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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuições a um pensar sociológico sobre a deficiência

Piccolo, Gustavo Martins 03 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:44:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Retido.pdf: 19733 bytes, checksum: 6aad255badc436a06364517de2344ab6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-03 / Throughout modern history the deficiency has been described mainly by the medical knowledge. In this paper we propose to investigate the importance of theory toward understanding the cited phenomenon on other bases than the accepted hegemonic, for this, we assumed that only a movement led by a revolutionary theory can effectively exercise the role of combatant lead. The development cited to materialize mainly through a process of dive on the writings of the London group called Disability Studies, representative current of a movement that can be seen as an inflection point on the historically dominant knowledge in dealing with disabilities, based on explanatory concepts from the field of sociology. Our work will be focused on this literature , aiming to compose a scenario which presents the historical development of this movement, as well as some of its limitations and possibilities to be explored. By materializing a theoretical search process, this work constitutes primarily as a literary composition (involving review, seizure, analysis, explanation and creation of literature), with the guidelines the historical materialism theory, though it does not materialize a Marxist work strict sense. Prior to submission of detailed theoretical corpus, we conducted a methodological process by state of the art on the dissertations and theses produced on (post-)graduate programs accredited by CAPES in fields related to sociological science (Sociology, Social Sciences, Anthropology and Political Science) between 1990 and 2010, mister universe by which Londoners develop their relations on disability. After collecting these data we found empirically that almost nothing was written about disability in the sociological fields. In 5691 texts of sociology cataloged only 10 (0.18%) dealt directly on disability. These data do not show significant changes when we compared the texts produced in the Graduate Program in Anthropology and Political Science. In anthropology, 1893 works were produced, and only 5 (0.26%) of these papers have disability as the main object of study, the same number found in Political Science in a universe of 1211 theses and dissertations. Of the 20 works found in a universe of 8798, only two made sporadic references to the London group. Thus, the deficiency still seems primarily as a medical phenomenon, a pre-sociological issue, not worthy of note to be represented as a matter of research in the sciences that make use of social analysis. In this sense, a question inevitably tends to be made: How to develop emancipatory policies for people with disabilities if the benchmark it leaves is inextricably linked to disability as a condition of dependency? Policies and practices need to be libertarian concepts and epistemologies also libertarian. But such concepts exist and seeking to appropriate the same we did a real scan magazine articles published in Disability & Society, the most important journal in the existing sociological analysis of disability. From June 1986 to July 2011 the magazine published 1487 articles, all in English, although produced by authors from more than 30 countries. Of these, 383 were read in full, which allowed us to compose the lines of this work, having as a foundational assumption the idea that disability is a product of social oppression inserted over the differences expressed by the body of his subjects, so, it is created by the intrinsic insensitivity of the environment in which we operate. From the literature review indicated themes were extracted to analyze the contributions and limits of social approach to disability and the urgent need ownership of their constructs. We conclude that the deficiency to be a category created shown capable of overcoming, whose objective conditions are given in the interstice of capitalist sociality, though never effected due to the structurally exclusive composition that features this system. Having all the means to overcome this oppressive condition that involves people with disabilities and does not exceed it is a phenomenon that highlights so nuclear forms the split between essence and existence, hence the need in fighting against these alienations, which reduces human beings the simple desire to have, the role of mere objects, thus, dispossessed or pruned sharply as the subjective capacity for self-determination, the choice of destination and the means of its attainment. The aforementioned struggle will succeed only when that full coincidence of changing circumstances and the transformation of consciousness, hallmark of any revolutionary act. Revolution, therefore, that never ceased to be the transformation of economic, political and cultural structures, linked by awareness the truths and prohibitions of the system that oppresses us. Only to discover their real interests can actually propose to overcome them. Precisely at the intersection of these elements, the thought of Marx's arises such as philosophy unsurpassed in our time because of its critical and emancipatory property; the dialectical unity between the study of capital and call for its overthrow, the analysis of alienation and fetishism by which we are involved and proposals for the disposal of all the conditions within which a man is to be reduced, abandoned, mutilated, despised. We need to bring Marxism to the analytical field of disability, that is our commitment