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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patterns and processes of exotic plant invasions in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada

Otfinowski, Rafael 10 September 2008 (has links)
Invasive exotic species threaten the biodiversity and function of native ecosystems. Existing models, attempting to predict and control successful invaders, often emphasize isolated stages of in their life history and fail to formalize interactions between exotic species and recipient environments. In order to elucidate key mechanisms in the success of select invaders, I investigated the role of dispersal, establishment, proliferation, and persistence in their threat to natural areas. Focusing on Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada, I integrated the native climatic range and biological traits of 251 exotic vascular plants reported inside and outside the park. Based on their climatic range in Europe, 155 among 174 exotic plant species absent from the Park were predicted to establish within its boundaries; among these, 40 clonal perennials were considered the highest threat to the Park’s biodiversity. Focusing on smooth brome (Bromus inermis Leyss.), a Eurasian perennial, threatening the structure and function of native prairies throughout the Great Plains, I extended my research to investigate the role of dispersal, establishment, proliferation, and persistence in characterizing its threat to the endemic diversity of northern fescue prairies, protected within Riding Mountain National Park. Patterns of smooth brome invasions were contingent on the type of propagules dispersed. The shallow dispersal gradient of individual florets combined with the steeper gradient of panicles and spikelets suggested that smooth brome is capable of simultaneously invading along dense fronts as well as by establishing isolated foci. While low correlations between the number of dispersed seeds and their recruitment suggested post-dispersal transport, seedling establishment remained contingent on prairie diversity. Seedling biomass increased with declining plant diversity, however, its impact depended on the availability of soil nitrogen. As a result, disturbed areas, preserving the root function of native plants, resisted smooth brome establishment. Even though low nitrogen contributed to a decline in seedling biomass, physiological integration between ramets facilitated their vegetative proliferation in low resource environments. Despite its rapid establishment and proliferation, smooth brome productivity declined at the center of invading clones. Although field and greenhouse observations failed to implicate soilborne pathogens, reasons for the observed decline remain unresolved. My research demonstrates that while Riding Mountain National Park and other natural areas in western Canada will continue to be impacted by exotic plants, integrating key stages in their life history provides an important conceptual framework in predicting their threat to natural areas and prioritizing management. / October 2008

Classification Of Motor Imagery Tasks In Eeg Signal And Its Application To A Brain-computer Interface For Controlling Assistive Environmental Devices

Acar, Erman 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on realization of a Brain Computer Interface (BCI)for the paralyzed to control assistive environmental devices. For this purpose, different motor imagery tasks are classified using different signal processing methods. Specifically, band-pass filtering, Laplacian filtering, and common average reference (CAR) filtering areused to enhance the EEG signal. For feature extraction / Common Spatial Pattern (CSP), Power Spectral Density (PSD), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are tested. Linear Feature Normalization (LFN), Gaussian Feature Normalization (GFN), and Unit-norm Feature Vector Normalization (UFVN) are studied in Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classification. In order to evaluate and compare the performance of the methodologies, classification accuracy, Cohen&rsquo / s kappa coefficient, and Nykopp&rsquo / s information transfer are utilized. The first experiments on classifying motor imagery tasks are realized on the 3-class dataset (V) provided for BCI Competition III. Also, a 4-class problem is studied using the dataset (IIa) provided for BCI Competition IV. Then, 5 different tasks are studied in the METU Brain Research Laboratory to find the optimum number and type of tasks to control a motor imagery based BCI. Thereafter, an interface is designed for the paralyzed to control assistive environmental devices. Finally, a test application is implemented and online performance of the design is evaluated.

Patterns and processes of exotic plant invasions in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada

