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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AWSLang: Probabilistic Threat Modelling of the Amazon Web Services environment

Singh Virdi, Amandeep January 2018 (has links)
Attack simulations provide a viable means to test the cyber security of a system. The simulations trace the steps taken by the attacker to compromise sensitive assets within the system. In addition to this, they can also estimate the time taken by the attacker for the same, measuring from the initial step up to the final. One common approach to implement such simulations is the use of attack graph, which trace the various dependencies of every step and their connection to one another in a formal way. To further facilitate attack simulations and to reduce the effort of creating new attack graphs for each system of a given type, domain-specific languages are employed. Another advantage of utilizing such a language is that they organize the common attack logics of the domain in a systematic way, allowing for both ease of use and reuse of models. MAL (the Meta Attack Language) has been proposed by Johnson et al. to serve as a framework to develop domain-specific languages [1]. My work is based upon the same. This thesis report presents AWSLang, which can be used to design IT system models in context to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) environment and analyse their weaknesses. The domain specifics of the language are inspired from and based on existing literature. A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is performed to identify possible attacks against the elements in an AWS environment. These attacks are then used as groundwork to write test cases and validate the specification. / Attacksimuleringar är ett användbart sätt att testa cybersäkerheten i ett system. Simuleringarna spårar de steg som angriparen tog för att försvaga säkerheten av känsliga tillgångar inom systemet. Utöver detta kan de uppskatta hur länge attacken varade, mätt från första till sista steget. Ett gemensamt tillvägagångssätt för att implementera sådana simuleringar är användningen av attackgrafer, som spårar olika beroenden av varje steg och deras koppling till varandra på ett formellt sätt.För att ytterligare underlätta attacksimuleringar och minska ansträngningen att skapa nya attackgrafer för varje system av en given typ, används domänspecifika språk. En annan fördel med att använda ett sådant språk är att det organiserar domänens gemensamma attacklogiker på ett systematiskt sätt, vilket möjliggör både en enkel användning och återanvändning av modeller. MAL (Meta Attack Language) har föreslagits av Johnson et al. att fungera som ramverk för utvecklingen av domänspecifika språk [1]. Mitt arbete är baserat på detsamma.I denna uppsats presenteras AWSLang, som kan användas för att utforma IT-systemmodeller i kontexten av AWS-miljön (Amazon Web Services) och analysera deras svagheter. Språkets domänspecifikationer är inspirerade av och baserade på befintlig litteratur. En systematisk litteraturöversikt görs för att identifiera möjliga attacker mot elementen i en AWS-miljö. Dessa attacker används sedan som grund för att skriva testfall och validera specifikationen.

