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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotionellt och psykosocialt välbefinnande hos barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt och barn med språkstörning. : Ett föräldraperspektiv. / Emotional and Psychosocial Well-Being in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate and Children with Specific Language Impairment. : A parental perspective

Lindström, Caroline, Sepehri Rad, Sara January 2010 (has links)
Children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) and children with specific language impairment (SLI) may be affected emotionally and psychosocially by their disorders. Thus, it is important to investigate the psychosocial risk factors that these children are exposed to. The aim of this study was to examine how parents assess the emotional and psychosocial well-being of children with CLP and children with SLI, and if the two parental groups differ in their assessments using the standardized instrument Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Participants in the study were the parents of ten children with unilateral and bilateral CLP between ages 6;7-9;0 (mean age 7;5) and the parents of 13 children between ages 6;4-8;8 (mean age 7;3) who are attending preschools and schools for children with SLI. These parents were asked to complete the questionnaires CBCL and Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ).   The children with CLP had lower scores than the children with SLI in all domains of the CBCL, indicating that these children with CLP had better emotional and psychosocial well-being. The scores in the domains "withdrawn" and "delinquent behaviour" were significantly lower for the group of children with CLP who also had lower total mean scores of CBCL compared to the standardization group. The children with SLI had significantly higher mean scores for all domains compared to this group, indicating that these children with SLI were more emotionally and psychosocially affected than the other groups. Correlations between CBCL and CHQ were found for the children with CLP and the children with SLI. / Barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt (LKG) och barn med språkstörning kan påverkas emotionellt och psykosocialt på grund av sina avvikelser. Det föreligger därför ett behov av att undersöka vilka aspekter som kan utgöra psykosociala riskfaktorer hos dessa grupper. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur föräldrar skattar emotionellt och psykosocialt välbefinnande hos barn med LKG och barn med språkstörning samt om dessa föräldragruppers skattningar skiljer sig åt. Vidare var syftet att undersöka hur studiens skattningar är relaterat till skattningarna i standardiseringen av instrumentet Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Föräldrar till tio barn med unilateral och bilateral spalt mellan 6;7-9;0 år (medelålder 7;5) samt föräldrar till 13 barn på språkförskola eller språkskola mellan 6;4-8;8 år (medelålder 7;3) fick fylla i frågeformulären CBCL samt Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ).   Resultaten visade att gruppen barn med LKG hade lägre medelvärden än gruppen barn med språkstörning för samtliga domäner i CBCL, vilket indikerar att gruppen barn med LKG hade större emotionellt och psykosocialt välbefinnande. Medelvärdena för domänerna ”tillbakadragenhet” och ”asocialt beteende” var signifikant lägre för gruppen barn med LKG som också hade lägre totalt medelvärde jämfört med aktuella normeringsvärden för CBCL. Medelvärdena för gruppen barn med språkstörning var högre än normeringsvärdena för samtliga domäner, vilket indikerar att gruppen barn med språkstörning hade sämre emotionellt och psykosocialt välbefinnande än de andra grupperna. Slutligen visade korrelationsberäkningar ett signifikant samband mellan CBCL och CHQ för båda deltagargrupperna.

Relationen mellan kommunikativa behov i vardagen hos barn med språkstörning och mål med logopedisk intervention / The relationship between communicative needs in every day life in children with language impairment and objectives set in speech and language intervention

