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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methodology for the derivation of product behaviour in a Software Product Line

Istoan, Paul 21 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The major problem addressed in this thesis is the definition of a new SPLE methodology that covers both phases of the SPLE process and focuses on the derivation of behavioral models of SPL products. In Chapter 2 three research areas scope context of this thesis: Software Product Lines, Business Processes, and Model-Driven Engineering. Throughout Chapter 3, we propose a new SPLE methodology that focuses on the derivation of product behavior. We first describe the main flow of the methodology, and then detail the individual steps. In chapter 4 we propose a new domain specific language called CBPF created for modeling composable business process fragments. A model driven approach is followed for creating CBPF: definition of the abstract syntax, graphical concrete syntax and translational semantics. In Chapter 5 we propose several types of verifications that can be applied to business processfragments to determine their "correctness". For structural verification we definine a set of fragment consistency rules that should be valid for every business process fragment created with CBPF. To check behavioral correctness we first transform the business process fragment into an equivalent HCPN. We can then check generic properties but also define aset of fragment specific properties. In chapter 6 we exemplify the proposed SPL methodology by applying it to a case study from the crisis management system domain. We also propose a tool suite that supports our methodology. Chapter 7 describes possible improvements and extensions to the contributions of this thesis. We conclude the thesis in Chapter 8 and draw some conclusions.

Qualitätsmerkmale des Unterrichts mit sprachbeeinträchtigten Kindern

Theisel, Anja 26 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Kinder mit Sprachentwicklungsstörungen haben besondere Bildungsbedürfnisse. Didaktisch-methodische Entscheidungen für die Unterrichtsgestaltung müssen sich an den individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen auszurichten, um einen erfolgreichen Bildungsprozess, z.B. im Bereich der Schriftsprache, sicherzustellen. Sowohl in Förderschulen, als auch im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung Gemeinsamen Unterrichts ist damit die Frage nach den Qualitätsmerkmalen eines Unterrichtsangebotes für sprachbeeinträchtigte Kindern von hoher Relevanz. Hierzu liegen vielfach konzeptuelle Überlegungen und vereinzelt auch Befragungen vor, jedoch keine Untersuchungen mit einem systematisch entwickelten Instrument. Ausgehend vom Angebot-Nutzungs-Modell des Unterrichts (Helmke 2009) und Merkmalen allgemein guten Unterrichts wurden Experten befragt hinsichtlich der Merkmale, die sie für die Gestaltung von Bildungsprozessen sprachbeeinträchtigter Kinder für besonders bedeutsam halten (Theisel & Glück 2012). Diese Ergebnisse fanden Eingang in einen Fragebogen, der bundesweit an sonderpädagogische Lehrkräfte verteilt wurde, die unabhängig vom Lernort mit sprachbeeinträchtigten Kindern unterrichtlich tätig sind. Im Vergleich mit den Angaben von Grundschullehrkräften lässt sich zeigen, wie einzelne Subskalen des Fragebogens auf spezifische Gestaltungsmerkmale des Unterrichts hinweisen, wie sie für die Arbeit mit sprachbeeinträchtigten Kindern typisch sind. Im Rahmen der KiSSES-Studie in B.-W. wurde die Schulleistungsentwicklung der Kinder im Längsschnitt verfolgt. Gleichzeitig wurden die Lehrkräfte nach Prozessmerkmalen ihres Unterrichts befragt. Es lassen sich Zusammenhänge zwischen einzelnen Bereichen der Schulleistung (Mathematik, Lesen, Schreiben) und Unterrichtsmerkmalen zeigen, die die Kriteriumsvalidität und Reliabilität des entwickelten Instrumentes deutlich machen.

