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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le design comme compétence de la conduite à projet en contexte de crise : le cas du projet Visières

Goyenetche, Félix 03 1900 (has links)
L’humanité fait l’expérience d’une période de crise systémique. En effet, la crise sanitaire du printemps 2020 soulève beaucoup d’incertitude dans la conduite à projet et remet en question les paradigmes existants. Pour répondre à ce contexte de crise, de nouvelles postures et pratiques sont nécessaires dans tous les domaines tels que le design. Dans l’optique d’explorer les dynamiques de réponse en contexte de crise, la réflexion porte sur le rôle du design dans la conduite à projet en de telles circonstances. La compétence du design mise de l’avant est la compétence de pouvoir agir/réagir à tout évènement, nouvelle situation lors de la réalisation d’un projet en contexte de crise La question à laquelle la présente recherche se propose de répondre est la suivante : « Comment et à quel niveau est-ce que le design intervient dans la conduite à projet en contexte de crise ? ». Pour répondre à cette question, le cadre théorique s’appuie sur les notions de design stratégique, de la conduite à projet et des dynamiques sociales de la collaboration et de la confiance. L’objectif principal de la recherche est d’identifier et de comprendre la compétence du design dynamisant la conduite d’un projet en contexte de crise et les pratiques associées. La présente recherche propose de répondre à cette question avec une approche méthodologique de l’étude du transitoire. L’approche méthodologique vise à observer, par l’entremise d’entretiens semi-dirigés et des observations participantes, la conduite du projet Visières. Le projet Visières est une réponse à la pénurie de visières médicales vécues lors de la crise du printemps 2020. Le parcours du projet et son évolution à la suite des différents problèmes rencontrés agissent à titre de vitrine sur le rôle du design dans la conduite à projet en contexte de crise. Les résultats de la présente recherche sur la compétence d’action et de réaction du design en contexte de crise avancent que la pratique de design du bricolage est la plus adaptée à la conduite à projet en temps de crise. De plus, pour favoriser le succès de la conduite à projet, la pratique du bricolage s’insère dans un cadre organisationnel agile et une conduite agile du projet. / Humanity is experiencing a period of systemic crisis. The crisis of spring 2020 revealed many disfunctions and established a climat of uncertainty over different sector of activity. To respond to this climat of crisis, new postures and practices are required; and design is no exception. In order to explore the dynamics of response to a crisis and the role of design, this research project is investigating the role of design in the conduct of project in a context of crisis. The key ability of design to act and react to any events, situations, actions that emerges during the conduct of a project in a time of crisis. This research is looking into answering the question: “How does design dynamize the conduct of project in a context of crisis and at which level?” In order to answer this question, theories of strategic design, project management and the dynamics of trust and cooperation are presented. The main objective of this research is to identify and understand the competency of design intervenes the conduct of project and the associated practices. This research looks to answer those questions through the case study of a crisis. Interviews and observations were conducted through the participation in the project Visières. The project Visières is a self-organizing response to the shortage of protective medical visor during the spring crisis of 2020. The course and the evolution of the project act as a showcase of the role of design in the conduct of project in times of crisis. The strategic design perspective is used to explore the position of design and its competency of adaptation as a key actor in societal transformation and emergency relief. The results of this research on the specific competency of design to act and react to events of a project promotes that the design practice of « bricolage » is the most suited to conduct a project in a context of crisis. Also, to support the success of the project, the practice of « bricolage » requires an agile environment, an agile organization and agile organizational practices.