Developmental language disorder and universal grammar

Beritognolo, Gustavo 12 1900 (has links)
L'étude de la Faculté des langues (FL), telle que définie par la grammaire générative, a été principalement entreprise à travers l'examen des langues adultes, l'acquisition de la langue première, l'acquisition des langues secondes et l'acquisition bilingue. Peu de travaux ont abordé la FL à partir d'une situation d'acquisition atypique, communément appelée Trouble développemental du langage (TDL). Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la façon dont FL est affectée par cette condition malheureuse. Le TDL est manifesté par certains jeunes enfants et adultes et peut être la cause de limitations importantes dans le développement du langage. La production et la compréhension langagières de ce groupe d'enfants sont atypiques par rapport au comportement linguistique d'autres enfants du même âge. Leur atypicité consiste en une grammaire non-cible en ce qui concerne ce qui est autorisé et ce qui est interdit dans la/les langue(s) à laquelle/auxquelles ils sont exposés. Les symptômes les plus communs, d'un point de vue morpho-syntaxique, sont (a) l'omission de morphèmes et de mots, (b) les commissions, c'est-à-dire la présence inadéquate de certains mots ou le remplacement inapproprié de morphèmes et (c) les redoublements, c'est-à-dire, l'apparition de mots ou de morphèmes dans plus de positions que celles autorisées dans la langue cible. Ces symptômes ont été pris comme l’indication que la FL est déficiente. Le résultat de cette défaillance est une grammaire développée par les enfants ayant le TDL qui est qualitativement différente de celle développée par leurs pairs typiques. Cette thèse examinera si la compétence linguistique sous-jacente des enfants DLD est déterminée par les mêmes traits, opérations et principes qui régissent le langage naturel en général. Extraites de la littérature expérimentale sur le TDL, les données pour l’analyse incluent la compréhension et la production par les enfants du TDL et concernent les domaines nominal, temporel/verbal et propositionnel. Les propositionsiii avancées pour rendre compte de ce disorder seront évaluées. Toutes proposent explicitement ou implicitement que la grammaire universelle (GU), c'est-à-dire l'ensemble des traits et opérations phonologiques, sémantiques et syntaxiques qui sous-tendent FL, est défectueuse: certains traits peuvent être absents, ou des opérations peuvent être inactives ou fonctionner par intermittence. Contrairement à ces propositions, l'hypothèse défendue ici est que la GU n'est pas affectée chez les enfants TDL. C'est-à-dire que malgré les nombreuses différences entre le TDL et l'acquisition typique du langage, la GU se révèle être similaire à un certain niveau dans les deux situations d'acquisition. Si la GU était altérée chez les enfants TDL, on s'attendrait à ce que les enfants affectés par cette condition produisent des phrases remarquablement différentes de celles produites par des enfants typiques. Plusieurs études ont révélé que les enfants DLD et leurs pairs typiques peuvent montrer des performances linguistiques similaires en termes de quantité et de type d'erreurs. De plus, les données révèlent que les énoncés TDL ne sont pas toujours erronés; lorsque tous les éléments et les mécanismes linguistiques sont présents, ils sont correctement utilisés. Ceci est considéré comme un signe que les traits syntaxiques, bien qu'ils ne soient pas toujours réalisés morpho-phonologiquement, sont présents dans les dérivations syntaxiques des enfants TDL, et que les opérations syntaxiques Fusion et Accord sont actives, tout comme dans les grammaires typiques. Enfin, l'analyse des énoncés non-cibles par les enfants TDL met en évidence une grammaire syntaxiquement normale et même une ressemblance avec des langues auxquelles ces enfants n'ont pas été exposés. La conclusion est que, malgré la non-convergence entre le TDL et la langue cible, la GU dans cette situation d'acquisition est intacte. / The study of the Faculty of Language (FL), as defined by generative grammar, has been mainly undertaken through the examination of adult language, first language acquisition, second language acquisition and bilingual acquisition. Few works have approached the FL from an atypical acquisitional situation, standardly called Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). This dissertation is devoted to the study of how FL is affected by this unfortunate condition. DLD is displayed by some young children and adults and can be the cause of significant limitations in language development. The linguistic production and comprehension by this group of children is atypical compared to the linguistic behaviour of other children of the same age. Their atypicality consists in a non-target-like grammar with regard to both what is allowed and what is disallowed in the language(s) to which they are exposed. The most common symptoms, from a morpho-syntactic point of view, are (a) omission of morphemes and words, (b) commissions, i.e., the inadequate presence of certain words or the inappropriate replacement of morphemes and (c) doublings, i.e., the appearance of words or morphemes in more positions than are allowed in the target language. These symptoms have been taken to indicate that the FL is deficient. The result of this deficiency is a grammar developed by children with DLD that is qualitatively different from that developed by their typical peers. This dissertation will consider whether or not the underlying linguistic competence of children with DLD is determined by the same features, operations and principles that regulate natural language in general. Drawn from the experimental literature on DLD, the data for analysis include comprehension and production by children with DLD and concern the nominal, the temporal/verbal and the propositional domains. The proposals that have been put forth to account for this impairment will be evaluated. All of them explicitly or implicitly propose that Universal Grammar (UG), i.e., the set of phonological, semantic and syntactic features and operations that underlie FL, is faulty: Some features can be absent, or operations can be inactive or function intermittently. Contrary to these proposals, the hypothesis defended here is that UG is not affected in DLD children. That is to say, despite the many differences between DLD and typical language acquisition, UG is revealed to be similar at a certain level in both acquisitional situations. If UG were impaired in DLD, children affected by this condition would be expected to produce sentences remarkably different from those produced by typical children. Several studies have shown that children with DLD and their typical peers can display similar linguistic performance in terms of both quantity and type of errors. Moreover, the data reveal that DLD utterances are not always erroneous; when all linguistic elements and mechanisms are present, they are correctly used. This is taken as a sign that syntactic features, while not always realized morpho-phonologically, are present in DLD syntactic derivations, and that the syntactic operations Merge and Agree are active, just as in typical grammars. Finally, the analysis of non-target utterances by children with DLD evinces a syntactically normal grammar and even a resemblance with languages to which these children have not been exposed. The conclusion is that, despite the non-convergence of DLD and the target language, UG in this acquisitional situation is intact.

