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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manager la relation de service dans les organisations publiques en mutation ou comment donner du sens au travail relationnel : les cas de La Poste et de la SNCF

Scotti, Nelly 27 June 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche ambitionne de comprendre comment les organisations publiques en mutation ont intégré à leur stratégie l’intention qui vise à « placer l’usager au cœur de l’organisation » dans leur management de la relation de service et à travers les outils mis en œuvre pour traduire ce discours en actes de management et d’expliquer comment ces choix en matière de gestion de la relation de service avec les usagers-clients affectent le sens du travail des agents en contact.L’analyse de la littérature s’articule autour de trois champs théoriques : le concept de la relation de service mobilisant des champs pluridisciplinaires, notamment celui de la sociologie, du marketing et de l’économie des services, le management des organisations publiques et plus particulièrement des organisations publiques en mutation dans un contexte d’ouverture à la concurrence et les modèles du sens au travail et de la construction du sens dans les organisations. L’objectif étant de comprendre comment la relation de service prend une place de plus en plus importante dans les organisations publiques comme préoccupation managériale dans un souci de développement de la performance et de mise en adéquation des besoins des usagers-clients avec les services délivrés par les organisations publiques.Deux études de cas ont été sélectionnées pour observer ces changements, le cas de La Poste et de la SNCF, deux anciens monopoles publics, qui sont ancrés dans les représentations collectives comme des institutions du quotidien des français et qui s’appuient sur une culture forte du service public. Ces études de cas ont été menées dans une démarche de recherche qualitative qui vise à faire émerger du discours des dirigeants, des managers de proximité et des agents en contact, les perceptions de ces outils et de ces changements dans la relation de service et les effets de ces outils sur le travail et plus particulièrement le sens du travail des agents.Les études de cas ont fait apparaître des résultats contre-intuitifs par rapport aux structures organisationnelles des deux institutions étudiées. Ainsi, les résultats permettent de montrer comment le choix de la normalisation et de l’accroissement du contrôle à La Poste développe une approche du service par la règle et la standardisation du travail de la relation de service qui crée une rupture culturelle dans les pratiques des postiers attachés à leur travail comme vecteur de lien social et au développement de perceptions de non-sens dans leur travail voire d’une certaine servitude qui les met dans des situations de souffrance au travail / This research seeks to understand how the public organizations in change integrated into their strategy the intention which aims at “placing the user in the middle of the organization” in their management of the relation of service and through the tools implemented to translate this speech into acts of management and to explain how these choices as regards management of the relation between service and the user-customers affect the direction of the work of the agents in contact.The analysis of the literature is articulated around three theoretical fields: the concept of the relation of service mobilizing of the multi-field fields, in particular that of sociology, the marketing and the economy of the services, the management of the public organizations and more particularly of the public organizations in change in a context of opening to competition and models of the direction to work and construction of the direction in the organizations. The objective being to understand how the relation of service takes an increasingly important place in the public organizations like managerial concern in a preoccupation of development of the performance and a setting in adequacy of the needs for the user-customers with the services delivered by the public organizations.Two case studies were selected to observe these changes, the case of the Post office and the SNCF, two old public monopolies, which are anchored in the collective representations like institutions of the daily newspaper of French and who is based on a strong culture of the public service. These case studies were conducted in a approach of qualitative research which aims at making emerge speech of the leaders, managers of proximity and agents in contact, perceptions of these tools and these changes in the relation of service and the effects of these tools on the work and more particularly the direction of the work of the agents.The case studies revealed against-intuitive results compared to the organisational structures of the two studied institutions. Thus, the results make it possible to show how the choice of the standardization and the increase in the control in the Post office develops an approach of the service by the rule and the standardization of the work of the relation of service which creates a cultural rupture in the practices of the post-office employees attached to their work like vector of social link and with the development of perceptions of nonsense in their work even of a certain constraint which puts them in situations of suffering at work.With the SNCF the choice to place the relation of service like a development project of competences multi-trades and in hierarchical co-education, with the concern Co-of conceiving the tools and the hot lines generates a cohesion of the teams and the valorization of a collective culture cheminote. The passage of a culture technician to a culture of service was approached while placing the internal customer like focal point of the programs to make in kind diffuse a common direction of the relation with the user-customer in phase with the reality of the agents. Lastly, we propose, a discussion and a conclusion to exceed the perimeter of research and to place this research like the starting point of a work on the relation of service and relational work in the public organizations

