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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buskers underground: meaning, perception, and performance among Montreal’s metro buskers

Wees, Nicholas 24 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the practices, motivations, and sensorial experiences of Montreal’s metro buskers. By examining the lived experiences of ‘street’ performers in the stations and connecting passageways of Montreal’s underground transit system, I consider what it ‘means’ to be a metro busker from the perspective of the performers. Informed by my ethnographic fieldwork among metro buskers, I detail their performance practices, ‘staging’ strategies, uses of technology, bodily dispositions, and subjective perceptions in relation to the public, each other and the spaces of performance. In the process, I make visible—and audible—the variable and improvisational nature of busking practices, and how these are constituted in relation to the physical features of the performance sites. More broadly, I explore the co-productive relations between body and space, the sensorial experiences and spatial practices of everyday urban life, and the potential for moments of micro-social encounter and appropriations of spaces that are not designed to foster conviviality and creative engagement. I locate ‘the busker’ within these questions not as a fixed identity or subject-position but as an embodied assemblage-act that is socially and materially situated and subjectively enacted through highly variable practices, perceptions and experiences. In detailing the moments of social encounter precipitated by metro buskers, I propose understanding busking as a form of Gift-performance that finds certain parallels in sensory ethnographic videography. I show how the influences of diverse participants—human and material—on the filming, editing, and distribution processes changed the course of the audio-visual production in this research. Finally, I introduce a notion of ‘expanded trajectory’ that links performer and space, researcher and participant, and may enable new acts of encounter and exchange, new processes of social and material circulation, new forms of Gift. / Graduate / 2018-05-15 / 0326 / nick.wees@gmail.com

Vad händer sedan? : Upplevelser i det nya hemlandet utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv

Ohannesian, Karin, Högström, Lina January 2017 (has links)
De senaste åren har flyktingströmmen till Sverige ökat då många människor sökt asyl i landet. Flyktingar som fått permanent uppehållstillstånd i Sverige har påbörjat en krävande integrations- och etableringsprocess. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv utforska flyktingars upplevelser av att etablera sig i Sverige. Data insamlades via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem deltagare som var inskrivna på en arbetsförberedande verksamhet. Materialet analyserades med Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Fem teman identifierades: Hantering, Aktivitet och sysselsättning, Förståelse, Drivkraft och motivation till livet i Sverige och Den sociala kontakten. Resultatet diskuterades i relation till Antonovskys Känsla Av Sammanhang (KASAM), Locus of control och tidigare forskning. Förslag på åtgärder vid olika etableringsinsatser var att flyktingar bör få tillgång till sociala sammanhang genom sysselsättning och svenska språkstudier samt att flyktingars värdegrunder bör utforskas för att kunna finna deras drivkrafter i vardagen. Slutsatsen var att trygghet och social gemenskap krävs för flyktingar, och när de behoven är tillgodosedda skapas en mottaglighet för utveckling vilket därigenom ökar välbefinnande och hälsa. / During recent years the influx of refugees has increased in Sweden where many individuals have applied for asylum in the country. Refugees that have received permanent residence permits in Sweden have begun demanding integration and establishment processes. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore through a salutogenic perspective refugees experiences of settling in a new country. Data was collected using semistructured interviews with five participants registered in a job preparatory organization. The material was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Five themes were identified: Manageability, Activity and Occupation, Comprehensibility, Incentive and Motivation for a life in Sweden and Social contact. The results were discussed in relation to Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence (SOC), Locus of control and previous research. Proposals for interventions in the establishment process were to let refugees receive access to social contexts through occupation and Swedish language studies and to explore the value-systems among refugees in order to find their life incentives. The conclusion was that security and social community are necessary for refugees, and when those needs are accommodated a receptability for development is formed which increases health and well-being as a result.

Mei "美" (le Beau), comme clef de compréhension de la pensée confucéenne / The Study of Confucius’ Ideas of Beauty / 美 孔子的「美」論思想研究

Sheng-Bin, Lin 15 October 2009 (has links)
La pensée de Confucius se centre sur le Ren. Pour beaucoup de sinologues, le Lun-yu n'est rien d'autre qu'un traité d'éthique et de morale. D'autres, y voient le développement d'une vision esthétique du monde. Mais de ces deux concepts, y en a-t-il un qui soit plus fondamental que l'autre dans l'élaboration et la structure de la pensée confucéenne? Ma recherche commencera par une étude approfondie de certains textes originaux du Lun-Yu où apparaît plus clairement la sensibilité esthétique de Confucius, et sur lesquels je me propose de m'appuyer pour montrer comment l'esthétique peut s'offrir comme une clef de compréhension de toute l'oeuvre de Confucius et de toute sa pensée. Nous espérons que le fruit de ce travail permettra de faire progresser la compréhension mutuelle Est-Ouest en même temps que la fécondité du dialogue interculturel. / The thought of Confucius centers on Ren. For many sinologists, Lun-yu is not but a treaty of ethics and morality. For others, they see the development of an aesthetic vision of the world. But, the key to understand Confucius' thought is in the Sense of Moral or in the Sense of Beauty? My research will begin with a study of certain original texts of the Lun-Yu where appear more apparently the aesthetic sensibility of Confucius, and on which I propose that the Sense of Beauty can present itself as a key of understanding of all work of Confucius and all its thought. I hope that the fruit of this study will allow to make develop mutual understanding East-West at the same time as the fecundity of intercultural dialogue