Otfinowski, Rafael 10 September 2008 (has links)
Invasive exotic species threaten the biodiversity and function of native ecosystems. Existing models, attempting to predict and control successful invaders, often emphasize isolated stages of in their life history and fail to formalize interactions between exotic species and recipient environments. In order to elucidate key mechanisms in the success of select invaders, I investigated the role of dispersal, establishment, proliferation, and persistence in their threat to natural areas. Focusing on Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada, I integrated the native climatic range and biological traits of 251 exotic vascular plants reported inside and outside the park. Based on their climatic range in Europe, 155 among 174 exotic plant species absent from the Park were predicted to establish within its boundaries; among these, 40 clonal perennials were considered the highest threat to the Park’s biodiversity. Focusing on smooth brome (Bromus inermis Leyss.), a Eurasian perennial, threatening the structure and function of native prairies throughout the Great Plains, I extended my research to investigate the role of dispersal, establishment, proliferation, and persistence in characterizing its threat to the endemic diversity of northern fescue prairies, protected within Riding Mountain National Park. Patterns of smooth brome invasions were contingent on the type of propagules dispersed. The shallow dispersal gradient of individual florets combined with the steeper gradient of panicles and spikelets suggested that smooth brome is capable of simultaneously invading along dense fronts as well as by establishing isolated foci. While low correlations between the number of dispersed seeds and their recruitment suggested post-dispersal transport, seedling establishment remained contingent on prairie diversity. Seedling biomass increased with declining plant diversity, however, its impact depended on the availability of soil nitrogen. As a result, disturbed areas, preserving the root function of native plants, resisted smooth brome establishment. Even though low nitrogen contributed to a decline in seedling biomass, physiological integration between ramets facilitated their vegetative proliferation in low resource environments. Despite its rapid establishment and proliferation, smooth brome productivity declined at the center of invading clones. Although field and greenhouse observations failed to implicate soilborne pathogens, reasons for the observed decline remain unresolved. My research demonstrates that while Riding Mountain National Park and other natural areas in western Canada will continue to be impacted by exotic plants, integrating key stages in their life history provides an important conceptual framework in predicting their threat to natural areas and prioritizing management.

Patterns and processes of exotic plant invasions in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada

Otfinowski, Rafael 10 September 2008 (has links)
Invasive exotic species threaten the biodiversity and function of native ecosystems. Existing models, attempting to predict and control successful invaders, often emphasize isolated stages of in their life history and fail to formalize interactions between exotic species and recipient environments. In order to elucidate key mechanisms in the success of select invaders, I investigated the role of dispersal, establishment, proliferation, and persistence in their threat to natural areas. Focusing on Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada, I integrated the native climatic range and biological traits of 251 exotic vascular plants reported inside and outside the park. Based on their climatic range in Europe, 155 among 174 exotic plant species absent from the Park were predicted to establish within its boundaries; among these, 40 clonal perennials were considered the highest threat to the Park’s biodiversity. Focusing on smooth brome (Bromus inermis Leyss.), a Eurasian perennial, threatening the structure and function of native prairies throughout the Great Plains, I extended my research to investigate the role of dispersal, establishment, proliferation, and persistence in characterizing its threat to the endemic diversity of northern fescue prairies, protected within Riding Mountain National Park. Patterns of smooth brome invasions were contingent on the type of propagules dispersed. The shallow dispersal gradient of individual florets combined with the steeper gradient of panicles and spikelets suggested that smooth brome is capable of simultaneously invading along dense fronts as well as by establishing isolated foci. While low correlations between the number of dispersed seeds and their recruitment suggested post-dispersal transport, seedling establishment remained contingent on prairie diversity. Seedling biomass increased with declining plant diversity, however, its impact depended on the availability of soil nitrogen. As a result, disturbed areas, preserving the root function of native plants, resisted smooth brome establishment. Even though low nitrogen contributed to a decline in seedling biomass, physiological integration between ramets facilitated their vegetative proliferation in low resource environments. Despite its rapid establishment and proliferation, smooth brome productivity declined at the center of invading clones. Although field and greenhouse observations failed to implicate soilborne pathogens, reasons for the observed decline remain unresolved. My research demonstrates that while Riding Mountain National Park and other natural areas in western Canada will continue to be impacted by exotic plants, integrating key stages in their life history provides an important conceptual framework in predicting their threat to natural areas and prioritizing management.

Distribució espacial i ús de l'hàbitat de la comunitat de peixos a l'estany de Banyoles