Automatic Optimization of Geometric Multigrid Methods using a DSL Approach

Vasista, Vinay V January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Geometric Multigrid (GMG) methods are widely used in numerical analysis to accelerate the convergence of partial differential equations solvers using a hierarchy of grid discretizations. These solvers find plenty of applications in various fields in engineering and scientific domains, where solving PDEs is of fundamental importance. Using multigrid methods, the pace at which the solvers arrive at the solution can be improved at an algorithmic level. With the advance in modern computer architecture, solving problems with higher complexity and sizes is feasible - this is also the case with multigrid methods. However, since hardware support alone cannot achieve high performance in execution time, there is a need for good software that help programmers in doing so. Multiple grid sizes and recursive expression of multigrid cycles make the task of manual program optimization tedious and error-prone. A high-level language that aids domain experts to quickly express complex algorithms in a compact way using dedicated constructs for multigrid methods and with good optimization support is thus valuable. Typical computation patterns in a GMG algorithm includes stencils, point-wise accesses, restriction and interpolation of a grid. These computations can be optimized for performance on modern architectures using standard parallelization and locality enhancement techniques. Several past works have addressed the problem of automatic optimizations of computations in various scientific domains using a domain-specific language (DSL) approach. A DSL is a language with features to express domain-specific computations and compiler support to enable optimizations specific to these computations. Halide and PolyMage are two of the recent works in this direction, that aim to optimize image processing pipelines. Many computations like upsampling and downsampling an image are similar to interpolation and restriction in geometric multigrid methods. In this thesis, we demonstrate how high performance can be achieved on GMG algorithms written in the PolyMage domain-specific language with new optimizations we added to the compiler. We also discuss the implementation of non-trivial optimizations, on PolyMage compiler, necessary to achieve high parallel performance for multigrid methods on modern architectures. We realize these goals by: • introducing multigrid domain-specific constructs to minimize the verbosity of the algorithm specification; • storage remapping to reduce the memory footprint of the program and improve cache locality exploitation; • mitigating execution time spent in data handling operations like memory allocation and freeing, using a pool of memory, across multiple multigrid cycles; and • incorporating other well-known techniques to leverage performance, like exploiting multi-dimensional parallelism and minimizing the lifetime of storage buffers. We evaluate our optimizations on a modern multicore system using five different benchmarks varying in multigrid cycle structure, complexity and size, for two-and three-dimensional data grids. Experimental results show that our optimizations: • improve performance of existing PolyMage optimizer by 1.31x; • are better than straight-forward parallel and vector implementations by 3.2x; • are better than hand-optimized versions in conjunction with optimizations by Pluto, a state-of-the-art polyhedral source-to-source optimizer, by 1.23x; and • achieve up to 1.5$\times$ speedup over NAS MG benchmark from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks. (The speedup numbers are Geometric means over all benchmarks)

Falcon : A Graph Manipulation Language for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems

Cheramangalath, Unnikrishnan January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Graphs model relationships across real-world entities in web graphs, social network graphs, and road network graphs. Graph algorithms analyze and transform a graph to discover graph properties or to apply a computation. For instance, a pagerank algorithm computes a rank for each page in a webgraph, and a community detection algorithm discovers likely communities in a social network, while a shortest path algorithm computes the quickest way to reach a place from another, in a road network. In Domains such as social information systems, the number of edges can be in billions or trillions. Such large graphs are processed on distributed computer systems or clusters. Graph algorithms can be executed on multi-core CPUs, GPUs with thousands of cores, multi-GPU devices, and CPU+GPU clusters, depending on the size of the graph object. While programming such algorithms on heterogeneous targets, a programmer is required to deal with parallelism and and also manage explicit data communication between distributed devices. This implies that a programmer is required to learn CUDA, OpenMP, MPI, etc., and also the details of the hardware architecture. Such codes are error prone and di cult to debug. A Domain Speci c Language (DSL) which hides all the hardware details and lets the programmer concentrate only the algorithmic logic will be very useful. With this as the research goal, Falcon, graph DSL and its compiler have been developed. Falcon programs are explicitly parallel and Falcon hides all the hardware details from the programmer. Large graphs that do not t into the memory of a single device are automatically partitioned by the Falcon compiler. Another feature of Falcon is that it supports mutation of graph objects and thus enables programming dynamic graph algorithms. The Falcon compiler converts a single DSL code to heterogeneous targets such as multi-core CPUs, GPUs, multi-GPU devices, and CPU+GPU clusters. Compiled codes of Falcon match or outperform state-of-the-art graph frameworks for di erent target platforms and benchmarks.

