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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methods of measuring GHG fluxes at a full-scale Swedish WWTP: : A focus on nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide in the SHARON treatment

Jimmy, Sjögren, Elin, Enhäll January 2017 (has links)
The Stable high rate ammonia removal over nitrite (SHARON) at Nykvarnsverket in Linköping is a relatively new kind of biological treatment. Fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) has not been fully mapped at Nykvarnsverket and additional efforts are needed for increased knowledge about possible emissions. The primary goals of the study were to measure and compare fluxes of N2O in the SHARON and to do a general greenhouse gas (GHG) flux comparison to those of the Biological treatment, the Chemical treatment and the Second denitrification at Nykvarnsverket. Secondary goals were to evaluate the use of two gas sensors, a SiC-FET sensor for N2O emissions, a CO2 Engine ELG sensor for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their applicability in a WWTP environment. The measurements of GHG fluxes were performed by measuring the temporal change of GHG concentrations in the headspace of floating flux chambers placed in treatment tanks. The two gas sensors were tested either via tests in lab or via field measurements. The flux chamber method made it possible to estimate the fluxes at three out of four targeted tanks. The total daily GHG flux estimations (mmol m-2 d-1 ) in the SHARON were 6900 CO2, 320 methane (CH4) and 35 N2O. The estimations (mmol m-2 d-1) in the Biological treatment were 22 000 CO2, 120 CH4 and 23 N2O for 75% of the time. The estimations (mmol m-2 d-1) in the Chemical treatment were 110 CO2, 0.073 CH4 and 0.60 N2O. The largest N2O emissions were found to occur during nitrification processes in the SHARON. The fluxes in the SHARON were also the largest compared to those in the Biological treatment and the Chemical treatment, except for the CO2 flux that was larger in the Biological treatment. The CO2 sensor could be used during measurements over shorter time periods were CO2 levels did not exceed 10 000 ppm. Further tests on the SiC-FET sensor are needed to evaluate the sensor for measurements of N2O.

Modelització del tractament biològic de la fracció líquida de purins orientat a l'eliminació de nitrogen

