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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consolidation endogène de réseaux lexico-sémantiques : Inférence et annotation de relations, règles d'inférence et langage dédié / Endogenous consolidation of lexico-semantic networks

Zarrouk, Manel 03 November 2015 (has links)
Développer des ressources lexico-sémantiques pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles est un enjeu majeur du domaine. Ces ressources explicitant notamment des connaissances que seuls les humains possèdent, ont pour but de permettre aux applications de TALNune compréhension de texte assez fine et complète. De nouvelles approches populaires de construction de ces dernières impliquant l'externalisation ouverte (crowdsourcing) émergent en TALN. Elles ont confirmé leur efficacité et leur pertinence. Cependant, les ressources obtenues ne sont pas exemptes d'informations erronées ou de silences causés par l'absence de certaines relations sémantiques pertinentes et primordiales pour la bonne qualité. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous prenons comme exemple d'étude le réseau lexico-sémantique du projet JeuxDeMots et nous proposons un système de consolidation endogène pour ce type de réseaux.Ce système se base principalement sur l'enrichissement du réseau par l'inférence et l'annotation de nouvelles relations à partir de celles existantes, ainsi que l'extraction de règles d'inférence permettant de (re)générer une grande partie du réseau. Enfin, un langage dédié de manipulation du système de consolidation et du réseau lexico-sémantique est conçu et un premier prototype a été implémenté. / Developing lexico-semantic resources is a major issue in the Natural Language Processing field.These resources, by making explicit inter alia some knowledge possessed only by humans, aim at providing the ability of a precise and complete text understanding to NLP tasks. Popular resources-building strategies involving crowdsourcing are flowering in NLP and are proved to be successful. However, the resulted resources are not free of errors and lack some important semantic relations. In this PhD thesis, we used the french lexico-semantic network from the project JeuxDeMots as a case-study. We designed an endogenous consolidation system for this type of networks based on inferring and annotating new semantic relations using the already existing ones, as well as extracting and proposing inference rules able to (re)generate a considerable part of the network. In addition, we conceived a domain specific language for manipulating the consolidation system along with the network itself and a prototype was implemented.

inSOA: uma linguagem de composição de serviços para dispositivos móveis

Barcelos, Giovane Oliveira de 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T14:01:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Composição de serviços em dispositivos móveis está se tornando indispensável para as atuais e futuras necessidades dos usuários de TI. Estas necessidades são suportadas pela convergência de arquiteturas centralizadas para arquiteturas distribuídas que estimulam a composição de serviços web. Estes serviços web, motivados pela arquitetura Web Services, logo evoluíram para SOA. Esta arquitetura por sua vez, no contexto de orquestração de serviços, tem exigido linguagens de composição para sua efetiva implementação. Linguagens estas, que têm progredido para linguagens interpretadas e declarativas. Neste contexto de evolução, este trabalho apresenta, uma linguagem declarativa de composição de serviços chamada inSOA. Esta linguagem foi desenvolvida para ser executada em dispositivos móveis como parte de um projeto de uma arquitetura ubíqua colaborativa chamada de U-SOA. inSOA é uma solução focada em Web Services com vocação SOA e aderente aos patterns de composição de serviços, além de poder ser embutida em lin / Services composition on mobile devices is becoming essential for current and future needs of IT users. These needs are supported by the convergence from centralized to distributed architectures that encourage the web services composition. These web services, motivated by the Web Services architecture, soon evolved into an SOA. This architecture in turn, in the services orchestration, has required composition language for their effective implementation. These languages, has advanced to interpreted and declarative languages. In this evolution context, this work presents, a declarative language of services composition services called inSOA. This language was developed to execute on mobile devices as part of a project of a collaborative ubiquitous architecture called USOA. InSOA is a solution focused on Web Services and SOA adherent to the patterns of services composition, and can be embedded in a language of general purpose and light in the better DSL languages style. As a way to test and evaluate the langu

Using timed automata formalism for modeling and analyzing home care plans / L'utilisation du formalisme des automates temporisés pour la modélisation et l'analyse des plans de soins à domicile

