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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De två omfattande narkotikamarknaderna : - Hur förhåller sig cannabissmugglingen och cannabisanvändningen till varandra? / The Two Extensive Drug Markets : - How Does Cannabis Trafficking and Cannabis Use Relate to Each Other?

Grgic, Alma, Chan, Louise, Badran, Manar January 2022 (has links)
Den svenska narkotikamarknaden är mer omfattande än vad som tidigare bedömts. Majoriteten av cannabisen som konsumeras i Sverige är insmugglad och är den substans som brukas mest globalt. Trots Covid-19 pandemin med tillhörande restriktioner, har både användningen och smugglingen varit fortsatt hög. Tidigare forskning har indikerat att sambandet mellan cannabisanvändningen och cannabissmugglingen inte är enkelriktad. Såväl som en ökad cannabisanvändning kan leda till en ökad smuggling, kan även en ökad smuggling leda till en ökad användning. Den kriminologiska forskningen på ämnet är dock fortfarande begränsad, där inga studier är genomförda i en svensk kontext. Det är därför av vikt att inrikta mer kriminologisk relevant forskning på de två narkotikamarknaderna i Sverige. Föreliggande studie syftar därför till att undersöka och bidra med djupare förståelse för förhållandet mellan cannabissmugglingen och cannabisanvändningen med förhoppningen att förbättra det brottsförebyggande arbetet. Studiens syfte och frågeställningar har besvarats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, Tullverkets beslagsstatistik samt självrapporterad cannabisanvändning från Folkhälsomyndigheten. Resultatet indikerade på att både användningen och smugglingen av cannabis har ökat från år 2008-2020. Den ökade användningen berodde på en minskad riskuppfattning och positiva attityder bland allmänheten, där legaliseringen av cannabisbruket runt om i världen har ansetts vara bidragande. Genom intervjuerna kunde ett ömsesidigt förhållande mellan narkotikamarknaderna fastställas. Allmänhetens cannabisanvändning motiverar kriminella grupper att bedriva smugglingen av cannabis. Samtidigt som cannabissmugglingen leder till att cannabis görs tillgängligt i landet, vilket ökar användningen av drogen. Vidare anses en kombination av både social och situationell prevention vara betydelsefull för ett framgångsrikt preventivt arbete mot smugglingen och användningen av cannabis. Resultat från denna studie kan därmed användas för att utforma åtgärder som kan implementeras och riktas mot både cannabissmugglingen och cannabisanvändningen. / The Swedish drug market is more extensive than previously assessed. The majority of the drugs consumed in Sweden are trafficked from other countries and cannabis is the most used substance globally. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic with associated restrictions, both use of cannabis and smuggling of cannabis have remained high. Previous research has indicated that the link between cannabis use and cannabis smuggling is not one-sided. As well as an increase in cannabis use can lead to an increase in smuggling, an increase in smuggling can also lead to an increase in use. However, criminological research on the subject is still limited, where no studies have been conducted in a Swedish context. It is therefore of importance to focus more criminologically relevant research on the two drug markets in Sweden. The present study therefore aims to research and contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationship between cannabis smuggling and cannabis use with the hope of improving crime prevention work. The methods used in this study consist of semi-structured interviews, the Swedish Customs’ seizure statistics and self-reported cannabis use from the Swedish Public Health Agency. The results indicated that both the use as well as the smuggling of cannabis has increased from 2008-2020. The increased use is due to a reduced risk perception and positive attitudes, where legalization around the world has been considered a contributing factor. Through the interviews, a reciprocal relationship between cannabis smuggling and cannabis use could be established. Increased cannabis use encourages criminal groups to smuggle cannabis. Simultaneously, cannabis smuggling increases availability in the country, which in turn leads to higher usage. Furthermore, a combination of social and situational prevention is considered important for successful preventative work against smuggling and use of cannabis.  Results from this study can thus be used to design measures that can be implemented and directed at both markets.

