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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att klistra fast humöret : En kvalitativ studie av Aggression Replacement Training och dess upplevda behandlingseffekter

Hjalmarsson, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Under 1990-talet implementerades i Sverige en metod för behandling av aggressivitethos barn och unga, som kallas Aggression Replacement Training (ART). Metoden ärutvecklad i USA av Arnold P. Goldstein och hans kollegor. Metoden har sin teoretiskagrund inom den sociala inlärningsteorin och bygger till stor del på behandlingsprinciperinspirerade av kognitiv beteendeterapi. ART som behandlingsmetod för aggressiva barnoch unga har fått stor spridning i Sverige och en av de kommuner som erbjuder ARTsom öppenvårdsinsats inom socialtjänsten är Västerås. Denna uppsats utgår från ettuppdrag från familjebehandlingen i Västerås Stad, som önskar belysa vilka eventuellaupplevda effekter deras variant av ART har gett. Förutom detta syftar uppsatsen ocksåtill att teoretiskt beskriva ART med avseende på teoretiskt ursprung och praktiskttillämpning. Studien, som har en kvalitativ ansats, utgår från en specifikbehandlingsgrupp om fem barn, vars föräldrar har intervjuats om vilka eventuellaeffekter de upplever att behandlingen gett. Resultaten är inte helt entydiga, då vissaföräldrar väldigt tydligt upplevt stora förbättringar när det gäller ilska och aggressivitethos sitt barn, medan andra föräldrar inte tycker sig se några större förändringar.Genomgående är dock föräldrarna nöjda med metoden och dess genomförande somsådant, men efterfrågar t.ex. intensivare och mer långvariga insatser för att ökamöjligheten för deras barn att ta till sig behandlingen fullt ut. / During the 1990’s a method of treatment for aggression and anger problems in childrenand youth was introduced in Sweden, witch is called Aggression Replacement Training(ART). ART was first developed in the United States, by Arnold P. Goldstein andcolleagues. The method has its theoretical foundation in the social learning theory and isinspired by the treatment principles found in cognitive behavioural therapy. ART as atreatment method for aggressive children and youth has been widely spread in Swedenand one of the cities that offers ART within their social services are Västerås. This essayis a mission from the unit of family treatment in Västerås Stad, who has an interest inelucidate possible treatment outcomes from their work with ART. In addition to that, thepurpose of this essay is to describe the theoretical foundations and practical appliancesof ART. This study, which has a qualitative approach, emanate from a specific treatmentgroup of five children, whose parents has been interviewed about what, if any, outcomethey experience that the treatment has resulted in. The results are not really univocal.Some of the parents experience very significant improvements in their child’sexpression of anger and aggressiveness, whereas some other parents don’t experienceany improvement at all. Consistently though, all of the parents are very pleased with themethod itself and its implementation, but some of them ask for more intensive and farreachinginterventions, to increase the possibilities for their children to fully ingest thetreatment.Key

Snacka går ju - eller? : En studie om påföljden ungdomsvård inom socialtjänstens öppenvård

Wendén, Christina January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine young offenders’ attitudes towards crime, and to the penalty they have been sentenced to as juveniles. More specifically its aim was to examine an intervention program called Galaxen, specifically used  to deal with  juveniles  in Växjö. This intervention program consists mainly of conversations with social workers from social services,  aiming  towards  better  self-awareness  and  the  ability  to  understand  the  consequences  of one’s actions. In two focus groups, ten social workers involved in Galaxen were asked to discuss  these matters.  Three  individual  interviews with  young  offenders  previously  attending Galaxen were also conducted. The analysis was based on a social learning perspective, identifying  anti-  and  procriminal  attitudes.  It was  concluded  that  young  offenders’  attitudes  towards crime may be  the result of previous and present exposure  to anti- or procriminal attitudes,  and  that modeling  and  social  control  conducted  by  grown-ups,  especially  parents,  is quite  important when  it comes  to  young people’s behavioral development.  It was  also  concluded that one’s self-efficacy may be altered, by learning to think through new perspectives.</p>

