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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fachspezifische Varianz der Formalisierbarkeit von Forschungsprozessen.

Tschida, Ulla 13 November 2019 (has links)
Für die Konzeption sozio-technischer Systeme zur wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgenerierung ist das Wissen über die spezifischen Inhalte und Bedingungen der Arbeit einer Fachgemeinschaft essenziell. Im Kontext der Automatisierung von Wissensproduktion ist unklar, welche fachspezifischen Faktoren die Möglichkeiten einer Arbeitsteilung zwischen Mensch und Maschine beeinflussen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für die Automatisierung von Forschungsprozessen, nämlich die Formalisierbarkeit typischer Handlungen und Wissensbestände, hinsichtlich ihrer fachspezifischen Bedingungen untersucht. Dafür wurde ein qualitativer Vergleich der Evidenzkonstruktion zweier Fachgebiete, der Editionsphilologie und der Klimaforschung, durchgeführt. Um deren Forschungsprozesse systematisch vergleichen und Zusammenhänge zwischen den Eigenschaften eines Forschungsprozesses und den Möglichkeiten seiner Formalisierbarkeit empirisch untersuchen zu können, wurde ein Vergleichsrahmen entwickelt, der auf dem wissenschaftssoziologischen Konzept der epistemischen Bedingungen beruht. Die fachspezifischen Bedingungen des Forschungshandelns stellen einen Erklärungsansatz für Varianten der Wissensproduktion und damit auch für unterschiedlich formalisierbare Forschungsprozesse dar. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere der Grad an Kodifizierung des Wissens einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf das Auftreten bzw. die Abfolge unterschiedlich formalisierbarer Handlungstypen und Wissensbestände hat. Der Anteil persönlicher Perspektive in der Evidenzkonstruktion und der Grad der Zerlegbarkeit eines Forschungsprozesses sind ebenfalls wichtige Faktoren für die Möglichkeiten der Delegation von Handlungen an Maschinen. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass selbst bei einem hohen Formalisierungsgrad das informelle menschliche Handeln das wesentliche Komplement automatisierter Abläufe darstellt und dass die Formalisierbarkeit einer zeitlichen Dynamik unterliegt. / Knowing about the field-specific content and conditions of work in a scientific discipline is essential for the design of socio-technical systems used for the production of scientific knowledge. In the context of automated knowledge production, it remains unclear which field-specific factors influence the possibilities to distribute labour between humans and machines. This study analyses a fundamental prerequisite for the automation of research processes, namely the possibility to formalise typical actions and knowledge, with regard to its field-specific conditions. A qualitative approach is used to compare the construction of evidence in two scientific fields, textual studies and climate research. In order to systematically compare research processes and to empirically investigate correlations between the properties of a research process and the possibilities of its formalisation, a comparative framework based on the sociological concept of epistemic conditions was developed. Field-specific conditions of doing research represent an explanatory approach for variants of knowledge production and thus for variant degrees of formalised processes. Results show that the degree of codification of knowledge has a significant influence on the occurrence and on the sequence of types of action and of knowledge resources with variant degrees of formalisation. In addition, the role of personal interpretation in problem formulation and construction of empirical evidence and the degree of decomposability of a research process are decisive factors for being able to delegate actions to machines. Furthermore, the study shows that a high degree of formalisation requires informal human action to complement automated processes and that formalisability is subject to temporal dynamics during research processes.