A Comparative Study on Smugglingthe Crackdown of the Customs across the Taiwan Strait

Tsai, Ping-Fang 09 July 2007 (has links)
The smuggling action is a kind of illegally criminal behavior, that¡¦s inference not only can make our society in trouble and let the economic development slowdown, even make a great effect upon the country¡¦s policies, but also due to our national badly side reactions in the international society. It¡¦s also making the region of international regime in trouble. Base above reason, all of countries in the world have same the goal that enforcement tracking and crackdown the illegally smuggling actions. Unfortunately the illegally smuggling actions from time to time occur frequently in some special area of the across strait between Taiwan and Mainland China. Actually in above area the illegally smuggling actions are as famous as ¡§The Golden Triangle¡¨ in the world. Our customs anti-smuggling parties, they do their best in order to crackdown the illegally smuggling actions near the several years, but the result is not so good. Most the people want to know ¡§Why do the people want to smuggle¡¨? The answers are following reasons. ¡§The first reason is easily to get rich and the second reason is easily to pass the special path¡¨. It is the reason why, the most of people would rather venture than continue for waiting chance. I got the other reason, that because the most of smuggling people are very understand all the situation of the environment which area of the across strait. The smuggling people also understand ¡§Both of government of across strait are had quite different political situation, and both of government are lack a nice communication regime and path¡¨. Cause of the same reason, much more global illegally criminal organizations rather like to do some illegally smuggling actions in above area, especially in near several years. According to the Customs Law¡¦s regulations: Customs are the main organization on crackdown smuggling. So that they have to do it¡¦s well. Our customs really hard to work in order to get much more crackdown smuggling cases, and they also have got a lot of smuggling goods (which cargo never finish duties) in the past several years too. But actually the illegally smuggling actions still active in same area and continue to harm our country and our social security right now. All the data of this research report are including following two different situations. The first are according to across strait customs anti-smuggling actions they confiscated from smuggling people in past several years. And the second are collected from some smuggling people are able to choose the way of accomplish goal in near some years. But I am sure that all of them are real things. Especially we can get some knowledge base from different regime and different method of crackdown smuggling process in Mainland China customs. We hope that our customs can learn from above ¡§knowledge base¡¨ and to use for our anti-smuggling actions in the near future. I think it could be nice to our customs business of smuggling crackdown.

review of literature on the prevalence and characteristics of child trafficking in the developing countries of Asia

Guo, Yan January 2016 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences / Department of Sociology

Právní postavení vzniku a fungování Finanční stráže Československa / Legal standing formation and operation of the Financial Guard of Czechoslovakia

Jindra, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with formation and activities of the Financial Guard of the Czechoslovak Republic. It was a paramilitary security authority whose primary purpose was to oversee and prevent smuggling in the border area of the Czechoslovak Republic, simultaneously the Financial Guard was tasked with protecting the state border from unauthorized crossing of foreign nationals. The Financial guard existed before the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak Republic, but as one of the many institutes of Austria-Hungary it was also taken over into a new political arrangement. The aim of this work was to get acquainted with the term of Financial Guard. Define its basic functions and activities, and separate it from purely military churches. This work, in its first part, briefly and clearly talks about the establishment and prehistory of the Financial Guard, and its subsequent development to a fully functioning state body of the Czechoslovak Republic. In relation to subordination to the Ministry of Finance of the Czechoslovak Republic, I also deal with the partial analysis of this ministry in this work. Next chapter of this work defines the construction of the Financial Guard. Describes the first moments of the Financial Guard in the Czechoslovak Republic and gives examples of equipment of the...

Pirates et contrebandiers le long de la frontière sino-vietnamienne : une frontière mise à l'épreuve ? (1895-1940) / Bandits and smugglers along the China-Vietnam borderlands : a frontier at its limits?

