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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A multi-agent software system for real-time optimization of chemical plants. / Sistema multi-agentes de software para a otimização em tempo real de plantas quí­micas.

Estrada Martínez, Elyser 09 March 2018 (has links)
Real-Time Optimization (RTO) is a family of techniques that pursue to improve the performance of chemical processes. As general scheme, the method reevaluates the process conditions in a frequent basis and tries to adjust some selected variables, taking into account the plant state, actual operational constraints and optimization objectives. Several RTO approaches have born from the academy research and industrial practices, at the same time that more applications have been implemented in real facilities. Between the main motivations to apply RTO are the dynamic of markets, the seek for quality in the process results and environmental sustainability. That is why the interest on deeply understand the phases and steps involved in an RTO application has increased in recent years. Nevertheless, the fact that most of the existing RTO systems have been developed by commercial organizations makes it difficult to meet that understanding. This work studies the nature of RTO systems from a software point of view. Software requirements for a generic system are identied. Based on that, a software architecture is proposed that could be adapted for specfic cases. Benefits of the designed architecture are listed. At the same time, the work proposes a new approach to implement that architecture as a Multi-Agent System (MAS). Two RTO system prototypes were developed then, one for a well-know academic case study and the other oriented to be used in a real unit. The benefits of the MAS approach and the architecture, for researching on the RTO field and implementation on real plants, are analyzed in the text. A sub-product of the development, a software framework covering main concepts from the RTO ontology, is proposed as well. As the framework was designed to be generic, it can be used in new applications development and extended to very specific scenarios. / Otimização em Tempo Real (OTR) é uma família de técnicas que buscam melhorar o desempenho dos processos químicos. Como esquema geral, o método reavalia frequentemente as condições do processo e tenta ajustar algumas variáveis selecionadas, levando em considera ção o estado da planta, restrições operacionais e os objetivos da otimização. Várias abordagens para OTR t^em surgido da pesquisa acadêmica e das práticas industriais, ao mesmo tempo em que mais aplicações têm sido implementadas em plantas reais. As principais motivações para aplicar OTR são: a dinâmica dos mercados, a busca de qualidade nos resultados dos processos e a sustentabilidade ambiental. É por isso que o interesse em entender as fases e etapas envolvidas em uma aplicação OTR cresceu nos últimos anos. No entanto, o fato de que a maioria dos sistemas OTR em operação foram desenvolvidos por organizações comerciais dificulta o caminho para chegar nesse entendimento. Este trabalho analisa a natureza dos sistemas OTR desde o ponto de vista do software. Os requerimentos para um sistema genérico são levantados. Baseado nisso, é proposta uma arquitetura de software que pode ser adaptada para casos específicos. Os benefícios da arquitetura projetada foram listados. Ao mesmo tempo, o trabalho propõe uma nova abordagem para implementar essa arquitetura: Sistema Multi-Agentes (SMA). Dois protótipos de sistema OTR foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro aplicado num estudo de caso bem conhecido na literatura acadêmica. O segundo voltado para ser usado em uma unidade industrial. Os benefícios da abordagem SMA e da arquitetura, tanto na pesquisa relacionada com OTR, quanto na implementação em plantas reais, são analisados no texto. Um arcabouço de software que abrange os principais conceitos da ontologia OTR é proposto como resultado derivado do desenvolvimento. O arcabouço foi projetado para ser genérico, possibilitando seu uso no desenvolvimento de novas aplicações OTR e sua extensão a cenários muito específicos.

