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Segregation i Andersberg : En studie om segregation i Andersberg i Gävle kommun, samt den socioekonomiska förhållanden i området. / Segregation in Andersberg : A study on segregation in Andersberg in Gävle municipality, and the socio-economic conditions in the area.Marouki, Gabriel, Persson, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how segregation affects the Andersberg area in Gävle municipality, while also examining the socio-economic conditions of people living in the area. Questions answered in this study are the following: What does segregation look like in Andersberg? How does segregation in Andersberg affect socio-economic conditions? The topic is interesting to read because it informs about how segregation can affect the vulnerable areas, and how the segregation affects the socio-economic conditions in the area is investigated. The target groups that the work focuses on were people living in the area aged 18. The report is based on responses from the survey we conducted, which was both voluntary and anonymous. In the survey, we gave the respondents the option to answer freely and get several questions instead of having specific answer alternatives. The report also discusses several aspects that are relevant to segregation, such as income, origin, class, and form of housing, we also compiled the results and discussed them in collaboration with various theories. One of the conclusions we have reached is that Andersberg is greatly affected by segregation. An example of this is that a large part of the area's inhabitants earn less than the rest of the municipality's average income. In addition, we have concluded that only groups with a foreign background choose to settle in the area, which leads to a more segregated area with residents with weak resources. The second conclusion is that the socio-economic conditions for the residents living in Andersberg are affected by segregation in the area, for example, a large proportion of residents live on benefits and a lot earn between SEK 0–8000.
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Södra Sverige i migration till Tyskland : En kvantitativ komparativ studie av emigrationen till Tyskland från två småländska städer mellan 1865–1914. / Southern Sweden in migration to Germany : A quantitative and comparative study of two southern Swedish cities between 1865–1914.Hörauf, Georg January 2024 (has links)
The following study serves to develop consciousness about the smaller, not very well-known,emigration from the two southern Swedish cities of Växjö and Kalmar, which are situated inthe province of Småland, to Germany between 1865 and 1914. By using the digital archive ofEmiWeb, the gender, age and marital status of the emigrants have been analyzed and theyhave been categorized into three different social classes depending on the title or occupationthey had at the time of emigration. Furthermore, the results of the research of the two citieshave been compared with each other which resulted in a lot of similarities between the citieswhere the greatest part of the emigrants were between the ages of 20 and 29, unmarried, andpart of the working class. Overall, every age group was represented which also includedindividuals over the age of 50 and children between the ages of 0 and 9. Members of themiddle class and bourgeoisie were also present but to a lesser extent. Concerning the gender among the emigrants, the results of this study show that the proportion of women is greaterthan that of men, foremost in the first of the five periods in which this study is divided. Altogether this study provides a deeper insight and understanding of which people emigratedto Germany. However, the number of unregistered emigrants hinders the capacity to present areliable and comprehensive generalization about them.
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Emigration och immigration : En kvantitativ studie om Växjö stadsförsamlings utvandring och invandring mellan åren 1895–1924 / Emigration and immigration : A quantitative study of Växjö City Council’s emigration and immigration between the years 1895–1924Oguz, Simon, Liljegren, Alfred January 2023 (has links)
The succeeding study aims to analyze as well as enlighten, what kind of people that emigrated from Växjö city council to North America during three intervals, 1895–1904, 1905–1914 and1915–1924. It will be analyzed through five variables: gender, age, marital status, profession and furthermore class affiliation. The empirical material has been gathered through three various sources, the database EmiWeb, the digital database Riksarkivet and the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics. As stated before, this study's main issue is to study emigration, but it also analyzes the immigration from North America to Växjö city council during thes ame intervals and through the same variables. The outcome of the empiric material showed that it was mostly women who emigrated to North America. Given their ages, the result is that unmarried people between the ages 10–29 was a big majority of the emigrants whereas the older ages and married people were very few. Granted, most of them were workers, for instance craftsmen and industrial workers. Through an occupational classification, it was possible to deduce that the working class was the largest class affiliation.
