Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial cognition"" "subject:"bsocial cognition""
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Cognition sociale dans la maladie de Huntington : etude cognitive et par imagerie cérébrale morphologique et fonctionnelle / Social cognition in Huntington's disease : Cognitive, morphological and functional neuro-imaging studyCaillaud, Marie 15 December 2017 (has links)
La maladie de Huntington s’accompagne de troubles des conduites sociales perturbant les relations interindividuelles. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était de mieux comprendre ces troubles sociaux en examinant les habiletés en cognition sociale de personnes porteuses de la mutation ou atteintes de cette maladie neurogénétique. La cognition sociale comprend notamment la reconnaissance des émotions d’autrui, les connaissances sociales et la théorie de l’esprit, soit la capacité à attribuer aux autres des états mentaux affectifs (sentiments) ou cognitifs (intentions,croyances). Nous avons étudié la cognition sociale à la phase présymptomatique et symptomatique de la maladie de Huntington à l’aide de tests neuropsychologiques et de la neuroimagerie morphologique et fonctionnelle. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre le centre national de référence pour les maladies neurogénétiques de l'adulte du CHU d’Angers et la plate-forme d’imagerie médicale Cyceron de Caen. Ce travail visait à mieux comprendre les perturbations en cognition sociale accompagnant la maladie de Huntington, leur évolution et leurs bases neurobiologiques afin d’améliorer notre compréhension des troubles du comportement accompagnant cette maladie. Nous espérons ainsi pouvoir mieux contribuer au diagnostic, au pronostic et à la prise en charge des personnes concernées par cette maladie. / Huntington's disease is accompanied by disturbances insocial behavior that disrupt inter-individual relationships.The aim of this thesis was to better understand these social disorders by examining the social cognition skills of people with the mutation or the neurogenic disease. Social cognition includes the recognition of the emotions of others, social knowledge and the theory of the mind, namely the ability to attribute to others emotional (feelings) or cognitive (intentions, beliefs) mental states. We studied social cognition in the presymptomatic and symptomatic phase of Huntington's disease using neuropsychological tests and morphological and functional neuroimaging. This work was carried out within the framework of a collaboration between the national center of reference for the neurogenic diseases of adults of the CHU of Angers and the platform of medical imaging Cyceron of Caen. This work aimed to better understand the social cognition disruptions accompanying Huntington's disease, their evolution and their neurobiological basis in order to improve our understanding of behavioral disorders accompanying this disease. We hope to be able to better contribute to the diagnosis, prognosis and care of those affected by this disease.
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Ansiedade de performance musical, reconhecimento de expressões faciais e ocitocina / Musical performance anxiety, facial emotion recognition and oxytocinSabino, Alini Daniéli Viana 03 May 2019 (has links)
A Ansiedade de Performance Musical (APM) é considerada uma condição caracterizada por apreensão persistente e intensa diante da apresentação musical pública, desproporcional ao nível de aptidão, treino e preparo do músico. Os sintomas ocorrem em uma escala de gravidade contínua que em seu extremo afeta a aptidão musical devido a sintomas ao nível físico, comportamental e cognitivo, além de déficits no processamento cognitivo e cognição social, em especial na capacidade de reconhecimento de expressões faciais de emoção (REFE). Assim, intervenções que possam corrigir esses vieses com eficácia são necessárias. Nesse sentido, os objetivos dos estudos que compõem esta tese são: a) avaliar o REFE em músicos com diferentes níveis de APM; b) realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura de forma a trazer evidências sobre os efeitos das substâncias ansiolíticas no REFE em indivíduos saudáveis; e c) conduzir um ensaio clínico, cross over, randomizado, duplo cego e controlado por placebo para testar o efeito da OCT em músicos com alto/baixo nível de APM no REFE, nos indicadores de humor/ansiedade e na cognição negativa. Método: Para se atender ao objetivo realizou-se um estudoobservacional, transversal, com 150 músicos de ambos os sexos, de diferentes estilos musicais, os quais realizaram uma tarefa de REFE, após serem classificados quanto aos níveis de APM.Para atender-se o segundo objetivo conduziu-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura seguindo-se as diretrizes do PRISMA e do Cochrane Handbook for SystematicReviewsofInterventions. Por fim, para alcançar o terceiro objetivo, 43 músicos do sexo masculino, de diferentes estilos musicais participaram de um ensaio clínico, randomizado, cross over, controlado por placebo, no qual testou-se a eficácia de 24UI de OCT intranasal. Resultados:Os resultados evidenciaram que os músicos com altos níveis de APM apresentam um prejuízo global no REFE, expresso, sobretudo pela dificuldade no reconhecimento adequado da emoção alegria, a qual está associada aos sinais de aprovação social. A revisão da literatura evidenciou que poucas substâncias foram testadas até momento, e que as alterações no REFE foram específicas e dependentes do mecanismo de ação da substância no sistema nervoso central, dose e forma de administração. O ensaio clínico apontou uma melhora no reconhecimento da emoção alegria,somente em músicos com altos níveis de APM, após o uso agudo da OCT. Conclusão:O REFE mostrou-se alterado de forma específica em músicos com altos níveis de APM, os quais podem ser corrigidos através do uso da OCT intranasal, a qual desponta como uma substância