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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two-dimensional cut plan optimization for cutter suction dredgers

de Ruyter, Marcus J. M. January 2009 (has links)
Optimal cut plans for cutter suction dredgers aim to maximize operational efficiency. Maximizing operational efficiency involves minimization of stoppage time resulting from non-productive dredger movements. To automate a systematic search for optimal twodimensional cut plans for cutter suction dredgers two models with an adaptive simulated annealing-based solution approach were developed. The first model, the dredge cut nesting model, optimizes irregular stock cutting problems where stencils represent dredge cuts and sheets represent dredging areas. Stencils are collections of unit dredge cuts with dimensions related to an effective cutting width which can be achieved with the cutter suction dredger considered. The objectives of the dredge cut nesting model are to maximize sheet coverage and to minimize stencil overlap. Centroids of unit dredge cuts of final nest layouts are extracted and used as grid nodes in the second model. The second model, the dredger routing model, optimizes asymmetric travelling salesperson problems with turning costs. The objectives of the dredger routing model are to minimize total route length and sum of turning angles, and to maximize average link length. A link consists of two or more route edges which are aligned with each other to within specified limits. A significant result of this research is that an engineering application of both models showed that two-dimensional cut plans for cutter suction dredgers can be systematically optimized and that dredger routes with minimum turning costs can be found. However, results also showed that the dredger routing model is not yet sophisticated enough to find cut plans for cutter suction dredgers for which overall project execution time is minimal.


Asmett Barrios Morales (10711242) 29 April 2021 (has links)
As digital transformation and Industry 4.0 have become a path for organizations to strengthen their performance, create value and acquire competitive advantages in different industries and regions, its appeal has increased among companies from diverse sectors and government institutions in the Colombian economy, but limited generalizability and replicability has been found in current models, which pose difficulties for their translation into the Colombian shipyard industry. Thus, this research study assessed the pertinence of utilizing digital transformation and industry 4.0 technologies as an enabler for the achievement of organizational goals, while focusing on the Colombian shipyard industry. To do so, a case study with mixed methods approach was utilized to collect data from interviews and surveys with the members of a Colombian Shipyard; which after applying analytical procedures and techniques, yielded the existence of an alignment between the Industry 4.0 and the achievement of their operational goals, as well as the identification of the strengths, challenges and implications of deploying digital technologies and a digital transformation strategy for a Colombian shipyard. Moreover, this study contributed to the understanding of digital transformation processes in relation to the specific characteristic, metrics, and factors of the Colombian shipyard industry, and it is a step forward into the further development of applications within different Colombian sectors by academics and practitioners in the field.

Projeto de rede de suprimentos: um modelo colaborativo para estruturação da rede de navipeças na Indústria de Construção Naval do Brasil. / Supply network project: a collaborative framework for the structuring of the ship components network of the brazilian shipbuilding industry.

Queiroz, Adriane Angélica Farias Santos Lopes de 10 February 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi propor uma arquitetura de fornecimento de suprimentos capaz de garantir uma ICN Indústria de Construção Naval eficaz como um todo e eficiente no Brasil. O estudo parte da identificação e exame dos fatores condicionantes para a estruturação de uma rede de suprimentos, considerando que os recursos disponíveis na indústria podem favorecer a competitividade do todo e a natureza dessa indústria: em fase de reorganização de suas atividades e mobilizada pela entrega de projetos sob encomenda as embarcações. A proposição do framework teórico-conceitual para a estruturação da rede de suprimentos na ICN, com base em princípios colaborativos, parte de um diagnóstico geral da ICN no Brasil, caracterizando a rede de navipeças, realizado por meio de uma pesquisa do tipo survey. Com o resultado das análises, formam-se estratégias para a implantação deste modelo na rede analisada. Para tanto, consideram-se os fatores limitantes e incentivadores do seu processo de estruturação, gerando parâmetros de referência, que podem servir de base à consolidação de uma teoria sucinta sobre a gestão de relacionamentos na cadeia de suprimentos da ICN, ou até sobre o conceito de Supply Chain Management aplicado a indústrias dessa natureza. Espera-se, também, que se proporcione opção de estratégia para as empresas deste setor. / The objective of this study was the consideration of a supply network capable of guaranteeing efficiency within the Brazilian Shipbuilding Industry (ICN Indústria de Construção Naval). The study was conducted under the identification and examination of the conditional factors of the structuring of a supply network, constantly considering that the available resources of the industry can promote the competitiveness of the whole, and the nature of this industry: in phases of reorganizing its activities and mobilized by (the) its made-to-order nature. The proposal of the theoretical-conceptual framework of the supply network structure of the Shipbuilding Industry was conceived on the basis of collaborative principles, initially beginning with a general diagnosis of the industry in Brazil, and then moving into the characterization of the component suppliers by methods of conducted surveys. The analyses pointed to the formulation of strategies for the implementation of this model within the analyzed network. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of its structuring process were pointed in order to generate references for the consolidation of a plain theory for the relationship management among a network in the Shipbuilding Industry or on the concept of applied Supply Chain Management to this nature of industries, serving as strategical options for the companies of this sector.

