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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilisation des isotopes stables et radiogéniques du strontium pour tracer la provenance des bois : application à des épaves sous-marines / Use of stable and radiogenic strontium isotopes to trace the origin of woods : application to wood from shipwrecks

Hajj, Fadi 14 November 2017 (has links)
Au début des temps modernes (16ème - 18ème siècles), la construction de grands navires était primordiale pour le développement des rencontres culturelles dans ce qui est devenu l'âge de la découverte et de l'expansion européenne. L’Espagne était une des grandes puissances de l’époque. Le projet européen « ForSEAdiscovery » cherche dans ce contexte à répondre aux questions clés suivantes : les ressources forestières ibériques de l’époque soutenaient-elles la demande croissante de bois, ou bien ce bois était-il importé d’autres pays ? Si ces bois ne provenaient pas de l’Espagne, comment les réseaux de commerce étaient-ils organisés ? Ce projet aborde ces questions à travers un programme de recherche multidisciplinaire et innovant pour améliorer la compréhension de notre passé historique et de notre patrimoine culturel, et développer notre connaissance sur l'utilisation passée des ressources en bois pour la construction navale. L'objectif de cette thèse, qui s’insère dans ce projet, est d’identifier la provenance des bois utilisés dans la construction navale ibérique en utilisant des traceurs géochimiques. L’hypothèse est que les arbres se développant sur des roches et des sols contrastés possèdent des signatures géochimiques spécifiques héritées des roches. Les signatures isotopiques en strontium (87Sr/86Sr) peuvent notamment être des indicateurs de provenance géographique. Dans ce contexte, la démarche suivie dans la thèse a consisté à caractériser la signature isotopique en Sr dans des bois d'épaves de bateaux et dans les bois d’arbres actuels, les sols et roches prélevés dans les principaux peuplements forestiers espagnols pointés comme lieux de production des bois entre le 16ème - 18ème siècles. Les signatures en δ88/86Sr, traceur peu connu encore, ont également été caractérisées dans les échantillons. Les types et les âges des roches ont été caractérisés et les liens entre les rapports isotopiques 87Sr/86Sr et δ88/86Sr dans les roches, sols et arbres ont été étudiés sur les sites espagnols échantillonnés. La signature locale des sites espagnols potentiels de provenance de bois a été déterminée. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que le rapport isotopique 87Sr/86Sr dans les arbres reflète la signature de la fraction échangeable des sols sur lesquels ils croissent alors que le δ88/86Sr est affecté par le fractionnement, les isotopes légers (86Sr) étant préférentiellement incorporés dans les arbres laissant la fraction échangeable du sol enrichie avec les isotopes lourds (88Sr). Ce fractionnement observé pour les chênes, n’est pas marqué dans le bois des pins suggérant que le fractionnement isotopique durant le transfert du Sr entre le sol et l’arbre est dépendant de l’espèce. La contamination des bois d’épaves par les éléments marins a été identifiée. Le Sr marin se retrouve notamment sous forme adsorbée ou dans la structure des minéraux précipités dans les bois immergés. Différentes expériences d’extractions ont été testées et un protocole adapté a été développé pour extraire les éléments marins et retrouver la signature originelle du bois archéologique. Nous avons réussi à valider un protocole d’extraction et retrouver la signature originelle d’un échantillon de bois d’épave. Ce résultat souligne le potentiel et l’importance d’une nouvelle méthode combinant 87Sr/86Sr et δ88/86Sr pour des futures études de provenance de bois ou autres matériaux. Cependant, nos résultats indiquent également que beaucoup de nos échantillons de bois archéologiques n’ont pas conservé leur Sr originel. Partant de ce constat, des préconisations sont proposées pour améliorer la possibilité d’utilisation de ce traceur dans les études futures de provenance de bois archéologiques sous-marins / In the Early Modern Age (16th - 18th centuries), the construction of ocean-going ships was paramount to the development of cultural encounters in what became the Age of Discovery and European expansion. Spain was one of the biggest forces of that time. The European project “ForSEAdiscovery” seeks answers in this context to the following key questions: Could Spanish forest resources sustain the increasing demand of timber, or were the wood imported from elsewhere? If Spanish forests were not the only wood supplier, how were the trade networks organized? This project will address these questions through a multidisciplinary and innovative training research program to improve the understanding of our historical past, our cultural heritage, and our knowledge of the use of resources for shipbuilding. The objective of this PhD thesis, taking part of this project, is to identify the provenance of the Iberian shipbuilding wood using geochemical tracers. The hypothesis is that trees growing on contrasted rocks and soils have specific geochemical signatures, which can be an indicator of geographic provenance. In this context, the Sr isotopic signature (87Sr/86Sr) was characterized in shipwreck wood samples and wood from living trees, soils and rocks collected from the Spanish forest stands indicated as potential source of wood between the 16th - 18th centuries. The δ88/86Sr signatures were also characterized in the samples. The rock types and ages were characterized at the selected sites and the link between the 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr in rocks, soils and trees was studied on the sampled Spanish sites. The local signature of Spanish potential sites was determined for provenance of wood. Our results indicate that 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios in trees reflect the signature of the corresponding soil exchangeable pool while δ88/86Sr was shown to be affected by mass-dependent fractionation with trees taking up lighter (86Sr) isotopes, leaving the soil exchangeable pool enriched with the heavier isotopes (88Sr). This fractionation observed for oak trees, was not found in pines suggesting that the isotopic fractionation during tree uptake is species dependent. The contamination of wood from shipwrecks by seawater elements was identified. Marine Sr was found to be adsorbed on the wood or included in the precipitated minerals in the waterlogged wood. Several extraction experiments were tested and an adapted protocol was developed to extract the seawater elements and retrieve the original signature of the archaeological wood. We succeeded to validate an extraction protocol and retrieve the original signature of one wood sample. This result underline the potential and importance of a new method combining 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr values for future provenance studies on wood or other materials. However, our results also indicated that most of our shipwreck wood samples did not conserve their original Sr. Therefore, preconizations were suggested in order to extend the use of this tracer in future provenance studies on archaeological wood from shipwrecks

