Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asimulator"" "subject:"cosimulator""
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An Asynchronous Simulation Framework for Multi-User Interactive Collaboration: Application to Robot-Assisted SurgeryMunawar, Adnan 03 December 2019 (has links)
The field of surgery is continually evolving as there is always room for improvement in the post-operative health of the patient as well as the comfort of the Operating Room (OR) team. While the success of surgery is contingent upon the skills of the surgeon and the OR team, the use of specialized robots has shown to improve surgery-related outcomes in some cases. These outcomes are currently measured using a wide variety of metrics that include patient pain and recovery, surgeon’s comfort, duration of the operation and the cost of the procedure. There is a need for additional research to better understand the optimal criteria for benchmarking surgical performance. Presently, surgeons are trained to perform robot-assisted surgeries using interactive simulators. However, in the absence of well-defined performance standards, these simulators focus primarily on the simulation of the operative scene and not the complexities associated with multiple inputs to a real-world surgical procedure. Because interactive simulators are typically designed for specific robots that perform a small number of tasks controlled by a single user, they are inflexible in terms of their portability to different robots and the inclusion of multiple operators (e.g., nurses, medical assistants). Additionally, while most simulators provide high-quality visuals, simplification techniques are often employed to avoid stability issues for physics computation, contact dynamics and multi-manual interaction. This study addresses the limitations of existing simulators by outlining various specifications required to develop techniques that mimic real-world interactions and collaboration. Moreover, this study focuses on the inclusion of distributed control, shared task allocation and assistive feedback -- through machine learning, secondary and tertiary operators -- alongside the primary human operator.
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Digital mirrors : Supplementary information to increase driver’s awareness of surroundings / Digitala speglar : Kompletterande information för ökning av förarens medvetenhet om omgivningenPayandehmehr, Bahare, Placzkowska, Marta January 2015 (has links)
Replacement of physical rear-view mirrors with digital offer new possibilities for vision enhancements and supplementary information that could facilitate driving. However, the invehicle support systems and information contribute to increased mental workload of the driver and inadequate Human Machine Interface (HMI) can lead to distraction and impaired driving performance. Therefore, it is crucial to explore what relevant information can be implemented and how it should be designed regarding cognitive ergonomics to promote human information processing. The aim of the project was to create one or more concepts for supplementary information that could be implemented in the digital mirrors in order to increase driver’s awareness of the surroundings and therefore contribute to improved road safety. The design process consisted of a pre-study regarding cognitive ergonomics followed by three iterations including user interaction, literature studies, concept generation and evaluation with respect to acquired theoretical knowledge and tests with professional truck drivers. This approach allowed for identification of user demands and development a refined user oriented solution. The final concept was evaluated in a driving simulator with ten truck drivers to investigate potential effects on driver performance regarding detection of obstacles in blind spots, vehicle control and subjective opinions considering perceived mental workload and user acceptance. The evaluation resulted in significantly improved detection rate of vehicles in blind spots with the developed concept. Longitudinal and lateral vehicle control was not affected hence, the additional information did not distract the drivers. Furthermore, the drivers perceived mental workload was not increased and the user acceptance was significantly improved after the test indicating that drivers’ expectations were met and furthermore exceeded. The results of the study suggest that supplementary information in digital mirrors can be beneficial for improving driver’s awareness of the surroundings and should be further investigated. / Ersättning av fysiska backspeglar i lastbilar skapar förutsättningar för kompletterande visuell information som kan bidra till säkrare körning. Informationskällor i fordon kan vara en bidragande faktor till ökad mental belastning hos förarna och bristfällig användargränssnitt kan leda till distraktion och nedsatt körprestation. Därmed är det väsentligt att undersöka vilken typ av visuell information som kan implementeras i de digitala speglarna samt hur den ska utformas med avseende på kognitiv ergonomi. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken relevant information som kan inkluderas i de digitala speglarna för att bidra till ökad medvetenhet om omgivningen hos förarna och därmed till ökad trafiksäkerhet. Utvecklingsprocessen bestod av en förundersökning av de ergonomiska aspekterna följd av tre iterationer bestående av användarundersökning, litteraturstudier, generation av koncept samt utvärdering utifrån erhållen teoretisk kunskap och användartester med yrkesförare. Denna metod möjliggjorde att identifiera användarkrav och utveckla en lösning anpassad efter förarnas behov. Det slutliga konceptet utvärderades i en körsimulator med tio lastbilschaufförer för att undersöka dess potentiella effekter på förarens prestationsförmåga med avseende på detektering av hinder i döda vinklar, fordonskontroll och subjektiva åsikter angående mental arbetsbelastning och användaracceptans. Resultaten påvisade signifikant förbättring av detektion av fordon i de döda vinklarna med det utvecklade konceptet. Kontrollen av fordonet påverkades ej vilket tyder på att informationen inte upplevdes som distraherande. Den subjektiva mentala belastningen ökades inte och användaracceptansen förbättrades signifikant efter testet vilket indikerar att förarnas förväntningar uppfylldes. Resultaten av studien tyder på att kompletterande information i digitala speglar kan vara fördelaktig för att förbättra förarnas medvetenhet om omgivningen och bör utredas vidare.
