Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bounding rocket"" "subject:"abounding rocket""
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High Altitude Glider Solution for Returning From SpaceNylöf, Jakob, Amico Kulbay, Koray January 2021 (has links)
Space exploration drives the human expansion inthe universe. Succeeding in this challenge demands familiarityof the near earth space environment, achieved through soundingrocket experiments that often are lost upon return from space. Afuture proof solution is needed and this study aims to investigatethe aerodynamics of a modular self returning glider attachment.To aid conceptual design, simulations were first performedusing potential theory in the software XFLR5. The resultingdesign was then analysed further using Computational FluidDynamics (CFD) in Simscale after which a glider prototype wasbuilt and tested.The study shows that while it is possible to fulfill the projectrequirements when only modelling the wing surfaces, the gliderfuselage contributes to a destructive drag and pitching moment.Consequently, future prototypes demand increasing the lift orreducing the drag, as well as ensuring longitudinal stability. Moreresources need to be invested into further CFD modelling andprototype testing. / Utforskning av rymden driver denmänskliga expansionen ut i universum. För att lyckas meddet krävs dock kunskap om rymden närmast oss, vilketuppnås genom experiment i sondraketer som ofta förlorasvid återkomst. En framtidssäker metod behövs och därförundersöks aerodynamiken av en modulär och självåtervändande glidarlösning.För att underlätta genomförandet av den konceptuella designen så gjordes först simuleringar i XFLR5 med potentialteori.Den resulterande glidaren analyserades sedan vidare iflödesmekaniska beräkningsprogram (CFD), vartefter en prototypbyggdes och testades i verkligheten.Studien visar att det är möjligt att uppfylla projektkravengenom att modellera vingarna, men glidarens flygkropp bidraremellertid till ett destruktivt luftmotstånd och longitudinelltvridmoment. Därför måste framtida prototyper designas föratt uppnå större lyftkraft, minska flygkroppens dragkraft ochsamtidigt uppnå longitudinell stabilitet. Mer resurser måsteläggas på djupare CFD-modellering och prototyptestning. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm
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SR Dorado - Development roadmap for a 3 kN bi-liquid student sounding rocket using LOX and ethanolSieder-Katzmann, Jan, Buchholz, Maximilian, Altenstein, Benjamin, Fälker, Svenja, Horn, August, Koopmann, Tom, Nazarenko, Ivan Vladimirovic, Rietz, Erik Jeremy, Stets, Constantin, Stoll, Joshua, Tajmar, Martin, Bach, Christian 06 May 2024 (has links)
Within the SR Dorado-project, which started in July 2022, a sounding rocket and its corresponding ground support equipment and test facilities are being developed and manufactured. This work is done mainly by undergraduate students at Technische Universität Dresden in cooperation with STAR Dresden, the student Space Flight Working Group in Dresden.
The rocket will utilize liquid oxygen (LOX) and ethanol as propellants and is currently in its development phase. The current development status of the rocket and its support systems is described. Details on specific subsystems like propulsion system, rocket structure, recovery and telemetry system are presented. This detailed system assessment is supplemented with insights into the test bench and ground support equipment design, which are needed for successfully testing engine and propulsion system as well as conducting the launch campaign.
The planned launch is currently set for 2025 and will take place at ESRANGE in Kiruna, Sweden.:1 Introduction
2 The rocket
2.1 Recovery system
2.2 Flight computer(s)
2.2.1 PoC Flightmaster 2000
2.2.2 Altus Metrum TeleMega
2.3 Structure
2.3.1 Main airframe
2.3.2 Aerodynamics
2.4 Propulsion system
2.4.1 Rocket engine
2.4.2 Propellant feed system
2.4.3 Pyro valves
3 Ground support equipment
4 Test bench
5 Summary and outlook
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Étude de l'ébullition sur plaque plane en microgravité, application aux réservoirs cryogéniques des fusées Ariane V / Study of nucleate boiling in microgravity conditions, aplicated to the ArineV cryogenics tanksKannengieser, Olivier 18 December 2009 (has links)
Ce rapport de thèse porte sur une étude expérimentale et théorique de l'ébullition en microgravité. Les expériences furent réalisées en condition de gravité terrestre, en vol parabolique et en fusée-sonde. Les expériences en vol parabolique ont montré l'influence de divers paramètres sur le transfert thermique et ont mis en évidence les mécanismes contrôlant le transfert thermique. De l'écriture des équations gouvernant ces mécanismes et de l'identification des échelles caractéristiques, une corrélation permettant d'estimer le transfert de chaleur lors de l'ébullition en microgravité pour une large gamme de fluide est bâtie. L'expérience en fusée-sonde a permis d'étudier l'influence des gaz incondensables et notamment de la convection Marangoni sur le comportement de l'ébullition et sur le transfert thermique. / Between the different propulsion phases, the Ariane V rocket passes through microgravity periods and solar radiation can induce boiling in its cryogenics tanks. Experiments were performed during 6 parabolic flights and in a sounding rocket to study pool boiling in microgravity. In the parabolic flight experiments, the influence of pressure, subcooling and surface roughness was studied. It is showed that subcooling has a weak effect on microgravity boiling heat transfer, and that roughness is an important factor also in microgravity. Detailed results on the behavior of bubbles and on the superheated liquid layer show that the heat transfer mechanisms can be divided in two groups : the primary mechanisms which directly take energy from the wall and the secondary mechanisms which transport the energy stored in the fluid by the primary mechanisms, from the vicinity of the wall to the bulk liquid. The secondary mechanisms appear not to limit primary mechanism heat transfer which explains the weak influence of gravity on heat transfer. From the study of equations governing primary mechanisms and the definition of new scales, a correlation is built to predict heat transfer in microgravity for a wide variety of fluids. In the sounding rocket experiment, the influence of non-condensable gases was studied. The existence of two regimes of boiling heat transfer with non-condensable gas is established. The temperature in the primary bubble is directly measured and the influences of both Marangoni convection and non-condensable gas on both heat transfer and bubble growth are also considered.
