Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial fund"" "subject:"bsocial fund""
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Realizace aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti (OP RLZ - priorita 1) ve Středočeském kraji, s důrazem na Kladensko / Implementation of active employment policy (OP RLZ - Priority 1) in the Central Region, with emphasis on KladenskoPachlová, Renata January 2008 (has links)
In the following dissertation I discuss the issue of European social resource as a main financial way for developing sphere of human resources. In this work is described the Operational Programme of Development of human resources (OP RLZ) that was realized in Czech republic in the year 2004-2006. In this Operational programme is this precedence:1: Interactive management of the employment. The next dissertation's part is focused to grant and national projects that were realized within the scope of this precedence at Středočeský district(county). Sequentially I indicate the realization of Interacive management of the employment at Kladno region. This region has specific position at Středočeský district because of the transformation of its economy in the 90th of last century that was influented by this changes so much (a bankrupt of Poldi Kladno factory, therefrom releasing of working forces and in the present high level of commute to capital). The emphasis of my dissertation is the evaluation of a realized projects that relate with precedence 1: Interacive management of the employment OP RLZ in Kladno region. An attention paid to: Efectivity of interactive management of the employment and its realization. Summary of advantage and disadvantage of realized projects. In terms of obtained informations are defined the recomendationes which should contribute to increasing done activities and its efectivity. Read more
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Štrukturálne fondy EÚ / EU Structural FundsPikulová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Is the significant role of the structural funds in the EU budget appropriate? The main goal of the thesis is to analyze the role and potential of the EU structural funds with a special focus on their use since the beginning of the economic integration of the EU until today and to answer the question raised. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter describes the historical evolution of the structural funds in three phases in parallel with the deeper integration and extension of the EU. The second chapter is focused on the analyses of economic aspects of the structural funds. Research on possible improvements of the structural funds is presented in chapter three. Chapter four compares the structural funds management between France and Czech Republic. Chapter five provides insights into the upcoming 2014-2020 programming period. Based on the outcomes of the past evolution of the structural funds, empirical experience of their usage in France and Czech Republic and in the context of the current financial crisis and rising euroscepticism, we predict the future evaluation and priority of the structural funds in the process of European integration
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Unemployment has begun to be considered as a European problem since the early nineties, when a coordination of activities in the social field at the EU-level has also gradually started. Since that time, spending on the social policy from the EU budget has been constantly rising, but, as shown in this thesis, the situation on the European labour market has not been significantly improved. This is illustrated also by the fact that any from the EU employment targets from the Lisbon strategy has not been until now met. The most important instrument of the EU-Employment policy is the European Social Fund (ESF). Because its expenditures on the Czech Employment policy are constantly increasing, it is necessary to ask whether it improves a condition of a labour market. Moreover, if nowadays contributions from the ESF represent the majority of expenditure on the Czech active labour market policy (ALMP) carried out by particular labour offices. Analytic part of this thesis focuses on the evaluation of the ALMP, which is financed from the Czech state budget as well as from the ESF and which is implemented by the particular labour office - in the region of Nachod. According to a similar analyses, programmes of a subsidised employment shows the highest effectiveness also in the district of Nachod, while direct job creation schemes and retraining courses contribute to reducing unemployment only to a limited extent. Read more