Magrí Aloy, Albert 31 October 2007 (has links)
La consolidació d'un model intensiu per a la ramaderia comporta la necessitat d'aplicar estratègies de gestió optimitzades. En relació a les dejeccions del bestiar, la gestió cal fonamentar-la en tres punts bàsics: la minimització en origen, la planificació de la fertilització del sòl i la implementació de tecnologies de tractament complementàries. Tot i que és possible adoptar diferents criteris com a limitant en el moment de planificar la gestió de fems i purins, el nitrogen acostuma a ser el més important. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi doctoral és aprofundir en l'estudi de tractaments que permetin afrontar un problema d'excedent de nitrogen derivat de la generació de purins. Concretament, s'emfatitza en la caracterització de processos biològics relacionats amb l'eliminació de nitrogen, utilitzant la modelització matemàtica com a eina bàsica de treball. Dues alternatives han estat considerades: i) el procés de nitrificació-desnitrificació (NDN) implementat en un reactor discontinu seqüencial (SBR), i ii) el procés SHARON (nitritació parcial en un quimiòstat aerobi) combinat amb el procés Anammox (oxidació anaeròbia de l'amoni), una alternativa de tractament en principi més sostenible que l'anterior actualment en incipient fase de desenvolupament.S'ha desenvolupat un model matemàtic per tal de simular el procés biològic de NDN, incloent a més, fenòmens de precipitació de sals i de transferència líquid-gas. Per fer-ho, s'ha considerat al pH com a variable d'estat, doncs la seva dinàmica afecta a l'equilibri químic, la disponibilitat de substrats per al creixement de la biomassa i els possibles fenòmens d'inhibició. Aquest plantejament ha habilitat l'establiment d'un model suficientment flexible per tal d'adaptar-se a un ampli rang de càrrega nitrogenada. La implementació informàtica s'ha dut a terme utilitzant el llenguatge de programació Fortran. El calibratge del model aplicat al tractament de fracció líquida de purins s'ha efectuat utilitzant tècniques respiromètriques. Una anàlisi de sensibilitat prèvia ha permès identificar aquells paràmetres i processos amb major influència en la resposta del model i, per tant, orientar el disseny experimental. Una vegada en disposició del model calibrat, s'ha realitzat un estudi d'optimització del cicle de tractament del SBR operat amb el propòsit d'eliminar nitrogen. Finalment, la bondat d'aquestes previsions ha estat validada experimentalment.Una versió simplificada del model inicial ha permès simular el procés SHARON. S'ha realitzat una primera estimació de paràmetres cinètics utilitzant dades experimentals històriques obtingudes en un bioreactor alimentat amb un substrat sintètic. En base a les previsions del model, s'ha discutit sobre l'efecte de determinats paràmetres en les característiques de l'efluent del tractament, concretament en la relació nitrit/amoni. Serà aquesta proporció entre ambdues formes nitrogenades la que determinarà l'aptitud de l'efluent SHARON per ser sotmès a un posterior procés Anammox.Com a conclusió general, cal considerar la modelització matemàtica com a una eina fonamental per tal de desenvolupar estratègies optimitzades de gestió de dejeccions ramaderes basades en l'eliminació de nitrogen. El procés convencional de nitrificació-desnitrificació implementat en sistemes discontinus tipus SBR representa una alternativa madura per tal de donar solució a situacions d'excedent de nitrogen vinculades a la gestió dels purins. Els requeriments energètics relacionats amb l'aeració són, però, el principal limitant en quant a una major implementació. Nous desenvolupaments biotecnològics en principi més eficients energèticament, com és el cas del procés SHARON-Anammox, podrien desplaçar en un futur proper el procés tradicional de NDN sempre i quan premisses com robustesa, flexibilitat o senzillesa siguin garantides. / La consolidación de un modelo intensivo para la ganadería comporta la necesidad de aplicar estrategias de gestión optimizadas. En relación a las deyecciones del ganado, la gestión debe fundamentarse en tres puntos básicos: la minimización en origen, la planificación de la fertilización del suelo y la implementación de tecnologías de tratamiento complementarias. Aunque es posible adoptar diferentes criterios como limitante en el momento de planificar la gestión de estiércoles y purines, el nitrógeno acostumbra a ser el más importante. El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es profundizar en el estudio de tratamientos que permitan afrontar un problema de excedente de nitrógeno derivado de la generación de purines. Concretamente, se enfatiza en la caracterización de procesos biológicos relacionados con la eliminación de nitrógeno, utilizando la modelización matemática como herramienta básica de trabajo. Dos alternativas han sido consideradas: i) el proceso de nitrificación-desnitrificación (NDN) implementado en un reactor discontinuo secuencial (SBR), y ii) el proceso SHARON (nitritación parcial en un quimiostato aerobio) combinado con el proceso Anammox (oxidación anaerobia del amonio), una alternativa de tratamiento en principio más sostenible que la anterior actualmente en incipiente fase de desarrollo.Se ha desarrollado un modelo matemático que ha permitido simular el proceso biológico de NDN, incluyendo además, fenómenos de precipitación de sales y de transferencia líquido-gas. Para hacerlo, se ha considerado al pH como variable de estado, pues su dinámica afecta al equilibrio químico, la disponibilidad de sustratos para el crecimiento de la biomasa y los posibles fenómenos de inhibición. Este planteamiento ha habilitado el establecimiento de un modelo suficientemente flexible como para adaptarse a un amplio rango de carga nitrogenada. La implementación informática se ha realizado utilizando el lenguaje de programación Fortran. La calibración del modelo aplicado al tratamiento de fracción líquida de purines se ha efectuado utilizando técnicas respirométricas. Un análisis de sensibilidad previo ha permitido identificar aquellos parámetros y procesos con mayor influencia en la respuesta del modelo y, por lo tanto, orientar el diseño experimental. Una vez en disposición del modelo calibrado, se ha realizado un estudio de optimización del ciclo de tratamiento del SBR operado con el propósito de eliminar nitrógeno. Finalmente, la bondad de estas previsiones ha sido validada experimentalmente.Una versión simplificada del modelo inicial ha permitido simular el proceso SHARON. Se ha realizado una primera estimación de parámetros cinéticos utilizando datos experimentales históricos obtenidos en un birreactor alimentado con sustrato sintético. En base a las previsiones del modelo, se discute sobre el efecto de determinados parámetros en las características del efluente del tratamiento, concretamente en la relación nitrito/amonio. Será esta proporción entre las dos formas nitrogenadas la que determinará la aptitud del efluente SHARON para ser sometido a un posterior proceso Anammox.Como conclusión general, debe considerarse la modelización matemática como una herramienta fundamental para desarrollar estrategias optimizadas de gestión de deyecciones ganaderas basadas en la eliminación de nitrógeno. El proceso convencional de nitrificación-desnitrificación implementado en sistemas discontinuos tipo SBR representa una alternativa madura para dar solución a situaciones de excedente de nitrógeno vinculadas a la gestión