Patterns for Enterprise Application Design and Development

Unknown Date (has links)
Designing and developing enterprise applications is a complex and resource intensive process, as it often must address thousands of requirements. At the same time, the software architecture of most enterprise applications at their core have many features and structures in common. Designers from different teams do not normally share design elements because of the competitive and proprietary nature of development, and enterprise applications design and development teams end up re-inventing the wheel when tackling a new product. My objective is to formulate new design patterns for enterprise application architectures that assist software architects with reusable solutions to improve design quality and productivity. I achieve this by presenting seven patterns, each providing a solution to a specific challenge or a problem that is common to many enterprise applications. The Business Object Pattern provides a generic approach to design extensible Business Objects and their frameworks for enterprise applications. The pattern covers a number of concepts, including the Dynamic business object, the Static business object, constraints for validity, editability, and attribute visibility, as well as the mechanisms for workflow. The Business Object Life Cycle Pattern introduces the concept of stages which comprise a business object’s life cycle, and their relation to the business object’s integrity during that life cycle. The Simple Change History Pattern provides a concept of enforcing record keeping of the owner and date of the last change performed on a given business data object. The Business Data Object Versioning Pattern offers a solution by introducing a new version of a given business data object which allows for preservation of the original data. The Change History Record Pattern defines a solution for cases when there is a need to capture detailed information about the changes performed on a given business object, such as who made the changes, when, and what changes were made. The Permission Based Granular Access Control Pattern offers a basic approach for access control to objects and their attributes. Finally, the Money Object Pattern offers a language neutral approach to internationalization and globalization of business applications which require multi-currency capability. It is hoped that applying these patterns will provide many advantages, ranging from quicker delivery times to a more reliable software, and ultimately help achieve a systematic approach to designing and building complex enterprise applications. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

A simulation-driven model-based approach for designing software-intensive systems-of-systems architectures / Uma abordagem digirida por simulação e baseada em modelos para projeto de arquiteturas de sistemas de sistemas intensivos em software