Ord som gör ont : Förskollärares uppfattning om förskolebarns kränkande språk

Nanderöd, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Detta arbete har som syfte att undresöka förskollärares uppfattningar om verbala kränkningar mellan barn. Arbetet söker svar på hur de kränkande språket kan vara en del i barns sociala utvecklning. Jag har genomfört intervjuer med förskollärare för att kunna ta del av deras erfarenhet och kunskap inom området. I mina resultat har det framkommit att förskolans pedagoger är en viktig del av barns sociala utveckling. Det är i förskolan man får sina första upplevelser av vänskap, men det är också där i relationerna som man kan bli utsatt, eller utsätta andra, för verbal kränkning. Den fysiska miljön är av betydelse för förekomsten av kränkande språk och det föreligger en ökad risk i de icke pedagogstyrda aktiviteterna. / This study examines preschool theatchers' perceptions of abusive language among children and the purpose is to expose their ideas of abusive language impact on children's socializing process. I have contucted interviews with preschool theatchers in order to share their experience and knowledge in the field. The result show that preschool theatcers are an important part of the child's social development. In prexchool, children have their first impressions of friendship, but it is also in this relationsships they can be exposed, or expose others, for abusive language. The activities are important regarding the occurence and frecuency of absuive langugage and there is an increased risk in the non teacher-present activities create situations of abusive langugage among children.

What Propels Sexual Homicide Offenders? Testing an Integrated Theory of Social Learning and Routine Activities Theories

Chan, Heng Choon 01 January 2012 (has links)
Sexual homicide is a rare occurrence. Little is known about the offending perspective of sexual homicide from a criminological standpoint. Recently, Chan, Heide, and Beauregard (2011) proposed an integrative theoretical framework using concepts and propositions of Social Learning Theory (differential association, definitions, differential reinforcement or punishment, and imitation) and Routine Activities Theory (a motivated offender, an attractive and suitable target, and the absence of a capable guardian or guardianship) to elucidate the sexual homicide offending dynamics. According to this integrative model, the individual-level view of the sexual murderers is explained by the social learning principles, while the offending process is complemented by the routine activities propositions from a micro-level to provide a better explained sexual homicide offending model. However, this model has yet to be tested empirically. In addition to testing the Chan et al.'s model, this study proposes and tests an alternative model by incorporating the construct of pre-crime precipitators to better explain the motivating factor of an offender to commit a sexual homicide. To empirically test both models, this study utilizes the dataset collected by a group of Canadian researchers on 230 incarcerated non-serial homicidal (N = 55) and non-homicidal (N = 175) sex offenders in the province of Quebec, Canada for the period between 1995 and 2005. Using step-wise logistic regression, four regression models are tested to examine the offending process of sexual homicide by investigating the effects of the offender's motivation, the target suitability and attractiveness, the absence of a capable guardian or guardianship, and the pre-crime precipitating factors in deciding the lethal outcome of a sexual offense. The theoretical model proposed by Chan and colleagues received some support. Consistent with Chan et al.'s theoretical propositions, findings suggest that the sex offender's sexually deviant behaviors and attitudes serve as a motivating factor, and the presence/absence of a capable guardian or guardianship at the immediate crime surroundings are significant factors in deciding the survival rate of the victim. Methodological limitations of the study, practical implications for offender profiling and crime preventive measures, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Social contagion in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) : implications for cognition, culture and welfare

