Spelling suggestions: "subject:"found aadiation"" "subject:"found eradiation""
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A scaled physical model for underwater sound radiation from a partially submerged cylindrical shell under impactWoolfe, Katherine 06 July 2012 (has links)
The motivation for this study is to create a scaled laboratory model of a steel construction pile being driven by an impact hammer, which can provide controlled data to aid understanding and development of a structural acoustics numerical model simulating full-scale impact pile driving. The scaled model is approximately thirty times shorter than a typical 30-meter long Cast-in-Shell-Steel (CISS) pile. The relationship between the impact force, structural vibrations, and radiated sound field is analyzed. The time-domain acoustic intensity in the radial direction is found to be predominately negative immediately following excitation by the impact force. Analysis of the radial intensity shows that during the hammer strike, there is a net flow of energy from the structure into the water; however, because the structure and water are acoustically coupled a significant portion of the energy immediately flows back into the cylinder following hammer impact. This fluid-structure interaction results in a highly damped acoustic pulse in the water that propagates to the far field. In addition, the frequency spectra of the impact force, model pile wall acceleration in the radial direction in air and water, and underwater acoustic pressure are analyzed to find transfer functions between these variables. The transfer function between impact force and sound pressure is of particular interest because it can be used to calculate the system response for any other applied hammer force. This transfer function analysis has potential applications in mitigating noise generated by impact pile driving.
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Redes neurais artificiais aplicadas à determinação do tamanho ótimo da malha para o cálculo da intensidade útil / Artificial neural networks applied in determining the optimal size of the mesh to calculate useful intensityTaciano Magela de Souza Monteiro de Barros 15 September 2014 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo para a determinação do tamanho ótimo
da malha de elementos, utilizando redes neurais artificiais, para o cálculo da intensidade
útil. A ideia principal é treinar as redes de modo a possibilitar a aprendizagem e o reconhecimento
do melhor tamanho para diversas áreas superficiais em fontes sonoras com
geometria plana. A vantagem de se utilizar redes neurais artificiais deve-se ao fato de
apresentarem um único tamanho para a obtenção da intensidade útil, consequentemente,
uma redução significativa de tempo computacional quando comparado com o tempo de
cálculo de uma malha bem refinada. Ensaios numéricos com placas planas - geometria separável que permite uma solução analítica - são utilizados para se realizar comparações.
apresentado um estudo comparativo entre o tempo computacional gasto para a obtenção da intensidade útil e o mesmo com a malha otimizada via redes neurais artificiais.
Também é apresentada uma comparação do nível de potência sonora mediante solução
numérica, a fim de validar os resultados apresentados pelas redes neurais. / In this paper, a study to determine the optimal size of the mesh elements, using
artificial neural networks, to calculate useful intensity is presented. The main idea is
training the neural networks, enabling them learning and recognizing the best size for
the various superficial areas in sound sources with
at geometry. The advantage of using
artificial neural networks is due to the fact that they present a single size for obtaining
the useful intensity, thereby significantly reducing computation time compared with the
calculation time for a too fine mesh. Numerical tests with
at plates - separable geometry
that enables an analytical solution - are used to make comparisons. A comparative study
of the computational time spent to obtain the useful intensity and the computational
time spent to obtain the useful intensity using the mesh optimized via artificial neural
networks is presented. A comparison of the sound power level obtained by the numerical
solution in order to validate the results using neural networks is also presented.
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Redes neurais artificiais aplicadas à determinação do tamanho ótimo da malha para o cálculo da intensidade útil / Artificial neural networks applied in determining the optimal size of the mesh to calculate useful intensityTaciano Magela de Souza Monteiro de Barros 15 September 2014 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo para a determinação do tamanho ótimo
da malha de elementos, utilizando redes neurais artificiais, para o cálculo da intensidade
útil. A ideia principal é treinar as redes de modo a possibilitar a aprendizagem e o reconhecimento
do melhor tamanho para diversas áreas superficiais em fontes sonoras com
geometria plana. A vantagem de se utilizar redes neurais artificiais deve-se ao fato de
apresentarem um único tamanho para a obtenção da intensidade útil, consequentemente,
uma redução significativa de tempo computacional quando comparado com o tempo de
cálculo de uma malha bem refinada. Ensaios numéricos com placas planas - geometria separável que permite uma solução analítica - são utilizados para se realizar comparações.
apresentado um estudo comparativo entre o tempo computacional gasto para a obtenção da intensidade útil e o mesmo com a malha otimizada via redes neurais artificiais.