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Modelování agentů pro robotický fotbal / Robotic SoccerSuchý, Václav January 2009 (has links)
This work describes a design of an agent model for robotic soccer based on the DEVS formalism. There is also presented a design of own DEVS simulator (based on classic DEVS simulator) for parallel realtime simulations. Functionality of the simulator and the model is shown on an example of a soccer client for RoboCup Soccer Server. Based on this client, there is also presented a design of a library for easier creation of soccer clients for RoboCup.
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Evaluation and Analysis of Perception Systems for Autonomous DrivingSharma, Devendra January 2020 (has links)
For safe mobility, an autonomous vehicle must perceive the surroundings accurately. There are many perception tasks associated with understanding the local environment such as object detection, localization, and lane analysis. Object detection, in particular, plays a vital role in determining an object’s location and classifying it correctly and is one of the challenging tasks in the self-driving research area. Before employing an object detection module in autonomous vehicle testing, an organization needs to have a precise analysis of the module. Hence, it becomes crucial for a company to have an evaluation framework to evaluate an object detection algorithm’s performance. This thesis develops a comprehensive framework for evaluating and analyzing object detection algorithms, both 2D (camera images based) and 3D (LiDAR point cloud-based). The pipeline developed in this thesis provides the ability to evaluate multiple models with ease, signified by the key performance metrics, Average Precision, F-score, and Mean Average Precision. 40-point interpolation method is used to calculate the Average Precision. / För säker rörlighet måste ett autonomt fordon uppfatta omgivningen exakt. Det finns många uppfattningsuppgifter associerade med att förstå den lokala miljön, såsom objektdetektering, lokalisering och filanalys. I synnerhet objektdetektering spelar en viktig roll för att bestämma ett objekts plats och klassificera det korrekt och är en av de utmanande uppgifterna inom det självdrivande forskningsområdet. Innan en anställd detekteringsmodul används i autonoma fordonsprovningar måste en organisation ha en exakt analys av modulen. Därför blir det avgörande för ett företag att ha en utvärderingsram för att utvärdera en objektdetekteringsalgoritms prestanda. Denna avhandling utvecklar ett omfattande ramverk för utvärdering och analys av objektdetekteringsalgoritmer, både 2 D (kamerabilder baserade) och 3 D (LiDAR-punktmolnbaserade). Rörledningen som utvecklats i denna avhandling ger möjlighet att enkelt utvärdera flera modeller, betecknad med nyckelprestandamätvärdena, Genomsnittlig precision, F-poäng och genomsnittlig genomsnittlig precision. 40-punkts interpoleringsmetod används för att beräkna medelprecisionen.