promissora para o uso clínico / Musical Performance Anxiety (MPA) is considered a condition characterized by persistent and intense apprehension in circumstances involving public musical presentation, disproportionate to the musician\'s aptitude level, training and preparation. The symptoms occur on a continuous severity scale that affects, at its extreme, the musical aptitude due to symptoms at the physical, behavioral and cognitive levels, as well as interfering with cognitive processing and social cognition, especially in the facial emotion recognition (FER) ability. Thus, interventions that can effectively correct these deviances are necessary. Therefore, the aims of the studies that compose this thesis are: a) to analyze the (FER) in musicians with different levels of MPA; b) to carry out a systematic review of the literature in order to present evidence about the effects of anxiolytic substances on FER in healthy individuals; c) to conduct a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over clinical trial to test the OT effect on musicians with high/low MPA level in FER, mood/anxiety indicators and negative cognition. Methods: To achieve the first aim of this study, a cross-sectional, observational study was conducted with 150 musicians of both sexes, of different musical styles, who performed a FER task, after being classified according to the MPA levels. As for the second aim, a systematic literature review was carried out in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines and the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Finally, for the third aim, 43 male musicians of different musical styles have participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over clinical trial in which the 24UI of intranasal OT efficiency was tested. Results: The results showed that musicians with high levels of MPA present a global impairment in FER, expressed mainly by the difficulty in the appropriate recognition of the emotion of joy, which is associated with signs of social approval. The review of the literature showed that few substances have been tested so far, and that the changes in FER were specific and dependent on the substance mechanism of action in the central nervous system, dose and form of administration. The clinical trial presented an improvement in the recognition of the emotion of joy, only in musicians with high levels of MPA, after the OT acute use. Conclusion: The FER was specifically altered in musicians with high levels of MPA, which can be corrected with the use of intranasal OT, which appears as a promising substance for clinical use
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Evaluation de la cognition sociale en situation d'interaction dans le traumatisme crânien / Social cognition evaluation in interaction situation in traumatic brain injuryTaché, Emmanuelle 09 February 2018 (has links)
La cognition sociale, i.e. notre capacité à attribuer des états mentaux à autrui et à identifier ses émotions, est souvent perturbée dans certaines pathologies telles que le traumatisme crânien (TC). Cette capacité est traditionnellement évaluée à l’aide de tâches sous format « papier-crayon » n’impliquant pas le participant dans une situation d’interaction sociale. Pourtant, la cognition sociale est fondamentale dans nos interactions sociales car elle nous permet de comprendre le discours et le comportement d’autrui. Ainsi, dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons évalué les capacités d’attribution d’états mentaux et de reconnaissance émotionnelle de personnes ayant subi un TC à l’aide de tâches les impliquant activement dans une situation de communication (tâche de communication référentielle et tâche EViCog), ce qui n’a jamais été fait dans cette pathologie. La tâche EViCog (Evaluation de la cognition sociale en interaction virtuelle), créée pour cette étude, permet d’avoir des conversations audio-visuelles avec des humains virtuels, qui expriment des émotions et produisent du discours nécessitant d’inférer leurs états mentaux. Les résultats ont montré que les difficultés des personnes TC étaient encore plus importantes pour la tâche en situation d’interaction (tâche EViCog) par rapport à des tâches traditionnelles au format « papier-crayon ». Par ailleurs, en situation d’interaction, les performances de cognition sociale semblent dépendre en partie des capacités mnésiques (mémoire autobiographique et du contexte), ainsi que des fonctions exécutives, alors que pour les tâches traditionnelles, les performances ne seraient expliquées que par certaines capacités exécutives. / Social cognition, i.e. the ability to attribute mental states to others and to identify emotions, is often impaired in various pathologies, such as traumatic brain injury (TBI). This ability is traditionally assessed with “paper-and-pencil” tasks that do not involve the participant in a social interaction situation. However, social cognition is central in our daily social interactions, as it helps us understand others’ speech and behavior. Thus, in this study, we assessed mental state attribution and emotion recognition abilities of TBI participants, using tasks that involve the participant in a communication situation (referential communication task and EViCog task). The EViCog task (social cognition evaluation in virtual interaction), designed for this research, provides audio-visual conversations with virtual humans, which express emotions and produce speech requiring mental state inference. The results showed that the difficulties of the TBI participants were even more important for the task in interaction situation (EViCog task) compared to traditional tasks in paper-and-pencil format. Moreover, in interaction situation, social cognition performance seemed to rely on mnemonic abilities (autobiographical memory and context memory), and on executive functions, while for traditional tasks, performances were only explained by some executive abilities.