La confiance et ses fondements interpersonnels : réalité de la relation banque tunisienne-client

Ochi, Faten 14 November 2008 (has links)
Dans la continuité des travaux de Doney et Cannon (1997), Morgan et Hunt (1994) et Sirdeshmukh et al (2002), cette recherche se propose de tester un modèle structurel intégrateur de la confiance, de ses antécédents et conséquences, appliqué au contexte de la relation banque-client en Tunisie. Ce modèle cherche à mesurer l’effet des facettes institutionnelle et interpersonnelle de la confiance sur l’orientation long terme du client, et ce pour deux structures de gouvernance (publique et privée). Les résultats de la recherche confirment les partis pris conceptuels. Ils valident la structure de la confiance en tant que construit à deux facettes (institutionnelle et interpersonnelle) et trois dimensions (compétence, intégrité et bienveillance). Les effets anticipés sur l’engagement s’avèrent, par contre, contrastés par rapport à ceux révélés dans des recherches antérieures. Ils donnent aux aspects interpersonnels (confiance interpersonnelle et traitement préférentiel) et affectifs (satisfaction) de la relation un poids particulier par rapport aux aspects institutionnels (confiance institutionnelle et valeur perçue) dont les effets s’avèrent faibles, surtout dans la banque publique. Contrairement aux contextes européens et nord américains, la dimension sociale de l’échange s’avère déterminante en matière de construction de relations de confiance dans le contexte tunisien. Les résultats témoignent de l’encastrement de la relation bancaire dans le réseau des connaissances personnelles des individus et mettent en avant l’importance des liens faible, au sens de Granovetter, dans l’engagement du client. / In the continuity of the work of Doney and Cannon (1997), Morgan and Hunt (1994) and Sirdeshmukh and al (2002), this research tests a structural model integrating trust, its antecedents and consequences in the context of bank-client relationship in Tunisia. This model seeks to measure the effect of institutional and interpersonal facets of trust on the commitment of the client in his relationship with his bank, and this for two structures of governance (public and private). Research results confirm the conceptual bias, and validate the structure of trust as a two-facet (institutional and interpersonal) and three-dimensional (competence, integrity and benevolence) construct. The anticipated effects on commitment are, in contradiction, contrasting compared to those revealed in previous studies. They accord a particular interest to interpersonal (trust and preferential treatment) and affective (satisfaction) aspects of the relation vis–a-vis institutional aspects whose effects proved to be weak. In contrast to European and North American cultures, the social dimension of trade is crucial in building trust in the Tunisian context. The results demonstrate the embeddedness of the banking relationship in to the network of individuals and they underline the strength of weak ties, as apprehended by Granovetter, in the commitment of the client.

Validity and variation in the parentela policy network : conflict and cooperation between ruling parties and interest groups in Bulgaria

Petkov, Mihail Plamenov January 2017 (has links)
Policy networks is a body of literature dedicated to modelling state-civil society relationship formats. In this particular relationship, an interest group with privileged (insider) access to the party in power gains advantage in the policy-making process by utilizing party’s ability to make political appointments in the civil service. The parentela (or type 1 parentela) was first discovered by Joseph La Palombara (1964) in 1960s Italy and was documented later again by Greer (1994) in 1920s-1970s Northern Ireland. Still, there has been no parentela research since 1994, save for Yishai (1992), who argued the parentela did not exist in Israel in 1980s. It seems the concept is considered of little utility to the academic community today. At the same time, as a category of policy networks, the parentela is also susceptible to the wider criticism of Thatcher (1997) and Dowding (1995; 2001) that the policy network literature is unable to introduce causal dynamics in its models and distinguish between network features and network independent variables. This study, therefore, addresses both criticisms by studying the party-group-civil service relationship in Bulgaria, for the period 2013-2015, using 26 elite interviews and a number of cases. Results show that this particular policy network is still viable today. They support Yishai (1992) that hegemonic parties have no effect on parentela formation. The study demonstrates that the cooperation between ruling parties, in need of funds, and organised businesses (groups), in need of market advantage, produces the parentela. In a case study on construction tenders, the study demonstrates La Palombara’s parentela, by exposing the process of how ruling parties intervene in the civil service through political appointees to ensure construction projects are granted to their party insider groups. The study also discovers a new parentela dynamic, labelled as type 2 parentela, where the party intervention extends further to the free market by affecting party insider’s market competitors through prejudiced regulatory inspections that disrupt targeted businesses’ operations temporarily or altogether.

