Spelling suggestions: "subject:"simon"" "subject:"limon""
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Racionalidade e organizações: um estudo sobre comportamento econômico na obra de Herbert A. Simon / Rationality and organizations: a study in economic behavior in Herbert A. Simons workGustavo de Barros 25 November 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo é feita uma apresentação de alguns aspectos da obra de Herbert A. Simon que foram julgados de particular importância para a economia. A teoria comportamental do autor é o eixo em torno do qual estes aspectos resultaram girar. Esta teoria por sua vez foi aqui dividida em dois temas: o da racionalidade e o da organização. Estes temas são duas partes essenciais da teoria e devem caminhar sempre juntos no sentido de que, respectivamente, tratam da estrutura da teoria e do contexto ao qual ela se aplica. No que diz respeito ao tema da racionalidade, são tratados aqui os argumentos de Simon relativos às restrições ao exercício da racionalidade pelos agentes associadas às suas capacidades cognitivas. Em particular, Simon argumenta que a hipótese de onisciência, implicada pelas hipóteses de racionalidade da teoria econômica neoclássica, gera problemas para a teoria, tanto em sua faceta normativa quanto na positiva. São também apresentados os conceitos de racionalidade restrita e de racionalidade procedimental. Este último foi desenvolvido por Simon a partir do primeiro, tendo em vista principalmente as dificuldades da teoria econômica de lidar com situações de incerteza. Na medida em que as restrições à racionalidade são admitidas pela teoria, o comportamento passa a depender fortemente tanto do contexto em que ocorre quanto das características psicológicas (cognitivas) do agente. Grande parte do trabalho de Simon em economia girou em torno do conceito de organização. De fato, organizações constituem um contexto predominante do comportamento econômico, tanto mais quanto grandes organizações têm dominado o cenário nas últimas décadas. Neste sentido, é questionada também a predominância do conceito de mercado sobre o de organização na teoria. Esta dependência que o comportamento econômico tem do contexto leva Simon a argumentar em favor de uma aproximação entre economia e empiria, em particular do estudo empírico de como o comportamento se dá na prática ou seja, onde empiria não deve ser tomada como sinônimo de econometria. Uma contextualização histórica do trabalho de Simon também foi realizada. Foram explorados aí alguns temas. Primeiro, foi conceituado o regime da Segunda Guerra Mundial surgido em torno da confluência entre as empreitadas científica e militar durante a Segunda Guerra. Em segundo lugar, a importância deste regime para a carreira de Simon foi discutida, em particular a disponibilidade do computador, a partir de meados da década de 1950, para sua pesquisa. Em terceiro lugar, foi identificada e descrita como importante manifestação desse regime a pesquisa operacional e foram traçadas algumas de suas implicações para a economia em particular e, de maneira mais vaga, para as ciências sociais em geral. / This study presents some aspects of Herbert A. Simons work that were thought to have particular importance to economics. The authors behavioral theory is the axis around which these aspects orbit. This theory, in turn, was divided here into two themes: rationality and organization. Both of them are essential parts of the theory and always work hand in hand in the sense that, respectively, they are the structure of the theory and the context to which it applies. Concerning rationality, Simons arguments about the constraints to the exercise of rationality related to the agents cognitive limitations are presented. In particular, he argues that the hypothesis of omniscience, implied by the neoclassical economic theory hypothesis of rationality, causes trouble to the theory, in either its normative or positive side. The concepts of bounded rationality and procedural rationality are also presented. The latter was developed by Simon based on the former in an attempt to circumvent the difficulties of the economic theory to deal properly with uncertainty. When the bounds to rationality are admitted by the theory, behavior then depends strongly on the context in which it occurs and on the agents psychological (cognitive) characteristics. A major part of Simons work in economics dealt with the concept of organization. Indeed, organizations constitute a predominant context to economic behavior, especially when we consider the role large organizations have been playing in the last decades. Proceeding in that line of thought, the preponderance in economics of the concept of market over the concept of organization is questioned. The aforementioned dependency of behavior to the context leads Simon to argue in favor of an approximation of economics and empiric work, especially concerning how behavior is to be found in practice or else, where empiric work is not to be taken as synonym for econometrics. Simons work was historically contextualized and some themes were explored as related to this context. First, the World War II regime, emerging out of a confluence of the military and scientific enterprises in the war, was conceptualized. Second, the importance of this regime to Simons career was stressed, and particularly important was the availability of the computer for his research from the mid-fifties on. Third, an important manifestation of this regime, operations research, was identified and described. Some of its implications for economics in particular and, in a vaguer manner, for the social sciences in general were also traced.