Projeto de rede de suprimentos: um modelo colaborativo para estruturação da rede de navipeças na Indústria de Construção Naval do Brasil. / Supply network project: a collaborative framework for the structuring of the ship components network of the brazilian shipbuilding industry.

Adriane Angélica Farias Santos Lopes de Queiroz 10 February 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi propor uma arquitetura de fornecimento de suprimentos capaz de garantir uma ICN Indústria de Construção Naval eficaz como um todo e eficiente no Brasil. O estudo parte da identificação e exame dos fatores condicionantes para a estruturação de uma rede de suprimentos, considerando que os recursos disponíveis na indústria podem favorecer a competitividade do todo e a natureza dessa indústria: em fase de reorganização de suas atividades e mobilizada pela entrega de projetos sob encomenda as embarcações. A proposição do framework teórico-conceitual para a estruturação da rede de suprimentos na ICN, com base em princípios colaborativos, parte de um diagnóstico geral da ICN no Brasil, caracterizando a rede de navipeças, realizado por meio de uma pesquisa do tipo survey. Com o resultado das análises, formam-se estratégias para a implantação deste modelo na rede analisada. Para tanto, consideram-se os fatores limitantes e incentivadores do seu processo de estruturação, gerando parâmetros de referência, que podem servir de base à consolidação de uma teoria sucinta sobre a gestão de relacionamentos na cadeia de suprimentos da ICN, ou até sobre o conceito de Supply Chain Management aplicado a indústrias dessa natureza. Espera-se, também, que se proporcione opção de estratégia para as empresas deste setor. / The objective of this study was the consideration of a supply network capable of guaranteeing efficiency within the Brazilian Shipbuilding Industry (ICN Indústria de Construção Naval). The study was conducted under the identification and examination of the conditional factors of the structuring of a supply network, constantly considering that the available resources of the industry can promote the competitiveness of the whole, and the nature of this industry: in phases of reorganizing its activities and mobilized by (the) its made-to-order nature. The proposal of the theoretical-conceptual framework of the supply network structure of the Shipbuilding Industry was conceived on the basis of collaborative principles, initially beginning with a general diagnosis of the industry in Brazil, and then moving into the characterization of the component suppliers by methods of conducted surveys. The analyses pointed to the formulation of strategies for the implementation of this model within the analyzed network. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of its structuring process were pointed in order to generate references for the consolidation of a plain theory for the relationship management among a network in the Shipbuilding Industry or on the concept of applied Supply Chain Management to this nature of industries, serving as strategical options for the companies of this sector.

