Spelling suggestions: "subject:"simon"" "subject:"limon""
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Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 4 in the Chamber Version by Klaus Simon: Performance, Discussion, and RecordingJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: The symphonies of Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911) constitute an essential element of the orchestral repertory; they are therefore essential for young conductors to understand and for instrumentalists to play. Yet they are impractical in many school situations because they call for large orchestras. One solution to this problem is for the conductor to study the original, full version of the works as Mahler composed them, but to consider performing one of the reduced instrumentations now available. A smaller-scale version provides an opportunity for both the conductor and the instrumentalists to confront the challenges of performing Mahler's music and to explore Mahler's musical language and style in a more manageable setting.
This project focuses on Mahler's Fourth Symphony, which is available in two reduced orchestrations: one by Erwin Stein made in 1921 and another by Klaus Simon from 2007. This paper is part of a larger project that includes a lecture-recital with commentary and a performance of the symphony in the more recent Simon arrangement (documented on video). It presents some background on Mahler's Fourth Symphony and compares the two reduced instrumentations to Mahler's original and to one another. Taken together, the parts of this project demonstrate an approach to learning and performing Mahler's music in a more accessible and practical setting for student conductors. / Dissertation/Thesis / Video recording on Lecture Recital: Mahler symphony No.4, Arr. Klaus Simon / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2016
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The art of Saint-SimonPicken, R. A. January 1964 (has links)
No description available.
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An Experimental Theatrical Production of a Star-Spangled Girl Directed for a Deaf AudienceRains, Janice E. 08 1900 (has links)
On December 5, 1969, an experimental production of Neil Simon's A Star-Spangled Girl was presented at the Callier Hearing and Speech Center in Denton, Texas. On December 6, 1969, the production was repeated in the Studio Theatre on the North Texas State University campus in Denton, Texas. The production was experimental in that it was directed for a deaf audience.
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The Evolution of a TechniquePerrone, Nicole January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Étude des liens entre le niveau d'autodirection et le rendement scolaire chez des adultes inscrits à l'U.N.E.S.R. (Vénézuéla)Cesljarevic, Olivera January 1990 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Brasil: oriente político? Uma discussão sobre o patrimonialismo estatista / Brazil, political orient ? A discussion about etatist patrimonialismBrito, Leonardo Octavio Belinelli de 16 January 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa a ser apresentada tem como objetivo indicar a existência de uma relação entre o uso do conceito de patrimonialismo por parte de Raymundo Faoro e Simon Schwartzman em suas principais obras, respectivamente Os donos do poder e Bases do autoritarismo brasileiro, além de também destacar a presença de uma utopia política liberal no pensamento dos dois autores. Neste sentido, haveria uma relação entre a dimensão explicativa de suas análises sobre a evolução histórica e política do país, acentuando o caráter centralizador e negativo do Estado brasileiro neste processo, e a defesa de uma saída política aos problemas. Vale observar que a escassa bibliografia que analisa os pensamentos desses autores costuma destacar confluências de suas análises, o que certamente tem pertinência. Contudo, e este é outro objetivo dessa pesquisa, é possível assinalar diferenças significativas entre tais abordagens que, inclusive, refletem na relação entre análise histórica e proposta política dos autores. / This dissertation aims to indicate that there is a connection between the use of the concept of patrimonialism by Raymundo Faoro and Simon Schwartzman in their major works, respectively Os donos do poder and Bases do autoritarismo brasileiro, besides the presence of a \"political liberal utopia in both authors. Furthermore, it is pointed out that there is a relationship between the explanatory dimension of their analysis of Brazilian historical and political development, stressing the centralizing and negative character of the State, and a political solution presented to the problems discussed. It is worth noting that the scarce literature that examines these authors often highlights confluences of their analysis, which certainly exist. However, and this is another objective of the dissertation, it is possible to indicate significant differences between such approaches that even reflect the relationship between their historical analysis and their political proposals.
