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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Global Warming on the Indoor Environment : A Simulation Study on Single – Family Houses in the Stockholm Region

Andersson, Julia, Larsson, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, the main objective has been to simulate and evaluate the change between the indoor climate today and 2070, due to climate change. The model created was built by parts chosen based on solutions and material commonly used when building single-family houses in the Stockholm region in 2020. This has been done by evaluating statistics, literature, common practices, and building requirements. To simulate a representative house, a model was built in the software IDA ICE where present and future climates were inserted and the resulting indoor environment evaluated. The future outdoor climate has been constructed through predictions based on scenarios determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The hypothesis was that single-family houses built in 2020 will not be habitable in 2070 due to the increased indoor temperatures in summer, and that changes can be done to combat this potential warming.The result of the simulations shows that the indoor environment was strongly dependent on the outdoor climate, building design, and technique. Meaning that changes to the building, regarding design, structure, material, and building services will result in a change in the indoor environment. Furthermore, the indoor temperatures of the model increased above acceptable levels regardless of future scenario. Several changes and additions to the model have, therefore, been tested to examine whether they reduce the maximum temperatures below the threshold sustainably.None of the individual changes reduced the temperatures below the acceptable levels for every single scenario and was considered a sustainable option at the same time. Some more sustainable modifications reduced the indoor temperatures below the threshold for the cooler scenarios, and some less sustainable modifications reduced the indoor temperatures below the threshold for all scenarios. A combination of more sustainable modifications was also tested, yielding a reduction in temperature beneath the threshold for all scenarios except for the two most extreme.The changed outdoor climate has a large effect on the simulated indoor environment. This could be considered as a strong indication that the actual indoor environment and thermal comfort of single-family houses will be affected as well. It is difficult to predict whether single-family houses in 2070 will be considered unhabitable since it is determined by a wide range of variables. The simulated indoor environment can, however, be improved by changing or adding parts to the model. / Denna uppsats huvudsakliga mål har varit att simulera och utvärdera förändringen mellan inomhusklimatet idag och år 2070 på grund av klimatförändringarna. Den skapade modellen var uppbyggd av delar valda utifrån lösningar och material som vanligtvis används vid byggandet av småhus i Stockholmsregionen 2020. Detta har gjorts genom att utvärdera statistik, litteratur, vanliga metoder och byggregler. För att simulera ett representativt hus byggdes en modell i mjukvaran IDA ICE. Modellen testades mot ett nuvarande och framtida utomhusklimat och därefter utvärderades den resulterande inomhusmiljön Det framtida utomhusklimatet har konstruerats genom prognoser baserade på scenarier som bestäms av FN:s klimatpanel (IPCC). Hypotesen var att småhus som byggts runt 2020 inte kommer att vara beboeliga år 2070 på grund av de ökade inomhustemperaturerna på sommaren, och att förändringar kan göras för att bekämpa denna potentiella uppvärmning av inomhustemperatur.Resultaten av simuleringarna visar att inomhusmiljön var starkt beroende av utomhusklimatet, byggtekniken och designen. Vilket betyder att förändringar i byggnaden avseende design, stomme, material och installationsteknik kommer att resultera i en förändring av inomhusmiljön. Fortsatt steg inomhustemperaturerna i modellen över acceptabla nivåer, oavsett framtida scenario. Flera ändringar och tillägg till modellen har därför testats, för att undersöka om det kan leda till en sänkning av den maximala temperaturen under riktvärdet, på ett hållbart sätt.Ingen av de individuella förändringarna minskade temperaturerna under de acceptabla nivåerna för alla scenarier samt ansågs vara ett hållbart alternativ. Några mer hållbara ändringar minskade inomhustemperaturerna under riktvärdet för de svalare scenarierna. Medan vissa mindre hållbara modifieringar minskade temperaturerna under kravet för alla scenarier. En kombination av de mer hållbara modifieringar testades också, vilket sänkte temperaturerna under tröskelvärdet för alla scenarier, utom de två mest extrema.Det förändrade utomhusklimatet har stor inverkan på den simulerade inomhusmiljön. Detta kan ses som en stark indikation på att den verkliga inomhusmiljön och termiska komforten för småhus också kommer att påverkas i framtiden. Det är svårt att förutsäga huruvida småhus år 2070 kommer att betraktas som obeboeliga då det påverkas av många variabler. Den simulerade inomhusmiljön kan dock förbättras genom att ändra eller lägga till delar i modellen.

Comparative Life CycleAssessment of Two Single Family Dwellings

Istiqamah, Istiqamah, Shahraki, Sina Soleimani January 2022 (has links)
This study compared the Global Warming Potential (GWP) impact of two single-family dwellings situated in Halmstad and Norrköping. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate how building materials types, material quantities, and geographical boundaries affect the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results. This study focuses on climate declaration (A1-A5) LCA stages and was conducted in collaboration with Fiskarhedenvillan. The study uses a comparative LCA of various building components and materials. One Click LCA student license was used to calculate the CO2e emissions from the GWP impact category. The study found that the building in Halmstad generated 6,3% lower CO2e emissions compared to the building in Norrköping. The reason mainly was affected by the use of roofing materials. The building in Halmstad used reinforced bitumen while the building in Norrköping used concrete tile roofing. The study investigates that reinforced bitumen generates lower emissions in A1-A4 stages compared to concrete. The geographical boundaries affect the A4 stage. The building in Halmstad generated higher CO2e emissions compared to the building in Norrköping as it has long distances to the building materials suppliers. The research verifies that the A1-A3 stages considerably generate most of the emissions (70-80%) compared to A4 and A5. The A5 stage results remain the same per meter square of both dwellings considering the use of generic data from One Click LCA.