Žák s vývojovou dysfázií a specifickými poruchami učení / Student with developmental dysphasia and specific learning disabilities

Jobánková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the problems and relationship of specific language impairment and learning disabilities, as developmental disorders affecting not only speech and language, but also other areas influencing the educational process and school success of pupils. The introductory chapters are devoted to the theoretical definition of individual disorders with a focus on their terminology, etiology, symptomatology, diagnostics and therapy. Attention is also focused on the reciprocal context of specific language impairment and difficulties in reading, writing and orthography. The thesis is a comparative case study whose aim is to describe and compare the symptoms of the abovementioned disorders in a selected group of pupils of younger school age as reflected in basic school skills - reading and writing. The purpose of the thesis is to point out their interdependence and similarity in the field of education, but also certain specifics of each of the disorders depending on the individual peculiarities of each pupil.

Dítě s vývojovou dysfázií integrované v běžné základní škole / Child with developmental language disorder integrated into mainstream elementary school

Šklubalová, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals the children with developmental language disorder, which are included in the regular type of school, and analysis of advantages and disadvantages resulting from this integration. The thesis includes a brief description of the development of a younger school age child, the possibilities of education in the Czech Republic and the complete terminological definition of developmental language disorder from etiology, diagnostics to therapies. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze the process of integration of pupils with developmental language disorder at the first stage of a basic elementary school and to find out the possibilities of their inclusive education. It may be an inspiration for pedagogues, speech therapists, parents, and caregivers of children with developmental language disorder. The thesis can be a starting point for further scientific work that deals with similar issues.

Réseaux de Petri temporels à inhibitions / permissions : application à la modélisation et vérification de systèmes de tâches temps réel / Forbid/Allow time Petri nets – Application to the modeling and checking of real time tasks systems

Peres, Florent 26 January 2010 (has links)
Les systèmes temps réel (STR) sont au coeur de machines souvent jugés critiques pour lasécurité : ils en contrôlent l’exécution afin que celles-ci se comportent de manière sûre dans le contexte d’un environnement dont l’évolution peut être imprévisible. Un STR n’a d’autre alternative que de s’adapter à son environnement : sa correction dépend des temps de réponses aux stimuli de ce dernier.Il est couramment admis que le formalisme des réseaux de Petri temporels (RdPT) est adapté àla description des STR. Cependant, la modélisation de systèmes simples, ne possédant que quelquestˆaches périodiques ordonnancées de façon basique se révèle être un exercice souvent complexe.En premier lieu, la modélisation efficace d’une gamme étendue de politiques d’ordonnancementsse heurte à l’incapacité des RdPT à imposer un ordre d’apparition à des évènements concurrentssurvenant au même instant. D’autre part, les STR ont une nette tendance à être constitués de caractéristiques récurrentes, autorisant une modélisation par composants. Or les RdPT ne sont guèreadaptés à une utilisation compositionnelle un tant soit peu générale. Afin de résoudre ces deuxproblèmes, nous proposons dans cette thèse Cifre – en partenariat entre Airbus et le Laas-Cnrs– d’étendre les RdPT à l’aide de deux nouvelles relations, les relations d’inhibition et de permission,permettant de spécifier de manière plus fine les contraintes de temps.Afin de cerner un périmètre clair d’adéquation de cette nouvelle extension à la modélisation dessystèmes temps réel, nous avons défini Pola, un langage spécifique poursuivant deux objectifs :déterminer un sous-ensemble des systèmes temps réel modélisables par les réseaux de Petri temporelsà inhibitions/permissions et fournir un langage simple à la communauté temps réel dont lavérification, idéalement automatique, est assurée par construction. Sa sémantique est donnée par traduction en réseaux de Petri temporels à inhibitions/permissions. L’explorateur d’espace d’états de laboite à outils Tina a été étendu afin de permettre la vérification des descriptions Pola / Real time systems (RTS) are at the core of safety critical devices : they control thedevices’ behavior in such a way that they remain safe with regard to an unpredictable environment. ARTS has no other choices than to adapt to its environment : its correctness depends upon its responsetime to the stimuli stemming from the environment.It is widely accepted that the Time Petri nets (TPN) formalism is adapted to the description ofRTS. However, the modeling of simple systems with only a few periodic tasks scheduled according toa basic policy remains a challenge in the worst case and can be very tedious in the most favorable one.First, we put forward some limitations of TPN regarding the modeling of a wide variety of schedulingpolicies, coming from the fact that this formalism is not always capable to impose a givenorder on events whenever they happen at the same time. Moreover, RTS are usually constituted of thesame recurring features, implying a compositional modeling, but TPN are not well adapted to sucha compositional use. To solve those problems we propose in this Cifre thesis – in partnership withAirbus and the Laas-Cnrs – to extend the formalism with two new dual relations, the forbid andallow relations so that time constraints can be finely tuned.Then, to assess this new extension for modeling of real time systems, we define Pola, a specificlanguage aimed at two goals : to determine a subset of RTS which can be modeled with forbid/allowtime Petri nets and to provide a simple language to the real time community which, ideally, can bechecked automatically. Its semantics is given by translation into forbid/allow Time Petri nets. Thestate space exploration tool of the Tina toolbox have been extended so that it can model check Poladescriptions.