The Triumph of Technology Over Politics? : Reconstructing Television Systems: The Example of Sweden

Ewertsson, Lena January 2001 (has links)
Based upon perspectives and concepts from social and historical research on technical systems, this dissertation describes and analyses events and processes relating to the dramatic change in television in Western Europe during the 1980s and early 1990s. In particular, it focuses on how Swedish television, conceived as a large socio-tecnical system, has shifted from a traditional 'public service' system to a more open and mixed system. In addition to traditional public television broadcasting, it has now come to encompass several commercial channels distributed through an expanding combination of technical and market alternatives, including satellite television. The study traces the multiple ways in which socio-historical processes and contingencies have shaped the television system in Sweden. The most detailed historical descriptions and analyses focus on the entrepreneurial activities of the Swedish firm, Industriförvaltning AB Kinnevik, documenting the introduction of the satellite channel TV3 in Sweden and the related expansion of the system. The entrepreneurial actions of Kinnevik in establishing the new satellite channel TV3 are analysed against the background of (1) the characteristics of the traditional Swedish radio and TV broadcasting system, (2) the development of cable television in Sweden, and (3) the broad history of satellite television. Emphasis is placed on how and why it was possible for a new actor to successfully challenge, gain access to, and help transform a well-established system that had remained relatively stable for a long time. This raises attendant questions of timing. How do we account for and explain the relative stability of this system for such a long period? Why did radical change occur at a particular time and not before or after? Whereas the empirical material concerning the activities of Kinnevik in relation to its entrance on the television market covers the period between 1984 and 1991, the study in general addresses developments throughout the twentieth century and, occasionally, even further back in history. The focus is thus on the system as a whole, rather than on only one of its components. A number of conclusions are drawn from the study concerning both the construction of new systems and the reconstruction of established systems. Two major conclusions can be mentioned here. (1) First, the historical material confirms the necessity of collective action in large-scale technology-based entrepreneurial action. (2) Second, the study also shows that there is nothing necessary or inevitable about the development of technologies/technological systems, even though they are subject to a high degree of path-dependence. / <p>The electronic version of the printed dissertation is a corrected version where all spelling and grammatical errors are corrected.</p>

Uncovering and Managing the Impact of Methodological Choices for the Computational Construction of Socio-Technical Networks from Texts

Diesner, Jana 01 September 2012 (has links)
This thesis is motivated by the need for scalable and reliable methods and technologies that support the construction of network data based on information from text data. Ultimately, the resulting data can be used for answering substantive and graph-theoretical questions about socio-technical networks. One main limitation with constructing network data from text data is that the validation of the resulting network data can be hard to infeasible, e.g. in the cases of covert, historical and large-scale networks. This thesis addresses this problem by identifying the impact of coding choices that must be made when extracting network data from text data on the structure of networks and network analysis results. My findings suggest that conducting reference resolution on text data can alter the identity and weight of 76% of the nodes and 23% of the links, and can cause major changes in the value of commonly used network metrics. Also, performing reference resolution prior to relation extraction leads to the retrieval of completely different sets of key entities in comparison to not applying this pre-processing technique. Based on the outcome of the presented experiments, I recommend strategies for avoiding or mitigating the identified issues in practical applications. When extracting socio-technical networks from texts, the set of relevant node classes might go beyond the classes that are typically supported by tools for named entity extraction. I address this lack of technology