Graciano Neto, Valdemar Vicente 27 March 2018 (has links)
Context: Software-intensive systems have been increasingly interoperated forming alliances termed as Systems-of-Systems (SoS). SoS comprises a collection of systems joined to achieve a set of missions that none of the systems can accomplish on its own. Each constituent system keeps its own management, goals, and resources while coordinating within the SoS and adapting to meet SoS goals. Applications of SoS range from traffic control to emergency response and crisis management. As SoS often support critical domains, such systems must be correct by dealing with malfunction or defects and avoiding failures that could cause extensive damage and losses to the users. Problem: Correct SoS operations depend on a precise specification and a rigorous attestation of its operational consistency. However, besides limitations on languages to jointly capture SoS structure and behavior, predictions on the SoS operational consistency rely on constituent systems not totally known at design-time. Therefore, SoS have been developed and deployed without evaluating their operations, since current languages do not support such precision in evaluation. Objectives: This thesis provides solutions founded on a formal architectural description language to support an early evaluation of SoS operation regarding SoS structure and behavior by means of simulations. Contribution: The main contributions of this project comprise (i) a model transformation approach for automatically producing simulation models from SoS software architecture descriptions, combining SoS structure and behavior description in a same solution, (ii) a SoS software architecture evaluation method for SoS operation prediction considering the inherent changes that can occur, (iii) environment modelling and automatic generation of stimuli generators to sustain the SoS simulation, delivering data to feed such simulation, and (iv) a method for the automatic synchronization between the runtime descriptive architecture (changed at runtime due to dynamic architecture) and its original prescriptive architecture based on model discovery and recovery mechanisms and a backward model transformation. Evaluation: We conducted case studies to assess our solutions using Flood Monitoring SoS and Space SoS. Results: Our solutions support a high accuracy to (i) produce fault-free and fully operational simulations for SoS software architectures, (ii) support evaluation and prediction of SoS operation at design-time, (iii) automatically generate stimuli generators to sustain and feed the simulation execution, and (iv) maintain the synchronization between the runtime architecture and the intended version of the SoS architecture. Conclusions: We concluded that the proposed solutions advance the state of the art in SoS software architecture evaluation by offering solutions to predict the SoS operations effectiveness to maintain a continuous operation despite architectural changes, providing more trust for users that futurely shall rely on SoS services. / Contexto: Sistemas intensivos em software tem sido interoperados para formar alianças conhecidas como Sistemas-de-Sistemas (SoS). Domínios de aplicação de SoS variam do controle de tráfego ao gerenciamento de situações de crises e emergência. Devido à criticidade destes domínios, tais sistemas precisam ser confiáveis e robustos, lidando com potenciais defeitos e mal funcionamento, e evitando falhas que poderiam causar ameaças à integridade dos usuários. Problema: O funcionamento correto de um SoS depende da especificação precisa e da garantia rigorosa da consistência de suas operações. Entretanto, além das limitações nas linguagens quanto à especificação de ambos estrutura e comportamento do SoS, prever seu comportamento depende da especificação de constituintes que não são totalmente conhecidos em tempo de projeto e de seu comportamento emergente. Neste sentido, SoS têm sido desenvolvidos e implantados sem a devida avaliação de seus comportamentos, uma vez que as linguagens disponíveis atualmente não dão suporte a uma especificação precisa destes comportamentos. Objetivos: Este projeto de doutorado relata avanços teóricos e práticos fundamentados em uma linguagem de descrição arquitetural formal para permitir a predição e avaliação do comportamento e estrutura dos SoS com base em simulações. Contribuições: As principais contribuições deste projeto envolvem (i) uma transformação de modelos para produzir automaticamente modelos de simulação para descrições de arquitetura de software de SoS, combinando estrutura e comportamento em uma mesma solução, (ii) um método de avaliação de arquitetura de software de SoS para prever o comportamento do SoS considerando sua dinâmica inerente, (iii) modelagem do ambiente e derivação automática de geradores de estímulos entregando dados continuamente e sustentando a execução de simulações de SoS, e (iv) um método para promover a sincronização automática entre modelos descritivos e prescritivos de arquitetura de software de SoS baseados em mecanismos de descoberta e recuperação de modelos, e transformação de modelos reversa. Avaliação: Estudos de caso foram conduzidos para avaliar as soluções nos domínios de Monitoramento de Enchentes e Espacial. Resultados: As abordagens propostas exibem alta acurácia no que tange (i) a produzir simulações operacionais e sem falhas para arquiteturas de software de SoS, (ii) ao suporte á avaliação, ainda em tempo de projeto, do comportamento que emerge da operação do SoS, (iii) à derivação automática de geradores de estímulos para entrega contínua de dados e manutenção da execução das simulações geradas, e (iv) à manutenção do alinhamento entre os modelos descritivos e prescritivos da arquitetura do SoS avaliado. Conclusões: Conclui-se que as abordagens propostas avançam o estado da arte no projeto de arquiteturas de Software de SoS ao permitir prever, em tempo de projeto, como o SoS vai operar em tempo de execução, permitindo estabelecer estratégias para manter a simulação rodando, e sua operação contínua, mesmo com as mudanças arquiteturais inerentes ao seu funcionamento, provendo mais confiabilidade para os usuários futuramente dependerão de seus serviços.

Processus de détermination d'architecture logicielle optimale pour processeurs Multicœurs pour le milieu automobile / Design process for the optimization of embedded software architectures on to multi-core processors in automotive industry

