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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”På andra sidan planket” : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Nijazova, Dilara, Thomasson, Eva January 2007 (has links)
<p>Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person’s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse. The study is based on qualitative interviews with staff and participant from a self-help group. System theory and social network theory has been used to interpret the empirical results. The main result shows that the social support from the social networks are viewed as important by all women. However the social support given to the women from close relationships is not necessarily constructive in the process of rehabilitating from a drug abuse. In addition the result has shown that distrust and inequality in power relationships can lead to lack of support within the professional network. In accordance to earlier tudies, a self-help group can be seen as complementary in the rehabilitation of a drug abuse.</p>

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as Guided Self-help to Reduce Tinnitus Distress

Kaldo, Viktor January 2008 (has links)
Tinnitus is common, and some individuals with tinnitus display high levels of distress. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is effective in reducing tinnitus distress, but is rarely available. CBT-based self-help, with or without guidance, has yielded positive results in other problem areas, and one initial randomized controlled trial (RCT) has shown promising results for tinnitus. This thesis is based on four studies; Study I showed that Internet-based self-help treatment with e-mail guidance alleviated tinnitus distress among consecutive patients and was rated as credible as traditional treatments. Active participation in treatment predicted outcome. Study II, an RCT, showed that an extended and more interactive version of the Internet-based self-help treatment with e-mail therapist support appeared to be equally effective as a group treatment. In study III, another RCT, a self-help book with weekly telephone support was superior to a wait-list control group. No strong evidence for the importance of telephone contact on outcome was found. In both study II and III, the positive outcome remained after one year and self-help approaches appeared more therapist time-effective compared to group treatment. Also, the received treatment-dose for patients in guided self-help was not lower than in the group treatment. Study IV found that the ‘Stages of Change’, from the transtheoretical model, are probably not the right theoretical framework to use with tinnitus patients. Predictors of outcome were found, but they were not in line with the theory behind the Stages of Change. The predictors were better understood when conceptualized as coping, showing that helplessness and less coping before treatment correlated with better outcome. In sum, guided cognitive behavioural self-help can decrease tinnitus distress. It appears to be therapist time-effective and shows effects comparable to or slightly below traditional CBT for tinnitus. Effects remain one year after treatment and generalize to a routine clinical setting.

”På andra sidan planket” : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Nijazova, Dilara, Thomasson, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person’s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse. The study is based on qualitative interviews with staff and participant from a self-help group. System theory and social network theory has been used to interpret the empirical results. The main result shows that the social support from the social networks are viewed as important by all women. However the social support given to the women from close relationships is not necessarily constructive in the process of rehabilitating from a drug abuse. In addition the result has shown that distrust and inequality in power relationships can lead to lack of support within the professional network. In accordance to earlier tudies, a self-help group can be seen as complementary in the rehabilitation of a drug abuse.

Självutveckling mot narcissism? : En studie av svensk självhjälpslitteratur och dess budskap / Self-development towards narcissism? : A study of Swedish self-help literature and its message