Elfverson, Cajsa, Hilton Sand, Susanna, Loskog, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Samtalsanalys har tidigare använts som ett komplement till traditionellt använda standardiserade tester för att undersöka mer funktionella aspekter av kommunikation (Wells & Local, 1992; Yont, Hewitt & Miccio, 2002; Samuelsson 2009). Syftet med föreliggande studie är att utifrån sytematiska analyser av vardagliga samtal och logopedisk intervention utforska relationen mellan kommunikativa behov i vardagen och mål med intervention för barn med språkstörning. Tre barn med språkstörning filmades i vardagliga samtal hemma och på förskolan samt vid ett behandlingsbesök hos logopeden. Materialet transkriberades och analyserades enligt samtalsanalytiska principer. Intervjuer och retrospektioner genomfördes med föräldrar, förskolepersonal samt behandlande logoped för att ytterligare belysa barnens kommunikativa situation. I föreliggande studie framkommer att de kommunikativa behov barnen har relaterar till de mål som sätts upp i logopedisk behandling. På grund av deras fonologiska svårigheter påverkas barnens kommunikation då det ofta uppstår problemkällor, deras yttranden ignoreras och deras talutrymme inskränks. Reparationsstrategier används av både vuxna och barn för att reda ut de situationer där missförstånd uppstår. Dessa strategier kan, med hjälp av retrospektioner, uppmärksammas och diskuteras i logopedisk intervention i syfte att undvika framtida situationer där barnens svårförståeliga yttranden inte reds ut. / Conversation analysis has been used as a complement to traditional standardized testing to evaluate the functional aspect of communication (Wells & Local, 1992; Yont, Hewitt & Miccio, 2002; Samuelsson 2009). The purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship between everyday communicative needs and objectives set in speech and language intervention through systematic analysis of everyday conversations and speech and language intervention. Three children with language impairment were video recorded during everyday interaction at home, at the preschool and during one speech and language therapy session. The material was transcribed and analyzed according to principles of conversation analysis. Interviews and retrospections were conducted with parents, preschool teachers and the treating speech and language pathologists in order to further illustrate the participating children’s communicational situation. The results in the present study show that the communicational needs does relate to the objectives set up in speech and language intervention for the children in the current study. The children’s communication is primarily afflicted by their phonological difficulties in the way that it fuels for sources of communicational breakdowns, the children’s utterances become ignored and it restrains their participation in conversation. Repair strategies are used by both adults and children to solve sequences where mutual understanding is not achieved. These strategies may, through retrospections, be identified and discussed in speech and language intervention in order to avoid future situations where unintelligible utterances are not solved.

Building environment rule and analysis (BERA) language and its application for evaluating building circulation and spatial program

Lee, Jin Kook 18 January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to design and implement a domain-specific computer programming language: the Building Environment Rule and Analysis (BERA) Language. As a result of the growing area of Building Information Modeling (BIM), there has been a need to develop highly customized domain-specific programming languages for handling issues in building models in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. The BERA Language attempts to deal with building information models in an intuitive way in order to define and analyze rules in design stages. The application of the BERA Language aims to provide efficiency in defining, analyzing and checking rules. Specific example applications implemented in this dissertation are on the evaluation of two key aspects: building circulation and spatial programming. The objective of this study is to accomplish an effectiveness and ease of use without precise knowledge of general-purpose languages that are conventionally used in BIM software development. To achieve the goal, this study proposes an abstraction of the universe of discourse - it is the BERA Object Model (BOM). It is a human-centered abstraction of complex state of building models rather than the computation-oriented abstraction. By using BOM, users can enjoy the ease of use and portability of BIM data, rather than complex and platform-dependent data structures. This study also has reviewed and demonstrated its potential for extensibility of BOM. Not only its lateral extensions such as structural building elements, but also the vertical extensions such as additional properties for existing BOM objects are good examples. In current BERA Language Tool, many computed and derived properties/relations have been proposed and implemented, as well as some basic data directly from the given building model. Target users of the BERA Language are domain experts such as architects, designers, reviewers, owners, managers, students, etc., rather than BIM software developers. It means that the people who are interested in the building environment rule and analysis are the potential users. The BERA Language Tool comprises many libraries to alleviate common but unnecessary problems and limitations that are encountered when users attempt to analyze and evaluate building models using commercially available tools. Combined with other libraries which populate rich and domain-specific datasets for certain purposes, the BERA Language will be fairly versatile to define rules and analyze various building environmental conditions.