Também é apresentada uma comparação do nível de potência sonora mediante solução
numérica, a fim de validar os resultados apresentados pelas redes neurais. / In this paper, a study to determine the optimal size of the mesh elements, using
artificial neural networks, to calculate useful intensity is presented. The main idea is
training the neural networks, enabling them learning and recognizing the best size for
the various superficial areas in sound sources with
at geometry. The advantage of using
artificial neural networks is due to the fact that they present a single size for obtaining
the useful intensity, thereby significantly reducing computation time compared with the
calculation time for a too fine mesh. Numerical tests with
at plates - separable geometry
that enables an analytical solution - are used to make comparisons. A comparative study
of the computational time spent to obtain the useful intensity and the computational
time spent to obtain the useful intensity using the mesh optimized via artificial neural
networks is presented. A comparison of the sound power level obtained by the numerical
solution in order to validate the results using neural networks is also presented.
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Análise numérica da influência de parâmetros estruturais no desempenho vibroacústico de placas flexíveis / Numerical analysis of the influence of structural parameters on the vibroacoustic performance of flexible platesLuiz Fernando Vales 05 February 2018 (has links)
Vibrações estruturais constituem uma das principais fontes de ruído e de desconforto em diversas aplicações, tais como nos produtos das indústrias automotiva, aeroespacial e naval, que, em grande parte, são compostos por estruturas flexíveis semelhantes a placas. Ao mesmo tempo, a demanda crescente por aumento de eficiência energética e por redução de emissão de gases nocivos ao meio ambiente tem levado os fabricantes de todos os segmentos para a utilização de materiais cada vez mais leves. Um desafio importante relacionado ao uso dessas soluções diz respeito ao seu comportamento vibroacústico, já que estruturas leves tendem a transmitir e emitir ruídos de forma mais intensa, particularmente em baixas frequências. Em decorrência disso, a obtenção de uma boa relação entre peso e desempenho vibroacústico usualmente demanda algumas iterações de projeto. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem por objetivo estabelecer um procedimento numérico para avaliar as propriedades vibroacústicas de placas flexíveis excitadas por um campo gerado no interior de uma cavidade acústica, bem como investigar a influência de parâmetros estruturais que definem a placa sobre o seu desempenho vibroacústico. O escopo aqui é a faixa de baixas frequências, na qual o comportamento do sistema é descrito de forma determinística através de características modais. Foi desenvolvido um modelo numérico em elementos finitos de uma cavidade acústica retangular de paredes rígidas acoplada a uma placa flexível. Uma fonte acústica posicionada no interior da cavidade produz um campo de pressão sonora que induz a placa à vibração e, consequentemente, a irradiar potência sonora para o campo livre exterior. Para realização das análises de sensibilidade, desenvolveu-se um conjunto de rotinas de modo a permitir o gerenciamento automatizado de simulações. Resultados numéricos são apresentados para avaliar a influência de diversos parâmetros estruturais sobre o desempenho vibroacústico da superfície estrutural. O procedimento proposto pode ser aplicado de forma eficiente para a análise de sensibilidade da transmissão de ruído em sistemas vibroacústicos sujeitos à variação de parâmetros estruturais e pode também ser utilizado para avaliar diversos tipos de materiais, como isotrópicos, ortotrópicos e até metamateriais. / Structural vibrations are the major causes of noise and people discomforts in several applications, such as in the products of the automotive, aerospace and naval industries, which are mainly composed of flexible plate-like structures. At the same time, the ever-increasing demands for energy efficiency and for reduced emissions of harmful gases into the environment lead product manufacturers of all industrial sectors towards an increased use of lighter materials. However, these solutions are most sensitive to issues related to vibroacoustic behavior, since the lightweight structures tend to present a high sound transmission, particularly at low frequencies. Consequently, the optimal design of lightweight and noise insulation properties of a structure usually require some design trade-offs. In this context, this dissertation aims to propose a numerical procedure to analyze the vibroacoustic performance of flexible plates subject to an interior acoustic field, as well as to investigate the influence of structural parameters on the sound insulation properties of the plate. The scope here is the low frequency range, in which the response of the coupled system is described in a deterministic way in terms of a mode set. A finite element model of a rigid rectangular acoustic cavity coupled to a flexible plate was developed. An acoustic source inside the cavity produces an interior sound pressure field that forces the flexible plate to vibrate and, consequently, to radiate sound power to the external free field. In order to enable the automatic management of the variability simulations, a set of routines was also developed. Numerical results are presented in order to evaluate the influence of several structural parameters on the vibroacoustic properties of the plate. The proposed methodology can be largely used in sensitivity analysis of noise transmission in vibroacoustic systems subject to the variation of structural parameters and can be used to evaluate many material types, as isotropic, orthotropic and even metamaterials.