by developing an entity extractor that combines an ontology for sociotechnical networks that originates from the social sciences, is theoretically grounded and has been empirically validated in prior work, with a supervised machine learning technique that is based on probabilistic graphical models. This thesis does not stop at showing that the resulting prediction models achieve state of the art accuracy rates, but I also describe the process of integrating these models into an existing and publically available end-user product. As a result, users can apply these models to new text data in a convenient fashion. While a plethora of methods for building network data from information explicitly or implicitly contained in text data exists, there is a lack of research on how the resulting networks compare with respect to their structure and properties. This also applies to networks that can be extracted by using the aforementioned entity extractor as part of the relation extraction process. I address this knowledge gap by comparing the networks extracted by using this process to network data built with three alternative methods: text coding based on thesauri that associate text terms with node classes, the construction of network data from meta-data on texts, such as key words and index terms, and building network data in collaboration with subject matter experts. The outcomes of these comparative analyses suggest that thesauri generated with the entity extractor developed for this thesis need adjustments with respect to particular categories and types of errors. I am providing tools and strategies to assist with these refinements. My results also show that once these changes have been made and in contrast to manually constructed thesauri, the prediction models generalize with acceptable accuracy to other domains (news wire data, scientific writing, emails) and writing styles (formal, casual). The comparisons of networks constructed with different methods show that ground truth data built by subject matter experts are hardly resembled by any automated method that analyzes text bodies, and even less so by exploiting existing meta-data from text corpora. Thus, aiming to reconstruct social networks from text data leads to largely incomplete networks. Synthesizing the findings from this work, I outline which types of information on socio-technical networks are best captured by what network data construction method, and how to best combine these methods in order to gain a more comprehensive view on a network. When both, text data and relational data, are available as a source of information on a network, people have previously integrated these data by enhancing social networks with content nodes that represent salient terms from the text data. I present a methodological advancement to this technique and test its performance on the datasets used for the previously mentioned evaluation studies. By using this approach, multiple types of behavioral data, namely interactions between people as well as their language use, can be taken into account. I conclude that extracting content nodes from groups of structurally equivalent agents can be an appropriate strategy for enabling the comparison of the content that people produce, perceive or disseminate. These equivalence classes can represent a variety of social roles and social positions that network members occupy. At the same time, extracting content nodes from groups of structurally coherent agents can be suitable for enabling the enhancement of social networks with content nodes. The results from applying the latter approach to text data include a comparison of the outcome of topic modeling; an efficient and unsupervised information extraction technique, to the outcomes of alternative methods, including entity extraction based on supervised machine learning. My findings suggest that key entities from meta-data knowledge networks might serve as proper labels for unlabeled topics. Also, unsupervised and supervised learning leads to the retrieval of similar entities as highly likely members of highly likely topics, and key nodes from text-based knowledge networks, respectively. In summary, the contributions made with this thesis help people to collect, manage and analyze rich network data at any scale. This is a precondition for asking substantive and graph-theoretical questions, testing hypotheses, and advancing theories about networks. This thesis uses an interdisciplinary and computationally rigorous approach to work towards this goal; thereby advancing the intersection of network analysis, natural language processing and computing.