Gani, Kahina 02 December 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés aux problèmes concernant la conception et la gestion des plans de soins à domicile. Un plan de soins à domicile définit l'ensemble des activités médicales et/ou sociales qui sont menées jour après jour au domicile d'un patient. Ce plan de soins est généralement construit à travers un processus complexe impliquant une évaluation complète des besoins du patient ainsi que son environnement social et physique. La spécification de plans de soins à domicile est difficile pour plusieurs raisons: les plans de soins à domicile sont par nature des processus non structurés qui impliquent des activités répétitives mais irrégulières, dont la spécification requiert des expressions temporelles complexes. Ces caractéristiques font que les plans de soins à domicile sont difficiles à modéliser en utilisant les technologies traditionnelles de modélisation de processus. Tout d'abord, nous présentons l'approche basée sur les DSL (Langage spécifique au domaine) qui permet d'exprimer les plans de soins à domicile en utilisant des abstractions de haut niveau et orientées utilisateur. Le DSL nous permet à travers cette thèse de proposer un langage de temporalités permettant de spécifier les temporalités des activités du plan de soins à domicile. Ensuite, nous décrivons comment les plans de soins à domicile, formalisés grâce aux automates temporisés, peuvent être générés à partir de ces abstractions. Nous proposons une approche en trois étapes qui consiste à: (i) le mapping entre les spécifications temporelles élémentaires et les automates temporisés appelés "pattern automata", (ii) la combinaison des "patterns automata" afin de construire les automates d'activités en utilisant l'algorithme de composition que nous avons déni, et aussi (iii) la construction de l'automate de plan de soins à domicile global. L'automate de plan de soins à domicile résultant englobe tous les schedules autorisés des activités pour un patient donné. Enfin, nous montrons comment la vérification et le suivi de l'automate du plan de soins à domicile résultant peuvent être faits en utilisant des techniques et des outils existants, en particulier en utilisant l'outil de verification UPPAAL. / In this thesis we are interested in the problems underlying the design and the management of home care plans. A home care plan defines the set of medical and/or social activities that are carried out day after day at a patient's home. Such a care plan is usually constructed through a complex process involving a comprehensive assessment of patient's needs as well as his/her social and physical environment. Specication of home care plans is challenging for several reasons: home care plans are inherently nonstructured processes which involve repetitive, but irregular, activities, whose specification requires complex temporal expressions. These features make home care plans difficult to model using traditional process modeling technologies. First, we present a DSL (Domain Specific Language) based approach tailored to express home care plans using high level and user-oriented abstractions. DSL enables us through this thesis to propose a temporalities language to specify temporalities of home care plan activities. Then, we describe how home care plans, formalized as timed automata, can be generated from these abstractions. We propose a three-step approach which consists in (i) mapping between elementary temporal specifications and timed automata called Pattern automata, (ii) combining patterns automata to build the activity automata using our composition algorithm and then (iii) constructing the global care plan automaton. The resulting care plan automaton encompasses all the possible allowed schedules of activities for a given patient. Finally, we show how verification and monitoring of the resulting care plan can be handled using existing techniques and tools, especially using UPPAAL Model Checker.

Aquisição de perguntas-QU em português brasileiro em crianças com distúrbio específico de linguagem e em crianças com desenvolvimento típico / Acquisition of WH-questions in Brazilian Portuguese by children with specific language impairment and by typically developing children