Zamora Hernández, Lluís 15 September 2004 (has links)
En el marc d'un projecte més ampli sobre la comunitat de peixos de la conca lacustre de Banyoles, s'ha estudiat la distribució espacial de les diferents espècies així com l'ús que aquestes fan de l'hàbitat. El poblament piscícola de l'estany de Banyoles és el resultat d'un llarg historial d'introducció d'espècies exòtiques i extinció de les poblacions autòctones locals. S'ha revisat la seva composició actual detectant un total de 18 espècies (4 autòctones i 14 introduïdes) de les quals només 13 presenten una població estable.L'estudi de l'hàbitat s'ha centrat a l'Estany, l'element principal del sistema lacustre, analitzant per separat la zona litoral i la zona limnètica. En el primer cas s'han realitzat les captures d'individus mitjançant pesca elèctrica des d'una embarcació adaptada per aquesta pràctica. La totalitat del litoral ha estat dividida en trams de característiques homogènies on s'han obtingut les captures per unitat d'esforç per cada espècie. El mostreig s'ha desenvolupat entre l'estiu de 1997 i la primavera del 2000 realitzant un total de 10 campanyes de pesca. Les espècies més abundants al litoral són la perca americana (Micropterus salmoides) i el peix sol (Lepomis gibbosus), essent també presents la perca (Perca fluviatilis), carpa (Cyprinus carpio) i el gardí (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). S'han capturat altres espècies com ara anguila (Anguilla anguilla), bagra (Squalius cephalus), sandra (Sander lucioperca), carpí (Carassius auratus) i madrilleta vera (Rutilus rutilus), però són molt menys abundants en nombre. S'ha examinat, per cadascuna de les espècies, si existeix selecció de l'hàbitat i en cas afirmatiu, quin és el preferent en base a la classificació del litoral en sis tipus de vegetació predominant. Les espècies més abundants, perca americana i peix sol, ocupen tots els hàbitats disponibles però amb una densitat diferent. La perca mostra també una clara selecció de l'hàbitat a favor de les zones molt estructurades amb abundant presència de jonca litoral. Carpa i gardí seleccionen els ambients més fondos amb major presència de matèria orgànica d'origen vegetal procedent del bogar. En general els individus ocupen les zones amb una densitat de vegetació intermèdia, majoritàriament zones de jonca a l'estiu i zones amb mansega a l'hivern, on troben refugi i els recursos tròfics necessaris. La perca americana, a més, presenta una elevada fidelitat a un mateix punt del litoral al llarg de la seva vida.La zona limnètica ha estat prospectada mensualment mitjançant ecosondació, realitzant transectes perpendiculars a l'eix principal de l'Estany, cobrint la seva totalitat. La composició d'espècies s'ha obtingut a partir de les captures fetes amb xarxes (tresmalls) amb periodicitat estacional. L'anàlisi geoestadística de la densitat de peixos ha permès descriure l'estructura espacial d'aquesta a partir dels variogrames, així com la seva variabilitat tant espacial com temporal, i obtenir els mapes de densitat. A l'hivern, la densitat de peixos a la zona limnètica assoleix els seus valors mínims i els individus es troben formant agregats dispersos, pels diferents estrats de fondària. A partir de la primavera la densitat augmenta, pel reclutament i la major freqüència d'individus que abandonen el litoral; la densitat esdevé més homogènia a les primer capes de fondària. A l'estiu la densitat és màxima i l'estrat més homogeni coincideix amb la posició de la termoclina. Aquest estructura varia en disminuir la temperatura i barrejar-se la columna d'aigua, tornant a la situació hivernal. La perca i la madrilleta vera són les espècies predominants en aquest ambient, juntament amb la carpa. La seva distribució no és homogènia i respon a les característiques limnològiques de les diferents cubetes de l'Estany. Una particularitat d'aquest, relacionada amb el seu origen càrstic, es la formació d'una ploma hidrotermal que afecta la distribució dels peixos, probablement en augmentar la terbolesa.S'ha integrat l'ús de l'hàbitat de les espècies que ocupen tant la zona limnètica com la litoral a partir del seguiment d'individus, concretament de perca i bagra. S'ha utilitzat un sistema automàtic de posicionament que estima la localització dels individus marcats amb transmissor de telemetria acústica. L'anàlisi dels desplaçaments mostra un rang superior per la bagra en comparació amb la perca. Ambdues espècies mostren una orientació en els seus desplaçaments. La perca ocupa el litoral a la nit i es desplaça a la zona limnètica de dia, amb un ritme d'activitat marcat per dos màxims coincidint amb la sortida i posta de sol; en canvi la bagra mostra una major activitat nocturna amb zones de repòs properes al litoral. S'ha estimat igualment els dominis vital de cada individu marcat. / Habitat use and spatial distribution patterns of fish community from Lake Banyoles has been studied. Fish assemblage of this lake is the result of a long history of fish introductions and its current state has been assessed showing a high diversity with 14 exotic species and 4 native species. This study has been focused in the Lake, the main element of Banyoles's karstic system. Fish were captured in the littoral zone using a electrofishing boat. The whole perimeter of the lake was divided in 43 transects or sample units where all the fish were captured, processed and, finally, released at the same position. Sampling was divided in ten campaigns, between summer 1997 and winter 1999. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) were the most abundant in littoral zone. Other catches correspond to perch (Perca fluviatilis), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). Habitat selection was analysed using both, the Manly Index of selection and the analysis of variance. Results showed that juvenile of largemouth bass, pumpkinseed sunfish and perch present a positive selection of habitat were Schoenoplectus litoralis or Cladium mariscus are dominants. Common carp and rudd present selection of littoral zones with Typha. Habitat selection is related with structurally complex environments. Perch and largemouth bass show temporal variation in the habitat distribution and smaller sizes preferred the intermediate vegetation density. Large bass presented also a high site fidelity. Limnetic zone was prospected monthly from December 1997 until December 1999, using both echosounding and trammel nets. Different species were detected including perch (Perca fluviatilis), roach (Rutilus rutilus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), chub (Squalius cephalus) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). Fish density was maximum in summer and minimum in autumn-winter. Spatial pattern was described using geostatistics. In winter, fish formed aggregates in the center of the lake; with the increasing of fish density, in summer, the spatial distribution became more homogeneous with a maximum located at the same depth than thermocline. Abundance of different species varied with depth and limnological characteristics of basins. Also, the development of a hydrothermal plume due to underwater inflow, increase the turbidity of different parts of the lake altering fish distribution which avoid the presence of sediments. In order to monitoring the movements of perch and chub, 14 individuals were tagged with ultrasonic transmitters. Movements were followed by means of an automatic system showing a partition of habitat use between littoral zone and limnetic zone. Chub describes a pattern of movements bigger than perch but both species presents a main orientation of paths according with basin morphology. Activity (measured as velocity of displacements) was maximum at dawn and dusk in perch, with a diurnal increase while chub activity can be considered nocturnal.

