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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Context-based code quality assessment / Avaliação de qualidade de código baseada em contexto

Mauricio Finavaro Aniche 15 July 2016 (has links)
Two tasks that software engineers constantly perform are writing code that is easy to evolve and maintain, and detecting poorly written pieces of code. For the former, software engineers commonly rely on well-known software architecture styles, such as Model-View-Controller (MVC). To the latter, they rely on code metrics and code smell detection approaches. However, up to now, these code metrics and code smell approaches do not take into account underlying architectureall classes are assessed as if they were the same. In practice, software developers know that classes differ in terms of responsibilities and implementation, and thus, we expect these classes to present different levels of coupling, cohesion, and complexity. As an example, in an MVC system, Controllers are responsible for the flow between the Model and the View, and Models are responsible for representing the systems business concepts. Thus, in this thesis, we evaluate the impact of architectural roles within a system architecture on code metrics and code smells. We performed an empirical analysis in 120 open source systems, and interviewed and surveyed more than 50 software developers. Our findings show that each architectural role has a different code metric values distribution, which is a likely consequence of their specific responsibilities. Thus, we propose SATT, an approach that provides specific thresholds for architectural roles that are significantly different from others in terms of code smells. We also show that classes that play a specific architectural role contain specific code smells, which developers perceive as problems, and can impact class\' change- and defect-proneness. Based on our findings, we suggest that developers understand the responsibilities of each architectural role in their system architecture, so that code metrics and code smells techniques can provide more accurate feedback. / Duas tarefas que desenvolvedores de software constantemente fazem são escrever código fácil de ser mantido e evoluído, e detectar pedaços de código problemáticos. Para a primeira tarefa, desenvolvedores comumente fazem uso de conhecidos padrões arquiteturais, como Model-View-Controller (MVC). Para a segunda tarefa, desenvolvedores fazem uso de métricas de código e estratégias de detecção de maus cheiros de código (code smells). No entanto, até o momento, métricas de código e estratégias de detecção de maus cheiros de código não levam em conta a arquitetura do software em análise. Isso significa que todas classes são avaliadas como se umas fossem iguais às outras. Na prática, sabemos que classes são diferentes em suas responsibilidades e implementação, e portanto, esperamos que elas variem em termos de acoplamento, coesão e complexidade. Por exemplo, em um sistema MVC, Controladores são responsáveis pelo fluxo entre a camada de Modelo e a camada de Visão, e Modelos representam a visão de negócios do sistema. Nesta tese, nós avaliamos o impacto dos papéis arquiteturais em técnicas de medição de métricas de código e de detecção de maus cheiros de código. Nós realizamos um estudo empírico em 120 sistemas de código aberto, e entrevistamos e realizamos questionários com mais de 50 desenvolvedores. Nossos resultados mostram que cada papel arquitetural possui distribuições diferentes de valores de métrica de código, consequência das diferentes responsabilidades de cada papel. Como consequência, propomos SATT, uma abordagem que provê thresholds específicos para papéis arquiteturais que são significantemente diferentes de outros em termos de métricas de código. Mostramos também que classes que cumprem um papel arquitetural específico também contêm maus cheiros de código específicos. Esses maus cheiros são percebidos por desenvolvedores como problemas reais e podem fazer com que essas classes sejam mais modificadas e apresentem mais defeitos do que classes limpas. Sugerimos então que desenvolvedores entendam a arquitetura dos seus sistemas, bem como as responsabilidades de cada papel arquitetural que as classes desempenham, para que tanto métricas de código quanto estratégias de detecção de maus cheiros de código possam prover um melhor retorno.

Automotive Powertrain Software Evaluation Tool

Powale, Kalkin 08 February 2018 (has links)
The software is a key differentiator and driver of innovation in the automotive industry. The major challenges for software development are increasing in complexity, shorter time-to-market, increase in development cost and demand of quality assurance. The complexity is increasing due to emission legislations, variants of product and new communication technologies being interfaced with the vehicle. The shorter development time is due to competition in the market, which requires faster feedback loops of verification and validation of developed functionalities. The increase in development cost is contributed by two factors; the first is pre-launch cost, this involves the cost of error correction in development stages. Another is post-launch cost; this involves warranty and guarantees cost. As the development time passes the cost of error correction also increases. Hence it is important to detect the error as early as possible. All these factors affect the software quality; there are several cases where Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) have callbacks their product because of the quality defect. Hence, there is increased in the requirement of software quality assurance. The solution for these software challenges can be the early quality evaluation in continuous integration framework environment. The most prominent in today\'s automotive industry AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) reference architecture is used to describe software component and interfaces. AUTOSAR provides the standardised software component architecture elements. It was created to address the issues of growing complexity; the existing AUTOSAR environment does have software quality measures, such as schema validations and protocols for acceptance tests. However, it lacks the quality specification for non-functional qualities such as maintainability, modularity, etc. The tool is required which will evaluate the AUTOSAR based software architecture and give the objective feedback regarding quality. This thesis aims to provide the quality measurement tool, which will be used for evaluation of AUTOSAR based software architecture. The tool reads the AUTOSAR architecture information from AUTOSAR Extensible Markup Language (ARXML) file. The tool provides configuration ability, continuous evaluation and objective feedback regarding software quality characteristics. The tool was utilised on transmission control project, and results are validated by industry experts.