and the universe with which the reader will encounter now. / Ao longo da história moderna a deficiência tem sido fundamentalmente descrita pelo saber médico. No presente trabalho nos proporemos a investigar a importância da teoria em direção a compreensão do fenômeno aludido sobre outras bases que não as hegemonicamente veiculadas, na medida em que partimos do pressuposto que apenas um movimento guiado por uma teoria efetivamente revolucionária pode desempenhar o papel de combatente de vanguarda. A empreitada envolveu um processo de densa imersão sobre os escritos do grupo londrino denominado Disability Studies, corrente representativa de um movimento que pode ser visto como um ponto de inflexão sobre os saberes historicamente dominantes no trato com a deficiência, tendo por base conceitos explicativos oriundos do campo sociológico. Sobre esta literatura nosso trabalho se debruçará, intuindo compor um cenário que apresenta o desenvolvimento histórico deste movimento, assim como algumas de suas limitações e possibilidades projetivas a serem exploradas. Por materializar um processo de busca teórica, o referente trabalho se constitui basicamente como uma composição literária (envolvendo revisão, apreensão, análise, explicação e criação de literatura), tendo por referencial teórico cardeal o materialismo histórico, embora o mesmo não materialize um trabalho marxista strictu sensu. Anteriormente a apresentação pormenorizada deste corpus teórico, realizamos como preposto metodológico um processo de estado da arte sobre as dissertações e teses produzidas nos programas de pós-graduação credenciados pela CAPES em campos afins a ciência sociológica (Sociologia, Ciências Sociais, Antropologia e Ciência Política) entre os anos de 1990 e 2010, universo mister pelo qual os londrinos desenvolvem suas relações sobre a deficiência. Após a coleta destes dados constatamos empiricamente que pouco de efetivamente sociológico foi escrito sobre a deficiência. Na sociologia dos 5691 trabalhos catalogados apenas 10 (0,18%) versaram diretamente sobre a deficiência. Na antropologia, dos 1893 trabalhos produzidos apenas 5 (0,26%) tiveram a deficiência como objeto de estudo principal, o mesmo número encontrado na Ciência Política em um universo de 1211 teses e dissertações. Dos 20 trabalhos encontrados em um universo de 8.798, apenas dois fizeram esporádicas menções ao grupo londrino. Assim, a deficiência ainda parece vista essencialmente sob firmamentos médicos, um tema pré ou pouco sociológico, não digno de nota de ser representado como questão de pesquisa pelas ciências que se valem da análise do social. Nesse sentido, uma pergunta emerge: Como se elaborar políticas públicas emancipatórias para as pessoas com deficiência se o referencial do qual partem está inextricavelmente ligado a condição da deficiência como doença e dependência? Políticas e práticas libertárias carecem de conceitos e epistemologias também libertárias. Mas tais conceitos existem e na busca em se apropriar dos mesmos fizemos uma verdadeira varredura nos artigos publicados pela revista Disability & Society, mais importante periódico existente na análise sociológica da deficiência. De junho de 1986 a julho de 2011 a revista publicou 1.487 artigos, todos em língua inglesa, embora produzidos por autores de mais de 30 países. Destes, 383 foram lidos na íntegra, os quais nos permitiram compor as linhas deste trabalho, que tem como um de seus pressupostos fundantes a ideia de que a deficiência é produto da opressão social inserida por sobre as diferenças expressas pelo corpo de seus sujeitos, portanto, criada mediante a insensibilidade intrínseca do meio no qual estamos inseridos. A partir da análise da literatura indicada foram extraídos os eixos temáticos no que tange ao analisar as contribuições e limites desta abordagem social da deficiência e a necessidade imperiosa de apropriação de seus constructos. Conclui-se que por ser a deficiência uma categoria criada se mostra passível de superação, cujas condições objetivas estão dadas no interstício da própria sociedade capitalista, embora jamais efetivadas devido à própria composição estruturalmente excludente que caracteriza dito sistema. Ter todos os meios para se superar esta condição opressiva que envolve as pessoas com deficiência e não superá-la é um fenômeno que destaca cardealmente a cisão entre essência e existência, daí a necessidade candente em lutarmos contra estas alienações, as quais reduzem os seres humanos ao simples desejo do ter, ao papel de meros objetos, destarte, despossuídos ou podados bruscamente quanto à capacidade subjetiva de autodeterminação, da escolha do destino e dos caminhos elencados para esta acolhida. A citada luta apenas obterá sucesso pleno quando da coincidência entre a mudança das circunstâncias e a transformação das consciências, marca característica de qualquer ato efetivamente revolucionário. Revolução, por conseguinte, que nunca deixou de ser a transformação das estruturas econômicas, políticas e culturais coadunadas pela tomada de consciência das verdades e interditos do sistema que nos oprime. Apenas ao desvendar seus reais interesses podemos de fato propor sua superação. Justamente na intersecção destes elementos que o pensamento de Marx se coloca como a filosofia ainda insuperável de nosso tempo em função de sua propriedade crítica e emancipadora; da unidade dialética entre o estudo do capital e a convocação para sua derrubada, da análise da alienação e do fetichismo ao qual estamos envolvidos e a proposição de eliminação de todas as condições no seio das quais o homem é um ser diminuído, abandonado, mutilado, desprezado. É preciso trazer o marxismo ao campo analítico da deficiência, essa é nossa aposta e o universo com o qual o leitor se deparará a partir de agora.