The temporospatial dimension of health in Zimbabwe

Chazireni, Evans 03 1900 (has links)
Inequalities in levels of health between regions within a country are frequently regarded as a problem. Zimbabwe is characterised by poor and unequal conditions of health (both the state of people’s health and health services). The health system of the country shows severe spatial inequalities that are manifested at provincial, district and even local levels. This research therefore examines and analyses the spatial inequalities and temporal variation of health conditions in Zimbabwe. Composite indices were used to determine the people’s state of health in Zimbabwe. Administrative districts were ranked according to the level of people’s state of health. Cluster analysis was also performed to demarcate administrative districts according the level of health service provision. Districts with minimum difference were demarcated in a single cluster. Clusters were delineated using data on patterns of diseases and health and such clusters were used to demarcate the country’s spatial health system according to the Adapted Epidemiological Transition Model. This was used to evaluate the applicability of the model to Zimbabwe. It emerged from the research that generally the country’s health conditions are poor and the health system is characterised by severe spatial inequalities. Some districts are experiencing poor health service provision and serious health challenges and are still in the age of pestilence and famine but others have good health service provision as well as highly developed health conditions and are in the age degenerative diseases of the epidemiological transition model. It further emerged that the country’s health has been evolving with signs of improvement since the 1990s. Recommendations were made regarding possible adjustment to previous strategies and policies used in Zimbabwe, for the development of the health system of the country. New strategies were also recommended for the improvement of the health system of the country. Some proposals are made for further research on the spatial development of health in the country. / Geography / D. Litt et. Phil. (Geography)

Refining biological monitoring of hydromorphological change in river channels using benthic riverfly larvae (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera)