Nyström Campos, Jennifer, Gussman Lennström, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka om det i ett urval av storsäljande självhjälpslitteratur med fokus på självutveckling förmedlas narcissistiska budskap. Studien grundar sig i tidigare forskning som behandlat narcissism utifrån både ett psykologiskt-, och ett samhällsperspektiv. Därutöver har forskning om självhjälpslitteratur utgjort en del av referensramen för studien. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys har applicerats på materialet. Det empiriska urvalet har bestått av tre svenska självhjälpsböcker som figurerat på topplistor för större återförsäljare av litteratur på internet. Materialet har analyserats ur ett samhällsperspektiv med hjälp av Eric Fromms teorier om frihet, individuationsprocessen, själviskhet och ideal samt delar av Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv. Resultatet visade att självhjälpslitteraturen som studerats förmedlar budskap som var och ett för sig kan uppfattas som sunda och rimliga. Läsaren uppmanades sätta sig själv främst, vara målmedveten, lära sig att hantera relationen till sig själv och andra samt hantera sina svagheter. Texterna förmedlade att självrespekt och empati var förutsättningar för lycka. Sammanfattningsvis har vissa budskap återfunnits som i samspel med varandra kan ses som narcissistiska. Studiens slutsats var att litteraturen förmedlade narcissistiska budskap, där gränsen mellan det sunda och osunda i hur läsaren uppmanades sätta sig själv i fokus, använda relationer, sätta egna mål samt sträva efter lycka och framgång, inte var självklar. / The purpose of this study was to investigate if a selection of best-selling self-help literature focusing on self-development contained narcissistic messages. The study is based on previous studies which analyzed narcissism from a psychological as well as a sociologic perspective. Research concerning self-help literature has also been used in the study. Content analysis has been applied to the material. The empiric selection consisted of three popular Swedish self-help books. The material has been analyzed from a sociologic perspective by using Eric Fromm’s theories on freedom, the individuation process, selfishness and ideals as well as Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective. The result showed that the chosen self-help literature contained messages that on their own could be interpreted as rational and sound. The reader was encouraged to focus on itself, be goal-oriented and learn how to manage the own self and its weaknesses. The texts conveyed that self-respect and empathy were necessary conditions for achieving happiness. In summary, some messages that in interplay encouraged narcissism were found. In the end it was concluded that the literature conveyed narcissistic messages, where the line between healthy and unhealthy in how the readers were encouraged to put themselves first, use relations, set their own goals as well as pursuing happiness and success, wasn’t obvious.

Making it sane :the participation benefits of consumer run organizations

Brown, Louis D. 12 1900 (has links)
The goal of this study is to develop a robust theory that explains how participation in a Consumer-Run Organization (CRO) can lead to positive individual outcomes. To accomplish this goal, existing theoretical explanations are reviewed. Using the previously unapplied theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism and more specifically, Stryker’s Identity Theory, these varying theoretical explanations are then integrated to create a model explaining how CROs can contribute to positive outcomes. This theoretical model is then empirically explored through two separate studies. The first uses open-ended short answer questions to understand how CRO members benefit from participation. The second uses participant observation and minimally structured interviews to generate life stories that explore how CRO participation has altered an individual’s life course. The original explanatory model proved helpful but partially inadequate in accounting for the results. This leads to model revisions and the development of a more robust theoretical explanation of how CRO lead to positive outcomes. Discussion focuses on explaining this revised explanatory model, exploring how it does and does not account for the results. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Wichita State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Psychology / "December 2005."

”I andras styrka återfann jag min.” : En narrativ studie om självhjälp på Internet / "In others strength, I regained mine.” : The narrative study of self-help on the Internet

Jonsson, Mary Sunshine January 2013 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande uppsats har varit att bidra till en djupare förståelse om självhjälp på Internet genom att belysa individens medvetande och interaktion med andra. Studiens forskningsobjekt har utgjorts av sju individers livsberättelser som återfinns på ett diskussionsforum på Internet och har genomförts enligt en narrativ forskningsmetod och hermeneutiskt ansats. Studien är av kvalitativ art och individens handlande och självupplevda verklighet har stått i fokus. Teorin som applicerats i studien är det pragmatiska mikroperspektivet, symbolisk interaktionism, med följande teoretiska utgångspunkter: symboler, bortträngning, identitetsberövande och ömsesidigt stöd. Analysen är tematiserad enligt studiens tre frågeställningar. I det första temat framgår att bortträngning och identitetsberövande utgjorde två centrala teman i livsberättelserna. Det andra temat behandlade betydelsen av grupptillhörighet, där det tydligt framkommer att diskussionsforumet betyder mycket för stärkandet av informanternas personliga identitet. Det tredje temat visade att förändringar i levnadssätt och levnadsvanor har visat sig i både psykiska och fysiska avseenden. Slutligen diskuteras huruvida en kombination av professionell hjälp som exempelvis terapi och diskussionsgruppen som komplement vore ett bra förfarringssätt att nå den känslomässiga separation, som ännu inte uppnåtts efter den rumsliga separationen som många informanter gjort från sina föräldrar. / The overall aim of this essay has been to contribute to a deeper understanding of self-help on the Internet by illuminating the individual's awareness and interaction with others. The study's subject of research has been seven individual life stories found on a newsgroup on the Internet and was implemented with a narrative research method and a hermeneutic approach. The study is qualitative in its nature and the individual's behavior and self-perceived reality has been the main focus. The theory that has been applied in the study is the pragmatic micro perspective symbolic interactionism with the following theoretical starting points: symbols, displacement, deprived of identity and mutual aid. The thematic structure of the analysis has been based on the study’s three research questions of which the first theme highlighted displacement and deprived of identity as the two main themes in the life stories. The second theme dealt with the importance of group membership, which clearly showed that the newsgroup means a great deal for strengthening their personal identity. The third theme revealed that the changes in lifestyle and habits have been both psychological and physical. Whether or not the spatial separation many informants made ​​from their parents can measure up to an emotional separation that they have not yet reached were discussed and lastly an implication that a combination of professional help such as therapy and newsgroup as a supplement may be a good method to reach the emotional separation.