Wang, Wenhao 10 July 2017 (has links)
La migration récente des plateformes mono-cœur vers multi-cœur, dans le domaine automobile, révèle de grands changements dans le processus de développement du logiciel embarqué. Tout d’abord, les concepteurs de logiciel ont besoin de nouvelles méthodes leur permettant de combler le fossé entre la description des applications (versus Autosar) et le déploiement de tâches. Deuxièmement, l’utilisation du multi-cœur doit assurer la compatibilité avec les contraintes liées aux aspects temps-réel et à la Sûreté de fonctionnement. Au final, les développeurs ont besoins d’outils pour intégrer de nouveaux modules dans leur système multi-cœur. Confronter aux complexités ci-dessus, nous avons proposé une méthodologie afin de repartir, de manière optimale, les applications sous forme de partitions logiques. Nous avons ainsi intégré dans notre processus de développement, un outil de distribution des traitements d’un système embarqué sur différents processeurs et compatible avec le standard AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture). Les solutions de partitionnement traitent simultanément l’allocation des applications ainsi que la politique d’ordonnancement. Le périmètre d’étude du partitionnement est automatique, les solutions trouvées étant évaluées par nos fonctions de coût. Elles prennent aussi en compte des critères tels que, le coût de communication inter-cœur, l’équilibrage de la charge CPU entre les cœurs et la gigue globale. Pour la partie ordonnancement, nous présentons une formalisation des dépendances sous forme périodiques pour répondre au besoin automobile. L’algorithme d’ordonnancement proposé prend en compte cette spécificité ainsi que les contraintes temps-réel et fonctionnelles, assurant l’applicabilité de notre méthodologie dans un produit industriel. Nous avons expérimenté nos solutions avec une application de type contrôle moteur, sur une plateforme matérielle multi-cœur. / The recent migration from single-core to multi-core platforms in the automotive domain reveals great challenges for the legacy embedded software design flow. First of all, software designers need new methods to fill the gap between applications description and tasks deployment. Secondly, the use of multiple cores has also to remain compatible with real-time and safety design constraints. Finally, developers need tools to assist them in the new steps of the design process. Face to these issues, we proposed a method integrated in the AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) design flow for partitioning the automotive applications onto multi-core systems. The method proposes the partitions solution that contains allocation of application as well as scheduling policy simultaneously. The design space of the partitioning is explored automatically and the solutions are evaluated thanks to our proposed objective functions that consider certain criteria such as communication overhead and global jitters. For the scheduling part, we present a formalization of periodic dependencies adapted to this automotive framework and propose a scheduling algorithm taking into account this specificity. Our defined constraints from real-time aspect as well as functional aspect make sure the applicability of our method on the real life user case. We leaded experiments with a complex and real world control application onto a concrete multi-core platform.

Modélisation et implémentation d’un système d’information de gestion de flux multimedia pour des architectures logicielles intégrant des appareils sans-fil mobiles / Information System for Multimedia Applications