Big Data Workflows: DSL-based Specification and Software Containers for Scalable Execution

Dejene Dessalk, Yared January 2020 (has links)
Big Data workflows are composed of multiple orchestration steps that perform different data analytics tasks. These tasks process heterogeneous data using various computing and storage resources. Due to the diversity of application domains, involved technologies, and complexity of data sets, the design and implementation of Big Data workflows require the collaboration of domain experts and technical experts. However, existing tools are too technical and cannot easily allow domain experts to participate in the process of defining and executing Big Data workflows. Moreover, the majority of existing tools are designed for specific applications such as bioinformatics, computational chemistry, and genomics. They are also based on specific technology stacks that do not provide flexible means of code reuse and maintenance. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a Big Data workflow solution based on the use of a domain-specific language (DSL) for hiding complex technical details, enabling domain experts to participate in the process definition of workflows. The workflow solution uses a combination of software container technologies and message-oriented middleware (MOM) to enable highly scalable workflow execution. The applicability of the solution is demonstrated by implementing a prototype based on a real-world data workflow. As per performed evaluations, the proposed workflow solution was evaluated to provide efficient workflow definition and scalable execution. Furthermore, the results of a set of experiments were presented, comparing the performance of the proposed approach with Argo Workflows, one of the most promising tools in the area of Big Data workflows. / Big Data-arbetsflöden består av flera orkestreringssteg som utför olika dataanalysuppgifter. Dessa uppgifter bearbetar heterogena data med hjälp av olika databehandlings- och lagringsresurser. På grund av stora variationen av tillämpningsområden, den involverade tekniken, och komplexiteten hos datamängderna, kräver utformning och implementering av Big Data-arbetsflöden samarbete mellan domänexperter och tekniska experter. Befintliga verktyg är dock för tekniska och vilket försvårar för domänexperter att delta i processen att definiera och genomföra Big Data-arbetsflöden. Dessutom är majoriteten av befintliga verktyg utformade för specifika tillämpningar, som bioinformatik, beräkningskemi och genomik. Verktygen är också baserade på specifika teknikstackar som inte erbjuder flexibla metoder för att kunna underhålla och återanvända kod. Denna avhandling ämnar att presentera design och implementering av en Big Data-arbetsflödeslösning som utnyttjar ett domänspecifikt språk (DSL) för att dölja komplexa tekniska detaljer, vilket gör det möjligt för domänexperter att delta i processdefinitionen av arbetsflöden. Arbetsflödeslösningen använder en kombination av mjukvaruutrustningsteknik och meddelande-orienterad mellanvara (MOM) för att möjliggöra en mer skalbar körning av arbetsflöden. Tillämpningslösningen demonstreras genom att implementera en prototyp baserad på ett verkligt dataflöde. Efter en granskning av de genomförda testerna modifierades den föreslagna arbetsflödeslösningen för att uppnå en effektiv arbetsflödesdefinition och skalbar körning. Dessutom presenteras resultaten av en uppsättning experiment där man jämför skalbarheten för det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet med Argo Workflows, ett av de mest lovande verktygen inom Big Data-arbetsflöden

Conception dirigée par les modèles à l’aide de langages de modélisation hétérogènes : application aux profils UML / Model-driven engineering using heterogeneous modeling languages : application to UML profiles