Hello Trivia Friend: Understanding Human-Agent Dynamics Through Design Provocation

McNulty, Charlotte, Dalli, Kevin C January 2024 (has links)
This study leverages a critical provocation design approach to examine user interactions with intelligent agents, specifically focusing on how non-conventional agent behaviours impact user perceptions. By embedding playful, challenging, and mischievous elements into the user experience, the research aims to uncover insights that traditional methods might miss. The experimental design involved participants interacting with a trivia game agent named Trivia Friend, which intentionally provided false feedback to provoke reactions and gain insights on user perceptions. Key findings highlight the emotional spectrum elicited by the agent’s behaviour, ranging from frustration and mistrust to amusement and engagement. The study reveals that user perceptions of fairness and communication style are influenced by the agent’s provocations. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of managing user expectations. A provocative design can stimulate engagement. However, real world implementations of intelligent agents must be designed with fairness and transparency to ensure positive user experiences. The study calls for incorporating efforts towards emotional understanding, clear communication, and ethical considerations when implementing socially capable intelligent agents. This research contributes to the development of adaptive, user-friendly, and ethically sound intelligent AI based agents by offering valuable insights into the complex dynamics of human-agent interactions.

Registered counsellors' perceptions of their role in the South African context / Marie Claire Michelle Rouillard

Rouillard, Marie Claire Michelle January 2013 (has links)
Registered counsellors were regarded as part of the solution to the ever-increasing void in mental healthcare and were acknowledged by the South African government over a decade ago. Some challenges have however arisen regarding the implementing of their vocations in the community, that impact service delivery as well as career satisfaction of registered counsellors, but limited information is available in terms of the exploration of the perceptions of registered counsellors regarding their role in the South African context. This study focused on exploring how registered counsellors perceive their role in South Africa and describing these perceptions. This research is important because little is known about the perceptions of registered counsellors and their experience of their role in the South African context. The research was conducted in Johannesburg and Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. 12 participants (one man and 11 women) volunteered to be part of the research. The size of the sample was not predetermined, but was rather based on data saturation. The participants were purposefully selected on the basis of having acquired the registration of registered counsellor with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Data was collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with all the participants. An interview schedule was used to facilitate the interview process for consistency in the interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to delineate different themes. To ensure the trustworthiness of the research process, the guidelines suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were followed. The current researcher found that the registered counsellors experienced conflicting perceptions of their role in South Africa. They felt that their role was a necessary and important one in South Africa and in the context of the development of mental healthcare in South Africa. However, some negative feelings were also expressed as they experienced uncertainty regarding their role in the profession as well as the changing scope of practice for registered counsellors in South Africa. Additional negative perceptions were associated with a lack of acknowledgement of their role by other mental healthcare professionals and some ignorance from the public regarding the work of registered counsellors. To promote adequate mental healthcare in South Africa, mental health professionals such as registered counsellors are particularly important. But what appears to be the uncertainty and a lack of information related to the role of registered counsellors, has impacted negatively on their perception of their role in South Africa and, as a result, many individuals do not work in the professional mental healthcare field. It is recommended that the perception of the registered counsellors be acknowledged and taken into consideration to further the development of mental healthcare and treatment for mental health difficulties within the South African context. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Registered counsellors' perceptions of their role in the South African context / Marie Claire Michelle Rouillard

Rouillard, Marie Claire Michelle January 2013 (has links)
Registered counsellors were regarded as part of the solution to the ever-increasing void in mental healthcare and were acknowledged by the South African government over a decade ago. Some challenges have however arisen regarding the implementing of their vocations in the community, that impact service delivery as well as career satisfaction of registered counsellors, but limited information is available in terms of the exploration of the perceptions of registered counsellors regarding their role in the South African context. This study focused on exploring how registered counsellors perceive their role in South Africa and describing these perceptions. This research is important because little is known about the perceptions of registered counsellors and their experience of their role in the South African context. The research was conducted in Johannesburg and Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. 12 participants (one man and 11 women) volunteered to be part of the research. The size of the sample was not predetermined, but was rather based on data saturation. The participants were purposefully selected on the basis of having acquired the registration of registered counsellor with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Data was collected through conducting semi-structured interviews with all the participants. An interview schedule was used to facilitate the interview process for consistency in the interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to delineate different themes. To ensure the trustworthiness of the research process, the guidelines suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were followed. The current researcher found that the registered counsellors experienced conflicting perceptions of their role in South Africa. They felt that their role was a necessary and important one in South Africa and in the context of the development of mental healthcare in South Africa. However, some negative feelings were also expressed as they experienced uncertainty regarding their role in the profession as well as the changing scope of practice for registered counsellors in South Africa. Additional negative perceptions were associated with a lack of acknowledgement of their role by other mental healthcare professionals and some ignorance from the public regarding the work of registered counsellors. To promote adequate mental healthcare in South Africa, mental health professionals such as registered counsellors are particularly important. But what appears to be the uncertainty and a lack of information related to the role of registered counsellors, has impacted negatively on their perception of their role in South Africa and, as a result, many individuals do not work in the professional mental healthcare field. It is recommended that the perception of the registered counsellors be acknowledged and taken into consideration to further the development of mental healthcare and treatment for mental health difficulties within the South African context. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Les dynamiques de la résistance écologique : le cas d’une compagnie minière canadienne dans la vallée de Siria au Honduras