Watson, Claire F. I. January 2011 (has links)
The social transmission of social behaviours in nonhuman primates has been understudied, experimentally, relative to instrumental, food-related behaviours. This is disproportional in relation to the comparatively high percentage of potential social traditions reported in wild primates. I report a systematic survey of the social learning literature and provide quantitative evidence of the discrepancy (Watson and Caldwell, 2009). Addressing the identified deficit in experimental work on social behaviours, I also report three empirical studies investigating the contagious nature of affective states in captive, socially housed marmosets. I carried out an observational study, to determine whether marmosets are influenced by spontaneously produced neighbour calls to perform a range of behaviours associated with similar affect. My results supported a neighbour effect for anxiety in marmosets. Consistent with previous findings for chimpanzees (Baker and Aureli, 1996; Videan et al., 2005), I also found evidence for neighbour effects for aggression and affiliation (Watson and Caldwell, 2010). Through experimental playback, I investigated contingent social contagion in the auditory and visual modalities. The playback of pre-recorded affiliative (chirp) calls was found to be associated with marmosets spending increased time in a range of affiliative behaviours. Playback of video showing conspecifics engaged in a positive affiliative behaviour (allogrooming) also appeared to cause marmosets to spend longer performing various affiliative behaviours. My results indicate that social contagion of affiliation is a multi-modal phenomenon in marmosets and also represent the first evidence that allogrooming is visually contagious in primates. Sapolsky (2006) conceptualised culture as the performance of species-typical behaviours to an unusual extent, termed ‘social culture’. Researchers have yet to directly investigate a transmission mechanism. I investigated whether a social culture of increased affiliation could be initiated in marmosets through the long-term playback, of positive calls, or of video of positive behaviour. The results were consistent with a relatively long-lasting influence of the playback of affiliative calls across several affiliative behaviours. The effect appeared to last substantially beyond the specific hours of playback, between playbacks, and after playback had ceased, potentially indicating a temporary shift in social culture. These results are preliminary but provide some support for the proposal that auditory social contagion may be a transmission mechanism for social culture. The long-term video playback of allogrooming appeared to result in a transitory shift in performance of the identical behaviour (increased allogrooming) after playbacks had ceased. In addition to theoretical implications for social cognition and social culture, my findings have potential practical application for the enhancement of welfare in captive marmosets through sensory, and non-contact social, enrichment.

When consultation becomes a checkbox, what’s the fracking point?: Colonial constraints on social learning processes in Northeast BC and the Fort Nelson First Nation’s New Approach to resource governance

Breiddal, Rosanna 16 September 2015 (has links)
This Master’s thesis seeks to develop a better understanding of how Indigenous voices can be included in water governance. As a starting point, social learning theory, collaborative governance and Indigenous and Canadian relations were carefully studied. Despite the large body of research on collaborative governance with First Nations and on social learning in water governance, little is known specifically about social learning processes in colonial contexts. Using grounded theory and Indigenous methodologies, this research investigates how the current approach to implementing the Province’s legal constitutional, “duty to consult” affects social learning processes and the inclusion of Indigenous people in water governance. Findings indicate that the laws and policies that have been created based on the Crown’s interpretation of Treaty 8, an agreement signed between the Fort Nelson First Nation and Canada in 1899. This duty to consult constrains social learning, as it does not allow for the flexibility needed for a reframing process that might bring the actors to a common understanding of Treaty 8, the treaty relationship and its application as such today, as a basis for future collaboration. Without reframing processes, the consultation process is perceived by the Fort Nelson First Nation, a Treaty 8 nation, to lack legitimacy and neutral facilitation. Subsequently, consultation is seen as a checkbox that must be completed, but fails to include First Nations’ knowledge, interests and concerns about impacts from development and appropriate accommodation. This research also investigates a new governance arrangement emerging in northeast BC, which changes the way Fort Nelson First Nation voices are included in decision-making. Processes of nation building and capacity building contribute to Fort Nelson First Nation’s New Approach to governance. The New Approach sees changes to the sites of authority, revenue and norms and beliefs, resulting in a governance innovation that circumvents the provincial government’s role in governance by creating a closer working relationship between industry and the Fort Nelson First Nation. The results are development planning and decisions that better reflect the Fort Nelson First Nation’s concerns and interests in the near future. / Graduate

Food, friends and foes: estrogens and social behaviour in mice.