Recherche et développement dans les sciences de l’environnement : l’Université entre impératifs scientifico-techniques, économiques et socio-politiques. Le cas du Réseau de centres d’excellence ArcticNet.

Coussot, Caroline 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse cible l’étude d’une organisation sociotechnique pluraliste, le Réseau de centres d’excellence ArcticNet, établi depuis 2003 au sein de l’Université Laval et financé par le programme fédéral des Réseaux de centres d’excellence (RCE). Ce programme, effectif depuis 1988, est issu d’une initiative du ministère de l’Industrie Canada et des trois Conseils fédéraux de financement de la recherche scientifique (CRSNG, CRSH et IRSC). Par sa dimension interdisciplinaire et interinstitutionnelle, le RCE ArcticNet sollicite la mise en place de divers accommodements sur une thématique environnementale controversée, celle du développement de l’Arctique canadien côtier. Notre approche se concentre sur la description de ces collaborations pluralistes et l’analyse des stratégies de consensus mises en place par une organisation universitaire médiatrice. Si cette étude illustre le cas d’ArcticNet, elle questionne toutefois deux réalités d’ensemble: (1) D’un point de vue théorique, prépondérant dans cette thèse, les enjeux environnementaux et de développement durable s’inscrivent dans les nouvelles réalités de la production des connaissances portées par une coévolution entre science et société, contribuant à l’expansion des domaines de R&D ciblés; et, (2) D’un point de vue empirique illustratif, les éléments de formation et d’évolution d’un réseau sociotechnique intersectoriel et les stratégies des scientifiques dans la recherche et le développement de l’Arctique canadien côtier présentent un profil basé sur l’accommodement des parties prenantes. Cette recherche adhère au postulat épistémologique des théories des organisations sociotechniques pluralistes, plutôt qu’aux modèles théoriques de la société/économie de la connaissance. L’étude regroupe un total de 23 entrevues recueillies en 2008 et en 2010 auprès de l’administration, de membres scientifiques et de partenaires d’ArcticNet, suivant une logique de témoignage. Elle ouvre ainsi une nouvelle réflexion sur leur milieu de pratique de la science, plus particulièrement des sciences de l’environnement, vers lequel la société actuelle oriente la nouvelle production des connaissances, à travers les divers financements de la recherche et du développement. / Cette thèse cible l’étude d’une organisation sociotechnique pluraliste, le Réseau de centres d’excellence ArcticNet, établi depuis 2003 au sein de l’Université Laval et financé par le programme fédéral des Réseaux de centres d’excellence (RCE). Ce programme, effectif depuis 1988, est issu d’une initiative du ministère de l’Industrie Canada et des trois Conseils fédéraux de financement de la recherche scientifique (CRSNG, CRSH et IRSC). Par sa dimension interdisciplinaire et interinstitutionnelle, le RCE ArcticNet sollicite la mise en place de divers accommodements sur une thématique environnementale controversée, celle du développement de l’Arctique canadien côtier. Notre approche se concentre sur la description de ces collaborations pluralistes et l’analyse des stratégies de consensus mises en place par une organisation universitaire médiatrice. Si cette étude illustre le cas d’ArcticNet, elle questionne toutefois deux réalités d’ensemble: (1) D’un point de vue théorique, prépondérant dans cette thèse, les enjeux environnementaux et de développement durable s’inscrivent dans les nouvelles réalités de la production des connaissances portées par une coévolution entre science et société, contribuant à l’expansion des domaines de R&D ciblés; et, (2) D’un point de vue empirique illustratif, les éléments de formation et d’évolution d’un réseau sociotechnique intersectoriel et les stratégies des scientifiques dans la recherche et le développement de l’Arctique canadien côtier présentent un profil basé sur l’accommodement des parties prenantes. Cette recherche adhère au postulat épistémologique des théories des organisations sociotechniques pluralistes, plutôt qu’aux modèles théoriques de la société/économie de la connaissance. L’étude regroupe un total de 23 entrevues recueillies en 2008 et en 2010 auprès de l’administration, de membres scientifiques et de partenaires d’ArcticNet, suivant une logique de témoignage. Elle ouvre ainsi une nouvelle réflexion sur leur milieu de pratique de la science, plus particulièrement des sciences de l’environnement, vers lequel la société actuelle oriente la nouvelle production des connaissances, à travers les divers financements de la recherche et du développement.

Towards a framework to promote the development of secure and usable online information security applications

Mujinga, Mathias 01 1900 (has links)
The proliferation of the internet and associated online activities exposes users to numerous information security (InfoSec) threats. Such online activities attract a variety of online users who include novice computer users with no basic InfoSec awareness knowledge. Information systems that collect and use sensitive and confidential personal information of users need to provide reliable protection mechanisms to safeguard this information. Given the constant user involvement in these systems and the notion of users being the weakest link in the InfoSec chain, technical solutions alone are insufficient. The usability of online InfoSec systems can play an integral role in making sure that users use the applications effectively, thereby improving the overall security of the applications. The development of online InfoSec systems calls for addressing the InfoSec problem as a social problem, and such development must seek to find a balance between technical and social aspects. The research addressed the problem of usable security in online InfoSec applications by using an approach that enabled the consideration of both InfoSec and usability in viewing the system as a socio-technical system with technical and social sub-systems. Therefore, the research proposed a socio-technical framework that promotes the development of usable security for online information systems using online banking as a case study. Using a convergent mixed methods research (MMR) design, the research collected data from online banking users through a survey and obtained the views of online banking developers through unstructured interviews. The findings from the two research methods contributed to the selection of 12 usable security design principles proposed in the sociotechnical information security (STInfoSec) framework. The research contributed to online InfoSec systems theory by developing a validated STInfoSec framework that went through an evaluation process by seven field experts. Although intended for online banking, the framework can be applied to other similar online InfoSec applications, with minimum adaptation. The STInfoSec framework provides checklist items that allow for easy application during the development process. The checklist items can also be used to evaluate existing online banking websites to identify possible usable security problems. / Computer Science / D. Phil. (Computer Science)