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Developing a Virtual Reality Bicycle Simulator in Unity for Traffic Safety Research IntegrationNorén, Hampus January 2022 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development and utilization of a virtual reality bicycle simulator for the purposes of traffic safety research. The bicycle simulator is developed using a virtual reality head mounted display (HMD) and commercially available hardware and software in the Unity framework. An experiment was conducted by exposing 24 participants to select scenarios in a virtual environment that were constructed to imitate a real-world location in Lund, Sweden. Observing the effects in term of immersion and cybersickness in relation to development. Recordings from drones were used to capture real life traffic from the location that were tracked and implemented into Unity for increased realism. The participants answered questionnaires incorporating VRSQ: Virtual reality sickness questionnaire and SPES: The spatial presence experience scale. The results indicate that the induced cybersickness is similar to, but slightly lower than that of average mean simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) results. SPES showed generally positive results, average answer being 3.6 on a scale from 1-5.
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Realization of a serially-linked haptic device / Framtagning av en serielänkad haptisk enhetMassoumzadeh, Ramtin January 2017 (has links)
Spatial haptic interfaces have existed for more than 20 years but have not been widespread despite promising applications. The few devices found in the market as of today are either considered costly, of higher quality and produced in smaller series or mass-produced and cheap, but of lower quality. This thesis aims to develop a new serially-linked everyday haptic desktop product under the project name Polhem. It aims to be based on the previous efforts of WoodenHaptics and AluHaptics, developed by Forsslund et al. The electronics and control software is shared between the WoodenHaptics, the AluHaptics as well as the Polhem designed and manufactured in this project. Polhem is capable of delivering forces in 3 DOF and its manipulandum is trackable in 6 DOF. Polhem is designed so as to eliminate problems related to angular tracking technologies currently used in some higher-end haptic devices. / Spatiala haptiska gränssnitt har existerat i mer än 20 år men har trots sina lovande applikationer inte varit tillgänglig i någon större utsträckning. De få enheter som finns på marknaden i dagsläget anses antingen vara dyra, av högre kvalitet och produceras i mindre serier eller massproducerade och billiga, men av lägre kvalitet. Denna avhandling syftar till att utveckla en ny serielänkad haptisk produkt under projektnamnet Polhem. Polhem syftar till att baseras på de föregående enheterna WoodenHaptics och AluHaptics, som utvecklats av Forsslund et al. Elektroniken och reglermjukvaran delas mellan WoodenHaptics, AluHaptics och Polhem. Polhem kan leverera krafter i 3 frihetsgrader och dess manipulandum kan spåras i 6 frihetsgrader. Polhem är utformad så att den eliminerar problem relaterade till äldre vinkelspårningsteknologi som för närvarande används i många högpresterande haptiska enheter
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Science Based Human Reliability Analysis: Using Digital Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Human Reliability ResearchShirley, Rachel B. 23 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Pre-study and system design of a mobile platform simulator system / Förstudie och systemdesign för ett mobiltsimulatorsystemKatewa, Luis January 2018 (has links)
There are many ways to produce energy, using e.g. gas or hydro turbines. To guarantee a stable power output, it is important to consider components that could control and adjust the output power automatically. The intention of this thesis work is to carry out a pre-study and system design of a mobileplatform simulator system that could be used by companies like Siemens and help them to reduce their OPEX (Operational expenditure) and easily evaluate their AVR (AutomaticVoltage Regulator) solutions and test improvements. In this document, Siemens has decided to call the simulator system, MPSS (Mobile Platform Simulator System). The pre-study includes the theory behind energy production, synchronous generator, simulator system, AVR, control systems and electrical grid. Furthermore, the pre-study includes selection of the proposed components for the simulator system and design of the complete simulator system that will be built by the Siemens R&D engineers at a later stage. The Mobile Platform Simulator System (MPSS) is intended to test the AVR performance, which is a component with its prime purpose being to maintain the output voltage values from the generator at a fixed value, regardless of the current being drawn by the load. It is important that these output values are constantly regulated during the process of