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Trần Đức Thảo’s Theory of Language Origins / La théorie des origines du langage de Trần Đức ThảoD'Alonzo, Jacopo 17 November 2018 (has links)
Depuis des siècles, plusieurs penseurs et scientifiques ont abordé la relation entre la coopération, le langage et la cognition sociale. Parmi eux, Trần Đức Thảo (1917-1993) mérite une mention spéciale. Le but de la recherche qui suit est de présenter au lecteur la réflexion philosophique de Thảo sur le langage humain et son évolution. Nous essaierons de tracer les grandes lignes de la théorie de Thảo sur les origines du langage dans ses Recherches sur l'origine du langage et de la conscience (1973) dans lesquelles il a essayé de trouver une synthèse entre philosophie, linguistique, psychologie et anthropologie physique. La découverte du marxisme-léninisme a conduit Thảo à proposer une approche matérialiste et dialectique au problème de la relation entre corps esprit. De cette façon, Thảo a proposé une sorte de tournant matérialiste et historique de la philosophie de la conscience de Husserl qui était au cœur de ses premiers intérêts philosophiques. La théorie de Thảo met en relief la nature sociale du langage et de la cognition, de sorte que l’évolution du langage est inextricablement liée aux relations sociales. Une telle conclusion reposait sur l’hypothèse que le travail est une caractéristique exclusivement humaine qui distingue les humains des animaux. Pour lui, la genèse du langage est dans le travail humain et donc le langage se développe parmi nos ancêtres pré-humains ainsi que chez les humains en réponse aux problèmes posés par la vie matérielle. En gardant à l’esprit que le langage découle des exigences sociales et des besoins du monde matériel, selon Thảo le langage se transforme lui-même au fur et à mesure que la société humaine change. Et compte tenu des racines sociales de la pensée et du langage, la conscience évolue continuellement avec le temps. Dans ce cadre, Thảo a voulu déterminer la nature du langage et son rôle dans les sociétés préhistoriques et son évolution à travers les relations sociales. / Several thinkers and scientists throughout the philosophical and scientific tradition took up the relationship between cooperation, language, and social cognition. Among them, Trần Đức Thảoʼs (1917–1993) deserves a special mention. The purpose of the following research is to introduce the reader to Thảoʼs philosophical reflection on human language and its evolution. We shall attempt to map out the main lines of Thảoʼs theory of language origins set out in his Recherches sur l’origine du langage et de la conscience (1973) that combines philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and anthropology. The discovery of Marxism-Leninism led Thảo to suggest a materialistic and dialectic approach to the mind-body problem. In this way, Thảo tried to suggest a materialist and historical turn of Husserl’s philosophy of consciousness which was at the very heart of his own first philosophical interests. Thảo’s account threw into sharp relief the social nature of both language and cognition, so that language evolution is linked inextricably to social relations. Such a view depended upon the assumption that labour is an exclusively human characteristic which sets humans apart from animals. And the genesis of language is in human labour. In this way of thinking, language develops among both our pre-human ancestors and present humans in response to problems posed by the material life. Bearing in mind that language arises from the social demands and needs of the material world, language is transformed itself as human society changes. And given the social roots of thought and language, consciousness evolves continuously over time. Within this framework, Thảo wanted to determine the nature of language and its role in pre-historical societies and its making through social relations.
