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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maternal and paternal appearance-related pressure and body esteem in emerging adults: Moderation by self compassion and gender

Story, AlliGrace 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Previous research has shown that appearance-related pressures from multiple sources can influence body esteem in emerging adults. Furthermore, research has shown that self-compassion and gender play a role in body image and the relation between sociocultural pressures and body esteem. Less research has examined how these variables interact in their association with body esteem in emerging adults. Thus, the current study sought to assess these interactions. Participants (N = 877; 492 women) were primarily White (78.9% for women and 76.4% for men) and ranged in age from 18 to 28 (M = 18.70 for women and 19.10 for men). Participants completed an online survey with measures assessing appearance-related pressures, self-compassion, and body esteem. Results indicated a significant main effect of appearance-pressure from mothers on weight body esteem in women and a significant interaction of maternal appearance-related pressure and self-compassion on appearance body esteem in men.

Return to Sport: The Effects of Mindful Self-Compassion and Imagery on Subjective Physical Functioning and Psychological Responses Post-ACL Surgery

Clevinger, Kristina J. 08 1900 (has links)
In the current study, I examined the efficacy of mindful self-compassion, imagery, and goal-setting (i.e., treatment as usual) interventions on athletic identity, knee self-efficacy, subjective knee functioning, and perceived injustice, following ACL surgery. Twenty-nine adolescent and young adult athletes participated in the interventions and completed self-report measures assessing each of these constructs prior to their surgery and over seven weeks post-ACL surgery. HLM analyses demonstrated significant decreases in athletic identity and increases in subjective knee functioning from pre-surgery through seven weeks post-surgery. Intervention group further explained these decreases, though no one intervention clearly emerged as more or less beneficial. No significant changes were observed for athletes' ratings of knee self-efficacy or perceived injustice. Limitations and areas for future research are discussed.

The Role of Self-Compassion in Posttraumatic Growth

Connally, Melissa Londoño 08 1900 (has links)
Although the experience of trauma is associated with a great deal of psychological distress, it may also lead to meaningful positive change, known as posttraumatic growth (PTG), evidenced as progression in areas of life appreciation, intimacy in relationships, sense of personal strength, new possibilities, and spiritual development. Utilizing an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) perspective, the current study explored whether self-compassion helped to explain the willingness to approach and make sense of a trauma, leading to growth. A sample of 758 undergraduate students completed online self-report questionnaires, and results suggested that self-compassion does partially predict PTG and support for how self-compassion may be understood in relation to PTG is provided. Implications of the current study's findings, as well as suggestions for future research related to trauma within a college population, are discussed.

The Relationship of Resilience, Self-Compassion, and Social Support to Psychological Well-being in NCAA Female Athletes during COVID-19

Mikesell, Matthew 08 1900 (has links)
When COVID-19 hit the United States in spring of 2020, collegiate student-athletes, who had sport seasons canceled and were forced to move off-campus, were uniquely and significantly impacted. Psychosocial resources, such as social support, self-compassion, and resilience, may have been used to help athletes cope with the stress of COVID-19. I used structural equation modeling to analyze the relationship of resilience, self-compassion, and social support to collegiate female athlete's (n = 3,924) psychological well-being at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collectively, the more supported, self-compassionate, and resilient the athletes reported being, the less psychological distress they said they were experiencing (resilience to psychological distress (β = -.215, p < .001), self-compassion to psychological distress (β = -.533, p < .001), and social support to psychological distress (β = -.187, p < .001)). Further, self-compassion and social support were related indirectly (and inversely) to psychological distress, to the extent that they contributed to the athletes perceiving themselves as more resilient (Self Compassion X Resilience X Psychological Distress: β = -.106, 90% CI [-.148, -.069]; Social Support X Resilience Psychological Distress: β = -.065, 90% CI [-.099, -.041]). The total effect of social support, which included the direct and indirect effects, also was significant (β = -.253, 90% CI -.307, -.196]), as was the total effect of self-compassion (β = -.639, 90% CI [-.679, -.597]). Although I collected my data in the context of this pandemic, the supported relationships have application beyond it and can guide how sports medicine professionals intervene with athletes and their general mental health concerns.

