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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La normalisation : Etude en droit économique / Standardization : Study in economic law

Turinetti, Alice 17 December 2014 (has links)
Alors que le recours à la normalisation est croissant dans le domaine des activités économiques, il est pertinent de constater que l’appréhension théorique du phénomène s’est bien souvent limitée à son identification technique.Pourtant, la normalisation doit être tenue pour un phénomène normatif plus vaste, dont les implications tant juridiques que pratiques ne peuvent être ignorées. La thèse ici présentée propose une étude d’ensemble du phénomène. Celle-ci fait apparaître son extraordinaire variété et la complexité de son articulation avec le droit économique. La réflexion partira du constat que la normalisation se manifeste à l’ordre juridique par l’intermédiaire de formes normatives variées, qui ne se limitent pas au domaine de la normalisation technique. Dès lors, l’adoption d’une analyse conceptuelle prend tout son sens. D’une part, elle permet de dégager qu’elles sont les caractéristiques permettant d’identifier les manifestations normatives relevant, ou non, d’un processus de normalisation. D’autre part, elle précise dans quelle mesure les normes issues de la normalisation sont porteuses de normativité juridique. Une telle analyse est logiquement complétée par une approche fonctionnelle du phénomène. Celle-ci révèle la contribution de ce processus à la mise en oeuvre du droit économique et précise dans quelle mesure il peut participer à sa création. Néanmoins l’articulation de la normalisation avec le droit économique ne se limite pas à la contribution de la première au second. Ainsi, l’étude de la confrontation de la normalisation à la matière nous permettra de relever que, si la normalisation facilite les échanges et dans une certaine mesure la concurrence, elle peut également restreindre la compétition entre les entreprises sur le marché. / While the use of standards is increasing in the field of economic activities, it is pertinent to note that the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon was often limited to technical identification. However, standardization should be held to a broader normative phenomenon, both legal and practical implications can not be ignored. The thesis presented here provides a comprehensive study of the phenomenon. This shows the extraordinary variety and complexity of itsrelationship with the economic law. Reflection based on the premise that standardization occurs in the legal system through various forms of standards, which are not confined to the field of technical standardization. Therefore, the adoption of a conceptual analysis makes sense. On the one hand, it allows to identify the characteristics that are used to identify normative events coming or not a process of normalization. On the other hand, it specifies how standards from standardization are carriers of legal normativity. Such analysis is logically complemented by a functional approach to the phenomenon. It reveals the contribution of this process to the implementation of economic law and specifies howt hey can participate in its creation. Nevertheless, the articulation of economic normalization with the law is not limited to the contribution of the former to the latter. Thus, the study of the confrontation of standardization in this area will allow us to observe that, although standardization facilitates trade and to some extent competition, it may also restrict competition between firms in the market.

Interní normativní akty jako prameny daňového práva procesního / Internal normative acts as sources of tax procedure

Sládková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with internal normative acts in the field of tax procedural law. Theoretical part of this work is based on current literature and relevant case law of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic. All findings of the theoretical part are used and analysed in the practical part - in the field of tax procedural law. The thesis consists of five chapters. These chapters are subdivided into several parts to obtain comprehensibility of this thesis. The first chapter deals with the term tax procedural law and its classification in the system of law. Tax procedural law is a part of the legal area of tax law. Tax law is included in the legal branch of financial law and that is why both tax and financial law are defined in this chapter. Finally, this chapter focuses on subjects of tax administration (including description of basis of organization structure of Financial and Customs Administration of Czech Republic). The second chapter clarifies the definition of the sources of law. It is particularly focused on formal sources of law because the ability to recognise formal sources of law is crucial for further analysi in the third and the fifth chapter. Formal sources of tax law in the Czech Republic are described at the end...

Vnitřní předpisy a právní řád České republiky / Bylaws and the legal order of the Czech Republic

Kment, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE PRÁVNICKÁ FAKULTA Ing. Vojtěch KMENT Vnitřní předpisy a právní řád České republiky Bylaws and the legal system of the Czech Republic Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: JUDr. Karel Beran, Ph.D. Katedra: Katedra teorie práva a právních učení Datum vypracování práce: srpen 2011 Abstract (english): Bylaws and the legal system of the Czech Republic The purpose of my thesis is to provide some theory on bylaws which will help to identify their existence and particularly the legal obligations and/or rights they constitute. I located areas in which the bylaws may exist in the context of the legal system of Czech Republic, conditions of their valid promulgation and other circumstances when they may constitute legally binding obligations or rights. This thesis uses the term bylaws for the abstract normative acts which are not generally binding and which do not constitute the common contracts, i.e. the common concept in which they are used within the current Czech law. Bylaws are traditionally considered out of the scope of interest of the academic as well as the professional lawyers as legal documents of a very low degree. Yet they exist and proliferate nearly everywhere and establish a vast amount of various legal obligations or even rights which the average citizen quite often finds difficult...