Capacidade de absorção de cluster industrial naval e análise da influência do processo de terceirização: um estudo de caso na região norte do Brasil. / Absorption capacity of industrial maritime cluster and outsourcing process influence analysis: a case study in the northern region of Brazil.

Lameira, Pedro Igor Dias 28 March 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um método para analisar a capacidade de absorção de uma região para um cluster industrial naval e um método para avaliação da intensidade da terceirização na indústria de construção e reparos navais (ICRN), assim como aplicá-lo para a região Norte do Brasil. Para tal, foi necessário caracterizar a cadeia de fornecimento de um cluster industrial naval, por meio da análise de similaridade com clusters de sucesso que apresentem características semelhantes a empresas que atuam na construção e no reparo naval da região norte do Brasil e também a empresas especializadas na construção de embarcações fluviais de carga. Na caracterização da cadeia de fornecimento foram considerados fatores como: os tipos de embarcações construídas; o porte das embarcações; as demanda de construção e reparo; o tipo de organização; as ações do Governo; e a interação entre membros atuantes. Após a caracterização da cadeia de um cluster de sucesso, foi levantado o perfil das empresas que atuam na cadeia de fornecimento da Indústria de Construção Naval (ICN) da Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), para melhor entendimento da demanda local, de forma a mapear o processo interativo entre compradores (estaleiros, armadores e terceirizadas) e fornecedores (nacionais e internacionais), com base em dados primários obtidos através da aplicação de questionários. Além da caracterização, é proposto um método para análise da capacidade de absorção da região norte do Brasil para um cluster industrial naval, baseado em uma análise de viabilidade técnica da ICRN para os tipos de embarcações demandadas; uma análise de viabilidade econômica e a sua respectiva competitividade, fazendo analogia com clusters industriais marítimos bem-sucedidos. Para análise da competitividade, utilizou-se o modelo do diamante de Porter adaptado para ICRN regional, balizado pelos fatores encontrados por Moura (2011) para a competitividade da ICN, avaliadas como relevantes para o caso em análise e os elementos propostos por Pinto (2016) para a estruturação de um cluster de sucesso. Após o estudo de caso da capacidade de absorção proposta à RMB, foi realizado, por meio da proposição de um método para a análise, fundamentada em modelos consagrados na literatura, um estudo da influência da terceirização sob a ótica da subcontratação no processo de desenvolvimento industrial, levando em conta a disponibilidade; a qualidade do fornecimento; o prazo; e a comparação de custos, através da aplicação de questionários com os representantes dos principais estaleiros da região, dos seus principais fornecedores; e dos representantes dos órgãos de classe. O terceiro objetivo foi a análise da intensidade da cadeia terceirizada na RMB, por meio de uma adaptação metodológica para a ICN, assim como a análise, se a região é capaz de suportar um cluster ou simplesmente ampliar sua cadeia terceirizada. Por fim, é desenvolvido um modelo consistente através do método de tomada de decisão multicritério genérico, via abordagem integrada AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) e PROMETHEE, para a seleção de atividades a serem terceirizadas na ICN, com um estudo de caso no Estado do Pará. / This work aims to propose a method to analyze the absorption capacity of a region for a naval industrial cluster and a method to evaluate the intensity of outsourcing in the shipbuilding and ship repair industry (ICRN), as well as to apply it to the North region of Brazil. For this, it was necessary to characterize the supply chain of a naval industrial cluster, through the analysis of similarity with successful clusters that present similar characteristics to companies that works in the shipbuilding and ship repair of the northern region of Brazil, as well as specialized companies in the construction of inland waterway vessels. In the characterization of the supply chain were considered factors such as: the types of vessels built; the size of the vessels; demand for construction and repair; type of organization; Government actions; and interaction between active members. After the characterization of the chain of a successful cluster, the profile of the companies that operate in the supply chain of the Shipbuilding Industry (ICN) of the Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB) was surveyed, in order to better understand the local demand, to mapping the interactive process between buyers (shipyards, shipowners and subcontractors) and suppliers (national and international), based on primary data obtained through the application of questionnaires. Besides the characterization is proposed a method for analyzing the absortion capacity of the northern region of Brazil to a naval industrial cluster, where it was based on a technical feasibility analysis of the shipbuilding and repair market industry demanded of vessels; an economic feasibility analysis and their respective competitiveness, making analogy with successful maritime industrial clusters. In order to analyze competitiveness, the Porter diamond model adapted to regional ICRN was used, based on the factors found by Moura (2011) for the competitiveness of the ICN, evaluated as relevant for the case under analysis and the elements proposed by Pinto (2016) for structuring a successful cluster. After the case study of the absorptive capacity proposed to the RMB, a study of the outsourcing influence from the point of view of subcontracting in the process of industrial development was carried out by proposing a method for the analysis, based on models established in the literature, taking into account availability; quality of supply; the deadline; and the comparison of costs, through the application of questionnaires with the representatives of the main shipyards in the region, of its main suppliers; and representatives of the class organs. The third objective was the analysis of the intensity of the outsourced chain in the RMB, through a methodological adaptation to the ICN, as well as the analysis, if the region is able to support a cluster or simply extend its outsourced chain. A model is then developed through the generic multicriteria decision-making method, through an integrated AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and PROMETHEE approach, for the selection of activities to be outsourced at ICN, with a case study in the State of Pará.