Närstående som mist någon i suicid : upplevelsen av stödinsatser och sambandet med self-compassion

Augustsson, Beatrice, Östman, Minna January 2018 (has links)
Närstående som mist någon i suicid är i riskzonen för att utveckla psykisk ohälsa. Få studier har undersökt närståendes upplevelse av samhällets stödinsatser. Det är även få studier som undersökt relationen mellan närståendes grad av self-compassion och hjälpsökandebeteende. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka hur närstående upplever samhällets stödinsatser, samt om det finns ett samband mellan grad av self-compassion, antalet stödinsatser de sökt och vilken stödinsats de vänt sig till. Studien bestod av 174 personer som var medlemmar i den ideella organisationen Suicidprevention och efterlevandestöd (SPES) där samtliga var över 18 år. Oberoende t-test användes för att se skillnad i medelvärde mellan olika grupper av self-compassion och antalet stödinsatser de sökt. Vidare gjordes chi-två test och ANOVA-analyser för att se om det fanns en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan grad av self-compassion, antalet stödinsatser de sökt samt vilken typ av stöd. Resultatet visade att närstående fått mest stöd från framförallt familjemedlem/vän eller partner men även från ideell organisation och religiöst förbund. Minst stöd upplevde de att de fått från vuxenpsykiatrin, vårdcentral och privat professionell behandlare. Det fanns ett signifikant samband mellan antalet stödinsatser deltagare sökt och grad av self-compassion, där de med lägre grad av self-compassion sökte fler stödinsatser. Resultatet visade även en signifikant skillnad i skattningen mellan olika grader av self-compassion och vilka som sökt stödinsatserna vuxenpsykiatrin och familjemedlem/vän eller partner. Resultatet tyder på att det nuvarande stödet är bristande och det behövs mer forskning inom området som underlag till förbättring. / People bereaved by suicide are at risk to develop mental health problems. Few studies have aimed to research on their experience of support efforts in combination with self-compassion and how it influences help-seeking behaviour. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the bereaved experience support efforts, and whether the degree of self-compassion affects how much support they sought and which support effort they turned to. The participants were 174 persons from the non-profit organization Suicidprevention och efterlevandestöd (SPES) and all participants were over 18 years old. Independent t-test was used to see the difference in means between groups of self-compassion and the number of support efforts they sought. Chi-square test and ANOVA-analyzes were used to calculate the significant difference between groups in self-compassion, how much and what kind of support they sought. Results showed that the bereaved experienced most support from family members/friends or partners, non-profit organizations and religious associations. They experienced least support from adult psychiatry, primary care and private practicing psychologists. There was a significant association between how many support efforts bereaved sought and degree of self-compassion, where they with lower degree of self-compassion sought more support efforts. The result showed a significant difference between degree of self-compassion and those who sought help from adult psychiatry and family member/friend or partner. As the result indicates that the current support is inadequate, more research in this area is needed as a basis for improvement.

The Relationship of Self-Compassion and Burnout in Practicing School Psychologists

Beer, Bethany Rose 30 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

What’s UP – Unified Protocol med unga vuxna / What’s UP – Unified Protocol with Young Adultsˡ

Müller, Kilian, Persson, Marie January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Compassion Focused Therapy vid ätstörningar- en pilotstudie / Compassion Focused Therapy for People with Eating Disorders – a pilot study

Svanberg Cohen, LIna, Cohen, Jonathan January 2014 (has links)
Compassion Focused Therapy är en integrativ transdiagnostisk behandlingsform som syftar till att öka self-compassion och minska skam och självkritik hos individer med psykisk ohälsa. Skam och självkritik har i hög grad identifierats hos personer med ätstörningar, som också ofta anses svårbehandlade. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka huruvida CFT kan vara ett behandlingsalternativ vid ätstörningar. En single-subject design med upprepade mätningar användes (n=5). Studien visade på tvetydiga resultat men indikerar att en del individer kan vara hjälpta av denna behandling. Fortsatt forskning är således motiverad / Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) is an integrative transdiagnostic treatment aiming at increasing self-compassion, and reducing levels of shame and self-criticism in individuals with psychiatric illness. High levels of shame and self-criticism have been identified in people suffering from eating disorders, disorders who are usually considered difficult to treat. The aim of the present study was to investigate if CFT could be considered a treatment option for eating disorders. A single-subject design with repeated measures was used (n=5). The results were ambiguous, though indicating that CFT could be helpful for some individuals with eating disorders. Further research is warranted.