Софтверски систем за циркулацију библиотечке грађе у оквиру библиотечке мреже / Softverski sistem za cirkulaciju bibliotečke građe u okviru bibliotečke mreže / Circulation system for direct consortial borrowing

Tešendić Danijela 27 May 2010 (has links)
<p>Извршено је моделирање и имплементација софтверског система за циркулацију који&nbsp;омогућава праћење коришћења библиотечког&nbsp;фонда на нивоу конзорцијума библиотека.&nbsp;Коришћен је методолошки приступ&nbsp;унифицирани процес развоја система. У&nbsp;моделирању архитектуре коришћени су дизајн&nbsp;патерни, а модел је приказан у UML 2.0&nbsp;нотацији. Систем је имплементиран у&nbsp;програмском језику Java.</p><p>У оквиру система развијен је подсистем за&nbsp;клијент/сервер комуникацију који омогућава&nbsp;транспарентну комуникацију клијента и&nbsp;сервера у односу на транспортни протокол&nbsp;које се користи. Подсистем има патерн&nbsp;оријентисану софтверску архитектуру која је заснована на комбинацији неколико дизајн патерна. Његовом интеграцијом у софтверски систем БИСИС омогућен је рад система у различитим мрежним окружењима.</p><p>Такође, подсистем је искоришћен и за комуникацију са другим библиотекама. У оквиру подсистема имплементиран је NCIP протокол чиме је омогућена размена података са библиотекама које користе различите библиотечке софтверске системе. Подсистем омогућава једнообразан начин комуникације клијентске апликације, било са сервером своје библиотеке или серверима других библиотека. Имплементиран је и NCIP сервис који служи за приступ подацима по NCIP протоколу од стране других библиотека.</p> / <p>Izvršeno je modeliranje i implementacija softverskog sistema za cirkulaciju koji&nbsp;omogućava praćenje korišćenja bibliotečkog&nbsp;fonda na nivou konzorcijuma biblioteka.&nbsp;Korišćen je metodološki pristup&nbsp;unificirani proces razvoja sistema. U&nbsp;modeliranju arhitekture korišćeni su dizajn&nbsp;paterni, a model je prikazan u UML 2.0&nbsp;notaciji. Sistem je implementiran u&nbsp;programskom jeziku Java.</p><p>U okviru sistema razvijen je podsistem za&nbsp;klijent/server komunikaciju koji omogućava&nbsp;transparentnu komunikaciju klijenta i&nbsp;servera u odnosu na transportni protokol&nbsp;koje se koristi. Podsistem ima patern&nbsp;orijentisanu softversku arhitekturu koja je zasnovana na kombinaciji nekoliko dizajn paterna. NJegovom integracijom u softverski sistem BISIS omogućen je rad sistema u različitim mrežnim okruženjima.</p><p>Takođe, podsistem je iskorišćen i za komunikaciju sa drugim bibliotekama. U okviru podsistema implementiran je NCIP protokol čime je omogućena razmena podataka sa bibliotekama koje koriste različite bibliotečke softverske sisteme. Podsistem omogućava jednoobrazan način komunikacije klijentske aplikacije, bilo sa serverom svoje biblioteke ili serverima drugih biblioteka. Implementiran je i NCIP servis koji služi za pristup podacima po NCIP protokolu od strane drugih biblioteka.</p> / <p> Modeling and implementation of circulation software system with support for direct consortial borrowing has been done. Unified software development process is used. Software architecture modeling is done using design patterns and it is shown in UML 2.0 notation. System implementation is realized in programming language Java. Subsystem for client/server communication is developed as part of circulation system. Subsystem enables transparent communication between client and server in accordance with used transport protocol. Software architecture of this subsystem is pattern oriented and it is based on combination of several design patterns. By integrating subsystem into system BISIS, it is allowed operation of system in different network environments. Also, subsystem is used for communication with other libraries. NCIP protocol is implemented inside the subsystem by which exchange data with different library software systems is enabled. Subsystem provides unique way of communication between client application and server, no matter whether it is its own library server or servers of other libraries. NICP service used by other libraries to access data according to NICP protocol is implemented, as well.</p>