Grémont, Johann 24 February 2017 (has links)
A travers l’étude de l’activité des postes frontaliers situés le long de la frontière chinoise, cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif de retracer la manière dont l’administration française a tenté de maintenir l’ordre sur les confins septentrionaux du Vietnam de 1895 à 1940 conjointement avec leurs homologues chinois afin de maîtriser les illégalismes frontaliers commis sur le territoire tonkinois par des groupes venus de Chine, tout en élargissant le regard sur des pratiques migratoires à destination du Céleste empire condamnées et considérées comme du trafic d’êtres humains par les autorités françaises. En combinant à la fois approche statistique et analyse qualitative, cette recherche lève un pan de la vie quotidienne de la frontière à travers la criminalité transfrontalière. La faiblesse du maillage territorial, l’inexpérience relative des commandants de postes, l’insalubrité du climat et la complexité de la topographie de la région frontalière constituent autant de difficultés pour l’autorité coloniale afin de contrôler la frontière, malgré l’entretien d’un service de renseignements considéré par ailleurs comme peu fiable, et en dépit de l’action des partisans, véritable colonne dorsale du maintien de l’ordre frontalier. Cette porosité patente de la frontière se traduit par de nombreuses incursions : du simple vol de bétail aux raids commis contre des villages frontaliers en passant par les embuscades commises sur des chemins ou encore l’introduction frauduleuse de produits sur le territoire tonkinois, l’éventail des crimes transfrontaliers est vaste et soumet la frontière à une pression variable en fonction des évènements se déroulant du côté chinois. Si la répression menée par les troupes régulières est souvent couronnée de succès en cas d’incursions massives et s’apparente plus à des opérations militaires que des actions policières de maintien de l’ordre, en revanche la criminalité du quotidien échappe en grande partie à la vigilance des forces de l’ordre, témoignant par là même des difficultés pour l’autorité centrale d’affirmer son autorité sur une frontière dont la stabilité reste encore largement en devenir. / Through the study of the activity of border crossings, this research aims to analyze how the French colonial administration maintained order along the China-Vietnamese borderlands from 1895 to 1940 with their Chinese counterparts by checking various cross-border crimes committed on Tonkin by mobs from China: theft of cattle, raids against border villages, ambushes on roads, smuggling. But difficulties are important despite the action of the “partisans” who are the backbone to maintain order on the borderlands: weakness of the border crossings network, unhealthy climate, complexity of the topography. While the repression carried out by the regular troops is often successful in the event of mass incursions and is more akin to military operations than to policing law enforcement, cross border criminality of everyday life is checked with difficulties and underlines that stability on the borderlands are in the making.

The Economic Crimes Across the Strait¡GAn Analysis

Deng, Long-Jen 20 June 2006 (has links)
In 1949, Taiwan and Mainland China were segregated from each other and governed separately. Because of closed society and blocked information at that time, even though the two were very close to each other, there was no such trans-border crime ever happens. Following China¡¦s reforms and opening up of its policies in 1978, the number of displaced workers and jobless populace increased due to a series of reforms on economical systems and nation-operated business. The transformation of economic system had caused a big impact to politics and society of Mainland China, which successfully changed the control mechanism of the government on its society, causing social changes and restructuring. The gap between rich and poverty, urban and rural, was getting bigger. Day by day, jobless issue was getting more critical. Thus, trans-border crimes arose. Taiwan declared the ending of Martial Law on July 15, 1987. And in November of that same year, Taiwan opened up the visitations to Mainland China, Taiwanese investments in Mainland China, Cross-straits educations, interactions of barter trading, agriculture and technological personnel, making the interflow between Taiwan and Mainland China closer than ever. In virtue of similar consanguinity, culture, languages and customs, many people of Mainland China are yearned towards the wealthy and comfortable living in Taiwan. As the enactments of Taiwan and Mainland China are not well-integrated and that the politics of both are opposing to each other, common framework and control against crimes are hard to establish. With the continuous crackdown actions on crimes of Taiwan in 1984, mafias and gangsters took advantage of the non-extendable jurisdiction and absconded to Mainland China. They collaborated with the local illicit dealers and continued to engage with illegal affairs as to seek for extravagant profits. Trans-border crimes for the main purpose of economic benefits then came into existence. Most types of trans-border crimes between Taiwan and Mainland China are: illegal immigration, drug smuggling, firearm smuggling, prostitution out of fraud marriages, illegal working, absconding and hiding of criminals, the kidnapping in Taiwan and paying ransom in Mainland China, swindling over the cell phones. These crimes have become new issues which influence the public securities between the cross-straits. Due to the opposing condition of the cross-straits politics, discussion and controls about the affairs remain standstill up to now. There is no proper control strategy and systemized solution can be followed to resolve the criminal issues caused by the interflow between the cross-straits. Now that the government is opening the tourists from Mainland China to Taiwan, to prevent them from engaging in crimes after ¡§jumping out of the plane¡¨ and leaving tourist team, the governments of both borders must temporarily put aside their supremacy and dispute over unification issue. Instead, they must thoroughly think over the matter, discuss and develop specific practicable schemes against trans-border crimes. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the causes, purposes, types, methodology and severity of trans-border crimes of the cross-straits. The possible mode of cooperation on public security between the two borders is proposed. In order to maintain the public order and economic progress of the cross-straits, and to protect the lives and wealth safety of the people, both borders should confer with each other and enter agreement of cooperation on criminal jurisdictions.