Construir navios é preciso, persistir não é preciso: a construção naval militar no Brasil entre 1850 e 1910, na esteira da Revolução Industrial / Build ship is needed. Persist is not: the construction of warships in Brazil between 1850 and 1910, behind the Industrial Revolution

Fernando Ribas de Martini 17 October 2014 (has links)
Em meados do século XIX, o Império do Brasil buscou acompanhar avanços tecnológicos na construção e operação de navios de guerra, trazidos pela propulsão a vapor e pelos avanços na artilharia, que em breve culminaram no desenvolvimento do encouraçado na Europa e de seu primeiro emprego operacional, na Guerra Civil dos Estados Unidos (1861-1865). Combinadas essas necessidades militares e tecnológicas com uma política mais ativa do Império nas questões dos estados platinos, ao início da Guerra da Tríplice Aliança (1864-1870) deu-se um primeiro surto de construção naval militar, para atender às demandas de guerra, que incluíam a construção de encouraçados para operações fluviais, empregando os meios tecnológicos e conhecimentos acumulados desde as iniciativas da década anterior. Cerca de dez anos após o final da guerra, iniciou-se outro surto de construção naval militar, embora sem uma urgência bélica estabelecida, e sim uma perceptível defasagem tecnológica em relação aos navios que se construíam em países de industrialização avançada. Os últimos navios construídos desse segundo surto foram incorporados após a Proclamação da República (1889). O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as razões que desencadearam esses dois surtos de construção naval militar e que os levaram ao fim, analisando a questão sob o ponto de vista de três fatores interligados: as relações internacionais, as necessidades militares e as necessidades de absorver tecnologia / In the mid-nineteenth century, the Empire of Brazil sought to follow technological advancements in the construction and operation of warships, brought about by steam propulsion and advances in artillery, which soon culminated in the development of the ironclads in Europe and its first operational deployment in the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865). These military and technological needs were combined with a more active policy of the Empire in affairs with the states of the River Plate Basin, and, with the beginning of the War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870), began a first outbreak of military shipbuilding to meet the war demands, which included the construction of ironclads for riverine operations, employing the technology and knowledge accumulated since the initiatives of the previous decade. About ten years after the end of the war, another outbreak of military shipbuilding began, though without a war urgency established, but a noticeable technological gap in relation to warships built in advanced industrialized countries. The last ships built in this second outbreak wee commissioned after the Proclamation of the Republic (1889). The objective of this work is to understand the reasons that led these two outbreaks of military shipbuilding and finished both, analyzing this problem from the point of view of three interrelated factors: international relations, military needs and the needs of absorbing technology