Combining Anomaly- and Signaturebased Algorithms for IntrusionDetection in CAN-bus : A suggested approach for building precise and adaptiveintrusion detection systems to controller area networks

Andersson, Robin January 2021 (has links)
With the digitalization and the ever more computerization of personal vehicles, new attack surfaces are introduced, challenging the security of the in-vehicle network. There is never such a thing as fully securing any computer system, nor learning all the methods of attack in order to prevent a break-in into a system. Instead, with sophisticated methods, we can focus on detecting and preventing attacks from being performed inside a system. The current state of the art of such methods, named intrusion detection systems (IDS), is divided into two main approaches. One approach makes its models very confident of detecting malicious activity, however only on activities that has been previously learned by this model. The second approach is very good at constructing models for detecting any type of malicious activity, even if never studied by the model before, but with less confidence. In this thesis, a new approach is suggested with a redesigned architecture for an intrusion detection system called Multi-mixed IDS. Where we take a middle ground between the two standardized approaches, trying to find a combination of both sides strengths and eliminating its weaknesses. This thesis aims to deliver a proof of concept for a new approach in the current state of the art in the CAN-bus security research field. This thesis also brings up some background knowledge about CAN and intrusion detection systems, discussing their strengths and weaknesses in further detail. Additionally, a brief overview from a handpick of research contributions from the field are discussed. Further, a simple architecture is suggested, three individual detection models are trained and combined to be tested against a CAN-bus dataset. Finally, the results are examined and evaluated. The results from the suggested approach shows somewhat poor results compared to other suggested algorithms within the field. However, it also shows some good potential, if better decision methods between the individual algorithms that constructs the model can be found.

Propuesta de mejora para el proceso de supervisión de entidades educativas de una Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local / Improvement proposal for the supervision process of educational entities of a Local Educational Management Unit

Elera Ríos, Sandy Lissett, Sánchez Castillo, Carlos Roberto 03 December 2020 (has links)
El uso de la tecnología en la gestión de la administración pública permite mejorar varias aristas que por lo general se realizan de manera manual, lo que conlleva a demoras y sobrecargas de trabajo. Por ello, la propuesta tiene como objetivo diseñar una solución tecnológica que permita automatizar las actividades manuales que intervienen en el proceso para la Supervisión Educativa, con la finalidad de tener información digitalizada, centralizada y disponible para la organización. Así mismo, se optimizarán los tiempos de respuesta entre las áreas involucradas y una mejor performance de las supervisiones realizadas. Para el desarrollo del proyecto se han divido en diferentes fases, la primera fase está orientada al análisis de la organización, aplicando los conceptos del marco de trabajo de Zachman para conocer la situación actual (AS-IS) del proceso de Supervisión. Así mismo, se definen los objetivos del proyecto. En la segunda fase se analiza y comprende la aplicación de los Student Outcomes en el desarrollo del proyecto. En la tercera fase como conceptos que respaldan el desarrollo del proyecto se encuentra el desarrollo del marco teórico. La cuarta fase comprende el diseño de la propuesta tecnológica, en donde se identifican los requerimientos funcionales y no funcionales, la que nos permite identificar los drivers arquitectónicos. Finalmente, se muestra el diseño de la arquitectura que soportará la estructura del sistema, basado en los conceptos de diseño, estilos arquitecturales y tácticas de diseño. Se culmina, con la estructura de la gestión del proyecto, la cual nos provee un marco de referencia formal para el desarrollo de este. Además, mediante el uso de las buenas prácticas que determina el PMBOK en su sexta edición, logramos alcanzar los resultados y objetivos propuestos. / The use of technology in the management of public administration allows for the improvement of several aspects that are usually carried out manually, which leads to delays and overloads of work. Therefore, the proposal aims to design a technological solution that allows to automate the manual activities involved in the process for Educational Supervision, to have digitized, centralized, and available information for the organization. Likewise, the response times between the areas involved will be optimized and a better performance of the supervisions carried out. For the development of the project have been divided into different phases, the first phase is oriented to the analysis of the organization, applying the concepts of the framework of Zachman to know the current situation (AS-IS) of the process of supervision. Likewise, the project objectives are defined. In the second phase, the application of the Student Outcomes is analyzed and understood in the development of the project. In the third phase, the development of the theoretical framework is considered as a concept that supports the development of the project. The fourth phase includes the design of the technological proposal, where the functional and non-functional requirements are identified, which allows us to identify the architectural drivers. Finally, the design of the architecture that will support the system's structure is shown, based on the design concepts, architectural styles, and design tactics. It culminates with the structure of the project management, which provides a formal framework for the development of this. In addition, using the good practices determined by the PMBOK in its sixth edition, we achieve the proposed results and objectives. / Tesis

