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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approaches to transferring South African culture-bound elements into German: Zazah Khuzwayo’s Never Been At Home (2004)

Breuer, Kerstin 22 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0002424T - MA research report - School of Literature and Language Studies - Faculty of Humanities / This study examines various approaches to the translation of a South African culturally bound novel, Never Been At Home (2004) by Zazah Khuzwayo. The purpose of this research is to combine theoretical concepts with a practical translation and make a valid contribution to the research that has been undertaken so far with regard to the translation of the South African postcolonial novel into German. In order to contextualise the current situation of the translation business, the status of translators as defined by copyright law as well as the increasing trend towards the commoditisation of translation is clarified. The concept of invisibility/visibility of the translator plays n important role in this research. Various models for understanding culture including the domesticating and the foreignising translation strategies are presented and emphasis is put on the role of the translator as a cultural mediator. The notion of postcolonial texts, also referred to as ‘hybrids’ or ‘métisses’, are explicated and the space ‘in-between’ of postcolonial authors is analysed. Aspects of Nord’ Skopostheorie, Hewson and Martin’s Variational Approach, Chesterman’s Memetics and Baker’s theories about equivalence in translation serve as a fundamental basis for the theoretical framework of this study. The findings include challenges in translating this postcolonial text, as well as a presentation of the translation solutions. The conclusion investigates the overall approach applied in the translation of the text and finally discusses aspects of this particular field in Translation Studies that would be worth addressing in future projects.

Paracelso - pioneiro, plural, polêmico: Traduzir para resgatar uma personalidade histórica marginalizada / Paracelsus - pioneering, plural, polemic: Translating in rescue of a marginalized historical personality

Wagner, João Joakim Thoren 28 June 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a elaborar uma tradução comentada de um tratado médico de Paracelso, importante ator na individualização de diversas áreas modernas de conhecimento a partir da Alquimia. A imagem geralmente associada a ele se mostra marcada pelas campanhas difamatórias havidas que, provavelmente, facilitaram que a influência de suas ideias fosse progressivamente diminuída e posta de lado. Especificamente na esfera da língua portuguesa, a disponibilidade de textos seus é limitada, sendo, essencialmente, restrita a algumas (poucas) traduções indiretas. O corpus para a tradução propriamente dita compõe-se de três versões, num corte diacrônico, do tratado Von den ersten drei Essentiis: a edição de 1589, pouco após a morte de Paracelso, a edição de 1930, ainda em Frakturschrift e muito parecida com a de 1589, e a edição de 1965, apresentada já em alemão moderno e em fonte Antiqua. No cotejo destas edições observaram-se diferenças sugestivas da existência de propostas (escopos) individuais para cada edição. A primeira como texto técnico, a segunda como texto de divulgação, de cunho histórico, e a terceira, de cunho também histórico, mas voltada para o público moderno. Para a chamada Skopostheorie, o escopo ocupa posição central numa tradução e em seu redor, e diretamente condicionadas por ele, gravitam todas as decisões tradutórias. Por esta valorização dada ao escopo, que, para este trabalho, foi diverso daqueles apresentados no corpus, optou-se pela Skopostheorie como balizamento teórico dos trabalhos. Assim, o escopo regeu a definição das soluções propostas para os diversos desafios de tradução encontrados. Dentre eles estão as mudanças linguísticas decorrentes da passagem do tempo, a presença de elementos do latim no texto-fonte (na forma de palavras e presença de declinação) e os variados recursos que Paracelso empregou para contornar limitações linguísticas impostas pelo Frühneuhochdeutsch (tais como neologismos e germanizações, com diferentes graus de preservação e incorporação efetiva no alemão moderno). / This paper proposes to elaborate a commented translation, from German to Portuguese, of a medical treatise of Paracelsus, an important actor in the individualization of several modern areas of knowledge from Alchemy. The image usually associated with him is strongly influenced by defamatory campaigns moved against him by his contemporary peers and that have made it easier for the influence of his ideas to be progressively diminished and set aside. Specifically in the sphere of the Portuguese language, the availability of his texts is limited, being essentially restricted to (a few) indirect translations. The corpus for the translation itself consists of three versions, in a diachronic section, of the treatise Von den ersten drei Essentiis: the 1589 edition, shortly after the authors death, the 1930 edition, still in Fraktur type font and very much like the one of 1589, and the edition of 1965, already presented in modern German and Antiqua font. In the comparison of these editions, were found differences suggestive of the existence of individual purposes (scopes) for each edition. The first one as a technical text, the second as a text of divulgation, of a historical nature, and the third, also historical, but aimed at the modern public. Within the chosen theoretical framework, known as Skopostheorie, the scope occupies a central position in a translation and around it, and directly conditioned by it, gravitate all the translation decisions. This importance attached to scope was decisive as the scope for this work, was different from the others presented in the corpus. Thus, the scope governed the definition of the solutions proposed for the various translation challenges encountered. Among them are linguistic changes deriving from the passage of time, the presence of Latin elements in the source text (in the form of words and presence of declination) and the varied resources that Paracelsus used to circumvent language limitations imposed by the Frühneuhochdeutsch (such as neologisms and germanizations, with different degrees of preservation and effective incorporation into modern German).

