Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial object"" "subject:"bsocial object""
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Change and continuity through mergers & acquisitionsAzadegan, Farshid January 2013 (has links)
I have lived through nineteen mergers and acquisitions and without moving companies, have signed eight employment contracts, all following M&As. Only two of the eight companies still trade, the others went bankrupt or shut down. My roles have been in engineering, sales, middle management and more recently a contributor at meetings where M&As were discussed and advisors attended. Despite professional advice, these M&As rarely turned out as planned including the envisaged growth and improvements. Often matters got worse, even for top executives. Yet, in both the literature and the way that people talk, businesses and individuals are portrayed as separate entities, M&As are aimed at changing only the businesses and are routinely associated with growth and improvements. My experience of M&As includes confusion about power and powerlessness, a sense of loss of valued relationships, identity issues and idealization of merged businesses. Using a narrative methodology and taking my experience seriously (Stacey and Griffin, 2005), I explore change and continuity through M&As and the experiencing of organizational upheavals. I also explore change in the idea of M&As and how we think of them. Drawing on complex responsive processes theory, I argue that we can enhance our understanding of change and continuity through M&As by exploring our experience of local interaction. Combined organizations as patterns of local interactions between people where these patterns emerge and evolve in the interplay of intentions, plans, actions and choices of all involved includes those between members of the merged organizations and between them and advisors, mediators, shareholders, competitors, customers, regulators and the media. To say that combined businesses emerge in this interplay is to understand change and continuity in terms of these evolving patterns of local interaction. These patterns include interpretations and conversations reflecting our ideologies, power relations, identities, idealizations and expectations about M&As. My expectations and reflections were influenced by and influence the discourse about M&As which I argue as social object evolves through our complex responsive processes of relating. Idealization of merged businesses, professional advice, the mainstream view of M&As as growth and improvement which amounts to ‘putting thought before action’ (Griffin, 2002: 25), all emerge and evolve through local interaction validating reflexive exploration of experience to enhance our understanding of change and continuity through M&As.
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Seeking to control enterprise with architecture : the limits and value of an engineering approach from the perspective of an enterprise architectBrahm, Mikkel January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I challenge assumptions underlying my discipline of enterprise architecture that led to two choices facing practitioners: either to work with tools and techniques which predict and control changes towards predetermined ends or to accept informal processes that are unpredictable and wasteful. Orthodox enterprise architecture defines an enterprise as an organisation, which is a system, and prescribes methods that seek to provide control over the transformation of an organisation into a desired state of affairs by achieving complete knowledge of the system before initiating the desired transformation. Drawing on complexity sciences, I offer a different perspective on organisation and claim that organising what we do is an aspect of doing what we do. Organising is process. I furthermore claim that the people who are organising what we do can act spontaneously and surprise both themselves and others, but often they act habitually. Habitual ways of acting allow us to anticipate to some extent how others are likely to respond to us and, as we grow up, we learn how to behave ourselves, that is, how to adjust our behaviour to what we judge socially acceptable to increase the likelihood of being able to garner support and collaboration. I posit that social control is exercised in this way as mutual self-adjustment that forms what is normal and valued conduct. In other words, our shared social norms and values thus paradoxically and simultaneously form individuals and their conduct and are formed by individuals and their conduct. I claim that in this way we have partial, but never full, knowledge of how others generally respond to certain behaviour of ours. We can ever have only partial knowledge of that which is - in the words of Mannheim - in the process of becoming. I therefore reject the central assumptions upon which orthodox enterprise architecture is based. In organisations, we engineer and exploit mechanical mechanisms that can conduct certain action more effectively and efficiently than people can. Materiality, objects in the world, can resist attempts to shape them to suit our needs but do so without intentionality or spontaneity. Accommodating material resistance is thus repeatable. Enterprise architecture as a discipline grew out of engineering of physical mechanisms and assumes a similar repeatability and predictability when working with the social, which I find to be an unwarranted assumption. I argue against the claim of orthodox enterprise architecture that we can bring about a pre-determined state in a controlled fashion and against the claim that without such control we have informal processes that are inevitably unpredictable and wasteful. I posit that what emerges is paradoxically stable instabilities of socially enabled and constrained recognisable patterns of behaviour. When devising a mechanism in a physical object, such as a software programme, a repertoire of scripted action is transcribed into it which remains constant until transcription is renewed. Transcription has a tendency to render action less fluid. Some members of an organisation may judge particular scripted action to be awkward or detrimental while others may judge the same scripted action to be efficient and beneficial. Thus, determining which scripted action to transcribe into mechanisms is a highly political decision which attracts the attention of skilful political players. Enterprise architects can have a valuable role to play, since we have a better than average partial knowledge about technology, and since technology is increasingly important for many enterprises. I posit that becoming more aware of power and power plays, developing a feel for the game, and becoming more detached about our involvement will allow us to play into what is emerging socially with more political awareness and expertise.