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"Mer tid, energi och fokus helt enkelt" - En sociologisk studie om att välja alternativ konsumtion eller minimalism i ett senmodernt konsumtionssamhällevon Bennigsen, Sandra, Westermark, Anneli January 2018 (has links)
Overconsumption has become a common phenomenon in our contemporary consumer society. Furthermore, overconsumption has repeatedly been pointed out for its negative impact on the wellbeing of both humans and the environment. Alternative consumption and minimalism have, in recent years, become increasingly noticeable as a solution to this problem. The purpose of this study is threefold. First, from a Swedish context provide information on the motives of individuals who choose an alternative consumption or a minimalistic lifestyle, second, how these choices are important to the construction of these individuals’ self-identity, and third to discuss the significance of objects for these individuals. Previous research shows that motives for individuals who choose alternative ways of consumption are both personal benefits and activist ideologies. Financial capacity also plays a major role in an individual’s ability to consume alternatively or choose a minimalistic lifestyle. We have noted that previous research is currently lacking to explain how alternative ways of consumption are related to the construction of self-identity. Previous research also shows that there seems to be an ongoing discussion about the definition of the concepts of alternative consumption and minimalism. Our study is based on qualitative interviews with five individuals where both alternative consumers and minimalists are represented. This study's findings show that the main motive of our interviewees to choose alternative ways of consumption is that these lifestyles has given rise to increased well-being. It also shows that some participants have been able to develop an emotional distance to their belongings through these lifestyle choices. The results also indicate that the interviewees do in fact construct their self-identity through alternative ways of consumption. Also, that class affiliation is a crucial factor for the individuals' ability to choose a lifestyle characterized by alternative ways of consumption. / Överkonsumtion har blivit ett vardagligt fenomen i vårt samtida konsumtionssamhälle. Detta har upprepade gånger pekats ut som en bidragande faktor till att välbefinnandet hos både människa och miljö påverkats negativt. Både alternativ konsumtion och minimalism har på senare år blivit allt mer uppmärksammade som lösningar på detta problem. I denna studie är syftet att utifrån en svensk kontext bidra med kunskap om vilka motiv individer har till att välja en alternativ konsumtion eller en minimalistisk livsstil, hur detta i sin tur har betydelse för konstruktionen av självidentiteten samt vilken betydelse ting har för dessa individer. Tidigare forskning har visat att personliga fördelar och aktivistiska ideologier varit motiv för individer till att välja alternativa konsumtionssätt. Förutsättningarna för att göra dessa livsstilsval skiljer sig dock beroende på vilken ekonomisk kapacitet människor besitter. Vi har uppmärksammat att nuvarande forskning är bristfällig i att förklara hur alternativa konsumtionssätt står i relation till identitetsskapande. Det tycks även finnas en pågående diskussion i tidigare forskning om definitionen av begreppen alternativ konsumtion och minimalism. Vår studie är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med fem intervjupersoner där både alternativa konsumenter och minimalister finns representerade. Studiens resultat visar att intervjupersonernas huvudsakliga motiv till att välja ett alternativt konsumtionssätt är att livsstilen givit upphov till ett ökat välbefinnande. Resultatet visar även att vissa deltagare har utvecklat en emotionell distansering till sina ägodelar genom deras val av livsstil. Resultatet tyder även på att intervjupersonerna konstruerar sin självidentitet genom alternativa konsumtionssätt samt att klasstillhörigheten återigen anses vara en avgörande faktor för individers förmåga att välja en livsstil präglad av alternativa konsumtionssätt.