Construções discursivas acerca da deficiência intelectual: entre concepções e implicações para políticas públicas / Discursive constructions about intelectual disability: between conceptions and implications for the public policies

Marília Costa Dias 29 May 2017 (has links)
Este estudo utiliza contribuições de diferentes campos do conhecimento, para compreender o universo de sentidos que determinam as práticas sociais em relação às pessoas que têm dificuldade nas habilidades intelectuais. O construcionismo social e a perspectiva ecológica foram as bases para discutir o constructo deficiência intelectual. A abordagem de gestão social nas políticas públicas foi utilizada para refletir em relação à administração pública numa óptica não hegemônica, em que o interesse público está em primeiro lugar e a dimensão social do desenvolvimento é parte integrante e essencial da atividade econômica. A investigação teve como objetos de estudo: 1) as construções discursivas acerca da deficiência intelectual; 2) os discursos sobre políticas públicas, para identificar tendências e implicações das formas de compreensão a respeito da deficiência intelectual. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a análise do discurso francesa foi a base do dispositivo analítico construído para analisar as formações discursivas. Foram selecionadas e analisadas quatro definições de deficiência e onze de deficiência intelectual. Nos discursos que definem o constructo deficiência, como categoria ampla, constatou-se que os sentidos estão associados ao modelo social que considera a deficiência como resultado de fatores relacionados às características da pessoa e do ambiente no qual está inserida. No entanto, em relação ao constructo deficiência intelectual, ainda há vários discursos que remetem às premissas do modelo médico, o qual considera a deficiência como um problema individual que exige capacidade de adaptação a situações e desafios da vida cotidiana. As significações atreladas ao modelo social se fazem presentes, mas não são prevalentes. Nas construções discursivas de nove policymakers, foram analisadas concepções com relação à deficiência intelectual; assim como elementos relacionados aos processos políticos de formulação de políticas públicas. Os resultados apontam vários sentidos associados ao modelo social da deficiência, o que revela uma tendência a se considerar o papel da sociedade e do Estado na construção de uma cultura inclusiva, em termos de serviços públicos. Porém há diferenças acentuadas na forma como esses sentidos se constroem e se articulam. Ao mesmo tempo em que há referência à Convenção Internacional dos Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, de 2006, que é um marco do modelo social, há também vários sentidos associados ao modelo médico/reabilitador. O fato de alguns sentidos serem incorporados não significa abandono imediato de outros sentidos conflitantes. Tal fato revela um processo de apropriação de discursos a respeito da deficiência, que ocorre de forma gradativa em direção ao modelo social. Nos discursos dos entrevistados, foram encontradas marcas dos discursos da funcionalidade, da diversidade, das capacidades, as quais revelam sentidos em construção e em disputa. Em relação às tendências em políticas públicas, foram mais recorrente sentidos relacionados à abordagem de direitos humanos. / This study utilizes contributions from different fields of knowledge to understand the universe of meanings that determine the social practices related to persons who face difficulties in intellectual abilities. Social constructionism and the ecological perspective were the basis to discuss intellectual disability as a construct. The approach of social management in public policies was used to think over the public administration in a non-hegemonic viewpoint, in which the public interest comes first and the social dimension of development is a key and integral part of the economic activity. The investigation took as objects of study: 1) the discursive constructions about intellectual disability; 