Maria de Lourdes Servilheira Valezi 11 May 2016 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar o comportamento das crianças com Distúrbio Específico de Linguagem (doravante DEL) em relação à produção de uma estrutura sintática complexa, a interrogativa QU de longa distância (doravante pergunta QULD) no português brasileiro, e compará-lo ao das crianças com Desenvolvimento Típico (doravante DT). Foram coletados dados desses 2 grupos de crianças (DEL e DT) entre 5 e 11 anos de idade. Utilizou-se a metodologia de eliciação, implantada em Thornton (1990), para realizar o experimento. Foram eliciadas 16 perguntas QU LD para cada criança, sendo que 8 dessas perguntas eram com extração de sujeito (4 QU nu e 4 QU+N) e 8 com extração de objeto (4 QU nu e 4 QU+N). Os dados da produção dos 2 grupos foram comparados e observou-se que as crianças de ambos os grupos dominam a estrutura de pergunta-QU LD a partir dos 5 anos. Contudo, a produção de tal estrutura sintática pelo grupo das crianças com DEL (36,65%) mostrou-se menos frequente do que a produção do grupo com DT (89,70%), sugerindo que o grupo com DEL enfrenta dificuldades com as estruturas complexas que envolvem movimento. Considerando-se a produção das crianças com DEL, as perguntas-QU de objeto foram produzidas a taxas semelhantes às perguntas QU de sujeito (QU-que simples de sujeito com movimento-QU (44,44%) e QU simples de objeto (55,55%)) pelo grupo com DEL. A análise dos dados nos sugere que as crianças com DEL, embora apresentem dificuldades relacionadas aos movimentos sintáticos, são capazes de processar ambas as estruturas, diferentemente do que outros estudos com essa população encontrou (por exemplo, Van der Lely e Battell (2003) e Friedmman e Novogrodsky, (2011)). Curiosamente, as crianças não produziram perguntasQU com QU in situ, embora a produção de tal estrutura fosse esperada como uma estratégia de minimização de custo de processamento da informação, algo que foi encontrado em estudos anteriores (como em Corrêa e Augusto (2011)). / The present study investigates the behavior of children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) when producing the complex syntactic structure of Long Distance WH- Question and compares it to the production of the same structure by Typically Developing children (TD) at the age of language acquisition in Brazilian Portuguese. Data was taken from 2 groups of children (TD and SLI) aged from 5 to 11 years old. The elicitation method, implemented by Thornton (1990), was used for the experiment. 16 WH-questions were elicited from each child, i.e., 8 with object extraction (4 WH-bare and 4 WHICH+N) and 8 with subject extraction (4 WH-bare and 4 WHICH+N). Data obtained from the 2 groups showed that TD children as well as the SLI group master the complex WH-questions at the age of 5, however, SLI children produced this syntactic structure less frequently (36,65%) than the TD group (89,70%). SLI children certainly faced difficulties in producing it. However, this group of children produced WH-questions with object extraction (55,55%) as frequently as the production of the WH-questions with subject extraction (44,44%). Data analysis suggests that SLI children are able to deal with both syntactic structures (subject and object WH-questions) the same way. SLI children did not produce WH- in situ (a syntactic structure licensed in Brazilian Portuguese).

The Elicitation Method for Past Tense Verb production in Children with Specific Language Impairment and Typical Language

Geise, Morgan, Green, Heather, Hart, Olivia, Leitnaker, Abbi, Proctor-Williams, Kerry 07 April 2016 (has links)
Past tense verb production in children with specific language impairment and language-matched children with typical language was compared using language samples and a standardized probe (Rice/Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Impairment). Analyses revealed accuracy and error type differences between elicitation types and groups. Results have important clinical practice implications.

The Elicitation Method for Past Tense Verb production in Children with Specific Language Impairment and Typical Language

Geise, Morgan, Green, Heather, Hart, Olivia, Leitnaker, Abbi, Proctor-Williams, Kerry 07 April 2016 (has links)
Regular (e.g., jumped) and irregular (e.g., fell) past tense verb acquisition in children with typical language development (TL) occurs between ages 3-5. In children with specific language impairment (SLI), acquisition of these forms is extended and errors in spontaneous conversation may even continue into adulthood. However, there is a lack of consensus as to whether probed or spontaneous language samples give a more accurate representation of a child’s linguistic skills. The first aim of this study was to determine if there were differences in regular and irregular past tense verb production accuracy between two Elicitation Methods: probed vs. spontaneous language sampling. The second aim was to determine if accuracy and error patterns differed between children with SLI and children with TL. The participants included 11 children with SLI (mean age: 5 years) and 20 children with TL (mean age: 3 years 6 months). Each participant received a battery of tests to determine language status. This battery included two elicitation methods for regular and irregular past tense: a probe and a spontaneous language sample. The Rice/Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Impairment probed past tense verb production using picture prompts and a standardized verbal routine. Additionally, a language sample was recorded in which participants told three thematically related stories provided spontaneous productions. The first two stories were read by the examiner first and the child was asked to retell it. The first story was presented in the present tense. The second story was presented in the past tense. The third story was made up by the child based on the pictures and the tense was free to vary. These stories provided the language sample that was then transcribed and coded for a statistical analysis of verb production. Within and between groups ANOVAs revealed statistically significant differences between the probe and spontaneous language samples, with the probe yielding higher accuracy for regular and irregular past tense verb production in both groups. There was no significant Group effect or Group by Elicitation Method interaction. Analysis of the types of errors produced revealed a statistically significant Group by Elicitation Method interaction. Post hoc analysis found for regular past tense verbs, children with SLI produced more stem-form errors than children with TL. For irregular past tense forms, children with SLI produced more stem form errors, while children with TL produce more overregularization errors. The observed pattern of errors is consistent with inclusionary criteria for SLI, the literature, and theoretical foundations. The results add to the literature about the accuracy of probe and spontaneous language sample elicitation methods.

