practices that involved online writing activities. The focal participants included five first-year female graduate students from different cultural backgrounds enrolled in a graduate class during fall 2008 semester. Data sources included interviews with focal students and with the professor, class observations, field notes, questionnaires, handouts, and students' reflective essays. Anchored in language socialization theories (Duff, 1996, 2003; Schieffelin & Ochs, 1986) and the notion of community of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998), this study provides an ecological perspective on these five L2 students' socialization into academic literacy activities. The findings revealed how the students negotiated competence, relations, and identities to participate legitimately as competent members of their classroom communities. This study also contributes to an understanding of the changing role of novice learners in a given academic community by analyzing how they variably exercise their agency and develop their subject positioning in academic literacy activities that are imbricated in social, cultural, and discoursal contexts. Ultimately, this study enriches the notions of academic discourse socialization by demonstrating the dialogic and transformative nature of academic literacy practices mediated by online discourses in order to highlight ever more contextual information. / text

“You are what you eat” : modernity and the construction of self-identity in healthy eating discourses in a case of digital media

Tavares Genovez, Daniela Trocilo January 2011 (has links)
The present study aims at the discussion of the contemporary forms of construction of selfidentity through the perspective prompted by the transformations ocurring in the health field. The increasing influence of the health promotional discourses in the media is reflected in the personal sphere, through the popularization of the “healthy lifestyles”. These are understood as supporting the construction of late modern identities. Within this phenomenon, we discuss the specific implications of the health eating discourse as portrayed in a specialized publication, attempting to the overlapping connections between lifestyle, food and discourse in the shaping of self-identities. Through this perspective, food is approached as bearing fundamental implications to the constitution of the individual. The present study is placed within the sociological theories on late modernity, the discourse analysis theories and the media as the provider of the symbolic content. / O presente estudo tem por objetivo discutir as formas de construção de identidade pessoal na contemporaneidade através da perspectiva das mudanças que ocorrem no campo da saúde. A crescente influência do discurso da promoção da saúde na mídia se reflete na esfera pessoal através da popularização dos “estilos de vida saudáveis”, que são observados como oferecendo um suporte para as identidades na modernidade tardia. Dentro deste fenômeno, discutimos as implicações específicas do discurso acerca da alimentação saudável em uma publicação especializada, atentando para as relações que se sobrepõem entre estilos de vida, comida e discurso como centrais para a constituição da identidade. A comida, nesta perspectiva, é vista a partir de suas implicações simbólicas para a constituição do indivíduo. Este estudo posiciona-se dentro das teorias sociológicas sobre a modernidade tardia, as teorias da análise de discurso e o campo da mídia como provedor do material simbólico. / Den aktuella studien syftar på att diskutera nutida form av konstruktion av självidentitet i mediala texter. Från det här perspektivet utgör hälsofrämjande diskurser ett verktyg för att bygga uppfattningar om sig själv där mat är ett särskilt viktigt symboliskt objekt i detta projekt. Inom detta fenomen, diskuteras den specifika innebörden av meddelanden kring hälsosam kosthållning som framförs i ett specialiserat tidningsmagasin. Fokus är på de överskridande förhållandena mellan livstil, mat och diskurser i skapandet av självidentitet. Studien befinner sig inom sociologiska teorier om senmodernitet, teorier om diskursanalys och media som en instans där symboliskt innehåll om subjektiviteter kan hittas.

Tomas Venclova: asmeninės legendos kontūrai / Tomas Venclova: the outline of personal legend