producing electricity, so that problems such as overvoltage, overcurrent etc. can be prevented. The MPSS will also be able to simulate real working scenarios e.g. from the different components of an energy production system, such as gas and hydro turbine, synchronous generator, AVR, electrical grid and serve for personnel training. The MPSS will consist of three main components; Simulator, AVR and control system. Therefore, the report will initially provide the background and general theory behind the synchronous generator, AVR and control system used in power generation systems. General information about the electrical grid is also provided. Furthermore, the report suggests the best possible choice for the necessary components to build a MPSS as well instructions on how to perform event simulation. The necessary documentation, including a circuit diagram to support the building of the MPSS by the R&D engineers at late stage, is also provided. Finally, the general analysis of the technical and non-technical aspects related to the choice of components, work process, method and result are discussed in the end of this report. / Det finns många sätt att producera energi, genom användning av exempelvis gas- eller hydroturbiner. För att garantera en stabil produktion är det viktigt att noga överväga komponenter, som kan styra och justera uteffekten automatiskt. Avsikten med detta arbete är att göra en förstudie och systemdesign av ett simulatorsystem som kan användas av företag som Siemens, med avsikt att hjälpa dem att minska sin driftskostnad(OPEX), och lättare kunna utvärdera sina AVR-lösningar (Automatic Voltage Regulator)och möjliga testförbättringar. För detta arbete har Siemens bestämt att kalla systemet för ett mobilt simulatorsystem eller MPSS (Mobile Platform Simulator System). Förstudien innehåller teorin bakom energiproduktion, synkrongenerator generator, simulatorsystem, AVR, styrsystem och elnät. Ett urval av de olika komponenterna för simulatorsystemet och en slutgiltig design tas fram. Det kompletta simulatorsystemet kommer i ett senare skede att byggas av forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjörerna på Siemens. Simulatorsystemet är avsett att testa AVR-prestanda, vilket är en komponent vars huvudsakliga syfte är att upprätthålla utspänningsvärdena från en generator inom ett fast intervallvärde, oberoende av vilken effekt som en last drar. Det är viktigt att utgångsvärden ständigt regleras under elproduktionsprocesser så att utgångsvärden hålls inom systemets tillåtna gränser så att problem som över-/underspänning, över-/underström, över-/underfrekvens etc. kan förhindras. Simulatorsystemet kommer också att kunna simulera verkliga arbetsscenarier för olika komponenter i ett energiproduktionssystem, såsom gas- och hydroturbin, synkrongenerator, AVR och laster, exempelvis elnät, samt kunna användas vid personalutbildning. Simulatorsystemet kommer att bestå av tre huvudkomponenter; Simulator, AVR och styrsystem. Inledande beskrivning av arbetets bakgrund och allmän teoretisk kring komponenterna synkrongenerator, AVR och styrsystem, som används vid i kraftgenereringssystem, ges. Även en allmän bakgrund om elnätet och dess funktion presenteras. Därefter presenteras förslag på bästa möjliga val av nödvändiga komponenter för att bygga ett simulatorsystem. Ett förslag om hur händelse simulering görs samt vilken nödvändig dokumentation och kretsdiagram som behövs för att bygga ett simulatorsystem presenteras. I slutet av detta arbete presenteras en allmän analys av de tekniska och icke-tekniska aspekterna kring val av komponenter, arbetsprocess samt metod och resultat.
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Compact force feedback steering wheelForsberg, Hampus January 2024 (has links)
Force feedback steering wheels are used in games or simulations and provides the driver with a more realistic experience in different simulated driving environments. These simulators can also improve driving skills and help reduce costs and time in the development of automotive technology. This project is conducted at Luleå University of Technology for a bachelor degree at the automotive system technology program. The aim is to design and fabricate a functioning compact force feedback steering wheel that includes manufacturing mechanical parts with a 3D-printer and designing high precision parts with CAD software. The integration of advanced electronics is also part of the project. The challenge is to make the mechanical parts and electronics work seamlessly together in order to create a well-functioning system and at the same time reduce costs to the budget. This project is a test of the wide range of engineering abilities learned in the automotive system technology program. Limitations and challenges include the limited area of the 3D printer, the low cost electric motor and the limited space inside of the steering wheel unit which result in a compact product. Part of the project is also to compare existing products on the market to create a product specification and bench marking.
