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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un langage de programmation pour composer l'interaction musicale : la gestion du temps et des événements dans Antescofo / A programming language for Computer-Human Musical Interaction

Echeveste, José-Manuel 22 May 2015 (has links)
La musique mixte se caractérise par l’association de musiciens instrumentistes et de processus électroniques pendant une performance. Ce domaine soulève des problématiques sur l’écriture de cette interaction et sur les mécanismes qui permettent d’exécuter des programmes dans un temps partagé avec les musiciens.Ce travail présente le système temps réel Antescofo et son langage dédié. Il permet de décrire des scénarios temporels où des processus sont calculés et ordonnancés en interaction avec un environnement musical. Antescofo couple un système de suivi de partition avec un système réactif temporisé.L’originalité du système réside dans la sémantique temporelle du langage adaptée aux caractéristiques critiques de l’interaction musicale. Le temps et les événements peuvent s’exprimer de façon symbolique dans une échelle en secondes ou dans des échelles relatives à des tempos.Nous présenterons les domaines de recherche apparentés à Antescofo en musique et en informatique, les caractéristiques du langage et de la partie réactive d’Antescofo qui ont été développés pendant cette thèse en particulier les stratégies synchronisations et les différents contrôles du temps et des évènements permis par le système. Nous donnerons une sémantique du langage qui formalise le fonctionnement du moteur d’exécution. À travers une série d’exemples d’applications issues de collaborations artistiques, nous illustrerons les interactions temporelles qu’il faut gérer entre une machine et un instrumentiste lors d’un concert. Le système a pu être validé à travers de nombreux concerts par différents orchestres d’envergure internationale. / Mixed music is the association in live performance of human musicians and computer mediums, interacting in real-time. Authoring the interaction between the humans and the electronic processes, as well as their real-time implementation, challenge computer science in several ways. This contribution presents the Antescofo real-time system and its domain specific language. Using this language a composer is able to describe temporal scenarios where electronic musical processes are computed and scheduled in interaction with a live musician performance. Antescofo couples artificial machine listening with a reactive and temporized system. The challenge in bringing human actions in the loop of computing is strongly related the specification and the management of multiple time frameworks and timeliness of live execution despite heterogeneous nature of time in the two mediums. Interaction scenarios are expressed at a symbolic level through the management of musical time (i.e., events like notes or beats in relative tempi) and of the physical time (with relationships like succession, delay, duration, speed between the occurrence of the events during the performance on stage). Antescofo unique features are presented through a series of examples which illustrate how to manage execution of different audio processes through time and their interactions with an external environment. The Antescofo approach has been validated through numerous uses of the system in live electronic performances in contemporary music repertoire by various international music ensembles.

Type-Safe Modeling for Optimization

Thai, Nhan January 2021 (has links)
Mathematical optimization has many applications in operations research, image processing, and machine learning, demanding not only computational efficiency but also convenience and correctness in constructing complex models. In this work, we introduce HashedExpression, an open-source algebraic modeling lan- guage (AML) that allows users to express unconstrained, box-constrained, and scalar-expressions-constrained optimization problems, aimed at embeddability, type-safety, and high-performance through symbolic transformation and code generation. Written in Haskell, a statically-typed, purely functional program- ming language, HashedExpression places a great emphasis on modeling correct- ness by providing users with a type-safe, correct-by-construction interface that uses Haskell type-level programming to express constraints on correctness which the compiler uses to flag many modelling errors as type errors (at compile time). We show how type-safety can be added in steps, first matching expressions’ shape and then associated physical units. The library implements symbolic ex- pressions with a hashed indexing scheme to implement common subexpression elimination (CSE). It abstracts away details of the underlying lookup table via monadic type class instances. We explain how using symbolic expressions with CSE enables performance-enhance transformations and automatic computation of derivatives without the issue of “expression swelling”. For high-performance purposes, we generate low-level C/C++ code for symbolic expressions and pro- vide bindings to open-source optimization solvers such as Ipopt or L-BFGS-B. We explain how this architecture lays the groundwork for future work on par- allelization including SIMDization and targetting multi-core CPUs and GPUs, and other hardware acceleration. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Creating An Editor For The Implementation of WorkFlow+: A Framework for Developing Assurance Cases