Venskevičiūtė, Daina Julija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe sociokultūriniu požiūriu nagrinėjami skirtingų žanrų Tomo Venclovos tekstai, dėmesį kreipiant į subjekto identiteto raišką. “Aš naratyvą” suprantant kaip pasakojimą arba pasakojimus, padedančius individui ir kitiems refleksyviai suvokti jo tapatumą, lyginama subjekto tapatybės raiška eseistikoje ir publicistikoje bei poezijoje, gilinamasi, kaip kultūrinė bei literatūrinė “Aš tapatybė” perimama, integruojama ir veikia verčiamuose tekstuose. Subjekto identiteto raiška stebima laiko perspektyvoje to paties žanro tekstuose bei lyginama, kokie yra subjekto identitetų santykiai (panašumai, skirtumai, neatitikimai) skirtingo žanro tekstuose. Lyginant vertimo tekstą su originalais, išryškėja dvikryptis kultūrinio ir literatūrinio identiteto per���mimo procesas, leidžiantis įvardinti perimamus literatūrinius ir kultūrinius modelius. Subjekto identitetas eseistikoje labai stiprus ir aiškiai suvoktas. Jis nuosekliai palaikomas ir patvirtinamas, nepaisant jo prieštaringumo supančios aplinkos atžvilgiu. Poezijos subjekto „Aš naratyvas“ kinta laiko perspektyvoje, chronologiniu požiūriu vėlesniuose eilėraščiuose ryškus subjekto nebesugebėjimas įsitvirtinti laike ir erdvėje bei užmegzti ryšius su pasaulio objektais, kas yra pagrindinė tapatybės išlaikymo ir patvirtinimo sąlyga. Skirtingi „Aš naratyvai“ kuria prieštaringą, daugialypę, tačiau unikalią „Aš tapatybę“. / Work analyses different genres of T. Venclova‘s texts from sociocultural point of view, paying attention to the expression of subject’s identity. Understanding “narrative of the self” as narration or narrations, which helps individual and the rest reflexively realize its sameness, expression of subject’s identity is compared in essays and views on political issues, on societal and cultural developments, going deep into how cultural and literary “narrative of the self” getting intercepted, integrated and acts in translations of the texts. Expression of subjects identity is observed in prospect of the time in the texts of the same genre and it is compared what are the terms of the subject’s identities (likeness, difference, inadequacy) in the texts of the different genres. Translation of the text compared with originals, shows up bidirectional process of succession of cultural and literary identity, which lets designate successive literary and cultural models. Subject’s identity in essays is very strong and clearly seized. It’s sequaciously upholded and affirmed, despite its discrepancy from the point of surrounding environment. Subject’s of the poetry narrative of the self changes in prospect of the time, in chronologically later verses subject’s incapacity to make lodgement in time and expanse and to get in touch with world’s objects is clear, and that is the main condition of identity‘s sustention and acknowledgement. Divers narrative of the self composes controversial... [to full text]

Seeing is believing is doing? : On the role of future-oriented imagination in developing motivation for a sustainable lifestyle

Vingmarker, Viktoria January 2018 (has links)
The environmental and climate-related sustainability challenges facing the world today are complex, accelerating and urgent, and they call for change from multiple stake­hol­ders. While govern­ments, busi­nes­ses and other insti­tutions hold a high degree of responsibility for initia­ting and enabling the neces­sary change processes towards sustainable practices, so do also individuals and com­munities. Despite inno­va­tive change projects worldwide much remains to be done. However, making changes is difficult for many people, and even more so in situations characterised by uncertainty. In this study the role of future-oriented ima­gination in motivating changes towards sustainable lifestyles was explored through an experimental intervention design. Test group participants were exposed to a guided imagination of a sustainability scenario in the year 2028, followed by a writing assignment allowing them time to en­ga­ge with how they see their own future life. The control group spent the same amount of time listening to a guided present-day reflection and writing about their current everyday life. Pre- and post-intervention, both groups comp­leted lifestyle question­naires. The pre­-­­inter­­vention ques­tion­naire constituted the baseline assessment against which their post-inter­ven­tion questionnaire results (which was asking both groups to record the lifestyle decisions they thought they would be making in the year 2028 on the same behaviours as in the pre-intervention questionnaire) were compared to check for reported degrees of changes. Besides their expected lifestyle changes, their predicted future personal change and degree of pro-environmental self-identity in the year 2028 was measured. The results show that test group participants, who were exposed to the future-oriented imagination, reported a substantially higher degree of future lifestyle changes and future pro-environ­mental self-identity than the control group, as well as predicting a higher degree of future personal change. Future-oriented imagination seems to be a potent pathway for eliciting future-oriented sustainability enga­ge­ment while avoiding some of the risks of negative spillover. This suggests that future-oriented imagination can play an important role in developing motivation for sustainable lifestyle changes, and that it can be a complement to other psychological drivers for pro-environmental behaviours.