Noyrit, Florian 25 October 2012 (has links)
Les divers intervenants qui décrivent, étudient et réalisent un système complexe ont besoin de points de vue adaptés à leurs préoccupations. Cependant, dans le contexte de l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles, les moyens pour définir et mettre en œuvre ces points de vue sont, soit trop rigides et inadaptées, soit totalement ad hoc. De plus, ces différents points de vue sont rarement indépendants les uns des autres. Dès lors, il faut s’attacher à identifier puis décrire les liens/les correspondances qui existent entre les points de vue pour enfin pouvoir vérifier que les réponses apportées par les différents intervenants constituent un tout cohérent.Les travaux exposés dans cette thèse permettent la définition de langages dédiés basés sur UML pour les points de vue. Pour cela, une méthode outillée qui analyse la sémantique des descriptions textuelles des concepts du domaine que l’on souhaite projeter sur UML est proposée afin de faciliter la définition de profils UML. Les résultats obtenus sur les cas d’études concrets étudiés sont encourageants et dépassent les résultats des outils existants. Pour définir des points de vue basés sur des profils UML, cette thèse propose une méthode qui permet au méthodologiste d’expliciter le point de vue voulu. Un outil génère ensuite l’outillage qui met en œuvre ce point de vue dans un environnement de modélisation ainsi que le langage dédié correspondant là où la pratique actuelle repose sur une mise en œuvre essentiellement manuelle.Pour assister l’identification des liens entre points de vue, cette thèse propose là aussi d’analyser la sémantique des descriptions textuelles des concepts des langages utilisés par les points de vue. Utilisée en complément des heuristiques syntaxiques existantes, l’approche proposée permet d’obtenir de bons résultats lorsque les terminologies des langages analysés sont éloignées. Un cadre théorique basé sur la théorie des catégories est proposé pour expliciter formellement les correspondances. Pour utiliser ce cadre, une catégorie pour les langages basés sur UML a été proposée. Afin de pouvoir également expliciter les correspondances entre les modèles issus de ces langages, la catégorie des ontologies OWL est utilisée. Une solution est proposée pour caractériser des correspondances plus complexes que la simple équivalence. Ce cadre théorique permet la définition formelle de relations complexes qui permettront de raisonner sur la cohérence de la description de l’architecture. Une fois la description de l’architecture intégrée en un tout en suivant les correspondances formalisées, la question de la cohérence est abordée. Les expérimentations faites sur un cas d’étude concret pour vérifier la cohérence à un niveau syntaxique donnent des résultats pratiques satisfaisants. Les expérimentations menées sur le même cas pour vérifier la cohérence à un niveau sémantique ne donnent pas de résultats pratiques satisfaisants. / The various stakeholders who describe study and implement a complex system require viewpoints that are dedicated to their concerns. However, in the context of Model-Driven Engineering, approaches to define and implement those viewpoints are either too rigid and inappropriate or completely ad hoc. In addition, those various viewpoints are rarely independent from each other. Therefore, we must strive to identify and describe the relationships/correspondences between the viewpoints in order to be able to verify that the parts of the solution given by the various stakeholders form a consistent whole.The work presented in this thesis provides a way to define dedicated languages based on UML for the viewpoints. For this, a method that analyzes the semantics of the textual descriptions of the concepts of the domain we want to map to UML has been implemented to facilitate the definition of UML profiles. The results we get on the concrete test cases we considered are encouraging and go beyond results of existing tools. To define a viewpoint based on some UML profiles, this thesis provides a method that lets the methodologist make explicit the viewpoint he/she wants. A tool can then generate the tooling that implements this viewpoint in a modeling environment together with the corresponding dedicated language while current practice is based on an implementation essentially manual.To assist the identification of relationships between the viewpoints, this thesis proposes again to analyze the semantics of textual descriptions of concepts of the languages used by the viewpoints. Used in combination with existing syntactic heuristics, the proposed approach provides good results when the terminologies of the languages that are analyzed are far apart. A theoretical framework based on category theory is provided to make explicit formally correspondences. To use this framework, a category for languages based on UML has been proposed. To be able to make explicit the correspondences between the models of those languages as well, the category of OWL ontologies is used. A solution is proposed to characterize correspondences that are more complex than the simple equivalence relationship. This theoretical framework provides a way to define formally complex relationships that can be used to verify the consistency of the architectural description. Once the description of the architecture has been integrated according to the formal correspondences, the issue of consistency is considered. The experiments carried out on a concrete test case to verify consistency on a syntactic perspective give satisfactory practical results. The experiments carried on the same test case to verify consistency on a semantic perspective don’t give satisfactory practical results.