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Brasil: oriente político? Uma discussão sobre o patrimonialismo estatista / Brazil, political orient ? A discussion about etatist patrimonialismLeonardo Octavio Belinelli de Brito 16 January 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa a ser apresentada tem como objetivo indicar a existência de uma relação entre o uso do conceito de patrimonialismo por parte de Raymundo Faoro e Simon Schwartzman em suas principais obras, respectivamente Os donos do poder e Bases do autoritarismo brasileiro, além de também destacar a presença de uma utopia política liberal no pensamento dos dois autores. Neste sentido, haveria uma relação entre a dimensão explicativa de suas análises sobre a evolução histórica e política do país, acentuando o caráter centralizador e negativo do Estado brasileiro neste processo, e a defesa de uma saída política aos problemas. Vale observar que a escassa bibliografia que analisa os pensamentos desses autores costuma destacar confluências de suas análises, o que certamente tem pertinência. Contudo, e este é outro objetivo dessa pesquisa, é possível assinalar diferenças significativas entre tais abordagens que, inclusive, refletem na relação entre análise histórica e proposta política dos autores. / This dissertation aims to indicate that there is a connection between the use of the concept of patrimonialism by Raymundo Faoro and Simon Schwartzman in their major works, respectively Os donos do poder and Bases do autoritarismo brasileiro, besides the presence of a \"political liberal utopia in both authors. Furthermore, it is pointed out that there is a relationship between the explanatory dimension of their analysis of Brazilian historical and political development, stressing the centralizing and negative character of the State, and a political solution presented to the problems discussed. It is worth noting that the scarce literature that examines these authors often highlights confluences of their analysis, which certainly exist. However, and this is another objective of the dissertation, it is possible to indicate significant differences between such approaches that even reflect the relationship between their historical analysis and their political proposals.
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Rhétorique des Mémoires du duc de Saint-Simon / Rhetoric in Duke Saint-Simon’s MemoirsNollez, Juliette 02 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’analyser le style des Mémoires de Saint-Simon, afin d’en comprendre la virulente énergie si sensible à la lecture. Inscrite dans une approche rhétorique, l’étude s’intéresse d’abord au positionnement discursif de Saint-Simon et aux fondements de la légitimité auctoriale : il s’agit d’expliquer comment, par un ensemble de dispositifs, le mémorialiste rend possible le plein épanouissement d’une rhétorique du blâme. Celle-ci se développe suivant deux orientations majeures, l’une judiciaire, l’autre épidictique, dont la variété des composantes témoigne à quel point Saint-Simon « osa tout écrire ». L’enquête se prolonge en montrant que cette rhétorique du blâme participe en réalité d’un discours de plus large portée : l’écriture, pour le mémorialiste, constitue une revanche sur l’Histoire quand toute autre prise sur l’action s’avère impossible. C’est dans cette perspective que se révèle alors dans le texte des Mémoires toute l’importance des discours rapportés et des procédés de recomposition de l’Histoire. / This dissertation aims to analyze the style of Saint-Simon’s Memoirs in order to better understand the virulent energy delivered in its reading. In keeping with a rhetorical approach, this study first focuses on the discursive position taken by Saint-Simon and the foundations of auctorial legitimacy. It is explained how, using various literary devices, the author succeeds in fully exploiting the rhetoric of blame. He accomplishes this through two rhetorical orientations – judiciary and epideictic, the variety of which attests to the fact that Saint-Simon “dared to write anything”. The investigation goes on to demonstrate that the rhetoric of blame contributes to a more significant discourse: in the absence of all other recourse, Saint-Simon views writing as a way to avenge oneself of History. It is in this vein that the importance of reported discourse and the rewriting of History is revealed in the text of Saint-Simon’s Memoirs.