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Structual-acoustic properties of automotive panels with shell elementsKumar, Gaurav January 2014 (has links)
The automotive industry has witnessed a trend in the recent years of reducing the bulk weight of the vehicle in order to achieve improved ride dynamics and economical fuel consumption. Unfortunately, reducing the bulk weight often compromises the noise, vibra- tion, and harshness (NVH) characteristics of the vehicle. In general, the automotive body panels are made out of thin sheet metals (steel and aluminium) that have a very low bend- ing stiffness. Hence, it becomes important to find countermeasures that will increase the structural stiffness of these thin body panels without affecting their bulk weight. One such countermeasure is to introduce the geometrical indentations on various body panels. The geometrical indentation explained in this thesis is in the shape of elliptical dome, which supports the increase of the structural stiffness whilst keeping the bulk weight constant. The primary reason to choose elliptical domes as the applied geometrical indentation is due to a significant amount of interest shown by Jaguar Land Rover. Moreover, the elliptical domes, because of the nature of its design, can cover a larger surface area with minimal depth, thereby, eliminating the possibility of sharp and pointy indentations. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the structural-acoustic behaviour of the automotive-type panels with dome-shaped indentations. The ultimate aim of this research is to establish a set of design guidelines in order to produce automotive-type panels with optimised dome-shaped indentations. In order to do so, a new design optimisation strategy is proposed that results in the optimal placement of the required dome-shaped indenta- tions. The optimisation problem addressed in this thesis is unlike a general mathematical problem, and requires specific methodologies for its solution. Therefore, the use of genetic algorithm is observed as the most suitable method in order to tackle this type of design optimisation problem. During the development of the optimisation procedure, the preliminary results show a consistency in the design patterns. This led to the motivation to investigate a few intuitively designed panels, which are inspired by the initial, trial, optimisation results. Therefore, four intuitively designed panels are investigated for their structural-acoustic characteristics. The study of the intuitively designed panels provided essential physical insight into the design optimisation problem, which ultimately defined the guidelines in order to develop the proposed optimisation procedure. This type of optimisation procedure is completely new in the domain of structural-acoustic optimisation. The efficiency of the underlying work lies in the separate investigation of both the structural and the acoustic properties of the panels with various dome-shaped indentations, and then utilising the insights gained in order to develop a specific optimisation algorithm to stream-line the dome-shaped panel design procedure.
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Körperoszillation und Schallabstrahlung akustischer Wellenleiter unter Berücksichtigung von Wandungseinflüssen und Kopplungseffekten : Verändern Metalllegierung und Wandungsprofil des Rohrresonators den Klang der labialen Orgelpfeife? / Oscillation and sound radiation of acoustic waveguides, with regard to the influences of material and synchronisationBergweiler, Steffen January 2005 (has links)
Am Beispiel der Orgelpfeife wurde der Einfluss der Wandungsgeometrie
des akustischen Wellenleiters auf die Schallabstrahlung untersucht.