Estudos funcionais da tradução: rupturas e continuidades / Functional translation studies: departures e continuities

Moreira, Marcelo Victor de Souza 03 April 2014 (has links)
O tema desta dissertação é o Funcionalismo, uma abordagem teórica dos Estudos da Tradução que tem em Hans J. Vermeer seu fundador e principal teorizador. Partimos de duas hipóteses de trabalho: por um lado, pressupomos que, a despeito dos relatos historiográficos que enfatizam, com razão, o seu caráter revolucionário, a teoria tenha dado continuidade a importantes princípios de teorias de tradução precedentes. Por outro lado, somos da opinião de que o alicerce teórico tenha sido construído ao longo da década de 1980. Os textos publicados no âmbito da Teoria Funcional de Tradução após esse período consistiriam, assim, na aplicação desses fundamentos teóricos a diversas ramificações da atividade de tradução. Com base nos textos de Reiss e Vermeer (1984), Holz-Mänttäri (1984) e Nord (1988), examinamos o processo de gênese da teoria e seu desenvolvimento ao longo nos anos de 1980, a partir do elenco de seus principais conceitos, com o objetivo de, por um lado, identificar rupturas e continuidades em relação a teorias antecessoras e, por outro, promover uma leitura crítica de textos funcionalistas, pautada em parâmetros bem definidos. Desse modo, adotamos para o presente estudo uma metodologia baseada em quatro etapas. Primeiramente, delimitamos o escopo do trabalho (período e hipóteses), na medida em que foi definido o corpus de análise principal. Posteriormente, descrevemos o contexto histórico, institucional e intelectual de emergência da Teoria Funcional, tendo-nos pautado primeiramente por relatos de testemunhos e crônicas desse tempo, advindos de fontes primárias e secundárias e, em seguida, com vistas à identificação, segundo parâmetros específicos, de conceitos caros a essas propostas, pela análise de textos teóricos anteriores à publicação dos componentes do corpus principal. Numa terceira etapa, lemos e analisamos as obras do corpus principal segundo os mesmos parâmetros utilizados para a análise dos predecessores teóricos, o que nos levou a um mapeamento do desenvolvimento dos conceitos- chave funcionalistas. Finalmente, contrastamos os conceitos funcionalistas e os conceitos defendidos por seus predecessores, o que nos permitiu identificar, com o uso de noções defendidas pela historiografia das ciências para a interpretação dos resultados, rupturas e continuidades entre as duas vertentes. Esse processo nos levou à constatação de que, no plano teórico, as mudanças trazidas pelo Funcionalismo estão, por um lado, em conformidade com o clima intelectual dos estudos sobre a tradução em curso naquele momento e, por outro lado, seguem uma tendência observável no desenvolvimento das próprias teorias pré-funcionalistas de tradução. Ainda assim, constatamos que a vertente teórica trouxe inestimável contribuição no sentido de redefinir o lugar da tradução na Alemanha. A principal ruptura provocada pelo Funcionalismo, fomos levados a concluir, teria sido num plano que não o teórico, qual seja, a constituição de uma disciplina dedicada à tradução na Alemanha Ocidental. Quanto ao desenvolvimento da Teoria Funcional em si, vimos confirmada a hipótese inicial de que ela estabeleceu suas bases ao longo dos anos 1980. O fato de Nord, membro da assim chamada Segunda Geração Funcionalista, utilizar-se especialmente do quadro teórico formulado por Vermeer e Holz-Mänttäri, fazendo por ajustar a retórica funcionalista a uma retórica menos revolucionária, é sinal de que chegara ao fim o momento de revolução, com a abordagem adentrando