支援虛實互動展演之程式環境 / Programming Support for Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art

蕭奕凱, Hsiao, Yi Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係發想自政治大學「未來馬戲團」的展演活動表演方式,嘗試改進表演方式中的程式技術,以程式化方式整合展演藝術中實體與虛擬的互動平台,我們希望提供導演撰寫較為口語或展演描述方式的腳本敘述如『when ... other-wise ...』,如此一來就可以任意組合實體演員的肢體動作與指示虛擬環境的特效,因此我們採用了一套介接實體與虛擬環境應用程式的領域專屬語言- Digital In-teractive Performance Sketch (DIPS),用以開發客製化的展演程式庫,並佈署於本團隊自行開發的執行引擎 Wearable Item Service runtimE (WISE),提供導演在這個引擎上透過這個DIPS編寫前述口語的程式腳本,讓程式自行互動,達成展演效果的自動變化。 我們的系統會接收來自展演人員穿配的連網感應器上的訊號,並且根據導演寫好的腳本規則,自動根據接收到的裝置訊號判斷出該指示虛擬環境做出什麼樣的效果,以達到展演效果自動變化,完成虛擬與實體展互動的程式支援。 為了減少腳本程式撰寫前須具備的程式邏輯訓練,本研究開發一款所見即所得(WYSIWYG)的視覺化腳本編輯器 DIPS Creator,提供腳本編寫者可以直覺的方式組合編輯器中的展演詞彙方塊,完成腳本設計。 本研究展示了如何以較為口語或展演語意的方式敘述展演規則,以實現虛實互動的程式化,並且提供了具有彈性的客製化展演函式庫及圖形化展演規則編輯器的製作方式,未來可增加多演員層次的抽象支援以展現本研究系統的更多程式化能力,並加入表演階段設計、雙向溝通與規則互斥等能力,擴充系統功能。 / This research was inspired by “The Future Circus”, a cyber-physical interactive performance art developed in National Chengchi University. In this thesis, we pro-pose some mechanisms to support such performance art programmatically in a more effective manner. Specially, we provide a high-level scripting tool for directors to de-scribe the performance rules abstractly in the form of “when ... otherwise ...”, so that directors can compose arbitrary actions and effects easily. Underlying such abstract rules are a domain specific language – Digital Interactive Performance Sketch (DIPS), and a middleware. Wearable Item Service runtime (WISE), developed by our research team. Given a script with those abstract rules, our system will receive signals sent from a sensor on wearable devices of actors, and then it will command cyber environment perform effects, the performance effects or actions according to rules written by the director. Through our integration efforts, the performance effects in the cyber environment will change automatically in a programmatic way. Besides, for users without prior scripting experience, we developed a WYSIWYG GUI editor, DIPS Creator, that allows users to write a script intuitively by dragging and dropping pre-built rule blocks. We conduct a few experiments with real sensor device to demonstrate the programming support of our tool. The preliminary results are satisfactory in terms of prototype support. To further extend our tool for practical performance, we describe in detail a few directions such as support for multiple actor performance stage model-ing, and integrity check of related rules that will make our system more powerful.

Effective reuse of coupling technologies for Earth System Models

Dunlap, Ralph S. 16 September 2013 (has links)
Designing and implementing coupled Earth System Models (ESMs) is a challenge for climate scientists and software engineers alike. Coupled models incorporate two or more independent numerical models into a single application, allowing for the simulation of complex feedback effects. As ESMs increase in sophistication, incorporating higher fidelity models of geophysical processes, developers are faced with the issue of managing increasing software complexity. Recently, reusable coupling software has emerged to aid developers in building coupled models. Effective reuse of coupling infrastructure means increasing the number of coupling functions reused, minimizing code duplication, reducing the development time required to couple models, and enabling flexible composition of coupling infrastructure with existing constituent model implementations. Despite the widespread availability of software packages that provide coupling infrastructure, effective reuse of coupling technologies remains an elusive goal: coupling models is effort-intensive, often requiring weeks or months of developer time to work through implementation details, even when starting from a set of existing software components. Coupling technologies are never used in isolation: they must be integrated with multiple existing constituent models to provide their primary services, such as model-to-model data communication and transformation. Unfortunately, the high level of interdependence between coupling concerns and scientific concerns has resulted in high interdependence between the infrastructure code and the scientific code within a model’s implementation. These dependencies are a source of complexity which tends to reduce reusability of coupling infrastructure. This dissertation presents mechanisms for increasing modeler productivity based on improving reuse of coupling infrastructure and raising the level of abstraction at which modelers work. This dissertation argues that effective reuse of coupling technologies can be achieved by decomposing existing coupling technologies into a salient set of implementation-independent features required for coupling high-performance models, increasing abstraction levels at which model developers work, and facilitating integration of coupling infrastructure with constituent models via component-based modularization of coupling features. The contributions of this research include: (1) a comprehensive feature model that identifies the multi-dimensional design space of coupling technologies used in high-performance Earth System Models, (2) Cupid, a domain-specific language and compiler for specifying coupling configurations declaratively and generating their implementations automatically, and (3) Component-based Coupling Operators (CC-Ops), a modular approach to code reuse of coupling infrastructure based on component technologies for high-performance scientific settings. The Cupid domain-specific language is evaluated by specifying a coupling configuration for an example fluid dynamics model and measuring the amount of code generated by the Cupid compiler compared to a hand coded version. The CC-Op approach is evaluated by implementing several CC-Ops using an existing high-performance component framework and measuring performance in terms of scalability and overhead.