2) the discourses on public policies to identify tendencies and implications of the ways of comprehending intellectual disability. From the methodological perspective, the French analysis of discourse was the basis for the analytical device devised to analyze the discursive formations. Four definitions of disability and eleven definitions of intellectual disability were selected and analyzed. In the discourses defining the construct of disability, as a broad category, I have found that the meanings are associated with the social model that considers disability as the result of factors related to personal characteristics and the environment which a person is a part of. However, regarding the construct of intellectual disability, there are still several discourses referred to the assumptions of the medical model, which takes disability as an individual problem demanding capacity to adapt to situations and challenges of everyday life. The significances linked to the social model are present but they do not prevail. In the discursive constructions by nine policymakers, conceptions were analyzed in reference to intellectual disability; as well as elements related to the political processes involved in the making of public policies. The results point to several meanings associated with the social model of disability, which reveals a tendency of considering the role of society and the State in the construction of an inclusive culture in terms of public services. But there are sharp differences in the way these meanings are built and intertwined. While there is reference to the 2006 International Convention on the Rights for People with Disabilities, which is a landmark for the social model, there are also several meanings associated with the medical/rehabilitating model. The fact that some meanings are absorbed does not mean that other conflicting meanings are immediately abandoned. Such fact reveals a process of appropriation of discourses on disability, which happens gradually towards the social model. In the discourse of the interviewees, marks were found of functionality, diversity, capacities, as they reveal meanings under construction and being disputed. In relation to the tendencies in public policies, meanings associated with the human rights approach were more persistent.

Preventing Poverty - Creating Identity

Fürst, Josefin January 2008 (has links)
This paper has two aims. The first aim is to study and describe the manifest ideology of the EU's social policy. The second aim is to analyse to what extent the manifest ideology might be a part of building a common European identity - by finding common solutions to commonEuropean problems (problems, more or less constructed as common). The research is a critical ideology analysis, made up of a qualitative text analysis of EU social policy documents and National strategy reports (NSR). I ask two questions. Firstly, which are the main features in the manifest ideology of EU social policy as described in the texts? Secondly, what picture of a European identity is visible when reading the EU social policy texts and the National Strategy Reports? I have found five main features of the manifest ideology. These revolve around: how the world and change in the world are described according to the EU; the mutual interaction between the Lisbon objectives and greater social cohesion; the creating of social cohesion; the importance of how policies are constructed and implemented and the EU's self-image. The texts offer either two quite different pictures with regards to the question of a European identity or ones that is partly incoherent. The analysed EU policy texts put across a picture of a uniform Europe, suggest that there is something genuinely European and a common European identity. However, the picture obtained when reading the NSRs and the collected picture of the EU policy texts and the NSRs is much less coherent. The paper argues that the manifest ideology could be a part of building a European identity, but it does not manage to prove that it actually is.