de los purines. Los requerimientos energéticos relacionados con la aireación son el principal limitante en cuanto a una mayor implementación de esta tecnología. Nuevos desarrollos biotecnológicos más eficientes energéticamente, como es el caso del proceso SHARON-Anammox, podrían desplazar en un futuro próximo el proceso tradicional de NDN siempre y cuando premisas como robusteza, flexibilidad o sencillez sean garantizadas. / The consolidation of an intensive model for livestock farming calls for the application of optimized management strategies. As far as livestock waste is concerned, management should be based on three main aspects: on-site minimization, land fertilization planning and the implementation of complementary treatment technologies. Although various criteria may be considered as limiting when planning manure and slurry management, nitrogen is usually considered the most important. The aim of the present dissertation was to study different treatment options for tackling the problem of nitrogen surplus derived from slurry generation. It was specifically emphasised the characterization of biological processes related to nitrogen removal, using modelling as basic working tool. Two main alternatives were considered: i) the nitrification-denitrification (NDN) process using a sequencing batch reactor (SBR), and ii) the SHARON process (partial nitritation in an aerobic chemostat) coupled with the Anammox process (anaerobic ammonium oxidation), a treatment alternative that is, at least in principle, more sustainable than the previous, but which is currently still at an incipient stage of development.A mathematical model was developed, which allowed to simulate the biological process of NDN also taking into consideration salt precipitation and liquid-gas transfer phenomena. pH was considered state variable due to its effects on chemical equilibrium reactions, substrates availability for biomass growth and potential inhibition phenomena. This approach enabled to establish a model that was sufficiently flexible for application to a wide range of nitrogen loading rates. Computations were made using the Fortran programming language. Respirometric techniques were used for model calibration when treating liquid fraction of pig slurry. Sensitivity analysis helped to identify the parameters and processes with greater influence on the response of the model and, consequently, on the orientation of subsequent experimental designs. Once the calibrated model was available, an optimization study of the SBR cycle was conducted. Finally, the goodness of the model was experimentally validated.A simplified version of the initial model was constructed in order to simulate the SHARON process. A preliminary estimation of kinetic parameters was performed using historical experimental data obtained from a bioreactor fed with a synthetic substrate. The effects of certain parameters on the characteristics of treated effluent were subsequently discussed based on predictions made by the model, particularly focussing on the nitrite/ammonium ratio. This proportion between the two forms of nitrogen will determine the suitability of the SHARON effluent for a subsequent Anammox process.As general conclusion, mathematical modelling should be considered as a key tool for developing optimized livestock waste management strategies based on nitrogen removal. Conventional nitrification-denitrification process implemented in discontinuous SBR type systems represents a mature alternative for solving situations of nitrogen surplus derived from slurry management. However, the energy requirements associated with the aeration are the main limitation to a wider implementation of this technology. New, and more energy efficient, biotechnological developments such as the SHARON-Anammox process could replace the traditional NDN process in the near future if considerations like robustness, flexibility and simplicity can be ensured. / StreszczenieWzmocnienie intensywnego modelu hodowli trzody chlewnej wymaga zastosowania optymalnych strategi zarządzania. Zarządzanie odpadami towarzyszącymi hodowli trzody chlewnej powinno być oparte na trzech głównych aspektach: minimalizacji w miejscu powstania, planowaniu nawożenia gleby i zastosowaniu komplementarnych rozwiązań technicznych. Mimo, iż przy planowaniu ograniczenia ilości obornika różne kryteria mogą być brane pod uwagę, to azot zwykle odgrywa główną rolę. Celem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej jest przestudiowanie rozwiązań, które pozwolą stawić czoło problemowi nadmiaru azotu powstałego przy produkcji obornika. Położono w niej nacisk na modelacje matematyczne, które zostały użyte do charakteryzacji biologicznego procesu usuwania azotu. Wzięto pod uwagę dwie alternatywy: i) nitryfikacja-denitryfikacja (NDN), proces wykorzystujący sekwencyjne reaktory porcjowe (SBR), oraz ii) proces SHARON (częściowa nitrytacja w chemostacie tlenowym) razem z początkowym procesem Anammox (beztlenowe utlenianie amonu), który jest zastosowaniem alternatywnym, w zasadzie bardziej zrównoważonym niż poprzednie, ale obecnie będącym w początkowej fazie rozwoju.Został rozwinięty matematyczny model, który umożliwił symulację biologicznego procesu NDN, włączając w to także wytrącanie się soli oraz fenomen przemiany płynu w gaz. Czynnik pH został określony jako stale zmienny z powodu jego wpływu na stan równowagi chemicznej reakcji, na dostępność substratów dla rozwoju biomasy oraz na potencjalny fenomen zachamowania. To podejście umożliwiło ustalenie modelu, który był wystarczająco elastyczny aby móc go zastosować do szerokiej rangi rozpiętości załadunku nitrogenu. Zastosowanie komputerowe zostało przeprowadzone przy użyciu języka programującego Fortran. Do uzyskania wzoru modelu, aplikowanego do traktowania frakcji płynnej odchodu wieprzowego, zostały użyte techniki respirometryczne. Analiza czułości pomogła w identyfikacji tych parametrów i procesów, z wyższym wpływem na odpowiedź modelu, i konsekwentnie na kierunek kolejnych eksperymentów. Kiedy już ustalono model wzorcowy zaczęto przeprowadzać optymalizację cyklu SBR, którego celem była oczywiście eliminacja nitrogenu. Na końcu, prawidłowość tych symulacji została potwierdzona eksperymentalnie.Na potrzeby symulacji procesu SHARON została stworzona uproszczona wersja początkowego modelu. Wstępna ocena parametrów kinetycznych została przedstawiona przy użyciu historycznych danych eksperymantalnych uzyskanych z bioreaktora z syntetycznym substratem. W oparciu na przewidywaniach modelu dyskutuje się na temat wpływu pewnych parametrów na właściwości oczyszczania scieków, konkretnie w relacji do współczynnika azotyn/amon. Ta proporcja pomiędzy dwoma formami nitrogenu zdeterminowała stosowność procesu SHARON dla kolejnego procesu Anammox.Podsumowując, matematyczny model powinien byc uważany jako kluczowy środek do optymalizacji strategii zarządzania odchodami opartymi na usuwaniu azotu. Konwencjonalne procesy NDN, oraz częściowo te które zostały zastosowane w systemie SBR reprezentują dojrzałą alternatywę rozwiązania kwesti nadmiaru azotu. Głównym ograniczeniem w szerszym zastosowaniu tej technologii są wymagania energetyczne zwiazane z napowietrzaniem. Nowe rozwiązania biotechnologiczne, które są bardziej energooszczędne, takie jak proces SHARON-Anammox mogą w bliskiej przyszlosci zastąpić tradycjonalny proces NDN zakladając, iż zostaną zapewnione takie koncepcje jak krzepkość, elastyczność oraz przejrzystość.