Community Self-help Development , Spaces for Scaling Up : A Case Study of Awura Amba Rural Self-help Community in Northern Ethiopia

Alene, Getu Demeke January 2011 (has links)
By positioning within an alternative development and agency/actor-oriented perspectives, and by employing diverse qualitative research methods, this study examines the dynamics of community self-help development and scaling up. The study investigates the processes and factors that contribute to successful community self-help development that leads to community capacity and empowerment. The diverse processes, through which poor people, through their individual and collective agency, strategize their actions, resist and negotiate with other stakeholders is emphasised. Community’s own mobilization for self-management, based on the networks of self-help groups; trusted leadership drawn from community members with excellent mobilization skill to spark community’s own mobilization for empowerment; poor people’s collective agency; trust that builds community and promotes collective actions; genuine participation within the community, which is realized because of planned and spontaneous interaction among intimate, small groups of people; and outside supports from government and NGOs, based on the bottom up proposals of communities are the main processes and elements of successful community self-help development. On the other hand, the study has shown that the scaling up of such successful community self-help development in Ethiopia is constrained by unfavourable institutional arrangements within the government structures, lack of capacity and power among local governments and inescapable nominal and instrumental participation, rather than genuine participation to build local people’s capability. Methodological limitations and lack of awareness about the goal of scaling up within the existing replication efforts are other challenges of scaling up. The researcher argues that the existing institutions and participatory practices may present opportunities for a gradual actualization of people’s agency, because the poor are capable of formulating new ways of strategizing and combining available resources in a new manner to solve problems. Thus, by using the available, small opportunity and systematically combining with other grassroots development approaches, by emphasizing on small, intimate groups of people (community/village), alternative spaces of scaling up can be identified and used.

Vilken betydelse har karisma i dagens samhälle? : En socialkonstruktivistisk studie av karisma i självhjälpslitteratur / What significance does charisma have in society today? : A study done from the social constructivist perspective concerning charisma in self-help literature