Incapacity, disability and dismissal : the implications for South African labour jurisprudence

Hoskins, Jonathan Mark January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Disability in South African labour law is reduced to incapacity. An evaluation of disability and incapacity was made to advocate a clear conceptual break between the two concepts. Also, that disability should be grounded in a social model paradigm of disability which was a materialist critique of how capitalism constructs disability. To enhance the analysis discourse analysis was employed to illustrate how language, ideology and power sustained the notion of disability in capitalist society. A comparative analysis was made drawing on American disability jurisprudence and Canadian disability jurisprudence to illustrate the difference in approach between the two legal systems with a suggestion that the Canadian approach was better suited to the development of a South African disability law. And the development of South African disability law it was argued would benefit if a legal construction of disability was crafted to deal with the obstacles that disabled people encounter in the work-place. / South Africa


Pathmathasan, Cynthia 01 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Diversity is best : A literary analysis of how Mark Haddon’s “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” may promote understanding and awareness towards the social construct of neurodiversity / Olika är bäst : En litterär analys av hur Mark Haddons "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” kan främja förståelse och medvetenhet om den sociala konstruktionen av neurodiversitet.

Hollertz, Julia January 2019 (has links)
This essay investigates how the first person narrative of Mark Haddon’s neurodiverse protagonist in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time raises awareness for the complexity of neurodiversity in relation to a neurotypical society. This has been done by applying the critical lens of Disability Studies and Disability Studies in Education to explain how disability is a concept of social and cultural construct. As the Swedish school has failed to provide neurodiverse students with the inclusive environment they need, the importance of fostering students who are accepting towards cognitive disabilities is greater than ever. This essay therefore argues that an inclusion of Haddon’s novel in the EFL classroom could be used to provide the students with understanding for neurodiversity as well as strategies that could help them to navigate in a socially demanding society.

Development and validation of diagnostic tools for adolescent chronic pain patients

Wager, Julia 27 January 2014 (has links)
Chronic pain in children and adolescents is common; approximately 5% of children and adolescents report chronic pain along with moderate to high pain-related disability. Chronic pain is a subjective experience and can best be explained by a bio-psycho-social approach, which suggests reciprocal relations between different levels of this multidimensional phenomenon. The different dimensions of chronic pain need to be considered for a comprehensive assessment. Due to the subjective nature of pain, the child’s self-report is usually considered the best available and most valid estimate of the pain experience. A reliable and multidimensional assessment is an indispensable requirement for treatment planning. To date, questionnaires in German language are available to assess a wide range of relevant parameters in pediatric chronic pain. However, so far, no validated self-report tool exists to assess sensory and affective pain perception in children. These two parameters are of relevance since they describe aspects of the biological as well as the psychological dimension of chronic pain. Furthermore, a comprehensive diagnostic approach combining parameters from the three dimensions of chronic pain does not yet exist for children and adolescents. Such a comprehensive approach could be used for sample descriptions and standardized comparisons across different populations; it could serve as an approach for treatment planning or to classify outcome. This doctoral thesis is aimed at further developing the available diagnostic measures for older children and adolescents with chronic pain based on the above mentioned gaps in pediatric pain assessment. Research was performed on three patient samples. Sample 1 includes data from a prospective assessment at the German Pediatric Pain Centre from August 2008 to March 2009 (N(1)=139). Sample 2 includes retrospective data from patients who were treated at the German Pediatric Pain Centre from July 2005 to June 2010 (N(2)=1242). Sample 3 consists of pediatric pain patients who started an intensive interdisciplinary inpatient treatment between November 2009 and July 2011 (N(3)=83). In a first study, a tool to assess sensory and affective pain perception, the Pain Perception Scale for Adolescents, was adapted and validated in an adolescent clinical sample (Sample 1). The Pain Perception Scale for Adolescents allows pain patients to provide a valid and reliable self-report of parameters for both the biological and psychological dimensions of pain. In a second study, this tool was applied to a further sample of adolescents with migraine and tension-type headache (subsample of Sample 2). It was demonstrated that, contrary to the official headache classification guidelines, the sensory pain perception in this sample did not differentiate between migraine and tension-type headache. To develop a multidimensional assessment approach, in a third study, an adult classification system (Chronic Pain Grading) was applied to a sample of pediatric pain patients (Sample 2). This approach proved useful as a valid measure for a brief operationalization of pain problem severity, including pain intensity and pain-related disability only, and as an outcome measure. However, it displayed major shortcomings with regards to treatment stratification. To further develop an approach for treatment stratification and treatment planning, a fourth study focused on developing a new multidimensional approach for subgroup classification (subsample of Sample 2). The stability of subgroups was demonstrated in a cross-validation with an independent sample (Sample 1). Furthermore, the identified subgroups displayed distinct treatment outcomes after a standardized treatment program (Sample 3). In conclusion, this doctoral thesis offers an addition to diagnostic measures for older children and adolescents with chronic pain by adding the Pain Perception Scale for Adolescents and by proving the validity of the Chronic Pain Grading for the application in this patient group. These tools allow a valid description of adolescents’ subjective pain experience. Results from this doctoral thesis also indicate that the findings from adults cannot be readily transferred to children and adolescents. The final output of this doctoral thesis is a bio-psycho-social classification approach that identifies subgroups of adolescents with chronic pain with treatment relevant differences. This is a first step toward the development of subgroup-specific treatment.