Chiang, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
As vehicles become more complex, the work required to ensure that they are safe increases enormously. This in turn results in a much more complicated task of testing systems, subsystems, and components to ensure that they are safe individually as well as when they are integrated. As a result, managing the safety engineering process for vehicle development is of major interest to all automotive manufacturers. The goal of this research is to introduce a tool that provides support for a new framework for modeling safety processes, which can partially address some of these challenges. WorkFlow+ is a framework that was developed to combine both data flow and process flow to increase traceability, enable users to model with the desired granularity safety engineering workflow for their products, and produce assurance cases for regulators and evaluators to be able to validate that the product is safe for the users and the public. With the development of an editor, it will bring WorkFlow+ to life. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Social Skills Intervention in Improving the Use of Validating Comments Used by Children with Specific Language Impairments in Peer Group Interactions

McCleve, Chelsea Pulsipher 08 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the efficacy of a social skills training program on the use of validating comments and negative comments by children with specific language impairment. The present study is an extension of a previous research project. Four children (three female, one male) with specific language impairment, ages 6 to 11, participated in a ten week social skills training program which involved direct instruction of target concepts, peer interactions with classmates, and evaluation of the use of target skills by reviewing videotaped peer interactions. The individual performance of each subject was compared to the age- and gender-matched typical peers with whom they interacted during the weekly game sessions of the intervention program. The intervention program was successful in improving the use of validating comments for three of the four subjects (AA, CS, and JH). The subjects' increased use of validating comments, however, did not appear to significantly affect or change the participants' use of negative comments. It was also found that, while individual performance improved, three of the four participants (AA, MD, and CS) consistently produced fewer validating comments than did their typical peers during the weekly game sessions. Follow-up data for the participants indicated that the three participants (AA, CS, and JH) who showed improvement in their use of validating comments over the course of treatment appeared to maintain their increased skill after the treatment ended. Possible explanations for these results are discussed, and recommendations are made for future social skills training programs.

Undervisning av elever med språkstörning : Tolv lärares erfarenheter

Sundin Haneskog, Åsa, Eriksson, Veronica January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen kring hur några lärare undervisar elever med språkstörning på låg-, mellan- och högstadiet. Syftet uppnås genom att intervjua lärare och på så sätt få svar på frågeställningarna: Hur anpassar lärarna undervisningen för elever med språkstörning samt vilka utmaningar upplever lärarna att eleverna har? Vilka assisterande verktyg har lärarna tillgång till och använder? I vilken utsträckning anser lärarna att de har kunskaper och tillgång till stöd för att anpassa undervisningen för elever med språkstörning? I undersökningen framkommer att lärarna gör anpassningar i klassrummet för att elever med språkstörning ska kunna nå kunskapsmålen, men att de känner sig osäkra på hur de på bästa sätt skall göra lämpliga anpassningar. De assisterande verktyg som eleverna har tillgång till är bland annat inläsningstjänst och talsyntes. Dessa assisterande verktyg upplevs av lärarna både som framgångsrika men samtidigt som problematiska då de kan innebära praktiska hinder och avleda uppmärksamheten. Trots att språkstörning påverkar både sociala relationer, skolnärvaro och självbild hos dessa elever upplever många lärare att de har bristande kunskap kring diagnosen språkstörning och framgångsrika arbetssätt.