A Study of Single Family Housing in Libya / Истраживање индивидуалног становања у Либији / Istraživanje individualnog stanovanja u Libiji

Shahran Abdrahman 28 February 2018 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to analyze different types of traditional and contemporary homes in three different geographical areas in Libya &ndash; the coastal region (Tripoli), the mountainous region (Gharyan), and the desert region (Ghadames) &ndash; in terms of the suitability of cultural, social and climatic conditions, as well as to investigate how to take advantage of the traditional elements of single family housing in contemporary design solutions. The study includes the analyses on the impact of construction, planning guidance for building, construction materials, structure, distribution of internal arrangements and their function, roof, and openings, followed by conducting a field survey of the houses from home and abroad, and finally, taking pictures of houses and interviewing the residents of those homes.</p> / <p>Циљ студије је да анализира различите типове традиционалних и савремених кућа у три различита географска подручја у Либији - оне на приморју (Триполи), у планинској области (Гхариан), и у пустињском терену (Гадамес) - у смислу прилагодљивости изграђених структура културним, друштвеним и климатским условвима, као и да се испита како се користе традиционални елементи породичног становања у дизајнерским решењима савремених објеката. Студијом су обухваћени и анализирани различити утицаји који делују на породичне куће почев од планирања, градње, структуре објеката, коиршћење грађевински материјала, унутрашње уређење, отворе, конструкцију и коришћење крова... Спроведено је истраживање на терену кућа из Либије и примера из иностранства, сликани су и исцртани објекти који су укључени у анализу, и разговарало се са корисницима кућа ради јаснијег сагледавања услова које пружају.</p> / <p>Cilj studije je da analizira različite tipove tradicionalnih i savremenih kuća u tri različita geografska područja u Libiji - one na primorju (Tripoli), u planinskoj oblasti (Gharian), i u pustinjskom terenu (Gadames) - u smislu prilagodljivosti izgrađenih struktura kulturnim, društvenim i klimatskim uslovvima, kao i da se ispita kako se koriste tradicionalni elementi porodičnog stanovanja u dizajnerskim rešenjima savremenih objekata. Studijom su obuhvaćeni i analizirani različiti uticaji koji deluju na porodične kuće počev od planiranja, gradnje, strukture objekata, koiršćenje građevinski materijala, unutrašnje uređenje, otvore, konstrukciju i korišćenje krova... Sprovedeno je istraživanje na terenu kuća iz Libije i primera iz inostranstva, slikani su i iscrtani objekti koji su uključeni u analizu, i razgovaralo se sa korisnicima kuća radi jasnijeg sagledavanja uslova koje pružaju.</p>

Les formes de territorialisation de l'exode urbain dans l'espace métropolitain bucarestois / Urban exodus territorialisation forms inbucarest metropilitan area

Cirnu, Lilian 16 September 2013 (has links)
L’activité de recherche a eu lieu alternativement dans le cadre de l‟École doctorale le Simion Mehedinți”, Faculté de Géographie, Université de Bucarest et au laboratoire „PAVE- Profession, Architecture, Ville, Environnement”, École Nationale Supérieure d‟Architecture et du Paysage de Bordeaux, France. Durant la réalisation de cette thèse on a suivi également des stages de formation et perfectionnement au laboratoire de recherche „ThèMA”, Université de Franche Comté, France, ESRI Roumanie et dans le cadre de l'Unité Régionale de Formation à l'Information Scientifique et Technique, URFIST de Bordeaux, France. / The research period took place alternatively to the Doctoral School “Simion Mehedinţi”, Bucharest University, Geography Department and to the PAVE Research Laboratory (ENSAP Bordeaux), member of the Emile Durkheim Research Center (UMR5116). During the realization of this PhD work we have also was also carried out training courses to the research laboratory „ThèMA”, University of Franche-Comté, France, ESRI Romania and to the Regional Training Unit for Scientific and Technical Information, URFIST de Bordeaux, France.

Assessment of energy renovation with new design solution of a single-familyhouse in southern Sweden.

Robert, Andersson, Becke, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
To reach the EU directives and Sweden ́s energy- and climate goals, there is a needto implement new innovative- and technical solutions in each sector. The Swedishgovernment predicts that the buildings sectors energy demand could be reduced byrenovating the existing building stock. The research examines the opportunities to implement indoor design solutionsassociated with an energy renovation measure of an existing single-family house inSweden. The research will cover a broader picture of the concept's feasibility-, addedvalues, and financial cost and benefits. This will be done within the requirements ofthe current building regulations on altering an existing building in Sweden 2021. The research outcome showed that implementing the design solution concept willconstitute a financial benefit on energy renovation measure ́s payback time. Theresult showed that one of the suggested design concepts with the energy renovationmeasures would have a payback time of 8.5 years. Besides, implementing the designsolution concept predicts several beneficial added values, e.g., environment, buildingdesign and society.