Pascal et la vie terrestre. Épistémologie, ontologie et axiologie du « corps » dans son apologétique / Pascal and the Earthly Life. Epistemology, Ontology and Axiology of « corps » in Pascal’s Apologetic

Yamajo, Hirotsugu 16 February 2010 (has links)
Dans l’apologétique de Blaise Pascal, le rôle du corps est ambigu. Source des concupiscences, le corps éloigne les hommes de la connaissance des vérités. L’homme, composé d’âme et de corps, n’a aucune similitude avec Dieu, être purement spirituel. Mais selon Pascal, c’est ce constat qui fournit à l’homme les raisons de la nécessaire croyance en Dieu, et qui fait que celle-ci exige l’existence du corps. La première en est que la foi ne se donne pas pour objet des connaissances démontrables par la raison humaine. Elle est le seul moyen d’accès à la vérité de Dieu, que la raison seule n’est pas capable d’atteindre puisqu’elle est privée de sa fonction originelle depuis que l’homme est doté de sa chair. Ensuite, la foi prend la forme de pratiques physiques, du moins dans son stade initial : l’adoption des actes d’un autre qui est déjà croyant. L’initié, pratiquant des mouvements rituels sans s’interroger sur leur sens, est persuadé de la justesse de sa foi. Enfin, d’après l’apologiste, la dévotion à Dieu permet à l’homme de jouir de l’espérance d’une autre vie ; or c’est là le suprême bonheur de la vie terrestre. L’être humain n’obtiendrait la béatitude au moment de sa mort qu’après avoir passé sa vie dans un effort sincère et continuel pour mériter d’obtenir la grâce de Dieu et dans la crainte permanente d’être délaissé de lui. En assumant ce devoir, on acquiert un bonheur incomparable, puisqu’il offre la possibilité de réaliser l’énorme gain que représente la félicité infinie et éternelle à la suite de sa brève existence. La foi, selon Pascal, c’est le chemin vers la certitude du salut, autrement dit, la béatitude en puissance. / We comment on the epistemology, ontology and axiology of the notion of man as a body or “corps” according to Blaise Pascal, in order to shed light on the concept in relation to his apologetic views. According to Pascal, “customs” and “sentiments”, the two fundamental ways of understanding the human form, provide man with secular and religious beliefs, which both allow and yet prevent him from transcending his earthly state. This equates to the ambiguous nature of realities which Pascal calls “corps”: The term refers both to purely profane matters considered as objects for scientific research, and to religious ones with their inherent symbolism, the subject of veneration. To Pascal, man, being of flesh and blood, is fated to be caught between greatness and misery; it is this axiologically ambiguous position that demands from man faith — the hope for the eternal and spiritual life, which is denied him in life on earth.

Partnernas upplevelser av att leva med en person med demenssjukdom. : En litteraturöversikt. / Partners' experiences of living with a person with dementia. : A literature review