Socialarbetares Upplevelser om Sina Arbetsvillkor som Profesionella med Fysisk Funktionsnedsättning / The Experiences of Social Workers and Their Working Conditions as a Profesional With Physical Disability

Perez De Arce Nowicki, Carla January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka socialarbetares erfarenheter av att arbeta som professionell med fysisk funktionsnedsättning. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ där semistrukturerade djupintervjuer fördes med respondenter vars upplevelser analyserades och tolkades utifrån två teoretiska inriktningar, nämligen Stigmateorin och den sociala modellen. Resultatet visade att respondenterna hade erfarenhet av både hinder och möjligheter i form av strukturella tillgänglighetsmässiga faktorer eller individmässiga faktorer, såsom attityder och fördomar som inverkade i deras yrkesutövning som socionomer. Den slutsats som dras utifrån analysen är att förhållningssätt till funktionsnedsättning och hur arbetsförhet uppfattas av arbetsgivare inverkar i hur arbetsförmåga bedöms och relateras till i interaktion och arbetsplatsutformning. Det sociala arbetet som profession rör sig i ett varierat områdesspan där socionomer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar kan bidra till representativitet och unika erfarenheter i en inkluderande arbetskultur. Arbetskontexten är därför av vikt när det gäller att beakta de villkor som professionella med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar utmanas av. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate active social workers with physical disabilities about their experiences of obstacles and opportunities in their profession. The method used was qualitative where semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with respondents whose experiences were analysed and interpreted based on two theoretical orientations, namely the Stigma theory and the social model. The results showed that the respondents had experiences of both obstacles and opportunities in the form of structural accessibility factors or individual factors such as attitudes and prejudices that influenced their professional practice as social workers. The conclusion drawn from the analysis is that attitudes towards disabilities and how employers perceive work ability affect how work ability is assessed and related in interaction and workplace design. Social work as a profession moves in a varied range of areas where social workers with physical disabilities can contribute to representativeness and unique experiences in an inclusive work culture. The work context is therefore important when it comes to considering the conditions that professionals with physical disabilities are challenged by.