Speciálně pedagogická intervence u dětí s vývojovou dysfázií v mateřské škole / Special Educational Intervention in Children with Specific Language Impairment in the Kindergarten

Vávrová, Miriam January 2015 (has links)
This Masters thesis focuses on issues of Specific Language Impairment - SLI of children of pre-school age. It monitors and evaluates development of their communication and motor skills during their time in kindergarten. The theoretical part focuses on defining basic terms which relate to communication and communication disorder with the emphasis on SLI. The psychomotor and communicational development of child from birth to entering school is described too. Also how this all affected creating the Framework Educational Programme for preschool education. The aim of the empirical part was to observe four children with SLI during their attendance at a pre-school for children with specific needs. Speech and psychomotor development of these children and its changes in connection to their teachers' intervention was observed. Part of the research included interviews with children's parents and those are also evaluated. The survey was done by the qualitative method. We get four case histories. At the end was evaluated the aims of the survey and answered questions asked and summarized the results of my investigation.


CRISTIANE SALGADO PEREIRA 26 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] A programação de produção em refinaria (scheduling) pode ser compreendida como uma sequência de decisões que buscam otimizar a alocação de recursos, o sequenciamento de atividades e a realização temporal dessas atividades, respeitando um conjunto de restrições de diferentes naturezas e visando o atendimento de múltiplos objetivos onde fatores como atendimento à demanda de produção e minimização de variações operacionais nos equipamentos coexistem na mesma função. Este trabalho propõe o uso da técnica de Programação Genética para automatizar a criação de programas que representem uma solução completa de programação de petróleo em uma refinaria dentro de um horizonte de tempo. Para a evolução destes programas foi desenvolvida uma linguagem específica para o domínio de problemas de scheduling de petróleo e aplicada de forma a representar as principais atividades do estudo de caso. Para tal, a primeira etapa consistiu da avaliação de alguns cenários de programação de produção de forma a selecionar as atividades que devessem ser representadas e como fazê-lo. No modelo proposto, o cromossomo quântico guarda a superposição de estados de todas as soluções possíveis e, através do processo evolutivo e observação dos genes quânticos, o cromossomo clássico é criado como uma sequencia linear de instruções a serem executadas. As instruções executadas representam o scheduling. A orientação deste processo é feita através de uma função de aptidão multiobjetivo que hierarquiza as avaliações sobre o tempo de operação das unidades de destilação, o prazo para descarregamento de navios, a utilização do duto que movimenta óleo entre terminal e refinaria, além de fatores como número de trocas de tanques e uso de tanques de injeção nas unidades de destilação. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi contemplado um estudo sobre o conjunto de parâmetros para o modelo desenvolvido com base em um dos cenários de programação selecionados. A partir desta definição, para avaliação do modelo proposto, foram executadas diversas rodadas para cinco cenários de programação de petróleo. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com estudo desenvolvido usando algoritmos genéticos cujas atividades, no cromossomo, possuem representação por ordem. A programação genética apresentou percentual de soluções aceitas variando entre 25 por cento e 90 por cento dependendo da complexidade do cenário, sendo estes valores superiores ao obtido usando Algoritmos Genéticos em todos os cenários, com esforço computacional menor. / [en] Refinery scheduling can be understood as a sequence of decisions that targets the optimization of available resources, sequencing and execution of activities on proper timing; always respecting restrictions of different natures. The final result must achieve multiple objectives guaranteeing co-existence of different factors in the same function, such as production demand fullfillment and minimize operational variation. In this work it is proposed the use of the genetic programming technique to automate the building process of programs that represent a complete oil scheduling solution within a defined time horizon. For the evolution of those programs, it was developed a domain specific language to translate oil scheduling instructions that was applied to represent the most relevant activities for the proposed case studies. For that, purpose first step was to evaluate a few real scheduling scenarios to select which activities needed to be represented and how to do that. On the proposed model, each quantum chromosome represents the overlapping of all solutions and by the evolutionary process (and quantum gene measurement) the classic chromosome is created as a linear sequence of scheduling instructions to be executed. The orientation for this process is performed through a multi-object fitness function that prioritizes the evaluations according to: the operating time of the atmospheric distillation unities, the oil unloading time from the ships, the oil pipeline operation to transport oil to the refinery and other parameters like the number of charge tanks switchover and injection tank used for the distillation unities. The scope of this work also includes a study about tuning for the developed model based in one of the considered scenarios. From this set, an evaluation of other different scheduling scenarios was performed to test the model. The obtained results were then compared with a developed model that uses genetic algorithms with order representation for the activities. The proposed model showed between 25 percent - 90 percent of good solutions depending on the scenario complexity. Those results exhibit higher percentage of good solutions requiring less computational effort than the ones obtained with the genetic algorithms.