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Fundo social do trabalhador autônomo: proteção e regulamentação de direitos fundamentais / Social fund of the self-employed worker: protection and regulation of fundamental right.Gonçalves, Leandro Krebs 16 March 2015 (has links)
O Fundo Social do Trabalhador Autônomo objetiva proteger e regulamentar direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores por conta própria, na perspectiva das relações individuais de labor. A dinâmica da sociedade atual exige uma releitura da dependência econômica e da subordinação jurídica, sob pena de tornar letra morta os dispositivos constitucionais tutelares. Dentro de um mercado global de extrema competitividade, o capital acaba preponderando sobre o elemento humano. A partir da análise das diferentes espécies de relação que se desenvolvem no mundo do trabalho, em visão histórica de afirmação dos direitos humanos e de evolução dos direitos sociais, o presente estudo busca definir os direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores independentes e propor um fundo social para custeio de seus direitos trabalhistas. As diretrizes normativas internacionais e brasileiras de proteção e regulação do labor do Homem servirão de alicerce para a construção de um novo modelo jurídico. Independente da vigência do contrato de emprego, nos moldes previstos nos artigos 2º e 3º da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), torna-se necessário adaptar e reformular o Direito do Trabalho, para abranger outros tipos de relações, sem que implique precarização de direitos já consagrados. O autônomo ficou à margem da lei, o que inclusive repercute no expressivo número de ações trabalhistas, em que se discute a existência de vínculo de emprego e os direitos daí decorrentes, em um verdadeiro processo de tudo ou nada. Pressupondo garantias de subsistência, respeitabilidade e dignidade, impõe-se a intervenção do Estado para fixar direitos mínimos dos trabalhadores em geral. Expressando a concretização do direito social ao trabalho, o estabelecimento de prestações positivas elevará a condição socioeconômica dos autônomos, fundada em preceitos de justiça social. O fenômeno da globalização, hoje, contrapõe-se a medidas de defesa dos mercados nacionais. O capitalismo contemporâneo defronta-se com a polêmica dos encargos sociais e seus impactos econômicos. O custo da mão de obra e a implementação de programas de inclusão social e de redistribuição de riquezas, além de ser objeto de políticas governamentais, levam a crer que o Direito do Trabalho tende a se tornar o direito de todas as relações de trabalho. A experiência estrangeira direciona um caminho a se percorrer. Para cumprir os ditames da norma constitucional brasileira, desafia-se a lógica do binômio capital e trabalho, para viabilizar receitas suficientes ao financiamento de benefícios trabalhistas aos autônomos. / The Social Fund of the Self-Employed Worker aims to protect and regulate fundamental rights of standalone workers, in perspective of the individual relations of labor. The dynamics of the current society seeks for a reinterpretation of economic dependence and of the legal relationship under penalty of becoming worthless to the constitutional devices guardianship. Within a global market of extreme competitiveness, the capital ends up prevailing over the human element. From the analysis of the different kinds of relationship that develop in the labor world of work, in a historical overview of affirmation of human rights and of the development of social rights, the present study seeks to define the fundamental rights of self-employed workers and it proposes a social fund to finance their labor rights. The Brazilian and international regulatory guidelines of protection and regulation of the labor of the human will serve as foundation for the construction of a new legal model. Regardless the duration of the employment contract, in accordance with the procedures provided in the Articles 2nd and 3rd of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), it is necessary to adapt and restructure the Labor Law to encompass other types of relations, without implying rights that are already devoted. The self-worker was on the edge of the law which also affects the significant number of labor lawsuits, where it is discussed the existence of employment bond and the rights stem from it, in a genuine all or none process. Assuming subsistence, respectability and dignity guarantees, it is implied a State intervention to secure minimum rights for workers in general. Expressing the full realisation of the social labor law the establishment of positive benefits will raise the socio-economic condition of