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Development of an Installation to Emulate Altitude, Ambient Temperature, and Ambient Humidity on Thermal Engines. Application to the Study of the Impact over E6 Engine PerformanceTabet Aleixandre, Roberto 27 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] Las normativas cada vez más restrictivas sobre las emisiones contaminantes de los vehículos de motor impuestas por la Unión Europea han obligado a los fabricantes de equipos originales (OEM) a proporcionar a los centros de investigación herramientas e instalaciones que pueden reproducir de forma precisa y repetida diferentes condiciones atmosféricas durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo del motor. En la actualidad la legislación europea incluye pruebas de emisiones reales en conducción (RDE) en diferentes condiciones atmosféricas, con altitudes de hasta 1300 metros sobre el nivel del mar y temperaturas que alcanzan los -7 ºC. Esto se ha hecho típicamente utilizando cámaras climáticas y altimétricas que permiten la reproducción de las condiciones atmosféricas en toda la celda de prueba, y más recientemente conectando a motor simuladores de altitud acoplados con unidades de tratamiento de aire (AHU).
En esta Tesis Doctoral, se presenta la mejora del simulador de altitud comercializado por la empresa HORIBA denominado MEDAS, utilizando procedimientos tanto inductivos como deductivos, con el objetivo de ampliar el rango de prestaciones de la instalación, así como mejorar la precisión del control de la presión del aire comburente y reducir el consumo energético global. Además, durante esta fase, se lleva a cabo el desarrollo de un modelo 1D del simulador de altitud, con el que es posible obtener resultados precisos sobre el desempeño de la instalación para diferentes condiciones de contorno, como puede ser el punto operativo del motor, la presión de la sala o la temperatura del agua de refrigeración.
A continuación, se han desarrollado dos nuevos equipos: el Módulo de Temperatura del MEDAS (MTM) y el Módulo de Humedad del MEDAS (MHM); mejorando las estrategias de control y algunos componentes clave (por ejemplo, la columna de agua de burbujas) para controlar con precisión la temperatura y la humedad del aire de combustión. Estos dos junto con el MEDAS crean un simulador de atmósfera completo, que permite el control independiente de las tres variables psicrométricas del aire de combustión del motor: presión, temperatura y humedad.
Por último, el simulador de atmósfera desarrollado se utiliza para estudiar el efecto que las tres variables psicométricas del aire ambiente tienen sobre el rendimiento y las emisiones contaminantes de un motor Diesel Euro 6 turboalimentado, demostrando el gran efecto que tiene la humedad ambiental sobre las emisiones contaminantes de los motores Diesel y la necesidad de considerar este parámetro en las estrategias de calibración. Algunos resultados obtenidos podrían ser la reducción de potencia que el motor sufre al operar en condiciones de altitud, los cambios que la temperatura ambiente causa en el punto de operación del turbo grupo o como las emisiones de NOx se reducen cuando la humedad ambiente aumenta. / [CA] Les normatives cada vegada més restrictives sobre les emissions contaminants dels vehicles de motor imposades per la Unió Europea han obligat als fabricants d'equips originals (OEM) a proporcionar als centres d'investigació eines i instal·lacions que poden reproduir de manera precisa i repetida diferents condicions atmosfèriques durant les primeres etapes del desenvolupament del motor. En l'actualitat la legislació europea inclou proves d'emissions reals en conducció (RDE) en diferents condicions atmosfèriques, amb altituds de fins a 1300 metres sobre el nivell de la mar i temperatures que aconsegueixen els -7 °C. Això s'ha fet típicament utilitzant cambres climàtiques i altimètriques que permeten la reproducció de les condicions atmosfèriques en tota la cel·la de prova, i més recentment connectant a motor simuladors d'altitud acoblats amb unitats de tractament d'aire (AHU).