Contesting narratives : constructions of the self and the nation in Zimbabwe polical auto/ Biography

Javangwe, Tasiyana Dzikai 11 1900 (has links)
This study is an interpretive analysis of Zimbabwean political auto/biographical narratives in contexts of changing culture, race, ethnicity and gender identity images of the self and nation. I used eclectic theories of postcolonialism to explore the fractured nature of both the processes of identity construction and narration, and the contradictions inherent in identity categories of nation and self. The problem of using autobiographical memory to recall the momentous events that formed the contradictory identities of self and nation in the creative imagination of the lives of Ian Smith, Maurice Nyagumbo, Abel Muzorewa, Joshua Nkomo, Doris Lessing, Fay Chung, Judith Garfield Todd, Tendai Westerhof and Lutanga Shaba have been highlighted. The study concluded that there are narrative and ideological disjunctures between experiencing life and narrating those experiences to create approximations of coherent identities of individual selves and those of the nation. The study argued that each of the stories analyzed in this study contributed a version of the multiple Zimbabwean narratives that no one story could ever tell without being contested by others. Thus the study explores how white Rhodesian auto/biographies depend on the imperial repertoire to construct varying, even contradicting, images of white identities and the Rhodesian nation, which are also contested by black nationalist life narratives. The narratives by women writers, both white and black, introduced further instabilities to the male authored narratives by moving beyond the conventional understanding of what is ‘political’ in political auto/biographies. The HIV and AIDS narratives by black women thrust into the public sphere personalized versions of self so that the political consequence of their inclusion was not only to image Zimbabwe as a diseased society, but one desperately in need of political solutions to confront the different pathologies inherited from colonialism and which also have continued in the post-independence period. / English Studies / (D. Litt. et Phil. (English))

"Mer tid, energi och fokus helt enkelt" - En sociologisk studie om att välja alternativ konsumtion eller minimalism i ett senmodernt konsumtionssamhälle

von Bennigsen, Sandra, Westermark, Anneli January 2018 (has links)
Overconsumption has become a common phenomenon in our contemporary consumer society. Furthermore, overconsumption has repeatedly been pointed out for its negative impact on the wellbeing of both humans and the environment. Alternative consumption and minimalism have, in recent years, become increasingly noticeable as a solution to this problem. The purpose of this study is threefold. First, from a Swedish context provide information on the motives of individuals who choose an alternative consumption or a minimalistic lifestyle, second, how these choices are important to the construction of these individuals’ self-identity, and third to discuss the significance of objects for these individuals. Previous research shows that motives for individuals who choose alternative ways of consumption are both personal benefits and activist ideologies. Financial capacity also plays a major role in an individual’s ability to consume alternatively or choose a minimalistic lifestyle. We have noted that previous research is currently lacking to explain how alternative ways of consumption are related to the construction of self-identity. Previous research also shows that there seems to be an ongoing discussion about the definition of the concepts of alternative consumption and minimalism. Our study is based on qualitative interviews with five individuals where both alternative consumers and minimalists are represented. This study's findings show that the main motive of our interviewees to choose alternative ways of consumption is that these lifestyles has given rise to increased well-being. It also shows that some participants have been able to develop an emotional distance to their belongings through these lifestyle choices. The results also indicate that the interviewees do in fact construct their self-identity through alternative ways of consumption. Also, that class affiliation is a crucial factor for the individuals' ability to choose a lifestyle characterized by alternative ways of consumption. / Överkonsumtion har blivit ett vardagligt fenomen i vårt samtida konsumtionssamhälle. Detta har upprepade gånger pekats ut som en bidragande faktor till att välbefinnandet hos både människa och miljö påverkats negativt. Både alternativ konsumtion och minimalism har på senare år blivit allt mer uppmärksammade som lösningar på detta problem. I denna studie är syftet att utifrån en svensk kontext bidra med kunskap om vilka motiv individer har till att välja en alternativ konsumtion eller en minimalistisk livsstil, hur detta i sin tur har betydelse för konstruktionen av självidentiteten samt vilken betydelse ting har för dessa individer. Tidigare forskning har visat att personliga fördelar och aktivistiska ideologier varit motiv för individer till att välja alternativa konsumtionssätt. Förutsättningarna för att göra dessa livsstilsval skiljer sig dock beroende på vilken ekonomisk kapacitet människor besitter. Vi har uppmärksammat att nuvarande forskning är bristfällig i att förklara hur alternativa konsumtionssätt står i relation till identitetsskapande. Det tycks även finnas en pågående diskussion i tidigare forskning om definitionen av begreppen alternativ konsumtion och minimalism. Vår studie är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med fem intervjupersoner där både alternativa konsumenter och minimalister finns representerade. Studiens resultat visar att intervjupersonernas huvudsakliga motiv till att välja ett alternativt konsumtionssätt är att livsstilen givit upphov till ett ökat välbefinnande. Resultatet visar även att vissa deltagare har utvecklat en emotionell distansering till sina ägodelar genom deras val av livsstil. Resultatet tyder även på att intervjupersonerna konstruerar sin självidentitet genom alternativa konsumtionssätt samt att klasstillhörigheten återigen anses vara en avgörande faktor för individers förmåga att välja en livsstil präglad av alternativa konsumtionssätt.