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Emigrationen från Medelstads härad 1870-1925. : En kvantitativ studie av emigrationen från Blekinge län till Danmark och Tyskland. / The emigration from Medelstads härad 1870-1925. : A quantitative study on emigration from Blekinge County to Denmark and Germany.Alritzson, Tuva January 2023 (has links)
This is a study on the emigration from Blekinge County with a focus on Medelstads härad to Denmark and Germany, during the period 1870-1925. By measuring statistics on how many people emigrated from Medelstads judicial district 13 parishes to Denmark and Germany respectively the aim is. To get a new perspective on the less known emigration. From this the study can continue to examine female and male emigration from the parishes of Backaryd, Edestad, Listerby and Ronneby. Furthermore, the study will examine the professional titles and other titles that the emigrants had when they chose to emigrate. Based on the results of the first questions, it is possible to see which similarities and differences are found between the emigration to Denmark and Germany. The results indicates the a greater number of emigrants went to Denmark than to Germnay. The results between the male and female emigration indicates that the female emigration was moe extensive than the male emigration both to Denmark and to Germany. Regarding the occupational titles, it can be determined that it was occupations that belonged to the working class that most emigrants had when they emigrated from Medelstads härad. From these results, it is possible to find similarities and differences betwwen the migration to Denmark and Germany.
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Låt oss framåt gå att vår framtid trygga! : En studie av sociala konfrontationer, konfliktrepertoarer och klassformering inom arbetarrörelsen i Åmål / Lets move forward! : A study of contentious repertoires, contentious performances and political identities in the working class movement in ÅmålFjellman-Lätt, Åsa January 2021 (has links)
1900-talets början var en tid med olika arbetsmarknadskonflikter. Det förekom strejker, demonstrationer, kravaller och agitationsmöten. Dessa konflikter utspelade sig i ett samhälle där arbetarrörelsen började organisera sig alltmer i fackföreningar och i arbetarkommuner för att få politiskt inflytande och inflytande över sin arbetssituation. Det gjorde att arbetarrörelsen hamnade i sociala konfrontationer med omgivning, myndigheter och arbetsgivare. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka kopplingen mellan klassformering i ett identitetsperspektiv och framväxten av konfliktrepertoarer i det tidiga 1900-talets fackliga organisationssträvanden. Frågeställningarna utgår från att identifiera konfliktrepertoarer i sociala konfrontationer och vilka av dessa som används för att skapa klassamhörighet i olika sociala, fackliga och politiska sammanhang. För att studera sociala konfrontationer, konfliktrepertoarer och identitetsskapande inom arbetarrörelsen har källmaterial efter fackföreningar vid Bergslagernas järnvägar i Åmål använts. Uppsatsen är ett bidrag till arbetarhistoria och källmaterialet undersöks utifrån teorin i forskningsfältet Contentious Politics Studies. Uppsatsen har även en ikonografisk ansats eftersom källmaterialet innehåller visuella uttryck. I undersökningen har fyra olika sociala konfrontationer identifierats. Dessa är: Agitation och politisk mobilisering 1908 - 1911, Oskar Lundströms avskedande 1909, Lokmannastrejken 1919 och Den stora järnvägsstrejken 1922. Ett antal konfliktrepertoarer identifieras och uppsatsens resultat är att konfliktrepertoarerna utvecklas och förfinas över tid. Kraven blir mer tydligt formulerade och handlingar tillsammans med visuell kultur stärker den politiska identiteten. Konfliktrepertoarer, handlingar och identiteter blir därigenom meningsskapande i klassformeringen. / The beginning of the 20th century was a time of various labor market conflicts. There were strikes, demonstrations, riots and agitation meetings. These conflicts took place in a society where the labor movement began to organize itself in trade unions in order to gain political influence and influence over their work situation. As a result, the labor movement ended up in confrontations with the environment, authorities and employers. The main purpose of the essay is to investigate the connection between class affiliation in an identity perspective and the emergence of contentious repertoires in the early 20th century trade union organizational efforts. The essay is based on theories of Contentious Politics Studies. The investigated material is archives of trade unions at Bergslagernas railways in Åmål. Four different contentious politics have been identified. These are: 1. Agitation and political mobilization 1908 - 1911, 2. Oskar Lundström's dismissal 1909, 2. The engine driver strike in 1919 and 4. The great railway strike in 1922. The result of the essay is that the contentious repertoires are developed and refined over time. The claim making are more clearly formulated and contentious performances together with visual culture strengthen the political identity. Contentious repertoires, contentious performances and political identities thereby create meaning in class affiliation.
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