Vanishing Act

Pryor, Caitlin 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is comprised of a collection of poems preceded by a critical preface. The preface reconsiders the value of discontinuous poetic forms and advocates a return to lyric as an antidote to the toxic aspects of what Tony Hoagland terms “the skittery poem of our moment.” I consider poems by Wendy Xu, Kevin Prufer, Sharon Olds, and Stephen Dunn in depth to facilitate a discussion about the value of a more centrist position between the poles of supreme discontinuity and totalizing continuity. Though poets working in discontinuous forms are rightly skeptical of the hierarchies that govern narrative and linear forms, as Czesław Miłosz notes in The Witness of Poetry, “a poet discovers a secret, namely that he can be faithful to real things only by arranging them hierarchically.” In my own poems, I make use of the hierarchies of ordered perception in lyric and narrative forms to faithfully illuminate the collapsed structures of my own family history in the shadow of Detroit. I practice the principles I advocate in the preface, using a continuous form to address fractured realities in a busy, disordered age when poets often seek forms as fragmented as their perceptions. These poems are distinctly American, but because there is no true royalty in America, our great cultural and economic institutions—television, music, film, magazines, and big business—take the place of the castle (the book’s emblem) while Michael Jackson ultimately rises as the commanding dead king whose passing prompts contemplation of the viability of popular culture, family, history, and geography. The fallen structures that litter the work are many: the twin towers, chess rooks, bounce castles, nuclear families, the auto industry. However, the sole structure cohering the whole is that of a lyric voice whose authority is derived through lived experience and presented in rich, continuous poetic forms.

A Sikil interlude at Dor: an analysis of contrasting opinions

Vermeulen, Floris Nicholas 30 November 2006 (has links)
This paper analyses the opposing views regarding the presence or absence of the Sikil at Dor in Palestine during Early Iron Age 1. Textual sources claim that the Sikil were pirates who came from the west and settled in Cyprus. Egyptian sources point to a Sikil presence at Dor. Some scholars regard the Egyptian sources and archaeological finds at Dor as evidence of a Sikil settlement at Dor. Others maintain that there is a continuity of ceramics at Dor from Canaanite to Phoenician. Though there were foreign influences at Dor during Early Iron Age 1 which point to newcomers, they propose that these newcomers probably came from Cyprus. No archaeological record of a Sea People-presence at Dor has been discovered. This study textually traces the Sikil from the Aegean to Cyprus, Egypt and finally to Dor and a theory is presented that the Sikil originated in the Aegean, temporarily settled in Cyprus and finally at Dor. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)

For the Love of God?! Is there a place for Gay Christians between Faith and Fundamentalism?