Conception et mise en oeuvre d'une plate-forme pour la sûreté de fonctionnement des services Web

Salatgé, Nicolas 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Basés sur les protocoles XML, SOAP et WSDL, les Services Web (SW) sont la technologie de base pour le développement d'Architectures Orientées Services (AOS). Ces architectures permettent de mettre en place des applications faiblement couplées avec un fort degré de configuration dynamique. Elles se basent sur la notion de relation de "services" formalisée par un contrat qui unit le client et le prestataire de services. Ce contrat est le point charnière de ce type d'applications. D'un point de vue purement marketing, les Services Web peuvent être développés pour satisfaire les besoins des clients, être facile à maintenir et aussi fournir un haut niveau de qualité de service. Les prestataires de Services Web doivent s'assurer de la fiabilité et de la disponibilité de leur infrastructure individuelle de Services Web. Cependant, les prestataires ne peuvent pas tenir compte de tous les besoins possibles des clients et des contraintes liées au développement de l'application donnée. Cela signifie que des mécanismes additionnels doivent être développés et ciblés pour un contexte d'utilisation donné. C'est exactement le type de problèmes que j'ai examiné dans mes travaux. Les développeurs d'application regardent les Services Web comme des COTS (Component Off-The Shell) et ignorent donc leurs implémentations et leurs comportements en présence de fautes. De ce point de vue, les clients ont besoin de développer des mécanismes de tolérances aux fautes spécifiques bien adaptés à leurs applications. Dans ce but, mes travaux de thèse m'ont conduit à proposer une plate-forme pour aider les clients à réaliser des connecteurs spécifiques de tolérance aux fautes (SFTC - Specifique Fault Tolerance Connectors) qui implémentent des filtres et autres techniques de détection d'erreurs (c.à.d des assertions exécutables) ainsi que des mécanismes de recouvrement qui sont déclenchés quand les Services Web ne satisfont plus les caractéristiques de sûreté demandées. De plus, le même Services Web peut être employé dans plusieurs applications orientées services avec différentes contraintes et peut donc tirer profit de plusieurs connecteurs (SFTCs). Le problème est similaire à l'utilisation des composants COTS dans les systèmes critiques de sûreté, et des travaux précédents ont déjà prouvé que des mécanismes tels que les wrappers étaient une solution possible. La différence dans le contexte des Architectures Orientées Services est que des wrappers prédéfinis ne peuvent pas être spécifiés pour satisfaire tous les besoins possibles. L'approche doit être plus adaptative pour permettre à des mécanismes de sûreté : 1) d'être définis au cas par cas pour une utilisation donnée du Service Web et 2) d'avoir une forte dynamique afin d'être modifiés selon les besoins. Ainsi, mes travaux de recherches ont permis de fournir aux développeurs d'Architectures Orientées Services: 1) un langage nommé DeWeL pour décrire les caractéristiques de sûreté de fonctionnement du connecteur et 2) l'infrastructure IWSD pour dynamiquement contrôler et exécuter les connecteurs dans des applications critiques. L'objectif final est de fournir aux développeurs d' Architectures Orientées Services une infrastructure et des outils capables de les aider à déployer des applications orientées services tolérants les fautes.