Myrta, Arbnesha, Smoljan, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika symtom och förändringar i hjärnan. Det är förknippat med stigande ålder men tillhör inte det normala åldrandet. Det finns inget botemedel mot demens endast symtomlindrande behandling. Demensdiagnosen påverkar inte bara individen med demenssjukdom utan även hens partner. Konflikter uppstod på grund av oförståelse och okunskap. Vårdandet av en person med demenssjukdom var ansträngande och svårigheter att tillfredsställa sina egna och livskamratens behov blev en del av vardagen.   Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva partnernas upplevelser av att leva med en person med demenssjukdom. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ design och deduktiv ansats. Antonovskys begrepp begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet har använts som teoretisk referensram. Vetenskapliga artiklar har analyserats utifrån Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Partner upplevde brister i information och stöd från hälso- och sjukvård. De kände rädsla, skuld, oro och ångest på grund av obegripligheten kring sjukdomsförloppet och framtiden. Livet uppfattades som svårt att hantera och frustrerande på grund av förlusten av den personen de levt med. Trots olika begränsningar hittade partner meningsfullhet i situationen och det skapade strategier som motiverade dem att fortsätta vårda sin livskamrat. Slutsatser: Vårdande partnernas hälsa, vardag och framtid påverkades av att leva med en person med demens. De riskerade sin egen hälsa, förlorade meningsfullt socialt umgänge samt att partnern kände osäkerhet inför framtiden. Trots det ville många partner fortsätta ta hand om sin livskamrat. / Background: Dementia is a collective term for various symptoms and changes in the brain. It is associated with increasing age but is not part of the normal aging process. There is no cure for dementia only symptomatic treatment. Dementia affects not only the individual with dementia but also the partner. Conflicts arose because of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge. The care of a person with dementia was demanding and difficulty in satisfying their own and the needs of their life partner became part of everyday life. Aim: The aim was to describe the partners ' experiences of living with a person with dementia. Method: Literature review with qualitative design and deductive approach. Antonovsky's concept of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness has been used as a theoretical reference framework. Scientific articles have been analyzed according to Friberg's five-step model. Results: Partners experience lack of information and support from health care professionals. They feel fear, guilt and anxiety because of the uncertainty surrounding the progression of the disease and the future. Life was difficult to manage and frustrating due to loss of the person they have lived with. Despite various restrictions found in the partner situation and purpose created strategies that motivated them to continue caring for their life partner. Conclusions: The caring partners ' health, everyday lives and futures were affected by living with a demented life partner. The partners risked their own health, lost meaningful social intercourse, and felt uncertainty about the future. Despite that, many partners would continue to take care of their life partner.

Autocortes: Una corporización de lo no dicho

Rojas Vivanco, Constanza 01 1900 (has links)
Psicólogo / El siguiente artículo propone una aproximación teórica al fenómeno de los autocortes desde una perspectiva sistémico relacional. En primer lugar, se presenta una revisión de las investigaciones existentes en torno a autocortes y con ello se sitúa este artículo y su contribución. En segundo lugar, se plantea cómo los modelos sistémico-relacionales han tenido dificultades para otorgar un status ontológico al individuo y su corporalidad. Tercero, se introduce el concepto de mente corporizada como propuesta teórica que permite considerar al cuerpo como campo de sentido. En cuarto lugar, se plantea el concepto de lo no dicho como asedio al sentido que elicita la continuidad de la identidad. Por último, se plantea la hipótesis de este trabajo y se presenta una viñeta clínica revisada a la luz de la propuesta teórica. The following article propose a theoretical approximation to the phenomenon of self-cut from a systemic-relational perspective. In first place, a revision of the investigations present around self-cut is showed and with that this article is located and its contribution. In second place, it arises as the systemic-relational models have had difficulties to give an ontological status to the individual and his corporality. Third, it is introduced the concept of Embodied Mind as a theoretical proposal that can considerate the body as a sense-making field. In fourth place, it arises the concept of the unsaid as siege to the sense-making that arouse the continuity of the identity. To finish, the hypothesis of this work is raised and a clinical vignette is presented under the light of the theoretical proposal

Syskonplaceringens samverkan med personlighet och KASAM

Carty Gabrielsen, Amanda, Fräsén, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Tidigare forskning menar att det äldsta syskonet anses vara mer auktoritärt, det mellersta barnet minst familjeorienterat och det yngsta barnet mer socialt. Uppväxten kan påverka individens KASAM. Studien undersöker om syskonplacering samverkar med människors KASAM, personlighet utifrån femfaktormodellen samt ser till eventuella könsskillnader. Urvalet bestod av högskolestudenter, varav 145 kvinnor och 80 män. Enkätens material analyserades med tvåvägs variansanalyser. Studien uppvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de tre syskonplaceringarna. En tendens till signifikant interaktion visades mellan könen, där kvinnliga mellanbarn har lägre KASAM än de manliga. Studien visade två signifikanta könsskillnader mellan kvinnor och män. Kvinnorna var mer neurotiska och samvetsgranna än männen. Resultatet uppvisade en tendens till signifikans, gällande att kvinnor hade högre grad av personlighetfaktorn öppenhet än männen. Slutligen konstaterades att syskonplaceringen inte samverkar med individens personlighet eller KASAM, men att det finns vissa personlighetsskillnader mellan könen. Resultatet kan bero på brister i studien, som att familjekonstellation inte tillfrågades deltagarna.