Prentiss, Apryl D. 05 May 2010 (has links)
Drawing from observation, autoethnography, ethnographic research and audio-taped interviews, this thesis explores the complicated and emotionally charged relationship between homosexuality and Christianity. The current culture war being waged in the media between the Religious Right and members of the LGBT community often results in the isolation and rejection of those who would define themselves as gay Christians. This thesis explores the role of the Bible as it informs and catalyzes this war and other foundational beliefs used as weapons in this rhetorical conflict. Additionally, this thesis analyzes the current battle between the church and the social movement for change in light of the historical battles fought over similar movements. The rhetoric of Christianity, specifically Fundamentalist rhetoric, has been emphatically defended and then dramatically changed in every such battle. Is this a possible resolution for today’s current battle? The thesis explores the historical basis and current application of rhetorical effects on this conflict through the author’s insight as a veteran of both worlds, interviews with major players in the battle such as Randy Thomas and Kristin Tremba of Exodus International and interviews with people who step on the battlefield everyday as pastors, congregants or observers in the fight. With each interview or rhetorical analysis, the viability of dialogue between these two groups is questioned and investigated.

A search for identity and memory in Sharon Kay Penman's novel Here be dragons

Fear, Alan Peter January 2016 (has links)
A ideia do País de Gales como uma nação que detém sua identidade própria foi-se diluindo aos poucos, na medida em que se incorporou à história geral e à cultura do Reino Unido, as quais por sua vez são determinadas pela Inglaterra e pelos valores ingleses. A identidade galesa, como qualquer outra identidade nacional, é uma construção feita a partir de muitos fatores determinantes, entre eles os eventos históricos. Nesta tese, apresento minha leitura do romance histórico Here Be Dragons, da autora estadunidense Sharon Kay Penman, para explorar e analisar a questão da identidade nacional galesa e para examinar como o conceito de Identidade Galesa se configura naquele universo ficcional. Este trabalho representa também uma busca pessoal e uma investigação sobre minha identidade e memória galesa, já que fui criado e educado numa Gales gerida pelo sistema educacional inglês, que excluía dos currículos quase todas as referências à história, ao idioma e aos valores do País de Gales. O romance estudado se passa em um período da Baixa Idade Média em que Gales luta por manter sua cultura e sua identidade, ao ser confrontada com um poder maior, o dos reis e barões anglo-normandos que buscam construir seu império. Como se trata de um romance histórico, considero importante explorar as relações entre narrativa histórica e narrativa histórica ficcional. Para tanto, apresento um esboço historiográfico e certas considerações sobre o romance histórico como gênero literário. Mais ainda, acredito ser necessário apresentar um pouco da história do País de Gales, não apenas para termos uma ideia do que seja a identidade galesa, mas também para colocar o romance analisado no seu contexto histórico apropriado. Esta tese está construída em três partes. Na primeira, examino os conceitos de identidade e memória cultural e nacional e aspectos históricos formadores da identidade galesa. Para tanto, me apoio em obras escritas por Anthony D. Smith, professor de Etnia e Nacionalismo da Escola de Economia de Londres, como embasamento teórico para os conceitos de nacionalismo e identidade cultural. A segunda parte, que trata sobre História, é dividida em três subseções. Na primeira apresento um esboço sobre historiografia, com considerações sobre como a História é apreendida e estudada. A segunda trata sobre o romance histórico, comentando como se tornou um gênero literário e como se relaciona com a narrativa histórica. A última subseção apresenta traços da história do País de Gales, para estabelecer as ligações com as questões de identidade nacional. A terceira seção da tese apresenta a minha leitura de Here Be Dragons, na qual examino como é construída na narrativa a questão da identidade galesa através das personagens principais e nas descrições das paisagens e de estruturas medievais como castelos e mansões. Na conclusão, apresento as últimas considerações sobre os processos que levaram ao apagamento e à consequente busca de resgate da identidade nacional galesa. Acredito assim estar cumprindo minha parte neste processo que é tão bem representado no romance Here Be Dragons de Sharon Kay Penman. / Wales, as a nation in itself, has to some extent been forgotten and absorbed into the general history and culture of the United Kingdom, which for the most part, is dominated by England and “English” values. Welsh identity, or indeed any national identity, is a construct of many determining factors, not the least of which are historical events. In this dissertation, I present my reading of the historical novel, Here Be Dragons by American author Sharon Kay Penman, in order to explore and analyze the question of Welsh national identity and to examine how the concept of Welshness is configured in this fictional universe. This work is also a personal search and exploration into Welsh identity and memory, as I was brought up and educated through an English educational system – in Wales – which excluded a greater part of Welsh history, language and values from the curriculum. The novel covers a late medieval period of between 1183 and 1234, during which Wales struggles to maintain its unique identity and culture against the greater power of the empire-building Anglo-Norman kings and barons. As this dissertation concerns a historical novel, in order to better understand the relationship between a history narrative and a historical-novel fictional narrative, an outline of historiography and a background to the genre of the historical novel are important. Furthermore, a description of the historical background of Wales is necessary, not only to give us an idea of the formation of the Welsh identity, but also to place the novel into its correct historical context. The dissertation is divided into three parts. In part one, I examine the concepts of national and cultural identity and memory and the cultural and historical aspects which form the identity of Wales. I have used the works of Anthony D. Smith, professor of Ethnicity and Nationalism at the London School of Economics as a theoretical basis for the concepts of national and cultural identity. Part two, which deals with history, is divided into three sub-sections. In the first sub-section I examine and briefly outline historiography, how history is studied and presented. The second sub-section deals with the historical novel, how it developed as a literary genre and its relationship with the history narrative. The final sub-section is a historical background to Wales in order to have a better understanding of Welsh identity. Part three of the dissertation is my reading of Here Be Dragons, in which I examine the construction of Welsh identity in the narrative in the principal characters and the symbols that represent Wales in the descriptions of landscapes and medieval structures such as castles and manor houses. To conclude, I present my final considerations of the processes which have led to the eradication and the consequent search to restore a Welsh national identity. Thus, I believe I am fulfilling my part in this process that is so well represented in Sharon Kay Penman’s novel Here Be Dragons.

