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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Translocal experiences of indigenous migrant students in Monterrey, Mexico / Translokala upplevelser av inhemska migrerande studenter i Monterrey, Mexiko

Hellkvist, Maja, Nordgård, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
Rural-urban migration has been increasing and is commonly seen in northern cities of Mexico.  Indigenous students do not always have opportunities to receive higher education in their communities, and therefore migrate to urban areas. After migrating they can face certain challenges navigating the urban lifestyle. With the help of the translocality concept, this study employed a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to explore the reason behind five indigenous students' migration and their experiences of different translocal circumstances. The results and analysis indicated that the students had both similar and different experiences in the various translocal arenas. The analysis showed the reasons behind the students’ migration were often linked to educational opportunities, but they also expressed different aspirations and plans for the future Further, adjusting to their new city environment proved to be challenging. They experienced both a negative and positive sense of place in Monterrey, but Mision del Nayar, the university and other indigenous students helped them feel a sense of belonging. The experiences the students had in the different translocal arenas shaped their narrative, and hence, impacted their sense of place and sense of belonging. Lastly, the students experienced translocal identities on a daily basis. / Migration från landsbygd till städer har ökat och har blivit vanligare i norra städer i Mexiko. Studenter från ursprungsbefolkningar har inte alltid tillgång till högre utbildning i sina samhällen och migrerar därför till stadsområden. Efter migrationen kan de genomgå vissa utmaningar med att navigera sig i den urbana livsstilen. Med hjälp av translokalitetskonceptet tillämpade denna studie ett frågeformulär och semistrukturerade intervjuer för att undersöka orsakerna till fem inhemska studenters migration och deras erfarenheter av olika translokala omständigheter. Resultatet och analysen tydde på att studenterna hade både liknande och olika upplevelser i de olika translokala arenorna. Analysen visade att anledningarna till studenternas migration ofta var kopplade till utbildningsmöjligheter, men de uttryckte också olika ambitioner och planer inför framtiden. Vidare visade sig anpassningen till deras nya stadsmiljö vara utmanande. De upplevde både en negativ och positiv känsla av plats i Monterrey, men Mision del Nayar, universitetet och andra inhemska studenter hjälpte dem också att känna tillhörighet. De erfarenheter som studenterna hade av de olika translokala arenorna formade deras berättelse och påverkade därmed deras känsla av plats och känsla av tillhörighet. Avslutningsvis påvisade studien att studenterna dagligen upplevde translokala identiteter.

Public Art in Outdoor Space: How Environmental Art Can Influence Notions of Place

Mark-Ng, Elsa January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Mystery writers in foreign settings: The literary devices and methods used to portray foreign geographies

Engar, Amy Kimball 14 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A sense of place is important to the construction, believability and success of regional mystery novels. Authentic representation of place is challenging if an author is not originally from the area being portrayed. Despite this, some authors are able to depict foreign places more comprehensively and realistically than others. Professor Gary Hausladen of the University of Nevada, Reno identifies: narrative description, dialogue, iconography, and attention to detail as the basic literary devices that convey sense of place. This thesis questions the manner in which successful mystery novelists writing about foreign places meet Hausladen's model. Specifically, do they use all four of the literary devices, which are most commonly used, which are consciously used, and what research methods and resources do they use to incorporate the literary devices. Primary and secondary data are collected through interviews and literary analyses. It is found that these authors use all four of the prescribed literary devices, that some of the literary devices are more challenging to use than others, that place establishing literary techniques are important to the authors and that the authors seek to incorporate sense of place through diverse types of intensive research.

Platsers och destinationers identitetsparadox : En fallstudie om Värmland, platsidentitet och plats- och destinationsmarknadsföring

