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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des processus de rééducation dans le cas des troubles spécifiques du développement du langage / Study of processes in Speech-Language Pathology Interventions involving Children with Specific Language Impairment

Da Silva, Christine 04 December 2014 (has links)
Dans la littérature, relativement peu d’études ont porté sur les processus de rééducation en situation naturelle. La majorité des recherches ont été menées surtout comme une évaluation de l’efficacité de certaines méthodes d’intervention (e.g. méthode métalinguistique, guidance parentale) ou modes d’intervention (e.g. recast, imitation, modelage) sur l’acquisition d’une forme ou d’une structure linguistique ou de manière plus générale sur le développement de l’enfant. Or la compréhension des processus par lesquels les enfants se développent nécessite de travailler sur ce qui se passe pendant la rééducation sur le plan interactionnel et dans la façon dont émergent des pratiques orthophoniques dans l’interaction.L’objectif de notre étude est de comprendre la manière dont les interventions des orthophonistes soutiennent le développement langagier des enfants dysphasiques dans l’interaction. Cette étude s’inscrit dans une approche interactionniste en s’inspirant des travaux de Vygotski (1936/1997) et de Bruner (1983a).L’étude porte sur l’observation de quatre dyades orthophoniste-enfant dysphasique d’âge scolaire suivies lors de séances de rééducation pendant sept mois. Au début et à la fin de cette phase d’observation, une phase de test a été mise en place pour évaluer les compétences langagières des enfants et leur évolution. Les résultats montrent que les orthophonistes mettent en place des activités portant sur divers aspects du fonctionnement du langage. Leurs pratiques s’inscrivent dans la dynamique de l’échange et elles sont fortement influencées par les interventions des enfants et leurs difficultés à accomplir une tâche langagière. En outre, elles sont efficaces car elles permettent aux enfants de réaliser à deux ce qu’ils ne pouvaient accomplir seul. Nos analyses mettent en évidence des gestes professionnels communs aux orthophonistes relevant ainsi leur appartenance à une communauté de pratiques. / The literature reports relatively few studies that focused on Speech-Language pathologists’ (SLPs) interventions in natural context. Most of the studies explored the clinical effectiveness of intervention strategies with children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) by assessing language outcomes (e.g. the acquisition of a particular form or structure, improvements on particular language measures) both studying particular features (e.g. recast, imitation, model, etc) or entire clinical methods and programs (e.g. metalinguistic approach, parental guidance, etc.). However, to better understand the processes underlying children’s development, it is necessary to analyse in detail what happens during SLP sessions at an interactional level and focus on the emergence of practices during Speech-language pathologist- child interactions. The aim of the present study was to better understand how clinical interventions support the language development of child with SLI during interactions. In line with Vygotski (1936/1997) or Bruner (1983a), we adopted a socio-interactionist approach/perspective.This study observed four school-aged children with SLI interacting with their SLP during clinical sessions. The dyads were followed-up for seven months. At the beginning and the end of the observation period, children’s linguistic, discursive and interactional abilities were assessed through standardized language tests and through the analysis of mother-child interactions.The results showed that SLPs enrolled the children in activities focusing on various aspects of language. Their practices were part of the dialogical dynamic and were strongly influenced by the accomplishment of the task (by children). In addition, the effectiveness of these practices was proven by the fact that children achieved, supported by the SLP, tasks that they were not able to accomplish by themselves. Our analyses also highlighted common professional gestures, such as discursive strategies, among all the SLP who participated in the study, showing that they belong to a community of practice.