Changes And Continuities In Israeli Security Policy

Civcik, Zeynep 01 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the changes in Israeli security policy. The thesis consists of four main parts. In the first part, the factors influencing the formation of Israeli security policy such as history, religion, ideology and threat perceptions are examined. Israeli military doctrine and its offensive, defensive and deterrence strategies are identified as the most important subcomponents of the security policy. The following part analyzes the changes and continuities in Israeli threat perceptions and the implementation of the military doctrine during and after the six main wars of the War of Independence, the war against Egypt in 1956, the Six Day War, the War of Attrition, the Yom Kippur War and the War in Lebanon in 1982. In the third part, the changes in Israeli security policy during 1990s are scrutinized. With the peace process, Israel&rsquo / s existential threat perception decreased but new threat perceptions of terrorism and conventional and nuclear military buildup in the region emerged / therefore security was redefined by the Israeli political and military decision-makers. In the last part the impact of the collapse of peace process and Sharon&rsquo / s coming to power on Israeli security policy is analyzed. Sharon&rsquo / s period can be defined by offensive security strategies aiming at preventing terror which has been the top security problem since the Al Aqsa Intifada. As a result, this thesis argues that Israeli security policy did not indicate significant changes until 1990s, however during 1990s Israeli security situation and security policy changed as a response to the regional and international developments. Post-2000 period witnessed changes as well with Sharon&rsquo / s returning to offensive strategies.

A Sikil interlude at Dor: an analysis of contrasting opinions

Vermeulen, Floris Nicholas 30 November 2006 (has links)
This paper analyses the opposing views regarding the presence or absence of the Sikil at Dor in Palestine during Early Iron Age 1. Textual sources claim that the Sikil were pirates who came from the west and settled in Cyprus. Egyptian sources point to a Sikil presence at Dor. Some scholars regard the Egyptian sources and archaeological finds at Dor as evidence of a Sikil settlement at Dor. Others maintain that there is a continuity of ceramics at Dor from Canaanite to Phoenician. Though there were foreign influences at Dor during Early Iron Age 1 which point to newcomers, they propose that these newcomers probably came from Cyprus. No archaeological record of a Sea People-presence at Dor has been discovered. This study textually traces the Sikil from the Aegean to Cyprus, Egypt and finally to Dor and a theory is presented that the Sikil originated in the Aegean, temporarily settled in Cyprus and finally at Dor. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)