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Contrôle cognitif en situation d'audience et de coaction : Une approche à l'Interface de la Psychologie Sociale Expérimentale, de la Psychologie Cognitive et des Neurosciences Intégratives / Cognitive control in audience and coaction conditions : an approach at the interface of experimental social psychology, cognitive psychology and integrative neuroscienceBelletier, Clément 13 December 2013 (has links)
La présence des congénères constitue l’élément de base du contexte social, dont la psychologie sociale expérimentale tente depuis un siècle de comprendre les influences (positives et négatives) et autres mécanismes sous-jacents. Chez l’homme, ces influences repérables sur la cognition dépendent souvent de la capacité évaluative de la personne présente. À l’interface de la psychologie sociale, de la psychologie cognitive et des neurosciences intégratives, notre thèse est que la présence évaluative d’autrui (la présence de l’expérimentateur) affaiblit de manière transitoire le contrôle exécutif, avec une double influence : néfaste dans les activités complexes impliquant un conflit de réponses, et bénéfique dans les activités dont la réussite n’implique que l’émission de réponses automatiques. Nos résultats (quatre études) soutiennent la thèse défendue à partir du couplage de la tâche de Simon (permettant une mesure du contrôle exécutif) ou de son adaptation récente en version partagée (présence d’un coacteur) avec des enregistrements électromyographiques. Ces résultats confortent ainsi notre approche intégrative des influences attachées à la présence d’autrui, dont les implications pratiques sont fortes s’agissant notamment de l’étude des processus cognitifs en laboratoire. / The presence of conspecifics is the basic element of the social context, whose experimental social psychology has been trying for a century to understand the influences (positive and negative) and underlying mechanisms. In humans, these influences on cognition often depend on the evaluative capacity of the person present. At the interface of social psychology, cognitive psychology, and integrative neuroscience, our thesis is that the presence of evaluative others (experimenter presence) temporarily weakens executive control, with a negative influence in complex activities involving response conflict, and a beneficial influence in activities requiring only the emission of automatic responses to succeed. Our results (four studies) support our thesis based on the coupling of the Simon task (measuring executive control) or its recent adaptation (shared version implying the presence of a coactor) with electromyographic recordings. Our findings confirm our integrative approach of social presence effects, whose practical implications are strong, particularly with regard to the study of cognitive processes in the laboratory.