Clipperton Allen, Amy Elizabeth 13 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates estrogens' modulation of three aspects of social cognition (aggression and agonistic behaviour, social learning, and social recognition). Sex-typical agonistic behaviour (males: overt attacks, females: more subtle dominance behaviours) was increased in gonadectomized mice by estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) agonist 1,3,5-tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-propyl-1H-pyrazole (PPT), while non-overt agonistic behaviour was increased in male and female gonadally intact mice by ERβ agonist 7-Bromo-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,3-benzoxazol-5-ol (WAY-200070). Estrogens also affected the social transmission of food preferences (STFP). Acute estrogen and ERβ agonists WAY-200070 and 2,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionitrile (DPN) prolonged the preference for the demonstrated food when administered pre-acquisition, likely by affecting motivation or the nature of the social interaction, while acute PPT blocked the STFP. All mice receiving any of the three treatments chronically showed a prolonged demonstrated food preference, suggesting a loss of ER specificity. Individual differences in social recognition may relate to increased oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) mRNA, and ERα and ERβ gene activation, in the medial preoptic area, and decreased mRNA for ERs, OT receptor (OTR), AVP and AVP receptors 1a and 1b in the lateral amygdala. Additionally, dorsolateral septum ERs, progesterone receptor, and OTR may relate to social interest without affecting social recognition. Our and others' results suggest that estrogens, OT and AVP are all involved in social behaviours and mediate social recognition, social learning, social interactions, and aggression. ERs differently modulate the two types of social learning investigated here: ERα is critical for social recognition, but impairs social learning, while ERβ is less important in social recognition, and prolongs the demonstrated food preference in the STFP. This may be due to differences in receptor brain distributions or in downstream neurochemical systems that mediate these behaviours. The results of this thesis suggest that estrogens, through the various systems they modulate, have a key role to play in social behaviour. Further investigations of how estrogens effect change in these systems at the molecular and cellular level, as well as the critical brain areas and downstream effectors involved in these complex behaviours, are needed, and could contribute to therapeutic interventions in socially-based, sexually dimorphic disorders, like the autism spectrum disorders, and women receiving hormone replacement therapy for negative peri- or post-menopausal symptoms. / National Science and Engineering Research Council (PGS-D, CGS-M)

Att tänka fritt är stort men tänka rätt är större : En studie om månadssamtalet som ett redskap för medarbetarnas utveckling i det dagliga arbetet