Evaluation of Software Architectures in the Automotive Domain for Multicore Targets in regard to Architectural Estimation Decisions at Design Time

Roßbach, André Christian 05 November 2014 (has links)
In this decade the emerging multicore technology will hit the automotive industry. The increasing complexity of the multicore-systems will make a manual verification of the safety and realtime constraints impossible. For this reason, dedicated methods and tools are utterly necessary, in order to deal with the upcoming multicore issues. A lot of researchprojects for new hardware platforms and software frameworks for the automotive industry are running nowadays, because the paradigms of the “High-Performance Computing” and “Server/Desktop Domain” cannot be easily adapted for the embedded systems. One of the difficulties is the early suitability estimation of a hardware platform for a software architecture design, but hardly a research-work is tackling that. This thesis represents a procedure to evaluate the plausibility of software architecture estimations and decisions at design stage. This includes an analysis technique of multicore systems, an underlying graph-model – to represent the multicore system – and a simulation tool evaluation. This can guide the software architect, to design a multicore system, in full consideration of all relevant parameters and issues.:Contents List of Figures vii List of Tables viii List of Abbreviations ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Motivation 1 1.2. Scope 2 1.3. Goal and Tasks 2 1.4. Structure of the Thesis 3 I. Multicore Technology 4 2. Fundamentals 5 2.1. Automotive Domains 5 2.2. Embedded System 7 2.2.1. Realtime 7 2.2.2. Runtime Predictions 8 2.2.3. Multicore Processor Architectures 8 2.3. Development of Automotive Embedded Systems 9 2.3.1. Applied V-Model 9 2.3.2. System Description and System Implementation 10 2.4. Software Architecture 11 2.5. Model Description of Software Structures 13 2.5.1. Design Domains of Multicore Systems 13 2.5.2. Software Structure Components 13 3. Trend and State of the Art of Multicore Research, Technology and Market 17 3.1. The Importance of Multicore Technology 17 3.2. Multicore Technology for the Automotive Industry 19 3.2.1. High-Performance Computing versus Embedded Systems 19 3.2.2. The Trend for the Automotive Industry 20 3.2.3. Examples of Multicore Hardware Platforms 23 3.3. Approaches for Upcoming Multicore Problems 24 3.3.1. Migration from Single-Core to Multicore 24 3.3.2. Correctness-by-Construction 25 3.3.3. AUTOSAR Multicore System 26 3.4. Software Architecture Simulators 28 3.4.1. Justification for Simulation Tools 28 3.4.2. System Model Simulation Software 29 3.5. Current Software Architecture Research Projects 31 3.6. Portrait of the current Situation 32 3.7. Summary of the Multicore Trend 32 II. Identification of Multicore System Parameters 34 4. Project Analysis to Identify Crucial Parameters 35 4.1. Analysis Procedure 35 4.1.1. Question Catalogue 36 4.1.2. Three Domains of Investigation 37 4.2. Analysed Projects 41 4.2.1. Project 1: Online Camera Calibration 41 4.2.2. Project 2: Power Management 45 4.2.3. Project 3: Battery Management 46 4.3. Results of Project Analysis 51 4.3.1. Ratio of Parameter Influence 51 4.3.2. General Influences of Parameters 53 5. Abstract System Model 54 5.1. Requirements for the System-Model 54 5.2. Simulation Tool Model Evaluation 55 5.2.1. System Model of PRECISION PRO 55 5.2.2. System Model of INCHRON 57 5.2.3. System Model of SymTA/S 58 5.2.4. System Model of Timing Architects 59 5.2.5. System Model of AMALTHEA 60 5.3. Concept of Abstract System Model 62 5.3.1. Components of the System Model 63 5.3.2. Software Function-Graph 63 5.3.3. Hardware Architecture-Graph 64 5.3.4. Specification-Graph for Mapping 65 6. Testcase Implementation 67 6.1. Example Test-System 68 6.1.1. Simulated Test-System 70 6.1.2. Testcases 73 6.2. Result of Tests 74 6.2.1. Processor Core Runtime Execution 74 6.2.2. Communication 75 6.2.3. Memory Access 76 6.3. Summary of Multicore System Parameters Identification 78 III. Evaluation of Software Architectures 80 7. Estimation-Procedure 81 7.1. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell 81 7.2. Steps of Estimation-Procedure 82 7.2.1. Project Analysis 82 7.2.2. Timing and Memory Requirements 83 7.2.3. System Modelling 84 7.2.4. Software Architecture Simulation 85 7.2.5. Results of a Validated Software Architecture 86 7.2.6. Feedback of Partly Implemented System 88 8. Implementation and Simulation 89 8.1. Example Project Analysis – Online Camera Calibration 89 8.1.1. Example Project Choice 90 8.1.2. OCC Timing Requirements Analysis 90 8.2. OCC Modelling 94 8.2.1. OCC Software Function-Graph 95 8.2.2. OCC Hardware Architecture 96 8.2.3. OCC Mapping – Specification-Graph 101 8.3. Simulation of the OCC Model with Tool Support 102 8.3.1. Tasks for Tool Setup 103 8.3.2. PRECISION PRO 105 8.3.3. INCHRON 107 8.3.4. SymTA/S 108 8.3.5. Timing Architects 112 8.3.6. AMALTHEA 115 8.4. System Optimisation Possibilities 116 8.5. OCC Implementation Results 117 9. Results of the Estimation-Procedure Evaluation 119 9.1. Tool-Evaluation Results 119 9.2. Findings of Estimation, Simulation and ECU-Behavior. 