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Social cognition as mediator of romantic breakup adjustment in young adults who experienced childhood maltreatmentFrancoeur, Audrey 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Sur les traces de la théorie de l’Esprit chez les singes : compréhension de l’attention, des perceptions et des intentions d’autrui / On the tracks of theory of mind in monkeys : attention, perception and intention reading abilitiesCanteloup, Charlotte 28 November 2016 (has links)
La Théorie de l’Esprit est l’ensemble des capacités cognitives permettant à un individu de se mettre à la place d’autrui. Longtemps considérée comme spécifiquement humaine, de plus en plus de comportements sociaux complexes sont rapportés chez les grands singes et plus récemment chez certaines espèces de singes, rendant son existence au sein d’autres espèces hautement débattue. Ce travail s’intéresse aux capacités de macaques à discriminer l’attention, la perception et les intentions d’autrui en situation de coopération ou de compétition, intraspécifique ou interspécifique. Dans ces expériences, les macaques se comportaient différemment selon les états d’attention, la perception visuelle et les intentions de leurs partenaires. Toutefois, les mécanismes sous-jacents à ces comportements complexes restent incertains. Les primates non humains peuvent en effet être de très bons lecteurs de comportements, capables de déchiffrer les comportements des autres sur la base d’apprentissages associatifs, mais pourraient également faire usage de représentations mentales. / Theory of Mind is the set of cognitive abilities allowing an individual to put himself in the place of others. Considered as specifically human for a long time, more and more complex social behaviours are reported in great apes, and more recently in some monkeys’ species. This work focuses on attention, perception and intention reading abilities in macaques in cooperative or competitive experiments and in interspecific and intraspecific situations. In these experiment, macaques behaved differently according to the attentional state, visual perception and intentions of their partners. However, the underlying mechanisms of these complex behaviours remain uncertain. Nonhuman primates would thus be very good behaviour readers, capable of decoding others behaviours via associative learning but could also use mental representations.
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Politics of rehabilitation of the disabled veterans of the Kurdish conflict : militarism, the body and masculinity in TurkeySünbüloğlu, Nurseli Yeşim January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the mechanisms for challenging racial discrimination in relation to French political culture : a race critical approachSalmi, Katya January 2012 (has links)
This thesis questions the effectiveness of anti-racial discrimination mechanisms in France, particularly in relation to the national political culture. Considering the overall import of republican ideology in France, which emphasizes values of universalism, colour-blindness, and laïcité, there are significant implications for how institutional, legal and civil society actors have traditionally approached issues of racism in France. From primary data, gathered through fieldwork in France (consisting of a series of semi-structured interviews with key antiracist and anti-racial discrimination actors), this thesis highlights the ways in which the political culture impacts the anti-racial discrimination agenda. By taking into account the various levels of antiracism in France, this thesis constitutes a unique, holistic and race critical analysis whereby legal, civil society, institutional and non-conventional mechanisms are considered in conjunction with each other, instead of separately. Using “race” as an analytical tool for understanding the French context, this thesis offers a critical re-reading of French history, linking an ethnicized and racialized formation of national identity throughout key historical moments to contemporary forms of racism. This research thus argues that certain antiracist approaches based on republican ideology result in a limited understanding of racialized processes, which appears to constrain actors from producing effective mechanisms for challenging racism and racial discrimination.