Právní úprava využívání alternativních zdrojů energie / Legal regulation of the use of alternative energy resources

Výmola, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
Thesis title: Legal regulation of the use of alternative energy resources The goal of the paper is to analyze the legal regulation of the use of alternative energy sources and to provide a summary and logical overview of this matter that is closely related to environment and climate protection. The greenhouse effect is frequent topic of current debates regarding the climate changes that lead the international communities to decision on limitation of greenhouse gases emissions by using among others renewable energy sources. The reason for my research is a long-term interest in renewable energy sources. The thesis is composed of seven chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of promotion of the use of alternative energy sources. Chapter One is introductory and provides the overview of the research topic. Chapter Two explains the term alternative energy sources and its relation to renewable energy sources. Chapter Three is divided into two subchapters dealing with international and European aspects of the climate protection and related law. History of the Czech legal regulation of promotion of renewable energy sources is provided in Chapter Four and the main issues are outlined. Chapter Five deals with current Czech legal regulation on promotion of renewable energy sources and provides...

Contrat de travail et sources du droit / The employment contract and the sources of law

Scaglia, Mathilde 13 November 2015 (has links)
Le droit du travail est caractérisé par des problématiques liées à l’articulation de ses sources, au centredesquelles se trouve le contrat individuel de travail. Si généralement l’articulation des normes fait appel ausystème hiérarchique, le particularisme des mécanismes propres au droit du travail conduit à écarter cettesolution. Ce dépassement du dispositif hiérarchique impose alors de s’interroger sur l’existence dephénomènes propres, répondant à la multitude des interactions possibles entre le contrat de travail et lesautres sources du droit. Traduction d’une dynamique autonome du système hiérarchique, les phénomènesd’influence des sources du droit sur le contrat de travail et de résistance du contrat de travail aux autressources proposent une nouvelle méthode d’articulation entre la norme contractuelle et les autres sources. Lepremier, le phénomène d’influence des sources du droit, permet tant la modulation du contenu du contrat detravail que l’encadrement de l’exécution contractuelle. Le second, le phénomène de résistance du contrat detravail, se traduit par des mécanismes liés tant à la dérogation qu’à la modification du contenu du contrat detravail.Compte tenu des impératifs de sécurité juridique et de flexibilité du travail, l’enjeu de cette étude relative àl’articulation entre le contrat de travail et les autres sources du droit est de comprendre d’une part, lesévolutions du contenu contractuel et d’autre part, de mesurer les implications de ces articulations en matièrede contentieux du travail. / Employment law is characterized by questions related to the relationships between its sources, at the core ofwhich the employment contract is placed. If the relationships between norms usually mean hierarchy, it is notthe same concerning employment law, due to its own mechanisms. Once the hierarchical system put aside,the question of phenomenons proper to employment law can be asked, related to the numerous potentialinteractions between the employment contract and the other sources of law. As autonomous dynamics,separate from the hierarchical system, the phenomenons of the influence on the sources of law, and of theopposition of the employment contract to the other sources, represent a new relationship between thecontract and the other sources. The first one, the influence on the sources of law, allows the modulation ofthe contents of the contract, as well as the regulation of the execution of the contract. The second one, theopposition of the employment contract, deals with the derogation and the modification of the contract.Considering the requirements of legal security and work flexibility, what is at stake in this study on therelationships between the employment contract and the other sources of law, is on one hand, to understandthe evolutions of the contents of the employment contract, and on the other hand, to measure theconsequences of those relationships concerning employment disputes.

Veřejnoprávní úprava využívání obnovitelných zdrojů energie v České republice / Public law regulation of use of renewable energy in the Czech republic

Jendřejas, Jan January 2021 (has links)
89 Public law regulation of renewable energy sources usage in the Czech Republic Abstract This thesis is devoted to the public regulation of renewable sources usage in the Czech Republic. It is however strongly emphasizing the European component of the regulation and it gives some focus to a comparison of Czech regulation with foreign regulation, specifically German. Its objective is to define concepts that are necessary to analyze legal regulation, analyze the evolution of the public law regulation in the area of renewable energy sources, describe current situation and provide some prospect for future, as well as offer suggestions on improvement of the regulation. The thesis therefore in its first part provides definitions of basic concepts, such as renewable energy sources and particular types thereof, production and source of electrical energy. In a following part the thesis using historical legislation as well as other sources follows the evolution of the regulation in question on the Czech territory and focuses on a successful program Zelená úsporám in a greater detail. Chronologically comes the thesis to a current state of regulation of renewable energy sources usage, mainly from a viewpoint of a public support thereof. Hence it concerns mainly about the law No. 165/2012 Sb. on supported energy...