123 9.2.1. System-Specific Issues 123 9.2.2. Communication Issues 123 9.2.3. Memory Issues 124 9.2.4. Timing Issues 124 9.3. Summary of the Software Architecture Evaluation 125 10.Summary and Outlook 127 10.1. Summary 127 10.2. Usability of the Estimation-Procedure 128 10.3. Outlook and Future Work 129 11. Bibliography xii IV. Appendices xxi A. Appendices xxii A.1. Embedded Multicore Technology Research Projects xxii A.1.1. Simulation Software xxii A.1.2. Multicore Software Research Projects xxiii A.2. Testcase Implementation Results xxvi A.2.1. Function Block Processor Core Executions xxvi A.2.2. Memory Access Mechanism xxvii A.2.3. Memory Access Timings of Different Datatypes xxviii A.2.4. Inter-Processor Communication xxix A.3. Further OCC System Description xxxii A.3.1. OCC Timing Requirements of the FB xxxii A.3.2. INCHRON Validation Results xxxiv A.4. Detailed System Optimisation xxxv A.4.1. Optimisation through Hardware Alternation xxxv A.4.2. Optimisation through Mapping Alternation xxxv A.4.3. Optimisation of Execution Timings xxxvii B. Estimation-Procedure Engineering Paper xl B.1. Components and Scope of Software Architecture xl B.2. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell xlii B.3. Project Analysis xliii B.3.1. System level analysis xliv B.3.2. Communication Domain xlv B.3.3. Processor Core Domain xlvi B.3.4. Memory Domain xlvii B.3.5. Timing and Memory Requirements xlviii B.4. System Modelling xlix B.4.1. Function Model xlix B.4.2. Function-Graph l B.4.3. Possible ECU Target l B.4.4. Architecture-Graph l B.4.5. Software Architecture Mapping li B.4.6. Domain Specific Decision Guide lii B.5. Software Architecture Simulation liii B.6. Results of a Simulated Software Architecture lv B.7. Feedback of Partly Implemented System for Software Architecture Improvement lvi B.8. Benefits of the Estimation-Procedure lvii / In den nächsten Jahren wird die aufkommende Multicore-Technologie auf die Automobil-Branche zukommen. Die wachsende Komplexität der Multicore-Systeme lässt es nicht mehr zu, die Verifikation von Sicherheits- und Echtzeit-Anforderungen manuell auszuführen. Daher sind spezielle Methoden und Werkzeuge zwingend notwendig, um gerade mit den bevorstehenden Multicore-Problemfällen richtig umzugehen. Heutzutage laufen viele Forschungsprojekte für neue Hardware-Plattformen und Software-Frameworks für die Automobil-Industrie, weil die Paradigmen des “High-Performance Computings” und der “Server/Desktop-Domäne” nicht einfach so für die Eingebetteten Systeme angewendet werden können. Einer der Problemfälle ist das frühe Erkennen, ob die Hardware-Plattform für die Software-Architektur ausreicht, aber nur wenige Forschungs-Arbeiten berücksichtigen das. Diese Arbeit zeigt ein Vorgehens-Model auf, welches ermöglicht, dass Software-Architektur Abschätzungen und Entscheidungen bereits zur Entwurfszeit bewertet werden können. Das beinhaltet eine Analyse Technik für Multicore-Systeme, ein grundsätzliches Graphen-Model, um ein Multicore-System darzustellen, und eine Simulatoren Evaluierung. Dies kann den Software-Architekten helfen, ein Multicore System zu entwerfen, welches alle wichtigen Parameter und Problemfälle berücksichtigt.:Contents List of Figures vii List of Tables viii List of Abbreviations ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Motivation 1 1.2. Scope 2 1.3. Goal and Tasks 2 1.4. Structure of the Thesis 3 I. Multicore Technology 4 2. Fundamentals 5 2.1. Automotive Domains 5 2.2. Embedded System 7 2.2.1. Realtime 7 2.2.2. Runtime Predictions 8 2.2.3. Multicore Processor Architectures 8 2.3. Development of Automotive Embedded Systems 9 2.3.1. Applied V-Model 9 2.3.2. System Description and System Implementation 10 2.4. Software Architecture 11 2.5. Model Description of Software Structures 13 2.5.1. Design Domains of Multicore Systems 13 2.5.2. Software Structure Components 13 3. Trend and State of the Art of Multicore Research, Technology and Market 17 3.1. The Importance of Multicore Technology 17 3.2. Multicore Technology for the Automotive Industry 19 3.2.1. High-Performance Computing versus Embedded Systems 19 3.2.2. The Trend for the Automotive Industry 20 3.2.3. Examples of