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Matter wave interferometry in microgravity / towards space-borne cold atomic sensorsKrutzik, Markus 20 October 2014 (has links)
Quantensensoren auf Basis ultra-kalter Atome sind gegenwärtig auf dem Weg ihre klassischen Pendants als Messintrumente sowohl in Präzision als auch in Genauigkeit zu überholen, obwohl ihr Potential noch immer nicht vollständig ausgeschöpft ist. Die Anwendung von Quantensensortechnologie wie Materiewelleninterferometern im Weltraum wird ihre Sensitivität weiter steigen lassen, sodass sie potentiell die genauesten erdbasierten Systeme um mehrere Grössenordnungen übertreffen könnten. Mikrogravitationsplattformen wie Falltürme, Parabelflugzeuge und Höhenforschungsraketen stellen exzellente Testumgebungen für zukünftge atominterferometrische Experimente im Weltraum dar. Andererseits erfordert ihre Nutzung die Entwicklung von Schlüsseltechnologien, die hohe Standards in Bezug auf mechanische und thermische Robustheit, Autonomie, Miniaturisierung und Redundanz erfüllen müssen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden erste Interferometrieexperimente mit degenerieten Quantengasen in Schwerelosigkeit im Rahmen des QUANTUS Projektes durchgeführt. In mehr als 250 Freifall-Experimenten am Bremer Fallturm konnte die Präparation, freie Entwicklung und Phasenkohärenz eines Rubidium Bose- Einstein Kondensates (BEC) auf makroskopischen Zeitskalen von bis zu 2 s untersucht werden. Dazu wurde ein BEC-Interferometer mittels Bragg-Strahlteilern in einen Atomchip-basierten Aufbau implementiert. In Kombination mit dem Verfahren der Delta-Kick Kühlung (DKC) konnte die Expansionsrate der Kondensate weiter reduziert werden, was zur Beobachtung von effektiven Temperaturen im Bereich von 1 nK führte. In einem Interferometer mit asymetrischer Mach-Zehnder Geometrie konnten Interferenzstreifen mit hohem Kontrast bis zu einer Verweildauer von 2T = 677 ms untersucht werden. / State-of-the-art cold atomic quantum sensors are currently about to outpace their classical counterparts in precision and accuracy, but are still not exploiting their full potential. Utilizing quantum-enhanced sensor technology such as matter wave interferometers in the unique environment of microgravity will tremendously increase their sensitivity, ultimately outperforming the most accurate groundbased systems by several orders of magnitude. Microgravity platforms such as drop towers, zero-g airplanes and sounding rockets are excellent testbeds for advanced interferometry experiments with quantum gases in space. In return, they impose demanding requirements on the payload key technologies in terms of mechanical and thermal robustness, remote control, miniaturization and redundancy. In this work, first interferometry experiments with degenerate quantum gases in zero-g environment have been performed within the QUANTUS project. In more than 250 free fall experiments operated at the drop tower in Bremen, preparation, free evolution and phase coherence of a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) on macroscopic timescales of up to 2 s have been explored. To this end, a BEC interferometer using first-order Bragg diffraction was implemented in an atomchip based setup. Combined with delta-kick cooling (DKC) techniques to further slow down the expansion of the atomic cloud, effective temperatures of about 1 nK have been reached. With an asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder geometry, high-contrast interferometric fringes were observed up to a total time in the interferometer of 2T = 677 ms.
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