En aquesta Tesi Doctoral, es presenta la millora del simulador d'altitud comercialitzat per l'empresa HORIBA denominat MEDAS, utilitzant procediments tant inductius com deductius, amb l'objectiu d'ampliar el rang de prestacions de la instal·lació així com millorar la precisió del control de pressió de l'aire de combustió i reduir el consum energètic global. A més, durant aquesta fase, es du a terme el desenvolupament d'un model 1D del simulador d'altitud, amb el qual és possible obtindre resultats precisos sobre l'acompliment de la instal·lació per a diferents condicions de contorn, com pot ser el punt d'operació del motor, l'altitud d'instal·lació o la temperatura de l'aigua de refrigeració.
A continuació, s'han desenvolupat dos nous equips: el Mòdul de Temperatura del MEDAS (MTM) i el Mòdul d'Humitat del MEDAS (MHM); millorant les estratègies de control i alguns components clau (per exemple, la columna d'aigua de bambolles) per a controlar amb precisió la temperatura i la humitat de l'aire de combustió. Aquests dos juntament amb el MEDAS creen un simulador d'atmosfera complet, que permet el control independent de les tres variables psicromètriques de l'aire de combustió del motor: pressió, temperatura i humitat.
Finalment, el simulador d'atmosfera desenvolupat s'utilitza per a estudiar l'efecte que les tres variables psicomètriques de l'aire ambient tenen sobre el rendiment i les emissions contaminants d'un motor Dièsel Euro 6 *turboalimentado, demostrant el gran efecte que té la humitat ambiental sobre les emissions contaminants dels motors Dièsel i la necessitat de considerar aquest paràmetre en les estratègies de calibratge. Alguns resultats obtinguts podrien ser la reducció de potència que el motor pateix en operar en condicions d'altitud, els canvis que la temperatura ambient causa en el punt d'operació del turbo grup o com les emissions de NOx es redueixen quan la humitat ambiente augmenta. / [EN] Increasingly restrictive regulations on pollutant emissions for motor vehicles imposed by the European Union have forced original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to provide research centers with tools and facilities that can accurately and repeatedly reproduce different atmospheric conditions during the early stages of engine development. Nowadays, the European legislation includes real driving emissions (RDE) tests at different atmospheric conditions, with altitudes up to 1300 meters above sea level and temperatures reaching -7 ºC. This has been done typically using altimetric and climatic chambers, which allow the reproduction of the atmospheric conditions in the whole test cell. More recently, connecting to the engine altitude simulators coupled with air handling units (AHU).
In this Ph.D. Thesis, the improvement of the altitude simulator commercialized by the company HORIBA called MEDAS, carried out by inductive and deductive procedures, is presented to extend the installation's performance range, improve the combustion air pressure control accuracy, and reduce the installation global energy consumption. Furthermore, during this phase, the development of a 1D model of the altitude simulator is carried out, with which it is possible to obtain accurate results about the performance of the installation for different boundary conditions such as the engine operation point, the room pressure, or the cooling water temperature.
Following, two new pieces of equipment have been developed: MEDAS Temperature Module (MTM) and MEDAS Humidity Module (MHM), improving the control strategies and some key components (i.e., the bubbles water-column) to increase the accuracy of the combustion air temperature and humidity control. Together with the MEDAS, these two create a complete atmosphere simulator, which allows the independent control of the three psychrometric variables of the engine combustion air: pressure, temperature, and humidity.
Lastly, the atmosphere simulator developed is used to study the effect that the three psychometric variables of the ambient air have on the performance and the pollutant emissions of a Euro 6 turbocharged diesel engine, proving the significant effect that the ambient humidity has on the diesel engines pollutant emissions and the necessity of considering this parameter in the calibration strategies. Some results could be the reduction in power that the engine suffers when operating in altitude conditions, the changes that the ambient temperature causes at the turbocharger operative point, or the decrease in NOx emissions that happen when the ambient humidity increases. / Tabet Aleixandre, R. (2022). Development of an Installation to Emulate Altitude, Ambient Temperature, and Ambient Humidity on Thermal Engines. Application to the Study of the Impact over E6 Engine Performance [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183753
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