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Racionalidade e organizações: um estudo sobre comportamento econômico na obra de Herbert A. Simon / Rationality and organizations: a study in economic behavior in Herbert A. Simons workBarros, Gustavo de 25 November 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo é feita uma apresentação de alguns aspectos da obra de Herbert A. Simon que foram julgados de particular importância para a economia. A teoria comportamental do autor é o eixo em torno do qual estes aspectos resultaram girar. Esta teoria por sua vez foi aqui dividida em dois temas: o da racionalidade e o da organização. Estes temas são duas partes essenciais da teoria e devem caminhar sempre juntos no sentido de que, respectivamente, tratam da estrutura da teoria e do contexto ao qual ela se aplica. No que diz respeito ao tema da racionalidade, são tratados aqui os argumentos de Simon relativos às restrições ao exercício da racionalidade pelos agentes associadas às suas capacidades cognitivas. Em particular, Simon argumenta que a hipótese de onisciência, implicada pelas hipóteses de racionalidade da teoria econômica neoclássica, gera problemas para a teoria, tanto em sua faceta normativa quanto na positiva. São também apresentados os conceitos de racionalidade restrita e de racionalidade procedimental. Este último foi desenvolvido por Simon a partir do primeiro, tendo em vista principalmente as dificuldades da teoria econômica de lidar com situações de incerteza. Na medida em que as restrições à racionalidade são admitidas pela teoria, o comportamento passa a depender fortemente tanto do contexto em que ocorre quanto das características psicológicas (cognitivas) do agente. Grande parte do trabalho de Simon em economia girou em torno do conceito de organização. De fato, organizações constituem um contexto predominante do comportamento econômico, tanto mais quanto grandes organizações têm dominado o cenário nas últimas décadas. Neste sentido, é questionada também a predominância do conceito de mercado sobre o de organização na teoria. Esta dependência que o comportamento econômico tem do contexto leva Simon a argumentar em favor de uma aproximação entre economia e empiria, em particular do estudo empírico de como o comportamento se dá na prática ou seja, onde empiria não deve ser tomada como sinônimo de econometria. Uma contextualização histórica do trabalho de Simon também foi realizada. Foram explorados aí alguns temas. Primeiro, foi conceituado o regime da Segunda Guerra Mundial" surgido em torno da confluência entre as empreitadas científica e militar durante a Segunda Guerra. Em segundo lugar, a importância deste regime para a carreira de Simon foi discutida, em particular a disponibilidade do computador, a partir de meados da década de 1950, para sua pesquisa. Em terceiro lugar, foi identificada e descrita como importante manifestação desse regime a pesquisa operacional" e foram traçadas algumas de suas implicações para a economia em particular e, de maneira mais vaga, para as ciências sociais em geral. / This study presents some aspects of Herbert A. Simons work that were thought to have particular importance to economics. The authors behavioral theory is the axis around which these aspects orbit. This theory, in turn, was divided here into two themes: rationality and organization. Both of them are essential parts of the theory and always work hand in hand in the sense that, respectively, they are the structure of the theory and the context to which it applies. Concerning rationality, Simons arguments about the constraints to the exercise of rationality related to the agents cognitive limitations are presented. In particular, he argues that the hypothesis of omniscience, implied by the neoclassical economic theory hypothesis of rationality, causes trouble to the theory, in either its normative or positive side. The concepts of bounded rationality and procedural rationality are also presented. The latter was developed by Simon based on the former in an attempt to circumvent the difficulties of the economic theory to deal properly with uncertainty. When the bounds to rationality are admitted by the theory, behavior then depends strongly on the context in which it occurs and on the agents psychological (cognitive) characteristics. A major part of Simons work in economics dealt with the concept of organization. Indeed, organizations constitute a predominant context to economic behavior, especially when we consider the role large organizations have been playing in the last decades. Proceeding in that line of thought, the preponderance in economics of the concept of market over the concept of organization is questioned. The aforementioned dependency of behavior to the context leads Simon to argue in favor of an approximation of economics and empiric work, especially concerning how behavior is to be found in practice or else, where empiric work is not to be taken as synonym for econometrics. Simons work was historically contextualized and some themes were explored as related to this context. First, the World War II regime", emerging out of a confluence of the military and scientific enterprises in the war, was conceptualized. Second, the importance of this regime to Simons career was stressed, and particularly important was the availability of the computer for his research from the mid-fifties on. Third, an important manifestation of this regime, operations research", was identified and described. Some of its implications for economics in particular and, in a vaguer manner, for the social sciences in general were also traced.