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Prosocialité, cognition sociale et empathie chez les psittacidés et les corvidés / Prosociality, social cognition and empathy in psittacids and corvids / Prosozialität, Soziale Kognition und Empathie bei Papageien und KrähenLiévin-Bazin, Agatha 18 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le règne animal, certaines espèces présentent une organisation en groupe complexe, permettant l’établissement d’interactions sociales plus ou moins élaborées entre les individus. Les comportements prosociaux, visant à améliorer le bien-être de l’autre, apparaissent préférentiellement entre animaux qui partagent une grande affinité ; ces comportements sont probablement favorisés par l’empathie, suggérant une prise en compte émotionnelle du partenaire. Les oiseaux, et particulièrement les corvidés et les psittacidés, se révèlent être d’excellents modèles pour étudier ce lien entre relation sociale et prise en compte de l’autre: ils forment des couples monogames sur le long terme au sein desquels une forte coopération existe. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer comment le lien entre individus (familial, sexuel, amical) module les comportements prosociaux et empathiques. Les réactions des sujets sont évaluées via le partage de nourriture ou bien en observant une sensibilité accrue envers un congénère. Chez les perruches calopsittes (Nymphicus hollandicus), les oiseaux réagissent plus fortement au cri de détresse d’un oiseau préféré qu’au cri d’un autre congénère familier et les individus apparentés (frères et sœurs) partagent davantage la nourriture entre eux qu’avec les autres. Les perroquetsont tendance à être prosociaux mais la prise en compte de l’autre reste à confirmer. Les choucas des tours (Corvus monedula), placés dans une situation nouvelle avec un autre oiseau, passent plus de temps à proximité de leur partenaire sexuel que d’un autre oiseau de sexe opposé. Ces différents résultats suggèrent qu’un lien d’affinité existe entre les individus et qu’il façonne leurs comportements en termes de prosocialité et d’empathie. / In the animal kingdom some species form complex social groups in which elaborated relationships between individuals occur. Prosocial behaviors, i.e. actions that benefit others, preferentially occur between closely affiliated individuals and may be driven by empathy, the ability to identify and share the emotional states of others. Birds, particularly corvids and parrots, are excellent candidates for investigating the link between social relationship and other-regarding behavior. They are long-lived and form long-term monogamous pair-bonds in which a high level of cooperation is seen throughout the year. The aim of this thesis is to study how the nature of a relationship (sibling, mate or friend) can modulate prosocial behavior and its underlying emotions in parrots and a corvid species. The approach was to study food-sharing or behavioral reactions to stressful situations such as distress call playback or exposure to novel objects, in different social contexts. Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) reacted more to the distress calls of a closely affiliated partner than to those of a non-partner, and they preferably shared food with affiliated, related individuals. Different species of parrots preferentially chose a prosocial option over a selfish one, but it remains unclear whether they took the other’s perspective into account. Confronted with intimidating novel objects, jackdaws (Corvus monedula) spent more time in mutual proximity when paired with their mate than when with a familiar opposite-sex non-partner. However, they were not bolder when accompanied by their mate compared to a non-partner. These results suggest that an emotional link exists between affiliated individuals and that this special bond drives their prosocial and empathic behavioral responses. / Im Tierreich gibt es Arten mit komplexer Gruppenstruktur, in denen Individuen aufwendige soziale Beziehungen mit Artgenossen eingehen. Prosoziales Verhalten, ein Verhalten zum Wohle Anderer, tritt bevorzugt zwischen Individuen auf, die eine starke gegenseitige Bindung aufweisen. Prosozialität beruht auf Empathie-Fähigkeit, die wiederum ein gewisses Verständnis der emotionalen Lage von Artgenossen voraussetzt. Vögel, insbesondere Papageien und Krähen, sind geeignete Modelle, um Zusammenhänge zwischen sozialer Bindung und prosozialem Verhalten zu untersuchen: sie bilden Langzeit-monogame Paare, die das Jahr hindurch miteinander kooperieren. Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, herauszufinden, wie soziale Bindungen (verwandtschaftlicher, sexueller, oder freundschaftlicher Natur) prosoziales Verhalten und Empathie beeinflussen. Zu diesem Ziel wurden Studien über Futterteilen und Verhaltensreaktionen auf Stress in verschiedenen sozialen Kontexten durchgeführt. Nymphensittiche (Nymphicus hollandicus) reagierten stärker auf Warnrufe ihres Partners als auf die eines anderen Gruppenmitglieds. Ebenso teilten verwandte Sittiche häufiger Futter miteinander als mit anderen Individuen. Verschiedene Papageienarten bevorzugten in einer Entscheidungssituation prosoziale über egoistische Optionen, wobei unklar bleibt, ob sie die Perspektive ihres Partners verstanden. Dohlen (Corvus monedula), die mit einem für sie unheimlichen neuen Objekt konfrontiert wurden, verbrachten mehr Zeit in gegenseitiger Nähe, wenn sie mit Ihrem Partner als mit einem anderen Individuum getestet wurden. Sie verhielten sich aber in Gegenwart ihres Partners nicht mutiger. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Bindungen zwischen Individuen prosoziales Verhalten und empathische Reaktionen aufeinander beeinflussen.