Prokrastinera mindre och må bättre? : En studie av korrelationer mellan prokrastinering, self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse / Procrastinate less and feel better? : A study of correlations between procrastination, self-compassion and life satisfaction

Riedmüller, Catharina January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien har undersökt huruvida det föreligger något samband mellan prokrastinering, self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse. Det har även undersökts om studenter prokrastinerar i högre grad än de som arbetar. Studien har genomförts med en enkät som delats på internet och som till största delen spridits i Facebook-grupper. Det var 96 respondenter som svarade på enkäten och av dessa arbetade 61 personer och 35 studerade. Genom histogram framkom att underlaget för prokrastinering och livstillfredsställelse inte var normalfördelat. För att testa huruvida det föreligger någon signifikant skillnad mellan de som arbetar och de som studerar avseende prokrastinering, har det icke-parametriska testet Mann Whitney U använts. Resultatet visade att en signifikant skillnad föreligger och det är studenterna som i genomsnitt prokrastinerar i högst grad. Även skillnaden i grupperna avseende livstillfredsställelse testades med Mann Whitney U och en signifikant skillnad återfanns även här. Self-compassion jämfördes mellan studenter och arbetande med ett oberoende t-test, men någon signifikant skillnad förelåg inte. Vidare genomfördes korrelationsundersökningar, vilka testades med Spearman´s rho. Resultatet visade att det förelåg signifikanta korrelationer mellan prokrastinering och self-compassion samt self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse, men korrelationerna var relativt svaga. Slutsatsen blev således att studenterna prokrastinerade i högre grad än de som arbetade och att det fanns en signifikant negativ korrelation mellan prokrastinering och self-compassion samt en signifikant positiv korrelation mellan self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse. / The present study has examined whether there is any correlation between procrastination, self-compassion and life satisfaction and also whether students procrastinate to a greater extent than those who work. The study was conducted with a survey that was shared on the internet and was mainly distributed in Facebook groups. There were 96 respondents who answered the questionnaire and of these 61 worked and 35 studied. Histograms showed that the substrate for procrastination and life satisfaction was not normally distributed. To test whether there is any significant difference between those working and those studying when it comes to procrastination, the non-parametric Mann Whitney U test has been used. The results showed that there is a significant difference and it is the students who, on average, procrastinate most. The difference in life satisfaction groups was also tested with Mann Whitney U and a significant difference was also found here. The results from the self-compassion scale were tested with an independent t-test, and no statistically significant result was found. Correlation studies were also conducted, which were tested with Spearman´s rho. The results showed that there were significant correlations between procrastination and self-compassion as well as self-compassion and life satisfaction, but the correlations were relatively weak. The conclusion was that the students procrastinated to a greater extent than those who worked, and there was a significant negative correlation between procrastination and self-compassion and a significant positive correlation between self-compassion and life satisfaction.

COMPASSION ENERGY : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att få kraft till omvårdnad av patienter

Broman, Andreas, Borin, Fiona January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor som är medkännande till patienter och samtidigt utsätts för stress och press beskriver att de kan drabbas av compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue påverkar sjuksköterskors hälsa negativt vilket kan orsaka att vissa lämnar professionen samt att patienter beskriver en sämre personcentrerad vård. Den personcentrerade vården påverkas av sjuksköterskornas mående, det är av vikt att lyfta fram vad som kan bidra till att få compassion energy. Compassion energy ger sjuksköterskorna kraften till att orka vara medmänniska till patienten och erfara välbefinnande i professionen. Syfte: Att skapa en översikt av sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av vad som kan bidra till compassion energy i omvårdnaden av patienter. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt utfördes. Datainsamling resulterade i 13 artiklar från databaserna Cinahl Plus och PubMed som analyserades. Resultat: Teman identifierades i resultatet som kunde bidra till sjuksköterskors compassion energy; Socialt stöd, Kunskap och erfarenhet och Egenvård. Slutsats: Examensarbetet lyfter fram betydelsen av socialt stöd, kunskap och erfarenhet samt egenvård som strategier för sjuksköterskan att få compassion energy. Sjuksköterskan kan uppnå compassion energy genom self-compassion, att ta hand om sig själv. När sjuksköterskor beskriver att de har välbefinnande kan det bidra det till en bättre personcentrerad vård. / Background: Nurses who are compassionate to patients and at the same time exposed to stress and pressure describes that they may suffer from compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue has a negative effect on nurses’ health, which can cause some to leave the profession and patients to describes poorer person centered care. Person-centered care is affected by the nurses' health, it is important to illustrate what can contribute to find compassion energy. Compassion energy gives nurses the power to be a fellow human being to the patient and experience satisfaction in the profession. Aim: To create an overview of nurses’ experiences of what can contribute to compassion energy in the care of patients. Method: A General literature review. Data resulted in 13 articles from the databeses Cinahl Plus and Pubmed that were analyzed. Results: Themes were identified in the results that could contribute to nurses' compassion energy; Social support, Knowledge and experience and Self-care. Conclusion: The thesis highlights the importance of social support, knowledge and experience, and self-care as strategies for the nurse to receive compassion energy. The nurse can achieve compassion energy through self-compassion, taking care of oneself. When nurses describes having wellbeing, it may contributes to better person-centered care.

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