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Cautionnement et droit des sociétés / Deposits and company lawAchour, Dehlila 16 November 2011 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, le droit du cautionnement est une matière totalement désagrégée. Cet éclatement du droit du cautionnement provient essentiellement de l’abondance et de la superposition des textes : on ne compte plus les multiples interventions du législateur, ni les rebondissements jurisprudentiels. La matière aurait pu être simplifiée si elle avait bénéficié de la réforme du droit des sûretés avec l’ordonnance du 23 mars 2006. Mais il n’en est rien.Associée au droit des sociétés, cette matière en devient d’autant plus complexe. En droit des sociétés, le cautionnement est une garantie des plus répandues. Il constitue la plupart du temps, pour la société, un acte dangereux car il peut avoir des conséquences préjudiciables pour celle-Ci. En même temps, la réglementation doit garder une certaine souplesse afin de respecter les exigences de rapidité de la vie des affaires. Cette conciliation est délicate à réaliser.Cette étude se propose d’appréhender le lien existant entre le cautionnement et les règles du droit des sociétés. Pour mener à bien cette entreprise, il convenait d’envisager le sujet sous deux angles, à savoir d’une part le cautionnement donné par une société, et d’autre part, celui consenti au profit d’une personne morale.Un tel cautionnement qu’il soit donné par une société, ou en sa faveur, est de nature à soulever des difficultés au regard des principes gouvernant le droit des sociétés. C’est pourquoi, certaines règles ont été fixées. Le cautionnement se trouve ainsi gouverné par des règles de droit des sociétés spécifiques, au-Delà des règles de droit commun qui le régissent. Mais cela passe également par l’exploitation du formalisme supposé protéger la caution personne physique, les obligations du créancier telles que l’obligation d’information, de mise en garde, le principe de proportionnalité…Si la loi Dutreil a échoué dans son impératif de cohésion et de simplification du droit du cautionnement, peut-On dire que l’avenir est à une unification des différentes législations relatives au cautionnement ? / At present, surety law is a matter that has totally been breaking apart. This fragmentation of surety law is mainly due to the abundance and overlapping of legislative acts: there are more interventions on the part of the legislator, more jurisprudential developments than we can count. The matter could have be simplified, had it benefited from the reform of security law in accordance with the order of 23 March 2006. But that was not the case.In relation to corporate law, the subject is becoming even more complex. In corporate law, surety is the most widespread guarantee. To a company it represents, most of the time, an unsafe act because it may suffer adverse consequences from it. At the same time, regulation should retain some flexibility to meet the speed requirements of the business world. This is a delicate balance to achieve.This study aims at grasping the relationship between surety and the rules of corporate law. To carry out this undertaking, it was appropriate to consider the subject from two different angles, namely the surety bond as it is issued by a company, and that as granted for the benefit of a legal person.Such guarantee whether it is granted by a company or to it, is liable to give rise to difficulties with regard to the principles governing corporate law. Which explains why certain rules have been set. The guarantee is therefore governed by specific corporate rules that transcend the common law rules made to that effect. But it also involves meeting the formal requirements designed to protect the individual guarantor, and binding the creditor to obligations such as the duty of disclosure, duty of warning, the principle of proportionality ...If the Dutreil law has failed to observe the requirements of cohesion and simplification of surety law, can we therefore say that the future is dependent on a unification of the various laws pertaining to surety?