Halvardsson, Tanja, Wannemo, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats blev utifrån detta att studera vad värmlänningar anser är deras egna platsidentitet, och om det är denna platsidentitet som lyfts i platsmarknadsföringen. Detta syfte lade en grund för några frågeställningar som ämnades att besvaras genom vår process.  Genom att presentera tidigare forskning inom olika tematiska ämnen lades detta en grund för kommande våra resultat och slutliga analys. Våra utvalda teorikapitel behandlar plats och destination, platsidentitet och platskänsla samt plats- och destinationsmarknadsföring och spänningen sinsemellan alla dessa begrepp. Plats är där invånare bor, medan destination är den plats där turism utövas. Platsidentitet innebär den tillhörighet en individ kan koppla till en plats och platskänsla syftar till en emotionell koppling till en plats. Platsmarknadsföring är den form marknadsföring som riktas till potentiella inflyttare och investerare till platsen medan destinationsmarknadsföring är att stärka destinationen för potentiella besökare och turister.  För att ta reda på detta genomfördes en kvalitativ enkät riktat till värmlänningar, och en innehålls- och dokumentanalys genomfördes för att analysera marknadsföringen. Detta blev ett enkelt sätt för oss att samla in respondentsvar och relevant empiri för våra kommande resultat, analyser och slutsatser. Vi baserade vår enkät på tidigare forskning och relevanta begrepp ur teorin för att på detta sätt kunna ge utförliga svar på våra frågeställningar, och på detta sätt kunde olika representationer av Värmland studeras och analyseras genom våra specifika metodval.  I och med detta visar våra slutsatser att det inte fanns några större skillnader mellan vad våra respondenter ansåg är typiskt för deras platsidentitet. Vare sig respondenten var man eller kvinna, ung eller äldre, hade hög eller låg utbildningsgrad eller sett till respondentens sysselsättningsgrad var de majoriteten överens om vad det innebär att vara värmlänning. Dock fanns det en liten skillnad i vad respondenterna anser var “typiskt” värmländskt och vad olika aktörer väljer att visa i deras marknadsföring. Vi kan se en spänning, som en sorts paradox, mellan att en plats ofta uppfattas som att den har en identitet medan vi lever i en tid där det anses vara problematiskt att gruppera människor, utifrån deras ursprung. / The purpose of this thesis was to study what “värmlänningar” consider to be their own place identity, and whether this place identity is highlighted in place marketing. This purpose laid the foundation for the framing of the questions that were intended to be answered through our process.  By presenting previous research in various thematic topics, this laid a foundation for our upcoming results and final analysis. Our selected theory chapters deal with place and destination, place identity and sense of place, as well as place and destination marketing and the tension between all these concepts. Place is where residents live, while destination is the place where tourism is practised. Place identity means the belonging an individual can attach to a place and sense of place refers to an emotional connection to a place. Place marketing is the form of marketing aimed to attract potential new residents and investors to the place while destination marketing is to strengthen the destination for potential visitors and tourists.  A qualitative survey was conducted aimed at “värmlänningar”, and a content and document analysis were conducted to analyse the marketing. This became an easy way for us to collect respondents' answers and relevant empirical data for our future results, analysis, and conclusions. We based our survey on previous research and relevant concepts from the theory in order to be able to provide detailed answers to our questions, and, with this, different representations of Värmland could be studied and analysed through our specific method choice.  Our conclusions show that there were no major differences between what our respondents considered to be typical for their place identity. Whether the respondent was male or female, young or older, had a high or low degree of education or in terms of the respondent's employment rate, the majority agreed on what it means to be a “värmlänning”. However, there was a small difference in what the respondents considered to be “typical” for Värmland and what different actors choose to show in their marketing. We can see a tension, as a kind of paradox, between a place often being perceived as having an identity while we live in a time where it is considered problematic to group people, based on their origin.

The public realm of covered food halls as the driver of a sense of place and conviviality : A case study of three covered food halls in Rotterdam

Impens, Yuri January 2017 (has links)
In the modern consumer economy, experience is playing an increasingly important role. We are looking to buy a special but authentic experience, in particular when it comes to food consumption. These developments have led to a resurface and reinvention of the traditional covered market hall. New versions of the conventional concept have been created, and these covered food halls put emphasis on creating an attractive public realm for the visitor. However, the different versions of the covered food halls have different public realms with varied effects on the sense of place and conviviality for the visitor. The aim of this research is to find out what the drivers of the public realm of the modern covered food hall are, and to analyze how these influence, and can possibly improve the sense of place and conviviality. Three case studies of new covered food halls in Rotterdam provided valuable insights. From the theories it became apparent that there are four drivers of the public realm when it comes to the creation of a sense of place and conviviality: economical, social, cultural and political. The case studies showed the same result, however it has come to show that the tangible public realm is first and foremost the result of the intangible organization behind the covered food halls, relating to the political driver of the public realm. The structure and the aim of the organization determine the other 3 drivers, resulting in the physical structure of the public realm, and the activities that take place in the space. Within the physical realm, elements such as personalization, flexibility and transparency have shown to be crucial to create a sense of place and conviviality. The organization behind the hall also influences the activities that take place inside and around the hall. In order to possibly improve the public realm of the covered food hall, it is therefore important to start with finding a fitting organization for the aims and goals the covered food halls has as part of the public realm.

Between ‘Place-Branding’ and ‘Sense of Place’ in the Nordics : A comparative study through two generations of Nordic residents in Stockholm.

Djelloul, Iman Miriam January 2023 (has links)
Place branding refers to the strategical act of attaching a positive reputation to a geographical place. This concept is argued important due to its ability to boost places with advantageous lead when globally competing over financial, cultural and human resources. In 2015, the Nordic Council of Ministers accordingly adopted an official strategy for how to internationally brand the Nordic Region. The strategy includes illustrations of the Region, along with detailed goals on how the Nordics – natively called ‘Norden’ – should be associated and perceived.  Nevertheless, when dissecting the elements of which place-brands are made up by, it is found that residents ‘sense of place’ form an essential component to the quality and success of the place-brand. At the same time, it is recognized that people belonging to different generational groups typically carry different social and cultural frames of references, eventually influencing their perception of the world and potentially even their experienced sense of place.  This study has therefore aimed to examine the convergence between the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Place Branding strategy and the ‘sense of place’ experienced by residents of the Region. Additionally, by comparing results between two generational groups; the ‘Gen-z’s’ and the ‘Boomers’. Practically by answering up to the following research questions: (1) How is Nordic residents experienced ‘sense of place’ differing between generational groups? And (2) How are the outcomes in RQ1 standing in relation to the Nordic place branding strategy?  The study has applied a qualitative methodology using surveys and gathering data from a total of 94 respondents, of which 49 have belonged to the Gen-z group and 45 to the Boomer group.   Concludingly, it has been found that residents’ sense of place in the Nordics in fact is differing between generational groups. In broad, the differences are reflected by a strong sense of Nordic belongingness among Boomers, however, in combination with a sense of the Nordics that is further away from what the strategy is intending to communicate. On the other hand, the Gen-z’s are found to have significantly lower sense of Nordic belongingness, although, together with a more positive sense of the Nordics, that also is more in line with strategy.