Faveri, Cristiano de 28 August 2013 (has links)
Ensuring code quality is crucial in software development. Not seldom, developers resort to static analysis tools to assist them in both understanding pieces of code and identifying defects or refactoring opportunities during development activities. A critical issue when defining such tools is their ability to obtain information about code. Static analysis tools depend, in general, of an intermediate program representation to identify locations that meet the conditions described in their algorithms. This perspective can be enlarged when techniques of crosscutting concerns modularization, such as aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is applied. In AOP applications, a piece of code can be systematically affected, using both static and dynamic combinations. The main goal of this dissertation is the specification and the implementation of AQL, a domain-specific language (DSL) designed to search aspect-oriented code bases. AQL is a declarative language, based on object query language (OQL), which enables the task of querying elements, relationships and program metrics to support the construction of static analysis and code searching tools for aspect oriented programs. The language was designed in two steps. First, we built a framework (AOPJungle), responsible to extract data from aspect-oriented programs. AOPJungle performs the computation of metrics, inferences and connections between the elements of the program. In the second step, we built an AQL compiler as a reference implementation. We adopted a source-to-source transformation for this step, in which an AQL query is transformed into HQL statements before being executed. In order to evaluate the reference implementation, we developed a static analysis tool for identifying refactoring opportunities in aspect-oriented programs. This tool receives a set of AQL queries to identify potential scenarios where refactoring could be applied. / Assegurar a qualidade de código é um ponto crucial durante o desenvolvimento de software. Frequentemente, os desenvolvedores recorrem às ferramentas de análise estática para auxiliá-los tanto na compreensão de código, quanto na identificação de defeitos ou de oportunidades de refatoração durante o ciclo de desenvolvimento de aplicações. Um dos pontos críticos na definição de tais ferramentas está na sua capacidade de obter informações a respeito de código. As ferramentas de análise estática dependem, em geral, de uma representação intermediária de um programa para identificar situações que atendam às condições necessárias descritas em seus algoritmos. Esse panorama se amplia com o uso de técnicas de modularização de interesses transversais, tais como a programação orientada a aspectos (POA), na qual um código pode ser afetado de forma sistêmica, por meio de combinações estáticas e dinâmicas. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é a especificação e implementação de AQL, uma DSL (linguagem específica de domínio) para a realização de busca em código orientado a aspectos. A AQL é uma linguagem declarativa, baseada em linguagem de busca em objetos (OQL) e que permite consultar elementos, relações, derivações e métricas de um programa orientado a aspectos (OA), a fim de apoiar a construção de ferramentas de análise estática e de pesquisa em código. O projeto de implementação da linguagem foi realizado em duas etapas. Primeiro, foi criado um framework (AOPJungle) para a extração de dados de programas OA. O AOPJungle além de extrair dados de programas OA, realiza a computação de métricas, inferências e ligações entre os elementos de um programa. Na segunda etapa, um compilador de referência para AQL foi construído. A abordagem adotada foi a transformação fonte a fonte, sendo uma consulta AQL transformada em uma consulta HQL (Hibernate Query Language) antes de sua execução. A fim de avaliar a implementação proposta, uma ferramenta de análise estática para identificação de oportunidades de refatoração em programas AO foi elaborada, usando a AQL para a busca de dados sobre esses programas.