Grimbrandt, Filip, Heuberger, Linn January 2015 (has links)
Månadssamtalet är ett frekvent återkommande samtal mellan medarbetare och chefer inom en organisation. I samtalet diskuteras medarbetarens välmående, resultat som har presterats samt framtida utvecklingsplaner. Syftet med denna uppsats var att utifrån medarbetares och chefers perspektiv undersöka hur månadssamtalet bidrar till medarbetares fortsatta utveckling och lärande. Vårt syfte resulterade i tre frågeställningar: Vad karaktäriserar månadssamtalet, hur medarbetare respektive chefer ser på sina uppgifter i månadssamtalet samt på vilka sätt månadssamtalen bidrar till att utveckla medarbetarna i deras fortsatta vardagliga arbete. Som ett första steg granskades tidigare forskning inom medarbetarsamtalet, detta gjordes för att kunna urskilja olika perspektiv, betydelsefulla aspekter och tidigare intressant problematik runt fenomenet. För att söka svar på frågeställningarna valdes en kvalitativ metod. Vi genomförde sju semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer tillsammans med medarbetare och chefer från ett bemanningsföretag. Det material som redovisades från intervjuerna analyserades sedan med ett sociokulturellt perspektiv i åtanke samt med teorier från Lave och Wenger samt Säljö. Vi kom fram till att månadsamtalet karakteriseras som en social och gemensam aktivitet. Samtalet generar kontinuerlig återkoppling till medarbetaren om deras styrkor och svagheter, vilket görs möjligt genom språket som även ses som en av de mest väsentliga komponenterna i samtalet. Utformning på samtalet påverkas av den existerande kulturen i organisationen. Chefens uppgift är att coacha och vägleda medarbetaren och därmed blir deras primära uppdrag att få medarbetaren att prata genom att engagera och stötta. Medarbetarens uppgift blir följaktligen att vara den engagerade, kommunikativa och ledande parten. Det finns ett fokus på lärande och utveckling som görs möjligt genom att medarbetaren tar ansvar för att delta, vara aktiv samt anpassar sig till den rådande kulturen. Medarbetarna själva anser att samtalet bidrar till en förändring i deras arbetssätt och i hanteringen av olika arbetsmoment till det bättre. En aspekt till att lärandet kan ske hänvisas till de kunskaper och råd som cheferna bidrar med men även till att medarbetarna själva aktivt har deltagit och resonera fram till lösningar. Lärandet i månadssamtalet sker på så sätt i social interaktion mellan medarbetare och chefer, erfarenheter och kunskaper används och utvecklas. / The monthly dialogue is a frequent discussion between employees and managers within an organization. In the conversation they discuss the employee's well being, results that have been achieved and future development plans. The purpose of this study was to examine, from a employees and managers perspective, how the monthly dialogue contributes to the employee's continued development and learning. Our purpose resulted in three questions: What characterizes the monthly dialogue, how do employees and managers view their individual tasks in the monthly dialogue and in which ways does the monthly dialogue contribute to developing employees in their daily work tasks. As a first step we reviewed previous research in performance appraisal, this was done in order to distinguish different perspective, significant aspects and past interesting problems around the phenomenon. In order to answer the questions we choose a qualitative method. We performed seven semi-structured telephone interviews with employees and managers from an employment agency. The material from the interviews were then analysed with a socio-cultural perspective in mind and with theories from Lave and Wenger and Säljö. We concluded that the monthly dialogue can be characterized as a social and communal activity. The dialogue will generate continuous feedback to the employee on their strengths and needs, which are made possible through the language, which is seen as one of the most essential components in the monthly dialogue. The dialogues are affected by the existing culture in the organization. The manager's role is to coach and guide the employees and therefore their primary mission is to get the employee to talk through involvement and support. The employee's task is to be communicative and take the leading role. There is a focus on learning and development and this is made possible if the employee takes responsibility to participate, be active and adapt to the existing culture. The employees themself believe that the dialogue contributes to a change in their approach and in handling different work tasks, for the better. One aspect that learning refers to is the knowledge and advices that managers contribute with and to the employees themselves that have actively participated and reflected to solutions. Learning in the monthly dialogue is made possible through social interaction between employees and managers and when experiences and knowledge are used and developed.

Exploration de la performance de la gouvernance des petites pêcheries du Pacifique Sud par une démarche de recherche-action / Exploration of the performance of the governance of small-scale fisheries in the South Pacific through action research