Aubé, David 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise traite d’un phénomène qui a gagné en importance dans les études sur l’Amérique latine : l’exploitation des ressources naturelles par des compagnies étrangères et l’augmentation des mouvements de résistance des populations locales contre l’implantation de ces compagnies. Délaissant l’accent généralement placé sur la naissance de ces mouvements, les impacts du temps sur les transformations du phénomène de résistance sont mesurés et analysés. Le cas de la compagnie minière canadienne Goldcorp Inc., exploitant de l’or dans la vallée de Siria, au Honduras, illustre à merveille les diverses techniques utilisées lors d’une lutte de longue haleine par une population rurale désirant résister à une compagnie transnationale au capital économique, politique et scientifique plus important. Ainsi, les dynamiques du mouvement de résistance soulignent des changements dans sa forme première à la suite de l’intrusion de nouveaux acteurs locaux et internationaux. Des identités, construites avec l’arrivée de la mine, sont aussi en jeu chez les groupes qui s’affrontent dans la région. L’étude d’un mouvement vers la fin de sa vie indique, de plus, le besoin de redéfinir la résistance et de sortir d’un schème purement actif vers un qui inclut aussi l’aspect discursif et moral dans sa définition. / This research deals with a phenomenon growing in interest in Latin American studies: natural resources exploitation from foreign companies and the growth of local resistance movements against the implementation of these companies. Going away from the general emphasis put on the birth of these movements, transformations due to the impact of time are instead measured and analyzed. The specific case of Goldcorp Inc. a Canadian mining company exploiting gold in the Siria Valley, Honduras, illustrates perfectly many tactics used by a rural population in an extensive battle and who wishes to resist to a multinational company that have more social, economic and politic power. Therefore, the resistance movement’s dynamics illustrate the changes in its primary form after the arrival of new local and international actors. Identities, build with the beginning of the mining exploitation, are also in play within the groups that are clashing in the region. Moreover, the study of a movement close to the end of its life demonstrate the need to redefine the notion of resistance in order to move away from the purely active form of it and include as well the discursive and moral aspects in its definition.

Construction de l’acteur « ennemi » et institution concentrationnaire : étude comparative entre les camps de Rivesaltes (sous Vichy) et de Béléné (République populaire de Bulgarie) / Construction of the actor "enemy" and concentration institution : comparative study between the Rivesaltes camp (under Vichy) and Belene (Popular Republic of Bulgaria)