self-workers founded on principles of social justice. The globalisation phenomenon nowadays is opposed to defence measures of national markets. The contemporary capitalism is faced with the polemic of social charges and their economic impacts. The cost of labor and the implementation of programs of social inclusion and the redistribution of wealth in addition to being the object of governmental policies, lead us to believe that the Labor Law tends to become the right of all employment relationships. The foreign experience guides a path to go through. To comply with the dictates of the Brazilian constitutional regulations, the logic of the capital and labor alliance is challenged in order to make sufficient revenues to finance worker benefits to selfworkers. Read more
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Politika zaměstnanosti EU v kontextu použití nástrojů ESF v ČR / EU Employment Policy in the Context of the ESF Activities in the Czech RepublicGolová, Denisa January 2011 (has links)
The ambition of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive view on the creation and implementation of goals and priorities of employment policy in the European Union. The author analyzes the policy from three perspectives- the EU, national and local. The first chapter discusses the historical and current development of EU employment policy guidelines through analysis of key documents and strategies for the employment policies. The following chapter focuses on the implementation of defined priorities and targets at national level, focusing on the activities of the European Social Fund in the Czech Republic. The final chapter shows concrete measures for promoting employment and improving employability of selected target group through key project activities, using an elaborated project plan. The aim of this thesis is to answer the questions of how the EU employment policy objectives has been transformed over time and how successful implementations of these priorities into everyday practice policies of the Member States has been. And last but not least, what is the current state of implementation of the ESF priorities set in the Czech Republic, in the context of the grant projects realization for the period 2007-2013. Read more
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Socialinės politikos pokyčiai Lietuvoje įstojus į Europos Sąjungą / Changements of social policy in Lithuania after admission in Europe Union / Changements of social policy in Lithuania after admission in Europe UnionČaplikaitė, Justina 03 January 2007 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe apžvelgiami Lietuvoje įgyvendinami Europos socialinio
fondo projektai. Remiantis subsidiarumo principu, ES nesikiša į nei vienos iš valstybių narių
vykdomą socialinę politiką, nes galima žemesniu lygmeniu pasiekti daugiau užsibrėžtų tikslų. ES
nėra perėmusi lėšų perskirstymo funkcijų. Valstybės narės ir toliau aprūpina visuomenę
socialinėmis gėrybėmis (švietimas, sveikatos apsauga, socialinis draudimas ir kt.). Tačiau
valstybėse narėse yra paskirtos institucijos, kurios pačios atrenka finansuotinus projektus bei
prižiūri, kaip jie įgyvendinami.
Lietuvoje per teritorines darbo biržas yra įgyvendinama 10 ESF finansuojamų projektų,
pagal BPD priemones 2.1 „Įsidarbinimo gebėjimų ugdymas“ ir 2.3 „Socialinės atskirties
prevencija ir socialinė integracija“. Iki 80 proc. finansuoja ESF, likusioji dalis – Užimtumo
fondo bei valstybės biudžeto bendro finansavimo programos lėšos. Deklaruojami daugiausiai
teigiami pokyčiai bei tikslai, tačiau atskleista, jog projektai nėra maksimaliai efektyviai
įgyvendinami dėl gausios dokumentacijos bei per nustatytų per trumpų terminų, taip pat
visuomenės negatyvaus požiūrio (įtarumo, nepasitikėjimo politikais). Projektai apima įvairias
socialines grupes, tačiau socialiai atskirtieji – benamiai, beglobiai, sąvartynuose gyvenantys –
nėra įtraukti. Projektų, skirtų smurtą patiriančioms šeimoms bei sunkiomis ligomis
sergantiesiems (pvz., Alzhaimerio liga), trūksta. Socialiai atskirtųjų nepasiekia informacija apie
vykdomus... [to full text] / -. / Cet ouvrage traite la question des changements sociopolitiques en Lituanie aprés l‘entrée à l’Union Européenne. Il s‘agit des projets réalisés par le fond social Européen (FSE) en Lituanie. D‘après le principe de subsidiarité, l’Union Européenne agit quand son action peut être plus efficace qu’une action prise à un niveau national. Donc, l‘UE n‘agit pas dans le domaine de répartition de finances. Les États membres continuent à s‘occuper de l‘éducation, la sécurité sociale et etc. Dans les États membres il y a des institutions responsables de sélection et réalisation des projets.