Derdour, Makhlouf 12 February 2012 (has links)
Le développement d'applications pour l'informatique pervasive présente un certain nombre de défis pour l'ingénierie des logiciels. En particulier, l'adaptation des applications sensibles au contexte : adaptation à l’environnement (localisation, temps, condition, …), à la connectivité (débit, protocole, …), aux limitations de l'appareil (écran, format de média, …) et même à l’utilisateur (handicap physique, capacité, …). Dans ce contexte où le multimédia, la mobilité des utilisateurs et l'ubiquité des applications se généralisent, les fournisseurs de logiciel souhaitent offrir des applications adaptables (sensibles au contexte). Beaucoup d’efforts ont été consacrés à l’assemblage et au réassemblage de composants, ainsi qu’à l’adaptation fonctionnelle par remplacement ou reconfiguration des composants afin de satisfaire le nouveau besoin ou le nouveau contexte. La problématique que nous abordons dans cette thèse est celle de l’hétérogénéité comportementale ou sémantique des composants. L’objectif est de fournir des mécanismes permettant l’adaptation des flux de données multimédia dans des applications basées composants. Pour cela, l’architecture doit être capable de vérifier la possibilité d’assemblage des composants à partir de leurs manifestes (un manifeste doit contenir les informations techniques d’un composant). L’assemblage peut ne pas se faire pour deux raisons : incompatibilité fonctionnelle et/ou comportementale. Notre travail porte sur la deuxième raison, dans le cas où les interfaces d’un composant ne seront pas compatibles avec celles des composants voisins. Par exemple un composant fournit des images de type PNG, alors que l’autre n’accepte que des images JPEG. La mise en évidence de l’interopérabilité des composants dans un assemblage est une nécessité dans de telles approches. En effet, les architectures logicielles valident les aspects fonctionnels, ce qui n’est pas suffisant pour garantir un assemblage réaliste et remédier aux problèmes d’hétérogénéité des flux de données échangés. Nous proposons, pour mettre en évidence l’interopérabilité et permettre de trouver des solutions aux problèmes d’hétérogénéité, une approche basée modèle appelée MMSA (Meta-model for MultiMedia Software Architecture). Elle permet la description d’architectures logicielles exprimant un système logiciel comme une collection de composants qui manipulent différents types et formats de données et qui interagissent par l’intermédiaire de connecteurs d’adaptation. Nous définissons aussi un profil UML 2.0 pour exprimer et modéliser les nouveaux concepts et contraintes du méta modèle MMSA. La transition vers un profil UML est assurée par les mécanismes d'extension fournis par UML 2.0 afin d'améliorer la vérification et la cohérence des architectures décrites en MMSA. Nous proposons pour assurer la cohérence des applications vis à vis des changements du contexte, une plate-forme d’adaptation dynamique. Cette plate-forme surveille et contrôle l’exécution des applications multimédia afin de détecter les changements éventuels du contexte. En cas d’un changement, la plate-forme cherche les solutions possibles et prend la décision adéquate pour l’adaptation de l’application au nouveau contexte. Ensuite, la plate-forme cherche et choisit les services d’adaptation nécessaires afin de les intégrer dans des connecteurs d’adaptation et les réassembler avec les composants métiers de l’application. Afin d’examiner la projection de MMSA en UML 2.0, les contraintes OCL ont été évaluées dynamiquement sur un modèle de système de surveillance. Nous proposons aux architectes logiciels, un outil qui donne la possibilité de vérifier le modèle d’architecture à chaque modification afin d’assurer sa cohérence structurelle et sémantique. Les différents tests et validations effectués sur les modèles d’architecture garantissent parfaitement notre projection. / The development of applications for pervasive computing presents a number of challenges for software engineering. In particular, the adaptation of context-aware applications: adapting to the environment (location, time, condition, etc.), connectivity (bit-rate, protocol, etc.), the limitations of the device (screen size media ...) and even the user (physical handicaps, ability, etc.). The programmer is always faced with a complex combination of factors that occur throughout the application. In this context where the multimedia, the mobility of user and the ubiquitous application generalizes, providers want to offer adaptable software applications (context sensitive). Much effort has been devoted to assembly and reassembly of components, thus to the functional adaptation by replacement or reconfiguration of the components in order to satisfy the new need or the new context. The problem we tackle in this thesis is that of semantic and behavioral heterogeneity of components. The objective is to provide mechanisms for adapting multimedia data flows in applications based components, i.e. ensuring the assembly of heterogeneous components. For this, the architecture must be able to check the possibility of assembling components from the manifest (a manifest must contain the technical information of component). The assembly may not accept for two reasons: functional and/or behavioral incompatibility. Our work focuses on the second reason, in case the interfaces of component will not be compatible with the interfaces of adjacent components. For example, it provides images of PNG type, while the other accepts only JPEG images. The taken into account of components interoperability in an assembly is a necessity in such approaches. Indeed, software architectures validate the functional aspects, which is not sufficient to ensure a realistic assembly and to remedy the problems of heterogeneous of data flow exchanged. We propose to take into account the interoperability and to find solutions to problems of heterogeneity, an approach called model MMSA (Meta-Model for Multimedia Software Architecture). It allows the description of software architectures expressing a software system as a collection of components that handle various data types and formats and which interact through connectors to adaptation. We also define a UML 2.0 profile to express and model the new concepts and constraints of MMSA meta-model. The transition to a UML profile is provided by the extension mechanisms provided by UML 2.0 in order to improve the verification and consistency of architectures described in MMSA. We propose for ensure the coherence of applications aim at screw of changing context, a platform of dynamic adaptations. The dynamic adaptation is the process by which a software application is modified in order to take into account a change, be it level of the environment or the application itself, the platform monitors and controls the execution of multimedia applications to detect any change of context. In the event of a change, the platform seeks the possible solutions and takes the appropriate decision to adapt the application to the new context. Then, the platform seeks and selected the services of adaptation necessary in order to integrate them in connectors of adaptation and reassembled with the business components of application. In order to examine the projection of MMSA in UML 2.0, the OCL constraints were dynamically evaluated on a model of monitoring system. We have proposed to the software architects, a tool which gives the possibility of checking the model of architecture to each modification in order to ensure its structural and semantic coherence. The various tests and validations carried out on the models of architecture guarantee our projection perfectly. This visual model supports the creation and the management of models MMSA for software applications.