Gruev, Radoslav 08 November 2013 (has links)
Notre étude s’interroge sur la construction de l’acteur « ennemi » dans l’institution sociale totale du camp de concentration à travers la comparaison de deux formes ; ceci dans des contextes sociaux, nationaux, idéologiques et étatiques différents – le camp de Rivesaltes et l’État Français et le camp de Béléné et la République Populaire de Bulgarie. Ces deux institutions sont traitées à partir de l’hypothèse de « différence de degré », qui se décline dans les notions de « singularité » et « pluralité », permettant de les saisir aussi bien au niveau politique qu’au niveau de l’institution concrète. Cette étude concerne la construction de la figure de l’acteur « ennemi » en partant du niveau social et politique pour arriver à la vie quotidienne au sein des deux formes concentrationnaires. Nous avons analysé la figure de l’ennemi, tout d’abord comme un produit d’une dynamique tournée vers la transformation sociale fondamentale. Nous avons également voulu comprendre les raisons d’apparition des formes concentrationnaires comme partie intégrante de ce « projet de société », et puis nous les avons analysées à travers la vie quotidienne qui s’établit en leur sein. L’institution concentrationnaire a assuré en soi une certaine stabilité qui lui a permis de bien remplir sa fonction dans la dynamique de transformation de la société. Cette stabilité est assurée par l’insertion de l’individu dans une série de cercles, sa soumission à une forme spécifique de pouvoir qui le transforme dans son essence de personne et d’être humain, mais aussi le posant comme un acteur dans un univers interactionnel particulier. Alors, quelle est la place de l’acteur « ennemi » dans la vie concentrationnaire et quelles interactions s’établissent-elles entre les différents acteurs au sein des camps ? / The present sociological study examines the construction of the "enemy" within the concentration camp, an absolute social institution, through the comparison of two forms, taken in their different social, national, ideological and state context – on one hand, the camp of Rivesaltes and the French government and, on the other hand, the camp of Belene and the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Both institutions are analyzed with the assumption of "difference of degree," developed by the concept of "singularity " and " plurality " which allows to identify them in their political dimension as well as on the concrete institutional level.This study deals with the construction of the specific figure the "enemy" as a social actor starting from the social and political level and getting to the everyday life in both concentration camp forms. We analyzed the enemy figure, at first as a product of a dynamic facing a fundamental social transformation. We also took into account the main reasons of concentration forms occurrence as an integral part of this " social project ", and then we have analyzed the aforementioned reasons through everyday life.The camp institution has assured itself a degree of stability that has allowed it to fulfill its function in the dynamic transformation of society. This stability is ensured by the involvement of the individual in a series of circles, his submission to a specific form of power which transforms soundly his personal character and adjoin to his human being condition, but also defines him as an actor in a particular interactional universe. Finally, what is the role of the actor "enemy" in concentration camp life and what interactions different actors in the camps establish between themselves?

Le vidomɛgɔnat et l'évolution de la représentation sociale de l'enfant au Bénin : naissance et modes de résolution d'un conflit de logiques sociales / The vidomɛgɔnat and the evolution of the social representation of the child in Benin : birth and modes of resolution of a conflict of social logics

Hounyoton, Hospice Bienvenu 18 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la mutation contemporaine des représentations et pratiques sociales relatives à « l’enfant placé » au Bénin. Sous la dénomination vìɖómεgɔ́n de la langue Fòn du Bénin méridional, se perpétue une pratique sociale séculaire qui consiste à « placer » un enfant en dehors de la famille de ses géniteurs pendant le temps de sa croissance et de son éducation. Cette pratique longtemps incontestée et qualifiée comme apprentissage éducatif par les acteurs béninois a été progressivement disqualifiée et stigmatisée comme esclavage d’enfants par les instances internationales (en tête desquelles l’Unicef) ainsi que par des pays africains devenus destinataires de vìɖómεgɔ́n (Gabon et Côte d’Ivoire notamment). La contestation internationale, grandissante depuis les années 1990, a amené une progressive contestation nationale de la pratique à l’intérieur du Bénin, fondant une transformation concomitante des représentations endogènes de l’enfant dans le pays. C’est la compréhension de l’ensemble des processus culturels et sociaux inhérents à cette mutation qui donne corps à une discussion sur la perception différenciée des droits de l’homme et des droits de l’enfant en Afrique. / This dissertation deals with current practice known in Benin (West Africa) as vìɖómεgɔ́n, i.e. litteraly “given child” out of one’s family, in order to get trained by external employement starting from early childhood. In Benin, this practice was considered as part of a socialization and education process, and as such has been uncontested during precolonial and colonial times. But in the 1990’s, it has been defined as slavery by International Organisations such as UNICEF or other NGO’s, and by some African countries (mainly Gabon and Ivory Coast) where vìɖómεgɔ́n are sent to be illegally employed in minor jobs on urban malls. International and external contestation has lead to an internal and national contestation within Benin. It is the purpose of this dissertation, taking on a historical and comprehensive bent, to build up the social understanding of the new situation where human rights and especially children’s rights are openly discussed. It aims to demonstrate the way and means of social dynamics providing new meanings to shifted contexts.