Introducing modified TypeScript in an existing framework to improve error handling / Införande av modifierad TypeScript i ett existerande ramverk för att förbättra felhantering

Minder, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
Error messages in compilers is a topic that is often overlooked. The quality of the messages can have a big impact on development time and ease oflearning. Another method used to speed up development is to build a domainspecific language (DSL). This thesis migrates an existing framework to use TypeScript in order to speed up development time with compile-time error handling. Alternative methods for implementing a DSL are evaluated based onhow they affect the ability to generate good error messages. This is done usinga proposed list of six usability heuristics for error messages. They are also usedto perform heuristic evaluation on the error messages in the TypeScript compiler. This showed that it struggled with syntax errors but had semantic errormessages with low amount of usability problems. Finally, a method for implementing a DSL and presenting its error messages is suggested. The evaluationof said method showed promise despite the existence of usability problems. / Felmeddelanden i kompilatorer är ett ämne som ofta förbises. Kvaliténpå felmeddelanden kan ha stor påverkan på utvecklingstid och lätthetatt lära. En annan metod för att sänka utvecklingstid är att bygga ettdomänspecifikt programmeringspråk. Detta examensarbete migrerar ettexisterande ramverk till TypeScript för att snabba på utvecklingstidmed felhantering i kompileringsstadiet. Alternativa metoder för attimplementera ett DSL evalueras baserat på hur de påverkar möjlighetenatt generera bra felmeddelanden. Detta görs med en föreslagen lista avsex heuristiker för felmeddelanden. De används också för att utföra enheuristik utvärdering på felmeddelandena i TypeScriptkompilatorn. Detta visade att den har svårt för syntaxfel men hademeddelanden för semantiska fel med låg mängdanvändbarhetsproblem. Till sist föreslås en metod för att implementeraett DSL och presentera dess felmeddelanden. Evalueringen av den nämndametoden visade lovande resultat trots förekomsten av användbarhetsproblem.

Podpora rozvoje dítěte se specificky narušeným vývojem řeči / Support for the development of a child with specific language impairment

Sekalová, Dagmar January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the theme of the specific language impairment (developmental dysphasia). This thesis consists of the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part is made up of of three main chapters. The first chapter deals with terms: communication, specific language impairment and speech development. The second chapter presents the terminological definition of the specific language impairment (developmental dysphasia), its etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis and therapy. The third chapter discusses issues of the preschool age. The empirical part is covered in the fourth chapter. It contains a case study, which is focusing on a young boy with specific language impairment and in detail it describes family situation, the boy's personal case history and also his psychomotor and speech development. Further, the thesis focuses on support provided to his development and evaluates progress after year of intensive care. A part of this paper are worksheets focusing on the development of the child with this kind of communication disability. Worksheets consist of five sections that should help to improve skills of child with the specific language impairment. Sections are following: visual perception, auditory perception, understanding, grapho-motor and communication skills. In the Czech...

Narrative language in typically developing children, children with specific language impairment and children with autism spectrum disorder

