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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexuellt våld hos unga - En litteraturgenomgång om unga som skadar sig genom sex och metoder för att förebygga den form av sexuellt våld

Datgren, Alina, Heikkilä, Michela January 2013 (has links)
SEXUAL VIOLENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTSA literature study about adolescents who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violenceAbstractAdolescents can harm themselves through sex by taking sexual risks such as sexual exposure on the internet, having unprotected sex and put themselves in situations where the potential for sexual violence is great. This type of sexual risk-behavior can create negative consequences and result in physical and mental sexual abuse. The aim of this study is to raise knowledge about youth who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence. To accomplice this we made a general literature study on national and international research.Our study shows that despite the negative consequences, adolescent’s sexual risk-taking continues. The behavior can be a way for the youth to get attention and approval. It can also be a way to reduce anxiety and deal with emotions; just as with other self-harm behavior. Ways of preventing sexual risk taking and self-harm should be of universal measures aimed at adolescents in general. The preventive measures should involve the youth in discussions about identity, sexuality, boundaries and self-esteem and result in strategies to handle emotions and increase help-seeking by making the help more available. The public and professionals knowledge about sexual violence, sexual behavior and self-harm should increase. Also by increasing youths knowledge future sexual risk-taking and sexual violence can be prevented.

Att skada sig med sex : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på och arbete med unga som har ett destruktivt sexuellt beteende / Self-harming through sex : A qualitative study of professionals’ approach towards and work with young people with destructive sexual behavior

Thögersen, Josefina, Gimestam-Jarl, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to shed light on the phenomenon of destructive sexual behavior among youth from the perspective of professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To examine this, we used a qualitative method; we interviewed professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To analyze our results we used gender theory and empowerment theory. Our main results are that the professionals view this behavior as deliberate self-harm, such as cutting, as they do it to achieve relief from anxiety. Also, the professionals think that gender norms affect young people with destructive sexual behavior in that it imposes guilt and shame, which inflicts their already low self-esteem and makes them feel inferior. The profes- sionals view this as the common denominator for this group of young people. Therefore it is very important for professionals to help these young people build self-esteem by using empowerment. Hopefully, this study can provide additional knowledge to the field of social work, due to the focus on a relatively new perspective on the phenomenon of deliberate self-harm. It is therefore important for agents in social work to have knowledge and comprehension about how to approach the phenomena and how to view and work with this group of young people.

Sexual behavior among Chinese male and female medical university students in Chongqing, China

Ahl, Therese January 2012 (has links)
Sexuality is one of the most fundamental values of life as it affects our behaviors, thoughts and emotions. Young people are an especially essential group for promoting sexual health as it is during adolescents the base for our sexuality is created. The aim of this study was to examine Chinese male and female medical university student’s knowledge and ideas of sexual behavior at Chongqing Medical University in Chongqing, China. An explorative quantitative survey study was conducted at place in Chongqing. The survey study’s result showed that ideas of sexual behavior were seem to be permissive and love-based, and also bi- and homosexuality to be mainly acceptable. The Internet, books and friends were seemed as important sources for knowledge whereas few believed to have received adequate knowledge from school. It was also seemed to be a major lack of knowledge regarding STD’s and how to protect yourself as “safe periods” was believed to be an important contraceptive method. The relationship between contraception and the protection against STD seems to be obscure. / 性行为是生活中最基本最重要的要素之一,它影响着我们的行为,思想及情感。年轻人是一个特别有必要促进健康性行为的群体。这项研究的目的是为了检测中国的重庆医科大学的男性,女性大学生对于性行为相关知识的认识及看法。于是在重庆进行了这项探索性的定量的调查研究。这项调查研究的结果表明被调查群体的性行为看似是以爱和自由为基础的,当然双性恋及同性恋也是被广泛接受的。性相关知识的大多数来源于网络,书籍以及朋友,而不是来自于学校。被调查的样本中大多数样本提示他们缺少对性病的认识,以及认识到在安全期保护自己是一项非常重要的避孕手段。所以他们对避孕以及保护自己远离性病之间的关系看起来是比较模糊的。 / Sexualitet utgör en av de mest grundläggande värden i livet då de påverkar såväl våra beteenden, tankar som känslor. Unga utgör en viktig grupp för främjande av sexuell hälsa då det är under denna tid grunden för vår sexualitet skapas. Studiens syftade till att undersöka manliga och kvinnliga kinesiska medicinstudenters kunskap och idéer om sexuellt beteende vid Chongqing Medical University i Chongqing, Kina. En explorativ enkätstudie genomfördes på plats i Chongqing. Studien visade på att idéer om sexuellt beteende verkar vara tillåtande och kärleksbaserande, med en övervägande acceptans för bi- och homosexualitet. Internet, böcker och vänner verkade utgöra viktiga källor till kunskap gällande sex samt preventivmetoder då få ansåg sig ha fått tillräcklig kunskap från skolan. Det verkade även finnas en stor brist gällande STD kunskap och hur man skyddar sig då ”safe periods” ansågs vara en viktig preventivmetod. Relationen mellan preventivmedel och skydd mot STD’s verkar vara otydlig.