Att leva med ett sviktande hjärta : En litteraturöversikt / Living with a failing heart : A literature review

Larsson, Johanna, Svanberg, Merja January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kronisk hjärtsvikt drabbar främst den äldre (≥65 år) befolkningen och påverkar hela personens livssituation. Tidigare forskning påvisar att personer med hjärtsvikt upplevde bristande information och kommunikation från vården. Sjuksköterskans uppgift är att identifiera dessa brister för att förbättra den personcentrerade omvårdnaden samt upprätthålla hälsa hos personer med hjärtsvikt. Syfte: Att beskriva äldre personers upplevelser av att leva med kronisk hjärtsvikt utifrån KASAM. Metod: Litteraturöversikten har genomförts utifrån kvalitativ metod och deduktiv ansats. Den teoretiska referensramen som använts är Antonovskys (2005) teori om Känsla av Sammanhang (KASAM). Fribergs (2012a) femstegsmodell för kvalitativa studier har använt i analysprocessen där 11 vetenskapliga artiklar har tolkats. Resultat: Information och kommunikation från sjukvården upplevdes brista, vilket resulterade i sämre hantering av sjukdomen. Hjärtsvikten medförde begränsningar i det dagliga livet och personerna hittade strategier genom att prioritera annorlunda samt utföra aktiviteter som gav dem tillfredsställelse. Meningsfulla aktiviteter, självständighet i vardagen samt socialt stöd ansågs betydelsefullt.  Slutsats: Personernas hälsa, vardag och välbefinnande påverkades av att leva med hjärtsvikt. Sjuksköterskan kan utifrån litteraturöversikten förbättra den personcentrerade omvårdnaden, vilket förväntas generera förbättrad hälsa och välbefinnande för personer med hjärtsvikt. / Background:  Chronic heart failure affects mainly the elderly (≥65 years) and affects the entire person's life situation. Previous research shows that people with heart failure experienced lack of information and communication from health care. Nurses role is to identify these shortcomings to improve person-centered care to maintain health of people with heart failure. Purpose: To describe older peoples experiences of living with chronic heart failure based on KASAM. Method: The literature review has been conducted using qualitative method and deductive approach. The theoretical framework used was Antonovsky's (2005) theory of Sense of Coherence (SOC). Friberg (2012a) five-step model for qualitative studies were used in the analys process and 11 scientific articles where interpreted. Results: Lack of information and communication from health care were experienced, resulting poor management of the disease. Heart failure resulted in limitations in daily life and people found strategies by prioritizing differently and perform activities that gave satisfaction. Meaningful activities, independence and social support was considered significant. Conclusion: Health, living and well-being were affected by living with heart failure. Nurses can based on this literature review improve person-centered care, health and well-being for people with heart failure.

Trust and security risks in mobile banking

Messaggi Kaya, Monica January 2013 (has links)
With the development and growth of mobile technologies, mobile phones enable users to perform a number of different tasks with their devices: from sending simple text messages, checking e-mails and browsing the internet, to running elaborated applications. Nowadays, the mobile phone platform creates great opportunities for businesses, especially due to its capabilities and population coverage: the number of mobile subscriptions approaches global population figures. In order to explore such opportunities, most banks have already launched their mobile applications and/or re-designed mobile version of their websites. One of the benefits of using mobile banking is the possibility for users to carry out bank transactions, such online payments or transfers, at anytime and anywhere. Expectations for the adoption of mobile banking were high; however, it represents about 20% of mobile phone users at the present. One factor has been recognised as being a strong reason for users not to adopt mobile banking: their concerns about security. This dissertation focuses on the relationship between the trust users have in mobile banking and the security risks that the use of mobile devices potentially pose. A questionnaire was created in order to gather users’ perception of security about mobile banking, and its results compared with recognised security issues.

Determining the Reliability and Use of the Center for Community College Student Engagement Survey of Entering Student Engagement As a Tool to Predict Student Success in a Large Urban Community College District

Harris, Sheryl 12 1900 (has links)
As community colleges have gained more recognition as a viable pathway for students to enter higher education, they have faced greater accountability that has prompted both practitioners and policy makers to attempt to find solutions and tools, such as National Survey of Student Engagement, Community College Survey of Student Engagement, and Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE), to aid in improving student success outcomes. This study addressed the validity and reliability of the SENSE instrument using a three-pronged approach via student data collected over 3 years of SENSE administrations at a large urban community college (n = 4,958). The instrument was first factor analyzed against the SENSE benchmarks for effective educational practice through generalized least squares and principal component exploratory factor analysis. Although the instrument did not deliver a chi-square factored fit for the six benchmark categories, consistent loadings were observed. Second, construct reliability was tested for each benchmark category, and the survey as a whole using Cronbach’s alpha. All categories did not yield sufficient coefficient scores for establishing construct reliability. However, the overall survey produced a Cronbach’s alpha of .85, clearly indicating construct reliability for all items combined. Third, correlations between SENSE perception scores and community college students’ grade point averages, fall to fall retention, semester credit hours, course completion for developmental and college gateway courses, and degree and certificate completion were calculated. Although no strong correlations were observed, the SENSE may be useful to community colleges seeking to increase completion rates.

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