um estágio de ciência normal. / The topic of this thesis is Functionalism, a theoretical approach to Translation Studies which was founded by Hans J. Vermeer, its main theorist. We take two hypotheses as our starting point: on the one hand, we assume that, despite the historiographic studies that rightly emphasize the theorys revolutionary character, it remained in continuity with important theoretical principles of preceding theories. On the other hand, it is our opinion that the theoretical foundation of Functional Translation Studies was established during the 1980s. The essays published in the context of Functional Theory afterward, therefore, would focus on the application of these theoretical principles to the practice of translation in many areas. With reference to the works of Reiss and Vermeer (1984), Holz-Mänttäri (1984) and Nord (1988), we examine the process of the theorys formation and its developments during the 1980s, first determining its main concepts, aiming, on the one hand, to identify departures and continuities between this and prior theories; and, on the other hand, to promote a critical review of functionalistic texts, guided by well defined parameters. Thereby, we adopted a methodology for this study consisting of four stages: first, we established the scope of this study (period and hypothesis), by defining the body of functional theoretical essays to be analysed. Then, we described the historical, institutional and intellectual context in which the emergence of the functional approach took place. In doing so, we were guided firstly by narratives and testimonies of that time, gathered from primary and secondary sources, and also by the analysis of theoretical texts which came prior to the publication of the components of our main corpus, which involved the identification of concepts valuable to this theoretical proposition according to specific parameters. Later on, we read the components of our main body of theoretical texts, and analysed them according to the parameters laid out in the previous stage, thus mapping out the development of the key concepts of Functional Theory. Lastly, we contrasted functionalist concepts with those of the theorys predecessors and, as a result, we identified departures and continuities between both approaches, making use of premises from scientific historiography in order to interpret the results. We found that, in regards to the theoretical field, the changes brought about with Functionalism were, on the one hand, consistent with the intellectual climate of Translation Studies at that time; yet, on the other hand, functional theories followed an observable trend of the further development of the pre-functionalist translation theories. Furthermore, we established that the functional approach provided an invaluable contribution in redefining the place of translation theories in Germany. The most significant change brought about by the functional theory, according to our conclusions, took place outside the theoretical field: the emergence of a new discipline dedicated to translation studies in West Germany. Concerning the development of Functional Theory itself, we came to the conclusion that it, in fact, established its foundations during the 1980s, as we predicted. The fact that Nord, a member of the so-called second generation of functionalists among scholars, made use of the theoretical framework laid out especially by Vermeer and Holz-Mänttäri, yet adjusted the functionalist rhetoric to a less revolutionary one, is a sign that the first revolutionary phase was over, and that the approach was entering a new normal science stage.