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A recepção do \'novo romance\' no \'Suplemento Literário\' do jornal O Estado de São Paulo / The reception to the \'nouveau roman\' in the \'Suplemento Literário\' by \'O Estado de São Paulo\'Prado, Daniela da Silva 26 June 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como se deu a recepção ao \"novo romance\" no Brasil, notadamente no \"Suplemento Literário\", caderno cultural que integrava o jornal O Estado de São Paulo, e foi publicado entre os anos de 1956 e 1974. Inicialmente, foi feita uma apresentação geral do \"novo romance\", destacando-se suas principais obras e o contexto histórico-social do qual fazia parte. O \"novo romance\", movimento surgido em meados dos anos 1950 na França, causou um abalo nas estruturas da arte do romance, levando certos autores a questionar e a rejeitar as técnicas tradicionais - notadamente as de inspiração balzaquiana - da concepção romanesca, que consideravam desgastadas e ultrapassadas. Entre os autores que fizeram parte do movimento e que são abordados neste trabalho, pode-se ressaltar Alain Robbe-Grillet, Michel Butor, Nathalie Sarraute e Claude Simon. Apesar de haver outros escritores integrantes do \"novo romance\", esses foram os que tiveram maior divulgação no \"Suplemento Literário\". Um dos capítulos é dedicado a Claude Simon, cujo enfoque está no prêmio Nobel de Literatura que o escritor ganhou em 1985. Neste capítulo, são estudados diversos artigos de jornais e revistas que comentaram o assunto à época, e que reagiram de forma variada a essa conquista. Alguns artigos foram analisados isoladamente mas, sempre que possível e havendo pontos de contato entre eles, procurei fazer um cotejo, visando estabelecer semelhanças e diferenças, salientando opiniões contrárias e favoráveis. Para proceder à análise dos artigos e entender a reação da crítica diante das obras dos novos romancistas, tomei como base a teoria da recepção de Hans Robert Jauss, que estabelece a instância do leitor na realização da obra, a partir do conceito de \"horizonte de expectativas\". / The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the reception to the \"nouveau roman\" through the articles presented by \"Suplemento Literário\", a book of reviews published by O Estado de São Paulo, from 1956 to 1974. Firstly, we presented the general characteristics of the \"nouveau roman\" by introducing its main writers and its social and historic background. The \"nouveau roman\" was a literary movement started in the late 50\'s of the twentieth century that changed the way to produce and read novels, by rejecting the traditional techniques, mainly those related to Balzac\'s style of writing, considered as obsolete. Amongst all of the writers belonging to the \"noveau roman\" movement, we pointed out Allain-Robbe Grillet, Michel Butor, Nathalie Sarraute and Claude Simon. Even considering the fact that there were other important writers, those were the ones most referred by the authors who wrote articles to the \"Suplemento Literário\". One of the chapters of the thesis is dedicated to Claude Simon, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1985. In this chapter, we collected articles published in 1985 from newspapers and magazines in order to analyse the repercussion of the award granted to him. Some of the articles were studied separately, but, when we could find common ideas in their contents, we examined the articles in a way to emphasize differences and similarities, and different points of view. The reception theory, created by Hans Robert Jauss, was our point of reference to settle the approach of the articles as well as to understand all the reaction of the experts who criticize the novels produced by the writers of \"nouveau roman\".
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Le rôle de l'attention dans le contrôle de l'interférence : une approche comportementale et neuropsychologique / The role of attention in controlling interference : a behavioral and neuropsychological approach.Suarez del chiaro, Isabel 12 December 2013 (has links)
Le contrôle de l’interférence permet de sélectionner les actions pertinentes pour la réalisation d'un but dans un environnement saturé. La question de savoir si ce processus nécessite des ressources attentionnelles reste posée. Ce travail de thèse a été organisé en deux parties, la première basée sur une approche comportementale s'intéresse au contrôle de l'interférence en situation de restriction attentionnelle et la deuxième sur une approche neuropsychologique étudie ce même contrôle chez des individus présentant un TDAH. L'ensemble du travail expérimental regroupe 3 études et est centré essentiellement sur la réalisation d'une tâche de Simon. La première contribution expérimentale, composée de 4 expériences comportementales réalisées en double-tâche, a apporté des arguments en faveur de l'idée que les mécanismes responsables de l'inhibition sont sous la dépendance de ressources attentionnelles spécifiques. La contribution 2, concernant une