En Lituanie les Agences de travail réalisent 10 projets financés par FSE. Les uns sont réalisés par la mesure 2.1 de Document Unique de Programmation „Promouvoir les capabilités d‘obtenir le travail“, les autres – par la mesure 2.3 „Intégration sociale et prévention de l‘exclusion“. Jusqu‘à 80 % des frais sont remboursés par FSE, le reste – par l‘État de son budget et par le Fond d‘emploi. On déclare seulement des résutats positifs, quand même la réalisation des projets n‘est pas efficace à cause de la documentation surchargée et des délais trop courts. En plus, la société n‘a pas suffisamment de confience en projets. Les projets sont destinés aux divers groupes socials, pourtant des sans-abris et des vagabonds ne sont pas insérés dans les projets. Les familles qui pâttissent la violence, les souffreteux des maladies mentales (par exemple, la maladie Alzheimer) ne sont pas insérés également dans les... [to full text] Read more
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Så funkar det i Sverige : En studie om föreställningar om kultur och etnicitet i integrationsprojekt finansierade av Europeiska Socialfonden / That’s how it works in SwedenLandgren, Niclas, Rönnlund, David January 2014 (has links)
This study aim’s to examine how conceptions regarding culture and ethnicity influence the daily work of personnel in integration projects financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). The method of this study was individual semi-structured interviews with nine persons working in three different projects. The reason why we have chosen these specific projects was because of their work with immigrant participants. Concepts that our study is based on was culture and ethnicity, but also the theory considering in-groups and out-groups. The result of our study shows that the personnel acknowledge the importance of individual adaptation in the work with the participants, but with awareness considering cultural expressions based on their origin. The answers of the personnel also reveal a cultural hierarchy in the Swedish society. We found out that discrimination from employers is mainly based on the immigrant’s lack of Swedish linguistics. The personnel consider the knowledge of language to be one of the most important factors for immigrants when integrating into a new society. Some of the personnel mentioned that cultural prejudices affect their refutation in the meeting with immigrant participants.
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Vývoj trhu práce v oblasti Jindřichohradecka a Evropský sociální fond / Labour market trend of Jindřichův Hradec district and the European Social FundČECHOVÁ, Petra January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to look for possibilities how to improve the situation in the labour market. The theoretical part focuses significantly on the functioning of individual tools of an active employment policy and also on a use of funds from the European Union{\crq}s Structural Funds in particular by means of the European Social Fund. The main aim of the practical part of my dissertation is a characteristic of the labour market in Jindřichův Hradec region. A use of tools of an active employment policy and EU funds applied in this policy, specifically the Operational Program ``Human Resources Development{\crqq} is dealt here with.
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Využití Evropského sociálního fondu na trhu práce Písecka / Utilization of the European Social Fund in the labour market of the Písek regionKOLAŘÍKOVÁ, Iveta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the opportunities in the development of (un)employment and to solve the established problems using the support of the structural fund of the European Union. The thesis uses the analysis of the labour market of the Písek region. It focuses on one of the two structural funds of the EU ? European Social Fund, and its targets and operational programmes for the period 2007 ? 2013. The main function of the European Social Fund is to develop employment, to support social integration of people and equal opportunities with concentration on the growth of the labour market and human resources. Theoretical part of the thesis uses primarily sources of subject literature, publications released by information centres of the EU, internet resources, laws and annual reports of the labour market situation in Písek in individual years. The practical part characterizes the Písek region, the labour market, the unemployment rates and evaluation of the working opportunities. Then the thesis evaluates the utilization of the tools of unemployment active politics and of the financial resources of the European Social Fund. On the basis of the obtained resources, data and information, the author presents suggestions for solving the labour market situation in Písek. Read more
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Fundo social do trabalhador autônomo: proteção e regulamentação de direitos fundamentais / Social fund of the self-employed worker: protection and regulation of fundamental right.Leandro Krebs Gonçalves 16 March 2015 (has links)