Multicore Hardware Platforms 23 3.3. Approaches for Upcoming Multicore Problems 24 3.3.1. Migration from Single-Core to Multicore 24 3.3.2. Correctness-by-Construction 25 3.3.3. AUTOSAR Multicore System 26 3.4. Software Architecture Simulators 28 3.4.1. Justification for Simulation Tools 28 3.4.2. System Model Simulation Software 29 3.5. Current Software Architecture Research Projects 31 3.6. Portrait of the current Situation 32 3.7. Summary of the Multicore Trend 32 II. Identification of Multicore System Parameters 34 4. Project Analysis to Identify Crucial Parameters 35 4.1. Analysis Procedure 35 4.1.1. Question Catalogue 36 4.1.2. Three Domains of Investigation 37 4.2. Analysed Projects 41 4.2.1. Project 1: Online Camera Calibration 41 4.2.2. Project 2: Power Management 45 4.2.3. Project 3: Battery Management 46 4.3. Results of Project Analysis 51 4.3.1. Ratio of Parameter Influence 51 4.3.2. General Influences of Parameters 53 5. Abstract System Model 54 5.1. Requirements for the System-Model 54 5.2. Simulation Tool Model Evaluation 55 5.2.1. System Model of PRECISION PRO 55 5.2.2. System Model of INCHRON 57 5.2.3. System Model of SymTA/S 58 5.2.4. System Model of Timing Architects 59 5.2.5. System Model of AMALTHEA 60 5.3. Concept of Abstract System Model 62 5.3.1. Components of the System Model 63 5.3.2. Software Function-Graph 63 5.3.3. Hardware Architecture-Graph 64 5.3.4. Specification-Graph for Mapping 65 6. Testcase Implementation 67 6.1. Example Test-System 68 6.1.1. Simulated Test-System 70 6.1.2. Testcases 73 6.2. Result of Tests 74 6.2.1. Processor Core Runtime Execution 74 6.2.2. Communication 75 6.2.3. Memory Access 76 6.3. Summary of Multicore System Parameters Identification 78 III. Evaluation of Software Architectures 80 7. Estimation-Procedure 81 7.1. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell 81 7.2. Steps of Estimation-Procedure 82 7.2.1. Project Analysis 82 7.2.2. Timing and Memory Requirements 83 7.2.3. System Modelling 84 7.2.4. Software Architecture Simulation 85 7.2.5. Results of a Validated Software Architecture 86 7.2.6. Feedback of Partly Implemented System 88 8. Implementation and Simulation 89 8.1. Example Project Analysis – Online Camera Calibration 89 8.1.1. Example Project Choice 90 8.1.2. OCC Timing Requirements Analysis 90 8.2. OCC Modelling 94 8.2.1. OCC Software Function-Graph 95 8.2.2. OCC Hardware Architecture 96 8.2.3. OCC Mapping – Specification-Graph 101 8.3. Simulation of the OCC Model with Tool Support 102 8.3.1. Tasks for Tool Setup 103 8.3.2. PRECISION PRO 105 8.3.3. INCHRON 107 8.3.4. SymTA/S 108 8.3.5. Timing Architects 112 8.3.6. AMALTHEA 115 8.4. System Optimisation Possibilities 116 8.5. OCC Implementation Results 117 9. Results of the Estimation-Procedure Evaluation 119 9.1. Tool-Evaluation Results 119 9.2. Findings of Estimation, Simulation and ECU-Behavior. 123 9.2.1. System-Specific Issues 123 9.2.2. Communication Issues 123 9.2.3. Memory Issues 124 9.2.4. Timing Issues 124 9.3. Summary of the Software Architecture Evaluation 125 10.Summary and Outlook 127 10.1. Summary 127 10.2. Usability of the Estimation-Procedure 128 10.3. Outlook and Future Work 129 11. Bibliography xii IV. Appendices xxi A. Appendices xxii A.1. Embedded Multicore Technology Research Projects xxii A.1.1. Simulation Software xxii A.1.2. Multicore Software Research Projects xxiii A.2. Testcase Implementation Results xxvi A.2.1. Function Block Processor Core Executions xxvi A.2.2. Memory Access Mechanism xxvii A.2.3. Memory Access Timings of Different Datatypes xxviii A.2.4. Inter-Processor Communication xxix A.3. Further OCC System Description xxxii A.3.1. OCC Timing Requirements of the FB xxxii A.3.2. INCHRON Validation Results xxxiv A.4. Detailed System Optimisation xxxv A.4.1. Optimisation through Hardware Alternation xxxv A.4.2. Optimisation through Mapping Alternation xxxv A.4.3. Optimisation of Execution Timings xxxvii B. Estimation-Procedure Engineering Paper xl B.1. Components and Scope of Software Architecture xl B.2. Estimation-Procedure in a Nutshell xlii B.3. Project Analysis xliii B.3.1. System level analysis xliv B.3.2. Communication Domain xlv B.3.3. Processor Core Domain xlvi B.3.4. Memory Domain xlvii B.3.5. Timing and Memory Requirements xlviii B.4. System Modelling xlix B.4.1. Function Model xlix B.4.2. Function-Graph l B.4.3. Possible ECU Target l B.4.4. Architecture-Graph l B.4.5. Software Architecture Mapping li B.4.6. Domain Specific Decision Guide lii B.5. Software Architecture Simulation liii B.6. Results of a Simulated Software Architecture lv B.7. Feedback of Partly Implemented System for Software Architecture Improvement lvi B.8. Benefits of the Estimation-Procedure lvii