A compreensÃo de oraÃÃes relativas de sujeito com estado mental de emoÃÃo entre indivÃduos com desenvolvimento tÃpico e com transtorno do espectro do autismo

Carolina De Abreu Peixoto 00 August 2018 (has links)
nÃo hà / A Teoria da Mente (ToM), a habilidade de compreender estados mentais, à considerada indispensÃvel no estabelecimento das interaÃÃes sociais para o desenvolvimento da linguagem. Estudos de Wimmer e Perner (1983), Baron-Cohen, Leslie e Frith (1985) e Frith (1995) investigaram a vinculaÃÃo entre ToM, DÃficits Especificamente LinguÃsticos (DEL) e Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA), buscando encontrar relaÃÃes de interdependÃncia. IndivÃduos diagnosticados com TEA apresentam atrasos no processamento da ToM, o que pode resultar, de acordo com nossa hipÃtese, em dificuldades referentes à compreensÃo de enunciados que expressem estados mentais de emoÃÃo. Para investigar esta relaÃÃo, estudamos crianÃas com TEA leve e comparamos com um grupo controle. Realizamos a Escala de Tarefas de Teoria da Mente (Wellman e Liu, 2004) para avaliar o nÃvel de ToM dos grupos estudados e uma tarefa experimental. A tarefa consistia na identificaÃÃo de uma frase ouvida com a figura correspondente (alvo) em meio a trÃs figuras, uma competitiva e duas distratoras. A movimentaÃÃo ocular dos participantes foi registrada. As frases foram manipuladas para a posiÃÃo do adjetivo que expressa o estado mental, com duas condiÃÃes experimentais: adjetivo na oraÃÃo relativa; adjetivo na oraÃÃo matriz. Os resultados sugerem uma correlaÃÃo entre o nÃvel de ToM e o tempo de reaÃÃo de cada grupo. O grupo com TEA reflete uma movimentaÃÃo ocular de padrÃo diferente do controle, em funÃÃo das mÃtricas registradas. Como à apontado na literatura, existe uma relaÃÃo entre ToM e TEA e entre ToM e DEL, nosso interesse foi o de investigar se no autismo as possÃveis dificuldades de processamento das oraÃÃes relativas teriam alguma semelhanÃa com o processamento em DEL. A busca por evidÃncias de DEL em grupos com TEA leve ou de altas habilidades tem por finalidade precÃpua uma adequada e precisa compreensÃo da patologia com vistas à producÃo de materiais didÃticos inclusivos para esta populaÃÃo. / Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand mental states, is considered indispensable in the establishment of social interactions and for the development of language. Wimmer and Perner (1983), Baron-Cohen, Leslie and Frith (1985) and Frith (1995) investigated the link between ToM, Specific Language Impairments (SLI) and the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), seeking to find relations of interdependence. Individuals diagnosed with ASD have delays in the processing of ToM, which may, according to our hypothesis, result in difficulties regarding the understanding of statements that express mental states of emotion. To investigate this possibility, we studied children with mild ASD and compared their results with a control group. We performed the ToM Scale (Wellman and Liu, 2004) to assess the ToM level of our groups, as well as an experimental task. The task consisted in matching a sentence the participants heard with the corresponding figure (target) among other three figures, in which one competed with the target and the other two were distractors. The ocular movement of all participants was recorded. The sentences were manipulated regarding the position of the adjective that expressed the mental state. Therefore, we had two experimental conditions: adjective in the relative sentence and the adjective in the main sentence. The results suggest a correlation between the ToM level and the reaction time of each group. The ASD group shows a different ocular movement pattern than the control group, according to the metrics recorded. As it is pointed out in the literature, there is a relationship between ToM and ASD, as well as between ToM and SLI. Our interest was to investigate whether in autism the possible difficulties of processing the relative clauses would have some similarity to the processing in SLI. The search for evidence of SLI in patients with mild ASD or highly functional autism has the adequate and precise final objective of understanding the pathology in hopes of producing appropriate educational material for this population.