Daugiakalbių vaikų kalbos sutrikimų atpažinimas ir pagalbos teikimo metodai / Multilingual children’s language disorders identification and methods of assistance

Cigaitė, Eglė 17 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjami daugiakalbių vaikų kalbos sutrikimų atpažinimo ir pagalbos teikimo metodai. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti daugiakalbių vaikų kalbos sutrikimus, jų atpažinimo metodus ir parengti logopedinės pagalbos modelį. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, iš dalies struktūruoto interviu forma apklausiant daugiakalbių vaikų, turinčių kalbos sutrikimų, tėvus. Interviu metu gauti duomenys išanalizuoti ir jais remiantis sudarytas pasirinkto atvejo logopedinės pagalbos modelis. Pirmajame skyriuje nagrinėjami tipinės daugiakalbių vaikų kalbos raidos ypatumai, aptariamos svarbiausios šios srities sąvokos, daugiakalbystės reiškinio įvairialypiškumas. Darbe analizuojama tipinė daugiakalbių vaikų kalbos raida, gimtosios, antrosios ir užsienio kalbos įsisavinimas, analizuojami dvikalbių/daugiakalbių vaikų kalbos sutrikimai, lyginant juos su vienakalbių vaikų kalbos sutrikimais, atskleidžiama tėvų pagalbos reikšmė ugdant daugiakalbį vaiką. Remiantis psicholingvistiniais tyrimais, teigiama, kad daugiakalbystė yra vienas iš svarbiausių veiksnių, veikiančių vaiko kalbos raidą ir plečiančių jo pasaulio sampratą (Hoff, 2002). Antrajame skyriuje aptariami daugiakalbių ir dvikalbių vaikų kalbos sutrikimų įveikimo modeliai, įvardijami, teikiant lgopedinę pagalbą, kylantys sunkumai, pažymima specialistų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimo būtinybė, logopedų profesinio bendradarbiavimo, ugdymo įstaigų, teikiančių pagalbą dvikalbiams vaikams, turintiems kalbos sutrikimų, reikšmingumas. Daugiakalbystės ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of this master thesis is to examine language disorders in speech-impaired children from multilingual families, and to contribute to the development of intervention methods to improve the language and speech development of these children. The main reason for bilingualism and multilingualism in children and families today is migration and living in new socio-cultural environment. Hypothesis: speech therapist, recognizes multilingual children’s language disorders and focuses using the appropriate methods of assistance, in collaboration with parents and speech therapist’s professionals, not only helping the child to overcome language problems, but also enhancing his communication skills. The work is based on partially structured interviews with eight parents of multilingual children with speech and language disorders using Skype program. Information obtained from these interviews were analyzed and used to develop a language and speech improvement model. The most important empirical conclusions that were drawn are:  The characteristics of speech disorders in bilingual and multilingual children do not differ from speech disorders occurring in monolingual children. However, the speech disorders of bilingual and multilingual children may be more pronounced and more complex than those of monolingual children. Therefore, the treatment of speech disorders of bilingual and multilingual children may be more difficult, more complex, and more time-consuming than the treatment... [to full text]

LWiSSy: uma linguagem espec?fica de dom?nio para modelagem de sistemas de redes de sensores e atuadores sem fio