A search for identity and memory in Sharon Kay Penman's novel Here be dragons

Fear, Alan Peter January 2016 (has links)
A ideia do País de Gales como uma nação que detém sua identidade própria foi-se diluindo aos poucos, na medida em que se incorporou à história geral e à cultura do Reino Unido, as quais por sua vez são determinadas pela Inglaterra e pelos valores ingleses. A identidade galesa, como qualquer outra identidade nacional, é uma construção feita a partir de muitos fatores determinantes, entre eles os eventos históricos. Nesta tese, apresento minha leitura do romance histórico Here Be Dragons, da autora estadunidense Sharon Kay Penman, para explorar e analisar a questão da identidade nacional galesa e para examinar como o conceito de Identidade Galesa se configura naquele universo ficcional. Este trabalho representa também uma busca pessoal e uma investigação sobre minha identidade e memória galesa, já que fui criado e educado numa Gales gerida pelo sistema educacional inglês, que excluía dos currículos quase todas as referências à história, ao idioma e aos valores do País de Gales. O romance estudado se passa em um período da Baixa Idade Média em que Gales luta por manter sua cultura e sua identidade, ao ser confrontada com um poder maior, o dos reis e barões anglo-normandos que buscam construir seu império. Como se trata de um romance histórico, considero importante explorar as relações entre narrativa histórica e narrativa histórica ficcional. Para tanto, apresento um esboço historiográfico e certas considerações sobre o romance histórico como gênero literário. Mais ainda, acredito ser necessário apresentar um pouco da história do País de Gales, não apenas para termos uma ideia do que seja a identidade galesa, mas também para colocar o romance analisado no seu contexto histórico apropriado. Esta tese está construída em três partes. Na primeira, examino os conceitos de identidade e memória cultural e nacional e aspectos históricos formadores da identidade galesa. Para tanto, me apoio em obras escritas por Anthony D. Smith, professor de Etnia e Nacionalismo da Escola de Economia de Londres, como embasamento teórico para os conceitos de nacionalismo e identidade cultural. A segunda parte, que trata sobre História, é dividida em três subseções. Na primeira apresento um esboço sobre historiografia, com considerações sobre como a História é apreendida e estudada. A segunda trata sobre o romance histórico, comentando como se tornou um gênero literário e como se relaciona com a narrativa histórica. A última subseção apresenta traços da história do País de Gales, para estabelecer as ligações com as questões de identidade nacional. A terceira seção da tese apresenta a minha leitura de Here Be Dragons, na qual examino como é construída na narrativa a questão da identidade galesa através das personagens principais e nas descrições das paisagens e de estruturas medievais como castelos e mansões. Na conclusão, apresento as últimas considerações sobre os processos que levaram ao apagamento e à consequente busca de resgate da identidade nacional galesa. Acredito assim estar cumprindo minha parte neste processo que é tão bem representado no romance Here Be Dragons de Sharon Kay Penman. / Wales, as a nation in itself, has to some extent been forgotten and absorbed into the general history and culture of the United Kingdom, which for the most part, is dominated by England and “English” values. Welsh identity, or indeed any national identity, is a construct of many determining factors, not the least of which are historical events. In this dissertation, I present my reading of the historical novel, Here Be Dragons by American author Sharon Kay Penman, in order to explore and analyze the question of Welsh national identity and to examine how the concept of Welshness is configured in this fictional universe. This work is also a personal search and exploration into Welsh identity and memory, as I was brought up and educated through an English educational system – in Wales – which excluded a greater part of Welsh history, language and values from the curriculum. The novel covers a late medieval period of between 1183 and 1234, during which Wales struggles to maintain its unique identity and culture against the greater power of the empire-building Anglo-Norman kings and barons. As this dissertation concerns a historical novel, in order to better understand the relationship between a history narrative and a historical-novel fictional narrative, an outline of historiography and a background to the genre of the historical novel are important. Furthermore, a description of the historical background of Wales is necessary, not only to give us an idea of the formation of the Welsh identity, but also to place the novel into its correct historical context. The dissertation is divided into three parts. In part one, I examine the concepts of national and cultural identity and memory and the cultural and historical aspects which form the identity of Wales. I have used the works of Anthony D. Smith, professor of Ethnicity and Nationalism at the London School of Economics as a theoretical basis for the concepts of national and cultural identity. Part two, which deals with history, is divided into three sub-sections. In the first sub-section I examine and briefly outline historiography, how history is studied and presented. The second sub-section deals with the historical novel, how it developed as a literary genre and its relationship with the history narrative. The final sub-section is a historical background to Wales in order to have a better understanding of Welsh identity. Part three of the dissertation is my reading of Here Be Dragons, in which I examine the construction of Welsh identity in the narrative in the principal characters and the symbols that represent Wales in the descriptions of landscapes and medieval structures such as castles and manor houses. To conclude, I present my final considerations of the processes which have led to the eradication and the consequent search to restore a Welsh national identity. Thus, I believe I am fulfilling my part in this process that is so well represented in Sharon Kay Penman’s novel Here Be Dragons.