Dickel, Deise Graziele 14 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The oil discoveries in Brazilian pre-salt began a strong mobilization of government and also private companies to the rescue of the shipbuilding industry in the country. With the objective to become the Brazilian industry globally competitive, various government incentives provided growth, expansion and modernization of this industry that already ranks fourth in the ranking of the largest craft producing countries of the world. In this context, despite not being a young industry in Brazil, shipbuilding, especially focused on oil exploration (offshore) proved to be important element for the growth of the economy, creating jobs, developing producing regions and boosting the entire chain productive. Despite the favorable environment in which shipbuilding and offshore industries are, there are still gaps that undermine competitiveness these organizations in the global market, as the skilled labor available, the adequacy of suppliers to their demands and the large need for investment in technology. Thus, this dissertation project aims at proposing a model able to measure the level of innovation in Brazilian shipbuilding and offshore, in the structural and business fields, based on a literature and documentary research on the characteristics of the industry sector, using for both assumptions regarding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the concepts of multi-criteria decision aid. The proposed model will be put to test in real companies, returning in its evaluation phase an index that represents the competitive performance of each industry evaluated, thus allowing comparison and discussion of the results. Subsequently, will be proposed recommendations able to leverage the innovation of those who submit the most unsatisfactory levels, thus demonstrating the relevance of modeling to increase the sector's competitiveness against the scenario that presents itself. / As descobertas de petróleo no pré-sal brasileiro iniciaram uma grande mobilização do governo e também de empresas privadas para o resgate da indústria de construção naval em todo país. Com o objetivo de tornar o setor brasileiro mundialmente competitivo, vários incentivos do governo proporcionaram o crescimento, expansão e modernização desta indústria que já ocupa a quarta posição no ranking dos maiores países produtores de embarcações do mundo. Neste âmbito, apesar de não ser um setor jovem no Brasil, a construção naval, em especial a voltada para exploração de petróleo (offshore) mostrou-se elemento importante para o crescimento da economia, criando empregos, desenvolvendo regiões produtoras e impulsionando toda a cadeia produtiva. Apesar do ambiente favorável em que se encontram as indústrias de construção naval e offshore na última década, ainda existem lacunas que prejudicam a inovação e a competitividade destas organizações no mercado global, como a qualificação da mão-de-obra disponível, as adequações dos fornecedores às suas demandas e a grande necessidade de investimento em tecnologia. Assim, este projeto de dissertação tem por objetivo propor uma modelagem capaz de mensurar o nível de gestão da inovação em indústrias de construção naval e offshore brasileiras, fundamentada em uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental sobre as características do setor, utilizando-se para tanto dos pressupostos referentes aos Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) e dos conceitos da abordagem multicritério de apoio à decisão. A modelagem proposta foi submetida a teste em empresas reais, retornando em sua fase de avaliação um índice que representa o desempenho em inovação de cada indústria avaliada, permitindo-se assim a comparação e discussão dos resultados obtidos. Posteriormente, foram propostas recomendações capazes de alavancar a gestão da inovação daquelas que apresentaram os níveis mais insatisfatórios, demonstrando-se assim a relevância da modelagem para elevar a inovação do setor frente ao cenário que se apresenta.

Developing process quality measurement in shipbuilding industry

Basic, Selma January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the possibility to adapt Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), tothe development process in the shipbuilding industry.More specifically the development process wasdelimited to the phases; design, work preparation, production and verification.Ordinarily, OEE is a performance measurement for mass production. Itincludes aquality parameter which has been the focus of this thesis. Both literature review and case study investigation show that process quality is of critical importance in the shipbuilding industry because of the needs for dimensional accuracy and high-quality assemblage.The three main factors affecting process quality are;the flow of information between engineering phaseand productionphase, and the amount of rework and delays. The factors wereevaluated along an optimization method with a specific attention to process quality. Acase studywas conductedto confirm the relevance of the literature review on factors affecting process qualityand allowedto gather factors in process quality that are relevant to the industry.In light of those results, I re-developed a model providingnew measurement of what I call OPQE (Overall Process Quality Efficiency).This study contributes to a betterunderstanding of process quality in ETO(Engineering-To-Order)industries. Notably it shows how deviations that require rework and causesdelays are impacting process quality. It also shows that detecting errors early in the process of production is essential for insuring quality control. An error detected late affects negatively process quality and increases cost.