"Qu'est-ce qu'on vous fait aujourd'hui ?" : un ethos professionnel des coiffeurs : entre travail émotionnel, relation de service et dispositions genrées et de classe : le cas des coiffeurs / "What are we doing today?" : a professional ethos of hairdressers : between emotional work, service relationship and gendered and classroom arrangements : the case of hairdressers

Desprat, Diane 04 December 2017 (has links)
Chez les coiffeurs, l’injonction à satisfaire le client, lui apporter un moment de détente et de bien-être semble participer de leur rhétorique professionnelle. Cette insistance vis-à-vis du souci de la clientèle révèle par là même le poids de la relation de service dans l’activité de travail des coiffeurs. Dès lors, celle-ci est souvent décrite positivement. Pourtant, elle n’est pas sans poser problème et peut être l’objet de tensions. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique réalisée par observations participantes et par entretiens dans plusieurs salons de coiffure et dans deux établissements de formation au métier de coiffeur, cette thèse s’intéresse au rapport au travail des coiffeurs et plus spécifiquement à la relation qui lie ces derniers aux clients et à l’ambivalence qui en découle. En réalité, pour mener à bien cette relation, la profession construit un ensemble de dispositions spécifiques (savoir-être, travail émotionnel et relationnel) en direction des clients et auxquelles sont socialisés les apprentis au cours de leur formation en école et au salon de coiffeur. Toutefois, tout n’est pas créé dans la relation de service, certaines compétences s’appuyant sur des dispositions sociales de genre et de classe. Avoir ces dispositions est central pour permettre le bon déroulement de cette relation et ainsi pouvoir faire carrière dans la profession. / Among Hairdressers, the injunction to satisfy the client, to bring him a moment of relaxation and well-being seems to participate in their professional rhetoric. This insistence on customer care reveals the weight of the service relationship in the work activity of hairdressers. Consequently, it is often described positively. However, it is not without problems and can be the subject of tensions. Based on an ethnographic survey carried out by participant observations and interviews in several hairdressing salons and two hairdressing training establishments, this thesis focuses on the relationship of hairdressers to work and more specifically to the relationship between hairdressers and clients and the resulting ambivalence. In fact, in order to carry out this relationship, the profession builds a set of specific provisions (skills, emotional and relational work) directed at the clients and to which the apprentices are socialized during their school and hairdresser training. However, not all is created in the service relationship, some skills relying on social provisions of gender and class. Having these provisions is central to the good progress of this relationship and thus being able to make a career in the profession.

行動簡訊服務關係之探討 / A study on the mobile news service relationship among system operators, content providers, and the user.