Mäkinen, L. (Leena) 27 January 2015 (has links)
Abstract This study examined Finnish children’s narrative skills using a picture-based story generation task. 4- to 8-year-old children with typical development (n = 172), 5- to 7-year-old children with specific language impairment (SLI) (n = 19) and 5- to 10-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (n = 16) participated in the study. Linguistic (productivity, syntactic complexity, grammatical accuracy) and pragmatic (referential accuracy, event content, mental state expressions, discourse features, and story comprehension) measures were used so as to gain a comprehensive picture of narrative skills. The choice of measures was based on the narrative abilities of the participants, and not all measures were used with all participants. In typically developing children, a subtle development trend was seen in all the measures used, but significant differences between consecutive age-groups were mostly seen in younger participants. The relationship between narrative productivity measures and event content was found to be important. The number of different word tokens was, in particular, useful in explaining the event content. For children with SLI, the linguistic and pragmatic aspects of narration were demanding. Their stories were short and contained less information than those of their control. Their referential and grammatical accuracy was also poorer than among typically developing children, and they showed difficulties in expressing the mental states of the story characters and in story comprehension. Children with ASD produced narratives with an almost similar linguistic structure to those of their control children. However, children with ASD showed difficulties in the pragmatic aspect of narration, in establishing informative story content and in story comprehension. They also tended to include irrelevant information in their stories, which was not seen to that extent in cases of typical development. This dissertation shows a development in 4- to 8-year-olds’ narratives that seems to occur around the ages of 4 and 5. Narrative difficulties seem to be related to both SLI and ASD, but are more wide-ranging in SLI, whereas in ASD difficulties focus on the pragmatic aspects of narration. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaiset ovat suomalaislasten kuvasarjakerronnan avulla arvioidut kerrontataidot. Tutkimukseen osallistui 4–8-vuotiaita tyypillisesti kehittyneitä lapsia (n = 172), 5–7-vuotiaita lapsia, joilla on kielellinen erityisvaikeus (SLI) (n = 19) ja 5–10-vuotiaita lapsia, joilla on autismikirjon häiriö (ASD) (n = 16). Tutkimuksessa käytettiin lingvistisiä (produktiivisuus, syntaksin monipuolisuus, kieliopillinen tarkkuus) ja pragmaattisia (viittaussuhteiden tarkkuus, tapahtumasisältö, mielentilailmaukset, diskurssipiirteet, kertomuksen ymmärtäminen) muuttujia, jotta kerrontataidoista saadaan kokonaisvaltainen kuva. Kaikkia muuttujia ei käytetty kaikkien tutkittavien kesken, vaan tutkimusmenetelmien valinta perustui tutkittavien kerronnan piirteisiin. Tyypillisesti kehittyvien lasten kerrontataidot kehittyivät kaikkien käytettyjen muuttujien osalta, mutta peräkkäisissä ikäryhmissä merkitsevä muutos havaittiin vain nuorempien ikäryhmien välillä. Kerronnan produktiivisuuden ja tapahtumasisällön välillä havaittiin yhteys, ja erityisesti eri saneiden määrä oli merkitsevä tapahtumasisällön selittäjä. Kerronnan lingvistinen ja pragmaattinen hallinta oli haastavaa lapsille, joilla on SLI. Heidän kertomuksensa olivat pituudeltaan, tapahtumasisällöltään ja mielentilailmauksiltaan niukempia sekä viittaussuhteiltaan epätarkempia kuin tyypillisesti kehittyvien lasten kertomukset. Lapset, joilla on SLI, tuottivat enemmän kieliopillisia virheitä kuin kontrollilapset, ja myös tarinan ymmärtäminen oli heille haastavaa. Kertomuksen lingvistinen rakenne oli likimain samankaltainen tyypillisesti kehittyneillä lapsilla ja lapsilla, joilla on ASD. Lapset, joilla on ASD, tuottivat tapahtumasisällöltään niukempia kertomuksia kuin kontrollilapset, ja lisäksi heidän tarinansa sisälsivät irrelevanttia tietoa. Kertomuksen ymmärtäminen oli myös vaikeaa lapsille, joilla on ASD. Tutkimus osoittaa, että 4–8-vuotiaiden kerrontataidoissa on kehitystä, mikä vaikuttaa olevan aktiivista erityisesti 4–5 ikävuoden aikana. Kerronnan vaikeudet ovat kielellisessä erityisvaikeudessa laaja-alaisia, kun taas autismikirjossa vaikeudet näkyvät ennemmin kerronnan pragmaattisessa hallinnassa.

Aktivní slovní zásoba vybraných slovních druhů u dětí předškolního věku / Expressive vocabulary of selected parts of speech in children of preschool age

Větrovská Zemánková, Alžběta January 2017 (has links)
Abstact This thesis relates to logopedic theme. It is focused on the issue of expressive vocabulary in preschool age. The main goal is an analysis of this area in children with specific language impairment and in intact children. In the research survey the analysis of the expressive vocabulary is carried out by using a test which was created for this intent. The test contains three subtests focused on different parts of speech. These are nouns, verbs and adjectives. With this test the evaluation of a range of expressive vocabulary and quality of expression is possible. The resulting data show that within the quality of expresion there is a greater difference between proband groups than in the range of expressive vocabulary. The thesis also describes in detail the differences in range of expressive vocabulary depending on individual parts of speech and on ways of inquiring about test entries which are different in individual parts of subtests. The research also includes the analysis of influence of a few chosen social aspects on range of expressive vocabulary and on quality of expression. In the group of intact probands the length of preschool education and number of siblings seems to be a statistically significant factor in relation to the range of expressive vocabulary. The quality of expression correlated...