Dantas, Priscilla Victor 28 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:48:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PriscillaVD_DISSERT.pdf: 2033070 bytes, checksum: 27c8a6f6a0e802c19b0f74553cc6db23 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-28 / The field of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) is fast increasing and has attracted the interest of both the research community and the industry because of several factors, such as the applicability of such networks in different application domains (aviation, civil engineering, medicine, and others). Moreover, advances in wireless communication and the reduction of hardware components size also contributed for a fast spread of these networks. However, there are still several challenges and open issues that need to be tackled in order to achieve the full potential of WSAN usage. The development of WSAN systems is one of the most relevant of these challenges considering the number of variables involved in this process. Currently, a broad range of WSAN platforms and low level programming languages are available to build WSAN systems. Thus, developers need to deal with details of different sensor platforms and low-level programming abstractions of sensor operational systems on one hand, and they also need to have specific (high level) knowledge about the distinct application domains, on the other hand. Therefore, in order to decouple the handling of these two different levels of knowledge, making easier the development process of WSAN systems, we propose LWiSSy (Domain Language for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Systems), a domain specific language (DSL) for WSAN. The use of DSLs raises the abstraction level during the programming of systems and modularizes the system building in several steps. Thus, LWiSSy allows the domain experts to directly contribute in the development of WSANs without having knowledge on low level sensor platforms, and network experts to program sensor nodes to meet application requirements without having specific knowledge on the application domain. Additionally, LWiSSy enables the system decomposition in different levels of abstraction according to structural and behavioral features and granularities (network, node group and single node level programming) / As Redes de Sensores e Atuadores Sem Fio (RSASF) v?m emergindo rapidamente e t?m atra?do o interesse da comunidade de pesquisa e da ind?stria, gra?as a v?rios fatores, dentre eles a aplicabilidade desse tipo de rede nos mais diversos dom?nios de aplica??es (avia??o, engenharia civil, medicina, dentre outros). Al?m disso, avan?os na comunica??o sem fio e miniaturiza??o dos componentes de hardware tamb?m contribu?ram para a r?pida prolifera??o dessas redes. Apesar disso, ainda existem alguns desafios a serem transpostos a fim de se atingir o pleno potencial de utiliza??o das RSASF. Dentre estes, o desenvolvimento de sistemas de RSASF aparece como um dos mais relevantes atualmente, haja vista a quantidade de vari?veis envolvidas no processo de desenvolvimento. Atualmente, uma vasta gama de plataformas de RSASF e diversas linguagens de programa??o de baixo n?vel podem ser empregadas no desenvolvimento desses sistemas. Dessa forma, ? necess?rio que o desenvolvedor possua tanto conhecimento de baixo n?vel relativo ? plataforma da RSASF, quanto conhecimento espec?fico do dom?nio de cada uma das aplica??es presentes no sistema. A fim de efetuar o desacoplamento da utiliza??o destes conhecimentos durante o processo de desenvolvimento, de forma a facilitar tal processo, este trabalho prop?e LWiSSy (Domain Language for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Systems), uma linguagem para modelagem de sistemas para RSASF baseada no uso de DSLs (Domain Specific Language). As DSLs, pelo fato de aumentarem o n?vel de abstra??o da programa??o e modularizarem a constru??o de sistemas em v?rias etapas, permitir?o que ambos os especialistas envolvidos (dom?nio e redes) possam contribuir diretamente durante o desenvolvimento do sistema e de maneira mais desacoplada do que ocorre atualmente. Al?m dos benef?cios supracitados, LWiSSy possibilitar? ainda a decomposi??o do sistema em diferentes n?veis de abstra??o, haja vista a necessidade de representar diferentes caracter?sticas (estrutural e comportamental) e granulosidades (programa??o em n?vel de rede, em n?vel de grupos de n?s e em n?vel de n?) em um ?nico sistema

Développement morphosyntaxique complexe : comprendre et évaluer les acquisitions syntaxiques tardives, chez l’enfant tout-venant et chez l’enfant présentant des troubles sévères d’acquisition du langage / Understanding and assessing development of complex syntax in children with typical language development and in children with specific language impairment