An Analysis of How Quickly and Efficaciously Children with Specific Language Impairments Learn Verbs Compared to Children with Typical Language Development

Lewis, Kelley, King, Kelly, O'Brien, Melanie, Proctor-Williams, Kerry, Py, Danielle 03 April 2004 (has links)
Speech-language pathologists are challenged with providing children with treatment that results in the greatest amount of improvement in the least amount of time. To aid in this challenge, we examined how quickly and efficaciously seven children with a specific language impairment (SLI) learned verbs compared to seven children with typical language (TL) development. Each child was taught the meaning and use of six nonsense verbs. Nonsense verbs were used to ensure that the target verbs had never been heard by any of the participants before the experiment and allowed us to control verb exposure. Each participant received up to four training sessions of 30-minutes each. During these sessions, the examiner utilized naturalistic conversational techniques and play activities with carefully selected sets of toys that corresponded to the meaning of the target words. The training sessions were ended when children demonstrated 100% accuracy in their understanding of the verbs and 50% accuracy in their production during a probe task. All sessions were audio-recorded and the experimenters and childs utterances were reliably coded. Analysis revealed that the two groups received the same input from the experimenter in terms of the number and type of exposures to the verbs. We examined the childrens nonsense verb productions for their rate and quality. Rate of verb acquisition was measured by counting: 1) the number of sessions required before the criteria for learning was met; 2) the number of exposures before childs first spontaneous production of each target verb; and 3) the number of exposures before childs first elicited production of each target verb. Quality of verb acquisition was measured by counting: 1) the number of alternative real verbs substituted for a nonsense verb and 2) the accuracy of transitive target verb usage. Although the results were not statistically significant for any of the measures tested, there was a trend for children with SLI to learn the target nonsense verbs more slowly but just as

利用模型驅動技術快速產生領域專屬語言之執行與偵錯環境 / Rapid generation of executing and debugging environments for Domain-Specific languages based on Model-Driven technology

趙仁鋒, Chao, Jen Feng Unknown Date (has links)
領域專屬語言的設計理念是希望能夠協助使用者在特定領域上解決特定問題。然而,大多數領域專屬語言的開發環境與工具均非常貧乏,這將會增加使用者在開發程式上的困難。 所以本研究利用模型導向技術來建構一套生成系統,使用者只要輸入領域專屬語言的語意以及偵錯定義,就能快速生成語言的執行與偵錯環境,並提供完善的操作介面,輔助使用者加快程式開發的速度。 / The purpose of creating domain-specific languages (DSLs) is to help user solve problems in a particular domain. However, most DSLs are lack of development environments and tools, which would be more difficult to develop programs. This thesis is aimed to develop a generating system based on model-driven technology. Given the semantics and debugging definitions of a domain-specific language, the system would be able to generate an executing and debugging environment for the language with friendly user interface, thus improving efficiency and productivity of using the language.

Spektrum Patholinguistik (Band 1) - Schwerpunktthema: der Erwerb von Lexikon und Semantik: Meilensteine, Störungen und Therapie ; Tagungsband zum 1. Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik, 24. November 2007

January 2008 (has links)
Der vorliegende Tagungsband enthält alle Beiträge des 1. Herbsttreffens Patholinguistik, das am 24.11.2007 an der Universität Potsdam stattgefunden hat. Sowohl die drei Hauptvorträge zum Thema „Der Erwerb von Lexikon und Semantik – Meilensteine, Störungen und Therapie“ als auch die Kurzvorträge promovierter Patholinguisten sind ausführlich dokumentiert. Außerdem enthält der Tagungsband die Abstracts der präsentierten Poster. / These proceedings contain the contributions presented at the “1st Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik” that took place on November 24, 2007 at the University of Potsdam. Three main lectures focused on "The acquisition of lexicon and semantics - milestones, impairments, and intervention". In addition, the proceedings contain short presentations on patholinguistic research and the abstracts of the presented posters.

Language learning and language change in children with specific language impairment who speak African American English

Clark, Maya Reynolds 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

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