Construir navios é preciso, persistir não é preciso: a construção naval militar no Brasil entre 1850 e 1910, na esteira da Revolução Industrial / Build ship is needed. Persist is not: the construction of warships in Brazil between 1850 and 1910, behind the Industrial Revolution

Martini, Fernando Ribas de 17 October 2014 (has links)
Em meados do século XIX, o Império do Brasil buscou acompanhar avanços tecnológicos na construção e operação de navios de guerra, trazidos pela propulsão a vapor e pelos avanços na artilharia, que em breve culminaram no desenvolvimento do encouraçado na Europa e de seu primeiro emprego operacional, na Guerra Civil dos Estados Unidos (1861-1865). Combinadas essas necessidades militares e tecnológicas com uma política mais ativa do Império nas questões dos estados platinos, ao início da Guerra da Tríplice Aliança (1864-1870) deu-se um primeiro surto de construção naval militar, para atender às demandas de guerra, que incluíam a construção de encouraçados para operações fluviais, empregando os meios tecnológicos e conhecimentos acumulados desde as iniciativas da década anterior. Cerca de dez anos após o final da guerra, iniciou-se outro surto de construção naval militar, embora sem uma urgência bélica estabelecida, e sim uma perceptível defasagem tecnológica em relação aos navios que se construíam em países de industrialização avançada. Os últimos navios construídos desse segundo surto foram incorporados após a Proclamação da República (1889). O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as razões que desencadearam esses dois surtos de construção naval militar e que os levaram ao fim, analisando a questão sob o ponto de vista de três fatores interligados: as relações internacionais, as necessidades militares e as necessidades de absorver tecnologia / In the mid-nineteenth century, the Empire of Brazil sought to follow technological advancements in the construction and operation of warships, brought about by steam propulsion and advances in artillery, which soon culminated in the development of the ironclads in Europe and its first operational deployment in the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865). These military and technological needs were combined with a more active policy of the Empire in affairs with the states of the River Plate Basin, and, with the beginning of the War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870), began a first outbreak of military shipbuilding to meet the war demands, which included the construction of ironclads for riverine operations, employing the technology and knowledge accumulated since the initiatives of the previous decade. About ten years after the end of the war, another outbreak of military shipbuilding began, though without a war urgency established, but a noticeable technological gap in relation to warships built in advanced industrialized countries. The last ships built in this second outbreak wee commissioned after the Proclamation of the Republic (1889). The objective of this work is to understand the reasons that led these two outbreaks of military shipbuilding and finished both, analyzing this problem from the point of view of three interrelated factors: international relations, military needs and the needs of absorbing technology

Real options for naval ship design and acquisition : a method for valuing flexibility under uncertainty

Gregor, Jeffrey Allen January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, September 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-101). / The United States Navy is facing a need for a novel surface combatant capability. This new system of ships must be deigned to meet the uncertainty associated with constantly changing required mission capabilities, threats, and technological advances. Flexibility in design and management will enable these systems to maximize their performance under changing conditions. Real options involve the 'right but not the obligation' to take a course of action. Real options embody the flexibility that allows projects to be continually reshaped, as uncertainty becomes resolved. This thesis seeks to identify and analyze the real options available for the design and acquisition of naval ships. This thesis also seeks to determine the value of these options and determine the best types and amount of flexibility to design into naval systems in order to maximize the value of the system over time under uncertain conditions. / by Jeffrey Allen Gregor. / S.M.