Für verschiedene Metalllegierungen wurden unterschiedliche Profile
der Orgelpfeifenwandung verglichen: ein konisches Wandungsprofil mit
zur Mündung hin abnehmender Wandungsstärke und ein paralleles
Wandungsprofil mit konstanter Wandungsstärke. Für eine hohe
statistische Sicherheit der Ergebnisse wurden sämtliche
Untersuchungen an vier mal zehn Testpfeifen durchgeführt. Mit
Ausnahme der beschriebenen Unterschiede sind die Pfeifen von
gleichen Abmessungen und auf gleichen Klang intoniert.<br><br>
Die Überprüfung der Wandungseinflüsse auf den Klang besteht aus drei
verschiedenen Untersuchungen: Erstens, einer subjektiven
Hinterfragung der Wahrnehmbarkeit in einem Hörtest. Zweitens wurde
der abgestrahlte Luftschall objektiv gemessen und das Spektrum der
Pfeifen in seinen Komponenten (Teiltöne, Grundfrequenz) verglichen.
Drittens wurde mit einer neuartigen Messtechnik die Oszillation des
Pfeifenkörpers (ein einem akustischen Monopol entsprechendes "Atmen" des Querschnitts) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse belegen die
Wahrnehmbarkeit unterschiedlicher Wandungsprofile als auch klare
objektive Differenzen zwischen den emittierten Schallspektren. Ein
Atmen mit guter Korrelation zur inneren Druckanregung bestätigt den
Einfluss wandungsprofilabhängiger Oszillationen auf den Klang der
Orgelpfeife. Schließlich wurde die Interaktion zweier in Abstand und
Grundfrequenz nah beieinander liegender Orgelpfeifen überprüft. Als
Ursache des dabei wahrnehmbaren Oktavsprung des Orgeltons konnte
eine gegenphasiger Oszillation des Grundtons beider Pfeifen
nachgewiesen werden. / The influence of the wall geometry of an acoustic waveguide on the
sound radiation has been investigated on the example of the steady
sound quality of an organ pipe. At the example of two different pipe
materials two different pipe wall geometries were compared: a
wedge-shaped conical wall profile with a decreasing wall strength
towards the pipes open end and a constant wall profile with no
change in wall strength, respectively. For statistic safety all
investigations were exercised on a large test pipe series of 4 by 10
pipes, unique to our knowledge. Apart from the described
differences, all pipes are produced and intonated to be as equal as
The verification of the wall geometries influences is based on three
investigations: First, a subjective evaluation of the audible
differences was performed. Second, differences in the broad spectra,
the level of the harmonics partials and in the fundamental frequency
were detected in an anechoic chamber. Third, with a new measurement
technique we examined the oscillation of the pipe body (monopolic
breathing of the pipe bodies cross-section) as source of the
detected differences in the sound. The results show clear audible
difference which are supported by measurable differences in airborne
sound and body oscillations of the investigated pipes. Finally the
interaction of two organ pipes closely space in frequency and
distance has been investigated. The subjective impression of
frequency doubling was detected as an anti-phase phase oscillation
of the fundamental tone of both pipes leading to a dominance of the
second harmonic.<br><br>
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Intensidade acústica útil: um novo método para identificação de regiões radiantes em superfícies com geometrias arbitrárias / Useful acoustic intensity: a new method for the identification of radiant regions on surfaces with arbitrary geometriesCleber de Almeida Corrêa Junior 16 March 2012 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Neste trabalho é descrita a teoria necessária para a obtenção da grandeza denominada
intensidade supersônica, a qual tem por objetivo identificar as regiões de uma
fonte de ruído que efetivamente contribuem para a potência sonora, filtrando, consequentemente,
a parcela referente às ondas sonoras recirculantes e evanescentes. É apresentada
a abordagem de Fourier para a obtenção da intensidade supersônica em fontes com geometrias
separáveis e a formulação numérica existente para a obtenção de um equivalente
à intensidade supersônica em fontes sonoras com geometrias arbitrárias. Este trabalho
apresenta como principal contribuição original, uma técnica para o cálculo de um equivalente
à intensidade supersônica, denominado aqui de intensidade acústica útil, capaz de
identificar as regiões de uma superfície vibrante de geometria arbitrária que efetivamente
contribuem para a potência sonora que será radiada. Ao contrário da formulação numérica
existente, o modelo proposto é mais direto, totalmente formulado na superfície vibrante,