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Mémoires et mémorialistes : fonder un idéal familial (1571-1753) / Memoires and memorialists : how to build a familial ideal (1571-1753)Deguin, Yohann 01 December 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose d’envisager l’écriture des Mémoires, de la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle à la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle, à l’aune d’une écriture de l’idéal familial. Il nous semble en effet que la famille permet de lire à nouveaux frais ces textes pour y voir non plus exclusivement l’expression d’un « je » singulier, mais en réalité d’un « je-nous », d’une identité qui se fait à la fois singulière et collective. En effet, les mémorialistes aristocrates de la Première Modernité investissent, dans leurs Mémoires un espace dans lequel refonder les valeurs de la lignée aristocratique pour affirmer une image d’eux-mêmes au sein de l’espace social et curial : pour ce faire, ils fabriquent un récit familial, une légende de la famille à transmettre au gré de mythes familiaux et de généalogies. Ils construisent une fiction de solidarité au sein d’une famille choisie, qui reconfigure les frontières de la parenté objective pour intégrer à une parenté rêvée des personnages et des collectifs que seule l’écriture peut configurer en membres d’une famille d’encre / Our work proposes to consider the writing of Memoirs, from the second half of the sixteenth century to the first half of the eighteenth century, in the light of a writing of a familial ideal. It seems to us that family enables a new way of reading Memoirs, in order to see not only the expression of a singular "I", but in fact an "I-we", an identity that is both singular and collective. Indeed, the aristocratic memorialists of the early modern period invest, in their Memoirs, a space in which they can regenerate the values of the aristocratic lineage to assert an image of themselves within the social and curial space: to do so, they build a family story, a legend of the family to be transmitted using family myths and genealogies. They build a fiction of solidarity within a chosen family, which reconfigures the boundaries of objective kinship to integrate, into a dreamed kinship, characters and collectives that only writing can configure as members of an "ink family"
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L’écriture des passions dans les Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon / The Writting of the Passions in the Mémoires of the Duke of Saint-SimonCrelier, Damien 13 January 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose de faire la lumière sur ce que nous appelons l’écriture des passions dans les Mémoires de Saint-Simon, au double sens de passions qui imprègnent (et infléchissent) l’écriture du mémorialiste et de passions de cour, qui sont l’un des objets privilégiés du récit historique. Il ne s’agit pas là d’une juxtaposition de sens qui serait fortuite ou contingente : notre postulat est à l’inverse que le lien entre les deux questions est essentiel et profondément dynamique. Saint Simon est assurément le produit d’une culture et d’un milieu qui le déterminent en partie ; mais, en retour, les faits et les personnages sont sous sa plume saisis à l’aune d’une sensibilité irréductiblement singulière. L’enjeu de ce travail est de montrer que la cour, telle qu’elle est évoquée et même ressuscitée par les Mémoires, est le lieu d’une effervescence passionnelle sans la prise en compte de laquelle la causalité historique est vouée à demeurer inintelligible. Dans un tel contexte, ce sont les questions hiérarchiques qui suscitent l’investissement affectif le plus intense. Cela a pour corollaire que la passion amoureuse fait de la part de Saint-Simon l’objet d’une méfiance d’ordre éthique aussi bien qu’historiographique. Il s’agit en outre de chercher à cerner la nature de l’investissement de Saint Simon dans l’écriture, et de comprendre l’un des plus grands paradoxes des Mémoires : l’exceptionnel engagement passionnel dont le récit saint-simonien est le lieu n’exclut pas qu’il soit par ailleurs traversé par un discours du dégagement, auquel nous avons souhaité restituer toute son importance. / Our doctoral thesis aims to shed light upon the writing of the passions in the “Mémoires” of the Duke of Saint Simon, and this with regard not only to the emotions which permeate (and direct) the Memorialist’s writing practices, but also with regard to the passions which dominate the Court, and which constitute one of the historical narrative’s main points of investigation. This double motif is not to be regarded as contingent or fortuitous : to the contrary, we argue that the relationship between these two questions is both essential and dynamic. Saint-Simon is assuredly the product of a cultural environment that determines him in part ; in return, however, the deeds and characters he consigns are penned with an irreducibly unique sensitivity. The issue at hand is to illustrate that the Court, as it is described and even ressuscitated by the “Mémoires”, is the scene of a passionate effervescence which must be taken into account if elements of historical causality are to be understood. In this context, it is in issues of courtly hierarchy that the greatest emotional stakes are invested ; conversely, love as a passion is portrayed as an object of suspicion that is both ethical and historiographical in nature. Finally, we have sought to define the character of Saint-Simon’s own involvement in the writing process, and to understand one of the greatest paradoxes of the “Mémoires” : the Memorialist’s extraordinarily impassioned presence in the narrative does not exclude the existence of a discourse of worldly disengagement, to which we have attempted to render its full importance.
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