Prigent, Gaïd 05 January 2016 (has links)
La Théorie Usage et Construction (TUC) postule que l’enfant développe son langage, et plus précisément ses formes morphosyntaxiques, grâce à l’utilisation de processus cognitifs généraux qui permettent un mécanisme de complexification et de généralisation de ses propres productions ainsi que de celles issues de l’input. L’approche cognitivo-fonctionnelle n’a été appliquée à la dysphasie que dans peu d’études. De plus, l'acquisition de la syntaxe complexe chez l'enfant dysphasique est un domaine délaissé dans la littérature existante. Ainsi, dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux difficultés des enfants dysphasiques pour la complexité morphosyntaxique à travers la lunette de la TUC, et ce en utilisant à les fois des tâches expérimentales et des situations de génération de langage spontané. Nous postulions que la complexité, concept au cœur de notre travail, est définie par ce qui est cognitivement coûteux, désignant ainsi les formes linguistiques rares, longues ou imbriquées. Notre travail met en évidence que les enfants dysphasiques peuvent être productifs seulement avec les schémas fréquents dans le langage qui leur est adressé, alors que les structures complexes, peu fréquentes dans l’input, sont particulièrement difficiles à appréhender pour eux. Dès lors, ces enfants ont besoin d’être confrontés à davantage d’exemplaires et de contextes de pratique pour que la masse critique suffisante soit atteinte et que l’apprentissage de constructions soit possible. Enfin, un lien relativement clair entre la difficulté de complexification syntaxique et les troubles de la généralisation est mis en évidence. / The Construction and Usage-based Theory (CUT) argues that children develop their language, and more precisely morphosyntactic structures, thanks to the use of general cognitive processes by complexifying and generalizing their own prior productions and productions used in the input. These hypotheses have been tested in children with specific language impairment (SLI) in very few studies. Moreover, development of complex syntax is a little studied area in the literature. Thus, the current doctoral thesis focused on complex syntax difficulties of children with SLI using spontaneous language samples and experimental tasks. This work defines complexity as linguistics forms which are rare, long or nested and more generally cognitively costly. The results obtained show that children with SLI use frequent forms heard in the input productively, whereas complex forms, which are rare in the input are difficult for them. These children need to be exposed to more exemplars and practice settings to reach critical mass and making possible learning of constructions. Finally, this current doctoral thesis highlights a relatively obvious link between complex syntax difficulties and lack of generalization of construction schemas.

A DSEL in C++ for lowest-order methods for diffusive problem on general meshes / Programmation générative appliquée au prototypage d'Applications performantes sur des architectures massivement parallèles pour l'approximation volumes finis de systèmes physiques complexes