公部門虛擬代言的成效分析-以高捷少女為例 / The Analyses of Avatar Endorsement in the Public Sector – The Example of KRTC Girls

萬騏瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
近年政府推廣政策的過程中不斷借重創新思維,嘗試抓住民眾的注意力,政府必須將人民視為顧客,盡力提供服務使民眾滿意,換言之,企業型政府治理模式必然包含「治理」甚至是「政策推廣」相關概念,在公部門推廣政策的同時,我們時常看到政府向企業學習行銷手法推廣公共政策。本研究嘗試向企業行銷學習,藉由文獻回顧以及檢視公共政策行銷實例,從「移情作用、自我指涉、自我認同」三個面向,探討虛擬代言(avatar endorsement)如何應用在公共服務推廣,及促使民眾了解政府政策並使用公共服務的意願為何。 本研究以高雄都會大眾捷運系統目前執行的虛擬代言為討論主題,研究方法採用準實驗設計,由於過去研究指出高雄捷運旅運目的多半為觀光旅遊,因此受試者招募以年輕族群為調查對象,以了解當前虛擬代言能否提高年輕族群的喜好程度、使用捷運系統意願、購買相關商品意願、以及對捷運品牌的吸引程度,招募受試者後,採用配對分派方法進行實驗,以利進行實驗組與控制組態度變化比較。研究發現不同學歷的受試者對於虛擬代言的想法有顯著差異,而虛擬代言能有效提升外縣市的受試者對於該公共服務的吸引程度,只是對於既有的客群掌握則有待加強。 / In recent years, governments start to emphasize the importance of policy promotion and policy marketing. Under the belief of treating people as customers, the ultimate goal is to draw people’s attention and to increase their satisfaction on public services. Normally, the entrepreneurial-oriented governments would spend more time and efforts on “good governance” and “policy promotion”. As a result, when the governments want to promote certain policies, they often try to learn from the private sector on their marketing strategies. This study aims at applying the policy marketing strategies to promote public policies, particularly the effects of avatar endorsement strategy. Using the case of Kaohsiung metro system, this study focuses on three different aspects, the transference, self-reference, and self-identity, to explore how avatar endorsement worked with regard to public policy promotion, as well as to understand how it performed on increasing people’s willingness to receive more public services. This research adopts a quasi-experimental design to understand how the current avatar endorsement strategy affect younger generations on four different attitudes and behaviors, such as brand attitude, purchase intention, brand association, and attraction to the Kaohsiung metro. Results show that people with different educational levels have significantly different attitudes toward avatar endorsement strategy. In addition, the avatar endorsement strategy may effectively enhance the attractiveness of public transportation service toward the younger generation. Policy and managerial implications for the governments are discussed in the thesis.

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