Developments of Tools Focused on Production Simulation to Improve Productivity in Shipyards Workshops

Bair, Frédéric 09 January 2009 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to develop tools for improving shipbuilding workshops productivity. These tools have been tested on workshops of Aker Yards France shipyard, in Saint-Nazaire. The main chapter concerns the modelling of a workshop with the discrete-event simulation methodology. Production simulation is strongly used in some fields as automobile industry but is less used in shipbuilding. Indeed, the difficulty is that almost each piece to produce is unique. The objective is to show the importance of production simulation for such workshops. The modelled workshop is linked to a genetic algorithm to improve its productivity by optimizing its production sequence. Secondly a tool of creation and optimization of PERT networks has been created. The tool contains a graphical interface to easily handle networks and an optimization algorithm. This last one can minimize total cost of any project for a given total time. The tool has been linked to the modelled workshop. Consequently we get a PERT diagram of the workshop that can highlight critical activities. Finally, the last chapter explains the development of a tool to solve space allocation problems. Indeed space is often a critical point in many shipyards. Thanks to a user-friendly interface, the developed tool facilitates scheduling of these workshops. Furthermore it contains an optimization algorithm based on a heuristic approach to automate the planning process. In conclusion a set of efficient tools has been carried out with concrete applications on real workshops./Lobjectif de la thèse est de développer une série doutils qui permettent doptimiser la production dateliers de construction navale. Ces outils sont testés sur des ateliers du Chantier Naval Aker Yards France à Saint-Nazaire. Le chapitre principal traite de la modélisation dun atelier dit de PréPréFabrication sur le principe de la simulation de production à évènements discrets. La simulation de production est fortement utilisée dans certains domaines industrie automobile par exemple mais encore peu souvent en construction navale. En effet, la difficulté réside dans la diversité des pièces à produire. Lobjectif est de démontrer lintérêt de la simulation de production même dans ces ateliers où pratiquement chaque pièce à construire est unique. Latelier modélisé a été couplé avec un algorithme génétique pour améliorer sa productivité en optimisant la séquence de production. En second lieu, un outil de création et doptimisation des réseaux PERT a été créé. Loutil contient une interface graphique permettant une manipulation aisée des réseaux et un algorithme doptimisation. Ce dernier permet de minimiser le coût de réalisation dun projet pour un temps total fixé. En étant couplé avec le logiciel de simulation développé, une création automatique du diagramme PERT de latelier est créée, permettant de mettre clairement en évidence ses activités critiques. Finalement, le dernier chapitre de la thèse porte sur la création dun logiciel permettant de résoudre les problèmes de gestion de surface et de planification rencontrés dans certains chantiers. En effet, lespace au sol est un élément critique pour beaucoup dateliers de construction navale. Le logiciel développé, grâce à une interface conviviale et pratique, permet de faciliter grandement la planification. De plus, il contient un algorithme doptimisation basé sur des heuristiques afin dautomatiser le processus de planification. En conclusion, un ensemble doutils efficaces a été généré, avec des applications concrètes sur des ateliers réels.

The study of warships commercial maintenance system applied to commercial shipyards.

Yang, Shih-de 11 June 2004 (has links)
Abstract ¡§Taiwan Domestic Shipbuilding Industries and Warship Commercial Maintenance¡¨ is the long-term policy of defense independent industries pushed by the Taiwan government. Domestic shipbuilding, ship maintenance, and national integrated resources can be used to support naval ships logistic maintenance. But there are some differences in technology and concept between ¡§merchant ship¡¨ and ¡§warship¡¨. The complexity, mobility, and specialization of warship systems are higher than merchant ships. Every type of operating system now utilized by commercial shipyards must be modified if they want to receive and carry on warship commercial maintenance activity. Building desirable systems to conduct warship maintenance project management effectively is the key factor if commercial shipyards wish to carry on warship commercial maintenance activity. How to evaluate a warship commercial maintenance system and provide improved solutions for commercial shipyards is the main purpose of this research. This paper start from warship maintenance project management and focuses on warship commercial maintenance peculiarities to correct domestic public projects and shipbuilding related references. We use the Habitual Domains (HD) method to search Key Success Factors (KSF) for warships commercial maintenance system applied to commercial shipyards and to adopt Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to exploit a multi-estimate criteria model to enhance effectiveness and reliability for evaluating a warship commercial maintenance system. The present study uses theoretical and actual experiences to develop a warship commercial maintenance system. Several recommendations are made in order to improve overall performance of a warship commercial maintenance system. We hope that domestic commercial shipyards can do the long-term planning and investment on conducting warship commercial maintenance activity. The navy also can perform warship maintenance frugally and diversely. In this way, navy and commercial shipyards can cooperate and realize the optimal benefit from both sides. ¡iKey Words¡j Taiwan Domestic Shipbuilding Industries, Warship Commercial Maintenance, warship maintenance project management, Habitual Domains (HD), Key Success Factor (KSF), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Laivo korpuso detaliu gamybos optimizavimas / Optimization of ship hull production