étude realisée chez des adultes avec un TDA/H a révélé plusieurs aspects du contrôle de l'interférence. Premièrement, on peut observer un effet d’interférence aggravé sans un déficit d’impulsivité ou d’inhibition, deuxièmement, celui-ci pourrait être secondaire d'un ralentissement général dû à un défaut de vigilance, et troisièmement, ce déficit de vigilance n’affecterait pas la capacité d'inhibition. Finalement, la contribution expérimentale 3 ont non seulement permis de suggérer que les adultes avec un TDA/H ne présentaient pas de trouble de l’attention sélective, au moins dans le domaine temporel, mais ils ont permis de proposer que ces patients ont un déficit de la vigilance, confirmant ainsi l'hypothèse de la contribution 2. / Controlling interference allows the selection of appropriate from irrelevant actions in order to achieve a goal. However, the question as to whether this process requires attentional resources remains. To clarify this issue, this thesis has been organized into two parts. The first part is based on a behavioral approach and focuses on the control of interference in situations of attentional restriction. The second part focuses on a neuropsychological approach examining the same control in individuals AD/HD.The thesis encompasses three studies based on the conflict paradigm. Additionally, methodological tools and analysis and distribution of electromyographic activity were used to separate the two components of interference i.e. the automatic triggering of inappropriate response and its inhibition.The first experimental contribution, consisting of four dual-task behavioral experiments, supported the idea that the mechanisms of inhibition are dependent on specific attentional resources. The second contribution highlights several interesting aspects of interference control in ADHD: a decline in interference control without a deficit in impulsivity or inhibition; that the interference effect could be a secondary manifestation of a general slowdown due to a lack of vigilance; and that the deficit of vigilance does not affect the ability to inhibit (unlike selective attention, as evidenced in the first part of the study). The third contribution demonstrates that adults with ADHD show no disorder of selective attention at least in the time domain but also that these individuals manifested a deficiency in alertness, thus confirming the hypothesis of the preceding contributions.
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História e memória do Ginásio Simon Bolívar em Corumbaíba-GO (1956 a 1974) / History and memory of the Gymnasium Simon Bolivar in Corumbaiba-GO (1956 a 1974)NAVES, Nelsimar José 27 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2014-08-28T14:19:20Z
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Dissertacao Nelsimar Jose Naves.pdf: 12781992 bytes, checksum: 1fa81a0044b0badd34075c8cbb9e41c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-28T14:19:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao Nelsimar Jose Naves.pdf: 12781992 bytes, checksum: 1fa81a0044b0badd34075c8cbb9e41c6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-06-27 / The present research is based on an investigation around the History and Memory of the
Educational Institutions. The study was developed from the following problem: how to get up and settles the Simon Bolivar in Corumbaíba, from 1956 to 1974? The time frame chosen was between the years of 1956, at which time began the process of institutionalization of Simon Bolivar, Gymnasium and 1974, the year in which this school is separated from the National Campaign to Free Educacional, passing then to have officially as sponsor, the municipality of Corumbaíba. The overall objective of the research is to understand the historical aspects that led to the emergence and the consolidation of the Simon Bolivar Gymnasium , establishing an analysis around what this school represents in the history of the city of Corumbaíba-GO, and in memory of those who, in one way or another, she retained some binding. Specifically, this research seeks to make a historical approach of Simon Bolivar, Gymnasium during the timeframe proposed by the contextualization with the political and socio-cultural reality of Corumbaíba, deepening the discussion around the possible relationships of power that permeated the reality of this school, as well as analyze what proposed at the time, around the expansion of secondary education in the State of Goiás and in Brazil; search still, establish a discussion about the role of the Municipal Sector of National Campaign to Free Educacional (CNEG) and as the scene of his influence, next to Gymnasium Management Simon Bolivar; In addition to establishing the analysis about the memories built over the years, this school and its founder, through the available documentation and interviews. The hypothesis proposed
is that the creation of Simon Bolivar and Gymnasium the way he was organizing has a close relationship with the struggle for political hegemony in Corumbaíba. In this way, the history and the memory of this school is mainly from such events and experiences. / A presente pesquisa é pautada em uma investigação em torno da História e Memória das