Pratiques et appropriation des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et intégration sociale des immigrés : une étude de cas dans un milieu populaire urbain à Paris / Appropriating and practicing Technologies of Information and of Communication to further the social integration of immigrants : a case study in a lower- income urban population of Paris

Boudelia "Mohamed", Boulafroud 03 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse sera l’occasion de revisiter le débat sur la cohésion sociale des immigrés en s’appuyant sur les réseaux sociotechniques numériques. La société actuelle est caractérisée par de profondes mutations du fait que les TIC (Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) sont omniprésentes et envahissent presque tous les champs de la vie sociale. Cependant, ces mutations accélèrent et libèrent un formidable potentiel créatif de développement pour une partie de la population, excluant néanmoins les populations immigrées qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue du pays d’accueil et qui sont très éloignées de la culture TIC. Cette situation d’exclusion rend plus difficile leur intégration sociale.Ainsi se dégage notre hypothèse : les situations de pratique et d’appropriation des TIC dans les réseaux numériques réels de l’éducation populaire peuvent être un levier pour la réduction de la fracture numérique et par conséquent représenter des facteurs impactant l’intégration sociale des immigrés, très éloignés de ces technologies nouvelles. Si oui dans quelles conditions cela est-il possible ? Nous traitons cette question à partir de la relation pentagonale (appropriation des TIC, intégration sociale, dispositif sociotechnique, médiation sociale et pédagogie numérique). L’enjeu est d’étudier un cas concret. Effectivement, à partir d’un cadre empirique et spatial qu’est le quartier Belleville, nous avons montré comment les populations immigrées analphabètes ont pu acquérir un minimum de savoir-faire des TIC. Des tests inédits pour ce type de public ont permis d’évaluer les compétences : traitement de texte, maniement de l’ordinateur et navigation sur le Web.Ce travail s’inscrit dans la double nécessité d’examiner les aspects sociocognitifs de l’apprentissage des adultes très éloignés des systèmes de l’information et de la communication et de proposer de nouvelles approches pour la conception des dispositifs techniques de type espace public numérique ainsi que des usages TIC. / This thesis will allow us to take a new look at the debate on furthering the social integration of immigrants thanks to a socio-technical use of the web. Present-day society is being profoundly altered by the Technologies of Information (TIC) that are omnipresent and increasingly invasive in almost every aspect of the social field.These accelerating mutations are nonetheless liberating a powerful potential of creativity and development for a portion of the population hitherto excluded from mainline society, by the handicap of language in the case of an immigrant population, and by the lack of access to the new technology (TIC). The double exclusion facing these immigrant populations accounts for a large part of their problems with integration. Against this general background, our thesis develops the following hypothesis: mastering the new technologies of information and communication (the TIC) can become a formidable instrument for overcoming handicaps of background, language, education when appropriated within educational facilities outside the official school systems. Overcoming the digital divide can provide a shortcut to full participation in the culture and usages of the society at large. How can this be achieved? Under what conditions? We shall treat these questions via a five-pronged approach: appropriation of TIC, social integration, socio-technical devices, social mediation and digital pedagogy. Our conclusions will be based on the study of a concrete case in a specific environment.We have demonstrated how the people of Belleville, who are largely illiterate, have nonetheless been able to acquire minimal skills in the use of TIC. Tests specifically elaborated by us for this type of public allowed us to evaluate their competency in areas such as word-processing, handling the computer, and surfing on the web. Our study is conditioned by the need, both to examine the social and cognitive aspects of adult apprenticeship where the population concerned is far-removed from normal access to TIC, and to propose new approaches adapted to EPN technical devices as well as to the types of TIC usage this population might need.