Vývojová dysfázie u dětí s kochleárním implantátem / Children with Specific Language Impairment and Cochlear Implant

Volfová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with specific language impairment as a risk factor of cochlear implantation. This diagnosis may fundamentally disrupt the development of speech after cochlear implantation. The main aim of this work was identification and comparison of used communication systems of persons with cochlear implant and diagnosed with developmental dysphasia. We focused on the morphological-syntactic level of language as a part of verbal level of communication. A qualitative survey was carried out at elementary schools for the hearing impaired. The research sample consisted of five pupils of these schools. Pupils were selected based on their use of the cochlear implant, diagnosed specific language impairment and other factors. Required data was obtained on the basis of observation and through the subtests of the Diagnostics of Language Development test battery. The investigation has revealed that despite cochlear implantation the preferred and more frequently used communication system is sign language. All pupils in the research group are able to communicate through spoken language, but they need to complement and support it by at least some individual elements of the sign language. Morphological- syntactic level of spoken speech was striking for all of the pupils in the research group. Pupils...

Gestion autonomique de l'élasticité multi-couche des applications dans le Cloud : vers une utilisation efficiente des ressources et des services du Cloud / Crosslayer elasticity management for Cloud : towards an efficient usage of Cloud resources and services

Dupont, Simon 26 April 2016 (has links)
L’informatique en nuage, au travers de son modèle en couche et de l’accès à ses services à la demande, a bouleversé la façon de gérer les infrastructures (IaaS) et la manière de produire les logiciels (SaaS). Grâce à l’élasticité de l’infrastructure, la quantité de ressource peut être ajustée automatiquement en fonction de la demande afin de satisfaire un certain niveau de qualité de service (QoS) aux clients tout en minimisant les coûts d’exploitation sous-jacents. Le modèle d’élasticité actuel qui consiste à ajuster les ressources IaaS au travers de services de dimensionnement automatique basiques montre ses limites en termes de réactivité et de granularité d’adaptation. De plus, bien qu’étant une caractéristique cruciale de l’informatique en nuage, l’élasticité est à ce jour pauvrement outillée empêchant ainsi les différents acteurs du Cloud de jouir pleinement de ses bienfaits. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous proposons d’étendre leconcept d’élasticité aux couches hautes du nuage, et plus précisément au niveau du SaaS. Nous présentons ainsi le nouveau concept d’élasticité logicielle que nous définissons comme la capacité d’un logiciel à s’adapter, idéalement de manière autonome, pour répondre aux changements de la demande et/ou aux limitations de l’élasticité des ressources de l’infrastructure. Il s’agit alors d’envisager l’élasticité de manière transverse et multi-couche en considérant l’adaptation des ressources Cloud au sens large. Pour ce faire, nous présentons un modèle pour la gestion autonome de l’élasticité multi-couche et le Framework ElaStuff associé. Dans le but d’outiller et d’industrialiser le processus de gestion de l’élasticité, nous proposons l’outil de surveillance perCEPtion basé sur le traitement des événements complexes et permettant à l’administrateur de mettre en place une observation avancée du système Cloud. De plus, un langage dédié à l’élasticité multi-couche nommé ElaScript est proposé pour exprimer simplement et efficacement des plans de reconfiguration orchestrant les actions d’élasticité de différents niveaux. Enfin, notre proposition d’étendre l’élasticité aux couches hautes du Cloud, et plus particulièrement au niveau SaaS, est validée expérimentalement selon plusieurs points devue (QoS, énergie, réactivité et précision du passage à l’échelle,etc.). / Cloud computing, through its layered model and access to its on-demand services, has changed the way of managing the infrastructures (IaaS) and how to produce software (SaaS). With the advent of IaaS elasticity, the amount of resources can be automatically adjusted according to the demand to satisfy a certain level of quality of service (QoS) to customers while minimizing underlying operating costs. The current elasticity model is based on adjusting the IaaS resources through basic autoscaling services, which reaches to its limit in terms of responsiveness and adaptation granularity. Although it is an essential feature for Cloud computing, elasticity remains poorly equipped which prevents the various actors of the Cloud to really enjoy its benefits. In this thesis, we propose to extend the concept of elasticity to higher layers of the cloud, and more precisely to the SaaS level. Then, we present the new concept of software elasticity by defining the ability of the software to adapt, ideally in an autonomous way, to cope with workload changes and/or limitations of IaaS elasticity. This predicament brings the consideration of Cloud elasticity in a multi-layer way through the adaptation of all kind of Cloud resources. To this end, we present a model for the autonomic management of multi-layer elasticity and the associated framework ElaStuff. In order to equip and industrialize the elasticity management process, we propose the perCEPtion monitoring tool, based on complex event processing, which enables the administrators to set up an advanced observation of the Cloud system. In addition, we propose a domain specific language (DSL) for the multi-layer elasticity, called ElaScript, which allows to simply and effectively express reconfiguration plans orchestrating the different levels of elasticity actions. Finally, our proposal to extend the Cloud elasticity to higher layers, particularly to SaaS,is validated experimentally from several perspectives (QoS,energy, responsiveness and accuracy of the scaling, etc.).