Achieving Full Attack Coverage and Compiling Guidelines for enterpriseLang

Sadiq, Joshua, Hagelberg, Anton January 2021 (has links)
As the number of digital systems grows yearly, thereis a need for good cyber security. Lack of such security can beattributed to the demand on resources or even knowledge. To fillthis gap, tools such as enterpriseLang can be used by the enduserto find flaws within his system, which he can revise. Thisallows a user with inadequate knowledge of cyber security tocreate safer IT architecture. The authors of this paper took partin the development of enterpriseLang and its improvement. Thiswas done by suggesting improvements based on certain designguidelines, as well as attempting to achieve 100% attack coverageand improving the defense coverage.The results show a coverage increase of 0.6% for a specificmodel’s attack steps. Further more, we find that nearly 84.6%of the compiled guidelines are met, followed by 7.7% that werenot fully met and a similar amount that were non-applicable toenterpriseLang. As the language is still in development, thereremains much work that can improve it. A few suggestionswould be to increase the attack coverage by 100%, increasingthe defense coverage and improving enterpriseLang to fulfill thedesign guidelines, which would ultimately ease future projectswithin this domain. / Då antalet digitala system ständigt ökar göräven behovet för cybersäkerhet. Avsaknad av sådan säkerhet kanåläggas avsaknaden av kunskap och resurser. För att fylla dettagap utvecklas ständigt nya medel. Ett sådant är enterpriseLangsom kan användas av en utvecklare för att hitta säkerhetsbristeri sitt system. Detta tillåter en utvecklare med låg kunskap inomcybersäkerhet att utveckla säkrare system, applikationer och produkter.Skribenterna av denna avhandling tog del i utvecklingenoch förbättringen av enterpriseLang. Detta gjordes genom attföreslå förbättringar baserade på särskilda designriktlinjer ochett försök att uppnå 100 % täckning av attack-steg.Resultaten visar på en ökning av 0.6% anfallstäckning för enspecifik modell. Vidare visar de att 84.6 % av riktlinjerna äruppfyllda, 7.7% var inte uppfyllda och 7.7% var inte relevantaför enterpriseLang. Då språket ännu är i utvecklingsstadietfinns ännu mycket arbete kvar att göra. Några förslag är attöka anfallstäckningen till 100%, öka försvarstäckningen samtförbättra språket så den når upp till alla designriktlinjer. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

Pieces of the Puzzle How Categorization, Part-Whole Understanding, and Communicative Intent Contribute to Phonological Awareness

Cullis, Oliver J. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Impact of Education and Experience on Diagnostic Accuracy

Gross, Susan I. 02 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Validation DSL for client-server applications

Fedorenko, Vitalii M. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Given the nature of client-server applications, most use some freeform interface, like web forms, to collect user input. The main difficulty with this approach is that all parameters obtained in this fashion need to be validated and normalized to protect the application from invalid entries. This is the problem addressed here: how to take client input and preprocess it before passing the data to a back-end, which concentrates on business logic. The method of implementation is a rule engine that uses Groovy internal domain-specific language (DSL) for specifying input requirements. We will justify why the DSL is a good fit for a validation rule engine, describe existing techniques used in this area and comprehensively address the related issues of accidental complexity, security, and user experience.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Framgångsrika metoder : En kvalitativ studie där några lärare beskriver framgångsfaktorer för undervisningen i ämnet svenska för elever med språkstörning / Successful practices : A qualitative study where some teachers describe successful education for teaching in the subject of Swedish for pupils with Specific Language Impairment

Källgren, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka framgångsfaktorer för undervisning av elever med språkstörning i ämnet svenska och därför intervjuades fem klasslärare. För att en elev ska få möjlighet att lyckas i klassrummet behöver läraren ha kunskap om språkstörning, språkteori samt hur man utvecklar en läskompetens. Det är även bra att vara förberedd och ligga steget före för att skapa en positiv lärmiljö. Resultatet analyserades med utgångspunkt i det sociokulturella perspektivet och då framkom att ett framgångsrikt lärande ofta sker genom att man får härma, antingen genom att barnet visas en metod via scaffolding eller samspel med andra vuxna eller kamrater. Det är också betydelsefullt att alla elever får vara med i den gemensamma lärandeprocessen och att skolan har en inkluderande undervisning. När eleven sedan ska arbeta på egen hand kan dock uppgifterna vara individanpassade utifrån elevens proximala utvecklingszon. Ett sätt att få denna nödvändiga kunskap, som klasslärare, är genom specialläraren som då kan hjälpa till med reflektioner, men även för att stötta läraren praktiskt i klassrummet på olika sätt. / The aim of this study was to find out how education in the subject of Swedish for pupils with Specific Language Impairment could be successful. Five interviews were therefore conducted with class teachers. The result shows that it's very important that the theacher has knowledge about Specific Language Impairment, linguistics and how children develop basic reading skills. It's also important for the teacher to be prepared and stay ahead to create a positive learning environment. The results were analysed using a sociocultural perspective, which revealed that successful learning was likely to take place in situations where the child is given the chance to imitate; either in interaction with a teacher or classmates, or in situations where the teacher uses scaffolding and shows the pupil how something is done. It's wssential that most classroom activities are common to all, but when the child is to work on her/his own, one can use individualised tasks in the next zone of proximal development. Special education teacher could help the class teachers gain knowledge by using reflection and helping the teacher with insights/methods that could be useful in practice when teaching pupils with Specific Language Impairment.

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