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Facial affect processing in delusion-prone and deluded individuals: A continuum approach to the study of delusion formationGreen, Melissa Jayne January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines attentional and cognitive biases for particular facial expressions in delusion-prone and deluded individuals. The exploration of cognitive biases in delusion-prone individuals provides one means of elucidating psychological processes that might be involved in the genesis of delusions. Chapter 1 provides a brief review of the continuum approach to schizophrenia, and outlines recent theoretical conceptualisations of delusions. The study of schizophrenia phenomena at the symptom level has become a popular method of inquiry, given the heterogeneous phenotypic expression of schizophrenia, and the uncertainty surrounding the existence of a core neuropathology. Delusions are one of the most commonly experienced symptoms of schizophrenia, and have traditionally been regarded as fixed, false beliefs that are pathognomonic of an organic disease process. However, recent phenomenological evidence of delusional ideation in the general population has led to the conceptualisation of delusions as multi-dimensional entities, lying at the extreme end of a continuum from normal through to maladaptive beliefs. Recent investigations of the information processing abnormalities in deluded individuals are reviewed in Chapter 2. This strand of research has revealed evidence of various biases in social cognition, particularly in relation to threat-related material, in deluded individuals. These biases are evident in probabilistic reasoning, attribution style, and attention, but there has been relatively little investigation of cognitive aberrations in delusion-prone individuals. In the present thesis, social-cognitive biases were examined in relation to a standard series of faces that included threat-related (anger, fear) and non-threatening (happy, sad) expressions, in both delusion-prone and clinically deluded individuals. Chapters 3 and 4 present the results of behavioural (RT, affect recognition accuracy) and visual scanpath investigations in healthy participants assessed for level of delusion- proneness. The results indicate that delusion-prone individuals are slower at processing angry faces, and show a general (rather than emotion-specific) impairment in facial affect recognition, compared to non-prone healthy controls. Visual scanpath studies show that healthy individuals tend to direct more foveal fixations to the feature areas (eyes, nose, mouth) of threat-related facial expressions (anger, fear). By contrast, delusion-prone individuals exhibit reduced foveal attention to threat-related faces, combined with �extended� scanpaths, that may be interpreted as an attentional pattern of �vigilance-avoidance� for social threat. Chapters 5 and 6 extend the work presented in Chapters 3 and 4, by investigating the presence of similar behavioural and attentional biases in deluded schizophrenia, compared to healthy control and non-deluded schizophrenia groups. Deluded schizophrenia subjects exhibited a similar delay in processing angry faces, compared to non-prone control participants, while both deluded and non-deluded schizophrenia groups displayed a generalised affect recognition deficit. Visual scanpath investigations revealed a similar style of avoiding a broader range of negative (anger, fear, sad) faces in deluded schizophrenia, as well as a common pattern of fewer fixations with shorter duration, and reduced attention to facial features of all faces in both deluded and non-deluded schizophrenia. The examination of inferential biases for emotions displayed in facial expressions is presented in Chapter 7 in a study of causal attributional style. The results of this study provide some support for a �self-serving� bias in deluded schizophrenia, as well as evidence for an inability to appreciate situational cues when making causal judgements in both delusion-prone and deluded schizophrenia. A theoretical integration of the current findings is presented in Chapter 8, with regard to the implications for cognitive theories of delusions, and neurobiological models of schizophrenia phenomena, more generally. Visual attention biases for threat-related facial expressions in delusion-prone and deluded schizophrenia are consistent with proposals of neural dysconnectivity between frontal-limbic networks, while attributional biases and impaired facial expression perception may reflect dysfunction in a broader �social brain� network encompassing these and medial temporal lobe regions. Strong evidence for attentional biases and affect recognition deficits in delusion-prone individuals implicates their role in the development of delusional beliefs, but the weaker evidence for attributional biases in delusion-prone individuals suggests that inferential biases about others� emotions may be relevant only to the maintenance of delusional beliefs (or that attributional biases for others� emotional states may reflect other, trait-linked difficulties related to mentalising ability). In summary, the work presented in this thesis demonstrates the utility of adopting a single-symptom approach to schizophrenia within the continuum framework, and attests to the importance of further investigations of aberrant social cognition in relation to the development of delusions.
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