Léopold, Marc 22 June 2018 (has links)
Notre travail est une contribution à l’élaboration d’un cadre de recherche pour étudier le développement institutionnel pour la cogestion des ressources halieutiques communes, qui reste un mode de gouvernance minoritaire à l’échelle mondiale malgré ses impacts positifs démontrés dans de nombreux cas concrets. Spécifiquement, la thèse examine la performance de la gouvernance de petites pêcheries suivant une approche empirique et inductive d’économie institutionnelle. Notre démarche de recherche-action a accompagné des interventions de politiques publiques des pêches sur la gestion de ressources récifales surexploitées dans plusieurs cas d’étude en Nouvelle-Calédonie et au Vanuatu (Pacifique sud) entre 2008 et 2016. Ces cas correspondaient à des contextes et des échelles spatiales et temporelles variables. La thèse s’appuie sur un modèle causal théorique des effets de ce type d’intervention sur le changement institutionnel dans les petites pêcheries, et sur une grille d’évaluation de la dynamique du développement institutionnel dans les cas d’étude. Elle propose une exploration à la fois analytique et pratique de l’expérimentation adaptative du développement de systèmes de cogestion en conditions réelles. Différentes sources de connaissances, académiques et non académiques, sont mobilisées, sur les petites pêcheries et sur l’apprentissage de leur gouvernance partagée. Les résultats montrent que la gestion spatialisée et multiéchelle des pêcheries récifales par cycles de fermetures et d’ouvertures temporaires de la pêche constitue une forme d’hybridation de la gestion communautaire et de l’intervention gouvernementale, adaptée à de nombreuses pêcheries mono ou plurispécifiques du Pacifique sud. Quatre processus clés soustendant la performance économique des régimes de cogestion des pêcheries étudiées sont mis en évidence : l’apprentissage individuel des processus systémiques, l’apprentissage collectif, l’homogénéisation des stratégies des acteurs, et le renforcement des capacités d’action. Ces processus opèrent de manière interdépendante et selon leur propre temporalité, en réponse aux aléas et aux contingences des pêcheries, qui déterminent notamment les conditions initiales des interventions. En abordant explicitement les questions de durabilité des petites pêcheries à l’échelle nationale et en même temps à l’échelle locale opérationnelle de gestion, la démarche de recherche adoptée propose des pistes de recherches effectivement transdisciplinaires sur la cogestion des petites pêcheries et sur ses capacités à mieux répondre aux enjeux de durabilité. / This work is a contribution for elaborating a research framework for the study of institutional development for the comanagement of common fishery resources. Indeed this governance mode is marginally being used worldwide despite its positive impacts that have been proved in a large number of concrete cases.Specifically the thesis examines the performance of the governance of small-scale fishery through an empirical and inductive approach of institutional economics. Our action research framework guided interventions of public fishery policy on the management of overexploited marine resources in several case studies in New Caledonia and Vanuatu (South Pacific) between 2008 and 2016.Those cases corresponded to different contexts and temporal and spatial scales. The thesis is supported i) by a theoretical causal model of the effects of this kind of intervention on institutional change in smallscale fisheries, and ii) by an evaluation grid of the dynamics of institutional development in the case studies. It analytically and practically explores the process of adaptive experimentation of co-management development in reallife conditions. Academic and non academic knowledge on small-scale fisheries and the learning through shared governance is mobilized.Results show that spatial, multi-scale management of reef fisheries through temporary openings and closures of fishing is a way to combine community-based management and government intervention that is relevant for a number of single- and multi-species fisheries in the South Pacific. Four key processes that drive the economic performance of fishery co-management regimes are highlighted, namely individual learning of systemic processes, collective learning, homogenization of actors’ strategies, and building of capacity for action.These processes are interdependent following their own temporality in response to multiple stresses and fishery contingencies, that determine the initial conditions of the interventions in particular. By explicitly taking into account sustainability problems of smallscale fisheries at both the national and the local, operational levels, our researchframework proposes truly transdisciplinary research guidelines on the co-management of small-scale fisheries and on its capacity for addressing sustainability challenges more efficiently.

Comportamento coletivo e interações sociais no Comitê de Gerenciamento da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Santa Maria : aprendizagem social e emergência do empreendedorismo socioambiental