A search for identity and memory in Sharon Kay Penman's novel Here be dragons

Fear, Alan Peter January 2016 (has links)
A ideia do País de Gales como uma nação que detém sua identidade própria foi-se diluindo aos poucos, na medida em que se incorporou à história geral e à cultura do Reino Unido, as quais por sua vez são determinadas pela Inglaterra e pelos valores ingleses. A identidade galesa, como qualquer outra identidade nacional, é uma construção feita a partir de muitos fatores determinantes, entre eles os eventos históricos. Nesta tese, apresento minha leitura do romance histórico Here Be Dragons, da autora estadunidense Sharon Kay Penman, para explorar e analisar a questão da identidade nacional galesa e para examinar como o conceito de Identidade Galesa se configura naquele universo ficcional. Este trabalho representa também uma busca pessoal e uma investigação sobre minha identidade e memória galesa, já que fui criado e educado numa Gales gerida pelo sistema educacional inglês, que excluía dos currículos quase todas as referências à história, ao idioma e aos valores do País de Gales. O romance estudado se passa em um período da Baixa Idade Média em que Gales luta por manter sua cultura e sua identidade, ao ser confrontada com um poder maior, o dos reis e barões anglo-normandos que buscam construir seu império. Como se trata de um romance histórico, considero importante explorar as relações entre narrativa histórica e narrativa histórica ficcional. Para tanto, apresento um esboço historiográfico e certas considerações sobre o romance histórico como gênero literário. Mais ainda, acredito ser necessário apresentar um pouco da história do País de Gales, não apenas para termos uma ideia do que seja a identidade galesa, mas também para colocar o romance analisado no seu contexto histórico apropriado. Esta tese está construída em três partes. Na primeira, examino os conceitos de identidade e memória cultural e nacional e aspectos históricos formadores da identidade galesa. Para tanto, me apoio em obras escritas por Anthony D. Smith, professor de Etnia e Nacionalismo da Escola de Economia de Londres, como embasamento teórico para os conceitos de nacionalismo e identidade cultural. A segunda parte, que trata sobre História, é dividida em três subseções. Na primeira apresento um esboço sobre historiografia, com considerações sobre como a História é apreendida e estudada. A segunda trata sobre o romance histórico, comentando como se tornou um gênero literário e como se relaciona com a narrativa histórica. A última subseção apresenta traços da história do País de Gales, para estabelecer as ligações com as questões de identidade nacional. A terceira seção da tese apresenta a minha leitura de Here Be Dragons, na qual examino como é construída na narrativa a questão da identidade galesa através das personagens principais e nas descrições das paisagens e de estruturas medievais como castelos e mansões. Na conclusão, apresento as últimas considerações sobre os processos que levaram ao apagamento e à consequente busca de resgate da identidade nacional galesa. Acredito assim estar cumprindo minha parte neste processo que é tão bem representado no romance Here Be Dragons de Sharon Kay Penman. / Wales, as a nation in itself, has to some extent been forgotten and absorbed into the general history and culture of the United Kingdom, which for the most part, is dominated by England and “English” values. Welsh identity, or indeed any national identity, is a construct of many determining factors, not the least of which are historical events. In this dissertation, I present my reading of the historical novel, Here Be Dragons by American author Sharon Kay Penman, in order to explore and analyze the question of Welsh national identity and to examine how the concept of Welshness is configured in this fictional universe. This work is also a personal search and exploration into Welsh identity and memory, as I was brought up and educated through an English educational system – in Wales – which excluded a greater part of Welsh history, language and values from the curriculum. The novel covers a late medieval period of between 1183 and 1234, during which Wales struggles to maintain its unique identity and culture against the greater power of the empire-building Anglo-Norman kings and barons. As this dissertation concerns a historical novel, in order to better understand the relationship between a history narrative and a historical-novel fictional narrative, an outline of historiography and a background to the genre of the historical novel are important. Furthermore, a description of the historical background of Wales is necessary, not only to give us an idea of the formation of the Welsh identity, but also to place the novel into its correct historical context. The dissertation is divided into three parts. In part one, I examine the concepts of national and cultural identity and memory and the cultural and historical aspects which form the identity of Wales. I have used the works of Anthony D. Smith, professor of Ethnicity and Nationalism at the London School of Economics as a theoretical basis for the concepts of national and cultural identity. Part two, which deals with history, is divided into three sub-sections. In the first sub-section I examine and briefly outline historiography, how history is studied and presented. The second sub-section deals with the historical novel, how it developed as a literary genre and its relationship with the history narrative. The final sub-section is a historical background to Wales in order to have a better understanding of Welsh identity. Part three of the dissertation is my reading of Here Be Dragons, in which I examine the construction of Welsh identity in the narrative in the principal characters and the symbols that represent Wales in the descriptions of landscapes and medieval structures such as castles and manor houses. To conclude, I present my final considerations of the processes which have led to the eradication and the consequent search to restore a Welsh national identity. Thus, I believe I am fulfilling my part in this process that is so well represented in Sharon Kay Penman’s novel Here Be Dragons.

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