Estudos funcionais da tradução: rupturas e continuidades / Functional translation studies: departures e continuities

Marcelo Victor de Souza Moreira 03 April 2014 (has links)
O tema desta dissertação é o Funcionalismo, uma abordagem teórica dos Estudos da Tradução que tem em Hans J. Vermeer seu fundador e principal teorizador. Partimos de duas hipóteses de trabalho: por um lado, pressupomos que, a despeito dos relatos historiográficos que enfatizam, com razão, o seu caráter revolucionário, a teoria tenha dado continuidade a importantes princípios de teorias de tradução precedentes. Por outro lado, somos da opinião de que o alicerce teórico tenha sido construído ao longo da década de 1980. Os textos publicados no âmbito da Teoria Funcional de Tradução após esse período consistiriam, assim, na aplicação desses fundamentos teóricos a diversas ramificações da atividade de tradução. Com base nos textos de Reiss e Vermeer (1984), Holz-Mänttäri (1984) e Nord (1988), examinamos o processo de gênese da teoria e seu desenvolvimento ao longo nos anos de 1980, a partir do elenco de seus principais conceitos, com o objetivo de, por um lado, identificar rupturas e continuidades em relação a teorias antecessoras e, por outro, promover uma leitura crítica de textos funcionalistas, pautada em parâmetros bem definidos. Desse modo, adotamos para o presente estudo uma metodologia baseada em quatro etapas. Primeiramente, delimitamos o escopo do trabalho (período e hipóteses), na medida em que foi definido o corpus de análise principal. Posteriormente, descrevemos o contexto histórico, institucional e intelectual de emergência da Teoria Funcional, tendo-nos pautado primeiramente por relatos de testemunhos e crônicas desse tempo, advindos de fontes primárias e secundárias e, em seguida, com vistas à identificação, segundo parâmetros específicos, de conceitos caros a essas propostas, pela análise de textos teóricos anteriores à publicação dos componentes do corpus principal. Numa terceira etapa, lemos e analisamos as obras do corpus principal segundo os mesmos parâmetros utilizados para a análise dos predecessores teóricos, o que nos levou a um mapeamento do desenvolvimento dos conceitos- chave funcionalistas. Finalmente, contrastamos os conceitos funcionalistas e os conceitos defendidos por seus predecessores, o que nos permitiu identificar, com o uso de noções defendidas pela historiografia das ciências para a interpretação dos resultados, rupturas e continuidades entre as duas vertentes. Esse processo nos levou à constatação de que, no plano teórico, as mudanças trazidas pelo Funcionalismo estão, por um lado, em conformidade com o clima intelectual dos estudos sobre a tradução em curso naquele momento e, por outro lado, seguem uma tendência observável no desenvolvimento das próprias teorias pré-funcionalistas de tradução. Ainda assim, constatamos que a vertente teórica trouxe inestimável contribuição no sentido de redefinir o lugar da tradução na Alemanha. A principal ruptura provocada pelo Funcionalismo, fomos levados a concluir, teria sido num plano que não o teórico, qual seja, a constituição de uma disciplina dedicada à tradução na Alemanha Ocidental. Quanto ao desenvolvimento da Teoria Funcional em si, vimos confirmada a hipótese inicial de que ela estabeleceu suas bases ao longo dos anos 1980. O fato de Nord, membro da assim chamada Segunda Geração Funcionalista, utilizar-se especialmente do quadro teórico formulado por Vermeer e Holz-Mänttäri, fazendo por ajustar a retórica funcionalista a uma retórica menos revolucionária, é sinal de que chegara ao fim o momento de revolução, com a abordagem adentrando um estágio de ciência normal. / The topic of this thesis is Functionalism, a theoretical approach to Translation Studies which was founded by Hans J. Vermeer, its main theorist. We take two hypotheses as our starting point: on the one hand, we assume that, despite the historiographic studies that rightly emphasize the theorys revolutionary character, it remained in continuity with important theoretical principles of preceding theories. On the other hand, it is our opinion that the theoretical foundation of Functional Translation Studies was established during the 1980s. The essays published in the context of Functional Theory afterward, therefore, would focus on the application of these theoretical principles to the practice of translation in many areas. With reference to the works of Reiss and Vermeer (1984), Holz-Mänttäri (1984) and Nord (1988), we examine the process of the theorys formation and its developments during the 1980s, first determining its main concepts, aiming, on the one hand, to identify departures and continuities between this and prior theories; and, on the other hand, to promote a critical review of functionalistic texts, guided by well defined parameters. Thereby, we adopted a methodology for this study consisting of four stages: first, we established the scope of this study (period and hypothesis), by defining the body of functional theoretical essays to be analysed. Then, we described the historical, institutional and intellectual context in which the emergence of the functional approach took place. In doing so, we were guided firstly by narratives and testimonies of that time, gathered from primary and secondary sources, and also by the analysis of theoretical texts which came prior to the publication of the components of our main corpus, which involved the identification of concepts valuable to this theoretical proposition according to specific parameters. Later on, we read the components of our main body of theoretical texts, and analysed them according to the parameters laid out in the previous stage, thus mapping out the development of the key concepts of Functional Theory. Lastly, we contrasted functionalist concepts with those of the theorys predecessors and, as a result, we identified departures and continuities between both approaches, making use of premises from scientific historiography in order to interpret the results. We found that, in regards to the theoretical field, the changes brought about with Functionalism were, on the one hand, consistent with the intellectual climate of Translation Studies at that time; yet, on the other hand, functional theories followed an observable trend of the further development of the pre-functionalist translation theories. Furthermore, we established that the functional approach provided an invaluable contribution in redefining the place of translation theories in Germany. The most significant change brought about by the functional theory, according to our conclusions, took place outside the theoretical field: the emergence of a new discipline dedicated to translation studies in West Germany. Concerning the development of Functional Theory itself, we came to the conclusion that it, in fact, established its foundations during the 1980s, as we predicted. The fact that Nord, a member of the so-called second generation of functionalists among scholars, made use of the theoretical framework laid out especially by Vermeer and Holz-Mänttäri, yet adjusted the functionalist rhetoric to a less revolutionary one, is a sign that the first revolutionary phase was over, and that the approach was entering a new normal science stage.