Sandstedt, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Karisma är ett fenomen som under lång tid väckt stort intresse och fascination bland människor, däribland mig själv. Däremot är begreppet aningen diffust och det har därför varit svårt att hitta en entydig definition av karisma. För att undersöka dimensionerna av karisma har jag i denna uppsats valt att undersöka karismans betydelse i dagens samhälle. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att undersöka hur fenomenet karisma som begrepp konstrueras i en bestämd social kontext i samhället idag, vilket jag har gjort genom att analysera självhjälpslitteratur i hur man ökar sin karismatiska utstrålning. De huvudsakliga frågeställningarna bakom denna undersökning omfattar bland annat hur karisma konstruerats i litteraturen, hur framställningen av karisma gett upphov till skapandet av subjekt samt att se om förändringar i samhället kommit att förändra betydelsen av karisma. Bakgrunden av undersökningen innefattar bland annat Max Webers definition av den ”genuina” karisman samt en rad andra teorier och undersökningar om karisma som försökt förklara fenomenets härkomst. Med bakgrund av detta har jag alltså studerat karisma ur ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv med hjälp av diskursanalys och funnit att de två självhjälpsböcker jag undersökt konstruerar karisma som ett multidimensionellt fenomen som alla individer har möjligheten att utveckla. Utöver denna upptäckt tyder resultaten från undersökningen även på att en decentralisering av makten i dagens samhälle har kommit att påverka hur karisma konstrueras idag. / Charisma has for long been the object for admiration and fascination among people, including myself. It has, however, been very difficult to settle for an appropriate definition of charisma since the nature of the phenomenon can be described as being quite abstract. I have in an attempt to explore the dimensions of charisma chosen to investigate its meaning in today’s society. The main goal with the investigation has been to see how the concept of charisma is constructed within a given social context, which in this case constitutes of self-help books on how to develop a charismatic personality. A few of the primary questions behind this investigation concerns how charisma is constructed within the literature, how the representation of charisma in the books leads to the development of subjects and to see whether changes within the society has contributed to a change in the meaning of charisma. The investigation is, among other things, based on Weber’s definition of the “genuine” charisma as well as several other theories and studies concerning charisma which have tried to deduce the origin of the subject. I have in relation to this analyzed charisma from the view of the social constructivist perspective, with the help of discourse analysis, and found that the two self-help books I have studied constructs charisma as a multidimensional phenomenon which everyone has the ability to develop. In addition to this discovery I also found that the result from the investigation indicates that a decentralization of power in today’s society has come to influence how charisma is constructed today. Title: What significance does charisma have in society today? – A study done from the social constructivist perspective concerning charisma in self-help literature. Charisma has for long been the object for admiration and fascination among people, including myself. It has, however, been very difficult to settle for an appropriate definition of charisma since the nature of the phenomenon can be described as being quite abstract. I have in an attempt to explore the dimensions of charisma chosen to investigate its meaning in today’s society. The main goal with the investigation has been to see how the concept of charisma is constructed within a given social context, which in this case constitutes of self-help books on how to develop a charismatic personality. A few of the primary questions behind this investigation concerns how charisma is constructed within the literature, how the representation of charisma in the books leads to the development of subjects and to see whether changes within the society has contributed to a change in the meaning of charisma. The investigation is, among other things, based on Weber’s definition of the “genuine” charisma as well as several other theories and studies concerning charisma which have tried to deduce the origin of the subject. I have in relation to this analyzed charisma from the view of the social constructivist perspective, with the help of discourse analysis, and found that the two self-help books I have studied constructs charisma as a multidimensional phenomenon which everyone has the ability to develop. In addition to this discovery I also found that the result from the investigation indicates that a decentralization of power in today’s society has come to influence how charisma is constructed today.

Juvenile Justice and the Incarcerated Male Minority: A Qualitative Examination of Disproportionate Minority Contact

Feinstein, Rachel 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Racial inequality within the juvenile justice system has been cited by numerous studies. This racial inequality is generally referred to as disproportionate minority contact (DMC), and the causes have been debated in the literature for decades. Using a relatively unique methodology for DMC literature, this study incorporated in-depth interview data from thirty male juveniles residing in a private correctional facility to elucidate possible causes of DMC. By analyzing and comparing the experiences of incarcerated juveniles, support for theories of systemic racism, Donald Black’s self-help or the community justice theory, and Agnew’s general strain theory was found. Themes that emerged from the qualitative data include differences in neighborhood and family contexts for minorities compared to whites, variations in motivations for engagement in criminal activity, and differences in the interactions with police officers and perceptions of the police based on race. Specifically, major findings show minority participants were more likely to describe anger and revenge as the most common reason for committing crimes compared to whites, who frequently cited boredom as their primary reason for engaging in criminal activity. Furthermore, black, Latino, and Native American participants were more likely to report growing up in dangerous neighborhoods than whites. Police interactions also showed a racial discrepancy, with whites receiving more chances from the police, and minorities being repeatedly arrested by the same officer slightly more frequently than whites. Overall, findings suggest that disproportionate minority contact is a result of disproportionate levels of strain and injustice experienced by minorities compared to whites.

Robot assisted mobility for very young infants

Lynch, Amy Katherine. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Delaware, 2009. / Principal faculty advisor: James C. Galloway, Dept. of Physical Therapy. Includes bibliographical references.

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