Panasiuk, IRINA 01 March 2013 (has links)
Laivų projektavimo ir statybos magistrantūros studijų programa / darbo vadovas doc. dr. L. Turkina; Klaipėdos universitetas, Jūrų technikos fakultetas. – 2011. – 45 p. Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama galimybė optimizuoti laivo korpuso kreivalinijinių detalių gamybą. Tradiciškai laivų statyboje sunkiausia optimizuoti korpuso gamybos technologinį procesą. Tačiau būtent korpuso gamybos kaina sudaro 30 % laivo savikainos. Todėl darbe buvo nuspręsta išanalizuoti UAB Vakarų Baltijos laivų statyklos (VBLS) detalių gamybos technologinį procesą ir pasiūlyti laivo korpuso kreivalinijinių detalių gamybos optimizavimo metodą. Mūsų šalyje lakštinio metalo apdirbimo automatizavimo lygis yra aukštas. Tačiau kalbant apie kreivalinijinių profilių gamybos procesą, mūsų gamyklos ženkliai atsilieka nuo pirmaujančių pasaulio laivų statyklų. Taip kiekviename gamybos etape kaupiasi formų ir matmenų nukrypimai. Defektų taisymas yra daug brangesnis nei gamybos savikaina, tačiau iki šiol net 35 % sekcijų gamybos apimties sudaro defektų taisymo ir tvarkymo darbai. Darbo imlumo sumažinimas ir gaminamų laivų korpuso konstrukcijų tikslumo padidinimas yra pagrindinis optimizavimo uždavinys, nuo kurio priklauso šiuolaikinės laivų statybos konkurencingumas. Darbą sudaro įvadas, 3 skyriai, išvados ir rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / Panasiuk I. Optimization of ship hull production: Master of naval architecture and marine engineering/ reseach advisor PhD, assoc. prof. L.Turkina; Klaipeda University, the Faculty of Marine Engineering. – 2011. – 45p. The final master paper deals with the possibility of ship hull’s curvilinear profile production optimization. Traditionally in shipbuilding the hardest to optimize is the hull construction, but it is 30% of ship price. In this paper was analyzing the VBLS technological process of profile production and offer a method to improve the curvilinear profile production. There is the high autoimmunization technological level of steel plate production in VBLS, but curvilinear profile production is not effective. In the every part of ship hull production are concentrate defects. The repairs cost are highly than production and now it is 35% of ship sub-assembly work. The aim of the research was to rationalize manufacturing and improve shipbuilding productivity. Work consists of introduction, 3 parts, conclusions and suggestions, references. Appendixes included.

The Phoenician Trade Network: Tracing a Mediterranean Exchange System

Puckett, Neil 1983- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The Phoenicians were known as artisans, merchants, and seafarers by the 10th century B.C.E. They exchanged raw and finished goods with people in many cultural spheres of the ancient world and accumulated wealth in the process. A major factor that aided their success was the establishment of colonies along the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic coasts. These colonies, established by the eighth century B.C.E., supplied valuable raw materials to the major Phoenician cities in the Levant, while also providing additional markets abroad. Excavations at a myriad of these colonial sites have recovered materials that can be used to identify connections between the colonies, the Levantine cities, and non-Phoenician cultures across the ancient world. By establishing these connections the system of maritime exchange can be better understood and modeled as the Phoenician Trade Network. This network involved both direct and indirect exchange of raw and finished products, people, as well as political and cultural ideas. The colonies were involved in various activities including ceramics production, metallurgy, trade, and agriculture. Native peoples they interacted with provided valuable goods, especially metals, which were sent east to supply the Near Eastern Markets. The Phoenician Trade Network was a system of interconnected, moderately independent population centers which all participated in the advancement of Phoenician mercantilism and wealth. Ultimately, the network collapsed in the sixth century B.C.E. allowing other powers such as the Romans, Carthaginians, and Greeks to replace them as the dominant merchants of the Mediterranean.

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