Um framework para a construção de aplicativos de dispositivos móveis para usuários com deficiência motora decorrente de acidente vascular encefálico / A framework for the construction of mobile applications for users with motor disability due to stroke

Machado Neto, Olibario José 11 May 2018 (has links)
Dispositivos móveis como smartphones e tablets são, atualmente, equipados com componentes de hardware que podem ser utilizados para a criação de soluções que auxiliam diversas atividades de pessoas com deficiência. Por exemplo, os sensores de um celular na mão de um usuário com deficiência motora podem ser utilizados para identificar movimentos da mão desse usuário e movimentar uma cadeira de rodas elétrica. Apesar de o uso de dispositivos móveis para fins de criação de soluções de acessibilidade ser explorado e documentado por muitos pesquisadores, verifica-se carência de infraestruturas que facilitem a criação de soluções para usuários com deficiência com base no uso dos recursos computacionais dos dispositivos móveis. Este trabalho apresenta um framework nativo para sistema operacional Android que provê bibliotecas para uso e integração dos diversos recursos desses dispositivos, como sensores, microfone e câmera, para auxiliar usuários com deficiência motora. O framework foi proposto com base em requisitos levantados por profissionais da área da saúde que trabalham no Centro Integrado de Reabilitação (CIR) pertencente ao Hospital Estadual de Ribeirão Preto (SP), e que reabilitam usuários com hemiparesia decorrente de Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE). Aplicações usando a infraestrutura proposta foram implementadas como provas de conceito que evidenciam a possibilidade de criação de soluções que usam e integram os principais componentes dos dispositivos móveis para auxiliar os usuários reabilitados. Apesar de o escopo de requisitos limitar-se a pessoas que tiveram AVE, testes realizados com desenvolvedores de software de diferentes níveis de experiência demonstraram que o framework agiliza a implementação de soluções diversas, inclusive para pessoas sem deficiência. O framework, que pode ser adaptado para diferentes sistemas operacionais, foi implementado para auxiliar a construção de aplicativos para o sistema operacional Android. / Nowadays, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are equipped with hardware components that can be used to create solutions that support various activities of people with disabilities. For example, the sensors of a mobile phone in the hand of a user with motor disability can be used to identify movements of that users hand and, then, to move an electric wheelchair. Although the use of mobile devices for the creation of accessibility solutions is deeply explored and documented by many researchers, there still is a lack of infrastructures to facilitate the creation of solutions for users with disabilities by relying on the use of the computational resources of mobile devices. This work presents an Android-native framework that provides libraries for the use and integration of the various resources of these devices, such as sensors, microphone and camera, to assist users with motor disabilities. The framework was proposed based on requirements raised by health professionals who work at a Rehabilitation Center that belongs to the State Hospital of Ribeirão Preto (SP, Brazil), where they rehabilitate users with hemiparesis due to stroke. Applications using the proposed infrastructure have been implemented as proofs of concept that demonstrate the possibility of creating solutions that use and integrate the main components of mobile devices in order to assist the rehabilitated users. Although the scope of requirements of our project is limited to people who have had stroke, tests performed with software developers of different levels of experience have shown that the framework speeds up the implementation of diverse solutions, including the ones for people without disabilities. The framework, which can be adapted for different operating systems, has been implemented to help build applications for the Android operating system.