黃雅慧, Huang, Yi-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著大環境的變異,傳統語音話費已不再是電信業者的主要收益來源。各家電信系統營運商為了提高用戶營收貢獻度 (ARPU),積極開拓其他服務。行動簡訊是其中重要的一項服務,因為操作方便、費用低廉,一般使用者容易進入。系統營運商進而透過行動簡訊結合各種加值服務,讓用戶在習慣使用簡訊服務之中,延長使用手機時間,增加每位用戶的營收貢獻度。 行動媒介首要目的在提供使用者快速尋獲與情境相關之資訊,並透過行動載具隨時隨地進行通訊、溝通與社會互動。本研究欲瞭解行動簡訊在行動系統服務的提供者(OP)、內容服務的提供者(CP)與一般使用者的三方互動方式。即在行動簡訊服務的推動過程中,三方各自角色為何,服務有待改善之處,以及如何改進及延續服務。 本研究方法採用深度訪談、焦點團體與資料分析三個取徑。透過系統營運商、內容提供者、一般使用者進行三方研究調查。首先深訪系統營運商以瞭解其規劃簡訊服務之背景;其次焦點團體訪談典型使用者如何使用行動簡訊服務;再輔以資料分析將行動簡訊服務中的文字內容、版面視覺、資訊類型等進行分析。 本研究有以下五項發現: (1)行動內容需要強調差異化-行動服務需要即時性的資訊與Web進行差異化,吸引行動用戶使用;(2)界面需要友善的設計-界面友善可帶動用戶易用,提高行動服務使用量;(3)期待新科技與新應用的引導-LBS服務為行動簡訊服務率先可以導入新科技服務,符合用戶對情境使用的需求;(4)與商業進行多元行銷互動-透過在LBS做置入廣告或行動廣告,可以提高用戶參與互動;(5)行動服務合作關係重組-未來OP跨足內容的製作,而CP發展自有通路,OP與CP在業務上互相重疊,原來的合作關係重組。 / With a dramatic change of the world, traditional phone service is no longer a main source of revenues in telecom business. Telecom system operators positively develop other kinds of services to improve average revenue per user (ARPU). Mobile-news is one of these important services because it is less expensive, easy to operate, and easily accessible to end users. System operators further provide a variety of value-added services through the mobile-news. While users are getting used to the services, they are going to extend their using time, which may increase revenues to system operators. The main function of mobile media is to provide users immediate and scenario-relevant information and to interact with others here and there at anytime. The research investigated how telecom system operators (OP), content service providers (CP) and end users interact in terms of their service relationship. In other words, the study defined how the three parties, OP, CP and users play a role, how to refine the services, and how to improve the service, in the process of promoting mobile-news services. The research used in-depth interview, focus group, and data analysis via the three parties, system operators (OP), content providers (CP), and end users. First, the researcher interviewed system operators about how they develop mobile-news services. Then, the researcher held a focus group to investigate typical users how they use mobile-news services. At last, the researcher analyzed text contents, visual layouts, and different types of information in mobile-news services. There are five important findings as following, (1) emphasis of different mobile contents: mobile information should be instant and different from web pages to attract mobile users; (2) friendly interface designs: User-friendly interface helps user easily access to the information and increase the mobile services; (3) new technologies and applications: LBS services could be the first mobile-news service which meet users’ needs at most occasions; (4) multiple marketing: mobile advertisement can improve users’ participation through LBS; (5) reconstruction of mobile service partnership: OPs start to produce contents in future, and CPs develop their own channels, which leads to an overlap between OP and CP business. The overlapping may reconstruct their partnership.

The Aronda "Black Box" - Bridging the Gap of Mistrust in Insurance Service Relationships : A Study of Damage Adjustment as a Critical Episode

Kumassah, William, Mujcinovic, Mevludin January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem: </strong>The nature of insurances, and indeed the customer-provider relationship in insurance services, lends itself to distinctive characteristics. These characteristics have particular implications on overall perceived service and relationship quality, and thus customer retention. The arguably singular characteristic of mutual mistrust prevalent in insurance service relationships, is a source for costs and lost profitability for insurance companies in Sweden. Bridging the “gap of mistrust”, potentially offered by a seemingly simple service, could entail significant benefits for both parties in an insurance service relationship.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Research Questions: </strong>Does the Aronda Service have the potential to improve a damage adjustment process in a provider-customer insurance service relationship?</p><p><strong> </strong></p><ul><li>Can a more effective damage adjustment process improve an insurance service relation between provider and customer?</li></ul><ul><li>To what extent do the providers perceive that the damage adjustment process is critical to a customer’s stay or switch decisions in an insurance service relationship? </li></ul><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The aim of the thesis is two-fold:</p><ol><li>The aim is to investigate and describe the impact of the damage adjustment process in customer relationships between the privately insured and property insurance companies in Sweden</li><li>And to assess, the potential of the Aronda Service to improve customer relations for insurance companies by improving (in terms of customer satisfaction) the damage adjustment process.</li></ol><p><strong>Methodology: </strong>A qualitative method with deductive reasoning was used. The highly contextual nature of customer-provider relationships was deemed, for the purpose of the study, best suited using a qualitative method. Data collection comprised of interviewing several professionals pertaining to the field of property insurance and damage adjustment, academic literature, peer-reviewed articles, and Ph.D. Dissertations.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Theoretical Approach: </strong>The theoretical approach is based on consolidation of widely used theories in the field of service and relationship in the “Critical episode on insurance relationships” perspective, presented by Mikael Gidhagen, Senior lecturer at Uppsala University, Sweden. Although the perspective is originally created for B2B relationships, proved great applicability and relevance.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Empirical foundation: </strong>The empirical foundation consisted of a number of interviews with respondents with extensive corporate and private insurance industry experience. The secondary empirical information was gathered from governmental, consumer services, and industry regulatory bodies’ websites and publications.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The uncovered prominent issues in insurance relationships between private individuals and property insurance service providers can at the very least be aided, if not solved, to the benefit of both parties by the proposed digital version of the Aronda “Black Box”. As the importance of documentation in more cases of insurance claims than not are paramount, and by decreasing the coverage knowledge gap of customers, facilitating a matching of service expectations and actual service delivery, customer satisfaction can be more readily achievable for insurance provider. A readily achievable level of customer satisfaction, in turn, means probably prolonged customer retention, and ultimately higher profitability for the insurance companies. As “it cost more to attract a customer, than it does to keep one.”</p><p><strong> </strong></p>