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Vivre avec un chien. Étude en psychologie clinique de la relation à l'animal à partir des cliniques psychosociales et des effets du contre-transfert social. Proposition des concepts de compagnon de relation paradoxal et d'objet social de la rue / Living on the street with a dog. A clinical study of the relationship with the animal from a psychosocial perspective and the effects of social counter-transference. Construction of the concepts of a paradoxical companion relationship and of social object in the streetChevalier, Julie 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les personnes SDF et leurs chiens restent à la marge de la majorité des dispositifs sociaux et sont l’objet d’un contre-transfert social généralement négatif. L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre pourquoi certaines personnes ont des chiens dans la rue. En s’appuyant sur un référentiel psychanalytique, cette recherche se fonde sur les discours d’acteurs rencontrés sur le terrain et sur des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de neuf SDF possédant au moins un chien, rencontrés au sein d’un CAARUD et d’un CHRS. Les entretiens ont été traités à l’aide de l’analyse de contenu (Bardin, 1977 ; Castarède, 1983) et d’une analyse clinique de cas (Castro, 2005 ; Pedinielli, 2005). Les résultats soulèvent un paradoxe. D’une part, le chien apparaît notamment comme un support d’étayage aux besoins du moi (Roussillon, 2008a); comme un objet de relation (Gimenez, 2002) et la relation à l’animal comme une voie d’accès à l’aire transitionnelle (Winnicott, 1971b) où œuvrent les processus d’identification projective normale et d’identification introjective (Bion, 1962, 1967). D’autre part, cette relation peut incarner une défense psychique contre une souffrance psychosociale et une stratégie de survie conduisant, paradoxalement, ces personnes à se suradapter à leurs conditions de vie délétères sans pouvoir le penser. Seules une véritable préoccupation sociétale et des prises en charges adaptées pourront soutenir le chien comme un moyen par lequel le sujet peut négocier sa souffrance psychique, son identité et développer sa subjectivité. Comprendre cette relation implique par ailleurs une approche en santé mentale, soucieuse des ressources du sujet et de son environnement. / Homeless people and their dogs remain on the fringe of most social structures and are subject to a generally negative social counter-transference. This study aims at a better understanding of why some people living on the street have a dog. Within a psychoanalytical frame of reference, this research is based on speeches of actors encountered on the field and includes semi-directive interviews conducted on nine homeless people possessing at least one dog encountered in a CAARUD and a CHRS. A content analysis (Bardin, 1977; Castarède, 1983; Pedinielli, 2009) was conducted on all these interviews. The nine dog owners were each object of a clinical case study (Castro, 2005; Pedinielli, 2005; Schauder, 2012; Thurin, 2012). The results showed a paradox. On the one hand, the dog appeared as a way of supporting the needs of the ego (Roussillon, 2008a) and as an object of relation (Gimenez, 2002). Similarly the relationship with the animal appeared as a means of gaining access to the transitional area (Winnicott, 1971b) where processes of normal projective identification and introjective identification develop (Bion, 1962, 1967). On the other hand, this relationship may embody a psychic defense against psychosocial suffering and a survival strategy paradoxically leading these people to unconsciously over-adapt to their nefarious living conditions. Only real societal concern and appropriate care can support the dog as a way for the subject to become a real subject and for him a way to soothe the psychical pain and shore up his identity. Understanding this relationship also implies using a mental health approach, taking into account the resources of the subject and his environment.
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