onde a potência sonora é obtida através de um operador (uma matriz) que relaciona a
potência sonora radiada com a distribuição de velocidade normal à superfície vibrante,
obtida com o uso do método de elementos finitos. Tal operador, chamado aqui de operador
de potência, é Hermitiano, fato crucial para a obtenção da intensidade acússtica útil,
após a aplicação da decomposição em autovalores e autovetores no operador de potência,
e do critério de truncamento proposto. Exemplos de aplicações da intensidade acústica
útil em superfícies vibrantes com a geometria de uma placa, de um cilindro com tampas
e de um silenciador automotivo são apresentados, e os resultados são comparados com
os obtidos via intensidade supersônica (placa) e via técnica numérica existente (cilindro),
evidenciando que a intensidade acústica útil traz, como benefício adicional, uma redução
em relação ao tempo computacional quando comparada com a técnica numérica existente. / This work describes the theory necessary to obtain the greatness called supersonic
intensity, which aims to identify the regions of a sound source that effectively contribute
to the sound power radiated, filtering recirculating and evanescent sound waves. The Fourier
approach to obtain the supersonic intensity in sources having separable geometries,
and the existent numerical formulation to obtain an equivalent to supersonic intensity on
noise sources with arbitrary geometry. This work presents a new numeric technique for
the computation of the numerical equivalent to the supersonic acoustic intensity. The
technique provides the identification of the regions of a noise source with arbitrary geometry
that effectively contribute to the sound power radiated to the far field by filtering
recirculating and evanescent sound waves. The proposed technique is entirely formulated
on the vibrating surface. The acoustic power radiated is obtained through a numerical
operator that relates it with the distribution of superficial normal velocity, which is obtained
by the boundary element method. Such power operator, possesses the property of
being Hermitian. The advantage of this characteristic is that their eigenvalues are real
and their eigenvectors form an orthonormal set for the velocity distribution. It is applied
to the power operator the decomposition in eigenvalues and eigenvectors, becoming possible
to compute the numerical equivalent to the supersonic intensity, called here useful
intensity, after applying a cutoff criterion to remove the non propagating components.
Some numerical tests confirming the effectiveness of the convergence criterions are presented.
Examples of the application of the useful intensity technique in vibrating surfaces
such as a plate, a cylinder with flat caps and an automotive muffler are presented and
the numerical results are discussed, showing that the useful intensity brings, as additional
benefit, a reduction of the computational effort, when compared to existent numerical
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Intensidade acústica útil: um novo método para identificação de regiões radiantes em superfícies com geometrias arbitrárias / Useful acoustic intensity: a new method for the identification of radiant regions on surfaces with arbitrary geometriesCleber de Almeida Corrêa Junior 16 March 2012 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Neste trabalho é descrita a teoria necessária para a obtenção da grandeza denominada
intensidade supersônica, a qual tem por objetivo identificar as regiões de uma
fonte de ruído que efetivamente contribuem para a potência sonora, filtrando, consequentemente,
a parcela referente às ondas sonoras recirculantes e evanescentes. É apresentada
a abordagem de Fourier para a obtenção da intensidade supersônica em fontes com geometrias
separáveis e a formulação numérica existente para a obtenção de um equivalente
à intensidade supersônica em fontes sonoras com geometrias arbitrárias. Este trabalho
apresenta como principal contribuição original, uma técnica para o cálculo de um equivalente
à intensidade supersônica, denominado aqui de intensidade acústica útil, capaz de
identificar as regiões de uma superfície vibrante de geometria arbitrária que efetivamente
contribuem para a potência sonora que será radiada. Ao contrário da formulação numérica
existente, o modelo proposto é mais direto, totalmente formulado na superfície vibrante,
onde a potência sonora é obtida através de um operador (uma matriz) que relaciona a
potência sonora radiada com a distribuição de velocidade normal à superfície vibrante,