Recherche et développement dans les sciences de l’environnement : l’Université entre impératifs scientifico-techniques, économiques et socio-politiques. Le cas du Réseau de centres d’excellence ArcticNet

Coussot, Caroline 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Impactos dos enterprise systems na transformação organizacional

Bocatto, Evandro 30 April 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:14:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2002-04-30T00:00:00Z / A tecnologia de informação e, mais especificamente, os Enterprise Systems (ESs), têm recebido enorme atenção e investimentos maciços nas organizações. Por se tratar de uma tecnologia relativamente nova, os estudos sobre ESs não têm claro os seus impactos na transformação organizacional em termos das pessoas e cultura numa perspectiva sociotécnica, estruturalista e humanista. Por meio de um estudo qualitativo fruto de bricolagem com vários ambientes de análise, características de sujeitos e com a ferramenta de análise do conteúdo do discurso, puderam-se confirmar as hipóteses sobre os impactos dos ESs quanto à melhoria nas relações pessoa/pessoa, pessoa/alta gerência e pessoa/trabalho, base do levantamento 'Um Excelente Lugar para se Trabalhar', bem como, impactos em outras variáveis analisadas. O estudo estendeu-se um pouco mais e verificou as habilidades dos implantadores dos sistemas e desenvolvedores dos softwares, as características das empresas com relação à fase de maturidade evolutiva e os objetivos pouco claros de implantação dos ESs como fatores dificultadores de implantação, resultando em sub-utilização e resistência e perda de recursos. O trabalho realiza também uma ampla pesquisa bibliográfica que evidencia que ainda não há um grau médio de clareza sobre as reais características do fenômeno 'implantação de ES', suas justificativas, problemas, objetivos, fatores determinantes de sucesso, etc. / The information technology, more specifically, the Enterprise Systems (ESs), have received enormous attention and investments on organizations. Due to a relatively new technology, the studies about ESs don't have a clear understanding of their impact on organizational transformation in terms of people and culture within a Sociotechnical, Structuralistic and Humanistic perspective. Through a qualitative study using bricolage among several environment of analysis, subjects characteristics and with the speech content analysis as a research tool, it was able to confirm the hypothesis about the impacts of ESs on the behalf of person/person, person/ high management e person/work relationships, base from the 'A great place to work' research, as well, the impacts on others variables analyzed. The study went further and verified the abilities of the people that implement the systems and develop software, the characteristics of companies related to evolution phase and the mistaken objectives of ESs implementation as factors that make the implementation more difficult, resulting on sub utilization, resistance and resources expended unnecessarily. The study also makes a wide bibliographic research that evidences that there is not a medium degree of understanding or theory about the real characteristics of the phenomenon 'ES implementation', its justifications, problems, objectives, factors that determine success, etc.

Sistemas de controle gerencial como instrumento de poder / Management control systems as an instrument of power