Monitoring business process compliance : a view based approach / Monitoring de la conformité des processus métiers : approche à base de vues

Sebahi, Samir 22 March 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, les processus métiers permettent une automatisation croissante des tâches et des interconnexions complexes au sein du même système et entre différents systèmes, ce qui est particulièrement facilité par l'émergence des services Web. Dans ce contexte, les tâches de spécification et de vérification de la conformité pendant l’exécution deviennent particulièrement intéressantes. Dans cette thèse, on s’intéresse à deux aspects, le monitoring et la sécurité dans le contexte de l’Architecture Orienté Service (SOA). Ainsi, nous proposons une approche fondée sur le concept de vue et une plateforme qui vise le monitoring de la conformité des processus métiers pendant leur exécution. Ainsi, nous avons développé un langage de monitoring appelé BPath, qui est un langage basé sur XPath, qui offre entre autres, la possibilité de spécifier et de vérifier des propriétés de la logique temporelle linéaire et hybride, des requêtes visant à évaluer des indicateurs quantitatifs sur l’exécution d’un processus métier, ceci dans le but de détecter toute violation des règles de conformité pendant l’exécution.Une des préoccupations spécifiques du monitoring de la conformité pour les environnements basés sur SOA est la sécurité. Ainsi, nous proposons une architecture de sécurité fondée sur des langages dédiés (DSL) pour SOA. Nous avons particulièrement développé une DSL graphique pour faciliter la spécification et la génération des contrôles d’accès. Nos approches sont mises en œuvre et intégrés dans une plateforme développée dans le cadre du projet Européen COMPAS qui vise à assurer la conformité de bout en bout dans les environnements basés sur SOA. / Nowadays, business processes allow more automation of tasks and complex interconnections within the same system and across different systems, which is particularly facilitated by the emergence of Web services. In this context, the tasks of specifying and checking compliance at runtime become particularly challenging.In this thesis, our goal is twofold: monitoring and security in the context of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Thus, we proposed a view-based monitoring approach and a framework that target monitoring of business process compliance at runtime. Our monitoring framework aims to offer an easy way to specify properties to be monitored and to facilitate its integration with SOA based environments. Thus, we have developed a new monitoring language called BPath, which is an XPath-based language that offers among others, the ability to express and to check temporal and hybrid logic properties at runtime, making the execution of business processes visible by expressing and evaluating quantitative indicators, in order to detect any compliance violation at runtime. A specific compliance monitoring concern in SOA based environment is security, which is also an important aspect for companies willing to give access to some of their resources over the Web. Thus, we proposed a domain specific language (DSL) based architecture for ensuring security in SOA environments. We particularly focused on access control by proposing a graphical language to facilitate the specification and generation of access control policies.Our approaches are implemented and integrated within a complete end to end compliance framework developed within the COMPAS project.