obtida com o uso do método de elementos finitos. Tal operador, chamado aqui de operador
de potência, é Hermitiano, fato crucial para a obtenção da intensidade acússtica útil,
após a aplicação da decomposição em autovalores e autovetores no operador de potência,
e do critério de truncamento proposto. Exemplos de aplicações da intensidade acústica
útil em superfícies vibrantes com a geometria de uma placa, de um cilindro com tampas
e de um silenciador automotivo são apresentados, e os resultados são comparados com
os obtidos via intensidade supersônica (placa) e via técnica numérica existente (cilindro),
evidenciando que a intensidade acústica útil traz, como benefício adicional, uma redução
em relação ao tempo computacional quando comparada com a técnica numérica existente. / This work describes the theory necessary to obtain the greatness called supersonic
intensity, which aims to identify the regions of a sound source that effectively contribute
to the sound power radiated, filtering recirculating and evanescent sound waves. The Fourier
approach to obtain the supersonic intensity in sources having separable geometries,
and the existent numerical formulation to obtain an equivalent to supersonic intensity on
noise sources with arbitrary geometry. This work presents a new numeric technique for
the computation of the numerical equivalent to the supersonic acoustic intensity. The
technique provides the identification of the regions of a noise source with arbitrary geometry
that effectively contribute to the sound power radiated to the far field by filtering
recirculating and evanescent sound waves. The proposed technique is entirely formulated
on the vibrating surface. The acoustic power radiated is obtained through a numerical
operator that relates it with the distribution of superficial normal velocity, which is obtained
by the boundary element method. Such power operator, possesses the property of
being Hermitian. The advantage of this characteristic is that their eigenvalues are real
and their eigenvectors form an orthonormal set for the velocity distribution. It is applied
to the power operator the decomposition in eigenvalues and eigenvectors, becoming possible
to compute the numerical equivalent to the supersonic intensity, called here useful
intensity, after applying a cutoff criterion to remove the non propagating components.
Some numerical tests confirming the effectiveness of the convergence criterions are presented.
Examples of the application of the useful intensity technique in vibrating surfaces
such as a plate, a cylinder with flat caps and an automotive muffler are presented and
the numerical results are discussed, showing that the useful intensity brings, as additional
benefit, a reduction of the computational effort, when compared to existent numerical
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Implementation of the Radiation Characteristics of Musical Instruments in Wave Field Synthesis ApplicationsZiemer, Tim 21 April 2020 (has links)
In this thesis a method to implement the radiation characteristics of musical instruments in wave field synthesis systems is developed. It is applied and tested in two loudspeaker systems.Because the loudspeaker systems have a comparably low number of loudspeakers the wave field is synthesized at discrete listening positions by solving a linear equation system. Thus, for every constellation of listening and source position all loudspeakers can be used for the synthesis. The calculations are done in spectral domain, denying sound propagation velocity at first. This approach causes artefacts in the loudspeaker signals and synthesis errors in the listening area which are compensated by means of psychoacoustic methods. With these methods the aliasing frequency is determined by the extent of the listening area whereas in other wave field synthesis systems it is determined by the distance of adjacent loudspeakers. Musical instruments are simplified as complex point sources to gain, store and propagate their radiation characteristics. This method is the basis of the newly developed “Radiation Method” which improves the matrix conditioning of the equation system and the precision of the wave field synthesis by implementing the radiation characteristics of the driven loudspeakers. In this work, the “Minimum Energy Method” — originally developed for acoustic holography — is applied for matters of wave field synthesis for the first time. It guarantees a robust solution and creates softer loudspeaker driving signals than the Radiation Method but yields a worse approximation of the wave field beyond the discrete