Les sources du droit financier / The sources of financial law

Granier, Cécile 17 September 2018 (has links)
En matière financière, la clé de lecture du système juridique et du droit que constitue la théorie générale des sources n’apparaît pas totalement opérante. Les institutions classiquement identifiées par la présentation traditionnelle des sources du droit au sein des ordres juridiques national et de l’Union européenne – les institutions législatives, exécutives et le juge – ne constituent pas les seules entités participant à la conception de la norme financière. Dans cette configuration, la confrontation de la présentation classique du droit aux circuits de production de la norme financière se révèle nécessaire. La comparaison du schéma traditionnel des sources aux modes de production du droit financier révèle une singularité de la matière financière. Les auteurs de la norme financière semblent dans une certaine mesure se distancier des sources classiques du droit. Des auteurs originaux oeuvrent, aux côtés des sources classiques, à la conception du droit financier. Il en va ainsi des régulateurs national et européen, des gestionnaires d’infrastructures de marché ou des associations professionnelles. Le recours à ces entités se justifie par leur aptitude à répondre plus efficacement aux caractéristiques attachées aux marchés financiers, institutions se trouvant au cœur du droit financier. Ces auteurs interagissent avec les sources classiques du droit, ce qui confère aux circuits de production de la norme financière une singularité par rapport à la présentation classique des sources. Le droit financier révèle ainsi un processus d’adaptation de la création du droit aux caractéristiques de l’objet qu’il réglemente. Mise en perspective avec la théorie des sources, cette singularité démontre un besoin d’aménagement de la présentation classique et ouvre des champs de réflexion quant à la refonte de la théorie générale des sources. / In financial matters, the general theory of the sources, which is the key understanding of the law and the legal system, does not appear to be fully operative. The institutions usually identified by the classical presentation of the sources of the law within the national legal systems and the European Union - legislative, executive and judicial institutions - are not the only entities involved in the establishment of the financial legislation. In this configuration, it is necessary to confront the classical presentation of the law with the production circuits of the financial legislation. The comparison between the traditional scheme of the sources with the modes of production of the financial legislation reveals the singularity of the financial legislation. The authors of financial legislation seem to distant themselves to some extent from classical sources of law. Original authors work along with classical sources on the conception of the financial law. This includes national and European regulators, market infrastructure managers and professional associations. The intervention of such entities is justified by their ability to respond more effectively to the characteristics of the financial markets. The interaction between these original authors and the classical sources of law makes the production circuits of the financial legislation quite singular compared to the classical presentation of the sources. Thus, financial law reveals an adaptation process of the creation of the law in order to take account of the characteristics of the object it regulates. This singularity demonstrates the need for arranging the classical presentation of the theory of the sources and brings new considerations on the recasting of the general theory of the sources.

Legal Scholarship as a Source of Law

Shecaira, Fábio P. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>This thesis advances a number of claims, some conceptual, some empirical, some normative. The conceptual claims are concentrated in chapters 1 and 2, where a general account of the notion of a source of law is provided. Roughly, sources of law are documents or practices (e.g. statutes, judicial decisions, official customs) from which norms can be derived that function as sources of content-independent reasons for judges to decide legal cases one way or another. The remainder of the thesis is dedicated to discussing whether legal scholarship – or, more precisely, a particular type of legal scholarship that can be described as standard or doctrinal – is used as a source of law (as the concept is defined in chapters 1 and 2) in modern municipal legal systems. The conclusion that legal scholarship is used as a source of law (and thus as a source of content-independent reasons for action) may come as a surprise to those who associate recourse to legal scholarship by judges with judicial activism. It will be argued, however, that legal scholarship can plausibly be used to mitigate discretion. Indeed, it is precisely because it can be used in this way that judges sometimes refer to scholarship deceptively and suggest that it limits discretion in situations in which it in fact does not.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Les sources du droit des hydrocarbures en Afrique / The hydrocarbons sources of law in Africa