Retrofitting a Single-family Home with Increased Use of Renewable Energy

Ma, Chenwen January 2017 (has links)
Buildings account for up to 40% of the total energy use in the world. Directives from the European Union have pointed out the significance of increasing the energy efficiency in buildings. New regulation in countries like Sweden has established that new buildings should fulfil regulations of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB), providing the opportunity for renewable energy technologies to achieve these goals. In this paper, the retrofitting potential of renewable energy technologies for a single-family home in Sweden was investigated.The present work studied the characteristics of several renewable energy technologies and their applications for a single-family home in Sweden, including biomass, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, heat pump, and small-scale wind turbine. Three renewable energy technologies (solar thermal, heat pump and small-scale wind turbine) and one renovation method (window) were selected to investigate. The analysis was made of the current energy use and the potential energy (and cost) savings from each retrofitting of these facilities by means of simulation models using IDA ICE software. The study results show that the proposed renewable energy technologies are technically feasible and economically viable as a source of alternative renewable energy in order to produce clean energy and reduce electricity bills for an electric-heated single-family home located in Sweden. Moreover, the combined retrofitting scheme consist of solar thermal system and window renovation was also proposed and explored. As a result the energy performance of the single-family home would satisfy the nearly-zero energy building requirements and thermal comfort could be maintained at an acceptable level.

Dynamic modelling of electricity arbitrage for single-family homes : Assessing the cost-effectiveness of implementing Energy Storage and Demand-Side Load Management.

Ali, Ahmed January 2023 (has links)
In the context of electricity, arbitrage trading involves taking advantage of existing price variations within electricity markets. The report conducted financial modelling for energy storage systems and demand-side load management for electricity arbitrage trading in single-family homes. The analysis included two different energy storage systems: a thermal energy storage system and a battery energy storage system. Additionally, electricity spot cost reduction was compared between electricity arbitrage trading and traditional energy efficiency measures such as air-to-water and ground-source heat pumps. The report's findings indicated that air-to-water and ground-source heat pumps emerged as the most economically viable choices for reducing electricity spot costs, irrespective of the studied electricity price area. The thermal energy storage system, employing an insulated hot water storage tank, ranked the third most efficient in achieving cost savings. The battery energy storage system, represented by a lithium home battery system, demonstrated the lowest rate of cost saving among the analyzed energy efficiency measures.  The financial modelling highlighted the economic potential for thermal energy storage systems, particularly in southern Sweden's electricity price areas SE3 and SE4. On the other hand, no economically viable options for battery energy storage systems were identified, regardless of the studied electricity price area. As a results, the report recommends utilizing thermal energy storage systems and implementing demand-side load management as strategies to hedge against future electricity price volatility.

Differences in Urban Residential Property Maintenance by Tenure Type

Rose, Geoff 04 1900 (has links)
One of the key determinants of the “quality” of a neighbourhood is the extent to which owners maintain their properties. Much has been written about the impact of neighbourhood blight or the physically rejuvenating impact of gentrification. To better understand why some neighbourhoods are thriving, and others not, a critical variable that has seen little exploration is the type of tenure. This thesis, focused mostly on data from the City of Rochester NY, comparing absentee landlords, resident landlords and owner-occupiers, looking for differences in the level of maintenance of residential properties. Using a procedure developed by the author, every house in Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse containing 1-6 units was assessed, creating a quantitative analysis that is both more current, and on a much larger scale than previous work. Findings mostly confirmed observations and theories in the literature, but there were a number of significant differences. The key observation within Rochester was that, regardless of geographic scale, absentee owners consistently took the worst care of their properties, followed by resident landlords and then owner-occupiers. Further, size and type of absentee landlord mattered. Tenure was found to be the driving force in predicting maintenance outcomes, compounded by variables such as property values and race. Evidence from Buffalo and Syracuse indicated that findings may be generalizable, at least for declining industrial cities. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Stanovení výše ekonomického nájemného rodinného domu v Brně / Determining the amount of economic rent for single-family house in Brno

Kubásek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to determine the economic rent amount for a family house located in Brno. The concept “economic rent” refers to the amount of payment that brings adequate profit to the landlord. First, all the factors are identified that compose cost rent, i.e. the rent of mere providing and maintaining a property. The main variable is represented by the reproduction value of a dwelling. For the purposes of this thesis, the reproduction value is determined using the cost method (in agreement with the evaluation regulation). Second, the capitalization rate is determined so that an adequate profit could be calculated. The following two methods are employed: the surcharge method and the method of comparison with the financial market. The thesis presents seven alternatives of an economic rent, depending on the interest rates. Lastly, the calculation of the rate of return is performed, along with a correctness test of the calculation of the economic rent amount.

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