Relations entre lecture et vocabulaire chez des élèves ayant un trouble développemental du langage de 8 à 11 ans

Brossard, Stéphanie 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Context-aware security testing of Android applications : Detecting exploitable vulnerabilities through Android model-based security testing / Kontextmedveten säkerhetstestning av androidapplikationer : Upptäckande av utnyttjingsbara sårbarheter genom Android modellbaserad säkerhetstestning

Baheux, Ivan January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis explores ways to uncover and exploit vulnerabilities in Android applications by introducing a novel approach to security testing. The research question focuses on discovering an effective method for detecting vulnerabilities related to the context of an application. The study begins by reviewing recent papers on Android security flaws affecting application in order to guide our tool creation. Thus, we are able to introduce three Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) for Model-Based Security Testing (MBST): Context Definition Language (CDL), Context-Driven Modelling Language (CDML), and Vulnerability Pattern (VPat). These languages provide a fresh perspective on evaluating the security of Android apps by accounting for the dynamic context that is present on smartphones and can greatly impact user security. The result of this work is the development of VPatChecker[1], a tool that detects vulnerabilities and creates abstract exploits by integrating an application model, a context model, and a set of vulnerability patterns. This set of vulnerability patterns can be defined to represent a wide array of vulnerabilities, allowing the tool to be indefinitely updated with each new CVE. The tool was evaluated on the GHERA benchmark, showing that at least 38% (out of a total of 60) of the vulnerabilities in the benchmark can be modelled and detected. The research underscores the importance of considering context in Android security testing and presents a viable and extendable solution for identifying vulnerabilities through MBST and DSLs. / Detta examensarbete utforskar vägar för att hitta och utnyttja sårbarheter i Android-appar genom att introducera ett nytt sätt att utföra säkerhetstestning. Forskningsfrågan fokuserar på att upptäcka en effektiv metod för att detektera sårbarheter som kan härledas till kontexten för en app. Arbetet inleds med en översikt av nyliga forskningspublikationer om säkerhetsbrister som påverkar Android-appar, vilka vägleder utvecklingen av ett verktyg. Vi introducerar tre domänspecifika språk (DSL) för modellbaserad testning (MBST): CDL, CDML och VPat. Dessa språk ger ett nytt perspektiv på säkerheten för Android-appar genom att ta hänsyn till den dynamiska kontext som finns på smarta mobiltelefoner och som kan starkt påverka användarsäkerheten. Resultatet av arbetet är utveckling av VPatChecker[1], ett verktyg som upptäcker sårbarheter och skapar abstrakta sätt att utnyttja dem i en programmodell, en kontextmodell, och en mängd av sårbarhetsmönster. Denna sårbarhetsmönstermängd kan defineras så att den representerar ett brett spektrum av sårbarheter, vilket möjliggör för verktyger att uppdateras med varje ny CVE.Verktyget utvärderades på datamängden GHERA, vilket visade att 38% (av totalt 60) av alla sårbarheter kunde modelleras och upptäckas. Arbetet understryker vikten av att ta hänsyn till kontext i säkerhetstestning av Android-appar och presenterar en praktisk och utdragbar lösning för att hitta sårbarheter genom MBST and DSLs. / Ce mémoire de maîtrise explore les moyens de découvrir et d’exploiter les vulnérabilités des applications Android en introduisant une nouvelle approche des tests de sécurité. La question de recherche se concentre sur la découverte d’une méthode efficace pour détecter les vulnérabilités liées au contexte d’une application. L’étude commence par l’examen de documents récents sur les failles de sécurité des applications Android afin de guider la création de notre outil. Nous sommes ainsi en mesure d’introduire trois Langages dédié (DSL) pour des Tests de Sécurité Basés sur les Modèles (MBST) : Langage de Définition de Contexte (CDL), Langage de Modélisation Déterminée par le Contexte (CDML) et Motif de Vulnérabilité (VPat). Ces langages offrent une nouvelle perspective sur l’évaluation de la sécurité des applications Android en tenant compte du contexte dynamique présent sur les smartphones et qui peut avoir un impact important sur la sécurité de l’utilisateur. Le résultat de ce travail est le développement de VPatChecker[1], un outil qui détecte les vulnérabilités et crée des exploits abstraits en intégrant un modèle d’application, un modèle de contexte et un ensemble de modèles de vulnérabilité. Cet ensemble de modèles de vulnérabilité peut être défini pour représenter un large éventail de vulnérabilités, ce qui permet à l’outil d’être indéfiniment mis à jour avec chaque nouveau CVE. L’outil a été testé sur le benchmark GHERA[2] et montre qu’un total d’au moins 38% (sur un total de 60) des vulnérabilités peut être modélisé et détecté. La recherche souligne l’importance de prendre en compte le contexte dans les tests de sécurité Android et présente une solution viable et extensible pour identifier les vulnérabilités par le biais de MBST et DSLs.