The Ruination of the Ship: Shipworms and their Impact on Human Maritime Travel

Hoberty, Trevor January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

“Innumerabyll Shotying of Gunnys and Long Chasyng One Another:” Heavy Artillery and Changes in Shipbuilding in Northern Europe in the Early Modern Period

O'Bannon, Colin Andrew January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Shipbuilding and timber management in the Royal Dockyards 1750-1850 : an archaeological investigation of timber marks

Atkinson, Daniel Edward January 2007 (has links)
This work presents a study of shipbuilding and timber management in the Royal Dockyards in the period 1750 – 1850, focusing on an archaeological investigation of ship timber marks. The first chapter outlines the concept of timber marking in shipbuilding contexts, stressing the multi-disciplinary approach to the study highlighted in the available archaeological and documentary evidence by which the practice of timber marking can be understood. Chapter two outlines the background to timber marking in the Georgian era and the development of the practice within the broader advances made in shipbuilding, technology and design prior to the end of the 17th century. Chapter three outlines the developments in shipbuilding and the introduction of systems to control and standardise the management of timber in the Royal Dockyards in the 18th century. In the latter half of the 18th century we will see the attempts of naval reformers to develop these systems of timber management and pave the way for the sweeping changes made at the beginning of the 19th century. Chapter four highlights these changes with the introduction of the Timber Masters and looks at the nature of timber management and the marking of timbers as identified in documentary sources. This evidence lays the foundation for the understanding of timber marking in the 19th century as witnessed in the archaeological record. The remaining chapters present the much more extensive archaeological evidence for timber marking among several high profile assemblages. The main assemblages presented in Chapters 5 to 9 show the diversity of timber marking practices and how they relate to the working processes of the Royal Dockyards. The research offers new insights into the understanding of shipbuilding and the management of timber in the Royal Dockyards between 1750 and 1850 and explores the possibilities for further avenues of study.

Flame Spread on Composite Materials for use in High Speed Craft

Wright, Mark T. 05 November 1999 (has links)
"The use of advanced materials in the construction of high-speed craft is becoming more commonplace. However, there are certain requirements set in the High Speed Craft Code (published by IMO) that restrict the use of materials based on results from full scale room fire testing (ISO 9705). An obvious benefit would be gained by simulating the results of these full-scale tests using bench scale data from the Cone Calorimeter and LIFT apparatus. A flame-spread algorithm developed by Henri Mitler at the National Institute of Standards and Technology was selected for implementation into the zone fire model CFAST. This algorithm was modified from its original form, so that it could simulate flame spread on wall/ceiling lining materials for both sidewall and corner scenarios, including ISO 9705 as prescribed in the High Speed Craft Code. Changes to the algorithm included geometry of flame spread across the ceiling, flame height, radiation exchange, ignition burner heat flux maps, and multiple pyrolysis zones. The new flame spread algorithm was evaluated against room corner test data from four different marine composite materials tested per ISO 9705."

Avaliação do estado da arte da engenharia de produção na indústria naval brasileira: um estudo de caso no estaleiro Atlântico Sul