Language Translation for Mental Health Materials: A Comparison of Current Back-Translation and Skopostheorie-Based Methods

Black, Amelia Kathleen 01 March 2018 (has links)
As mental health professionals seek to disseminate information in many languages in order to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, it is important to consider the methods of written translation that the field is choosing to employ. The method chosen for translation can affect the accuracy and usability of the translated text. This study begins with a survey of current literature, the results of which suggest that the most popular translation method in the mental health field is back-translation, a translation method based in the premise that translating a text back into its original English after it has been translated into a second language provides an accurate indication of the success of the translation. This study then compares back-translation with an alternative translation approach based in skopostheorie, an area of translation theory that asserts that translational activity should be ultimately grounded in the purpose of the translation rather than the objective equivalency of the source and target texts. Each of the two approaches is applied separately in the translation of the Centers for Disease Control's handout, "Helping Parents Cope with Disaster," into Spanish and Chinese. The two resulting target texts for each language are compared in terms of linguistic equivalence by review committees and compared in terms of usability by individuals from the target audiences. Feedback from reviewers and audience members in both languages suggest that the skopostheorie based approach to translation may facilitate higher quality translation than back-translation in terms of both equivalence and usability. Suggestions for mental health professionals engaging in translation are then offered, as well as directions for future research.

Blaue Bäume unter grünem Himmel?