Doeser, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Rivers and their catchments are under mounting pressure from direct channel modification, intensification of land use, and from a legacy of decades of channelisation. Recent legislation, in the form of the EU Water Framework Directive, places a greater emphasis on the management of water bodies as holistic systems, and includes the explicit consideration of hydromorphological quality, which describes the hydrologic and geomorphic elements of river habitats. These are defined specifically as hydrological regime, river continuity and river morphology. This appreciates that sediment and flow regimes, along with the channel structure, provides the 'template' on which stream ecological structure and function is built. Invertebrate fauna contribute significantly to the biodiversity of rivers, and often form the basis of monitoring river health. However much of the fundamental ecological knowledge base on the response of invertebrates to hydromorphological change needed to make informed decisions and accurate predictions, is either lacking, inadequate or contradictory. This thesis addresses some of the key potential shortcomings in recent bio-assessment that others have alluded to, but which have rarely been explored in the context of direct channel manipulations. By using two case studies of, realignment in a natural upland catchment, and flood protection engineering in an urban stream, this study investigates the sensitivity of hydromorphological impact assessment methods that rely on biodiversity patterns of benthic riverfly (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) larva. This work employed widely used biomonitoring indices of benthic riverfly larva abundance, species richness, alpha and beta diversity, and community composition, applied over a range of spatial scales, in combination with spatially contemporaneous physical habitat data, to describe and explain community changes in response to disturbance, and patterns of natural variation. The effects of restoration were investigated using a high degree of sample replication within channels and across the wider catchment, as well as contrasting spring and autumn seasons. To assess change in a small urban channel, approaches that explicitly consider spatial elements of community data, using spatial eigenvectors analysis, were applied to spatially detrend community data and directly investigate spatial patterns. Restoration of the Rottal Burn was found to be successful in restoring habitat diversity and geomorphic processes, and in turn increasing reach scale species richness and beta diversity through the gradual arrival of rare and specialist taxa into novel habitats. Catchment scale replication revealed high variation in diversity indices of modified and undisturbed streams, and a strong temporal pattern related to antecedent flow conditions. Channels with greater habitat heterogeneity were able to maintain high gamma diversity during times of high flow stress by providing a number of low flow refuges along their length. The urban Brox Burn had surprisingly high riverfly richness and diversity driven by small scale hydraulic heterogeneity, created by bed roughness resulting in a range of microhabitats. Riverfly community responses to direct channel dredging could not be detected by measurements of average richness and diversity, however distinct changes were seen in gamma diversity, the identity of community members and their arrangement among sample patches. Impacts of sediment pollution release due to engineering were short lived and apparently had little detrimental impact on biodiversity. Strong spatial patterns of community assembly on the stream bed were uncovered, relating to longitudinal, edge and patchy patterns. Significant habitat drivers of community composition were confounded by high amounts of spatial autocorrelation, especially hydraulic variables. Due to the strongly physical and spatial nature of hydromorphological disturbance, turnover of species between sample locations at a range of scales, and the spatial arrangement of habitats and communities is of more use for detecting these types of subtle changes compared to mean richness or diversity. These findings have implications for the targeting of resources for monitoring of restoration, or engineering disturbances, in order to be sensitive to hydromorphological change. Efforts should target the main area of natural variability within the system, either replicating sampling in time or space to distinguish effects of impact. Spatial patterns, measures of beta diversity and species identity can be better exploited to identify systems with functioning geomorphological processes. Channel typologies proved misleading, and quantification of habitat and selection of control sites using multiple pre-defined criteria should be carried out. Studies of restoration operations and engineering impacts provide considerable opportunities for advancing our knowledge of the mechanisms that drive community response under a range of conditions to improve impact detection.

Analyzing Spatial Patterns in Reefscape Ecology Via Remote Sensing, Benthic Habitat Mapping, and Morphometrics

Dunn, Shanna K. 04 December 2009 (has links)
A growing number of scientists are investigating applications of landscape ecology principles to marine studies, yet few coral reef scientists have examined spatial patterns across entire reefscapes with a holistic ecosystem-based view. This study was an effort to better understand reefscape ecology by quantitatively assessing spatial structures and habitat arrangements using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). Quantifying recurring patterns in reef systems has implications for improving the efficiency of mapping efforts and lowering costs associated with collecting field data and acquiring satellite imagery. If a representative example of a reef is mapped with high accuracy, the data derived from habitat configurations could be extrapolated over a larger region to aid management decisions and focus conservation efforts. The aim of this project was to measure repeating spatial patterns at multiple scales (10s m2 to 10s km2) and to explain the environmental mechanisms which have formed the observed patterns. Because power laws have been recognized in size-frequency distributions of reef habitat patches, this study further investigated whether the property exists for expansive reefs with diverse geologic histories. Intra- and inter-reef patch relationships were studied at three sites: Andavadoaka (Madagascar), Vieques (Puerto Rico), and Saipan (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands). In situ ecological information, including benthic species composition and abundance, as well as substrate type, was collected with georeferenced video transects. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) surveys were assembled into digital elevation models (DEMs), while vessel-based acoustic surveys were utilized to empirically tune bathymetry models where LiDAR data were unavailable. A GIS for each site was compiled by overlying groundtruth data, classifications, DEMs, and satellite images. Benthic cover classes were then digitized and analyzed based on a suite of metrics (e.g. patch complexity, principle axes ratio, and neighborhood transitions). Results from metric analyses were extremely comparable between sites suggesting that spatial prediction of habitat arrangements is very plausible. Further implications discussed include developing an automated habitat mapping technique and improving conservation planning and delimitation of marine protected areas.