Koexistenz von AUTOSAR Softwarekomponenten und Linux-Programmen für zukünftige High Performance Automotive Steuergeräte

Jann, Christian 11 March 2016 (has links)
Moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme und der Weg zum autonomen Fahren stellen immer größere Anforderungen an die Steuergeräte Hard- und Software im Fahrzeug. Um diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen kommen vermehrt hochperformante Steuergeräte mit einer heterogenen Prozessorarchitektur zum Einsatz. Ein Safety-Prozessor, auf dem ein standardmäßiges AUTOSAR-Betriebssystem ausgeführt wird, übernimmt dabei die echtzeitkritischen und sicherheitsrelevanten Aufgaben wohingegen die rechenintensiven und dynamischen Aufgaben auf einem sehr viel leistungsfähigeren Performance-Prozessor unter einem POSIX-Betriebssystem wie zum Beispiel Linux ausgeführt werden. Hierbei soll es ermöglicht werden unter dem Linux System ebenfalls AUTOSAR Softwarekomponenten und Module auszuführen, welche beispielsweise die im Fahrzeug verwendeten Kommunikationsprotokolle umsetzen oder weniger sicherheitskritische Aufgaben erfüllen. Auf diese Weise lassen sich andere Steuergeräte im Fahrzeug entlasten. Dazu wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Softwarearchitektur entwickelt, die es ermöglicht AUTOSAR-Komponenten direkt in einer Linux-Umgebung auszuführen. Des Weiteren wurde eine einfache und effiziente Kommunikation zwischen AUTOSARKomponenten und Linux-Applikationen erarbeitet.