Instituições Escolares. O estudo se desenvolveu a partir do seguinte problema de pesquisa:
como se constitui e se estabelece o Ginásio Simon Bolívar em Corumbaíba, no período de
1956 a 1974? O recorte temporal escolhido foi entre os anos de 1956, momento em que se
iniciou o processo de institucionalização do Ginásio Simon Bolívar, e 1974, ano em que essa
escola se desvinculou da Campanha Nacional de Educandários Gratuitos, passando então a ter
oficialmente como mantenedora, a Prefeitura Municipal de Corumbaíba. O objetivo geral da
pesquisa é o de compreender os aspectos históricos que levaram ao surgimento e à
consolidação do Ginásio Simon Bolívar, estabelecendo uma análise em torno do que essa
escola representa na história do município de Corumbaíba - GO, e na memória das pessoas
que, de um modo ou de outro, com ela mantiveram alguma vinculação. Especificamente, esta
pesquisa procura fazer uma abordagem histórica do Ginásio Simon Bolívar, no período do
recorte temporal proposto, estabelecendo a contextualização com a realidade política e sócio
cultural de Corumbaíba, aprofundando a discussão em torno das possíveis relações de poder
que permeavam a realidade dessa instituição escolar, além de analisar o que se propunha à
época, em torno da expansão do ensino secundário no estado de Goiás e no Brasil; busca
ainda, estabelecer uma discussão acerca da atuação do Setor Municipal da Campanha
Nacional de Educandários Gratuitos (CNEG), tendo como palco de sua influência, a gestão
junto ao Ginásio Simon Bolívar; além de estabelecer a análise sobre as memórias construídas
ao longo dos anos, em torno dessa escola e de seu fundador, através da documentação
disponível e de entrevistas. A hipótese proposta é a de que a criação do Ginásio Simon
Bolívar e a maneira como ele foi se organizando tenha uma relação íntima com a luta por
hegemonia política em Corumbaíba. Desse modo, a história e a memória dessa instituição
escolar manifesta-se principalmente a partir de tais eventos e experiências.
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Rôle des noyaux gris centraux dans le contrôle cognitif de l'action : impact de la maladie de Parkinson et de ses traitements / Role of the basal ganglia in cognitive action control : the impact of Parkinson's disease and its treatmentsDuprez, Joan 20 October 2016 (has links)
Le contrôle cognitif de l’action est un processus permettant de supprimer un comportement inapproprié au profit d’une action dirigée par l’intention. Il est particulièrement important en situation de conflit où l’expression de comportements alternatifs entre en compétition. Ce processus est largement soutenu par des réseaux cortico-sous-corticaux frontaux dont le bon fonctionnement est impacté par la maladie de Parkinson. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de ces différentes structures cérébrales dans le contrôle cognitif de l’action en s’appuyant sur l’impact de la maladie de Parkinson et de ses traitements. Plus précisément, nous avons discuté des aspects dynamiques de sélection et de suppression des réponses impulsives tel que proposé par le modèle d’activation-suppression dans le cas de réponses oculaires. Nous avons donc adapté une tâche expérimentale de conflit classique, la Simon task, utilisant les mouvements oculaires, et validé son utilisation de notre dans le cadre de ce modèle. Les travaux suivant ont porté sur l’impact de divers facteurs sur ce processus. Nous avons montré que le vieillissement normal exacerbe la sélection impulsive des actions qui pourrait être compensée par la mise en place d’une inhibition sélective plus efficace. Ces résultats sont en accord avec de récentes théories proposant le recrutement plus important des structures préfrontales afin de pallier aux déficits cognitifs entrainés par le vieillissement. Nos résultats ont également indiqué que la maladie de Parkinson entraine une augmentation très importante de la sélection impulsive des actions ce que nous attribuons au dysfonctionnement des boucles cortico-sous-corticales causé par la maladie. Finalement, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’impact de la stimulation cérébrale profonde du noyau subthalamique. Nos résultats préliminaires n’ont pas montré d’effet de ce traitement sur les capacités de contrôle cognitif de l’action. Nous discutons l’ensemble de nos résultats à la lumière des travaux majeurs portant sur les structures cérébrales impliquées dans le contrôle cognitif de l’action et proposons plusieurs perspectives de recherches pouvant avoir un impact fondamental ou clinique. / Cognitive action control is a process that allows suppressing an inappropriate behavior to the benefit of an intentionally-guided action. It is particularly important in situations of conflict when alternative behaviors compete for their expression. This process relies mostly on cortical-subcortical networks which