O Fundo Social do Trabalhador Autônomo objetiva proteger e regulamentar direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores por conta própria, na perspectiva das relações individuais de labor. A dinâmica da sociedade atual exige uma releitura da dependência econômica e da subordinação jurídica, sob pena de tornar letra morta os dispositivos constitucionais tutelares. Dentro de um mercado global de extrema competitividade, o capital acaba preponderando sobre o elemento humano. A partir da análise das diferentes espécies de relação que se desenvolvem no mundo do trabalho, em visão histórica de afirmação dos direitos humanos e de evolução dos direitos sociais, o presente estudo busca definir os direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores independentes e propor um fundo social para custeio de seus direitos trabalhistas. As diretrizes normativas internacionais e brasileiras de proteção e regulação do labor do Homem servirão de alicerce para a construção de um novo modelo jurídico. Independente da vigência do contrato de emprego, nos moldes previstos nos artigos 2º e 3º da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), torna-se necessário adaptar e reformular o Direito do Trabalho, para abranger outros tipos de relações, sem que implique precarização de direitos já consagrados. O autônomo ficou à margem da lei, o que inclusive repercute no expressivo número de ações trabalhistas, em que se discute a existência de vínculo de emprego e os direitos daí decorrentes, em um verdadeiro processo de tudo ou nada. Pressupondo garantias de subsistência, respeitabilidade e dignidade, impõe-se a intervenção do Estado para fixar direitos mínimos dos trabalhadores em geral. Expressando a concretização do direito social ao trabalho, o estabelecimento de prestações positivas elevará a condição socioeconômica dos autônomos, fundada em preceitos de justiça social. O fenômeno da globalização, hoje, contrapõe-se a medidas de defesa dos mercados nacionais. O capitalismo contemporâneo defronta-se com a polêmica dos encargos sociais e seus impactos econômicos. O custo da mão de obra e a implementação de programas de inclusão social e de redistribuição de riquezas, além de ser objeto de políticas governamentais, levam a crer que o Direito do Trabalho tende a se tornar o direito de todas as relações de trabalho. A experiência estrangeira direciona um caminho a se percorrer. Para cumprir os ditames da norma constitucional brasileira, desafia-se a lógica do binômio capital e trabalho, para viabilizar receitas suficientes ao financiamento de benefícios trabalhistas aos autônomos. / The Social Fund of the Self-Employed Worker aims to protect and regulate fundamental rights of standalone workers, in perspective of the individual relations of labor. The dynamics of the current society seeks for a reinterpretation of economic dependence and of the legal relationship under penalty of becoming worthless to the constitutional devices guardianship. Within a global market of extreme competitiveness, the capital ends up prevailing over the human element. From the analysis of the different kinds of relationship that develop in the labor world of work, in a historical overview of affirmation of human rights and of the development of social rights, the present study seeks to define the fundamental rights of self-employed workers and it proposes a social fund to finance their labor rights. The Brazilian and international regulatory guidelines of protection and regulation of the labor of the human will serve as foundation for the construction of a new legal model. Regardless the duration of the employment contract, in accordance with the procedures provided in the Articles 2nd and 3rd of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), it is necessary to adapt and restructure the Labor Law to encompass other types of relations, without implying rights that are already devoted. The self-worker was on the edge of the law which also affects the significant number of labor lawsuits, where it is discussed the existence of employment bond and the rights stem from it, in a genuine all or none process. Assuming subsistence, respectability and dignity guarantees, it is implied a State intervention to secure minimum rights for workers in general. Expressing the full realisation of the social labor law the establishment of positive benefits will raise the socio-economic condition of self-workers founded on principles of social justice. The globalisation phenomenon nowadays is opposed to defence measures of national markets. The contemporary capitalism is faced with the polemic of social charges and their economic impacts. The cost of labor and the implementation of programs of social inclusion and the redistribution of wealth in addition to being the object of governmental policies, lead us to believe that the Labor Law tends to become the right of all employment relationships. The foreign experience guides a path to go through. To comply with the dictates of the Brazilian constitutional regulations, the logic of the capital and labor alliance is challenged in order to make sufficient revenues to finance worker benefits to selfworkers. Read more
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