Modernisering av mjukvaruarkitektur för äldre mjukvarusystem / Modernization of software architecture for legacy software systems

Saffo, Farah, Saeed, Basma January 2021 (has links)
Flera företag använder sig än idag av mjukvarusystem som är uppbyggda med äldre mjukvaruarkitektur som den monolitiska. Ett av dessa företag är Consid vars personalsystem är uppbyggt med det utdaterade ramverket klassisk ASP och där användargränssnitt samt logik kan direkt kommunicera med varandra. Detta medför begränsningar som uppstår till följd av brister i modularitet på grund av valet av mjukvaruarkitektur, vilket försvårar vidareutveckling och ändringar i ett system. Dessa begränsningar påverkar i sin tur parametrar som prestanda, skalbarhet, säkerhet, robusthet samt integrering med modernare tekniker.  I denna rapport presenteras en litteraturstudie samt en semistrukturerad intervjustudie, i syfte att undersöka vilka mjukvaruarkitekturer som är lämpliga att implementera vid en modernisering av en monolitisk mjukvaruarkitektur. Arbetet diskuterade också vilka utmaningar som kan uppstå vid en sådan modernisering och hur de hanteras på ett effektivt sätt. Ett bedömningsschema med önskvärda parametrar, med avseende på skalbarhet, prestanda, säkerhet och robusthet, togs fram för att underlätta avgörandet vid val av mjukvaruarkitektur. Utifrån detta, beslutades det att en prototyp med en REST-baserad arkitektur skulle implementeras och utvärderas.  Resultatet av prototypen, till följd av re-architecting, visade en ökad modularisering av mjukvaruarkitekturen. I jämförelse mot med det tidigare systemet har den nya prototypen ingen större påverkan på prestanda i form av responstid. Däremot bidrog prototypen till förbättrad skalbarhet när det gäller vidareutvecklingen av systemet, eftersom det förenklar införandet av ny funktionalitet. Prototypen hade också högre säkerhet genom att isolera lager ifrån varandra samt dölja underliggande detaljer i implementationen. Dessutom blev prototypen inte bara mer robust till följd av modulariseringen, men även enklare att utföra integrationstester samt destruktiva tester mot. / Several companies still use software systems that are built with older software architecture such as the monolithic one. One of these companies is Consid, whose personnel system is built with the outdated framework Classic ASP and where the user interface and logic can directly communicate with each other. This entails limitations that arise because of shortcomings in modularity due to the choice of software architecture, which complicates further development and changes in a system. These limitations in turn, affect parameters such as performance, scalability, security, robustness, and integration with modern technologies. In this work, a literature study was conducted as well as a semi-structured interview study in order to investigate which software architectures are suitable to implement when a modernization of a monolithic software architecture, is carried out. The work also discussed the challenges that may arise in a modernization of the software architecture and how they are handled efficiently. An assessment scheme with desirable parameters regarding scalability, performance, security, and robustness, was developed to facilitate the decision in the choice of software architecture. Based on this, it was decided that a prototype with a REST-based architecture would be implemented and evaluated. The result of the prototype, following re-architecting, showed an increased modularization of the software architecture. Compared to the previous system, the new prototype has no major impact on performance in terms of response time. However, the prototype contributed to better scalability in the further development of the system as it simplifies the introduction of new functionality. The prototype also had higher security by isolating layers from each other and hiding the underlying details in the implementation. In addition, the prototype not only became more robust because of the modularization, but also easier to perform destructive tests against.

Using Cloud Technologies to Optimize Data-Intensive Service Applications

Lehner, Wolfgang, Habich, Dirk, Richly, Sebastian, Assmann, Uwe 01 November 2022 (has links)
The role of data analytics increases in several application domains to cope with the large amount of captured data. Generally, data analytics are data-intensive processes, whose efficient execution is a challenging task. Each process consists of a collection of related structured activities, where huge data sets have to be exchanged between several loosely coupled services. The implementation of such processes in a service-oriented environment offers some advantages, but the efficient realization of data flows is difficult. Therefore, we use this paper to propose a novel SOA-aware approach with a special focus on the data flow. The tight interaction of new cloud technologies with SOA technologies enables us to optimize the execution of data-intensive service applications by reducing the data exchange tasks to a minimum. Fundamentally, our core concept to optimize the data flows is found in data clouds. Moreover, we can exploit our approach to derive efficient process execution strategies regarding different optimization objectives for the data flows.

Pathways to servers of the future

Lehner, Wolfgang, Nagel, Wolfgang, Fettweis, Gerhard 11 January 2023 (has links)
The Special Session on “Pathways to Servers of the Future” outlines a new research program set up at Technische Universität Dresden addressing the increasing energy demand of global internet usage and the resulting ecological impact of it. The program pursues a novel holistic approach that considers hardware as well as software adaptivity to significantly increase energy efficiency, while suitably addressing application demands. The session presents the research challenges and industry perspective.

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