functioning is impaired by Parkinson’s disease. We were interested in the role of these different brain structures in cognitive action control by focusing on the impact of Parkinson’s diseases and its treatments. More precisely, we addressed the dynamic aspects of impulsive action selection and suppression as proposed by the recent activation-suppression model regarding oculomotor responses. We thus adapted a classical experimental conflict task, the Simon task, using eye movements, and validated its use within the context of the activation-suppression model. Our further work focused on the impact of several factors on cognitive action control. We showed that normal aging enhances impulsive action selection that could be compensated for by the set-up of a more efficient selective inhibition. These results are in accordance with recent theories proposing that age-related cognitive deficits are compensated for by an increased recruitment of prefrontal structures. Our results also revealed that Parkinson’s disease results in a strong increase in impulsive action selection which we attribute to the impairment of the cortical-basal ganglia loops. Finally, we were interested by the impact of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus. Our preliminary results revealed no effect of this treatment on cognitive action control. We discuss all of our results according to previous researches on the brain structures involved in cognitive action control and we propose several perspective that can have a fundamental or clinical impact.
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Les Nords poétiques, poétique du Nord (Basil Bunting, Ted Hughes, Tony Harrison et Simon Armitage) / Poetic Norths, Northern Poetics (Basil Bunting, Ted Hughes, Tony Harrison and Simon Armitage)Hélie, Claire 06 December 2013 (has links)
Séparé du Sud pastoral, de la capitale londonienne et d’Oxbridge par une frontière moins géographique que culturelle, le Nord de l'Angleterre a une géographie variable en fonction des besoins du discours. Une constante discursive parcourt cependant la littérature sur la région : marqué par ses rudes conditions climatiques, jadis peuplé de barbares, en butte aux invasions et ravagé par la Révolution Industrielle, le Nord serait en marge de la sphère poétique. Or, à partir des années 1960, dans le cadre d'une redécouverte des marges de l'ex-empire et d’une dissolution des frontières nationales due à la mondialisation, le Nord revendique son droit à figurer à part entière au cœur de la carte poétique. Les poésies de Basil Bunting, de Ted Hughes, de Tony Harrison, et de Simon Armitage nous invitent à parcourir ces Nords géographiques, historiques, culturels, mais avant tout poétiques. Ces quatre poètes, nés dans le Nord, ont en commun d’avoir pris une distance, sinon physique, du moins intellectuelle, avec la région, ce qui leur a permis de poser un regard critique. Le mouvement nostalgique de retour à la terre natale amorce une réappropriation sur le plan de l’imaginaire de cet espace colonisé par des discours dépréciatifs. Les poètes y découvrent une source intarissable de créativité et partent en quête d’une langue qui résorbe l’écart entre nordicité et poéticité : l'impur accent barbare devient axiome poétique. Comment cette poésie du Nord met-elle en question l'anglicité et la tradition poétique anglaise en même temps qu'elle la structure ? Si « poésie du Nord » il y a, quelles en sont les réalisations dans la voix, le rythme et la forme poétiques ? / Divided from the pastoral South, London and Oxbridge by a frontier that is less geographical than cultural, Northern England has been constructed through shifting discourses. One discursive feature though has been constantly present in the literature on the region : since the place is forbidding (not the least because of its grim weather), since it used to be populated with barbaric tribes and provided a buffer against even more barbarian invasions, since it was devastated by the Industrial Revolution, the North is excluded from the poetic sphere. Yet since the 1960s, in a context of peripheries emerging from the former empire and of national frontiers disappearing due to globalisation, the North has claimed its right to hold a central place on the poetic map. Basil Bunting, Ted Hughes, Tony Harrison and Simon Armitage have participated in reconfiguring geographical, historical, cultural, but, most importantly, poetic Norths. The nostalgic return to the region where they were born and bred reads as a creative and critical reappropriation of a space that has been colonised by derogatory discourses. The poets discover an inexhaustible source of inspiration and set on a quest for a language that would bridge the gap between northerness and poetry : their impure barbarian accent becomes a poetic axiom. How does this Northern English poetry question Englishness and the English poetic tradition while constructing them ? If « Northern English poetry » does exist, how does it show in terms of poetic voice, rhythms and forms ?