Evaluation of Non-invasive Treatment Options for Children and Adolescents with Pectus Carinatum : An Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction, Adherence and an Exploration of the Social and Psychological Impact of Non-invasive Treatment Options - A Systematic Review / Evaluation of Non-invasive Treatment Options for Children and Adolescents with Pectus Carinatum : An Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction, Adherence and an Exploration of the Social and Psychological Impact of Non-invasive Treatment Options - A Systematic Review

Pettersson, Karin January 2023 (has links)
This review aimed to evaluate orthotic treatments for children and adolescents with pectus carinatum, primarily focusing on patient satisfaction with the treatment. Secondary outcomes of interest were adherence and psychological and social factors following the treatment period. A literature search was performed in the databases CINHAL, Medline, Web of Science and Scopus. Following predetermined eligibility criteria, articles were included and excluded. Next, criticala ppraisal was performed for the included articles. Following this, relevant data were extracted, analysed, and presented to aid in answering the research questions. Six articles with 402 patients were included in the final review. Patient satisfaction was good or improved following the treatment period, and the combined non-adherence rate for the included orthosis was 37.7 %. Patients adhering to the treatment protocol showed increased self-esteem and decreased interference with social activity following orthotic correction. Moreover, they displayed significantly higher patient satisfaction than patient's non-adherent to the treatment protocol. The findings were displayed and discussed in the Bio-Psycho-Social model. Due to their connection, patient satisfaction and adherence were placed together in the middle and surrounded bypsychological and social factors. The model displayed that a combination of many aspects determines patient satisfaction and adherence, demonstrating that treatment is complex and challenging. In conclusion, adherence was deemed one of the most important aspects to achieve high patient satisfaction. Moreover, due to psychological and social factors, a patient-centred approach with professional collaboration is necessary to achieve successful outcomes. To make reliable conclusions, research of higher quality with long follow-up periods including standardised patient satisfaction and adherence measures is needed.

Ensam i mängden : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare jobbar för att motverka social isolation bland unga / Alone in the crowd : A qualitative study of how social workers work towards preventing social isolation among youths

Köhler, Gustav, Wilson, Gabriel January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie avsåg att bättre förstå social isolation bland unga från perspektivet av en socialarbetare genom att svara på följande frågor: Hur arbetar socialarbetare med isolerade unga, varför blir unga isolerade och slutligen vilken konsekvens social isolation får för de som är isolerade. Studien använde sig av en kvalitativ forskningsansats för att svara på dessa frågor genom att använda sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Det empiriska materialet analyserades utifrån ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv och analys utifrån den sociala modellen. Empirin i studien kommer från sex stycken intervjuer med socialarbetare. Resultatet av studien tyder på att socialarbetare använder sig av olika verktyg för att arbeta med socialt isolerade ungdomar, samtliga tar upp relationsskapande som ett exempel. Anledningarna till att ungdomarna blir isolerade kan vara olika, gemensamma resultat var autism, depression, avsaknad av socialt sammanhang, otillräckligt stöd från föräldrar och slutligen internetanvändning. Konsekvenser för de socialt isolerade ungdomar varierar mellan ungdom till ungdom men återkommande tema var försämrad sociala färdigheter, fysisk hälsa och mental hälsa. Vår slutsats blev att social isolation är ett omfattande problem med ett flertal olika aspekter som behöver särskild hänsyn och socialarbetare arbetar ständigt med sin förståelse av situationen och utgår främst från den unge själv och i sitt arbete ändvänder de sig av relationskapande som sitt främsta verktyg. / This study sought to better understand social isolation among youths from the perspective of social workers by answering the following questions. How do social workers work with isolated youths, why do youths become isolated and finally what consequences does social isolation cause for youths. The study used a qualitative research approach to answer these questions by also using qualitative content analysis along with perspectives rooted in general systems theory and the social model. The empirical data in this study comes from six interviews with social workers along with prior research. The results of this study suggest that social workers use various tools when working with socially isolated youths, among these all six social workers mention relationship building as an example. The reasons youth socially isolate can vary, common results were autism, depression, a lack of social context, lacking support from parents and finally internet use. Personal consequences for socially isolated youths varied from youth to youth but recurring themes were weakened social skills, physical health and mental health. Our conclusion became that social isolation is a broad problem with several different aspects that need special consideration and social workers are constantly working with their understanding of the situation and proceed from the youths themselves by utilizing relationship building techniques as their primary tool.

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