Social associations, relatedness and population genetic structure of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Iceland

Tavares, Sara B. January 2017 (has links)
In killer whales, fish- versus mammal-eating ecological differences are regarded as key ecological drivers of sociality, but the potential influence of specific target prey characteristics remains unclear. This thesis aimed to study the social patterns and dynamics of Icelandic killer whales feeding upon herring, a schooling prey that undergoes frequent changes in distribution and school size. I used a multi-disciplinary approach combining photo-identification and genetic data to understand the sociality, role of kinship and genetic differentiation within the population. Individuals sighted in summer-spawning and overwintering herring grounds during at least five separate days (N = 198) were considered associated if photographed within 20 seconds of each other. Photo-identified individuals were genotyped (N = 61) for 22 microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA control region (611 bp). The population had weak but non-random associations, fission-fusion dynamics at the individual level and seasonal patterns of preferred associations. The society was significantly structured but not hierarchically. Social clusters were highly diverse and, whilst kinship was correlated with association, it was not a prerequisite for social membership. Indeed, some cluster members had different mitochondrial haplotypes, representing separate maternal lineages. Individuals with different observed movement patterns were genetically distinct, but associated with each other. No sex-biased dispersal or inbreeding was detected. This study revealed that the Icelandic population has a multilevel society without clear hierarchical tiers or nested coherent social units, different from the well-studied salmon- (‘residents') and seal-eating populations in the Northeast Pacific. In the Icelandic population kinship drives social structure less strongly than in residents. These findings suggest effective foraging on schooling herring in seasonal grounds promotes the formation of flexible social groupings which can include non-kin. Killer whale sociality may be strongly influenced by local ecological context, such as the characteristics of the specific target prey (e.g., predictability, biomass, and density) and subsequent foraging strategies of the population.

Les dynamiques de la résistance écologique : le cas d’une compagnie minière canadienne dans la vallée de Siria au Honduras

Aubé, David 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise traite d’un phénomène qui a gagné en importance dans les études sur l’Amérique latine : l’exploitation des ressources naturelles par des compagnies étrangères et l’augmentation des mouvements de résistance des populations locales contre l’implantation de ces compagnies. Délaissant l’accent généralement placé sur la naissance de ces mouvements, les impacts du temps sur les transformations du phénomène de résistance sont mesurés et analysés. Le cas de la compagnie minière canadienne Goldcorp Inc., exploitant de l’or dans la vallée de Siria, au Honduras, illustre à merveille les diverses techniques utilisées lors d’une lutte de longue haleine par une population rurale désirant résister à une compagnie transnationale au capital économique, politique et scientifique plus important. Ainsi, les dynamiques du mouvement de résistance soulignent des changements dans sa forme première à la suite de l’intrusion de nouveaux acteurs locaux et internationaux. Des identités, construites avec l’arrivée de la mine, sont aussi en jeu chez les groupes qui s’affrontent dans la région. L’étude d’un mouvement vers la fin de sa vie indique, de plus, le besoin de redéfinir la résistance et de sortir d’un schème purement actif vers un qui inclut aussi l’aspect discursif et moral dans sa définition. / This research deals with a phenomenon growing in interest in Latin American studies: natural resources exploitation from foreign companies and the growth of local resistance movements against the implementation of these companies. Going away from the general emphasis put on the birth of these movements, transformations due to the impact of time are instead measured and analyzed. The specific case of Goldcorp Inc. a Canadian mining company exploiting gold in the Siria Valley, Honduras, illustrates perfectly many tactics used by a rural population in an extensive battle and who wishes to resist to a multinational company that have more social, economic and politic power. Therefore, the resistance movement’s dynamics illustrate the changes in its primary form after the arrival of new local and international actors. Identities, build with the beginning of the mining exploitation, are also in play within the groups that are clashing in the region. Moreover, the study of a movement close to the end of its life demonstrate the need to redefine the notion of resistance in order to move away from the purely active form of it and include as well the discursive and moral aspects in its definition.