Monext: an accounting framework for federated clouds

Silva, Francisco Airton Pereira da 27 February 2013 (has links)
Cloud computing has become an established paradigm for running services on external infrastructure that dynamically allocates virtually unlimited capacity. This paradigm creates a new scenario for the deployment of applications and information technology (IT) services. In this model, complete applications and machine infrastructure are offered to users, who are charged only for the resources they consume. Thus, cloud resources are offered through service abstractions classified into three main categories: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). In IaaS, computing resources are offered as virtual machines to the end user. The aim to offer such unlimited resources necessitates distributing these virtual machines through multiple data centers. This distribution makes harder to fulfill a number of requirements including security, reliability, availability, and accounting. Accounting refers to how resources are recorded, accounted for, and charged. Even for a single cloud provider this task is hard, and it becomes more difficult for a federation of cloud computing, or federated cloud, in which a cloud provider dynamically outsources resources to other providers in response to demand variation. Thus, a cluster of clouds shares heterogeneous resources, requiring greater effort to manage and accurately account for the distributed resources. Some earlier research has addressed the development of platforms for federated clouds but without considering the accounting requirement. This dissertation presents a framework for charging IaaS with a focus on federated cloud. In order to gather information about this topic area and to generate guidelines for building the framework, we applied a systematic mapping study. This dissertation also presents an initial validation of the tool through a case study, showing evidence that the requirements generated through the mapping study were fulfilled by the framework and presenting indications of its feasibility in a real cloud service scenario / Submitted by João Arthur Martins (joao.arthur@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-10T18:37:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação Francisco Airton da Silva.pdf: 5605679 bytes, checksum: 61aa2b6df102174ff2e190ab47678cbf (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-11T17:45:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação Francisco Airton da Silva.pdf: 5605679 bytes, checksum: 61aa2b6df102174ff2e190ab47678cbf (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-27 / A Computação na Nuvem se tornou um paradigma consumado para executar serviços em infraestruturas externas, onde de uma forma virtual a capacidade praticamente ilimitada pode ser alocada dinamicamente. Este paradigma estabelece um novo cenário para a implantação de aplicações e serviços de TI. Neste modelo, desde aplicações completas até infraestrutura de máquinas são ofertadas a usuários, que são cobrados apenas pelo uso dos recursos consumidos. Desta forma, os bens de consumo da nuvem são ofertados através de abstrações de serviços, onde atualmente são citadas três principais categorias: Software como Serviço (SaaS), Plataforma como Serviço (PaaS) e Infraestrutura como Serviço (IaaS). No caso do IaaS são oferecidos recursos computacionais na forma de Máquinas Virtuais para o cliente final. Para atingir o aspecto ilimitado de recursos é necessário distribuir estas Máquinas Virtuais por vários Data Centers. Esta distribuição dificulta atender uma série de requisitos como Segurança, Confiabilidade, Disponibilidade e a Tarifação pelos recursos consumidos. A Tarifação refere-se a como os recursos são registrados, contabilizados e cobrados. Mesmo no caso de um único provedor esta tarefa não é fácil e existe um contexto em que esta dificuldade se torna ainda maior, conhecida como Federação de Computação na Nuvem ou também chamadas de Nuvens Federadas. Nuvens Federadas ocorrem quando um provedor de Computação na Nuvem terceiriza recursos dinamicamente para outros provedores em resposta à variação da demanda. Desta forma ocorre um aglomerado de nuvens, porém seus recursos são heterogêneos, acarretando num maior esforço para gerenciar os recursos distribuídos e por consequência para a Tarifação. Neste contexto foram identificadas pesquisas nesta área sobre plataformas para Nuvens Federadas, que não abordam o requisito de Tarifação. Esta dissertação apresenta um framework voltado à tarifação de Infraestrutura como Serviço com foco em Nuvens Federadas. Objetivando colher informações sobre esta área e consequentemente gerar insumos para fundamentar as decisões na construção do framework, foi aplicado um Estudo de Mapeamento Sistemático. Esta dissertação também apresenta uma validação inicial da ferramenta, através de um estudo experimental, mostrando indícios de que os requisitos gerados pelo Mapeamento Sistemático foram atendidos, bem como será viável a aplicação da solução por provedores de serviços de nuvem em um cenário real.

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