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Frontières de l’évènement, frontières de la littérature : l’appropriation de l’évènement dans la littérature des années soixante à nos jours (Marguerite Duras, Claude Simon, Emmanuel Carrère, Laurent Mauvignier) / Event, a border zone for littérature : appropriation of event in littérature from sixties to nowadays (Marguerite Duras, Claude Simon, Emmanuel Carrère, Laurent Mauvignier)Capone, Carine 03 December 2015 (has links)
Que la littérature française contemporaine s’approprie ce qui se passe dans le monde, cela n’étonne plus. La critique a maintes fois montré combien, depuis les années 80, et après une période formaliste des années 60-70, la fiction se tourne de manière plus assumée vers le monde. N’assiste-t-on pas, pour autant, à une dissolution de l’évènement ? À travers un corpus composé d’œuvres de Laurent Mauvignier, Emmanuel Carrère, Marguerite Duras et Claude Simon, réparties des années 60 aux années 2000, ce travail propose d’interroger les modalités de cette réappropriation de l’évènement. Procédant par touches, effleurant l’évènement, usant de métaphores, et croisant les diverses versions dont il est l’objet, les fictions contemporaines creusent le sillon des expérimentations d’auteurs comme Claude Simon et Marguerite Duras qui, dès les années 60, portent un regard critique sur la manière dont la fiction peut appréhender ce qui s’est passé. De l’évènement, il ne reste alors plus guère que ces bribes symboliques que consistuent les éventèmes. L’imaginaire de la faille prend également le pas sur les dégâts physiques engendrés par les évènements. Cette recherche conduit ainsi à souligner les liens sous-jacents qui unissent l’esthétique contemporaine aux dernières avant-gardes. Se dessine néanmoins, dans les fictions d’aujourd’hui, une tendance plus spécifique à utiliser l’évènement dans une visée relationnelle. La littérature contemporaine se fait ainsi l’écho des fêlures de l’histoire du XXe siècle avec, en perspective, la volonté de souligner ce qui rapproche ces expériences humaines. / The fact that contemporary French literature seizes what happens in the world is not surprising anymore. Since the 1980’s, and after the 1960’s and 1970’s formalist period, critic has proven many times how much fiction assumes more and more looking towards the world. Do we attend, nevertheless the dissolution of event? Through a corpus composed by works of Laurent Mauvignier, Emmanuel Carrère, Marguerite Duras and Claude Simon, going from the 1960’s to the 2000’s, this study aims to examine the modalities of events repossession. Proceeding through touches, brushing against the event, using metaphors and intersecting fragments with gaze, contemporary fictions plough the furrow of experimentations made by writers like Claude Simon and Marguerite Duras, who examine with a critical eye the way fiction can take hold of what happen in the wold. All that’s left of event is so symbolicals fragments that we call eventèmes. Physicals damages caused by events also give way to the imagination of weakness. The present dissertation thus leads to highlighting the underlying connections between contemporary aesthetics and the last avant-gardes. Nevertheless, in today’s fictions there is a more specific tendency to using the event as a relational aim. Contemporary literature is thus the echo of the 20th century’s rifts with the perspective of pointing out what brings these human experiences together.
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