The Aronda "Black Box" - Bridging the Gap of Mistrust in Insurance Service Relationships : A Study of Damage Adjustment as a Critical Episode

Kumassah, William, Mujcinovic, Mevludin January 2010 (has links)
Problem: The nature of insurances, and indeed the customer-provider relationship in insurance services, lends itself to distinctive characteristics. These characteristics have particular implications on overall perceived service and relationship quality, and thus customer retention. The arguably singular characteristic of mutual mistrust prevalent in insurance service relationships, is a source for costs and lost profitability for insurance companies in Sweden. Bridging the “gap of mistrust”, potentially offered by a seemingly simple service, could entail significant benefits for both parties in an insurance service relationship.   Research Questions: Does the Aronda Service have the potential to improve a damage adjustment process in a provider-customer insurance service relationship?   Can a more effective damage adjustment process improve an insurance service relation between provider and customer? To what extent do the providers perceive that the damage adjustment process is critical to a customer’s stay or switch decisions in an insurance service relationship?   Purpose: The aim of the thesis is two-fold: The aim is to investigate and describe the impact of the damage adjustment process in customer relationships between the privately insured and property insurance companies in Sweden And to assess, the potential of the Aronda Service to improve customer relations for insurance companies by improving (in terms of customer satisfaction) the damage adjustment process. Methodology: A qualitative method with deductive reasoning was used. The highly contextual nature of customer-provider relationships was deemed, for the purpose of the study, best suited using a qualitative method. Data collection comprised of interviewing several professionals pertaining to the field of property insurance and damage adjustment, academic literature, peer-reviewed articles, and Ph.D. Dissertations.       Theoretical Approach: The theoretical approach is based on consolidation of widely used theories in the field of service and relationship in the “Critical episode on insurance relationships” perspective, presented by Mikael Gidhagen, Senior lecturer at Uppsala University, Sweden. Although the perspective is originally created for B2B relationships, proved great applicability and relevance.   Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation consisted of a number of interviews with respondents with extensive corporate and private insurance industry experience. The secondary empirical information was gathered from governmental, consumer services, and industry regulatory bodies’ websites and publications. Conclusion: The uncovered prominent issues in insurance relationships between private individuals and property insurance service providers can at the very least be aided, if not solved, to the benefit of both parties by the proposed digital version of the Aronda “Black Box”. As the importance of documentation in more cases of insurance claims than not are paramount, and by decreasing the coverage knowledge gap of customers, facilitating a matching of service expectations and actual service delivery, customer satisfaction can be more readily achievable for insurance provider. A readily achievable level of customer satisfaction, in turn, means probably prolonged customer retention, and ultimately higher profitability for the insurance companies. As “it cost more to attract a customer, than it does to keep one.”

Mettre le web social au service des marques : une sociologie pragmatique du community management en France / Put the social web at the service of commercial brands : a pragmatic sociology of community management in France