Hubert, Johannes 15 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit prüft, inwieweit die Übersetzungstheorien von Otto Kade et al., Werner Koller und die Skopostheorie das Problem der kulturgebundenen Farbwortvielfalt bei der Übersetzung zu lösen versuchen. Im ersten Teil wird hierfür der Grundstein gelegt, indem interdisziplinäres Wissen auf die Bildung von Farbbezeichnungen, ihrer Herkunft und ihrer biologischen und physikalischen Grundsätze angewendet wird. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese diskutiert. Die Etymologie bestehender Farbbezeichnungen verschiedenster Sprachen bildet dabei das Zentrum, sowohl für die Erklärung der Farbwahrnehmung und die Kulturgebundenheit ihrer Bezeichnungen als auch der Neuschöpfung von Farbbezeichnungen in den Übersetzungssituationen. Anhand fiktiver Übersetzungssituationen aus dem Alltag wird der Übersetzungsprozess für jede Übersetzungstheorie simuliert und aus ihrer Sicht verfolgt. Im Abschluss werden die Ergebnisse gegenübergestellt und diskutiert.

Hugo Loetscher et l’impureté linguistique : äs tischört und plutschins : traduction et analyse des procédés d’adaptation

Boucher, Marie-Christine 04 1900 (has links)
Hugo Loetscher (1929-2009) a joué un rôle important dans la littérature suisse alémanique du 20e siècle. On lui accole souvent l’étiquette de « cosmopolite suisse », tant il a réussi le pari de s’intéresser au vaste monde sans jamais renier son milieu et son pays d’origine. L’essai dont il est question ici, äs tischört und plutschins. Über das Unreine in der Sprache, eine helvetische Situierung, adopte une perspective suisse pour proposer une réflexion sur le lien entre langue, littérature et nation, sur la place des langues minoritaires dans le monde globalisé et sur l’idéal – critiquable selon Loetscher – de « pureté » linguistique. Ce mémoire, en plus de présenter une traduction de l’essai de Loetscher, qui était jusqu’à ce jour inédit en français, réfléchit à l’actualité de ce texte dans le contexte québécois et au processus de traduction d’un auteur suisse germanophone pour un public francophone diversifié, en s’appuyant sur les théories de la stylistique comparée d’Alfred Malblanc et du skopos de Katharina Reiß et Hans J. Vermeer. Notre étude se penche d’une part sur le rôle d’éléments péritextuels comme les notes de bas de page qui, dans le processus d’adaptation, permettent au translatum, c’est-à-dire au résultat de l’acte de traduction, au texte cible, de respecter son objectif de départ, son skopos. D’autre part, l’analyse aborde la question d’une possible utilisation de régionalismes (québécois ou suisses) dans un translatum en français standard dont le texte source porte lui-même sur la diversité linguistique et les variantes régionales et dialectales. / Hugo Loetscher (1929-2009) has played an important role in Swiss-German literature of the 20th century. He is often described as a “Swiss cosmopolitan” because of the way he managed to stay interested in what was happening in the whole wide world without ever disowning his social background and his country of origin. This thesis examines an essay, äs tischört und plutschins. Über das Unreine in der Sprache, eine helvetische Situierung, which adopts a Swiss perspective to deal with the relationship between language, literature and nation – the place of minority languages in the globalized world and on the ideal of linguistic “purity” deemed questionable by Loetscher Besides proposing a translation of Loetscher’s essay still unpublished in French, this thesis explores the pertinence of the aforementioned text in the current context in Québec and the translation process of a Swiss German author’s text for a diverse francophone public based on the theories of Alfred Malblanc (comparative stylistics), Katharina Reiß and Hans J. Vermeer (skopos theory). The study addresses on the one hand the role of peritextual elements, such as footnotes, for the adaptation process, allowing the translatum, the target text as a result of the translation act, to meet its initial goal; its skopos. On the other hand, the study reflects on the use of (québécois or Swiss) regionalisms in a translatum that is in standard French, how they relate to the source text’s focus on linguistic diversity, and regional and dialectal variations. / Hugo Loetscher (1929-2009) spielte eine wichtige Rolle in der deutschschweizerischen Literatur des 20. Jh. Oft wird er als „kosmopolitischer Schweizer“ beschrieben, da es ihm so gut gelungen ist, sich für die weite Welt zu interessieren, ohne seine Heimat zu verleugnen. Das in dieser Arbeit behandelte Essay – äs tischört und plutschins. Über das Unreine in der Sprache, eine helvetische Situierung – bietet eine schweizerische Perspektive auf die Beziehung zwischen Sprache, Literatur und Nation, die Stellung von Minderheitensprachen in der globalisierten Welt und das von Loetscher kritisierte Ideal einer „reinen“ Sprache an. Nach einer Übersetzung des im Französischen bisher unveröffentlichten Essays fokussiert diese Arbeit die Relevanz dieses Werkes im quebecischen Kontext und, anhand der Stylistique comparée von Alfred Malblanc und der Skopos-Theorie von Katharina Reiß und Hans J. Vermeer, den Übersetzungsprozess eines Deutschschweizer Autoren für ein vielfältiges französischsprachiges Publikum. Einerseits wird die Rolle peritextueller Elemente, u.a. Fußnoten, im Übersetzungsprozess analysiert, welche die Erfüllung des skopos – der Zweck – vom translatum – der Zieltext – ermöglichen. Andererseits wird eine mögliche Verwendung von (quebecischen oder helvetischen) Regionalismen in einem Standardfranzösischen Translat in Bezug auf sprachliche Vielfalt und regionale und dialektale Variationen behandelt.