Bacim, Guilherme 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-04-26T15:00:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Bacim_.pdf: 15496221 bytes, checksum: 753345aa27e543f77ece6c2dbf229575 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-26T15:00:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Bacim_.pdf: 15496221 bytes, checksum: 753345aa27e543f77ece6c2dbf229575 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este estudo de caso trata da avaliação da utilização das melhores práticas da Engenharia de Produção na indústria naval, tendo como pano-de-fundo o Estaleiro Atlântico Sul (EAS). Trata-se de um estudo de caso descritivo e explanatório. O trabalho descreve a trajetória evolutiva do sistema de produção do EAS, caracterizando-o em três fases distintas. Na Fase I, que se inicia em 2008 e se estende até julho 2014, identifica-se uma significativa influência dos fatores históricos da produção naval no Brasil que teve forte influência do paradigma Taylorista/Fordista, e pode ser sintetizado pelo fato de que a produção de navios era percebida enquanto uma ´obra´ com a gestão das diversas ´disciplinas´. A Fase II, que ocorreu entre julho de 2014 e janeiro de 2016, constituiu-se em uma etapa de transição que teve como elemento central o objetivo de modificar a cultura organizacional da empresa, o que foi efetivado através da adoção de conceitos tais como: 5S, mini fábricas e Kaizens com foco na melhoria dos fluxos produtivos e qualidade focada no processo. Já a Fase III, que inicia em janeiro de 2016, tem como evento crítico a criação de uma maquete em escala real do EAS que objetiva criar uma visão holística da empresa e do sistema de produção. A Fase III tem como embasamento teórico o Sistema Toyota de Produção e a Teoria das Restrições (TOC), tendo sido realizado uma importante modificação conceitual no que tange a percepção do ´objeto de trabalho´ ao longo de todo o sistema produtivo do EAS. As modificações que ocorreram, sob a égide e foco na Função Processo, foram centrais para a criação e melhoria dos fluxos produtivos em todo o sistema de produção. Visando a sustentação das mudanças ocorridas na Fase III, ocorreu uma ampla reformulação no modelo de gestão com a criação do conceito de Fábricas (Blocos, Pintura e Edificação) que passaram a ter gestores específicos responsáveis pelas melhorias incrementais e radicais dos fluxos produtivos. Além disso, foram realizadas ações no que tange à Função Operação: i) implantação do conceito de Gestão do Posto de Trabalho nas máquinas restritivas do corte; ii) gerar várias linhas de produção utilizando o conceito de box, com uma visão mais geral de fluxo oriundo da ótica do Tambor/Pulmão/Corda da TOC, com a utilização intensiva do conceito de Operação-Padrão para o dimensionamento dos mesmos. Ainda, através de um relatório de uma consultoria coreana, foi possível entender um conjunto de gaps existentes entre o modelo de sistema de produção atualmente adotado na empresa em estudo e o benchmarking coreano. A partir desta perspectiva evolucionária histórica de desenvolvimento do sistema produtivo do EAS, o trabalho propõe a adoção de uma série de boas práticas no intuito de aprimorar os processos na empresa em estudo. Finalmente, a título de conclusão, a aplicabilidade dos conceitos de engenharia de produção na indústria naval, tem impacto direto em termos das melhorias econômico-financeiro da empresa. / This case study deals with the evaluation of the use of the best practices of Production Engineering in the naval industry, having as background the Estaleiro Atlântico Sul (EAS). It is a descriptive and explanatory case study. The project describes the evolutionary trajectory of the EAS Production System, characterizing it in three distinct phases. In Phase I, which begins in 2008 and extends until July 2014, it is identified a significant influence of the historical factors of the naval production in Brazil that had strong influence of the Taylorist / Fordist paradigm, and can be synthesized by the fact that the production of ships was perceived as a ' construction ' with the management of the several ‘disciplines’. Phase II, which occurred between July 2014 and January 2016, constituted a transition phase that had as its central element the goal of modifying the organizational culture of the company, which was accomplished through the adoption of concepts such as: 5S, mini factories and Kaizens focused on improving production flows and process-focused quality. And in Phase III, which begins in January 2016, has as a critical event the creation of a full-scale EAS model that aims to create a holistic view of the company and the production system. Phase III has as its theoretical basis the Toyota Production System and the Theory of Constraints (TOC), and an important conceptual modification was made regarding the perception of the 'work object' throughout the EAS production system. The changes that occurred under the aegis and focus on the Process Function were central to the creation and improvement of production flows throughout the production system. In order to sustain the changes that occurred in Phase III, there was a broad reformulation in the management model with the creation of the concept of Factories (Blocks, Painting and Edification) that started to have specific managers responsible for the incremental and radical improvements of the productive flows. In addition, actions were taken with respect to the Operation Function: i) implementation of the concept of Workstation Management in the restrictive cutting machines; ii) generate several production lines using the box concept, with a more general view of flow from the TOC Drum / Buffer / Rope perspective, with the intensive use of the Standard Operation concept for their design. Also, through a report from a Korean consultancy, it was possible to understand a set of gaps between the production system model currently adopted in the company under study and the Korean benchmarking. From this evolutionary historical perspective of the development of the EAS production system, the paper proposes the adoption of a series of good practices in order to improve the processes in the company under study. Finally, as a conclusion, it seems possible to affirm the adherence and applicability of the concepts of production engineering in the naval industry, and its application has a direct impact in terms of the company's economic and financial improvements

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