listening positions. Psychoacoustic considerations allow for a successfull wave field synthesis: Integration times of the auditory system determine the spatial dimensions in which the wave field synthesis approach works despite different arrival times and directions of wave fronts. By separating the spectrum into frequency bands of the critical band width, masking effects are utilized to reduce the amount of calculations with hardly audible consequances. By applying the “Precedence Fade”, the precedence effect is used to manipulate the perceived source position and improve the reproduction of initial transients of notes. Based on Auditory Scene Analysis principles, “Fading Based Panning” creates precise phantom source positions between the actual loudspeaker positions. Physical measurements, simulations and listening tests prove evidence for the introduced methods and reveal their precision. Furthermore, results of the listening tests show that the perceived spaciousness of instrumental sound not necessarily goes along with distinctness of localization. The introduced methods are compatible to conventional multi channel audio systems as well as other wave field synthesis applications. / In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode entwickelt, um die Abstrahlcharakteristik von Musikinstrumenten in Wellenfeldsynthesesystemen zu implementieren. Diese wird in zwei Lautsprechersystemen umgesetzt und getestet. Aufgrund der vergleichsweise geringen Anzahl an Lautsprechern wird das Schallfeld an diskreten Hörpositionen durch Lösung eines linearen Gleichungssystems resynthetisiert. Dadurch können für jede Konstellation aus Quellen- und Hörposition alle Lautsprecher für die Synthese verwendet werden. Hierzu wird zunächst in Frequenzebene, unter Vernachlässigung der Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit des Schalls gerechnet. Dieses Vorgehen sorgt für Artefakte im Schallsignal und Synthesefehler im Hörbereich, die durch psychoakustische Methoden kompensiert werden. Im Vergleich zu anderen Wellenfeldsyntheseverfahren wird bei diesem Vorgehen die Aliasingfrequenz durch die Größe des Hörbereichs und nicht durch den Lautsprecherabstand bestimmt. Musikinstrumente werden als komplexe Punktquellen vereinfacht, wodurch die Abstrahlung erfasst, gespeichert und in den Raum propagiert werden kann. Dieses Vorgehen ist auch die Basis der neu entwickelten “Radiation Method”, die durch Einbeziehung der Abstrahlcharakteristik der verwendeten Lautsprecher die Genauigkeit der Wellenfeldsynthese erhöht und die Konditionierung der Propagierungsmatrix des zu lösenden Gleichungssystems verbessert. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmals die für die akustische Holografie entwickelte “Minimum Energy Method” auf Wellenfeldsynthese angewandt. Sie garantiert eine robuste Lösung und erzeugt leisere Lautsprechersignale und somit mehr konstruktive Interferenz, approximiert das Schallfeld jenseits der diskreten Hörpositionen jedoch schlechter als die Radiation Method. Zahlreiche psychoakustische Überlegungen machen die Umsetzung der Wellenfeldsynthese möglich: Integrationszeiten des Gehörs bestimmen die räumlichen Dimensionen in der die Wellenfeldsynthesemethode — trotz der aus verschiedenen Richtungen und zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten ankommenden Wellenfronten — funktioniert. Durch Teilung des Schallsignals in Frequenzbänder der kritischen Bandbreite wird unter Ausnutzung von Maskierungseffekten die Anzahl an nötigen Rechnungen mit kaum hörbaren Konsequenzen reduziert. Mit dem “Precedence Fade” wird der Präzedenzeffekt genutzt, um die wahrgenommene Schallquellenposition zu beeinflussen. Zudem wird dadurch die Reproduktion transienter Einschwingvorgänge verbessert. Auf Grundlage von Auditory Scene Analysis wird “Fading Based Panning” eingeführt, um darüber hinaus eine präzise Schallquellenlokalisation jenseits der Lautsprecherpositionen zu erzielen. Physikalische Messungen, Simulationen und Hörtests weisen nach, dass die neu eingeführten Methoden funktionieren und zeigen ihre Präzision auf. Auch zeigt sich, dass die wahrgenommene Räumlichkeit eines Instrumentenklangs nicht der Lokalisationssicherheit entspricht. Die eingeführten Methoden sind kompatibel mit konventionellen Mehrkanal-Audiosystemen sowie mit anderen Wellenfeldsynthesesystemen.
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Mobility Analysis of Structure-borne Noise Paths in a Simplified Rotorcraft Gearbox SystemSrinivasan, Vijay 27 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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