Hao, Hsin-Cheng 09 February 2007 (has links)

Margins of the Market: Trafficking and the Framing of Free Trade in the Arabian Sea, 1870s to 1960s

Mathew, Johan January 2012 (has links)
My dissertation traces how the interplay of trafficking and regulation shaped free trade in the Arabian Sea. It explores trafficking in the littoral region stretching from western India to the Swahili Coast, as it evolved under colonial regulation. British officials wanted commercial practices in the Arabian Sea to conform to their perception of free trade, but their dedication to laissez-faire policies prevented them from intervening directly in trade. But smuggling provided the perfect justification for intervention. Colonial regulation focused on four illicit arenas that structured free trade: labor, security, finance and transportation. The suppression of the slave trade would produce wage labor. The suppression of the arms traffic would eliminate violence from trade. The regulation of currency arbitrage would create a stable monetary standard. Finally, the regulation of shipping would develop a transportation system which could incorporate distance into the calculation of price. Yet these regulatory efforts were frustrated by merchant networks which exploited the gaps in the enforcement of these regulations. Merchants co-opted regulators, circumvented regulations and evaded policing in order to structure transactions to their own advantage. Thus my dissertation demonstrates how free trade in the Arabian Sea was framed through this intricate interplay of trafficking and regulation. / History

Kontrabandos įtaka valdžios biudžeto pajamoms / The influence of smuggling on the state revenues

Mažulienė, Aušra 22 January 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojami šešėlinės ekonomikos mastai ir pasireiškimo formos Lietuvoje bei veiksniai, įtakojantys kontrabandos atsiradimą. Nagrinėjama akcizo mokesčio ir jo tarifų didėjimo įtaka valdžios biudžeto pajamoms, akcizinių prekių realizacijos apimtims bei kontrabandos mastams. Darbe įvertinta kontrabandos įtaka akcizinių prekių realizacijai ir pajamų iš akcizo mokesčio surinkimui į valdžios biudžetą. Nustatyti valdžios biudžeto nuostoliai 2002-2006 metais dėl padidėjusių akcizų tarifų, kontrabandos, valdžios biudžeto pajamų iš akcizų atotrūkio nuo BVP. / The extent of the black economy, the ways of its manifestation in Lithuania and actions, supporting the emergence of smuggling are analyzed in this Master’s thesis. The influence of the excise tax and the growth of its tariffs on the state revenue, the realization amount of excise charged goods’ and the extent of smuggling are examined. The influence of smuggling on the realization of the excise charged goods and on the income of the excise tax to the state budget are evaluated in the work. Also the damage of the state budget within 2002-2006 because of increased excise tariffs, smuggling and the avulsion the revenue of the state excise from GDP are defined.

Reframing development? Human trafficking prevention in Thailand and Cambodia /

Cameron, Jennifer Margaret, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) - Carleton University, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-160). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.

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