Jammet, Thomas 19 September 2016 (has links)
L’essor du « web 2.0 », couramment qualifié de web participatif ou social, a réactivé le vocable de la « communauté » pour désigner le regroupement spontané d’internautes autour de sujets de discussion ou de projets communs. À mesure que se développent les plateformes informatisées d’échange d’information et de contenu, au premier rang desquelles Facebook et Twitter, les annonceurs les investissent massivement de leur présence, sous forme de pages et de comptes de marque, pour tirer profit de l’expressivité des internautes au prisme de la « communauté de marque ». La gestion de ces espaces promotionnels innovants est confiée à une nouvelle catégorie de prestataires de service – les community managers – chargés de promouvoir l’offre des organisations et de répondre à la demande ininterrompue d’informations des consommateurs. C’est ce double mécanisme de la relecture marchande des collectifs en ligne et de la visée stratégique de leur administration qui est questionné ici. Le community management est traité comme un accomplissement pratique, afin de saisir la manière dont une doctrine du marketing s’inscrit dans une activité professionnelle qui se reconfigure au fil de vagues successives de rationalisation de la communication numérique de marque. Ce faisant, cette recherche souhaite contribuer à une sociologie pragmatique qui refuse de réifier le processus de « transformation numérique » de nos sociétés, pour décrire la manière dont celui-ci est performé par une pluralité d’acteurs qui œuvrent à aligner l’expressivité des consommateurs connectés sur les besoins des entreprises. / The rise of “Web 2.0”, commonly referred to as social or participatory Web, has reactivated the terminology of “community” to characterize the spontaneous gathering of individuals around joint discussion topics or projects. As the computerized information and content sharing platforms – such as Facebook and Twitter – develop, companies are heavily investing them by creating brand pages and accounts permitting them to take advantage of the expressivity of Internet users through the prism of the “brand community”. The animation of these innovative promotional spaces is entrusted to a new category of service providers – the community managers – responsible for promoting organizations and responding to the consumers’ ongoing demands for information. This thesis questions the dual mechanism of online collectives’ commercial reinterpretation and of the strategic aim of their management.Considering community management as a practical achievement, the analysis describes how a marketing doctrine is being unfolded in a professional activity that is successively reconfigured through the rationalization of digital brand communication. By doing so, this research wishes to contribute to a pragmatic sociology that refuses to reify the process of “digital transformation” of our societies by describing how the latter is performed by a plurality of actors working to adjust the expressiveness of connected consumers to the companies’ needs.

Proposta de melhoria na cadeia de valor envolvendo laboratórios de análises clínicas privados e o serviço médico / Proposal for improving the value chain involving private clinical analysis laboratories and the medical service

Ghanem Filho, Omar Amin 26 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:32:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 77037.pdf: 700557 bytes, checksum: 4e6757d65341729b611c8a98531e3a37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the current organizational environment, successful companies are adapting their products to the needs of their customers, developing relationships with them while seeking differentials, and laboratory medicine is no exception. However, it can be observed that many private clinical analysis laboratories are located far from their medical clients, which can harm the quality and precision of laboratory and clinical diagnoses and lead to a reduction in competitiveness, productivity, innovation and the search for excellence in these laboratories. In this context, relationship marketing can be considered an adequate path for meeting the needs of doctors and providing clinical analysis laboratories with the opportunity of breaching the limits between the organization and the customers, thus creating and sharing values with its customers and partners; resulting in a long term relationship. Within this perspective, this dissertation presents a conceptual basis of relationship marketing, exposes the data obtained through a multi-case study conducted with the customer service managers and clinical analysis laboratory leaders. Interpretation of the results obtained is performed through the conversion analysis technique. The main conclusions of this work highlight the need for improving the value chain involving private clinical analysis laboratories and the medical service through the use of relationship marketing tools able to provide laboratories with a competitive advantage that will both maintain and differentiate them in the market / No ambiente organizacional de hoje as empresas bem sucedidas estão adaptando seus produtos às necessidades de seus clientes, relacionando-se com eles e buscando diferenciais, da mesma forma que ocorre na medicina laboratorial. Porém, percebe-se que muitos laboratórios de análises clínicas privados estão bastante distantes de seu cliente médico, o que pode prejudicar a qualidade e a precisão dos diagnósticos laboratoriais e clínicos e diminuir a competitividade, produtividade, inovação e a busca pela excelência nestes laboratórios. Nesse contexto, o marketing de relacionamento pode apresentar-se como um caminho adequado, para atender as necessidades dos médicos e oferecer aos laboratórios de análises clínicas a oportunidade para romper os limites entre a organização e os clientes, criando e compartilhando valores tanto com os clientes como com seus parceiros; induzindo a um relacionamento em longo prazo. Dentro dessa perspectiva, este trabalho de dissertação apresenta a base conceitual do marketing de relacionamento, expõe os dados obtidos por meio de um estudo de multicasos realizado com os gerentes de atendimento e dirigentes dos laboratórios de análises clínicas. A interpretação dos resultados obtidos é realizada por meio da técnica da análise da conversação. As principais conclusões deste trabalho destacam a necessidade da melhoria na cadeia de valor envolvendo os laboratórios de análises clínicas privados e o serviço médico por meio de ferramentas de marketing de relacionamento que poderão oportunizar aos laboratórios a vantagem competitiva para se manterem e diferenciarem-se no mercado

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