Uma arquitetura de software para sistemas de pesquisa das pneumonias na infância / A software architecture for survey systems of childhood pneumonia

Moreira, Walison Cavalcanti 02 October 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-09-29T13:53:07Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Moreira, Walison Cavalcanti-2012-dissertação.pdf: 4559977 bytes, checksum: 3e9f3100153e4d3a4775957b1445f2e7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-09-29T15:11:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Moreira, Walison Cavalcanti-2012-dissertação.pdf: 4559977 bytes, checksum: 3e9f3100153e4d3a4775957b1445f2e7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-29T15:11:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Moreira, Walison Cavalcanti-2012-dissertação.pdf: 4559977 bytes, checksum: 3e9f3100153e4d3a4775957b1445f2e7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-02 / Pneumonia is of the main causes of death of children under 5 years of age. Several health organizations worldwide, public and private, are engaged in investigating the disease and evaluate the effectiveness of mechanisms to prevent and combat existing. Infections causing pneumonia can be avoided. However, especially in poor countries, the resources to promote prevention are scarce. Thus the combat actions need to be very efficient and effective. To ensure the effectiveness of these actions, such as vaccines, are necessary statistical information like age range, region, period, social status and history obtained through field research. This paper proposes and implements a software architecture for the construction, use and maintenance of research of childhood pneumonias. The techniques, technologies, tools and services used in defining the architecture were chosen with a focus on low cost. This way is much more feasible to use software for automated search systems by healthcare entities that have few financial resources. / As pneumonias estão entre as principais causas de morte das crianças com menos de 5 anos de idade. Várias entidades de saúde no mundo todo, públicas e privadas, estão empenhadas em investigar a doença e avaliar a eficiência dos mecanismos de prevenção e combate existentes. As infecções que causam pneumonia podem ser evitadas. No entanto, principalmente em países pobres, os recursos para promover a prevenção são escassos. Assim as ações de combate precisam ser muito eficientes e eficazes. Para garantir a efetividade dessas ações, como as vacinas, são necessárias informações estatísticas como faixa etária, região, época, condição social e histórico obtido através de pesquisa em campo. Este trabalho propõe e implementa uma arquitetura de software para construção, uso e manutenção de sistemas de pesquisa das pneumonias na infância. As técnicas, tecnologias, ferramentas e serviços utilizados na definição da arquitetura foram escolhidos com foco no baixo custo. Dessa forma fica muito mais viável a utilização de softwares para sistemas de pesquisa automatizados por entidades de saúde que possuem poucos recursos financeiros. Palavras

Evolução de software baseada em avaliação de arquiteturas. / Software evolution based on architecture evaluation.

Danielle Pompeu Noronha Pontes 16 March 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho discorre sobre o estudo da utilização do método de avaliação ATAM como referência para um roteiro para evolução arquitetural. O estudo apresentado está dividido em duas partes: a elaboração de um roteiro para evolução de software e a aplicação do roteiro em um ambiente real de um sistema para automação de linhas aéreas. O objetivo é avaliar o uso do método de avaliação de arquitetura para direcionar a evolução do software. As diretrizes geradas neste trabalho orientam as ações a serem tomadas com base em evidências obtidas pela avaliação, possibilitando ao software que exiba os atributos de qualidade desejados. / This paper discusses the study of the use of ATAM evaluation method as a reference to a roadmap for architectural evolution. The present study is divided into two parts: the preparation of a roadmap for software development and implementation of the roadmap in a real environment of a system for automation of airlines. The goal is to evaluate the use of architecture evaluation method to direct the evolution of software. The guidelines generated in this work have guided the actions to be taken based on evidence obtained by the evaluation, enabling the software that displays the desired quality attributes.

Um roteiro para a redução de tempo no desenvolvimento de projetos de software. / A roadmap for cycle time reduction in software development.