Assessing freshwater biodiversity:insights from different spatial contexts, taxonomic groups and response metrics

Vilmi, A. (Annika) 24 October 2017 (has links)
Abstract Freshwater ecosystems are severely threatened by a variety of anthropogenic stressors. In order to keep track with at least part of the changes, it is important to efficiently assess and monitor freshwater biological diversity. Biological assessment programs are developed to detect human-induced changes in the ecological state of aquatic systems. These programs typically rely on the assumption that environmental conditions are the sole drivers of biological communities occupying a site and, thus, these local communities would correctly inform about environmental conditions. Recently, this background principle of current bioassessment methods has faced some criticism, stemming from the idea that community structuring is a more complex process than just a mere result of local environmental conditions. In this thesis, I studied the natural and anthropogenic drivers of freshwater biodiversity. I was particularly interested if the various biodiversity metrics studied showed any spatial patterns and if so, for which reasons these patterns might occur. To obtain a comprehensive picture of spatial patterns in biodiversity, I studied multiple spatial contexts, biological groups and indices. I found that environmental conditions were not the only drivers of freshwater biodiversity. Instead, different spatial patterns, likely stemming from dispersal processes, were surprisingly powerful drivers of aquatic communities and index values derived from them. The spatial context (i.e. spatial extent and connectivity) of the aquatic study systems likely played a major role in structuring biodiversity. I also found that the distinct biological groups and indices studied were partly related to different predictor variables. The findings of this thesis are of importance to the development of new bioassessment methods. The results of this thesis also suggest that the spatial context of the study setting should be acknowledged when interpreting results based on current bioassessment methods. / Tiivistelmä Makeanveden ekosysteemit ovat hyvin alttiita ihmistoiminnalle. Ekosysteemissä mahdollisesti tapahtuvien muutosten havaitseminen vaatii tehokkaita vesistöjen ekologisen tilan ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden arviointi- ja seurantamenetelmiä. Näiden menetelmien toimintaperiaatteen yleisenä tausta-ajatuksena on, että biologiset yhteisöt määräytyvät paikallisten ympäristöolojen mukaan. Tietyn paikan yhteisön oletetaan siis heijastavan kyseisen paikan ympäristön tilaa. Viime aikoina tausta-ajatus paikallisten ympäristöolojen merkityksestä ainoana eliöyhteisöjä muovaavana tekijänä on kuitenkin kohdannut kritiikkiä. Kriitikot painottavat, että biologisten yhteisöjen rakenteeseen vaikuttavat monet muutkin asiat kuin paikalliset ympäristöolosuhteet ja niissä tapahtuvat ihmisperäiset muutokset. Väitöskirjassani tutkin sisävesien luonnon monimuotoisuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Olin erityisen kiinnostunut siitä, näkyykö tutkituissa biologisissa parametreissa maantieteellisessä tilassa ilmeneviä spatiaalisia säännönmukaisuuksia. Saadakseni mahdollisimman laaja-alaisen käsityksen luonnon monimuotoisuudessa esiintyvistä spatiaalisista säännönmukaisuuksista, tutkin useaa spatiaalista kontekstia, eliöryhmää ja indeksiä. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että paikalliset ympäristöolosuhteet eivät ole ainoita luonnon monimuotoisuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Erilaiset spatiaaliset säännönmukaisuudet, todennäköisesti eliöiden levittäytymiseen liittyvien seikkojen aiheuttamina, olivat yllättävän yleisiä makeiden vesien eliöyhteisöjen rakenteessa ja niihin perustuvien indeksien arvoissa. Tutkimussysteemien spatiaalinen konteksti (alueen laajuus ja paikkojen väliset spatiaaliset suhteet) selvästi vaikutti luonnon monimuotoisuutta kuvastavien indeksien arvojen vaihteluun. Lisäksi selvisi, että eri eliöryhmät ja indeksit olivat useimmiten liitoksissa hyvin erilaisiin selittäviin muuttujiin, osoittaen, että nämä mittarit kuvastavat eri asioita. Väitöskirjassa esitetyt havainnot on tärkeää huomioida vesistöjen ekologisen tilan ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden arviointi- ja seurantamenetelmiä kehitettäessä. Spatiaalisen kontekstin merkitys olisi hyvä huomioida myös nykyisten arviointi- ja seurantamenetelmien tuottamien tulosten tulkinnassa.