Madruga, Lúcia Rejane Rosa Gama January 2009 (has links)
O gerenciamento da água em bacias hidrográficas implica criar as condições para congregar os diversos pontos de vista dos atores sociais envolvidos, de modo a possibilitar a tomada de decisão consensual. Os interesses dos atores que disputam esse recurso precisam ser compartilhados e alinhados com o equacionamento dos problemas no presente e com a criação de uma visão de futuro que respeite as condições de sustentabilidade para as próximas gerações. Portanto, a gestão precisa promover aprendizagem de natureza social. Este estudo procurou mostrar como ocorre a aprendizagem social em um comitê de gerenciamento de bacia hidrográfica e também como a Teoria da Emergência auxilia na compreensão do comportamento coletivo dos agentes nesse espaço de negociação. A construção do referencial teórico com base nas teorias da aprendizagem social e da emergência possibilitou verificar que o empreendedorismo socioambiental apresenta elementos subjacentes a essas duas correntes conceituais. Diante disso, essa temática foi incorporada ao estudo. A estratégia metodológica utilizada foi o estudo de caso em profundidade no sentido proposto por Yin (2005). A unidade de análise foi o Comitê de Gerenciamento da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Quanto à finalidade, a pesquisa foi classificada como descritiva. Foram utilizados dados primários e secundários e o processo de análise contemplou abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas. A principal fonte de evidências foi um levantamento estruturado realizado com os integrantes do Comitê. O estudo utilizou outras fontes como documentos, entrevistas e observações. A aprendizagem social foi observada nos níveis individual, de grupo e organizacional. Os resultados mostraram que esse é um fenômeno multidimensional que exige o desenvolvimento do conhecimento e também das habilidades relacionais dos agentes. A análise das características do Comitê à luz da Teoria da Emergência evidenciou as propriedades subjacentes dessa teoria respeitando os preceitos dos autores consultados e ressaltando diversas emergências decorrentes de sua criação. A criação do Comitê parece tratar-se de uma inovação social transformadora que contribuiu para demover a estrutura atomizada dos agentes envolvidos e que pode mudar os rumos dos problemas socioeconômicos e ambientais na região, em grande medida pelas relações e interações que possibilitou entre esses mesmos agentes. A análise do comportamento empreendedor dos integrantes mostrou que eles desenvolveram competência social baseada principalmente em interdependência e "suscetibilidade mútua", comprometimento, redes e relacionamento, liderança e adaptabilidade social. As mudanças sofridas por eles, assim como as principais mudanças atribuídas ao Comitê, evidenciaram a ampliação do capital social dos indivíduos e da organização e também a valorização do coletivo acima dos interesses individuais. / Watershed basin management involves creating the right conditions to bring together a variety of points of view from involved social actors, in such a way as to make consensual decision making possible. The interests of actors competing for this resource need to be shared and aligned with the establishment of present-day problems and by creating a vision for the future that respects sustainable conditions of sustainability for generations to come. Therefore, management needs to promote learning of a social nature. This study has sought to demonstrate how social learning takes place in a watershed basin management committee, as well as how Emergence Theory helps one to comprehend the collective behavior of agents in this negotiation space. The construction of a theoretical foundation based on social learning and emergence theories made it possible to verify that socioenvironmental entrepreneurship presents elements which underlie these two conceptual currents. In the face of this, this theme was incorporated into the study. An in-depth case study, in the sense proposed by Yin (2005) was chosen as the methodological strategy. The unit chosen for analysis was the Santa Maria River Watershed Basin Management Committee, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. As for the finality, the research was classified as descriptive. Primary and secondary data was used, and the analytical process contemplated quantitative and qualitative approaches. The main source of evidence was a structured survey carried out with the members of the Committee. The study also used other sources, such as documents, interviews and observations. Social learning was observed at the individual, group, and organizational levels. The results demonstrated that this is a multidimensional phenomenon that demands the development of knowledge, as well as interpersonal skills on the part of the agents. The analysis of the Committee's characteristics under the light of the Emergence Theory provided evidence of the underlying properties of this theory, respecting the precepts of the consulted authors and emphasizing a variety of emergences resulting from its creation. The creation of the Committee appears to be a transformative social innovation that contributed to changing the atomized structure of involved agents and which can change the course of regional socio-economic and environmental problems, in great measure through the relations and interactions it made possible between said agents. Analysis of members' entrepreneurial behavior demonstrated that they developed social abilities based mainly on interdependence and "mutual susceptibility", commitment, networks and relationships, leadership and social adaptability. The changes they experienced, as well as the main changes attributed to the Committee, provided evidence of the enlargement of the social capital of individuals and the organization as well as increased value placed on the collective, above individual interests.

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