André Luiz Dias Ribeiro 15 December 2006 (has links)
A realização de projetos dentro do prazo estabelecido é um fator comum em diversas áreas de produção como a engenharia civil, de aviação, química, transportes, indústria em geral, entre outras. No entanto, na engenharia de software, a questão do tempo na construção de um produto é um desafio de processo a ser superado em cada novo projeto. O cumprimento de prazos no desenvolvimento de software é tão crítico que o próprio controle de atrasos no ciclo de produção é um fator a ser considerado na análise de redução do tempo de desenvolvimento. A complexidade do ambiente de software, a competitividade de mercado, as mudanças de requisitos constantes durante o projeto e o tempo disponível cada vez mais restrito, aumentam as chances de insucesso quando analisado o indicador de tempo na produção de software. O objetivo deste trabalho é reunir e organizar as práticas e técnicas de engenharia de software em um roteiro que permita a redução do tempo no desenvolvimento do software. Neste roteiro, é descrita a utilização organizada e planejada das práticas de engenharia de software que auxiliam no planejamento, na criação da arquitetura de solução, na definição da infra-estrutura técnica para reutilização e a utilização da engenharia simultânea, visando proporcionar ganhos reais no tempo de produção do software e no aumento da produtividade. / The completion of software project within schedule is a common goal in several industries like building engineering, aviation, chemical, transport, wares and so on. However, in software engineering, the schedule is a process challenge from the beginning of each new project. The time is so critical that the delay control is an analysis point for cycle time reduction in software development. The complex environment, the pressure to reduce time-to-market, frequent requirements changes during the project life-cycle, increase the failure chance of software projects when we analyze the time indicator in the software development process. The dissertation goal is to meet and to organize of software engineering practices and techniques in an organized roadmap aiming cycle time reduction in software development. In this roadmap, the practices are organized to help software planning, solution architecture, component based development definition, to promote reuse and concurrent engineering with purpose to reduce cycle time software development and improve productivity.

Arquitetura de agentes para a geração automática de roteiros OCC-RDD

Silva, Daniel Henrique da 11 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:23:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Henrique da Silva.pdf: 3074984 bytes, checksum: 8157750ada0d1efd84ba9e3c3b73b64a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-11 / This research proposes a software architecture to the development of a tool for narrative scripts generation that follows the OCC-RDD technique. It is supposing that the choice of intelligent agents is adequate for this purpose, because of the diversity of inputs that make up a narrative script is propitious for artificial intelligence. In order to support the selection of the proposed architecture, a detailed study about OCC-RDD technique was made, followed by the use of a specific methodology for intelligent agents named TROPOS, in the analysis and solution design. There was also studies about theories and architectural styles suitable for software agents, as well as foundations and practices of software systems in general. The details of software architecture were designed with a prototype able to generate simple scripts which served to demonstrate the feasibility of the implementation. Some aspects of the text generation have been achieved by using a markup language built especially for this architecture. This language played the role of defining static text template in which intelligent agents consume to assemble the narrative script / A pesquisa propõe uma arquitetura de software para desenvolver uma ferramenta de geração de roteiros narrativos orientados a técnica OCC-RDD. Agentes inteligentes fo- ram escolhidos pela proximidade da área de estudo denomidada inteligência artificial que engloba a geração de roteiros narrativos. Para fundamentar a escolha da arquitetura pro- posta, foram feitos estudos detalhados sobre a técnica OCC-RDD, juntamente com o uso de uma metodologia específica para agentes inteligentes denominada TROPOS nas eta- pas de análise e de desenho da solução. Houve também estudos de teorias e de estilos arquiteturais apropriados para agentes, além de fundamentos e práticas de sistemas de software em geral. O detalhamento da arquitetura de software foi concebido junto com um protótipo capaz de gerar roteiros simples e que serviu para demonstrar a viabilidade da implementação. Alguns aspectos de geração de textos foram alcançados utilizando uma linguagem de marcação construída especialmente para esta arquitetura. Tal linguagem teve o papel importante de servir como uma definição de templates de texto estáticos no qual os agentes inteligentes a utilizam para montar o roteiro narrativo

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