WebLang: A Prototype Modelling Language for Web Applications : A Meta Attack Language based Domain Specific Language for web applications / WebLang: Ett Prototypmodelleringsspråk för Web Applikationer : Ett Meta Attack Language baserat Domän Specifikt Språk för Web Applikationer

af Rolén, Mille, Rahmani, Niloofar January 2023 (has links)
This project explores how a Meta Attack Language based Domain Specific Language for web applications can be used to threat model web applications in order to evaluate and improve web application security. Organizations and individuals are targeted by cyberattacks every day where malicious actors could gain access to sensitive information. These malicious actors are also developing new and innovative ways to exploit the many different components of web applications. Web applications are becoming more and more complex and the increasingly complex architecture gives malicious actors more components to target with exploits. In order to develop a secure web application, developers have to know the ins and outs of web application components and web application security. The Meta Attack Language, a framework for developing domain specific languages, was recently developed and has been used to create languages for domains such as Amazon Web Services and smart cars but no language previously existed for web applications. This project presents a prototype web application language delimited to the first vulnerability in the top ten list provided by Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP), which is broken access control, and tests it against the OWASP juice shop, which is an insecure web application developed by OWASP to test new tools. Based on the results it is concluded that the prototype can be used to model web application vulnerabilities but more work needs to be done in order for the language to work on any given web application and vulnerability. / Detta projekt utforskar hur ett Meta Attack Language baserat Domän Specifikt Språk för webbapplikationer kan användas för att hotmodellera samt undersöka och förbättra webbapplikationssäkerhet. Organisationer och individer utsätts dagligen för cyberattacker där en hackare kan få tillgång till känslig information. Dessa hackare utverklar nya och innovativa sätt att utnyttja dem många olika komponenterna som finns i webbapplikationer. Webbapplikationer blir mer och mer komplexa och denna ökande komplexa arkitekturen leder till att det finns mer mål för en hackare att utnyttja. För att utveckla en säker webbapplikation måste utvecklare veta allt som finns om webbapplikations komponenter och webbapplikations säkerhet. Meta Attack Language är ett ramverk för att utveckla nya språk för domäner som till exempel Amazon Web Services och smarta fordon men innan detta existerade inget språk för webbapplikationer. Detta projekt presenterar en webbapplikations språk prototyp som är avgränsad till den första sårbarheten i top tio listan av Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) vilket är broken access control, och testar den mot OWASP juice shop, vilket är en sårbar webapplikation som utveckalts av OWASP för att testa nya verktyg. Baserat på resultaten dras slutsatsen att prototypen kan användas för att modellera webbapplikations sårbarheter men att det behövs mer arbete för att språket ska fungera på vilken webbapplikation och sårbarhet som helst.

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