Essaga, Victor Stéphane 24 May 2018 (has links)
La lex petrolea est l’ensemble des règles constituées au fil du temps par les acteurs impliqués dans l’exploration, le développement et l’exploitation des hydrocarbures. Consignée et régulièrement actualisée par la doctrine anglo-saxonne, elle forme le point d’Archimède à partir duquel les travaux universitaires déclinent ce qui devrait être considéré comme le droit des hydrocarbures. Toutefois, présentée comme une déclinaison de la lex mercatoria, ou ensemble des règles des marchands constituées de façon coutumière, la lex petrolea ne semble pas épuiser les caractéristiques véritables du droit des hydrocarbures, notamment en Afrique. Elle se décline davantage comme un ensemble de normes de sources plurielles (arbitrales,contractuelles, législatives), sans cohérence d’ensemble et surtout sans singularisation du rôle des acteurs qui ont pourtant des statuts juridiques et économiques différents. Les États, d’une part, sont certes mus par des intérêts patrimoniaux légitimes, mais aussi par des intérêts géoéconomiques, voire politiques. Les investisseurs énergétiques, d’autre part, sont exclusivement motivés par le gain du lucre, et cette relation génère un droit des hydrocarbures conséquent. Afin de renouveler la doctrine juridique relative à cette activité, il est proposé une approche nouvelle basée sur les théories respectives et complémentaires du monisme juridique, d’une part, et du relationnisme juridique, d’autre part. Les normes structurant la lex petrolea ne deviennent un droit des hydrocarbures que par la co-conception, l’application et la validation de celles-ci par l’État, en relation avec les investisseurs privés étrangers. Ces normes juridiques, aussitôt établies, sont plus ou moins appliquées, immergées qu’elles sont au sein de la relation particulière nouée entre les États et leurs cocontractants. Le lien contractuel débouche sur une relation juridique plus vaste, structurée autour de normes écrites, de pratiques des acteurs et tout simplement d’une relation génératrice d’un droit des hydrocarbures supérieur aux normes écrites identifiables. L’intervention systématique d’un tiers, soit l’administration sur plusieurs formes dans l’exécution des obligations des parties, soit l’arbitre en cas de contentieux, permet la construction, l’entretien et le maintien durable des relations juridiques entre les parties. Celles-ci aménagent ainsi un cadre symbolique de leurs relations, sous l’emprise et la maîtrise totale de l’État, en tant que propriétaire des ressources extractives. C’est ce que nous avons appelé, en conclusion de l’étude, le monisme relationniste du droit des hydrocarbures africain. / The lex petrolea is the set of rules established over time by actors involved in the exploration, development and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Recorded and regularly updated by Anglo-Saxon doctrine, it constitutes Archimedes' point from which academic work declines what should be considered hydrocarbon law. It is more likely to be interpreted as a set of norms of plural sources (arbitral, contractual, legislative), without any overall coherence and, above all, without distinguishing the role of actors who nevertheless have a different legal and economic status. On the one hand, States are certainly driven by legitimate patrimonial interests, but also by geo-economic and even political interests. Energy investors on the other hand are exclusively motivated by the gain of profit, and this relationship generates a significant hydrocarbon law. In order to renew the legal doctrine of this activity, a new approach is proposed based on the respective and complementary theories of legal monism on the one hand and legal relationalism on the other. Once legal norms are established, they are more or less applied, immersed in the special relationship between States and their contracting partners. The contractual relationship leads to a broader legal relationship structured around written standards, shareholder practices and simply around a relationship that generates a hydrocarbon law that goes beyond identifiable written standards. The systematic intervention of a third party, either the administration in several forms in the execution of the obligations of the parties, or the arbitrator in the event of litigation, allows the construction, upkeep and permanent maintenance of legal relations between the parties. They thus create a symbolic framework for their relations, under the influence and total control of the State, as the owner of the extractive resources. This is what we have called in conclusion to the study the relational monism of African hydrocarbon law.

The SADC tribunal and the judicial settlement of international disputes

Zenda, Free 09 1900 (has links)
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a regional economic community established by Treaty in 1992 and comprising fifteen southern African countries. The Tribunal, SADC’s judicial organ, is situated in Windhoek, Namibia and became operational in 2005. The Tribunal enjoys a wide mandate to hear and determine disputes between states, states and SADC, and between natural and legal persons and states or SADC. It is mandated to develop its own jurisprudence having regard to applicable treaties, general rules and principles of public international law, and principles and rules of law of member states. Being new in the field, the Tribunal has not as yet developed a significant jurisprudence although it has delivered a number of judgments some of which are referred to in the study. The Tribunal is expected to develop its own jurisprudence having regard to the jurisprudence developed by other international courts involved in the judicial settlement of disputes. The study offers a comparative review and analysis of the jurisprudence of two selected courts: the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). The focus is on four selected areas considered crucial to the functioning of the Tribunal and the selected courts. The study discusses the parties with access to the Tribunal and compares this with access to the ICJ and ECJ. The jurisdiction of the Tribunal is contrasted with that of the two selected courts. The sources of law available to the Tribunal are discussed and contrasted to those of the two courts. Lastly, the enforcement of law in SADC is contrasted to what applies in relation to the selected courts. In each selected area, similarities and differences between the Tribunal and the two courts are noted and critically evaluated. Further, rules and principles developed by the two selected courts are explored in depth with a view to identifying those which could be of use to the Tribunal. Recommendations are made on rules and principles which could be of use to the Tribunal and on possible improvements to the SADC treaty regime. / Constitutional, International and Indigenous Law / LL.D.

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