Gratien, Jean-Marc 27 May 2013 (has links)
Les simulateurs industriels deviennent de plus en plus complexes car ils doivent intégrer de façon performante des modèles physiques complets et des méthodes de discrétisation évoluées. Leur mise au point nécessite de gérer de manière efficace la complexité des modèles physiques sous-jacents, la complexité des méthodes numériques utilisées, la complexité des services numériques de bas niveau nécessaires pour tirer parti des architectures matérielle modernes et la complexité liée aux langages informatiques. Une réponse partielle au problème est aujourd'hui fournie par des plate-formes qui proposent des outils avancés pour gérer de façon transparente la complexité liée au parallélisme. Cependant elles ne gèrent que la complexité du matériel et les services numériques de bas niveau comme l'algèbre linéaire. Dans le contexte des méthodes Éléments Finis (EF), l'existence d'un cadre mathématique unifié a permis d'envisager des outils qui permettent d'aborder aussi la complexité issue des méthodes numériques et celle liée aux problèmes physiques, citons, par exemple, les projets Freefem++, Getdp, Getfem++, Sundance, Feel++ et Fenics. Le travail de thèse a consisté à étendre cette approche aux méthodes d'ordre bas pour des systèmes d'EDPs, méthodes qui souffraient jusqu'à maintenant d'une absence d'un cadre suffisamment général permettant son extension à des problèmes différents. Des travaux récents ont résolue cette difficulté, par l'introduction d'une nouvelle classe de méthodes d'ordre bas inspirée par les éléments finis non conformes. Cette formulation permet d'exprimer dans un cadre unifié les schémas VF multi-points et les méthodes DFM/VFMH. Ce nouveau cadre a permis la mise au point d'un langage spécifique DSEL en C++ qui permet de développer des applications avec un haut niveau d'abstraction, cachant la complexité des méthodes numériques et des services bas niveau garanties de haute performances. La syntaxe et les techniques utilisées sont inspirée par celles de Feel++. Le DSEL a été développé à partir de la plate-forme Arcane, et embarqué dans le C++. Les techniques de DSEL permettent de représenter un problème et sa méthode de résolution avec une expression, parsée à la compilation pour générer un programme, et évaluée à l'exécution pour construire un système linéaire que l'on peut résoudre pour trouver la solution du problème. Nous avons mis au point notre DSEL à l'aide d'outils standard issus de la bibliothèque Boost puis l'avons validé sur divers problèmes académiques non triviaux tels que des problèmes de diffusion hétérogène et le problème de Stokes. Dans un deuxième temps, dans le cadre du projet ANR HAMM (Hybrid Architecture and Multiscale Methods), nous avons validé notre approche en complexifiant le type de méthodes abordées et le type d'architecture matérielle cible pour nos programmes. Nous avons étendu le formalisme mathématique sur lequel nous nous basons pour pouvoir écrire des méthodes multi-échelle puis nous avons enrichi notre DSEL pour pouvoir implémenter de telles méthodes. Afin de pouvoir tirer partie de façon transparente des performances de ressources issues d'architectures hybrides proposant des cartes graphiques de type GPGPU, nous avons mis au point une couche abstraite proposant un modèle de programmation unifié qui permet d'accéder à différents niveaux de parallélisme plus ou moins fin en fonction des spécificités de l'architecture matérielle cible. Nous avons validé cette approche en évaluant les performances de cas tests utilisant des méthodes multi-échelle sur des configurations variés de machines hétérogènes. Pour finir nous avons implémenté des applications variées de type diffusion-advection-réaction, de Navier-Stokes incompressible et de type réservoir. Nous avons validé la flexibilité de notre approche et la capacité qu'elle offre à appréhender des problèmes variés puis avons étudié les performances des diverses implémentations. / Industrial simulation software has to manage : the complexity of the underlying physical models, usually expressed in terms of a PDE system completed with algebraic closure laws, the complexity of numerical methods used to solve the PDE systems, and finally the complexity of the low level computer science services required to have efficient software on modern hardware. Nowadays, this complexity management becomes a key issue for the development of scientific software. Some frameworks already offer a number of advanced tools to deal with the complexity related to parallelism in a transparent way. However, all these frameworks often provide only partial answers to the problem as they only deal with hardware complexity and low level numerical complexity like linear algebra. High level complexity related to discretization methods and physical models lack tools to help physicists to develop complex applications. New paradigms for scientific software must be developed to help them to seamlessly handle the different levels of complexity so that they can focus on their specific domain. Generative programming, component engineering and domain-specific languages (either DSL or DSEL) are key technologies to make the development of complex applications easier to physicists, hiding the complexity of numerical methods and low level computer science services. These paradigms allow to write code with a high level expressive language and take advantage of the efficiency of generated code for low level services close to hardware specificities. In the domain of numerical algorithms to solve partial differential equations, their application has been up to now limited to Finite Element (FE) methods, for which a unified mathematical framework has been existing for a long time. Such kinds of DSL have been developed for finite element or Galerkin methods in projects like Freefem++, Getdp, Getfem++, Sundance, Feel++ and Fenics. A new consistent unified mathematical frame has recently emerged and allows a unified description of a large family of lowest-order methods. This framework allows then, as in FE methods, the design of a high level language inspired from the mathematical notation, that could help physicists to implement their application writing the mathematical formulation at a high level. We propose to develop a language based on that frame, embedded in the C++ language. Our work relies on a mathematical framework that enables us to describe a wide family of lowest order methods including multiscale methods based on lowest order methods. We propose a DSEL developed on top of Arcane platform, based on the concepts presented in the unified mathematical frame and on the Feel++ DSEL. The DSEL is implemented with the Boost.Proto library by Niebler, a powerful framework to build a DSEL in C++. We have proposed an extension of the computational framework to multiscale methods and focus on the capability of our approach to handle complex methods.Our approach is extended to the runtime system layer providing an abstract layer that enable our DSEL to generate efficient code for heterogeneous architectures. We validate the design of this layer by benchmarking multiscale methods. This method provides a great amount of independent computations and is therefore the kind of algorithms that can take advantage efficiently of new hybrid hardware technology. Finally we benchmark various complex applications and study the performance results of their implementations with our DSEL.

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