Ontologias e DSLs na geração de sistemas de apoio à decisão, caso de estudo SustenAgro / Ontologies and DSLs in the generation of decision support systems, SustenAgro study case

John Freddy Garavito Suarez 03 May 2017 (has links)
Os Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) organizam e processam dados e informações para gerar resultados que apoiem a tomada de decisão em um domínio especifico. Eles integram conhecimento de especialistas de domínio em cada um de seus componentes: modelos, dados, operações matemáticas (que processam os dados) e resultado de análises. Nas metodologias de desenvolvimento tradicionais, esse conhecimento deve ser interpretado e usado por desenvolvedores de software para implementar os SADs. Isso porque especialistas de domínio não conseguem formalizar esse conhecimento em um modelo computável que possa ser integrado aos SADs. O processo de modelagem de conhecimento é realizado, na prática, pelos desenvolvedores, parcializando o conhecimento do domínio e dificultando o desenvolvimento ágil dos SADs (já que os especialistas não modificam o código diretamente). Para solucionar esse problema, propõe-se um método e ferramenta web que usa ontologias, na Web Ontology Language (OWL), para representar o conhecimento de especialistas, e uma Domain Specific Language (DSL), para modelar o comportamento dos SADs. Ontologias, em OWL, são uma representação de conhecimento computável, que permite definir SADs em um formato entendível e accessível a humanos e máquinas. Esse método foi usado para criar o Framework Decisioner para a instanciação de SADs. O Decisioner gera automaticamente SADs a partir de uma ontologia e uma descrição naDSL, incluindo a interface do SAD (usando uma biblioteca de Web Components). Um editor online de ontologias, que usa um formato simplificado, permite que especialistas de domínio possam modificar aspectos da ontologia e imediatamente ver as consequência de suasmudanças no SAD.Uma validação desse método foi realizada, por meio da instanciação do SAD SustenAgro no Framework Decisioner. O SAD SustenAgro avalia a sustentabilidade de sistemas produtivos de cana-de-açúcar na região centro-sul do Brasil. Avaliações, conduzidas por especialistas em sustentabilidade da Embrapa Meio ambiente (parceiros neste projeto), mostraram que especialistas são capazes de alterar a ontologia e DSL usadas, sem a ajuda de programadores, e que o sistema produz análises de sustentabilidade corretas. / Decision Support Systems (DSSs) organize and process data and information to generate results to support decision making in a specific domain. They integrate knowledge from domain experts in each of their components: models, data, mathematical operations (that process the data) and analysis results. In traditional development methodologies, this knowledge must be interpreted and used by software developers to implement DSSs. That is because domain experts cannot formalize this knowledge in a computable model that can be integrated into DSSs. The knowledge modeling process is carried out, in practice, by the developers, biasing domain knowledge and hindering the agile development of DSSs (as domain experts cannot modify code directly). To solve this problem, a method and web tool is proposed that uses ontologies, in the Web Ontology Language (OWL), to represent experts knowledge, and a Domain Specific Language (DSL), to model DSS behavior. Ontologies, in OWL, are a computable knowledge representations, which allow the definition of DSSs in a format understandable and accessible to humans and machines. This method was used to create the Decisioner Framework for the instantiation of DSSs. Decisioner automatically generates DSSs from an ontology and a description in its DSL, including the DSS interface (using a Web Components library). An online ontology editor, using a simplified format, allows that domain experts change the ontology and immediately see the consequences of their changes in the in the DSS. A validation of this method was done through the instantiation of the SustenAgro DSS, using the Decisioner Framework. The SustenAgro DSS evaluates the sustainability of sugarcane production systems in the center-south region of Brazil. Evaluations, done by by sustainability experts from Embrapa Environment (partners in this project), showed that domain experts are capable of changing the ontology and DSL program used, without the help of software developers, and that the system produced correct sustainability analysis.