Borsatto Junior, José Luiz 27 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Neusa Fagundes (neusa.fagundes@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-27T13:52:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 José_BorsattoJunior2017.pdf: 4191897 bytes, checksum: 484e7f22b383a0b184237547fb8f9abc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-27T13:52:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 José_BorsattoJunior2017.pdf: 4191897 bytes, checksum: 484e7f22b383a0b184237547fb8f9abc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-27 / The exercise of power is fundamental for the attainment of organizational goals, since the efficiency of each individual can be evidenced and controlled by means of standardizations and norms related to the managerial control systems (MCS). This research presents a case study that aimed to understand how the MCS adopted by Mount Olympus are configured as instruments of power, under the bourdiesian perspective of power relations. As contribution and theoretical innovation, an empirical model was elaborated that outlines the package of MCS as an instrument of symbolic power and theoretical propositions about the researched topic were developed. As theoretical bases, both Bourdieu's symbolic power (1989), and the typology of Malmi and Brown (2008) were adopted, in order to address the socio-technical and socio-ideological elements of managerial control systems. The active role of MCS was considered in this study. Qualitative research was carried out through a single case study, according to Stake's (1995) understanding, positioned in the poststructuralist paradigm. For the purpose of the research, the controllership department of a large company (family holding company) was selected as the analysis unit and the MCS adopted by the company as a research object. Data collection took place through qualitative interviews and documentary research. Open, axial and selective encodings (Strauss & Corbin, 2008) were also used as analytical procedures and triangulation of multicriteria data.. In the analysis of MCS, the complementarity between cultural controls, planning, cyber controls, remuneration and rewards and administrative controls was noted. As for the aspects that involve power relations, it was verified that the MCS establish norms for the operation of the field and produce and reproduce hierarchies of power. This structural composition of the field enables the company and organizational members to seek the power resources of their choice. The company, in general, seeks economic, cultural, social, and symbolic capital, and, for that, it appropriates the cultural capital of its employees. The social and symbolic capitals are considered as the main power resources by the organizational members; however, the increase of these resources depends on the development of cultural capital. The MCS generate illusio for the commitment with the work and in the disputes by power, understood like rewards by the subjects of research – financial, non-financial rewards, prestige, and recognition. The influence and control of actions derived from MCS, used to ensure compatibility between organizational strategies and objectives and individual actions, establish the habitus, ie the general dispositions to act socially, which are mentally incorporated by means of from the universal point of view to the field (doxa), and physically through physical attitudes and ways of speaking, thinking, and feeling (hexis). It is concluded that the MCS are defined mainly as a function of the controls culture symbolic instruments of power. In addition, managerial control systems establish power relations that result in the definition of the company's actions towards society and its own employees, in establishing hierarchies of domination and influence and control over organizational members. On the other hand, power also serves as an input for the establishment and application of MCS in the organization. / O exercício do poder é fundamental para o atingimento dos objetivos organizacionais, visto que a eficiência de cada indivíduo pode ser evidenciada e controlada por meio de padronizações e normatizações relativas aos sistemas de controle gerencial (SCG). Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso que objetivou compreender como os SCG adotados pela Monte Olimpo se configuram como instrumento de poder, sob a perspectiva bourdiesiana das relações de poder. Como contribuição e inovação teórica, elaboraram-se um modelo empírico que esquematiza o pacote de sistemas de controle gerencial como instrumento de poder simbólico e proposições teóricas acerca da temática investigada. No que tange a base teórica, adotaram-se o poder simbólico de Bourdieu (1989) e a tipologia de Malmi e Brown (2008), a fim de se abordar os elementos sociotécnicos e socioideológicos dos SCG. Considerou-se, neste estudo, o papel ativo dos SCG. Realizou-se pesquisa qualitativa por meio de estudo de caso único, conforme o entendimento de Stake (1995), posicionada no paradigma pós-estruturalista. Para a finalidade da pesquisa, selecionou-se o departamento de controladoria de uma empresa de grande porte (holding familiar) como unidade de análise e os SCG adotados por esta como objeto de pesquisa. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas qualitativas e pesquisa documental. Também se utilizaram as codificações aberta, axial e seletiva (Strauss & Corbin, 2008) como procedimentos analíticos e triangulação de dados multicritério. Notou-se, na análise dos SCG, a complementariedade entre os controles culturais, planejamento, controles cibernéticos, remuneração e recompensas e controles administrativos. Quanto aos aspectos que envolvem relações de poder, constatou-se que os SCG estabelecem normas para funcionamento do campo e produzem e reproduzem hierarquias de poder. Essa composição estrutural do campo propicia à empresa e aos membros organizacionais buscarem os recursos de poder de sua preferência. A empresa, em linhas gerais, busca capital econômico, cultural, social e simbólico, e, para tanto, apropria-se do capital cultural de seus funcionários. Os capitais social e simbólico são considerados como os principais recursos de poder pelos membros organizacionais; entretanto, a elevação desses recursos depende do desenvolvimento de capital cultural. Os SCG geram illusio para o comprometimento com o trabalho e em relação às disputas por poder, compreendidas como recompensas pelos sujeitos de pesquisa – recompensas financeiras, não financeiras, prestígio e reconhecimento. A influência e o controle de ações provenientes dos SCG, empregados para garantir compatibilidade entre as estratégias e objetivos organizacionais e ações individuais, estabelecem o habitus, ou seja, as disposições gerais para se agir socialmente, as quais são incorporadas mentalmente por meio do ponto de vista universal para o campo (doxa) e fisicamente por meio de atitudes físicas e modos de falar, pensar e sentir (hexis). Conclui-se que os SCG são definidos principalmente em função dos controles culturais e são instrumentos simbólicos de poder. Além disso, os SCG estabelecem relações de poder que resultam na definição das atuações da empresa perante a sociedade e seus próprios funcionários, no estabelecimento de hierarquias de dominação e influência e controle sobre os membros organizacionais. Por outro lado, o poder também serve como insumo para o estabelecimento e aplicação dos SCG na organização.