Understanding social and community dynamics from taxi GPS data / Exploration de la dynamique sociale et collective en utilisant les données GPS de taxi

Chen, Chao 04 July 2014 (has links)
Taxis équipés de capteurs GPS sont un dispositif sensoriel important pour examiner les mouvements et les activités des gens. Dans cette thèse, nous cherchons à découvrir les facettes cachées en ce qui concerne les dynamiques sociales et communautaires codés dans les données de taxi GPS pour mieux comprendre comment se comporte la population urbaine et la dynamique résultant de la ville. Comme certains « aspects cachés» sont en ce qui concerne l'aspect similaire de la dynamique sociale et de la communauté, nous avons encore définissons formellement trois catégories pour l'étude, et les explorer à combler les écarts importants entre la première circuler des données GPS et des applications innovantes et des services urbains intelligents. Plus précisément, 1. Pour permettre aux applications d'alertes de fraude de taxi en temps réel, nous vous proposons algorithme iBoat qui est capable de détecter des trajectoires anormales "à la volée " et déterminer quelles parties de la trajectoire sont responsables de sa "anomalousness", en les comparant historiquement trajectoires ayant la même origine et de destination. 2. Pour introduire des services de transport respectueux de l'environnement aux citoyens rentable et, nous vous proposons B -Planner qui est une approche en deux phases, à planifier des itinéraires de bus de nuit bi- directionnelles de levier grands taxis données GPS. 3. Afin d'offrir un système de planification voyage d'itinéraire personnalisé, interactif, et le trafic-courant pour les utilisateurs, nous proposons système Tripplanner qui contient à la fois hors ligne et des procédures en ligne, en s'appuyant sur une combinaison de géolocalisation réseau social et des ensembles de données de taxi GPS. Enfin, certaines directions de recherche prometteuses pour les travaux futurs sont signalées, qui tentent essentiellement de fusionner les données de taxi GPS avec d'autres ensembles de données pour fournir des services urbains plus intelligents et personnalisés / Taxis equipped with GPS sensors are an important sensory device for examining people’s movements and activities. They are not constrained to a pre-defined schedule/route. Big taxi GPS data recording the spatio-temporal traces left by taxis provides rich and detailed glimpse into the motivations, behaviours, and resulting dynamics of a city’s mobile population through the road network. In this dissertation, we aim to uncover the “hidden facets” regarding social and community dynamics encoded in the taxi GPS data to better understand how urban population behaves and the resulting dynamics in the city. As some “hidden facets” are with regard to similar aspect of social and community dynamics, we further formally define three categories for study (i.e. social dynamics, traffic dynamics, and operational dynamics), and explore them to fill the wide gaps between the raw taxi GPS data and innovative applications and smart urban services. Specifically, 1. To enable applications of real-time taxi fraud alerts, we propose iBOAT algorithm which is capable of detecting anomalous trajectories “on-the-fly” and identifying which parts of the trajectory are responsible for its anomalousness, by comparing them against historically trajectories having the same origin and destination. 2. To introduce cost-effective and environment-friendly transport services to citizens, we propose B-Planner which is a two-phase approach, to plan bi-directional night bus routes leveraging big taxi GPS data. 3. To offer a personalized, interactive, and traffic-aware trip route planning system to users, we propose TripPlanner system which contains both offline and online procedures, leveraging a combination of Location-based Social Network (i.e. LBSN) and taxi GPS data sets. Finally, some promising research directions for future work are pointed out, which mainly attempt to fuse taxi GPS data with other data sets to provide smarter and personalized urban services for citizens

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