Mer än en påse på magen : En litteraturöversikt om patienter med enterostomi och hur de upplever sin sexualitet / More than a bag on the belly : A literature review about patients with an enterostomy and how they experience their sexuality

Larsson, Sanna, Åhlander, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns många olika tillstånd som kan leda till att en person får en tarmstomi, och detta kan påverka en persons syn på den egna kroppen. En persons kroppsuppfattning är starkt kopplad till sexualiteten som är en viktig del i människors liv. Stomioperationer kan även ge fysiska skador som medför problem i opererade människors sexualliv. Patienter med stomi finns i alla vårdinriktningar, och det är därför viktigt för alla sjuksköterskor att kunna bemöta dem. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa hur patienter med enterostomi upplever sin sexualitet. Metod: Metoden var en litteraturöversikt där 15 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades, varav fem var kvalitativa, nio kvantitativa och en använde mixad metod. Artiklarna söktes fram genom kombinationer av olika sökord i databaserna CINAHL Complete och Pubmed med ett tidsspann på år 2008-2017. Resultat: I resultatet kunde fyra huvudteman och sex underteman identifieras. De huvudteman som hittades var En förändrad kropp, Fysisk sexuell funktion, Ett förändrat sexliv och Stöd från omgivningen. Resultatet visade på att många patienter upplever problem med sin sexualitet relaterat till stomin, både fysiska problem och hinder som följd av patientens egna tankar om sin stomi. Ett ökat behov av stöd och information kunde också identifieras hos patienterna, både från en eventuell partner, men även från sjukvårdens sida. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras med utgångspunkt i Parse's teori om humanbecoming. I diskussionen tas upp teman kring hur stöd och information från vården saknas av patienterna. Även bristen på forskning kring kvinnors sexuella upplevelser med stomi i jämförelse med den forskning som finns kring män diskuteras. / Background: There are many reasons as to why a person receives a bowel ostomy, and this can affect the person’s view of their own body. A person's perception of the body is strongly linked to sexuality that is an important part of people's lives. Stoma surgery can also cause physical damage that causes problems in the sex life of the operated person. Patients with stoma will appear in all care settings, and it is therefore important for all nurses to be able to treat them. Aim: The aim was to illustrate how patients with an ostomy experience their sexuality Method: The method was a literature review where 15 scientific articles were reviewed, five of which were qualitative, nine quantitative and one used mixed method. The articles were identified through combinations of different keywords in the databases CINAHL Complete and Pubmed with a time span of the years 2008-2017. Results: In the results four main themes and six sub themes could be identified. The main themes were A Changed Body, Physical Sexual Function, A Changed Sex Life and Support from the Surroundings. The results showed that many patients experience problems with their sexuality related to their stoma, both physical problems and obstacles as a result of the patient's own thoughts about one's stoma. An increased need for support and information was also identified by the patients, both from an eventual partner and from the healthcare. Discussion: The result is discussed based on Parse's theory of humanbecoming. The discussion addresses topics about the lack of support and information for patients from the healthcare. The lack of research into women's sexual experiences with a stoma in comparison to the research that exists around men is also discussed.

Attityder, beteenden och interventioner för förebyggande av sexuellt överförbara infektioner bland ungdomar : En strukturerad litteraturstudie / Attitudes, behaviors and interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections among young people : A structured literature review

Cekov, Lina January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa är fundamental för människans välbefinnande, både utifrån fysiska, psykiska och sociala aspekter. Forskning har visat att ungdomar är en av de grupper som utgör den största risken för att få och sprida sexuellt överförbara infektioner (sexually transmitted infections, STI) vilket kan leda till problem med den sexuella och reproduktiva hälsan. STI är problematiskt och kan påverka den sexuella hälsan hos ungdomar som i stor utsträckning drabbas även om det finns utökade möjligheter för att inhämta information, tillgängliga resurser och effektiva behandlingsmöjligheter. Denna studie ser det som relevant att undersöka STI relaterat till gruppen ungdomar genom att använda det salutogena perspektivet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka och belysa sexuella beteenden och attityder som kan leda till minskad smittrisk för STI och identifiera tidigare interventioner eller framgångsmetoder som har haft positiva effekter för förebyggandet av STI bland ungdomar mellan15–24 år. Metod: Metoden som användes var en strukturerad litteraturstudie. kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar som hade publiceringsdatum efter år 2013 användes. Tematisk analys användes för att identifiera olika teman och insamlade data analyserades deduktivt utifrån det salutogena perspektivet. Slutsats: Resultatet belyste att specifikt inriktad sexuell undervisning i skolorna och specifikt utbildade aktörer inom STI hade en positiv effekt bland ungdomar, vilket lede till mindre riskfyllda sexuella beteenden som var STI förebyggande. Resultatet visade även att öppen kommunikation var en väsentlig faktor som bidrar till ungdomarnas attityder kring sex och förebyggande av STI. / Introduction: Sexual and reproductive health are fundamental to human well-being, both from physical, psychological, and social aspects. Research has shown that young people are one of the groups that pose the greatest risk of getting and spreading sexually transmitted infections (STI) which can lead to sexual and reproductive problems. STIs are problematic and can affect the sexual health of young people who are widely affected, even if there are increased opportunities to obtain information, available resources, and effective treatment options. This study considers it relevant to research STIs related to that group by using the salutogenic perspective. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to research and highlight sexual behaviors and attitudes that can lead to reduced risk of STI and to identify previous interventions or methods that have had positive effects on the prevention of STIs among young people between 15-24 years of age. Method: The method used was structured literature review. Qualitative and quantitative articles that had a publication date after the year 2013 were used. Thematic analysis was used to identifydifferent themes and collected data were analyzed deductively based on the salutogenic perspective. Conclusion: The results highlighted that specifically targeted sexual education in schools and specifically STI trained actors had positive effects on young people, which led toless risky behavior which also was STI-reducing. The results also showed that open communicationis an essential factor that contributes to young people´s attitudes about sex and the prevention of STIs.

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