Platsidentitet och att flytta för innanförskap : - En kvalitativ studie om hur immigranter i Sverige identifierar sig med olika platser där de bott

Johansson, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
Vi lever i en allt mer globaliserad värld som medfört en ökad frihet för individer att röra sig mellan länder, regioner, städer, byar eller landsbygder. Det har bidragit till att individer kan tillskriva sig flera identiteter utifrån upplevelsen av olika kulturer och platser. Individens identifiering med en plats kan ha betydelse för hur hen ser på att flytta ifrån platsen till en ny plats. Syftet med studien är att få en förståelse för om och hur individer som inte är födda i Sverige identifierar sig med olika geografiska platser där de bott, hur det anknyter till deras identitet och vilken betydelse det kan ha för att byta boendeort i Sverige. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom åtta djupintervjuer med individer som inte är födda i Sverige men som är bosatta i landet. Resultatet visar att individerna inte identifierar sig med sina nuvarande bostadsorter framförallt eftersom de saknar ett arbete och identifierar sig som immigranter. De har en kulturell bakgrund med sig och majoriteten har fortfarande en stark förankring med sina födelseländer vilket har format deras identitet, samtidigt som de försöker förhålla sig till den nya kulturen. Samtliga intervjupersoner uppger att de är beredda att flytta ifrån sina nuvarande bostadsorter om de får ett arbete någon annanstans eftersom de inte ser en framtid där på grund av avsaknaden av arbete. Utifrån deras beskrivningar kan det tolkas som att de har svagare band och en svagare förankring till sina nuvarande bostadsorter, och att det inte finns några motstånd eller hinder för hur de förhåller sig till att flytta. Det är något som kan gynna kompetensförsörjningen i de norra delarna av Sverige där det finns ett stort behov av arbetskraft till följd av de stora företagsetableringar som sker. / We are living in an increasingly globalized world that has led to an increased freedom for individuals to move between countries, regions, cities, villages, or rural areas. It has contributed to individuals being able to attribute multiple identities based on the experience of different cultures and places. The individual’s identification with a place can have an impact on how he or she feels about moving from that place to a new place. The aim of the study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of whether and how individuals who were not born in Sweden identify themselves with different geographical locations where they have lived, how it relates to their identity and what significance it may have to change place of residence in Sweden. The empirical material has been collected through eight in-depth interviews with individuals who live in Sweden but who were not born in Sweden. The result shows that the individuals do not identify themselves with their current places of residence, primarily because they are unemployed and because they feel and identify themselves as immigrants. They have a cultural background and the majority have strong ties with their native countries which has shaped their identity and they try to relate to the new culture. All interviewees state that they are prepared to move from their current places of residence if they get at job elsewhere because they do not see a future where they live today due to the lack of work. Based on their descriptions, it can be interpreted that they have less ties and attachment to their current places of residences, and that there is no resistance or obstructions in how they relate to move to a new place. This is something that the northern parts of Sweden can consider in their working process with attracting labor because of the large company establishments in the area.

Place Attachment in the Revitalization of Post-Industrial Downtown Canton: An Analysis of Social, Political, and Architectural Theory

Puleo, Catherine 10 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A History of Fort Meigs: The Fort’s Reconstruction as Reflection of Sense of Place to Northwest Ohio

Johnson, Ashley A. 17 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

When the stone stopped moving, Counter-curation as site specific interaction design

Pedersen, Anna Navndrup January 2015 (has links)
Rural place is often overlooked in interaction design research. This thesis is centered around an analog interaction between humans and a 35 ton stone in a danish forest, on the rural island of Bornholm. With a methodological approach influenced by Donna Haraway's essay 'Situated Knowledges' the author approaches her site-specific topic both as a local, a tourist and a researcher. The thesis offers a close study of the interaction with the stone, and explains how this natural occurring interaction, has physically shaped the landscape around it, but also reveals the curation imposed upon rural place and and how this curation affects our sense of place. The researcher suggests that counter-curations can be used as a method for site-specific interaction designers, and exemplifies this by curating a natural site as well as a rural village site. The stone in the forest opens up for a project about the multiple identities of rural place and how theses are shaped in deep intertwining and tension between the past and present, human and nature.

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