Development and analysis of land-use/land-cover spatio-temporal metrics in urban environments: Exploring urban growth patterns and linkages to socio-economic factors

Sapena Moll, Marta 10 January 2021 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo y análisis de nuevas herramientas y métodos para monitorizar y caracterizar el crecimiento urbano utilizando datos geográficos y bases de datos de usos y coberturas del suelo (LULC), así como explorar sus relaciones con factores socioeconómicos, aportando nuevas evidencias sobre el uso de los datos LULC para la caracterización urbana en diferentes niveles mediante métodos espaciales y estadísticos. En primer lugar, se compilaron e implementaron las métricas espacio-temporales más comunes dentro de una herramienta software, IndiFrag. A continuación, se presenta una metodología basada en métricas espacio-temporales y se propone un nuevo índice que cuantifica la desigualdad entre el crecimiento de la población y las zonas edificadas, para analizar y comparar los patrones de crecimiento urbano en diferentes niveles. Esto permitió una distinción de los patrones de crecimiento, además el análisis a diversos niveles contribuyó a una mejor comprensión de los patrones. En segundo lugar, se cuantificaron relaciones bidireccionales entre la estructura urbana de las ciudades y su situación socioeconómica a partir de métricas espaciales extraídas de mapas de zonas climáticas locales en 31 ciudades en Renania del Norte-Westfalia (Alemania). A partir de estos datos se cuantificaron relaciones con indicadores socioeconómicos mediante modelos de regresión lineal múltiple, explicando gran parte de su variabilidad. El método propuesto es transferible a otros conjuntos de datos, niveles y regiones. En tercer lugar, se evaluó el uso de las métricas espacio-temporales derivadas de los mapas LULC para identificar patrones espaciales de crecimiento urbano. Se utilizaron modelos de cambio de usos del suelo para simular diferentes escenarios de crecimiento urbano a largo plazo siguiendo varios patrones espaciales en diversas formas urbanas de partida. A continuación, se calcularon las métricas espacio-temporales para los escenarios simulados, se seleccionaron las más explicativas aplicando análisis discriminante y se clasificaron los patrones de crecimiento utilizando métodos estadísticos de agrupación. Por último, se identificaron relaciones empíricas entre indicadores socioeconómicos y su evolución a lo largo del tiempo con la estructura espacial de los elementos construidos y naturales en hasta 600 áreas urbanas de 32 países. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión random forest y las métricas espacio-temporales fueron capaces de explicar considerablemente la variabilidad de los indicadores socioeconómicos, confirmando que los patrones espaciales y sus cambios están vinculados a los indicadores socioeconómicos. Este trabajo contribuye a una mayor comprensión de los patrones de crecimiento urbano y amplía el conocimiento sobre las relaciones entre la estructura espacial urbana y los factores socioeconómicos. Se describen nuevos métodos para monitorizar y evaluar la sostenibilidad urbana a partir de bases de datos LULC, que podrían ser utilizadas por los investigadores, planificadores urbanos y responsables políticos para garantizar un futuro sostenible en los entornos urbanos. / [CAT] Aquesta tesi aborda el desenvolupament i l'anàlisi de noves ferramentes i mètodes per a monitorar i caracteritzar el creixement urbà utilitzant dades geogràfiques i bases de dades d'usos i cobertures del sòl (LULC), així com explorar les seues relacions amb factors socioeconòmics, i aportar noves evidències sobre la utilització de les dades LULC per a la caracterització urbana en diferents nivells mitjançant mètodes espacials i estadístics. En primer lloc, es van compilar i implementar mètriques espaciotemporals dins d'un programari, IndiFrag. A continuació, es presenta una metodologia basada en mètriques espaciotemporals i es proposa un nou índex que quantifica la desigualtat entre el creixement de la població i les zones edificades, i serveix per a analitzar i comparar els patrons de creixement urbà a diferents nivells. Això va permetre una distinció dels patrons de creixement, a més l'anàlisi a diversos nivells va contribuir a una millor comprensió dels patrons. En segon lloc, es van quantificar relacions bidireccionals entre l'estructura urbana de les ciutats i la seua situació socioeconòmica a partir de mètriques espacials extretes de mapes de zones climàtiques locals en 31 ciutats a Renània del Nord-Westfàlia (Alemanya). A partir d'aquestes dades es van quantificar relacions amb indicadors socioeconòmics mitjançant models de