Blaue Bäume unter grünem Himmel?: Über Wahrnehmung und Benennung von Grundfarben und den übersetzungstheoretischen Umgang mit ihren Bezeichnungen

Hubert, Johannes 18 June 2013 (has links)
Die Arbeit prüft, inwieweit die Übersetzungstheorien von Otto Kade et al., Werner Koller und die Skopostheorie das Problem der kulturgebundenen Farbwortvielfalt bei der Übersetzung zu lösen versuchen. Im ersten Teil wird hierfür der Grundstein gelegt, indem interdisziplinäres Wissen auf die Bildung von Farbbezeichnungen, ihrer Herkunft und ihrer biologischen und physikalischen Grundsätze angewendet wird. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese diskutiert. Die Etymologie bestehender Farbbezeichnungen verschiedenster Sprachen bildet dabei das Zentrum, sowohl für die Erklärung der Farbwahrnehmung und die Kulturgebundenheit ihrer Bezeichnungen als auch der Neuschöpfung von Farbbezeichnungen in den Übersetzungssituationen. Anhand fiktiver Übersetzungssituationen aus dem Alltag wird der Übersetzungsprozess für jede Übersetzungstheorie simuliert und aus ihrer Sicht verfolgt. Im Abschluss werden die Ergebnisse gegenübergestellt und diskutiert.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I Abkürzungsverzeichnis 4 1 Einleitung 5 2 Farben: Wahrnehmung und Benennung 8 2.1 Sinnesorgane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2 Auge und „Farbensehen“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2.1 Warum Farbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2.2 Farbwahrnehmung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2.3 Farbwahrnehmung versus Sprache und Denken . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.3 Farbe und Kultur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.3.1 Grundfarbwörter – Berlin und Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.3.2 Etymologie der Grundfarbbezeichnungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.3.3 Farbbezeichnungen als Metonymie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.3.4 Grundfarbwörter diachron betrachtet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.4 Zusammenfassung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3 Zur Übersetzung von Grundfarbwörtern 51 3.1 Einordnung und Begriffsklärung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.1.1 Übersetzbarkeit, Übersetzungsschwierigkeit oder Übersetzungsproblem? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.1.2 Übersetzungssituationen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.1.3 Übersetzungseinheit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.1.4 Zwei Übersetzungsfälle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3.2 Leipziger Schule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.3 Äquivalenzkonzept nach Werner Koller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.4 Skopostheorie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 3.5 Vergleich und Diskussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4 Schluss 98 5 Literaturverzeichnis 100 A Abbildungen 106

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