Vztah mezi výskytem logopedických vad a motorikou u dětí / Relation between occurrence of specific language impairment and motor skills in children

Sárazová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
Title: Relation between occurrence of specific language impairment and motor skills in children Objectives: The aim of this thesis is detection of prevalence of risk factors for specific language impairment in children in the Czech Republic and evaluation of another possible difficulties these children may have, especially those which could be detected or influenced by physiotherapist. The emphasis was given on pre- and perinatal complications, early motor development complications and motor impairment. Methods: The anonymous questionnaires were used for the data collection. They were distributed to the speech therapists' offices in Prague and Jesenice by Prague and filled by parents of children with specific language impairment when they visited the office. Overall 145 questionnaires were included in the research. Results: Hypothesis n. 1 was confirmed - higher prevalence of complications during pregnancy than prevalence of assisted reproduction was found (considering the prenatal complications) and higher prevalence of complications during birth than prevalence of preterm birth or low birth weight was found (considering the perinatal complications) in children with specific language impairment in the Czech Republic. Hypothesis n. 2 was also confirmed - the prevalence of early motor development...

Počáteční vývoj čtenářských dovedností u dětí s vývojovou dysfázií / Early reading skills in children with specific language impairment

Richterová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Eva Richterová - Early reading skills development in children with specific language impairment This study investigated the development of early reading skills in children with specific language impairment within a psycholinguistic framework. The investigation is based on theories concerning linguistic and cognitive skills which play a crucial role in the development of reading skills. This approach is utilized to identify groups which are at risk of difficulties in literacy acquisition as a result of language impairment. Theoretical background of reading development in children with SLI is presented, in addition to current knowledge about the relationship between language and reading skills. Studies on SLI highlight the need of longitudinal investigations, which enable better understanding of the relationship between literacy development and preliteracy skills. The aim of the study was to provide a systematic description of the reading skills development in children with SLI from first to fourth Grade. A group of 25 children with SLI was repeatedly investigated in terms of their reading skills (decoding and reading comprehension) and preliteracy skills. Assessment of language and cognitive skills was also carried out and involved phonological awareness, rapid authomatised naming, and letter...

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