regressió lineal múltiple, explicant gran part de la seua variabilitat. El mètode proposat és transferible a altres conjunts de dades, nivells i regions. Seguidament, es va avaluar l'ús de les mètriques espaciotemporals derivades dels mapes LULC per a identificar patrons espacials de creixement urbà. Es van utilitzar models de canvi d'usos del sòl per a simular diferents escenaris de creixement urbà a llarg termini seguint diversos patrons espacials en diverses formes urbanes de partida. A continuació, es van calcular les mètriques espaciotemporals per als escenaris simulats, es van seleccionar les més explicatives aplicant anàlisi discriminant i es van classificar els patrons de creixement utilitzant mètodes estadístics d'agrupació. Finalment, es van identificar relacions empíriques entre indicadors socioeconòmics i la seua evolució al llarg del temps, amb l'estructura espacial dels elements construïts i naturals en fins a 600 àrees urbanes de 32 països. Es van aplicar models de regressió random forest i les mètriques van ser capaces d'explicar considerablement la variabilitat dels indicadors socioeconòmics, això confirma que els patrons espacials i els seus canvis estan vinculats als indicadors socioeconòmics. Aquest treball contribueix a una major comprensió dels patrons de creixement urbà i amplia el coneixement sobre les relacions entre l'estructura espacial urbana i els factors socioeconòmics. Es descriuen nous mètodes per a monitorar i avaluar la sostenibilitat urbana a partir de bases de dades LULC, que podrien ser utilitzades pels investigadors, planificadors urbans i responsables polítics per a garantir un futur sostenible en els entorns urbans. / [EN] This thesis addresses the development and analysis of new tools and methods for monitoring and characterizing urban growth using geo-data and land-use/land-cover (LULC) databases, as well as exploring their relationships with socio-economic factors, providing new evidences regarding the use of LULC data for urban characterization at different levels by means of spatial and statistical methods. First, the most common spatio-temporal metrics were compiled and implemented within a software tool, IndiFrag. Then, we present a methodology based on spatio-temporal metrics and propose a new index that quantifies the inequality of growth between population and built-up areas to analyze and compare urban growth patterns at different levels. This allowed for a differentiation of growing patterns, besides, the analysis at various levels contributed to a better understanding of such patterns. Second, we quantified the two-way relationship between the urban structure in cities and their socio-economic status by means of spatial metrics issued from a local climate zone map for 31 cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Based on these data, we quantified their relationship with socio-economic indicators by means of multiple linear regression models, explaining a significant part of their variability. The proposed method is transferable to other datasets, levels, and regions. Third, we assessed the use of spatio-temporal metrics derived from LULC maps to identify urban growth spatial patterns. We applied LULC change models to simulate different long-term scenarios of urban growth following various spatial patterns on diverse baseline urban forms. Then, we computed spatio-temporal metrics for the simulated scenarios, selected the most explanatory by applying a discriminant analysis and classified the growth patterns using clustering methods. Finally, we identified empirical relationships between socio-economic indicators and their change over time with the spatial structure of the built and natural elements in up to 600 urban areas from 32 countries. We employed random forest regression models and the spatio-temporal metrics were able to explain substantially the variability of socio-economic variables. This confirms that spatial patterns and their change are linked to socio-economic indicators. This work contributes to a better understanding of urban growth patterns and improves knowledge about the relationships between urban spatial structure and socio-economic factors, providing new methods for monitoring and assessing urban sustainability by means of LULC databases, which could be used by researchers, urban planners and decision-makers to ensure the sustainable future of urban environments. / Sapena Moll, M. (2020). Development and analysis of land-use/land-cover spatio-temporal metrics in urban environments: Exploring urban growth patterns and linkages to socio-economic factors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158626 / TESIS

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