LE CONDIZIONI ORGANIZZATIVE PER IMPLEMENTARE IL LEAN IN SANITA' / The organizational conditions to implement lean in healthcare

CENTAURI, FEDERICA 24 May 2017 (has links)
Il lean consente di realizzare miglioramenti significativi nelle performance delle organizzazioni sanitarie. Esistono però limitati riscontri sull’effettiva capacità delle iniziative lean di perdurare nel lungo periodo mentre i processi di implementazione risultano scarsamente investigati. Il presente studio, attraverso un protocollo di ricerca articolato in tre fasi, attinge alla letteratura sull’implementation science e sul lean healthcare per investigare: (i) le condizioni organizzative rilevanti per implementare il lean in una organizzazione sanitaria, ed in particolare in un ospedale; (ii) le interdipendenze reciproche tra il lean come approccio sistemico al cambiamento ed il contesto organizzativo e (iii) l’influenza di questi processi di mutuo adattamento sulla sostenibilità delle pratiche implementate. L’analisi empirica (multiple case study) mostra che l’implementazione e la sostenibilità nel tempo di sforzi di miglioramento lean è il risultato di un processo continuo di cambiamenti e aggiustamenti nell’approccio lean originariamente adottato e nel contesto organizzativo dove si sviluppa. In particolare, l’impiego di un framework socio-tecnico per sistematizzare le evidenze emerse ha permesso di identificare alcuni correlati pattern di cambiamento che i manager ospedalieri sono chiamati a presidiare: decentralizzare le responsabilità sulle attività di miglioramento; promuovere funzioni di leadership e guida al cambiamento ad ogni livello organizzativo; introdurre un livello intermedio tra il top management ed il personale; lanciare eventi di promozione; sviluppare un processo continuo di apprendimento; adottare un approccio integrato all’ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi ospedalieri. / Lean has shown to deliver significant performance improvement in healthcare organizations. However, its practical implementation remains challenging and the ability to deliver in the long term is an under investigated issue. By using a three-step research protocol, the study draws on the main streams of literature on implementation science and lean management healthcare to explore: (i) the relevant organizational conditions for implementing lean in healthcare organizations, in particular in hospitals; (ii) the continuous process of reciprocal interdependence between lean as a system-wide organizational strategy and its context of application, and (iii) the influence of these mutual adaptation mechanisms on the sustainability of the implemented practices. As emerged from the empirical analysis (multiple case study), the implementation and the maintenance of lean efforts over time is the result of a continuous process of adjustments and modifications occurring in the overall change program originally adopted and in its context of application. In particular, the use of a socio-technical system framework to systematize the emerged evidence points out some key interrelated change patterns that hospital managers must place equal focus on: decentralizing responsibilities to practically work on lean; ensuring a stable guidance and sponsorship at all organizational levels; introducing an intermediate level between the top management and professionals; launching internal events; developing a continuous learning and improvement process; structuring a comprehensive approach to the optimization of hospital production processes.

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